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Oct 12, 2024 6:04 AM

May 2020
I didn’t point out this earlier, but yeah, Suicide master’s voice doesn’t really match with her size lol. For reference, Shinobu’s one does, and it does perfectly. Though again I really liked how Shinobu was done pretending Araragi was her slave the moment they had their reunion. I mean nothing to hide from your dear friend;) By the way, the mystery they went super deep and super convoluted with puzzles and codes.. and with mummies was always just a confession away, if we really think… just one backstory away, from Deathtopia’s POV. The word play was splendid though, when it all just came to be.

Feels kinda anticlimactic, if I’m being honest, I mean we didn’t even know who Kiseki Souwa was until this episode and yeah now, she’s the one behind all of this. So yeah, it really feels strange(for the lack of better words), that the vampire we’d been suspecting since the start, and the vampire who’s over 600 years old, was actually a victim too. I mean she getting kind of played by a high school girl, feel even more embarrassing after that meme-worthy laughing segment we had in the last episode xD Though again, this entire thing rooted from the basketball club and how the girls there were coping, so it should make sense to end things with them as well.

Btw, just see how welcomed Araragi was in the pajama party. Guy won in life xD
Softhenic03Oct 12, 2024 6:29 AM
Oct 12, 2024 6:59 AM

Apr 2010
Well we know the culprit now the question is how to get her.
The part at the end was funny with the girls going Araragi like tho.
It also seems that he got himself in a troublesome situation with the girls being like that.
Next week should be funny if it continues like this.
Oct 12, 2024 7:58 AM

Apr 2016
Okay, now seriously ... why does that tall basketball girl (the tallest one) from that pajama party does not have a spin-off series already.
Oct 12, 2024 8:01 AM

Apr 2022
just happy to see more of higasa. araragi successfully infiltrating the girl's pajama party💪
Oct 12, 2024 8:24 AM

May 2015
Gaen is officially smarter than Sherlock Holmes.
Oct 12, 2024 8:38 AM
Jul 2020
Softhenic03 said:
I didn’t point out this earlier, but yeah, Suicide master’s voice doesn’t really match with her size lol. For reference, Shinobu’s one does, and it does perfectly. Though again I really liked how Shinobu was done pretending Araragi was her slave the moment they had their reunion. I mean nothing to hide from your dear friend;) By the way, the mystery they went super deep and super convoluted with puzzles and codes.. and with mummies was always just a confession away, if we really think… just one backstory away, from Deathtopia’s POV. The word play was splendid though, when it all just came to be.

Feels kinda anticlimactic, if I’m being honest, I mean we didn’t even know who Kiseki Souwa was until this episode and yeah now, she’s the one behind all of this. So yeah, it really feels strange(for the lack of better words), that the vampire we’d been suspecting since the start, and the vampire who’s over 600 years old, was actually a victim too. I mean she getting kind of played by a high school girl, feel even more embarrassing after that meme-worthy laughing segment we had in the last episode xD Though again, this entire thing rooted from the basketball club and how the girls there were coping, so it should make sense to end things with them as well.

Btw, just see how welcomed Araragi was in the pajama party. Guy won in life xD

Regarding the voices, I think it's specifically because Suicide-Master didn't take the form of a young girl but she was reduced to her current size because of Hunger whilst Shinobu uses her power to take the form of a young girl

So fundamental differences need to be showcased with a simple to notice feature
Oct 12, 2024 8:40 AM
Feb 2021
So I found the explanation and conclusion of who the culprit was to be a bit confusing. From what I understood, they concluded that the last girl who we have not met yet, Kiseki Saowa, was the girl Suicide-Master first drank from. Suicide-master then died from food poisoning, and Kiseki became a vampire who mummified all the other girls, all the while pretending to be Suicide-Master. If that is what being concluded, then what about the opening scene from the first episode of this arc when Suicide master met Kie Harimaze? Didn't she drink her blood? Unless that was not Kei in the opening scene but actually Kiseki? And if it was actually Kei, then would that not make the vampire actually Kei instead of Kiseki? But didn't they say one of the mummies was Kei, so it could not be her? I feel like something is still missing. I guess we will see in the last episode.
Oct 12, 2024 8:43 AM

Feb 2019
Weakest episode so far, found it very convoluted and uninteresting. Was a drag to watch.
Oct 12, 2024 9:09 AM

