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Mar 5, 8:21 AM

Nov 2011
Well, Uka's father doesn't have a good impression about his daughter's school. He could've handled this better though.

But yeah, this episode just added a lot of drama because of his presence. On the other hand, we got see more of her past when she was a kid. It seems she does have a somewhat complicated relationship with her father.
Mar 5, 8:53 AM

Feb 2019
Well I thought the Kai line from the end of last episode about Uka asking her dad if she could have LINE was just a sweet passing line and Kai being respectful, but turns out it was way darker.

Uka dad might have had good intentions, but did way more harm than good with his abusive and overbearing style of parenting. Wanting to control everything single aspect of his daughter’s life, make every decision for her, emotional manipulation and gaslighting.. honestly if this were real life I’d be worried about him sexually abusing her too. Thankfully this series isn’t that deep or dark.This is like those classic situations where dads don’t want their daughters to grow up because they have illicit feelings for them.

The flashbacks were very uncomfortable to watch because of how little autonomy she was given. Like even for basic choices everything was laid out for her with no room for her to use her brain and wonder she’s so messed up and awkward. And she’s such a sweet girl that she doesn’t even realize how her dad messed her up.

The absolute irony that despite all that control he tried to exert over her he didn’t even know how much she was suffering in middle school or her loneliness at the start of high school. It was all about HIM, not her or her feelings. All’s well that ends well though. All Uka friends and even her former bullies coming to support her standing up to her dad was so sweet. Doesn’t make up for 3 years of bullying hell they put her through, but it’s a start.

Uka dad over here talking about he hasn’t acknowledged Kai yet πŸ˜‚ don’t nobody care. They gave us the traditional shoujo trapped in a birdcage trope and Uka has her Prince Charming to save her now. So proud of Uka for standing up to her dad!
Marinate1016Mar 5, 12:11 PM
Mar 5, 9:07 AM

Dec 2021
Yeah, Idc what everyone says, I loved the direction and episode as a whole. I get where Uka's dad was coming from, and he did come off as annoying for most of the episode, but it isn't his fault. As Uka spoke up and realized herself as well, it was her fault that her dad was acting like that. So, no need to pin the blame on the dad.

I loved that scene at the end where Uka admits that she was being bullied back then. I don't know about the part where the bullies themselves pulled up though. Seemed a bit TOO convenient, and they really didn't add much, but eh, whatever, that final scene where everyone starts saying they love Uka was so sweet.

Mar 5, 9:22 AM

Apr 2010
So dad was part of the problem trying to control the live for his daughter trying to keep the perfect girl not realising he was actually doing wrong.
Hopefully he will back down a bit now, still he was pretty harsh and i wonder why her mother didn't say anything.
Mar 5, 9:24 AM

Apr 2014
oh F that over over over protective father. He was acting as if Uka was his own possession, someone he could command and control to do everything he wanted. Especially, when he didn't know anything about Uka during her junior high school years. Jeeezzz..... Uka has her own life and her own desire to do things she wants to do. That was not love and your good wishes towards your own daughter at all. No wonder why Uka was being extremely shy and couldn't do anything on her own before. It was all because of her overprotective father.
Mar 5, 9:37 AM

Jul 2016
Emotionally siding with a bullying victim's bullies over their parent gives off a very surreal feeling. Doesn't exactly make up for three (and a half) years of torment but credit where it's due, that was very cool of them to vouch for Uka like that.
Mar 5, 9:41 AM

Mar 2021
Wow Uka's dad seems very controlling no wonder she wasn't able to tell him she was being bullied in middle school am so glad her friends were there to help her tell him how she really feels.
Mar 5, 9:47 AM
Sep 2015
Kai's someone who's very good at guiding other people but can't guide himself.
Mar 5, 11:31 AM
May 2022
You’d think Uka’s mom would’ve said something to stop Uka’s dad’s horrible treatment of her. It’s okay to want to protect your child, that’s a natural parental instinct, but what he was doing wasn’t protecting her, it was him putting a stranglehold on her life so that he could feel better about himself. I mean literally trying to force her to transfer schools because he had prejudices about how her friends were dressed, then accusing them of brainwashing her and refusing to listen to anyone. Not only is that disgusting behavior of a parent but he deserves to be punched for that.
Mar 5, 11:39 AM

Sep 2020
I thought Miura was sneakily going to say "I love Uka" to her dad in the flow with others and make things spicy
Mar 5, 11:58 AM
Dec 2022
Sherrinford_ said:
I thought Miura was sneakily going to say "I love Uka" to her dad in the flow with others and make things spicy

her dad knows tho,when she said to him that he is the most important person to her
Mar 5, 12:34 PM

Aug 2022
Before I talk about the episode since I really wanna talk about this one im just gonna say its my firm belief that both parents should guide their child onto the right path and the one which suits their child the best but in no way should they control their child's life or push their ideologies onto their child.

