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Nov 17, 2024 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
Cute, more character bonding. Marika's life really improved since making up with her mother in these recent episodes.

And one thing is for sure, she continues to build more meaningful memories in this new timeline. This is one of those episodes again.
Nov 17, 2024 6:12 AM

Apr 2014
tbh, The Niijima family needed to move on. It will be painful, fking painful, move for them but it'll be the best outcome for everyone. If they intended to continue like this, it would not be any good to anyone, especially to Takae. It is hard to put up with this kind of situation, but the Niijima family needs to bear with it.

btw, hey that's another shishi-odoshi
Nov 17, 2024 7:12 AM

Dec 2021
I think this episode really made me realize again that this is a story above moving on and letting go of the past, even as hard as it can be as seen here. I mean, even Keisuke has now found out why this whole thing isn't, well, right. And from what we saw at the end of the episode, Takae is in the same boat, it seems.

Everyone's hurting over this whole thing, Keisuke, Chika, Marika, and most of all, Takae herself. Something needs to happen, even if that must be to let go of Takae once and for all.

Nov 17, 2024 7:26 AM
Sep 2015
The after-death experience in this anime is well-defined and leave no room for inserting your own belief, your own interpretation.
Nov 17, 2024 7:31 AM
Oct 2018
How this ends is now pretty obvious. It’s just what happens between now and when Takae decides to permanently move to the other side, after everyone has developed their new lives. Will be sad but it’s the right thing. Really good show btw.
Nov 17, 2024 8:00 AM

Jul 2016
Beyond all doubt, Marika deserves her literal own body just as much as Chika deserves to have her daughter in her life, especially after the respectable transformation she's gone through. And while Keisuke and Mai do need to learn to move on like everyone else who's had to lose someone, it feels cruel to have Takae taken away from them a second time just as forcefully.

It's impossible for anyone to come out of this unhurt but I hope the Niijimas can at least say goodbye for good on their own terms, as painful as that will inevitably be.
Nov 17, 2024 8:09 AM

Mar 2024
The outcome of the show is no longer in doubt. Takae will finally vanish after having gotten her old family back on track, and Keisuke will remarry.
Nov 17, 2024 8:26 AM
Apr 2023
mai was already starting to move on with her getting the new job, being happier, and dating. However, the father hasnt fully. So Takae still needs to stick around for some unfinished business. Keisuke cant be selfish and take away Marika from Chika. Seems like seeing evidence of not moving on triggers Takae to come back. Like in E1, when Marika saw Keisuke sad and not having moved on and Takae appearing soon after, then in this episode seeing that marriage contract brought her back again. Even Takae sees it as unfair when she came back in this episode and toom Marika away from Chika. So this ordeal is painful for everyone
ForTehNguyenNov 17, 2024 8:45 AM
Nov 17, 2024 8:38 AM

Nov 2020
This anime become ghost anime 💀
What Does Pot of Greed do?
Nov 17, 2024 8:40 AM
Nov 2019
What a great plot. Great show
Nov 17, 2024 9:02 AM
Jul 2023
Man... things are just going to be more complicated with an air of bittersweet from now on.

The stages are well under way, more tears await.
Nov 17, 2024 9:11 AM
Apr 2024
I think they will have to let her ghost go, that's what's best for her.
Nov 17, 2024 9:49 AM

Apr 2021
The amount of guilt Takae must feel for robbing Chika of her daughter once again. Especially after realising how much effort she is putting into fixing their bond.

Even tho the scenario is so incredible absurd, the emotions are very real and tangible.
Nov 17, 2024 10:04 AM

Jan 2018
So, Keisuke and Mai called Chika and were able to get away from the police. They were really lucky. Things could've ended really badly for them if Chika was unavailable.

So, this is what Marika is normally like. She's just a kid. Having amnesia must suck. I often thought about what I'd do if I lost memories of the last couple of years when I was in school. Probably one of my worst nightmares. Losing progress sucks. Marika is lucky that she's just a grade-schooler. But even for her, things must be difficult to suddenly move up a grade without any knowledge or preparation. But she's probably the luckiest that her mom seemingly became better overnight. That's what matters the most.

