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Spice and Wolf (light novel)
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Apr 8, 2024 9:57 AM

Nov 2011
Not going to lie, I find some of Holo's childish behavior to be very amusing. Now that Lawrence and Holo are getting along with each other more, they're also starting to understand each other.

Holo's curiousity is also quite cute though. Lawrence seems to be cautious around her but we already have Holo enjoying food. It should be a recurring gag this season if it's similar to the franchise. I like this pacing overall so far. They're fleshing out Lawrence and Holo's personalities while giving them time to build a relationship.
Apr 8, 2024 9:57 AM

May 2020
Yes, I mean Holo is a holy creature, so of course she could easily sense if someone’s lying or not just from.. hearing them talk. Though this is for later, for now, since Holo is already Lawrence’s “wife”, he should lay off his attempts of not looking at her whenever she's her usual self.. in simple words naked lol, right? Or maybe not. Liked how they had to take shelter from rain at a place they should be at a distance from…

… a church lol. By the way, smart guys never try to make deals in a church, and moreover if it’s a deal coming from someone who has his eyes closed and looks like a textbook example of a swindler, like Zheren, leave that deal right there. Though hey, not like Lawrenve did believe him to begin with, but I mean being a merchant, of course he went with a deal which, even in an off-chance, could make him some good silvers.. maybe lol.

Again the constant back and forth between Holo and Lawrence was the highlight, and it’d be going forward as well. Though hey, don’t get so worked up over a wolf joke, Lawrence;) And don’t make it heavy.
Apr 8, 2024 9:58 AM

Dec 2021
Off go the merchant and the wise wolf on their journey.

Lawrence, tasked with escorting Holo to her distant northern homeland, finds himself caught in a downpour on their journey to the next destination. Seeking shelter from the rain, they spend the night at a church. While Lawrence dries his wet clothes and engages in conversation with the guests in the grand hall, they are approached by a fledgling merchant named Zheren, who presents them with a dubious business proposition.

In their room later, Lawrence presents Holo with a leather pouch containing some of her wheat. During dinner, Holo confides in Lawrence that she sensed Zheren was lying, though neither of them understands the reason behind it. Despite the uncertainty, Lawrence resolves to accept Zheren's offer, hoping to either profit from it as promised or uncover the true intentions behind the proposal.

So there are more merchants like Lawrence, huh? This makes things a bit more interesting.

Apr 8, 2024 10:57 AM
Mar 2023
You have to be very mentally ill or have very bad taste to vote negatively for this beautiful work.
Apr 8, 2024 11:33 AM

Aug 2017
Ugh this felt like 5 minutes. Really loved their conversations as usual but that part when Lawrence wanted Holo to stop talking about the wolves eating humans brain was my favorite part, for Holo especially I can imagine that she has seen her fair share of trauma.

Those potatoes with goat cheese looked delicious btw, can't blame Holo.
redorzoApr 8, 2024 12:27 PM
Apr 8, 2024 11:38 AM
Jan 2021
This episode was absolutely amazing. The director is doing a very good job to make 2 people talk as intriguing as possible with the diversity of camera angles, landscape shots and face shots. The music was top as well. Kevin Penkin rly cooked. So far they are doing everything right. Lawrence and Holos dynamic is captured perfectly.

The haters of the remake can't be taken seriously

Beautiful Episode!
Apr 8, 2024 11:39 AM
Jan 2021
redorzo said:
Ugh this felt like 5 minutes. Really loved their conversations as usual but that part when Lawrence wanted Holo to stop talking about the wolves eating humans brain was my faovurite part, for Holo especially I can imagine that she has seen her fair share of trauma.

Those potatoes with goat cheese looked delicious btw, can't blame Holo.

Soooo true. It rly felt like 5 minutes😭🙏
Apr 8, 2024 11:41 AM

Feb 2021
Xiarno said:
@Alexioos95 Huh. I'm surprised they're doing it after the episode released and not before. Like I'm surprised they don't actually have the episode themselves beforehand to be ready for release.

