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Jun 23, 2023 10:03 AM

Nov 2011
My favorite moment from this season finale is seeing Douji getting on his knees and losing his pride. About damn time.

Episode felt a little rushed but satisfying because it managed to built on all the drama up to this point. Rokudou learned so much this season that he managed to become an unlikely hero. Otherwise, a fun anime imo. They definitely needed more episodes for this because the manga still has a lot of chapters.

Jun 23, 2023 10:03 AM

Jul 2017
The final confrontation between Rokudo and Ranna, and the friendship game is over, despite her reverting back to her old ways. But Rokudo will not give up on her, and Ranna is prepared to leave her old life behind, but not before Rokudo stops Doji before whisking her away, only to entertain his whims, and that's not what he wants. Being the weakling that he is, Rokudo held on as long as he could, even with the help of his friends, for a lethal showdown to obtain Ranna by hook or by crook. To make matters worse, being in the same position as Rokudo at one point of time, Doji turned to the path of evil without thinking of the consequences, fixing the Onishima Union to be a stronger variation of its former self. That's where his obsession with Ranna started to recruit the strongest person around, but that can be said about her crushing the Onishima Union as well. 

The red thread of blood fate between Rokudo and Ranna, it's clear that he wants her out of the delinquent life, and his friends all stand against the only stronghold of the Onishima Union left...which frightens Doji, and puts Ranna in her place to finally accept Rokudo. With all the trouble taken care over, Amori High's school festival can be done with ease, with Ranna acknowledging each and every of their presences together with her. And they lived happily ever the story goes.

Not bad, but not great either.
KANLen09Jun 23, 2023 7:04 PM
Jun 23, 2023 10:08 AM

Feb 2022
this anime feels so good to watch, the struggles of Rokudo leading to the triumph at the end makes it not like any other anime that aired recently.
Jun 23, 2023 11:44 AM

Feb 2019
Ngl glad this is over. One of the worst shows of the season. Had a somewhat interesting premise with the delinquent world and ability to make delinquent girls fall in love, but the art style prevented any type of enjoyment. Character designs are just so unserious.

Story had a few decent episodes, but on the whole it just felt uninspired and meh.
Jun 23, 2023 11:45 AM
Sep 2015
lovely delinquent anime, the story is not finish yet but since all those new enemies that only appear for a few seconds don't have voice yet, that means the chance of season 2 is very low.
Jun 23, 2023 12:04 PM

Jan 2022
Marinate1016 said:
Ngl glad this is over. One of the worst shows of the season. Had a somewhat interesting premise with the delinquent world and ability to make delinquent girls fall in love, but the art style prevented any type of enjoyment. Character designs are just so unserious.

Story had a few decent episodes, but on the whole it just felt uninspired and meh.

You can say that again! but it was an interesting twist. Hopefully, the manga is more interesting.

Ediit: Colonel is the best character!
Jun 23, 2023 12:09 PM

Jul 2020
so painfully boring, the only good moment was the dominatrix scene from the episode 11
Jun 23, 2023 12:13 PM

Jun 2015
I was thinking maybe a one shot and I dont say that often after the story was awesome and seemed complete, but after the school play happened finally, Ill shout out a 2nd series. Ignore anyone you read in this thread saying its boring, they just dont like good, fun, silly stories and take them selves too seriously.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jun 23, 2023 12:15 PM
May 2023
The show is as pretty fun to watch and even if the errors write themself it still feels great to watch. This last episode might be a bit of a bummer because it was a tiny bit rushed but gave me a great time to finally see closure. I can’t wait for season 2 (if it happens)
Jun 23, 2023 12:42 PM

Nov 2016
Turns out Rokudou is the scariest of em all

Ngl gave me Mihawk speech vibes

Epic finale. Loved the team fight. My GOAT Colonel tried his best. And Ranna saying everyone’s name was a nice way to end things. Enjoyable af all around. The art was something different and I'm always hyped to see classic delinquent tropes in modern anime. The cheesiness here was good too. That's my jam.

FMmatronJun 23, 2023 11:32 PM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 23, 2023 12:52 PM
Dec 2020
Well it was a fun watch every episode builds up to the hype and nicely carried on in next episode, it has its own share of plot holes but overall it was unique and fun to watch
Would give 7 or 8/10 anyday
Jun 23, 2023 1:09 PM
Oct 2017
Marinate1016 said:
Ngl glad this is over. One of the worst shows of the season. Had a somewhat interesting premise with the delinquent world and ability to make delinquent girls fall in love, but the art style prevented any type of enjoyment. Character designs are just so unserious.

Story had a few decent episodes, but on the whole it just felt uninspired and meh.

