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Jun 4, 2023 1:14 PM

Sep 2012
Episode of the season, jesus I love this show
Jun 4, 2023 2:35 PM

Mar 2020
I start to think that gundams are dangerous and there should be laws against them
Jun 4, 2023 2:37 PM

Jun 2016
RIP Norea (deserved it) and Petra and all the other students caught up in that mess... also RIP to Miorine's tomatoes and Suletta's mental health.
Great episode anyway.
Jun 4, 2023 2:50 PM

Dec 2008
How are they going to clean up the Gundam image after these two episode attacks lol.
Jun 4, 2023 5:06 PM

Apr 2015
This is that one fun little show I look forward to each week, and now it has gone beyond expectations.
Jun 4, 2023 5:54 PM
May 2021
Miorine deserved that for being such a bitch.
I liked the battles from season 1, I'm hoping they step it up, like how they chilled Suletta out.
Jun 4, 2023 7:59 PM

Jun 2017
Nooo Petra, another cute girl that was determined to rizz her crush got axed. Well I hope she's actually just gravely injured at worst since most dead students didn't have camera angles to show their faces while Petra did. Guel and Shaddiq's duel feels so ironic because one claims they'll never see eye to eye but had it not been for their ability to pilot the suits they'd probably would understand each other after Guel's little character arc on Earth. I wonder where this episode will end, who will pilot the Benerit Group's toy Gundam, will it be Guel or our red tomato princess Suletta. I can't wait where this season will cut off and despair that this series can't wrap up in 4 episodes and I'd have to wait even longer.
Jun 4, 2023 9:22 PM

Jan 2012
Gundam. Gundam never changes.


Jun 4, 2023 9:23 PM
Jul 2021
We’ve gone way to far down the revenge and retribution …

There cannot be any happy ending …

Watched the End of Hope twice and my guts are still churning …
Jun 4, 2023 9:23 PM

Feb 2014
How the hell is Shaddick still alive?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jun 4, 2023 10:01 PM
Jan 2023
God dang what an episode
Jun 4, 2023 10:17 PM

Mar 2019
Chaos inside Chaos...

This is Real Gundam essence.

And i like it. 
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jun 4, 2023 10:38 PM
Dec 2021
What a f*cking great episode OMGGGG!!!! Norea didn’t deserve it, Why they killed Petra ???????😒 Guel understanding what’s the real problem on all that war was great too
Jun 5, 2023 1:17 AM

Feb 2014
I don't know why, but I really just don't care about anyone in this show (maybe besides Guel). There are too many characters who don't do anything besides sitting and talking about some stuff. The pacing is too fast, the Earth vs. Space conflict lacks any depth. I just don't feel this show.
Jun 5, 2023 2:18 AM

Mar 2022
It's so tragic, but it's beautiful... but I'm still very sad... Gundam-verse just isn't the right universe to have a happy life.
Jun 5, 2023 2:23 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Gonna be real here, somewhere along the line I have lost some understanding of the plot. I get the general idea, but I still have a lot of who what when where why questions...

...even still, I have found every episode from this second season (or part 2) to be just short of f*cking amazing; and today's episode was absolutely no exception.

Beautiful end card artwork once again as well.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jun 5, 2023 2:29 AM

Dec 2008
Well, I never liked the academy, but I don't think that the killed students deserved it in any way.
Evil Gundam taken down by slow sniper unit, they came when everything was literally already burning.
When they have such guns they don't need anything else in mecha fights anymore.

Damn Suletta finding a new friend and she is taken away later because Norea is throwing her tantrum of terror.
Still Suletta follows Petr's example of rescuing survivors from debris with her bare hands.
I don't think anything can break her anymore at this point, resilience 9000. 
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Jun 5, 2023 3:52 AM

Apr 2018
Damn everything is destroyed.... Norea is gone and Petra saying that she'll confess her love etc if she survived made it obvious but still even sadder to see her died like that :( this show has been so cruel recently
Jun 5, 2023 5:40 AM
Jun 2007
What a crazy episode with its "conspiracy" stuffs and "conflicts".
So much action packed, thats what Gundam is all about!
Jun 5, 2023 7:24 AM

Sep 2013
Wonder what Elan No.5 is going to do...  My guess is that he somehow manages to replace Original Elan and is the second-last boss before Prospera.  
Jun 5, 2023 8:53 AM

Jan 2021
Wow, what an episode.