Apr 2009
Pajama party ! What a treat :]
Kolejny do Kostnicy
Oct 12, 2024 9:26 AM

Dec 2018
We got a big reveal episode this week which pretty much answers all the questions we’ve had about what’s been going on all this time, but did it really? That’s the question I have now after everything else was answered lol, and the reason is the same as someone else stated, being that two things aren’t really lining up with the serial vampire in question, and that’s because they deduced that the final missing mummy who’s belongings they found is named Kiseki, and that she’s actually the one behind all this, and that’s because of what happened with Suicide-Master at the very start of this arc attacking one of the girls’ basketball team members which not only turned Kiseki into a vampire, but also turned Suicide-Master into a mummy due to food poisoning, a funny way to describe that honestly lol. But what’s not adding up here is that the first mummy they found, being Kie, was who was shown at the start of the arc meeting Suicide-Master, so shouldn’t she be the vampire in question and not Kiseki? I think there’s more things to be uncovered here than they’re leading us to believe, that or I’m not getting something or they messed up something somewhere, but the arc’s not over yet so there’s time for things to change.

But yeah it’s very interesting how this all played out, Suicide-Master simply wanted to show off to Shinobu so she did what she would normally never do and ate a “foodstuff” that doesn’t fit her gourmet nature, and this made the victim into a vampire and turned Suicide-Master into a mummy in the process, and all the victims and “evidence” discovered since then have been by the newly turned vampire, quite the head scratcher but it makes sense when it’s all laid out, besides that one part I mentioned in the first heckin’ chonker of a paragraph I wrote lol, I liked the reveal quite a bit so I’m surprised to see the votes split on this thread, is it bots or were people that turned off by this? Either way, I thought this was a cool episode, and the end when Araragi infiltrated the pajama party of basketball alumni babes was quite the treat, it was looking like the casting couch meme for a bit there lol, all those girls are super pretty too, Monogatari designs always hit different. And now Araragi is being forced to wear pajamas made for girls to attend the party, it sounds like it could be embarrassing but pajamas don’t seem that gender specific to me, it can’t be that bad but we’ll have to wait and see I guess lol.
Oct 12, 2024 9:27 AM

Mar 2020
The mystery is getting unraveled, and Deathtopia reveals it all...

Honestly, that was a little anticlimactic, to have someone we did not know at all to be the perpetrator. I wasn't too surprised that Deathtopia was also victimized, but I would have liked to have at least known the identity of all the characters so it would be at least possible to guess who it was. Mostly, this was another build-up episode for the finale next week, but the last scene with Koyomi in the pajama party was pretty funny. It'll be a bit sad to see this season of Monogatari end next week, but I think it's safe to say that we'll get more of it in the future.
Oct 12, 2024 9:37 AM

Apr 2016
The next episode we will watch Araragi with a woman pijama!!!
Oct 12, 2024 10:10 AM

Feb 2014
There was a lot to take in, but at least we now know about the reason as to why Deathtopia ended up being mummified. Because of that, the one girl that she feasted on, Sowa Kiseki, became a vampire herself and Deathtopia became a victim under her before Kiseki went after the other girls of the basketball club. All in all, it was pretty insightful.

Now, the game is on to find Kiseki, which has led to Araragi arriving at the girls pyjama party. It was funny seeing him look uncomfortable as Kanbaru and the others sang his name to the high heavens, but things will be even more interesting now that he HAS to wear pyjamas himself from one of the girls as a hand-me-down. I'm sure he'll look fine wearing it, honest! XD
Oct 12, 2024 10:26 AM

Dec 2015
I wonder if the 美少年x探偵 BL book is a reference to one of Nisioisin's works Pretty Boy Detective Club.

The fact that they laughed so much in the previous episode makes sense. They thought about putting on airs but when they both saw each other and how different they looked they couldn't help but laugh.

What a twist. Totally went over my head for that to be a possibility. But food poisoning? Was Kiseki's blood that bad.