Keisuke asking a priest if he believed in reincarnation was funny. I'm not Buddhist or Japanese but I'm familiar with some of the fundamentals of Buddhism. So, how come a grown-ass man like him doesn't know? I know that most Japanese people aren't religious (despite following some religious customs) but it's weird that he doesn't know some basic things.

I don't blame Chika for making that last request. She basically got her old daughter back. It'd be strange for the Niijima family to get involved with her family when Takae isn't even there anymore. This was gonna happen sooner or later.

I didn't expect Marika to regain her old life's memories so soon. That was quick. But the bigger shock was the reveal that Marika might not actually be a reincarnation of Takae... but it's basically the ghost of Takae possessing a girl who had nothing to do with the Niijimas. Things just took a darker tone. I did consider the possibility but didn't think the anime would actually go that route. Mainly cause it was strange that Takae didn't remember her life as Marika despite being "reborn." The fact that she came back probably means she didn't fully move on from this world in the last episode. Otherwise, why would she come back just from looking at some photos and that phony marriage certificate? Ig she has more regrets that we don't know about.

IF Chika finds out about the possession, I'm certain she'd want the Niijimas to make sure Takae leaves her body. After all, why wouldn't she? It's no different than making sure your daughter is free of any disease. It sounds harsh, but I don't think she would be okay with a ghost possessing her girl just like that.

Anyway, it seems like the anime is building up towards the Niijimas finally moving on from Takae. They lost her once already, so they still not getting over it after losing her again is probably what caused Takae to repossess Marika's body. At this point, I feel bad about Marika. She's gonna have to experience "amnesia" once again. I also feel bad about Takae and Chika, especially Takae, especially since she feels guilty for taking something away from Chika and Marika's lives. At this rate, she'll never move on from this life.
Nov 17, 2024 11:12 AM
Jul 2024
Reply to IzanaSolos
I think this episode really made me realize again that this is a story above moving on and letting go of the past, even as hard as it can be as seen here. I mean, even Keisuke has now found out why this whole thing isn't, well, right. And from what we saw at the end of the episode, Takae is in the same boat, it seems.

Everyone's hurting over this whole thing, Keisuke, Chika, Marika, and most of all, Takae herself. Something needs to happen, even if that must be to let go of Takae once and for all.
@IzanaSolos Yes, Takae is basically possessing that girl. She at least needs to let Marika have her own Life 50% of the time.
Nov 17, 2024 11:20 AM
May 2023
So we're taking the AnoHana Route then...
Oh boy that's gonna hurt in the end, won't it?
Better buy some tissues foe those coming episodes. 🥹🥹🥹
Nov 17, 2024 11:37 AM
Feb 2021
Nov 17, 2024 12:07 PM

Apr 2012
Chika deserves her daughter back. She's completely changed for her daughter and has built her world around her. It's completely unfair for Takae to separate Marika from her mother. She needs to finish her business and pass on for good. Keisuke needs to show Takae that he'll be fine and everything will be ok.
Janethan23Nov 17, 2024 12:35 PM
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Nov 17, 2024 12:09 PM

Feb 2019
Yep about time shit started going south. Things were going too well and you knew they couldn’t stay together forever. This episode really drove home to me for the first time how fucked up this situation has to be for Marika and Chika.

Takae basically just took over her daughter body and is preventing her from living her life. Idk how this never clicked with me until today, but it’s actually really selfish because Takae, while having it cut short, still did get to live a life and get married and have a kid, but Marika is getting her life stolen so Takae can live a second one. I guess when the priest started talking about it as possession rather than reincarnation it really hit me how bad this is. Takae’s just gonna have to let go and it’s gonna hurt so damn much when it happens.

Doubly sad when you see how much better a mother Chika has become. Working on her own issues and spoiling Marika, like the phone situation really hurt because Takae clearly didn’t wanna upset her and say she was back but it would be wrong to keep lying.

Also, rare anime school administration W. That was probably the nicest school staff I’ve seen in anime. Didn’t even bat an eye about the amnesia story and offered to help chika with whatever she needed. That’s the sort of relationship we love to see between teachers and parents. Takes a village

Great episode can’t wait till next one
Marinate1016Nov 17, 2024 1:55 PM
Nov 17, 2024 12:40 PM

Apr 2021
Wow this anime keeps getting deeper and deeper.