They do, they just have to release it a bit later than when it airs on Japanese TV because of contracts I assume. (There have been cases where an episode leaked before the Japanese broadcast, like with Konosuba and Hibike! Euphonium this season. Also it's literally impossible to sub an episode so fast.)
EmbientApr 8, 2024 11:47 AM
Apr 8, 2024 11:43 AM
Dec 2010
I felt like the animation was a bit worse than last episode but still, it's fucking Spice and Wolf, how can you NOT love it?
Apr 8, 2024 11:45 AM

Feb 2021
Why does this have to release at 12 AM for me :')
Good episode. I love Holo so much already.
Apr 8, 2024 11:47 AM
Jan 2021
Saro2775 said:
I felt like the animation was a bit worse than last episode but still, it's fucking Spice and Wolf, how can you NOT love it?

They didn't got any opportunity compared to episode 1 to use their animation skills though. This episode was more dialogue heavy. Animation was good like in the first one
Apr 8, 2024 11:52 AM
Sep 2015
Lawrence try to ask if Holo ever eat human, but that's a taboo question.
Apr 8, 2024 11:56 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
I'm happy to watch it for the first time and that we get 25 episodes. My Frieren replacement in some way haha.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Apr 8, 2024 12:17 PM

Oct 2017
Yes keep em coming, more Holo stuff.
Apr 8, 2024 12:19 PM

Jul 2017
Another episode is in the books, and this was a decent showing. I knew the pacing for the first episode was going to be good, but good to see that this episode also flowed well and did not unnecessarily rush things for the sake of covering the volumes quickly. In fact, it followed nearly the same kind of pacing the original's 2nd episode did and ended in the same spot, which shows me some good signs admittedly. This episode was fairly underwhelming and flat visually at times but the storytelling, music and Holo remains to be the series' highlights here. The art direction could be better, conversations did have some different camera angles used at times like in the room during Holo and Lawrence's conversation, some working and some looking a bit iffy. But it was nice seeing Holo and Lawrence's chemistry develop strongly over the course of the episode, with my favorite stuff coming at the end of the episode when discussing some traumatic issues surrounding the wolves attacking humans, which has been impactful for both parties in the past. Was also interesting seeing some conversations with economics and propositions between merchants in Lawrence and Zheren, even though Zheren gave off typical swindler vibes during the conversation. Still miss Holo's old anime design, not going to lie since from just minor comparisons when checking the pacing of both episodes, she came off more charming in that version for me. At least she is still good here.
Apr 8, 2024 12:23 PM

May 2010
Loved every second of it, had the biggest smile while watching it
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
Apr 8, 2024 12:24 PM
Dec 2014
@sayu-simp Let's hope HoloIsHolo doesn't see this :D
Apr 8, 2024 12:42 PM

Apr 2023
I highly doubt there is anyone out there who watched the og Spice & Wolf and hated it, myself included I love everything about Spice & Wolf, but honestly out of all anime to remake I don't think I would've chosen this one mainly because the previous adaptation was really decent, of course a good remake is always welcome and a bonus to the stans but in the same breath I can equally see how this could backfire if they decide to veer slightly from the original, I've seen people lose their shit from just a few panels not being included from their favourite manga.

Apr 8, 2024 12:43 PM
Nov 2021
Very charming second episode which does continue the good parts of the first episode and has a nice pacing.
Apr 8, 2024 12:50 PM

Jan 2023
I'd say to people who are new to the story that this episode is the 'real' start of the story in a way, it is a pretty good example of what the show can/will be: Holo's feisty personality, her banters with Lawrence, them trying to outwit/impress the other, some flirting, some medieval trading/economy mystery to solve, but also occasionally some pretty heavy/melancholic moments as seen at the end of the episode.

Overall, I absolutely adored this episode as it's always been one of my favorite parts of the story: Lawrence introducing Holo as his wife and improvising that clever lie to explain why she hides her face, Holo revealing her fun and playful personality (waaay too many good lines from her to pick just one), them clearly growing a lot closer already.
And, yeah, I just love the atmosphere, the rain, lots of little things like Holo smiling under her hood during the exchange with the merchant or stuffing her face like crazy (spoiler: this is not the last time haha).
It also looks nice and the voice acting was fantastic, so... can't wait next week again!

Apr 8, 2024 1:01 PM
May 2017
she looks a bit too childish here and Lawrence was blurred everytime.
Apr 8, 2024 1:25 PM

Jun 2023
The ep went by too fast..

