The_Bif said: Well, a lot certainly happened in this episode. It may actually fall into the category of "too much happened in this episode", but still- not an all that bad episode. My first reaction when the end credits came up, however, was "What? That's it?"
Director Loli once again tries to be the epic bad ass, only to fall short in the end. It was as anti-climatic as Violet said when it happened.
Ida once again shows that he's not the brightest crayon in the box. I get wanting to look out for his younger sister, but running around without any kind of plan during an assault by a dragon? Seriously dude, like think before you act.
Mui should have realized her bad ass older brother would be alright, and would find his way to her, instead of running out on her own to look for him. But, at least she put up a fight before being saved. That's more than I can say for our other MCs.
Kurumi. Just saying her name makes me cringe. Most 'Damsel in Distress' characters are more useful than she is, I think I've seen her be useful in this series one time. And it was for like one quick scene. She serves no purpose at all, she clings on to the victim/target of her obsession. That's her magic, it's not the crappy transformations, it's her ability to cling on to the victim/target of her obsession without failure of any kind. As many times as she shouted "Takeshi" in this episode, I thought I was watching old episodes of Inuyasha. Except that even when Kagome was shouting his name a billion times per second in every single episode, she was still useful! Let Gekkou have the dumb bitch, at least the Trailer's are the type that would kill her annoying ass when they realized how useless she is. That would make me like them right there, kill Kurumi and you've won me over!
Takeshi vs. Gekkou. This was pathetic. Now, it's a given that at this point Gekkou pretty much had to win the first encounter in order to progress the story. It wouldn't have made sense for Takeshi to win this time, at least not to this particular storyline. However, Takeshi, dude, really? He's your brother, you feel bad for the accident that he's holding over your head, but seriously? You could have at least put some effort into it.
Gekkou. Psychotic, ego-maniacal, retard. Still holding a grudge against his brother for no reason other than the storyline calls for him to be some angry psycho. Admits that he wants the girl and the sword, then blames his brother for acting as if he owns everything. Look not for any logic coming from this idiot. Psychotic doesn't have to mean stupid, but apparently most writers forget this detail. Gekkou seems more like the type that just wants to watch the world burn, no rhyme or reason, just anger and hatred overflowing from his crippled gay frame.
With that out of the way, I'm looking forward to seeing how events unfold in the last 3 episodes. I admit this series has been rushed, and probably should have 24 episodes, instead of 12. But, it's still been one of the better series of the season. It has, at least, kept some consistency throughout the weeks. A lot of the series from this season have started out showing no promise or potential only to develop into good stories, or start out showing all kinds of potential only to end up a random, chaotic, mush of wasted "what could have been".
All in all, I'll give this episode a 7/10. Gotta say I find most of this pretty accurate. The curb stomping suffered from this invasion was a bit too much indeed. Ida Knocked Out instantly (well not a first in anime, manga or novels in which a character rushes without thinking, if anything it is pretty normal).
Director was badass, but somehow I feel like she stopped fighting when she looked at that dragon for a reason, as if she knew the dragon somehow. Kind of weird that Violet just knocked her out and did not kill her (or so I believe) and then rushes to Takeshi. Clearly she has motives outside those of the Trailers, and Director may have noticed something out of place, while not really knowing what may that have been.
The Takeshi and Kurumi thing was exaggerated I believe, but yeah needed for progression. Kurumi was useless? Well yeah, but then again what could she have done? It is not as if she wants to fight Gekkou either, if anything neither of them wanted, Takeshi pretty much tried to defend himself and that's it. The power gap is debatable here. One thing is for certain, Gekkou is one hypocrite psycho bitch that needs a real lesson. At the very least Kurumi being human shield did something, somehow.......
The Pendragon community allying with the Trailers was a bit unexpected so it explains why their asses were kicked so quickly, and now we will have more communities involved, Violet arguably being part of one of them. |