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Apr 27, 2023 6:29 AM

Nov 2011
Similar to some of the other episodes, this one carried a mysterious vibe but even more so with the lore.

Episode still had some Elias and Chise moments although it's less compared to some of the other episodes. Feels like this episode had a motive behind it but at the same time still retains its usual themes. I still enjoy seeing how they protray the characters in this anime to give them a mysterious aura.
Apr 27, 2023 8:20 AM

Apr 2016
Heey, so it wasn't anything super serious happening at the end of the last week, just Chise meeting the weird Rahab teacher lady who "raised" Elisa, on the beach casually moisturising her feet in the ocean ... 

Some more pondering about the past. But what would like to know, is from which book exactly did Elias read that you get a bride from a slave market ... lol.
Apr 27, 2023 8:27 AM

Jul 2017
Chise and Stella separated by the mysterious mage Rahab's fog, and she's someone that knows Elias and Lindel well, though Chise is a complete stranger to her.

Chise being Elias's bride, and Rahab was certanly taken aback that Elias would have a human as his beloved. Nevertheless, the relationship between Rahab, Elias and Lindel back in the day was unlike anything that had yet seen before: the young Elias was a complete unknown stringing upon the lives of humans and learning of their livelihood through the mage, though she draws a line between human and beast in order not to create any fallacy, until the day he left. Though Rahab DID teach him the dynamics of a family, which is where Elias landed with Chise being a bride that isn't what is typically understood by the average human. That's why he entrusted her with the treasured pendant that Rahab gave to him, thereby effectively teaching her how to treasure a life that despite putting everyone in front of her, it's her own to protect as well. Oh well, all's well that currently progresses well, no matter if it's Chise being an imperfect bride or Elias still understanding human life well into his years, that either way, would've been fine and nothing to worry at all. With Rabab's final advice given to Chise, she and Ruth lands back at home, safe and sound.

The intermediary centaur guiding Chise and Elias into a back passage that is pretty much just like that one Harry Potter movie, this is the road to the College, though it's ridden with hound dogs and their special seed that rids the scent of potential trespassers to a safe journey.

Slowly, characters like Lucy and Cartaphilus, get involved in Chise's web of the series of unfortunate events. And school life in the College has only just begun.
Apr 27, 2023 8:42 AM

Feb 2021
An interesting detail is how Rahab refers to Elias with あれ (are) - "that". Sounds a bit unsettling, but otherwise her scenes were quite wholesome.
Everything is so mysterious and I love it. Got to wonder just how much time does one travel when going through that back passage
Apr 27, 2023 8:45 AM

Jul 2017
The segment with Chise's meeting with Rahab was great, definitely was the major highlight of the episode for me and one of my favorite segments from this season so far.
Apr 27, 2023 9:13 AM

Oct 2020
Elias has some answers to explain to Chise, both Elias and Chise moments are cute.

Apr 27, 2023 9:23 AM

Apr 2023
Interesting episode as always, more of Elias' background, we get to see Rahab, and we learn a bit more about the magic world such as the back passage. We also get to see Hazel again!

Apr 27, 2023 10:09 AM

Feb 2019
This episode cleared up a lot of questions I had about this series. Particularly Elias backstory and motivations and the whole “bride” thing. Feel like I understand the series a lot more now lol. Rahab was great too, really interesting character. Also voiced by sailor moon.

Shit’s definitely going to go down in that tunnel tho. A lot of flags raised with those hounds
Marinate1016Apr 27, 2023 10:13 AM
Apr 27, 2023 10:15 AM

May 2020
Yes we knew Elias was on a whim when he picked Chise as his bride back in the auction, but who knew there was a reason behind that whim lol.