I need more Holo
Apr 8, 2024 1:26 PM
Feb 2020
Xiarno said:
Is it supposed to be already out?
Twitter account suggest that it is out, as well as my Timezone converter but I cannot find it on Crunchyroll at all. Where is it?

Crunchyroll releases it roughly 2-3 hours behind schedule
Apr 8, 2024 1:36 PM

Mar 2023
Holo Mondays.
I hope this adapts the parts that the OG series didn't and we get the full story eventually.
Apr 8, 2024 1:44 PM

Nov 2023
This episode had it all.
We got to learn more about how Lawrence makes transactions, saw some being made, one legit and one possibly not.
Our knowledge of the Church was expanded, especially we saw how it influences Holo.
And of course, we had more wholesome (and scary/sad) moments with our main characters.
There is nothing else you could ask for.

(Btw Holo, you should try chewing, it's helpful. You don't need to choke on potatos everytime (even if it's adorable))
Apr 8, 2024 1:51 PM

Sep 2023
I have never seen the original anime, so I don't have that comparison to make, but I am really enjoying this so far. I like the relationship between Holo and Lawrence, and a lot of the writing is clever and entertaining. The art and animation has been very pleasant, as well, and the world seems vibrant and interesting. I'm excited to see what comes next!
Apr 8, 2024 2:17 PM

Aug 2020
Reply to animrok_123
You have to be very mentally ill or have very bad taste to vote negatively for this beautiful work.
@animrok_123 There is definitely some weird shitpost brigade on sections of the internet against this reboot. Personally I loved the original when it aired and I'm enjoying this as well.
Apr 8, 2024 2:19 PM
Aug 2019
Loved the grin at 3:48, and we also get an amazing OST at the same time!
Apr 8, 2024 2:31 PM

Jul 2021
Back once again with the new episode of Spice and Wolf.

Seeing Holo act all childish when food is brought out is very cute along with how she doesn't chew because wolfs don't chew. (You need to chew Holo or your gonna choke, as we have already seen.)

This castle/church we have arrived at was a very interesting place. I really liked the overall design of it along with the characters we met such as that royal lad Lawrence was talking to in the fire place lounge area, I kinda hope we see him again. Though that other guy Holo and Lawrence met is definitely trying to scam them and pull a fast one on them. At least that's my opinion on him.

Lawrence excuse for Holo wearing her robes/coverings is very unique and it was cool he came up with it on the fly. Holo and Lawrence's relationship is cute and I cant wait to see it bloom throughout the show with them growing closer together. I also cant wait for future episodes along with seeing Holos home town.

Something I've really been enjoying in recent anime is the "Scenicness" of the overall landscape and far out background of the nature. I'm glad its prominent here and I really like the overall designs and towns in this show. I really want more anime to take place in older times such as medieval times or something, it would be nice to see. The general scenic views in this show are nice and it kinda reminds me of Frieren which I gotta finish soon.

Apr 8, 2024 2:46 PM

Apr 2022
not too much to say, the visuals are good and more holo is nice.
Apr 8, 2024 2:48 PM
Dec 2021
I must say what a good episode. I'll admit I haven't watched the original 2008 (disgraceful I know) I feel like I can loose myself in every episode and just relax which is something I haven't been able to do with an anime in a while so for that reason I think I'm going to love this. I love Holo and Lawrence's dynamic nothing is played up and overall the show is very much my cup of tea.
Apr 8, 2024 2:52 PM

Jul 2015
Ok, so I guess people at Passione could not help themselves, so we gonna have more quality Holo fanservice. That's Passione for ya. 🤣 Not that I complain.

Apr 8, 2024 2:53 PM
Oct 2019
shadowXXe said:
I must say what a good episode. I'll admit I haven't watched the original 2008 (disgraceful I know) I feel like I can loose myself in every episode and just relax which is something I haven't been able to do with an anime in a while so for that reason I think I'm going to love this. I love Holo and Lawrence's dynamic nothing is played up and overall the show is very much my cup of tea.

Well it's not "disgraceful", it's a remake for a reason my brother
Apr 8, 2024 2:59 PM
Dec 2021
Reply to JaysonNnN
shadowXXe said:
I must say what a good episode. I'll admit I haven't watched the original 2008 (disgraceful I know) I feel like I can loose myself in every episode and just relax which is something I haven't been able to do with an anime in a while so for that reason I think I'm going to love this. I love Holo and Lawrence's dynamic nothing is played up and overall the show is very much my cup of tea.

