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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season Episode 8 Discussion

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Mar 2, 5:57 AM

Nov 2011
Ye, I think Mimimi has biggest ego out any girls that appeared so far in the show.

This whole beauty contest justify more of her personality. But yeah, this episode is aa brewing ground for drama. I do find the character rivalry between Nano and Mimimi to be quite amusing.
Mar 2, 5:58 AM

May 2020
I like how it’s always Karane who genuinely calls out bullshit every time, as you see this beauty seeking contest was… another one of those dumb things this crew did, but yeah, it’s the fun kind of stupid thing, as always. Though Mimimi didn’t even know the girls but the way she somehow managed to keep the game so close really does show that she has an eye for beauty lol. Rentarou and then Mei playing the referee were my favourite parts in this episode, after of course, Rentarou’s sacrifice to keep the family together xD

Dude really does go to LENGTHS when it’s about the girls lol. Though that is already an established fact in this series, but yeah, you just know the guy is insane when he goes all bald and then comes back in his original form in a matter of a couple of minutes. The second half was just an excuse for the public kissing which this series has normalised at this point, and yeah, to get these girls moan as well. Wonder how does it taste after testing 10 lips in a go..( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). Btw, Karane and Hakari are official and nobody can convince me otherwise.

Anyhow, great Shokugeki reference and yeah, see what the guy went through in a single episode for the girls...

Softhenic03Mar 2, 6:05 AM
Mar 2, 6:51 AM
Feb 2021
this ep make me remember with this meme
Mar 2, 6:56 AM

Aug 2022
I would say, everyone wins this time and especially since Mimimi ended up becoming Rentarou's tenth girlfriend.

I still like Mimimi to this day, especially when I realized that she actually wanted to try to be friends with Nano at that time. She had admired Nano so she took the initiative to be friends with her even though it didn't go smoothly. I mean she still accepted the defeat and still wanted to ask to shake Nano's hand.

However, the point is that now Nano has admitted her mistake and she asked Mimimi to be friends again. And somehow but this feels like the right moment since they are both Rentarou's girlfriends at the moment lol.

RafaBryanMar 2, 7:02 AM
Mar 2, 7:01 AM

Jul 2016
The sheer cuteness of Meido going "N-not beauty, that's funny!" evaporated the tiny bit of seriousness I was taking the beauty search duel with.

It's hilarious how Karane had one of her "it's not like I was blah blah blah or anything" outbursts got backed for once, let alone by a reliable source like Nano.
Mar 2, 7:39 AM

May 2015
That beauty search was merely the outline of how far this episodes antics would go. The girls kissing Rentarou until they all changed into a new art style was the finished masterpiece. Beautiful!
Mar 2, 7:46 AM

Feb 2022
The lil medicine gremlin does it again, that was such a crazy and fun episode.
Meido being the judge was perfect
Mar 2, 7:47 AM

Jan 2018
The 'beauty search' contest was fun. I was expecting a more common type of beauty contest but this was even better. Rentaro sacrificing himself so both girls could win was awesome. But man, he looks way more cursed without his eyebrows than with that strange get up at the end. He resembled Shigeru Chiba's character a bit.

It's cool that Nano and Utsukushisugi were able to make up. Now they're not just friends but fellow girlfriends in the Rentaro Family lol.

Bruh the 2nd half of the episode was crazy. Wasn't expecting such a long kissing session. If they did this by the end of the series it'd go on for weeks. Probably 5 weeks if they do 20 kisses per episode.

The girls literally changing to a shoujo artstyle was funny too lol. And Ig Rentaro turned into a statue or something?