So firstly I thought this was a really good episode but it was incredibly stupid in some area's. Personally I disagree with Kai saying no ones in the wrong, Uka's father was 100% in the wrong he was controlling her and pushing his ideal's onto her. I understand it came from a place of love but regardless it was wrong.

I thought it was cute how even the teacher looked sad when he announced Uka's transferring it shows that she's really become a staple of the class.

Next one of the stupid parts of this episode like does Uka's mum just not exist!? like she had literally no say in anything which happened this episode. Like is she a robot? its so stupid how the most we got from her was her crying at the end. I thought that was unbelievably stupid.

Next the thing about Uka's parents not noticing she was being bullied is very realistic its beyond easy for a child to hide that thing even in more extreme cases and I think that was handled very well this episode. It came as a shock when it became obvious they had no clue but it was portrayed very well.

I think the ending scene was cute and a little emotional but just having all Uka's friends and bullies their kinda ruined the moment. So no tears from me

Overall a very good episode but some of it was ridiculosly stupid like the mother apparently just being a robot with a broken voice box.
Mar 5, 12:53 PM
Aug 2020
Is Uka's mom just for decoration in anime. She didnt do squat or care when dad talk trash to Uka.
Mar 5, 1:16 PM
Apr 2016
Sekiro94 said:
Is Uka's mom just for decoration in anime. She didnt do squat or care when dad talk trash to Uka.

if I remember correctly her mom's character doesn't even have a name. she's a non entity in the manga.
Mar 5, 1:56 PM

Feb 2014
The impression that I had for Uka's father beforehand was simply thrown out of the window. Unless I'm mistaken, I think the term "Helicopter parenting" fits into what Uka's father has been doing all this time. His way of being a parent and how he saw Uka definitely didn't feel right and how he acted upon seeing Uka hang out with her friends after school only made my impression on him even worse.

Ayumi and the others did their best to vouch for Uka, but even they struggled to get their protests through to Uka's father. Still, they never gave up and Miura played a good role in helping out by going as far as to get help from the trio that bullied Uka before. Heck, seeing them stand up for Uka while confronting her father was pretty brave and I do respect them for that.

In the end, I'm happy that Uka was able to tell her father about how tough her middle school experience was. Hopefully things will get better for everyone involved and things can slowly go back to being normal. Uka's character growth, even in a tough situation like this one, continues to impress me. She has done really well, bless her. =)
Mar 5, 2:00 PM

Jul 2024
"I can fly."
Good man.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 5, 2:08 PM
Mar 2020
Finally, something compelling and original! It took us a long time to get here, but I reckon this show might have a worthwhile ending after all.
Mar 5, 2:20 PM
Mar 2021
I knew the dad was going to turn out to be the root of her insecurities. He brought on the very troubles he was trying to avoid with his over-protectiveness.
Mar 5, 2:24 PM

Apr 2021
While some parts were a little melodramatic (calling a group of high schoolers pissants lol) I quite liked this episode! The slow build of Uka’s classmates getting to know and befriend her pays off and I like how subtle the details foreshadowing this conflict (her early curfew, her guilt at declining the fancier school) were - just overall, Uka’s character arc feels satisfying.
Mar 5, 2:38 PM

Jul 2024
Reply to KM_31
I knew the dad was going to turn out to be the root of her insecurities. He brought on the very troubles he was trying to avoid with his over-protectiveness.
@KM_31 You will find in real life that most human behavior (as well as much else) has multiple and complex roots and imputs. A 'single cause' is one of the greatest myths there is.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 5, 2:41 PM
Nov 2019
nice drama, terrible animation
Mar 5, 2:41 PM

Dec 2013
This was a lovely episode, it was so emotional when Uka-chi finally told them about her being bullied and her parents started crying since they had no idea and were completely wrong, many such unfortunate cases than end up on tragedies that could have been prevented. It was super funny every introducing themselves and then Kai does it and then her dad with the "no F you" haha, he knows.
Mar 5, 3:40 PM
Jan 2023
Did anyone else notice how Serina just randomly showed up at the end?
Mar 5, 4:28 PM

Feb 2025
Man, her dad, at first I was "oh, he's just a bit overprotective with Uka" but then he started exaggerating, bad mouthing her friends and trying to take her out from school
Good thing she was able to speak up for herself, she's really growing
Also Kai bringing the bullies to confess their crimes in front of her father... lol

Imouto suki

Tsundere-Chuuni-Imoutos save me...