Shaddiq vs Guel and Earthians vs Spacians. Norea is done with it and goes rogue and wants to destroy everything including the school, gets killed by another gundam. RIP Norea. Suletta saw death infront of her eyes. RIP Petra. RIP to all other children that were part of the school. The fights were nicely done though. Miorine hell is waiting for you.
Jun 5, 2023 10:00 AM
Jun 2015
Theres a Great Episode, even without Aerial. Sulleta finally understand the meaning of death, saw how other people's really feel about this. Shaddiq, so calm and rational, when the things dont go how he was planning, lose all your composure, and stop thinking straight. Lauda, in his way of leaving everything to his brother to sort out, he's just being a spectator, watching everything fall apart. Elan and Norea finally understand each other, and themselves, but... not for so long.
The end of hope, the episode's honor his own name, this is the end of what they called hope until now, leaving only to look for a new path to make things better, even if a little, where they need to make their own decisions, because until now, they let others decide, and they just reaped the results, sulletta, chuchu, Lauda, ​​Elan, Guel and the others, from now on, they make the decisions, either for good or for bad
Jun 5, 2023 10:09 AM
Oct 2021
The episode title, “The End of Hope”, felt really fitting. There were so many plot threads that had their conclusion in this episode, many of them bloody. One example was Guel Jeturk’s younger brother finally learning about their dad. Despite the tragedy, or maybe because of it, I really loved this episode. Looking forward to more!
Jun 5, 2023 10:21 AM

Jan 2019
Shit really hit the fan with another awesome episode!

My dream would be two more cours and a Fire Emblem: Three Houses style time skip with glow-ups, but I've got a bad feeling they're going to try and messily tie everything up with just four more episodes.

Jun 5, 2023 10:23 AM

Oct 2009
America moment. This school has the worst security ever. First some terrorists can just enter the school, hide a dozen of gundams under the school stadium, use them to do a terrorist attack, then live in the dorm for some time, then just go to a school weapon storage room, just take those weapons, and perform a second terrorist attack. Who's in charge of security here, some schoolchildren? Even the fact that Norea got killed cannot bring this episode to be above 1/5 for me lol.
Jun 5, 2023 11:16 AM

Feb 2019
And so ends the Nika-locked-in-a-room-with-two-nutcases arc. Truly a landmark storyline in anime history. Whoever had money on "she watches in horror as they hate-fuck," the house takes this one.

Lauda is definitely the Ars Stella timeline-counterpart to 00's Saji. Family and girlfriend screwed the hell over.
Lanhikari said:
How are they going to clean up the Gundam image after these two episode attacks lol.
The best one I've heard is to use GUND prostheses to fix up some of the students. I think I saw someone suggest that since Petra had her lower half crushed, they could stick her onto that pair of legs.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
Jun 5, 2023 12:59 PM

Mar 2014
Damn shit just got real, Shaddiq fought and lost and got captured, Lauda knows the truth about his father and finally Norea and Petra (also the other students) died... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Jun 5, 2023 2:55 PM
Aug 2020
I see glaring similarities and parallels with Zeta Gundam. This series gets better as it progresses. I am starting to feel that classic Gundam vibe. Kudos to the team!
Jun 5, 2023 3:24 PM
Feb 2019
The real protagonist of this series is Guel and Suletta, the worst protagonist of the gundam series, for me, they could throw her to the sidelines from now on and with 4 episodes left to finish, either they end right here or there should be a 2nd season with these characters already adults.
Jun 5, 2023 3:45 PM
Feb 2022
Best episode so far.
Jun 6, 2023 3:31 AM
May 2018
These deaths really don't do anything for me. Norea was annoying and Petra was barely a character. I was honestly expecting them to like kill of Chuchu once she went out to fight, since that would have a similiar impact to the ally deaths in other Gundam anime.
Jun 6, 2023 6:02 AM
Mar 2023
This is getting more depressing
Jun 6, 2023 6:12 AM

Oct 2016

All I felt was pain. Can't wait for more pain.
Jun 6, 2023 9:01 AM
Jun 2023
The 'attack on a space colony scenario' we get on an opening episode of a typical Gundam series is here on episode 20, and by now most if not all of the students are finally understanding the concept that mobile suits are weapons of war, war following conquest and followed eventually by death, albeit through two (hopefully only two) lectures, two very costly lectures.

Philosophies aside, the Bob vs Shaddiq rivalry dynamic reminds me very much that of the McGillis vs Gaelio (MSG IBO), a clash between different allegiances, ideologies, backgrounds. Shaddiq's defeat and his speech towards the end of the episode talks as if he had achieved his goal of bringing more attentions of the Assembly League on the suffering of those on Earth, it is also unclear that whether Sarius was truly free or not, depending on this factor this evidence, if Dominicus division can even accuse Shaddiq of orchestrating terrorism behind the scenes. Finally with the Darilbalde destroyed, does that mean my guy Bob is about to step into the Gundam Schwarzette? It even kept the O-ring head ornament of the Darilbalde, and does it also mean he will now experience what it's like to pilot the cursed machines first hand?