Wrong about everything
Jun 23, 2023 1:12 PM
Mar 2021
yashiya at the ending in the white dress was funny😂
Jun 23, 2023 1:20 PM

Jan 2015
Lmao he wanted to recruit Ranna just because she's stronger than him or anyone in his vicinity so he was afraid that she might eventually come for him... Well, by that logic, you should recruit a Japanese military eventually as well.

Rokudo's friends Colonel and Chief were my favorite characters of the show probably along with the twins Raino and Kazeno. Glad they escaped that gang and became normal students. 

Didn't like Ranna at all, to me she was the least likable. 
Jun 23, 2023 1:23 PM

Feb 2022
Good anime .....the story isn't complete tho.... chances of S2 are low btw
Jun 23, 2023 1:25 PM
Apr 2023
Man this anime is hidden gem. very entertaining.

I'm crying when Rokudo asking Ranna "Then, why do you look so sad?"

I don't understand why people ignoring the great story because of a bad art. I mean there is literally anime with good art but has a bad story or just a good art but static animation

as an anime watcher only, I really hope this anime got a 2nd Season.
Jun 23, 2023 1:32 PM

Dec 2022
wasn't a total waste of time i thought it would be by looking at art style
anyway they gave a teaser of what could come and i am all for it
Jun 23, 2023 2:16 PM

Dec 2013
That was pretty sweet how Ranna addressed everyone at the end by their names, it is a shame Raino decided to go to school somewhere else because she fit perfectly with everyone while they were fighting, the show went from a skip to a good time on Fridays, it is a shame we never got to see Ranna's past, quite a tease at the end so only destiny will tell if there would ever be a S2.

Masaru A.K.A. Colonel was the mvp of the show.
Jun 23, 2023 2:32 PM
Aug 2020
This is on another level of friendship power, that was kinda cringe. I only watched cuz of ranma and her murderous look. Its not too bad but every episode goes by power of friendship which annoyed me. I was atracted by deliquentd theme that keep me going. 5/10 somehow watchable.
Jun 23, 2023 3:05 PM
Jul 2014
To anyone saying this was anywhere near in the ballpark of bad: congratulations on the lobotomy.
Jun 23, 2023 3:06 PM
Jul 2014
KanameYuuki said:
That was pretty sweet how Ranna addressed everyone at the end by their names, it is a shame Raino decided to go to school somewhere else because she fit perfectly with everyone while they were fighting, the show went from a skip to a good time on Fridays, it is a shame we never got to see Ranna's past, quite a tease at the end so only destiny will tell if there would ever be a S2.

Masaru A.K.A. Colonel was the mvp of the show.

I love how Colonel quickly evolved into Rokudo's voice of reason.
Jun 23, 2023 4:09 PM
Dec 2022
Yooooo. Not too bad I guess. Wes interesting and fun to watch. I don't like how Rokudo is sometimes though but it went well. The manga still had a lot of chapters left to adapt. Please give us a second season.
Jun 23, 2023 4:11 PM
Feb 2020
The power of friendship in other stories: MC gets a power up out of nowhere and solos the opponent.
The power of friendship in this story: MC and his pals gang up to beat the shit out that one a**hole!

In all seriousness tho, stuff like that is what made me fall in love with this story.
While the manga is still WAYYY better, the anime was perfectly ok (still there is room for improvement animation wise). Hopefully it will manage to get a 2nd season (this is where some of the best Arcs start).
Jun 23, 2023 4:43 PM
Dec 2022
I gotta be honest this episode's conflict made me tense! When Ranna was saying "goodbye" to Rokudo and everyone fighting Doji, just made me wonder how this ended, but I'm glad all was good at the end. Doji's past was a lot like Rokudo's, except he had no friends and relied on the power of delinquent to protect him, but he's able to fight now, what's the point in needing protection. In the end, he got the friends who'll be there for him. I'm happy Rokudo was able to hold the school festival and Raino and Kazeno went straight. After Ranna acknowledged everyone else, maybe it's only a matter of time until Rokudo ets the peaceful school life he's after.
Jun 23, 2023 5:47 PM
Feb 2022
Uno de mis favoritos esta temporada. Lo disfrute mucho.
Jun 23, 2023 5:52 PM

Sep 2018
Finally, this goofy ass anime is over lol

One of the ugliest art styles of all time, coupled with one of the worst female MCs of all time, good lord. In fact, characters I enjoyed in this zoomer delinquent anime, were few and far between. 4/10.
Jun 23, 2023 6:42 PM

Dec 2016
Roch2001 said:
I was thinking maybe a one shot and I dont say that often after the story was awesome and seemed complete, but after the school play happened finally, Ill shout out a 2nd series. Ignore anyone you read in this thread saying its boring, they just dont like good, fun, silly stories and take them selves too seriously.