Now it is a choice between the two souls?

This situation just got even heavier and more complicated.

I really hope this doesn't become a "Mom fighting against the Husband / Daughter" situation, that would be too sad.

I hope they come to an understanding and work things out, so that whether the soul of the mother remains or leaves, they can have peace with one another.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Nov 17, 2024 12:58 PM

May 2015
first Dandadan, now this
they all want me to cry
Nov 17, 2024 1:27 PM
Feb 2015
first and foremost real glad that Chika wasn't angrily outbursting when finding out what happened and was very understanding of what had happened
you can tell she's really trying to make mends with her attitude so that she doesn't become what she became when she divorced and ngl her response of the 3 requests may seem daunting to the Niijima family but it is entirely rational and logical to the whole situation
loss is hard to get over with but unfortunately the Niijima family will one day have to face this fact as mentioned many times before, it was a miracle they even get to see the mother in spirit again

it was pretty heartbreaking tho seeing Takae come back realizing Chika had actually started to improve upon her behaviour and do stuff for Marika, just the fact as well that she was constantly crying most likely from the guilt of it but the fact as well Chika didn't lose it and go crazy like she would've done before, at a loss but still seeming composed with it all, I wonder how this'll go down further
Nov 17, 2024 1:36 PM

Nov 2013
So I was right, this can't really be called reincarnation but possession. Heavy episode. Feel so bad for Chika and Takae. Takae in particular must feel so incredibly guilty. Since it's not a reincarnation, every second her "soul/consciousness" is back, she's robbing Marika from Chika and Marika's robbed of her own life basically.

If it wasn't clear previously, now there's 0 doubts about it, Takae has to move on as quickly as possible. Longer that's delayed, worse it'll be for Marika and Chika. As the monk said, in order for Takae to pass on, her daughter and husband must convince her they'll be fine. Monk said it's up to Takae to do it, but the other 2 Nijimias are crucial here. Don't think Takae can ever pass on if Nijimias remain a wreck!

BTW, Chika improved dramatically and it's so good to see.

Yeah, I guess final episodes will be heavy. Niijimas should realize it's no longer about them. They were already granted a 1 in a lifetime miracle chance to hear from a deceased family member. That alone is a priceless gift. Death isn't the end. Souls exist. What else do you need to feel at ease? Sure, it doesn't make letting go easier, but circumstances have changed big time. Take pity on Marika and Chika.

P.S Hopefully Chika will remind Takae that's it's still thanks to her that she was able to come to her senses and change. If not for Takae's possession of Marika, the girl may have shared mom's fate. I mean, it wasn't all bad.
Nov 17, 2024 1:39 PM

Feb 2014
The story is getting pretty deep in terms of its drama and revelations now.

We now know that Takae never reincarnated into Marika's body, but it's her soul that has come to possess Marika's body. Everyone involved is slowly getting hurt by all of this. With Marika returning, you have to respect Chika for dealing with this change so well while being caring and considerate towards Keisuke and Mai. However, upon seeing that marriage certificate that was made a while back, Takae has now returned. You can see how much this is hurting her at the end of the episode, as well as seeing Keisuke feeling very conflicted and concerned.

I do think that Takae leaving Marika's body and finally resting in peace is the best scenario, but that is far easier said than done. I can only hope that the series is on a path towards an ending that can be as happy as possible, even if it might be a bittersweet one at that.
Nov 17, 2024 3:45 PM

Mar 2010
Sad situation, but takae knows what she has to do, only a matter of time she has to say gbye.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Nov 17, 2024 4:04 PM

Sep 2018
Kind of annoyed at the stubbornness/selfishness of Keisuke and Mai about this whole situation, they seem to be juggling the life of an innocent 10 year old girl (and her own body) and their dead Wife/Mother as if they're equally important here, as if they can't decide who should remain in that body. The nerve of Keisuke to say "I can't decide", he's been a bit of clown character this whole show though tbh, so I suppose it's no surprise. No doubt they'll finally come to terms with it all, cause this show has been pretty damn predictable, but the sooner the better lol
Nov 17, 2024 5:55 PM
Feb 2020
Janethan23 said:
Chika deserves her daughter back. She's completely changed for her daughter and has built her world around her. It's completely unfair for Takae to separate Marika from her mother. She needs to finish her business and pass on for good. Keisuke needs to show Takae that he'll be fine and everything will be ok.