RIP Norea, but my girl you reap what you sow, even if her death cannot bring back those who died in her rampage, justice is served. Now holy crap the remote controlled Gundvolvas are powerful, just when I thought they ditched that whole bit-suit concept entirely after Gundam X, they fished it back out of the ocean again, nice! As for Elan #5, he was pilotting the Lfrith Ur without a normal suit, at the end he escaped the Asticassia station through a hole, and the very end of the episode the Lfrith Ur is captured floating in space with the cockpit open, where can he go?

Now little Suletta is finally developing her own character and her own thoughts, after being cut away from her mother, and the first act she chooses is kindness, to act and help those in need in times of strife and calamity. She has come very far from the prologue novel, from a sheltered Mercurian girl, experiencing school life for the first time at the age of 17, being forced into the spotlight and forcibly taken away from it, and now into the proto-heroine that she is, I very much look forward to what kind of Gundam protagonist she would become.

My girl Chu-chu is kicking butt in the new Demi-barding woooooo!
Jun 6, 2023 10:27 AM
Jul 2021
LacusEnjoyer said:
Now holy crap the remote controlled Gundvolvas are powerful, just when I thought they ditched that whole bit-suit concept entirely after Gundam X, they fished it back out of the ocean again, nice! As for Elan #5, he was pilotting the Lfrith Ur without a normal suit, at the end he escaped the Asticassia station through a hole, and the very end of the episode the Lfrith Ur is captured floating in space with the cockpit open, where can he go?
My guess is Suletta's going to pilot the Schwarzette given its name, or maybe she'll get into Ur? I have a feeling the bad times aren't going to necessarily stop. There's also the "2 Aerials" theory, so, we'll see.

As far as the gundvolvas, yeah it was fun seeing them back from Afterwar X. I think they needed to justify them being that strong and dangerous because in episode 17 or 18 we see that the Aerial Rebuild is getting its own set to replace the GUND-bits, so they're preparing us / norming us for how powerful it'll be, I think.
Jun 6, 2023 1:17 PM

Oct 2019
what was Sulettas total screen time this cour? Like 20 min. total? Truely the most plot relevant MC out there. Was there any confirmation for 50 ep. run btw?
Jun 6, 2023 5:55 PM

May 2021
I am speechless, gundam is getting better every week.
Jun 7, 2023 1:03 AM
Sep 2018
i'm crying, why my head hurts
Jun 7, 2023 8:16 AM

Oct 2008
OST is really amazing! but i'm still struggling with the plot...
haha they are having a hard time against Guel Jeturk!

Jun 7, 2023 11:52 AM
Sep 2021
Last week's episode was an absolute mess because it was essentially a 24 minute exposition dump for a geopolitical story it hadn't bothered to develop. This episode was good because it played to the series' strengths with individual character-level drama. More of this, less of that please.
Jun 7, 2023 6:58 PM

Oct 2010
This is why I keep coming back to Gundam, it can always make me cry
"Do you want me to take you away... to a place in this city where wishes come true?"
Jun 8, 2023 5:58 AM

Jan 2016
How can something be this peak every week? 
Jun 10, 2023 2:28 PM

Jan 2013
lady prospera? more like papa shrivela.
Jun 11, 2023 12:56 PM
Aug 2016
SneezingSnail said:
this what going to school in the US is like
Bruhhhhhhhhh you just had to put this here, didn't you? πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
Jun 11, 2023 11:17 PM

Jul 2009
Really enjoyed this episode. Definitely my favorite Gundam series. Suletta you can do it! Really love seeing the full cast get used. Intriguing politics and good space battles.
Jun 12, 2023 9:21 AM
Jan 2018
My goodness….. how dumb can they be?! She stopped going on a rampage and yet they still shot her, *sigh*
Jun 12, 2023 10:33 AM

Apr 2016
Intense episode!!!
The best of this season!!!

Sad, the end was sad!!!

Jun 12, 2023 10:34 AM

Apr 2016
Yes, it was sad!!! :/


Jun 12, 2023 10:35 AM

Apr 2016
yes, a lot of action and with intensity too!!! kekeke

Jun 12, 2023 10:36 AM

Apr 2016
yes, evolve greatly and to the way unexpected!!! kekeke

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