Translation: "Everyone's taste sucks, except mine. All bad stories are immediately good ones if they sell out as silly turn off your brain kind of stories".

I don't know man, a turd is still a turd no matter how much you polish it or just live in denial that it is not a turd.
KimurahJun 23, 2023 7:27 PM
Jun 23, 2023 6:50 PM

Dec 2022
Great last episode
Jun 23, 2023 7:30 PM

Dec 2018
I wasn’t sure how Douji would be defeated but I really liked how it was done, Rokudo being assisted by his team of friends he’s built up over the course of the show was really nice to see, a great way of showing how far he’s come and also just badass lol. Douji kicked ass for a while until he finally started to fear Rokudo, but sadly right before he got his ass whooped back Ranna stopped the fight, but I do get why and the most important thing is Ranna being won back over which is what happened.

And ending off with the school festival is a fitting end, we didn’t see much of it but it’s nice they finally got to have it, and I’m ngl I’m kinda mad they teased future bad girls at the end there when I’m pretty sure this isn’t gonna get another season lol, oh well, this might be one I hit the manga for.

But that’s the end, and what a damn good under the radar show this was, I really enjoyed it. Early on people ragged on this for what they considered a bad art style (and looks like they still are sadly) but imo it’s a great one and part of why the show is memorable, along with the very unique cast of characters (including my brethren Colonel) and the wild concept of having the power to make bad girls love you lol, it was just a really fun time and had some good arcs too. The OP and ED were both imo some of the bests this season, especially the OP, Endless Labyrinth is an absolute jam. And once again, really hope this gets another season but I sadly don’t see it happening, would really love it tho.
TheColonel76Jun 23, 2023 7:36 PM
Jun 23, 2023 7:48 PM

Sep 2021
Finally! Finally Ranna gets her character development!

Anyway, this was a good finale. Although I would've preferred Rokudou to realize his friends are his strength by himself, it was lovely to see them fight together. Doji's backstory was interesting, but his ending was disappointing. I hope he gets some more spotlight in the future.
About Ranna: Personally, I believe she was either deeply hurt in the past or is autistic. I don't know much about autism, but from what I remember, it causes people to see the world diffrently and have trouble forming social connections. Maybe I'm thinking too far here though.
Whatever it was, seeing her thank all her friends at the stage play was really sweet!

Overall this show was suprisingly wholesome. Gladly, the harem never actually got on my nerves, as all girls but Ranna eventually give up on their love and become Rokudou's friends instead.

Most of the characters are very well written, with my favorites being Osanada and Iinuma. Rokudou unfortunatly didn't have as much growth as I was hoping he'd have, but it's not that big of a deal. And I missed seeing Yui getting beat up, although she got her share from Rokudou's spell.

In the end, it was mostly a collection of sweet short Arcs featuring people finally getting on the good side of life, alongside a good amount of delinquent brawls. It was a fun watch and adds another Manga to my Plan-to-Read. As for the rating, I have yet to decide whether it's a high 7 or a low 8.
Jun 23, 2023 7:57 PM

Jun 2021
Damn it was really a good ending and Rokudou became strong. But does he really physically becomes strong.
And what did they show at the last glimpses Yashiya san getting married or something

But I bet this is going to be fun, a wolf red head girl. Who will come in next season

But from the looks of it this show didn't get much attention/fandom. So no guarantees if it will get 2nd season. Some people just don't like this kind of stuff but some are really missing out.

As a harem enjoyer myself, I say this anime is not bad.
Jun 23, 2023 8:01 PM

Jul 2016
Ranna saying everyone's names one by one was a powerful moment considering who she is.

For being the underdog of the season, this was an enjoyable ride. Would be sweet if it got another season, especially with the teasers for all the new bad girls (and ...Iiluma disguised as a nerd?)
Jun 23, 2023 8:28 PM
Mar 2015
And Rokudo and Ranna lived happily ever after
Jun 23, 2023 10:46 PM
Mar 2015
Definitely wouldn't mind a second season but if this is where it ends it's a good ending.
Jun 23, 2023 11:48 PM

Nov 2021
I feel like this last episode proved how good this show was. I didn't enjoy it as much as the manga, but I think they did a good job. Most of the jokes were as funny and they actually put some effort into the fight scenes. It's kinda crazy to see this get animated but I'm glad it did.

It was cool to see teaser of the bad girls he would meet in the future, I remember reading those chapters and enjoying it a lot. I stopped reading the manga a while ago, does anyone know if it is worth continuing till the end?

One more thing I feel like this anime would have been huge in the 2000s.
Jun 24, 2023 1:30 AM

Mar 2008
Ranna is such a weird character all the way to the end.  I still dont get what's up with her. It seems she suffers from severe alexithymia which is a sort of emotional blindness. She can't identify her own emotions. On top of it she seems emotionally numb which is why only violence makes her feel anything because she gets an adrenaline rush. 