Already pulling him every which way as soon as he opened the door. Looks like Arararagi-hentai (XD) will be joining the girls PJ party. Wonder what they're going to give him to wear.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Oct 12, 2024 10:51 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Araragi breaking into a pyjama party sponsored by Kanbaru....Absolute cinema.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 12, 2024 11:14 AM
Jul 2024
Must be weird to crash a pajama party, expecting to be cussed out, only to be glorified! LOL
Oct 12, 2024 11:17 AM

May 2015
the arc is still ongoing or ended? waiting for it to be finished.
Oct 12, 2024 11:20 AM

Jan 2018
So, the culprit has finally been revealed. It was the first victim of Suicide-Master after she arrived in Japan seen way back in the first episode of the arc. I thought it might've been one of the victims a few minutes into this episode. I probably would've figured it out sooner if I had paid attention to the girls' names. I thought the first mummy that was discovered was the same girl as the one in the first episode but it wasn't. Oh well. What a crazy twist tho. It also means that DVS wasn't completely unrelated to this case. She's the root of this problem. But she might get off with a light sentence.

This arc has been crazy so far. It went nothing like how I thought it'd go. I didn't think Suicide-Master coming to Japan would lead to a murder mystery style conspiracy in the first place. Absolutely bonkers.

So in the end, Araragi had to crash a girls' pajama party. And now he's gonna have to wear women's pajamas. That's a crazier cliffhanger than the perpetrator coming to the party bruh. Can't wait for the next episode. I assume it'll be the last episode of this arc.
Oct 12, 2024 12:39 PM

Jul 2021
u know i half expected them to use those their usual silhouettes for background characters.
I don't think I've seen this many characters before in a monogatari scene
Cestlavie_Oct 12, 2024 12:56 PM
Oct 12, 2024 1:30 PM

Nov 2019
I love how Gaen, who has the worst impression of the major players in this franchise is slowly growing on me in this arc. Shows how conscious and actively thinking the creator is of his characters. She has to do so much, even photoshopping! No wonder she's looking for allies. I think her appreciating DVS and Shinobu interaction shows character growth from the time she could'nt fully comprehend Kiss Shot and Araragi relationship.

The episode itself was very un-Monogatarish though with the relatively orthodox exposition and angles. The twist was nothing mindblowing but well hidden. I have a hunch Hanekawa would have solved this in one episode. I do think there's more than the confession DVS has prepared, she can be hiding something. Probably out of pride. Anyway, I am kinda apprehensive of her having a happy ending. Shinobu had a grim face throughout the episode after the laughs, which is lowkey alarming.

Would totally watch a DVS, Shinobu and Mayoi side story SoL. KAKA!
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Oct 12, 2024 3:35 PM

Apr 2015
Congratulations Araragi, you add the entire basketball team to your Harem.
Oct 12, 2024 4:07 PM
Jan 2021
you would conceal your actions only if you think you are being suspected, and in that particular instance - only if you know exactly who are after you, BEFORE they are even after you. and using cryptic math riddles is only useful if you know that it will be decoded. stealthy undressing and then shoveling Deathtopia in the mountains...that's some questionable actions.
Oct 12, 2024 5:17 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to nanashi796
the arc is still ongoing or ended? waiting for it to be finished.
@nanashi796 Next episode is the end of the arc (and of the season).
Oct 12, 2024 5:25 PM

Sep 2021
I really wanted to see more Suicide-Master and Shinobu interactions but I still liked the ep regardless. Also I can't stop noticing how similar Shinobus VA and Beatrices VA sound lol
Oct 12, 2024 8:11 PM
Feb 2020
Oct 12, 2024 8:54 PM

Apr 2023
was that part at the end like. a dream sequence or something?! nooo chance such an absurd fantasy really came true.....
honestly im wondering if at this point nisio is just trying to see how far they can push her until like the general audience realizes shes a girl too
at this rate theyre not gonna last much longer i shouldnt think

ehh who am i kidding...
Oct 13, 2024 1:29 AM

Feb 2008
It obviously that Araragi going to get cross dressed in the end .
Too bad won't see how it will look until next episode . :D

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Oct 13, 2024 4:44 AM

Mar 2020
Mcsuper said:
The mystery is getting unraveled, and Deathtopia reveals it all...

Honestly, that was a little anticlimactic, to have someone we did not know at all to be the perpetrator. I wasn't too surprised that Deathtopia was also victimized, but I would have liked to have at least known the identity of all the characters so it would be at least possible to guess who it was. Mostly, this was another build-up episode for the finale next week, but the last scene with Koyomi in the pajama party was pretty funny. It'll be a bit sad to see this season of Monogatari end next week, but I think it's safe to say that we'll get more of it in the future.