Like I'm saying kids are strange, we saw a slight glimpse towards the end too. Though maybe it'll be better shown next episode, as it seemed like that will involves kind of group activities. Also folks, remember to use shortcuts seldom.
Apr 27, 2023 10:56 AM
Mar 2015
Sometimes you just get lost in the fog or use a telephone booth as a back passage  At least she knows why Elias wanted her to be his bride
Apr 27, 2023 12:16 PM
Oct 2021
elais backstory was so damn cool love this show so much
Apr 27, 2023 12:34 PM
Jan 2020
it a good explanation for some stuff
Apr 27, 2023 12:35 PM

Nov 2016
Elias began exploring emotions firsthand and Chise started to genuinely love herself due to feeling at peace with him. The bond between these two is beautiful. Loved this backstory for shedding a new light on it.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 27, 2023 1:06 PM

Apr 2018
Interesting to get more explanations for Elias' behavior and what he learned before (that he is applying now) with Rahab, she's the teacher that made him go this way with Chise then
Apr 27, 2023 1:29 PM

Feb 2010
Elias just busting on in there all "MINE" in ep one of season one is like funny to me now because I'm imagining him sitting in the gallery taking one look at Chise and going "The stories did say my future wife should make me feel something different from everyone else and I'm having a moment, so I'm going to go for this 100% immediately"
Apr 27, 2023 4:12 PM

Aug 2020
It was great to learn more about Elias past, to see his mindset, trying to act more like an human…
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Apr 27, 2023 5:26 PM

Sep 2017
Pretty solid episode. Lil more backstory for skullboy and a bit more focus on some of the students at the end. Sleeping in in exchange for using the dark pathway thingy? Yeah seems reasonable to me.
Apr 27, 2023 6:07 PM

Jul 2016
And here I thought some villain abducted Chise last episode but it was just her lowkey mother-in-law wanting to meet her lol

5/5 episode. I find Chise and Elias's relationship truly fascinating so I'm really glad we got an entire episode addressing that aspect. Not to mention it was great to see Rahab again.
Apr 27, 2023 11:28 PM

Sep 2018
I just love how rich and vast the fantastical elements are in this anime, it's so nice to watch.
Apr 28, 2023 6:13 AM

Feb 2014
I really enjoyed seeing more backstory of Elias and what he did before he first met Chise. It's thanks to Rahab and her teaching him many things needed to be ready to socialise with humans that influenced him to do what he did after he departed. It was a needed focus which makes his decisions for understandable. The fact that Chise is more comfortable and at ease with herself after meeting Elias is proof enough that he has helped her a lot. =)

The "back passage" that Chise and Elias took to get to the college faster was very intriguing. The guard dogs looked disturbing and certainly would make for some tough enemies if someone who go against their warnings, but I'm glad that they were able to get through safely with the help from the centaur guiding them.

The last minute of the episode was also interesting, with Cartaphilus acting a bit unusual and Lucy waking up from a nightmare. Hopefully either of them will get more focus in the next episode.
Apr 28, 2023 3:47 PM

Mar 2010
Chise is a mere uwu gal and yet people really going after her kek but damn I'd be willing to pop her cherry if she wants to feel like a real bride uwu

Behold of my awesomeness~
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But my feels.
Apr 28, 2023 5:42 PM
Sep 2018
Nice seeing Elias got a bit of background on why he’s acting like a “gentleman”
Apr 28, 2023 8:58 PM

Feb 2019
The whole situation with Rahab is so sweet, where all of Elias' quirks are actually inherited from her because he was just imitating her. And the idea of Chise being his "bride" being based on a misunderstanding because Elias doesn't know what words mean is just so funny to me. He can be so dumb sometimes I love him
"Do you believe in gravity?"
Apr 29, 2023 12:14 AM

Aug 2019
The whole damn school is extremely suspicious. I don’t trust nobody!
Apr 29, 2023 1:51 AM

Sep 2013
Its so cool seeing these weird out of place magic locations, like the timeless house of Elias's teacher or that world of doorways that reminds me of the mirror world from One Piece but way scarier

This anime just does magic and mysteries right, like Natsume Yuujinchou did.
Deep dark fantasies
Apr 29, 2023 4:50 AM
Jan 2018
Hmm, I’m still surprised this anime blew up as much as it did in 2017
Apr 29, 2023 6:49 AM
Apr 2022
It was a great episode. I like that Chose got to meet Elise's teacher Rabhab and got to know a little bit more about Elise
Apr 29, 2023 6:19 PM

Nov 2012
Worse shortcut ever!
Apr 30, 2023 6:16 PM
Feb 2019
masterpiece (●'◡'●) 10 out of 10
Apr 30, 2023 7:10 PM

Aug 2013
These episodes just get better and better, there is so much darkness and beauty to behold
May 3, 2023 3:53 AM

Jul 2015
Freaking hell.. Almost no one is watching the sequel with this lack of interaction on the forum..