1- why these bright colours? the yellow one was tough to read kkkk

2- The Niijimas learned nothing from the time Takae was with them, nothing about moving on. At the first instance of the wife not being around, they immediately reverted to their depressed selves. If they don't start changing their attitude, Takae will still possess Marika's body and things will only get messier for everyone, specially poor Marika who just wants to live her own life.
Nov 17, 2024 7:17 PM
Feb 2021
The Fact That We Were Guided Into Believing The Motif Of The Shows That the Miracle Were Happened Because Nijima Family Were Still Struggled to move on after the death of takae Yet The One that cannot move on was takae herself were such a big slap in the face.
Nov 17, 2024 7:59 PM
Jun 2019
Truly heartbreaking.
Nov 17, 2024 8:33 PM

Jul 2011
How can Nijima be so egotistical like isn't it clear? Takae stayed in this world because she knows her husband is a tool that will drag the family down as he did because Mai became a social outcast and it was all due to Nijima's negligence and weakness. If Nijima can show that he is doing well and that he is taking care of business then Takae's soul can rest in peace but the dude is so unreliable it's actually pathetic.

Marika belongs to Marika and Nijima needs to stop coping and surrender himself to the FBI once and for all, they almost got him this episode tho.
Nov 17, 2024 9:24 PM
Oct 2020
A masterpiece 🔥🔥
Nov 17, 2024 10:20 PM

Dec 2010
ricardopetrere said:
1- why these bright colours? the yellow one was tough to read kkkk

I'd suggest to switch to a Dark mode because stuff like this becomes much easier to read.
Back to the episode - it's pretty obvious what's is the right choice here. I wonder whether Takae started crying at the end because she realized herself that she's processing the girl or because Keisuke had explained the situation to her. I guess you have to make these connections yourself here considering the amount of cuts.
Nov 17, 2024 10:39 PM
Dec 2016
anikevin said:
first Dandadan, now this
they all want me to cry

Literally same for me here, I can’t do this 😭
Nov 18, 2024 12:09 AM

Jul 2023
The remaining episodes would be the fight over Marika's body. Anyway, Keisuke, just let your wife rest in peace and marry your colleague. That would make Takae happy.
Nov 18, 2024 12:39 AM
Feb 2022
Two souls living in one body…heartbreaking
Nov 18, 2024 12:55 AM
Nov 2018
Kind of feel bad for the mother, with Taeke constantly changing now. Because one isn't her daughter and one clearly is.
Nov 18, 2024 6:32 AM

Aug 2022
The best anime of the season... so deep and emotional! 11/10

How to spot the gem of the season? => Just notice which anime is hated by anime tourists!
Nov 18, 2024 7:33 AM

Jan 2021
I think MC shouldn't be sad because she went away, but be glad because he had another chance to live with her for a little while.
I'm not a manga reader but I think that it would be very unfair to have Marika gone. I guess it is settled that this is a story about grief instead of being about a "new beginning" like I thought at first. MC will probably have to choose between having a romance with that colleague or end up in Usagi Drop style
Nov 18, 2024 7:57 AM

Jul 2022
Letting go and moving on doesn’t mean forgetting that special person and the moments you shared, but staying stuck in sorrow.

Even though it’s painful, Takae must find peace and move on to paradise so Marika can live her life. It would be selfish to let a child with her whole life ahead of her disappear. Keisuke and Mai need to understand and accept the hard truth that Takae won’t return. This miracle will leave as it came, and they need to let her go and not keep her tied to this world.

