All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 259.7
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed617
- On-Hold47
- Dropped178
- Plan to Watch112
- Total Entries958
- Rewatched0
- Episodes15,583
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 90.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries129
- Reread0
- Chapters14,725
- Volumes811
All Comments (16) Comments
Nice ! but unfortunately due to recent developments, i tend to think takagi is close to be ending too. Out of curiosity what are the 2 rom com you re mentioning ? if you have anything as cute ans sweet as Takagi-san to recommend, ill gladly give it a try ! my fave's one has not regular releases, and next release might be in a couple of months, thats so frustrating.
Didnt expect Japan to be that busy at this time of year, oh tokyo might be busy the whole year, i guess !
Take good care, have a lot of fun !!
so lets just pretend they re here.
More ooooh ! Nee to see that !
Yeah Takagi is an amazing girl, and Nishi is adorable tooo ! glad you re enjoying it !
6 days more, wow,when did you arrive ? great you went in a less busy time than summer or Xmas holidays, you re probably enjoying less crowdy places. Enjoy your remaining holidays !
Btw are you still in Japan ? saw thi amazing haul of yours, im jealous lol. Have a lot of fun !
Nb say hi to Nii too !
Nb 2 didnt know you were reading Takagi-san :zomg
How are you doing ?
Tsk, it deserves lower.
Amazingly High
Woahhh, this may be the highest compatibility I've encountered.
pls ;-;
Suuup. :D