Only one girlfriend left for the season. If the next 2 episodes will be about her, then does that mean the last 2 episodes will be about all of the 11 girlfriends together as a season finale? Or are they gonna introduce the 12th girlfriend this season? Probably not.
Mar 2, 7:50 AM
Jul 2023
Dangerous for FA!!!
Mar 2, 7:57 AM
Apr 2022
This episode was a masterpiece as always. Mimimi is so beautiful, and her reactions in this episode were cute as hell.
Mar 2, 8:01 AM
Apr 2022
0451 said:
The 'beauty search' contest was fun. I was expecting a more common type of beauty contest but this was even better. Rentaro sacrificing himself so both girls could win was awesome. But man, he looks way more cursed without his eyebrows than with that strange get up at the end. He resembled Shigeru Chiba's character a bit.

It's cool that Nano and Utsukushisugi were able to make up. Now they're not just friends but fellow girlfriends in the Rentaro Family lol.

Bruh the 2nd half of the episode was crazy. Wasn't expecting such a long kissing session. If they did this by the end of the series it'd go on for weeks. Probably 5 weeks if they do 20 kisses per episode.

The girls literally changing to a shoujo artstyle was funny too lol. And Ig Rentaro turned into a statue or something?

Only one girlfriend left for the season. If the next 2 episodes will be about her, then does that mean the last 2 episodes will be about all of the 11 girlfriends together as a season finale? Or are they gonna introduce the 12th girlfriend this season? Probably not.

Nah, if they adapt the next two chapters, next episode will be the craziest of the season by far.
Mar 2, 8:05 AM
Jul 2024
very good,,, 83/100
Mar 2, 8:10 AM

Jan 2024
Very funny and crazy as always. Loved it.

Im happy Nano and Mimimi became friends.

Wholesome how the girls love eachother a lot too. Well they are all a family after all.
Mar 2, 8:16 AM
Jul 2024
Absolute cinema

I wrote this to increase the length of the reply since 15 is the minimum amount of character you have to write in order to post a reply here

Mar 2, 8:39 AM

Sep 2013
We get to see more of how beautiful Mimimi is as a person. I'm sure peoples reactions to the second half will be wild.
Mar 2, 9:07 AM

Dec 2018
More Karane x Hakari content, absolutely can’t go wrong with that. Entire kissing bit was insane tho, I love how every girl had a wildly different reaction despite them all doing the same thing, Kusuri just straight up pissing on Rentarou was not on my bingo card for this episode lol, however I did predict at least one of them stripping, Hahari being the one to do that is very on brand for her, gotta appreciate the booba jiggle animation there too. Kusuri really is a treasure of a character, her existence in this show allows for these crazy off the wall bits, and while all of them may not be total hits for me, I can’t help but appreciate them for how unhinged they can get.

That bit was so good I almost forgot this was the same episode where Mimimi and Nano had their beauty contest lol, it was a good one too. I was expecting Mimimi to get destroyed because Nano knows more about the girlfriends as people but it somehow ended up at a draw, Rentarou going above and beyond to make it happen was pretty amusing but I feel like one thing they could have said would have stopped him, being “Rentarou’s love for his girlfriends is beautiful”, I don’t think he’d be able to suppress that like he did his appearance lol. But In the end Nano and Mimimi finally became friends, their backstory together paired with Nano’s proposal of friendship made it especially sweet, this has me wondering if we’ll get some Nano x Mimimi content in the future, that’s something I could get behind but a beautiful friendship is just fine too.
Mar 2, 9:10 AM
Oct 2020
Man, this school is fucked up 🤣
Mar 2, 9:11 AM
Jul 2024
Man, that kissing scene was off the charts! What exactly did Kusuri put in that lip balm? ROFLMAO. All of them having Food Wars reactions was priceless!
"The Creature formerly known as Rentaro". Help, I'm dying. ROFLMAO. Again.
Mar 2, 9:12 AM
Apr 2023
Got a lot of screen shots from this episode… I love Mimimi and I’m even more excited for Memes appearance. Next episode should be the Hahari hair apocalypse so I’m looking forward to that 😼
Mar 2, 9:20 AM
May 2021
esse anime e bom demais anime que mais gosto
Mar 2, 9:25 AM

Jun 2019
Mimimi and Nano finally became friends after that rejection earlier in their lives. Nano has changed now and knows what Love is. Thanks to Rentaro. Also, he sacrificed everything in tat competition for both of them. What a GOAT. LOL

Also, the barrage of kisses was too much. It turned our girls into Shoujo characters and Rentaro into an artpiece. But, everything is well in the end, and that's all that matters. Cute episode.
Mar 2, 9:27 AM

Jan 2024
We won today boys🧡🩷

First time this season and the wait was worth it😭✌️

Nothing is too far for the madlads Kusuri literally made aphrodisiac and more than one girl climaxed...
I can't say anything holy fk.....