Takae has done more than enough. She came back to give her family a push to overcome her death, made Chika reflect, and try to be a true mother. That’s why Marika needs to live, and Takae should rest in peace.
Nov 18, 2024 8:28 AM
Jul 2021
Didn’t even notice I had tears in my eyes, and with that ending song too :(
Nov 18, 2024 11:46 AM
Oct 2024
Goddamn, this show is hitting me hard. What is the right choice? What to do. This must be harrowing for Marika to be going through waking up and finding out you’ve missed a year of your life. That mist’ve been terrifying waking up in some stranger's back not knowing WTF was going on. Now Takae is back. How will they handle this? OMG, why am I having all these questions about an anime? 🥹🥹
Nov 18, 2024 11:47 AM
Oct 2024
AkeZZZ said:
tbh, The Niijima family needed to move on. It will be painful, fking painful, move for them but it'll be the best outcome for everyone. If they intended to continue like this, it would not be any good to anyone, especially to Takae. It is hard to put up with this kind of situation, but the Niijima family needs to bear with it.

btw, hey that's another shishi-odoshi

Yeah, I agree. They had their chance to spend some time with Takae, but they need to let go. Poor Marika is going through hell because they refuse to move on. This is not right.
stealthyoneNov 18, 2024 12:57 PM
Nov 18, 2024 5:50 PM
Dec 2021
Takae </3. This series explores really deep topics, like reincarnation and possession. To be honest, this episode didn’t give 100% confirmations, but putting the possibility of possession on the table is definitely interesting. It’s up to each person to decide what might have happened. I love how they leave the mystery open! ❤️

Nov 18, 2024 6:53 PM
Original Denjin

Nov 2008
I almost felt like Nostradamus watching this episode, because there were a few things that I predicted that came true. First of all, when the last episode ended, I predicted that at the police station, Chika would explain the situation to the police and bail them out and that’s exactly how the episode started! I didn’t expect that at the beginning of the episode, but that came true. Also, when Marika went to the Nijimas’ house, and she was in the living room with the photos of her and them, I knew that something there would trigger her memory.
Nov 18, 2024 6:56 PM
Original Denjin

Nov 2008
Also, I’m a practicing Buddhist myself. So when that Buddhist monk was asked whether or not he believes in reincarnation, I was like “of course he does, that’s what Buddhism teaches,” and he confirmed it when was talking about the fact that reincarnation Is it central tenant in Buddhism.

But that was also interesting when he was saying that this isn’t a case of reincarnation, but rather possession, because the memories of the soul get reset when moving onto the next life. You don’t hear a lot about possessions in Buddhism, so I thought that was very interesting. It also makes sense, considering that Takae died in a car accident, when helping family, that her soul couldn’t pass on, and she was looking for a chance to come back to her family, via that possession.
Nov 18, 2024 9:23 PM

May 2019
I didn't think Takae would've come back, at least not this fast and it took me (and Keisuke) to hear what the Buddhist monk had to say to realize that Takae is robbing Marika of her body and childhood via possession, damn.

There's no doubt in my mind that going forward both Mai and Keisuke will need to move on and Chika may end up forbidding them from contacting her daughter when Marika returns again to minimize Takae coming back a 3rd time. Since the contract that Keisuke had drawn up to appease Mai brought Takae back I think they will need to destroy that and possibly the pictures they took of Takae in Marika's body (or at least not allow Marika to see those again which goes back to Chika maybe deciding to not letting them see her anymore).
Nov 18, 2024 11:22 PM
Jan 2022
you really feel the empathy takae has as a mother for taking China's child away from her again. that's gotta be the heaviest of burdens to carry.

I agree, sounds like this ends with Takae and the Nijimas moving on, and Marika getting her body back full time.
Nov 19, 2024 10:09 AM
Jun 2022
I hate this episode......I don't know about others I like this anime as per the concept but I fking hate the character development. ones a fking old man with a grown ass daughter who can't cope up with the loss of a family member , so the dead member had to possess a literal child to mend the relationship...And on the other hand the grown bitch ass man is blabbering about how her wife has been reborn as a fking middle schooler god damn my asss the father and the daughter are both bitch asss nig*gas... I'm not criticizing the anime I'm just criticizing the character development in a 12 eps anime the author did a very good job but character development could have been better than the father blabbering about her middle schooler wife it would have been better if they could have just resolved the matter between themselves... the author is a genius but for me it lacked some key elements
Nov 20, 2024 1:01 AM
Sep 2020
I found ironic and kind of funny how I'm watching Dandadan rn and I did never thought of the possibility of possessing instead of reincarnation. It's too painful, but the truth is that the Nijima family have to let Takae go. My heart will be broken again since october and july.

I really liked this episode

Nov 20, 2024 7:12 PM
Mar 2015
Possession is nine tenths of the law
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