I mean the main theme of this arc lies in human emotions doesn't it? Like Gaen said "It's malicious not shoddy".

We are going to unravel the reasons for jealousy, maliciousness, hatred and cause of no more solidarity in the girls' basketball team. I believe the mystery was just an interesting process to get there.

all the time monogatari relied on supernatural aspects and Japanese urban legends to delve into human emotions after all. from bake till now.
Oct 13, 2024 4:59 AM

Mar 2020
Potter889 said:
So I found the explanation and conclusion of who the culprit was to be a bit confusing. From what I understood, they concluded that the last girl who we have not met yet, Kiseki Saowa, was the girl Suicide-Master first drank from. Suicide-master then died from food poisoning, and Kiseki became a vampire who mummified all the other girls, all the while pretending to be Suicide-Master. If that is what being concluded, then what about the opening scene from the first episode of this arc when Suicide master met Kie Harimaze? Didn't she drink her blood? Unless that was not Kei in the opening scene but actually Kiseki? And if it was actually Kei, then would that not make the vampire actually Kei instead of Kiseki? But didn't they say one of the mummies was Kei, so it could not be her? I feel like something is still missing. I guess we will see in the last episode.

Suicide Master tried to bite Kiseki. For her failure, she(Kiseki) turned into a vampire. They explained the chronology of the victims tho. Referring to Kiseki as the Zeroth victim, Suicide Master as 0.5th Victim cuz she food poisoned herself.

but yeah Suicide Master met Harimaze Kie at the start of this arc.

remember it's monogatari and araragi is an unreliable narrator. the arc started with Araragi talking i.e. what we are watching is what araragi is thinking. it's deliberately put there to confuse us with the mystery and to see what araragi thinks of the scene b4 he solved the mystery.

hope that clears things up.
_Defect_Oct 13, 2024 5:16 AM
Oct 13, 2024 5:04 AM

Mar 2020
Next episode will be the climax. I feel like something big will be coming. It has not ended yet. As a Zaregoto fan, NisiO always delivered at the punchline and turned the whole novel and set-up upside down, so I think something is still there.

Anyway Question -

1)Who is the bad one here?
2)Why did Kiseki do this?
3)How will Araragi help Suicide Master escape?
4)How will Araragi look in girl's pajama???? XD
Oct 13, 2024 6:33 AM
Jul 2013
Araragi meeting the creator of Shinobu, and in the process revealing part of the mystery of the attacks on the girls of the basketball club.

Araragi in front of all the girls at the basketball club... I hate you so much. 🤬
Oct 13, 2024 8:00 AM

Oct 2019
The mood, the impact, the pacing, the investment, it's all off. Something is wrong. I feel like I'm standing on a narrative trapdoor and Nisioisin is about to flip the swith to make me fall. I'm confident this will all pay off. There's still a lot that will need to be resolved. I believe that Souwa is both a link to all the remaining pieces and that she will pose as a kind of thematic center. We'll inevitably hear what her feelings towards the basketball club are. I think that will be pivotal.
But even then, I don't know whether Kanbaru and her club are the main characters here. It certainly feels like it in a way, but Suicide Masters arrival is way more important in theory. This is all so odd, the last time I found an arc this difficult to pick apart before it was over was Sodachi Riddle/Sodachi Lost. This story would've fit right in with the Owari Arcs.
It still very much fits with my interpretation that vampirism represents fate or the law of attraction or something like that. Souwa obviously had an immeadiate idea what to do after she turned. Some things are simply bound to happen I guess.
It all hinges on the final episode now. But we all know what fantastic finales Nisioisin and Shaft can deliver.
Oct 13, 2024 8:33 AM

Oct 2016


The pajama party scene was so good and Kanbaru 👀. I love that there's 7 members in there, enough to spell Araragi lmao. The spiky short haired girl with the mole particularly caught my eye though.

I know we've only witnessed the story of Princess Acerola and Suicide-Master recently, but Shinobu and Suicide-Master meeting again still feels like it's been years in the making.

Ah, Suicide-Master did end up deciding to bloodsuck a high-school girl, but because she wanted to look dignified when she meets Shinobu again after 600 years, much like how Shinobu wanted to look good as well last episode, that's cute and all, but it's a fact this all started with her.

