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The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady
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Mar 22, 2023 8:50 AM

Nov 2009
LostSpectre said:
Marina2 said:
Well, the final episode makes it worth, and it took the step that LycoReco didn't dare to take.

Every plot point get a closures. It also explains why Anis care about taking the throne.

It's almost like that other anime was never yuri to begin with, how shocking!
Lyco Reco was original anime. No one really know that until the final episode.

And for this series, If you don't read up to vol.3 of LN, you won't realize it is an actual yuri story.
Mar 22, 2023 8:53 AM

Jan 2013
Marina2 said:
LostSpectre said:
It's almost like that other anime was never yuri to begin with, how shocking!
Lyco Reco was original anime. No one really know that until the final episode.

And for this series, If you don't read up to vol.3 of LN, you won't realize it is an actual yuri story.
Except, the majority of people did know before that, and there's a very clear "yuri" tag on this series, so....?
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 22, 2023 8:57 AM
Jul 2020
All the 100 people that hate on LycoRico gathering in this thread
Mar 22, 2023 8:58 AM

Nov 2009
LostSpectre said:
Marina2 said:
Lyco Reco was original anime. No one really know that until the final episode.

And for this series, If you don't read up to vol.3 of LN, you won't realize it is an actual yuri story.
Except, the majority of people did know before that, and there's a very clear "yuri" tag on this series, so....?
......So, I was correct on the point about Lyco Reco? That's why I quoted you in the first place. You didn't deny that.
Mar 22, 2023 9:04 AM

Jan 2013
Marina2 said:
LostSpectre said:
Except, the majority of people did know before that, and there's a very clear "yuri" tag on this series, so....?
......So, I was correct on the point about Lyco Reco? That's why I quoted you in the first place. You didn't deny that.
You know damn well that's not how I meant it. To any rational person with eyes it was clear enough it wasn't shaping up to be a yuri series, but I digress. 

Have the last word.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 22, 2023 9:08 AM
Feb 2017
Cestlavie_ said:
I mean yh I'm not a fan of the last two/three episodes, it seems they've forgotten the title of this show and have entered some boring political drama I couldn't care less about.
Anis character going a full 180, is also quite disappointing
I think you haven't read the title. Since when does "revolution" have nothing to do with politics? It's literally an anime about a royal family since episode 1.

No. It's not a disappointment.

Mar 22, 2023 9:25 AM

Dec 2016
LostSpectre said:
Marina2 said:
Well, the final episode makes it worth, and it took the step that LycoReco didn't dare to take.

Every plot point get a closures. It also explains why Anis care about taking the throne.

It's almost like that other anime was never yuri to begin with, how shocking!

Imagine needing some sort of "badge" in order to get recognition.

Even though I have my pet peeves on Lycoreco and thinking it was just "a good show", I'm pretty sure the staff behind it and their investors don't care at all that "some" people don't recognize their creation as yuri, and most likely neither does the larger fanbase expecting big things from the announced new Lycoreco project.
Mar 22, 2023 9:33 AM

Jan 2013
Kimurah said:
LostSpectre said:
It's almost like that other anime was never yuri to begin with, how shocking!

Imagine needing some sort of "badge" in order to get recognition.

Even though I have my pet peeves on Lycoreco and thinking it was just "a good show", I'm pretty sure the staff behind it and their investors don't care at all that "some" people don't recognize their creation as yuri, and most likely neither does the larger fanbase expecting big things from the announced new Lycoreco project.
I see little to no reason to believe it's yuri, but I wouldn't give a shit if it was, so this debate doesn't interest me in the slightest.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 22, 2023 9:41 AM
Sep 2018
After watching the last episode I can confirm that this anime is peak, biggest appointment of the season, also this was wayy better than lycoreco, not even a comparison
in terms of writing, characters and boldness
Mar 22, 2023 9:50 AM

Jul 2021
My expectation for this anime is very low, I thought this anime is just your trash isekai because of its absurd title. After watching. I can definitely say this is the BEST Isekai this season! 
Mar 22, 2023 9:52 AM
Feb 2019
I think this show just didn’t give what YOU expected of it and wanted from it. I think this was one of the best shows of the season and exceeded my expectations, delivering in every way all the way through the finale
Mar 22, 2023 10:08 AM
Mar 2016
I think it's just overly dramatic for a show about an enthusiastic lesbian.
And I don't even think it's comparable to Lycoris Recoil, when that show is primary an action series. While Tenten Kakumei is more of a political drama.
Mar 22, 2023 10:30 AM

Dec 2008
Not the biggest disappointment in any way. To me the big disappointments are the shows that stalled due to covid, the endless inane isekai rubbish that seems to be the only thing being show and shows that get 2nd seasons even though they are not worthy of a first. Lets put it like this: I finished the show, so it had merit. 
May the Uguu be with you.