Absolute cinema each and every 11 of it. Cooked so good.

The beauty judging contest or whatever the hell was crazy as well. Karane called out bs was so needed and got complimented rightfully.
Shizuka cuteness causing probelm again now bugging EiAI san.
If nothing this helped Mimimi with lots of brownie points with other girls.
And Chadtaro to the rescue. Wtf was that white penis type thingy did he cut it off? and how he recovered in one day, call out the bs as you supposed to Karane smh.
"Not beauty it's funny"😭😭

Tbh Nano shunning Mimimi was rude but atleast all ends well and they eventually became friends. Good for Mimimi she got her wish. When this series has so strong propose game they did it with these two friendship aswell.

Mimimi despite being a narcissist seems a very kind hearted good girl. Beautiful girls get beautiful reward.
Another excellent girl another masterpiece episode. 100 girlfriends never misses.
WaterMageMar 2, 10:30 AM
Mar 2, 9:50 AM

Mar 2016
Man, definitively this show was made to break the established rules for what's ok to broadcast on air TV and what isn't. Also I learned something today, I should not have breakfast watching this again.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Mar 2, 9:52 AM

Oct 2023
184 was aight
Mar 2, 9:57 AM
Apr 2022
ruanBRSSFGG said:
esse anime e bom demais anime que mais gosto

Kimi no koto é sensacional
Mar 2, 10:08 AM

Dec 2022
You could say that kissing his girlfriends made Rentarou hard.

Alright, Mimimi and Nano have settled their beef. Hopefully now that Mimimi has properly joined the family, she can stop being trash. If she were to start a thing with Nano like Karane has with Hakari, that could redeem her.

Second half... Kissing lineups have gotten cumbersome with 10 girls and will only get more so as the roster grows. It dragged, but the fanservice and seeing the girls secrete so many hormones that they all turn into Shoujo abominations made it worth it this time.

Let's bring on #11.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Mar 2, 10:29 AM

Jul 2024
Holy Hell! In 1/2 of an episode, more kissing pleasure that the sum total of all other Anime roncoms this decade put together.

"Beauty does not lie."
Say What?

"Says as much on the tin."

"Crazy,not beauty, no point."
Story of my life.

"Don't know whats going on, but agreed."

"Did she just fwomp?"
And a wonderful fwomp it was.

LordCrueltyVMar 2, 6:04 PM
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 2, 11:05 AM

May 2023
best eps of hyakkano so far (every eps is the best)

NANO'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MADE ME CRY, i love her so much. and Rentarou...
Mar 2, 11:05 AM

May 2016
What a crazy episode, Rentaro suffered and enjoyed every bit of it.
Mar 2, 11:26 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
100 Girlfriends Hikari MC Edition when?

I liked this episode. Also, knew someone was going to Food Wars burst out of their clothes with a kiss. Saw it coming a mile away, still made me smile .:P The Shizuka floating away was pretty funny, as well.
Mar 2, 11:55 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to WaterMage
We won today boys🧡🩷

First time this season and the wait was worth it😭✌️

Nothing is too far for the madlads Kusuri literally made aphrodisiac and more than one girl climaxed...
I can't say anything holy fk.....

Absolute cinema each and every 11 of it. Cooked so good.