While I agree I am not a fan of the art style i can say it does have it's own sort of charm to it's simplicity and while it might have been better with a more refined look I don't think the art style really detracted much from enjoyment of the story.  It's not perfect in narrative direction but it is interesting how it shows a different kind of strength where someone is weak but determined and doesnt even physically power up just gets their ass beat and ask for more over and over through the series.  I dont feel like there wiill be a second season but if there is one id watch it since it's a fun show even if a bit repetitive feeling. 
traedJun 24, 2023 1:33 AM
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Jun 24, 2023 4:06 AM

Jun 2015

Ah ha. But before that, you have to consider what a turd is or not is. Do you know?

To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jun 24, 2023 9:16 AM
Apr 2023
I think what really damaged this show isn't the premise or the art style, its the fact they sanitized it without the blood and brutality it loses so much of the impact the manga had
Jun 24, 2023 10:15 PM

Apr 2012
OP_Rider said:
Damn it was really a good ending and Rokudou became strong. But does he really physically becomes strong.
And what did they show at the last glimpses Yashiya san getting married or something

But I bet this is going to be fun, a wolf red head girl. Who will come in next season

But from the looks of it this show didn't get much attention/fandom. So no guarantees if it will get 2nd season. Some people just don't like this kind of stuff but some are really missing out.

As a harem enjoyer myself, I say this anime is not bad.
I don't know the details, but the guy she'll get paired with later on is Yagen.
Jun 24, 2023 11:42 PM

Jul 2015
Overall as good as you would expect from something that looks and feels like a budget Tokyo Revenger without the timetravel stuff, at least the mc didn't cry that much and landed some punches.

Jun 25, 2023 12:28 AM

Jun 2021
RobertBobert said:

I did a little research and what I am going to show you,
[Warning : Major spoiler ]

If anyone wants to read the manga Then you can start at chapter 73 although chapter 74 will be the start of 2nd season.
Jun 25, 2023 12:36 AM

Apr 2012
OP_Rider said:
RobertBobert said:

I did a little research and what I am going to show you,
[Warning : Major spoiler ]

If anyone wants to read the manga Then you can start at chapter 73 although chapter 74 will be the start of 2nd season.
Jun 25, 2023 1:12 AM

Jun 2021
RobertBobert said:

Ahhh, I am not denying Yagen. And Rokudou didn't mention them as new girls, it was just the animators flashing the girls he will deal with in the future as well as his future encounters.
If you want to know more read the manga. I didn't finish it so can't help.
And chill, I think you are taking it too deeply/seriously 😅.
Jun 25, 2023 4:52 AM

Apr 2018
Okay, the happy ending we expected, of course Ranna went back to them immediately, even ended up calling everything by their first name lol
Jun 25, 2023 1:10 PM

Jan 2012
Kinda longish and spoilery final thoughts/rant on this one, so just to be safe I'll use the tags:

That diatribe aside the other big negative I had with this was the artwork. Why the hell were the lines so damn thick? It was jarring and unpleasant at first, though I did eventually get used to it. But I guess that's it. This was definitely the worst show I watched of the Spring 2023 Anime season. I'm glad to be done with it. 5/10, being nice.
animefan8800Jun 25, 2023 1:14 PM
Jun 25, 2023 8:08 PM
Apr 2023
Hot damn, I can't believe after all this, I really liked how this concluded in the finale.

The concept of the spell always irked me. It has been used in a lot of 'saimin' NTR material out there and so for me a spell that controls women in an anime is really bad taste. But this finale finally gave the ultimate justification for it.
Lucky enough, the wielder, Rokudou is a truly good person.

With him as the wielder, he does not take advantage of it in the same way you see it in hentai anime rather he uses the effects to bring out the good from the hearts of the delinquent women that he encaptivates.

Overall, the finale made the whole anime a decent one and tied everything up with a good note!
Jun 26, 2023 3:48 AM
May 2020
Rokudo the goat, seeing the little stuff in Ranna.
Jun 26, 2023 3:48 AM

Oct 2008
feels rushed... Douji is nothing just a weakling.
VA Uesaka Sumire's crying performance was absolute scene [03:13-03:18]

Jun 26, 2023 5:30 AM
Feb 2022
That showing of future girls maybe gives a hint about a new season in the future. And also, why did Raino change school? I wanted to se more of her.
Jun 27, 2023 11:42 PM

Mar 2016
i want a season 2 so bad............might just have to read the manga but as a former tokyo revenegers fan this series was such a breath of fresh air. actual fight scenes that rock......STRONG WOMEN........and an actual cool MC who stands up for the right things at the right times. it was so funny and even made me tear up at times. this show deserves way more praise.
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