Mar 22, 2023 10:46 AM
Aug 2017
GangsterCat said:
Who's with me here?

The 1st episode gave me "Wow this might be the next LycoReco" impression with potential yurikino
But then it started getting more and more boring and painful to watch.

Is this anime about comfy Slice of Life yuribait while inventing magical tool stuff?
Is this anime about serious political conflict drama?
Is this anime about fighting strong opponents with flashy power ups and beams? a battle shonen?

What is this anime even about?
It tried to be everything at once and as a consequence it failed at everything. There's extreme lack of focus here, so it ended up having no identity of its own. it's BORING.

It's just amazing how the anime with the best Ep1 of the season has become the worst of the season. What a disaster.

The only other anime that fell off as hard as this in the current season is Eiyuuou, where the 1st episode was fun and the rest was boring formulaic slog

Yes,the anime became pretty boring and lame, full of wasted plots or potential. I watch animes since 2010 and it was the first time i speed up a last episode because i didn't want to waste more of my time with it. It's just unfortunately that some Yuris start to being trash in the middle to the end. Lol, there's a lot of guys with bad taste above my answer, just ignore, you are absolute right, it wasn't because expectations or LycoReco, the anime just got bad.
Mar 22, 2023 11:14 AM

Jul 2016
In the end, the only thing that seemed salvageable to me was the character of Tilty.

I liked the first chapter because I expected to see that revolution of his "own magic" challenging everyone with his inventions in closed contests, but it was not like that.
Mar 22, 2023 11:15 AM

May 2021
It isn't the best thing ever but come on, it's not as bad as LycoReco.

Mar 22, 2023 11:37 AM
May 2016
Honestly I don't get the big deal about LycoReco and this one. LycoReco is a story about girls who discover themselves and happen to be gay, the after release marketing has practically confirmed that. This series is about two people who are gay and their experiences in a world that is against what they stand for. They are gay and I don't think this is bad yuri, tho I wish the yuri was a bigger part of the series and that there was a mutual confession in the end. Tho I think anyone who tries to claim anis and euphy aren't like gay is pretty delusional. reading the manga and I think also from the anime only make it very clear anis is lesbian from the beginning
Mar 22, 2023 11:42 AM

Aug 2018
It is a disappointment for sure, but there is probably worse this season 
_______I like rocks__
Mar 22, 2023 11:57 AM
Dec 2021
No idea bro, dropped it after 3-4 episodes.
Was hoping for something more romance oriented.

I'm getting so good at dropping trash anime.
AnimeIs4KidzMar 22, 2023 7:30 PM
Mar 22, 2023 12:08 PM

May 2013
This was the best anime of this season.
Mar 22, 2023 12:28 PM

Nov 2013
Unfortunately have to agree with OP. This certainly isn't a bad show, but it had such a good potential IMO. Shame it became one of those "forgettable" shows.

OST is good though, and certainly worth listening. 
Mar 22, 2023 12:34 PM

Sep 2008
While the relationship dynamic of this series may be similar to Lycoris Recoil, I'd say it has a bit more meat to its storytelling and characters than what Lycoris Recoil had. Many of LycoReco's characters felt a bit too cookie-cutter for my tastes and had its sloppy moments within its storytelling, most particularly how utterly worthless Direct Attack was despite supposedly being a highly-trained, anti-terrorist task force of assassins.
Mar 22, 2023 12:49 PM
May 2018
You’re mentally deficient if you think that I assume 
Mar 22, 2023 12:51 PM
Nov 2017
Couldn’t disagree more
Mar 22, 2023 12:59 PM
Dec 2019
No idea what you mean, I was really happy with the show as it turned out
Mar 22, 2023 1:26 PM
May 2021
Kimurah said:
LostSpectre said:
It's almost like that other anime was never yuri to begin with, how shocking!

Imagine needing some sort of "badge" in order to get recognition.