Mar 5, 4:33 PM

Mar 2024
Reply to Youngbreezy2k
Did anyone else notice how Serina just randomly showed up at the end?
@Youngbreezy2k ahaha, that and the fact that Uka's mom was dragged out all the way to just serve as a prop, this shit is hilarious
Mar 5, 4:44 PM
Jul 2024
I guess her Dad sort of is the Final Boss! LOL Well, kidding aside he almost ruined everything. Seems to be the over-protective & even smothering type, probably why she hid the Middle School bullying from him. It was interesting it was her bullies that step in in her behalf. I wasn't expecting that.
Sheol01Mar 5, 4:53 PM
Mar 5, 4:49 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Aversa
So dad was part of the problem trying to control the live for his daughter trying to keep the perfect girl not realising he was actually doing wrong.
Hopefully he will back down a bit now, still he was pretty harsh and i wonder why her mother didn't say anything.
@Aversa It may not stop with the daughter. Or maybe Mom was just raised that way. From what I've read, she pretty much is just a decoration in the Manga.
Mar 5, 5:00 PM

Jul 2022
I'll speak without knowing what it's like to be a parent, but I still need to express my frustration. Even if Uka's father had "good intentions" in trying to protect her from rumors and bullying in high school, he was controlling and overreacted, to the point of playing the victim by saying, "If I'm so unimportant to you... then do as you wish". Not to mention that he indirectly made Uka live the life he wanted for her while irresponsibly ignoring what she was really going through in high school. Yessss, Uka lied to her parents about everything being fine so they wouldn't worry, but as a father, he should have been more attentive. And the mother isn't blameless either - she should have stepped up and had more of a say instead of just letting Uka's father withdraw from high school. AHH Well, I'm out of it.

This was an amazing episode. I got a lump in my throat when Uka finally confessed to her father that she had been bullied in high school. Her friends, especially Kai and Ayumi, were amazing at supporting her; that's what true friends are. And I'm glad Uka's father apologized to them. Now, all that's left is for him to give Kai his approval... though I doubt that will take long.
Mar 5, 5:02 PM

Dec 2018
Holy shit the people on MAL are making the dad sound like a fucking demon lol, that is not the impression I got of him at all. He’s simply just an overprotective parent, it was out of love that he kept Uka sheltered and caused her to turn out this way, he may have been in the wrong in this episode by forcing Uka to change schools but he is not a bad guy, MAL users can be fucking crazy sometimes lol.

Not hard feelings tho, this was a fantastic episode, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually teared up quite a bit at the end, I never imagined Honey Lemon Soda would get tears out of me but it did. And I can explain why, it’s because of how beautiful of a situation it was, Uka’s dad had a view of these type of students in his head, like they were a bad crowd, but really it’s these kids that are the most chill of them all, they’re all normal kids with parents and siblings and pets, way more down to earth than the high achievers, and I know this because I’ve known people like Uka’s classmates in real life. So all of them introducing themselves to Uka’s dad after Uka’s own middle school bullies stood up for her, it was too much for me lol, it was just such a sweet ending to such a tough situation, Uka loves her dad but also loves her friends, and Kai told her exactly what to do, protect both, and that’s exactly what she did, her character growth really showed here.
Mar 5, 5:18 PM
Jul 2021
There's no way this show's only sitting at 6.8. Should be a lot higher dammit! 🀦🏽‍♂️
Mar 5, 5:51 PM

Aug 2016
Yo, i think this is like, my favorite episode of the whole previous 9 ones so far. Cried like a baby. Uka cries a lot, so got used to it. But seeing the dad cry like that, got me right in the feels. I can't even imagine how a real dad would feel at such a situation, yet i felt for him hard.

It ain't that easy to be a good parent, yet everyone tries their best. Loved the episode, seriously. Really loved how Uka, Kai, Ayumi, Serina, and all the rest handled the situation. Everyone handled it perfectly, seriously. Favorite episode so far, excited to see how this show would conclude.
Mar 5, 6:56 PM
Dec 2009
Uka’s father is literally just keeping his daughter in a birdcage. Straight up psychological manipulation leading to her growth being stifled. Him being overly judgmental basing her friends off their looks and wants her to change schools.

She could have went to that other school and ran into questionable characters who looked respectful (wolf in sheep’s clothing).

Solid ending for the episode. Ishimori showing her strength and what she endured to not to worry her parents.
Mar 5, 7:05 PM

Jun 2014
i love all the characters in this series, but the situational drama is so poorly written at times. This episode was almost as bad as the "and then everyone clapped" episode.
Mar 5, 7:45 PM
Sep 2023
This episode hits different. I get Uka's struggle to be seen as a growing individual in the eyes of her father.
I love my loving parents but they think of me as a child even if i'm an adult. It is so hard to not hurt their feelings when I'm just trying to become myself.
Mar 5, 7:48 PM
Mar 2024
childish ... why getting parents involved?!πŸ˜‘
Mar 5, 8:02 PM
Dec 2023
well, that was an episode full of emotions.

we finally see the root of Uka issues. Kai definitely makes her stronger. Her Dad was turning her into a robot. I get you want to protect your kids but you can't wrap them in a bubble.