I didn't really thought that there was a successful vampirization, but that's probably because I thought Kie Harimaze was the first one. Shouldn't it be her and not Sowa Kiseki? Though she's mummified right now, but she's the one that was established to have a motive, she hates the Girl's Basketball Club and it was shown clearly in the first episode of Shinobumonogatari as well that she is the one Suicide-Master first meets. Unless that was a curveball of course.

Gaen really photoshopped Sowa Kiseki with Suicide-Master's colors lmao.

Last episode for the 1st part of Off & Monster Season next week, let's see how Shinobumonogatari ends! And hope for an announcement for part 2.
Oct 13, 2024 11:28 AM

Aug 2018
Most problematic thing about this arc by far is how in the hell an arc called "Shinobumonogatari - Shinobu Mustard" doesn't revolve about Shinobu in the absolute slightest.
She is beyond useless to the point you even wonder why she would be there in the first place, every single monogatari arc always had some sort of narrative tie-in developping or exploring further their titular character, this is the only instance where the titular character isn't important in the slightest to her own arc. This is even worse than the controversial Mayoi Jianshi/Shinobu Time inversion where Shinobu is more present in Mayoi's Arc and Mayoi more important in the Shinobu arc but at least BOTH of them were useful and relevant in their titular arcs. The alternate timeline exists because Mayoi is alive and Mayoi's death happens because Shinobu couldn't stop and disappeared to the darkness.
Right now, Shinobu does not solve anything in the serial vampire case and nothing about her character serves any narrative, symbolic or metaphorical purpose, quite disappointing from Nisio.
I'm just saying, the moment Yotsugi stopped appearing the season really dropped in quality, Doll was solo carrying the season.
Oct 13, 2024 4:47 PM
Feb 2021
Reply to James-LastOmnic
Most problematic thing about this arc by far is how in the hell an arc called "Shinobumonogatari - Shinobu Mustard" doesn't revolve about Shinobu in the absolute slightest.
She is beyond useless to the point you even wonder why she would be there in the first place, every single monogatari arc always had some sort of narrative tie-in developping or exploring further their titular character, this is the only instance where the titular character isn't important in the slightest to her own arc. This is even worse than the controversial Mayoi Jianshi/Shinobu Time inversion where Shinobu is more present in Mayoi's Arc and Mayoi more important in the Shinobu arc but at least BOTH of them were useful and relevant in their titular arcs. The alternate timeline exists because Mayoi is alive and Mayoi's death happens because Shinobu couldn't stop and disappeared to the darkness.
Right now, Shinobu does not solve anything in the serial vampire case and nothing about her character serves any narrative, symbolic or metaphorical purpose, quite disappointing from Nisio.
I'm just saying, the moment Yotsugi stopped appearing the season really dropped in quality, Doll was solo carrying the season.

The title "Shinobumonogatari" is a bit misleading I think. "Shinobumonogatari" translates to "endure tale" or "endurance tale" and I think that can apply most notably in this story to Suicide-Master, who endured all this time just to come back and see Shinobu. Given Suicide-Master is the center of everything in this story, I think it makes more sense to interpret this story more as a Suicide-Master arc than a Shinobu arc. As for the "Shinobu Mustard" part, I admit that I have no idea what "Mustard" is supposed to mean here. The only possible explanation I can think of is that "Mustard" is actually supposed to be translated as "Mustered." "Shinobu Mustered" could then be interpreted as something like "Shinobu called forth," or "Shinobu summoned," or something along those lines, perhaps referencing Shinobu's meeting and reunion with Suicide-Master. This part is all speculation though.
Oct 13, 2024 7:10 PM
Nov 2020
Everyone seems so surprised about the reveal but in the first episode they show her wishing for a vampire to appear. Makes sense to me.
Oct 13, 2024 9:11 PM
Jan 2021
When Gaen said the culprit vampire has similar gene to Suicide Master, I already suspected that it might be the one of the high school girls that became Suicide Master's minion.

Seriously, it's just so simple that they should've considered that possibility even before listening to Suicide Master.
Oct 14, 2024 8:14 AM

Dec 2018
_Defect_ said:
remember it's monogatari and araragi is an unreliable narrator. the arc started with Araragi talking i.e. what we are watching is what araragi is thinking. it's deliberately put there to confuse us with the mystery and to see what araragi thinks of the scene b4 he solved the mystery.