Even though I have my pet peeves on Lycoreco and thinking it was just "a good show", I'm pretty sure the staff behind it and their investors don't care at all that "some" people don't recognize their creation as yuri, and most likely neither does the larger fanbase expecting big things from the announced new Lycoreco project.
Have the creators come out and confirmed LycoReco is a yuri series? No. Has anyone on the staff even confirmed the sexualities of the characters involved? No. Is there enough evidence in the show to concretely confirm the sexuality of its main characters, or confirm that they have blatant romantic feelings for each other? Also no. 

So what makes you think that your headcanon gives you the authority to label this as a yuri series? And the audacity to bring up the creators as well...embarrassing.
Mar 22, 2023 1:33 PM

Feb 2023
No. If anything, it was one of the better Winter 2023 anime for me.

That said...

screw this idiotic hate thread.
StyxParadiseMar 23, 2023 2:20 PM

MALoween✟Mansion 2024

Mar 22, 2023 2:00 PM

Nov 2014
I have to agree that, just as first episode was incredible surprise above my expectations, the way it went later was totally disappointing. All I wanted from this anime were the things I appreciated in earlier episodes: Anis being weird and funny, and maybe some yuri baits. Instead it went into... idk what. Prince subplot was acceptable, but queen arc is exact opposite of the good parts.
Mar 22, 2023 2:09 PM

Dec 2017
ngl just seems like you wanted one thing and are throwing a hissy fit because you didn’t get it. The first episode was mostly introspection after Anis’ introduction and way more lowkey than Lycoreco ever got so idk why anyone compared the two in the first place besides extremely vague character design details. Maybe this is just me knowing everything the anime os missing but the political conflict is the biggest through line of the series. It starts with a power struggle caused by Algard calling off the engagement and ends with that being resolved as Euphie steps up to become queen by her own hand.

I'll keep wishing for a world where you can be happy.

Mar 22, 2023 2:24 PM
Jul 2015
No...this is anime of the season for me.
Mar 22, 2023 2:48 PM

Jul 2021
caron said:
Cestlavie_ said:
I mean yh I'm not a fan of the last two/three episodes, it seems they've forgotten the title of this show and have entered some boring political drama I couldn't care less about.
Anis character going a full 180, is also quite disappointing
I think you haven't read the title. Since when does "revolution" have nothing to do with politics? It's literally an anime about a royal family since episode 1.

No. It's not a disappointment.

but sadly there was a bit too much politics and no revolution,
A revolution literally means to forcefully overthrow a government , and I didn't see that🤷‍♂️
Mar 22, 2023 3:14 PM
Jul 2018
While the last episode was sweet, it still wasn't enough to fully redeem the mess that was the second half of the show, in my opinion. Their romance felt forced and rushed in the end; the relationship wasn't very well-developed. Yeah, the kiss was nice, but there wasn't much romantic buildup before that. It's like the writers suddenly remembered this was supposed to be a yuri, so they decided to just throw in Euphie's confession haphazardly.

And the Algard arc was inconsequential, in the end. What was the point of all that? Messy narrative, lost potential.
Mar 22, 2023 3:44 PM

May 2014
Nah, was fairly solid for what it was. The only real disappointment here is that, like most LN adaptations, we'll never get more of it.
Mar 22, 2023 3:50 PM

Nov 2012
Yeah it was awful, but it is what it is.

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
Mar 22, 2023 4:33 PM

Mar 2021
lycoReco was more bearable to me than this. Making Algard the villain is when the warning signs showed. Told people from the beginning it wouldn't turn out well and people were freaking out. Good luck fans trying to make this in2 some type of franchise since Fantasia Bunko needs 1 right now. But i doubt it will happen given the low circulation. I say Spy Classroom kind of flopped as well since interest crashed later on since it just became a boring SOL but the designs were cute
Mar 22, 2023 5:14 PM
Apr 2022
Personally, I have to disagree with this anime being one of the biggest disappointments of this season. After watching the final episode, I absolutely love this anime. This is an isekai anime, but unlike a lot of other generic anime in the genre it doesn't go full-in on that as the sole-element of the story. I like how this anime uses the isekai concept as a supporting story element rather than making it the defining trait of the show. Case in point during the final episode, Anis tells Euphie that she was reincarnated and feels guilt over taking the place of what could have been the "real" Anis. This idea is akin to Myne's situation from Ascendance of a Bookworm and how she took on the life of the previous Myne. Anyhow, I really think this anime is one worth watching for any isekai/fantasy fan.