Well it's not "disgraceful", it's a remake for a reason my brother
JaysonNnN said:
Well it's not "disgraceful", it's a remake for a reason my brother

I was joking really I know it's not "disgraceful" just a bit of hyperbole on my part sorry for the confusion.
Apr 8, 2024 2:59 PM

Jun 2015
Sleeping in the wild must be a pretty unique exp. Given the threat from wildlife and bandits. The discussion within the common room really was insightful. Holo's reaction at seeing the food was adorable. But it was nice seeing Holo's bond with Lawrence grow simultanious with her knowlege of her new body. Animal attacks though are always traumatic no matter what it was. Still seeing things from the POV of the wolves was also interesting.
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Apr 8, 2024 3:07 PM

May 2023
passione knows what they are doing huh, i'm not complaining (that's a good thing)

i need more holooo
Apr 8, 2024 3:14 PM

Mar 2021
Lawrence dude forget about making Holo repay everything directly, just have her work as a lie detector lol, save yourself the hassle of fraudulent investments as a freelance merchant :P

Holo's ears when she realized she upset Lawrence ;-;

Also, it's interesting of Holo to compare burn scars to her ears and tail—she sees no shame in hiding them for the sake of convenience and avoiding unwanted attention :)
Apr 8, 2024 3:42 PM

Dec 2020
I was really worried whether this remake would be good or not. And the first episode wasn’t really the best judge because it’s only an introduction. But after this I don’t think I’ll have to worry. It’s certainly looking like it will live up to the original.
Apr 8, 2024 4:13 PM

Feb 2019
Episode 2 of Spice and Wolf(2024) may not have had the impressive animation of the premiere, but what it lacked in action it made up for in character interactions. As a first time viewer of the series, I’m already loving Holo and Lawrence’s relationship and the banter and melancholic moments they share.

The general theme of the episode being that Lawrence and Holo have grown up in separate worlds and have some different views on things because of their experiences. With Lawrence’s past trauma he has some negative emotions about wolves, but to wolves humans have done awful things as well. I really like the analogy they drew between Dogs and wolves with dogs being domesticated and close to humans while wolves are hunted and feared.

Thought the scene of Holo apologising to Lawrence for making him angry was so cute too. First time we’ve seen her not be the teasing and mischievous Holo. There’s some pain she’s holding in as well and I can’t wait to see them work through it!

25 minutes of dialogue and it went by in a breeze.
Marinate1016Apr 8, 2024 6:05 PM
Apr 8, 2024 4:14 PM
Oct 2016
Lawrence and Holo continue their journey! A lot of this series will just be them two spending time together on the road as their personalities clash. Lawrence representing how the world is now and Holo representing how the world used to be. A classic matchup of the old work versus the new world. Things have changed mightily since Holo last ventured outside her town and she must become accustomed to the way the world works now. Which is what makes Lawrence the perfect companion to take her back north. Lawrence is practical and reasonable so he can level out Holo more fantastical world view. Not quite A pragmatist versus an optimist, since Holo doesn't fit the latter quite much, but pretty close. It's the quintessential odd couple match up that provided endless character growth opportunities for both of them throughout the journey. Lawrence continuing his merchant practices so they can have money along the way. Meeting fellow merchants and prospective clients as they travel, Lawrence is great at making deals with people that can benefit them both. Holo can be insensitive at times but it doesn't come from a malicious place, more so that her world view is much narrower than Lawrence's since she's been stuck for so long. Lawrence has his own trauma he must work through as they move along.
Apr 8, 2024 4:42 PM
Jul 2022
Nice episode, enjoying rewatching this.
Apr 8, 2024 4:45 PM
Mar 2021
Awesome episode, can't wait for more
Apr 8, 2024 4:51 PM

Jul 2020
Another great episode from Holo! Everything about it is beautiful and anyone who doubted the change in artstyle, should not have doubts anymore. This is why we must always trust in the decisions made by Holo and always support her. Holo does what is best for our nation and our anime.