The beauty judging contest or whatever the hell was crazy as well. Karane called out bs was so needed and got complimented rightfully.
Shizuka cuteness causing probelm again now bugging EiAI san.
If nothing this helped Mimimi with lots of brownie points with other girls.
And Chadtaro to the rescue. Wtf was that white penis type thingy did he cut it off? and how he recovered in one day, call out the bs as you supposed to Karane smh.
"Not beauty it's funny"😭😭

Tbh Nano shunning Mimimi was rude but atleast all ends well and they eventually became friends. Good for Mimimi she got her wish. When this series has so strong propose game they did it with these two friendship aswell.

Mimimi despite being a narcissist seems a very kind hearted good girl. Beautiful girls get beautiful reward.
Another excellent girl another masterpiece episode. 100 girlfriends never misses.
@WaterMage Are you about the whole episode or only about Karane X Hakari kiss, LMAO?

@0451 Apparently they will spend the last couple of episodes on the final and some fan service. Like adaptation of the chapter with that panel.
Mar 2, 12:15 PM

Feb 2019
Karane and Hakari need to ditch the MC and just date lol. Yuri is justice.

Actually enjoyed seeing how much Nano has grown too and her asking Mimimi to be her friend was really sweet.

Rest of the episode was just too otaku for me, but it is what it is.
Marinate1016Mar 2, 12:39 PM
Mar 2, 12:19 PM

Jan 2021
They only had the one ost jingle for their stimming joke of kissing huh :\
Mar 2, 12:33 PM

Aug 2020
it was a good ep

Rentaro is a good guy,it was funny lol
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Mar 2, 12:34 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Any episode that has lots of Nano is automatically better and Mimimi brings 'beauty' and chaos to the proceedings. Some of the reactions were absolutely hilarious. This miniarc has been a huge step up from the previous ones.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Mar 2, 12:44 PM

Jan 2024
RobertBobert said:
Are you about the whole episode or only about Karane X Hakari kiss, LMAO?

Why not both.
Hakari and Karane are two of my favourites, and I really like their side yuri quest. So really love when this happens(ig it happened 3-4 times now).
Mar 2, 12:46 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to WaterMage
RobertBobert said:
Are you about the whole episode or only about Karane X Hakari kiss, LMAO?

Why not both.
Hakari and Karane are two of my favourites, and I really like their side yuri quest. So really love when this happens(ig it happened 3-4 times now).
@WaterMage This happens constantly as Running Gag. I just still have Vietnamese flashbacks due to the period in Fandom, when people were inclined to hyperfocus on this.
Mar 2, 12:51 PM

Jan 2024
Reply to RobertBobert
@WaterMage This happens constantly as Running Gag. I just still have Vietnamese flashbacks due to the period in Fandom, when people were inclined to hyperfocus on this.
@RobertBobert do you mean manga fandom?

I really like it one of my favourite gags, obviously I am not delulu to say they should ditch Rentarou and go full Yuri but more of Hakari×Karane pls.
Mar 2, 12:57 PM
Apr 2022
WaterMage said:
@RobertBobert do you mean manga fandom?

I really like it one of my favourite gags, obviously I am not delulu to say they should ditch Rentarou and go full Yuri but more of Hakari×Karane pls.

If I'm not mistaken, this season will have another Karane x Hakari moment, and it will be one of the best
Mar 2, 12:57 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to WaterMage
@RobertBobert do you mean manga fandom?

I really like it one of my favourite gags, obviously I am not delulu to say they should ditch Rentarou and go full Yuri but more of Hakari×Karane pls.
@WaterMage No, I do not blame you for anything. Just in this Fandom was a period when there were too many people who followed the manga just for the sake of Hakari X Karane and were wildly angry when they were told that both girls love MC. Therefore, I always wonder how many people are inconsolently believe in it or follow story only for this. This title always had its own crazy version of polyamory, but in general, everything was held on Rentarou for obvious reasons.
Mar 2, 1:11 PM

Jan 2024
Reply to RobertBobert
@WaterMage No, I do not blame you for anything. Just in this Fandom was a period when there were too many people who followed the manga just for the sake of Hakari X Karane and were wildly angry when they were told that both girls love MC. Therefore, I always wonder how many people are inconsolently believe in it or follow story only for this. This title always had its own crazy version of polyamory, but in general, everything was held on Rentarou for obvious reasons.
@RobertBobert nah ik, I just said that cause I saw that comment just above about ditching Rentarou. Yuri shippers do have bad reputation, some people are like that what can you do. I think Karane said something along the line of enjoying kissing both of them so why bother fighting.