Sorry about going on a rant, but for me this anime is a refreshing take on the whole isekai genre. 

Btw if you want to know a real let down of an isekai just attempt to watch Fruit of Evolution. I'm forcing myself to watch it, but it is probably one of the worst isekai I have ever tried watching. 
Mar 22, 2023 5:15 PM

Nov 2021
Yall forum people are crazy 😳 this and lycoreco both slapped 🐔!!!
Mar 22, 2023 5:42 PM
Jan 2018
Would I say it's a major disappointment? No, but it definitely lost me towards the last 4-5 episodes
Mar 22, 2023 5:53 PM

Sep 2016
the rare yuri kiss was a saving grace
but that doesn't mean the rest of the anime wasn't shite.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Mar 22, 2023 6:17 PM
Dec 2021
Marknnz said:
GangsterCat said:
Who's with me here?

The 1st episode gave me "Wow this might be the next LycoReco" impression with potential yurikino
But then it started getting more and more boring and painful to watch.

Is this anime about comfy Slice of Life yuribait while inventing magical tool stuff?
Is this anime about serious political conflict drama?
Is this anime about fighting strong opponents with flashy power ups and beams? a battle shonen?

What is this anime even about?
It tried to be everything at once and as a consequence it failed at everything. There's extreme lack of focus here, so it ended up having no identity of its own. it's BORING.

It's just amazing how the anime with the best Ep1 of the season has become the worst of the season. What a disaster.

The only other anime that fell off as hard as this in the current season is Eiyuuou, where the 1st episode was fun and the rest was boring formulaic slog

Yes,the anime became pretty boring and lame, full of wasted plots or potential. I watch animes since 2010 and it was the first time i speed up a last episode because i didn't want to waste more of my time with it. It's just unfortunately that some Yuris start to being trash in the middle to the end. Lol, there's a lot of guys with bad taste above my answer, just ignore, you are absolute right, it wasn't because expectations or LycoReco, the anime just got bad.
your so fucking wrong because the title is about royalty dumbass please read before ever watching an anime and the whole plot was centered around “revolution” look up what that means
Mar 22, 2023 6:18 PM
Dec 2021
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Unfortunately have to agree with OP. This certainly isn't a bad show, but it had such a good potential IMO. Shame it became one of those "forgettable" shows.

OST is good though, and certainly worth listening. 
the story telling was better with than Lycoris recoil and the title of this anime pretty much tells you what the plot is about
Mar 22, 2023 6:22 PM
Dec 2021
Cestlavie_ said:
caron said:
I think you haven't read the title. Since when does "revolution" have nothing to do with politics? It's literally an anime about a royal family since episode 1.

No. It's not a disappointment.

but sadly there was a bit too much politics and no revolution,
A revolution literally means to forcefully overthrow a government , and I didn't see that🤷‍♂️
no it doesn’t look it up again
Mar 22, 2023 6:29 PM

May 2015
Yeah, it was really boring and painful to watch after the prince conflict got resolved, which was also like a popped balloon. Whatever that guy even wanted to achieve, and he just got told off and quietly stepped down. Okay.

The show indeed tried to be so many things. We have:
- reincarnation, only there to justify Anis' motivation and inspiration
- yuri, only there to bait? though, it's probably the only thing that actually works in a setting, yet I'm not convinced about the kiss, seemed kinda rushed and out of nowhere
- but now it's also incest, somehow
- typical otome plot with misunderstood villainess, which was pointless because prince was just being stupid, and everyone forgot about it anyway
- vampires.... that got brought up, used for plot convenience and stupid prince plan, whatever he wanted to achieve with that
- political conspiracy, that just went nowhere
- magic and magical science, which was interesting but in the end, lets just get everyone flying, creation of tools? tons of research, trial and error? why bother, lets just slap some butterfly wings
- dragon that just waited around to be conveniently stopped while heroines talked and powered up
- everyone just accepted the new queen while whatever they didn't want happening still happens
- king be like, adios, gotta go gardening just because.
Mar 22, 2023 6:57 PM

Mar 2014
Maybe for you, pal.



Say what you want about the direction the plot took (which I liked, BTW), it got closure to every. Single. Plot point. Properly.

Same for each char, not just the main duo.