Anyways.. Pretty beautiful Episode.. We finally got to meet Rahba the black haired beauty.. and she is surprisingly.. not that interesting.. Maybe I had hoped for something more.. 
But then again.. This story is about the main girl not the beast.. so its given that they will not be focusing that much on the girl..

Its a good thing that Elias wanted a bride for simply companionship.. otherwise We could only imagine the heat he is packing in that suit..
May 4, 2023 3:15 AM

Aug 2019
I’m so curious on what’s going on with some of the students at that school, especially the one with green hair since he is tripping hard due to Chise
May 4, 2023 5:34 AM

Oct 2017
Elias has come to care for Chise a lot. Chise meeting Rahab was nice. We got to know more about Elias.
May 6, 2023 3:16 PM
Aug 2013
I love hearing Mitsuishi Kotono playing more mature/older characters ❤️ (Rahab, in this case)

Also actually glad they've started to explore what the "bride" thing was all about. Felt icky to begin with, but I'm glad it seems more focused on "life companion" than anything more, uhm, carnal.

(And man, I would love to have a place like Rahab's, haha. So cozy, and a convenient way to chill away from society when needed ^^)
May 23, 2023 9:56 PM

Aug 2019
Good ep, felt reminiscence of S1 with the main focus on Chise + Elias and some magic shenanigans happening. Really nice character backstory as well for Elias, as well as both characters voicing their thoughts on one another. I know a massive plot point of S1 was their relationship development, but man was it really well done and I wouldn't mind more of.

Meeting Rahab is so huge thinking about it now. We literally meet Elia's mom and learn a good chunk about his time before he meets Chise, but after he meets Lindel.

Also forget how inheritably creative and creepy some of the ideas for this show can get. Honestly I'm not really sold on the idea of taking an interdimensional portal through time and space that is occupied with unthinkable horrors that will gank me if I have a bad day and take one wrong turn, just to get to university faster. I think I could live with the 2-3 hr train ride.

The concept on paper sounds cool, idk why i thought of backgrounds as well, and the hounds did make me flinch with their designs.
Jun 13, 2023 7:34 PM

Apr 2012
Now I understand why Elias constantly picks up Chise. He was mimicking a picture Rahab showed him when he was a kid.
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Jun 19, 2023 8:34 PM

Jan 2021
They couldn't drop more flags during that tunnel travel...
Jun 25, 2023 12:44 PM
Jun 2023
Oh, the whole bride and family thing cuts so deep. "Family is a collection of people who help one another."
SInce the season one I thought about how the series legitimizes all kinds of out of box relationships and relationships structures in such a loving way. <3
Jul 23, 2023 10:31 PM

Jul 2008
And Rahab decides to introduce herself....just what is she...

And everyone continues to plot and scheme at the college, sounds like Chise should get out of there ASAP.
Aug 14, 2023 9:04 AM

Aug 2019
wonder what the nervous girl is up to. quite a bit of elias back story this ep
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Oct 8, 2023 1:00 AM
Dec 2022
This is getting interesting with the mix of new and old faces. Rahab is interesting to have summon Chise though might suspect she wants to talk to Elias since her summoning was based on the Elias' necktie which Chise has on her. Great to see how she taught Elias to become the way he is now.

Interesting to see how this shows the relationship between Elias and Chise has developed over time plus the adventures they both been through. The back passage is kinda scary and may play a role later perhaps.

Nov 2, 2023 11:24 AM

Apr 2016
Magic School? Seems the students very traumatics!!!!
Nov 4, 2023 7:10 PM
Nov 2010
I want also to live where Rahab does. That place looks like an introvert's heaven!
Interesting stuff about Elias. Also, It was amusing when Elias tried to understand humans and asked Rehab if she was his bride. Haha!
I'm also curious about Elias' answer about making Chise his "bride."
What was Lucy's dream about?
Why are Zoe and Philomela so apprehensive towards Chise?
Jan 3, 2024 9:07 AM
Jun 2020
Until now I love it
Feb 22, 2024 3:26 AM

Apr 2013
So we got some more backstory for Elias. Though afair we still don't really know what he actually is.

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