If this is truly the case then I’m kinda disappointed, here I was thinking there might be more to the mystery but maybe there’s not after all. It feels kinda cheap tho, like I understand what an unreliable narrator is but they straight up showed the events like this is what’s happening, idk I don’t really like that that’s how they decided to do that but whatever, I’m still interested in seeing how all of this ends
Oct 14, 2024 12:43 PM

Mar 2020
Reply to TheColonel76
_Defect_ said:
remember it's monogatari and araragi is an unreliable narrator. the arc started with Araragi talking i.e. what we are watching is what araragi is thinking. it's deliberately put there to confuse us with the mystery and to see what araragi thinks of the scene b4 he solved the mystery.

If this is truly the case then I’m kinda disappointed, here I was thinking there might be more to the mystery but maybe there’s not after all. It feels kinda cheap tho, like I understand what an unreliable narrator is but they straight up showed the events like this is what’s happening, idk I don’t really like that that’s how they decided to do that but whatever, I’m still interested in seeing how all of this ends

Welp opinion varies. Imo the unreliable narrator aspects adds to Araragi's depth as a character. He hides information from us when knows it. Mainly cuz he doesn't want us the viewers to know anything about related him. "Remember in Kizu araragi said 'you don't need friends '."

Also we are focusing too much on the mysteries and forgetting about the reasons for this cause. Why did Kiseki do this? What's actually going on inside the girls' basketball team? How Deathtopia will escape from this mess?
The mystery was just a interesting added process and of course it's a big part of the arc I won't deny.
_Defect_Oct 14, 2024 12:54 PM
Oct 14, 2024 12:51 PM

Mar 2020
Reply to James-LastOmnic
Most problematic thing about this arc by far is how in the hell an arc called "Shinobumonogatari - Shinobu Mustard" doesn't revolve about Shinobu in the absolute slightest.
She is beyond useless to the point you even wonder why she would be there in the first place, every single monogatari arc always had some sort of narrative tie-in developping or exploring further their titular character, this is the only instance where the titular character isn't important in the slightest to her own arc. This is even worse than the controversial Mayoi Jianshi/Shinobu Time inversion where Shinobu is more present in Mayoi's Arc and Mayoi more important in the Shinobu arc but at least BOTH of them were useful and relevant in their titular arcs. The alternate timeline exists because Mayoi is alive and Mayoi's death happens because Shinobu couldn't stop and disappeared to the darkness.
Right now, Shinobu does not solve anything in the serial vampire case and nothing about her character serves any narrative, symbolic or metaphorical purpose, quite disappointing from Nisio.
I'm just saying, the moment Yotsugi stopped appearing the season really dropped in quality, Doll was solo carrying the season.
@James-LastOmnic blud forgot wazamonogatari exists. The arc is called "Shinobu Mustard" for a reason. It's a food metaphor.

This episode finally spills the beans and, of course with an arc called Shinobu Mustard, its all a big food metaphor. After all, seemingly it was because Deathtopia didnt  thank her food and the fact that the food itself was spoiled due to deep-seated grudges that caused this whole situation.  This is one of Nisio's strengths as a writer. 

Also Kabukimonogatari was Hachikuji's arc but Shinobu played a big role in it rather than Hachikuji. Again, Onimonogatari was Shinobu's arc but Hachikuji had the bigger role. Dunno what are you smoking. you saw the arc name and proceeds to blabber nonsense.

Oct 14, 2024 3:58 PM
Aug 2015
Oct 14, 2024 6:47 PM

Aug 2018
Reply to _Defect_
@James-LastOmnic blud forgot wazamonogatari exists. The arc is called "Shinobu Mustard" for a reason. It's a food metaphor.

This episode finally spills the beans and, of course with an arc called Shinobu Mustard, its all a big food metaphor. After all, seemingly it was because Deathtopia didnt  thank her food and the fact that the food itself was spoiled due to deep-seated grudges that caused this whole situation.  This is one of Nisio's strengths as a writer. 

Also Kabukimonogatari was Hachikuji's arc but Shinobu played a big role in it rather than Hachikuji. Again, Onimonogatari was Shinobu's arc but Hachikuji had the bigger role. Dunno what are you smoking. you saw the arc name and proceeds to blabber nonsense.