I love seeing Uka grow stronger ❀️
Mar 5, 9:29 PM
Aug 2021
This episode made me so mad oml
Mar 5, 10:41 PM

Jan 2014
Reply to Youngbreezy2k
Did anyone else notice how Serina just randomly showed up at the end?
@Youngbreezy2k and the bullies conveniently left LMAO

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Mar 5, 11:27 PM

Jul 2023
Oh gahd! Uka's father is so toxic. Good thing she knocked some sense to him.

The episode is unpleasant, but I love it nonetheless because Uka stood for her friends.
Mar 6, 12:02 AM

Jun 2019
So her dad is the reason she's like that. Almost wrapped her in a bubble wrap. She turned out sheltered.

Also Serina teleported to that scene haha.
Mar 6, 12:18 AM
Jan 2021
just have a question... where the hell did serina came from? Im pretty sure she wasnt in the scenes with all the other classmates at the park or when the girls showed up to Uka home and then suddenly she is in the last scene?

other than that a decent episode.
Mar 6, 2:08 AM

Dec 2024
Honestly this episode just annoys me. So Uka's dad gets all controlling and sees her friends and stereotypes them into "Troublemakers" Or whatever. Then he says "No more school for you" For seemingly a stupid fucking reason, and the entire class goes fucking bonkers and is rioting or some shit. Really? This anime is so unrealistic it annoys me, The way Uka is treated like a God, its a fantasy. No way would this even come close to happening in real life, They make it way to easy to make friends in the show and Kai's whole Nonchalant act just infuriates me further. And then they are start introducing themselves to the father and everyone lives happily ever after. This is a fairytale. This marks 9 times I've bitched about this anime and i apologize for that i just hate how unrealistic this show seems.
Mar 6, 2:16 AM

Aug 2020
great ep

otossan, listen to your daughter...

i love that we now why she is like that...
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Mar 6, 2:53 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to Eira_Akira
childish ... why getting parents involved?!πŸ˜‘
@Eira_Akira they are like 15. I think its refreshing that parents exist in that show, unlike 90% romcoms where kids seem to live on their own
Mar 6, 2:54 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to Spast1c
Honestly this episode just annoys me. So Uka's dad gets all controlling and sees her friends and stereotypes them into "Troublemakers" Or whatever. Then he says "No more school for you" For seemingly a stupid fucking reason, and the entire class goes fucking bonkers and is rioting or some shit. Really? This anime is so unrealistic it annoys me, The way Uka is treated like a God, its a fantasy. No way would this even come close to happening in real life, They make it way to easy to make friends in the show and Kai's whole Nonchalant act just infuriates me further. And then they are start introducing themselves to the father and everyone lives happily ever after. This is a fairytale. This marks 9 times I've bitched about this anime and i apologize for that i just hate how unrealistic this show seems.
@Spast1c did you ever see a realistic romance? I kinda never. Would be interested in the shows you think are more realistic
Mar 6, 3:06 AM
Sep 2023
That scene at the end was great 10/10 episode
Mar 6, 3:11 AM
Nov 2024
I like the show more from episode to episode :)
Mar 6, 3:12 AM
Sep 2021
Amazing episode!

My blood was boiling though when Ishimori's father pulled her out of school with out even taking a second to think about the situation. Understandable but... still annoying.

At least everything got resolved in the end. It was cute to see everyone telling her father how much they loved her and that they might look like delinquents but are actually just normal, even if they are a little expressive and eccentric.. what kid isn't nowadays anyway.

Looking forward to next weeks episode as always! This show is in my top 3 so far this season regardless of the score.. there's always one that underperforms each season that ends up being one of my favourites which is just one of many reasons why I love watching weekly episodes. I would've put this on my list and forgotten about it for a couple of years before getting round to it otherwise.
Mar 6, 3:48 AM

Dec 2024
Reply to Wrathberry84
@Spast1c did you ever see a realistic romance? I kinda never. Would be interested in the shows you think are more realistic
@Wrathberry84 Horimiya feels pretty realistic. I understand not all romance anime are realistic infact like 99% of them are not romance as they are works of well, fiction. And i dont even know what real romance is like so i am purely going off of what i would expect. I say this episode is like unrealistic because like who acts like that??? What kind of fairytale acting is this. This is like disney level stuff man, and it just feels like some female loner fantasy more than anything.
Mar 6, 3:50 AM
Oct 2022
It was just the right touch of drama, it was perfect.
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