Holo no clothes on :D But it is different because Holo is wolf. And Holo is always so cute

And yes for Holo eating her potatoes is more important than her necklace for her wheat :D

Zheren you can punch in the face. And that is what Holo should do
Apr 8, 2024 5:08 PM

Jan 2008
Receiving my now weekly Holo dopamine.
Apr 8, 2024 5:55 PM
Nov 2023
It felt like the conversation between Lawrence and holo was very fluid for their closeness. It's as if they have perfect chemistry. When I heard them talking to each other, Without realizing it, episode 2 had finished. I want to watch episode 3 as soon as possible.
Apr 8, 2024 6:04 PM

Feb 2010
i'm starting to be disappointed, i was hopeful but the dialogues, the interactions, reactions, even the continuity of the shots and the sound direction (is it really useful to make us hear the cart wheels so much and make this scene drag on so long), they just don't feel as right as in the first anime (of course not talking about the global visual style that also feels wholly different)


still trying to enjoy it but yeah...

also they gotta stop with these wide shots, it looks terrible, and the characters look badly integrated, especially because the backgrounds lack so much detail i guess but also because of the weird luminosity

it feels like a point and click or some video game

edit: also, incredible amount of nudity fanservice from this episode, but i'm not gonna complain too much
lighthalzen-kunApr 8, 2024 6:11 PM

“Read as little as possible of critical or aesthetic works. They are either products of a close-minded spirit, petrified and devoid of meaning in their lifeless hardening, or clever verbal games [...]. Works of art are of an infinite solitude; nothing is worse than criticism for approaching them. Only love can grasp them, keep them, be just toward them. Always give precedence to your own feeling against these analyses, these reviews, these introductions. [...] You must let every impression, every seed of feeling, ripen within you, in the dark, in the inexpressible, in the unconscious, those regions closed to understanding. Wait with humility and patience for the hour of the birth of a new clarity. Art demands of its faithful followers as much as of its creators.”
— RAINER-MARIA Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet (letter dated April 23, 1903).
Apr 8, 2024 6:05 PM
May 2017
Reply to HoloisHolo
Another great episode from Holo! Everything about it is beautiful and anyone who doubted the change in artstyle, should not have doubts anymore. This is why we must always trust in the decisions made by Holo and always support her. Holo does what is best for our nation and our anime.

Holo no clothes on :D But it is different because Holo is wolf. And Holo is always so cute

And yes for Holo eating her potatoes is more important than her necklace for her wheat :D

Zheren you can punch in the face. And that is what Holo should do
@HoloisHolo Passione's corporate but beautiful character design does not harm the story even I being more fond of the former character design. Until now, the studio did a good job; Passione treated Ookami to Koushinryou the same way Holo treats Lawrence... may the studio keep the good work up!
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Apr 8, 2024 6:13 PM
Oct 2021
nothing happened
Apr 8, 2024 6:39 PM
Jun 2023
Actually really enjoying it so far.
Apr 8, 2024 6:46 PM

Dec 2018
You know a show is good when the episode is pretty much all talking but it went by so fast, I’ve been experiencing this recently as I watch through Monogatari as well, of course that show does its talking scenes in a very unique way but I like what we have here, it helps that I like the relationship between Lawrence and Holo a lot already too. And I’m a bit surprised we’re getting more nude Holo, but it is Passione we’re dealing with here lol, not that I’m complaining, I like that Lawrence just kinda deals with it too and doesn’t get too flustered by it. It was also cute watching Holo try to down those potatoes covered in cheese but struggling due to the human form, she’s gotta learn to chew lol.

And plot wise we got a deal with this shady lad talking about silver coins, and with Holo’s lie detecting ears we know that he’s not the most trustworthy fella, but after Lawrence discussed things with Holo it turns out he would have done the same thing with or without Holo, but I can see those ears playing a bigger role in the future. And lastly I really liked that last scene where we got to hear about both sides of being a human and a wolf in regards to one fearing the other, wolves are scary without a doubt but from their POV humans could be seen in a similar light, it’s just unfortunate wolves don’t turn into beautiful babes irl lol.

And it’s nice to hear the adaptation is good so far, one thing I’ll be keeping an eye out for in these threads is how this adaptation compares to the original as I am neither a LN reader or someone that’s seen the original show lol.
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