_Defect_ said:
This episode finally spills the beans and, of course with an arc called Shinobu Mustard, its all a big food metaphor. After all, seemingly it was because Deathtopia didnt  thank her food and the fact that the food itself was spoiled due to deep-seated grudges that caused this whole situation.  This is one of Nisio's strengths as a writer. 

Also Kabukimonogatari was Hachikuji's arc but Shinobu played a big role in it rather than Hachikuji. Again, Onimonogatari was Shinobu's arc but Hachikuji had the bigger role. Dunno what are you smoking. you saw the arc name and proceeds to blabber nonsense.

>States the arc is a food metaphor
>Proceeds to do a food analogy (?)
>Doesn't adress my point of shinobu's presence
>Doesn't adress why its called "mustard" in the first place

You aren't as bright as you think you are my friend. Lay off the fanboy tendencies and you'll understand my post better perhaps.
Oct 14, 2024 7:54 PM

Jun 2019
I can finally see cute Arararagi-senpai in a girl pajamas next week.
Oct 14, 2024 10:13 PM

Mar 2020
Reply to James-LastOmnic
_Defect_ said:
This episode finally spills the beans and, of course with an arc called Shinobu Mustard, its all a big food metaphor. After all, seemingly it was because Deathtopia didnt  thank her food and the fact that the food itself was spoiled due to deep-seated grudges that caused this whole situation.  This is one of Nisio's strengths as a writer. 

Also Kabukimonogatari was Hachikuji's arc but Shinobu played a big role in it rather than Hachikuji. Again, Onimonogatari was Shinobu's arc but Hachikuji had the bigger role. Dunno what are you smoking. you saw the arc name and proceeds to blabber nonsense.

>States the arc is a food metaphor
>Proceeds to do a food analogy (?)
>Doesn't adress my point of shinobu's presence
>Doesn't adress why its called "mustard" in the first place

You aren't as bright as you think you are my friend. Lay off the fanboy tendencies and you'll understand my post better perhaps.

Blud forgot this whole arc was set because Deathtopia wanted to meet her beloved "Laura" a.k.a. Shinobu. Wtf do you mean by "Shinobu's presence"?

Again this whole food metaphor refers to the eating habit of Deathtopia. It's fucking simple man. What's there to say. She didn't thank for the food. To her food is entertainment, it's not survival. This arc was set after waza for a reason man.

Sorry for not being bright my friend.

Also here is the Japanese wordplay of the title-
As a given name, in reference to the character Shinobu Oshino, the kanji 忍 means endurance/patience/self-restraint.

Shinobu (忍) can also be combined with mono (者) to make an alternative name for a ninja "shinobi no mono" (忍びの者). This could be possible word play in the title referencing the time period, or Kiss-Shot's connection to Japan or her own ability of stealth as a vampire and the plot of the story.
Oct 15, 2024 11:28 AM

Apr 2013
Best girl Kanbaru in lingerie? That alone made this episode worth watching.
Oct 16, 2024 3:34 AM
Jul 2018
We're going to see Koyomi Araragi cross-dressing in the next episode. XD

How did such a great existence like Deathtopia get food poisoning and never recover? On top of that, she failed to bloodsucking Kiseki. TBH, I wish someone as great as Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicide Master would turn me into a vampire!
Oct 16, 2024 2:56 PM

May 2021
Imagine this picture but Araragi's sitting on a couch with his back turned to them.

Oct 16, 2024 5:30 PM

Oct 2017
The last part with Araragi joining the girls basketball club alumni's pajama party was the best thing this entire season for real. Wait till Senjougahara finds about this lol. Though he's gonna die before that as they are about to dress him in girls pajama. Man I wish we got more on these girls. Seems like a very fun bunch. Btw the mystery finally unveiled and Shinobu had her moments with Deathtopia.
Oct 20, 2024 1:27 PM

Sep 2013
Elas rindo com kkkk bem br graças a Deus

ㅤ ㅤ

beginning is the end and the end is beginning.
Well then, let us begin again.
And to each, their
own tale.

Oct 21, 2024 5:13 PM

Jan 2020
Oh so one schoolgirl turning out to be a vampire makes sense indeed, that's why it felt so convoluted till now.

P.S. RIP Shuraragi, you'll be dead by snu snu

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