KaraneSupremacy said:
If I'm not mistaken, this season will have another Karane x Hakari moment, and it will be one of the best

Waiting for it😋
Mar 2, 1:17 PM
Oct 2020
So that bald dude with wings, and stuff I've seen was Rentarou

Ok we got Nano and Mimimi becoming friends now. Mimimi also joining the family officially then starting a kissing session with Rentarou and everyone in food wars style. All the girls wetting themselves almost from the kisses.
Mar 2, 1:20 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to WaterMage
@RobertBobert nah ik, I just said that cause I saw that comment just above about ditching Rentarou. Yuri shippers do have bad reputation, some people are like that what can you do. I think Karane said something along the line of enjoying kissing both of them so why bother fighting.

KaraneSupremacy said:
If I'm not mistaken, this season will have another Karane x Hakari moment, and it will be one of the best

Waiting for it😋
@WaterMage This title has always been promoted that version of Polyamory that you can always found in harem ecchi comedies.
Mar 2, 1:31 PM

Dec 2022
"You changed art style!"
Mar 2, 1:35 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to 0451
The 'beauty search' contest was fun. I was expecting a more common type of beauty contest but this was even better. Rentaro sacrificing himself so both girls could win was awesome. But man, he looks way more cursed without his eyebrows than with that strange get up at the end. He resembled Shigeru Chiba's character a bit.

It's cool that Nano and Utsukushisugi were able to make up. Now they're not just friends but fellow girlfriends in the Rentaro Family lol.

Bruh the 2nd half of the episode was crazy. Wasn't expecting such a long kissing session. If they did this by the end of the series it'd go on for weeks. Probably 5 weeks if they do 20 kisses per episode.

The girls literally changing to a shoujo artstyle was funny too lol. And Ig Rentaro turned into a statue or something?

Only one girlfriend left for the season. If the next 2 episodes will be about her, then does that mean the last 2 episodes will be about all of the 11 girlfriends together as a season finale? Or are they gonna introduce the 12th girlfriend this season? Probably not.
@0451 after the next girlfriend comes arc dedicated to karane just like there was arc about hakari in the first season
Mar 2, 1:36 PM

Jun 2011
Really great episode, comedically speaking. Rentarou is a real one for all the sacrifices he makes. Nice little twist at the beginning that it was Nano who was at fault for how she treated Mimimi.
Mar 2, 1:40 PM
Apr 2022
WaterMage said:
@RobertBobert nah ik, I just said that cause I saw that comment just above about ditching Rentarou. Yuri shippers do have bad reputation, some people are like that what can you do. I think Karane said something along the line of enjoying kissing both of them so why bother fighting.

KaraneSupremacy said:
If I'm not mistaken, this season will have another Karane x Hakari moment, and it will be one of the best

Waiting for it😋

Same here, I read the manga and this is one of my favorite Karane x Hakari moments. Plus it's pretty spicy let's just say 😏
Mar 2, 1:40 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to RobertBobert
@WaterMage Are you about the whole episode or only about Karane X Hakari kiss, LMAO?

@0451 Apparently they will spend the last couple of episodes on the final and some fan service. Like adaptation of the chapter with that panel.
@RobertBobert i think the last couple of episodes will actually be adapting the karane arc
Mar 2, 1:43 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to Elior21
@RobertBobert i think the last couple of episodes will actually be adapting the karane arc
@Elior21 In any case, they will need to create some kind of finale for the season, since the original manga has no such division.
Mar 2, 1:59 PM

Aug 2024
This show never ceases to amaze me with how wacky and goofy it can be. 10/10!!!
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