FabrisMar 22, 2023 7:13 PM
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
Mar 22, 2023 7:17 PM
Jul 2017
GangsterCat said:
Who's with me here?

The 1st episode gave me "Wow this might be the next LycoReco" impression with potential yurikino
But then it started getting more and more boring and painful to watch.

Is this anime about comfy Slice of Life yuribait while inventing magical tool stuff?
This anime is not yuri bait tho my guy it's clearly real yuri smh.
Is this anime about serious political conflict drama?
Is this anime about fighting strong opponents with flashy power ups and beams? a battle shonen?

What is this anime even about?
It tried to be everything at once and as a consequence it failed at everything. There's extreme lack of focus here, so it ended up having no identity of its own. it's BORING.

It's just amazing how the anime with the best Ep1 of the season has become the worst of the season. What a disaster.

The only other anime that fell off as hard as this in the current season is Eiyuuou, where the 1st episode was fun and the rest was boring formulaic slog

Mar 22, 2023 9:11 PM

Jan 2012
I wouldn't say this anime was bad by any means but it kind of leaves you disappointed. This series start off really strong but lost steam as it went. Anis really lost her chipper attitude around the halfway point and that was just depressing watching our manic bright ball of chaos crumble like that. They also really overedited everything and kept reusing shots. One conversation between Euphy and Ilia they cut between shots like every 3 seconds. That exact same scene where Lainie laid there dying was used like 3 time during that episode was really distracting. The last few eps felt both rushed and dragged out. They skipped some stuff to fit in the whole succession thing in the last 3 eps. Honestly they could have made the arc with Algard's betrayal the end of the anime. With how they did the last ep it feels like they fully ended the series and won't be doing a 2nd season either.
Mar 22, 2023 9:17 PM

Jul 2021
AurasNep said:
Cestlavie_ said:

but sadly there was a bit too much politics and no revolution,
A revolution literally means to forcefully overthrow a government , and I didn't see that🤷‍♂️
no it doesn’t look it up again

(15 character limit)
Mar 22, 2023 9:48 PM
Mar 2023
LostSpectre said:
kozy_raft said:
You know, right from the confrontation with Algard up until the current arc, the show has always been a disappointment. The anime only does a great job of hiding it by omitting the dialogues that show how stupid the characters are. The anime really wants you to sympathize with its characters, so they chose not to show scenes that may make them selfish or arrogant.
like the scene in episode 11 with Tilty finding Anis after she ran away. In the novel, Tomas is the one who finds Anis and converses with her. Their conversation leads to one where Anis truly shows the real reason why she doesn't want to be a queen. 
I thought skimming over the 2nd novel would clear up some confusion about Algard, but his motivations are even more complicated in the novel. 

I can't figure out if there was ever a legitimate plan for him to seize power as a vampire or if he was just trying to get Anis to kill the "mad prince", now that all his other plans have failed, but I'm leaning toward the latter. It's also strange that he talks at length about noble intentions and freeing the common people from an oppressed system, but his true motives are derived from hatred and resentment toward nobles, the kingdom, and magic itself, his (supposed) altruism is more like a side effect than a driving force for his actions in any way. 

His feelings toward Anis are perhaps even more complicated, he hates her for feeling like she abandoned him back when they were children, when she renounced the throne, but it's because he looked up to her, and wanted to see her be queen. His hatred for the systems that oppressed his sister and led her to that choice, eventually turn into resentment towards Anis herself. He hates her for loving magic, because he sees it as a curse which brought misfortune to her, and also for her naivety and simply accepting how she's viewed as a noble in the kingdom. 

Then there's the jealousy, and the inferiority complex, he hates himself when compared to his much more talented sister, and he hates the entire world for forcing him into succession, destined to be a puppet king, and denying his (once) precious sister the chance to change the country for the better. All of this is far too complicated of a mess to properly sort out, the only real takeaway here is that this showdown of a once loving brother/sister is a tragedy, that can all be traced back to a corrupt system where magic is wielded as a tool of oppression.

The key for me in understanding Algard is that Algard and Anis are both siblings, and they share the same way of thinking. Anis and Algard can't be honest and say what they really want, so they chose to hide their feelings under all those talks of responsibility and royalty. That's why Anis chose to face Algard in a duel because she knows that Algard can't be honest and say what he really wants. Then, after the battle, Algard finally said what he really felt.  At first, Algard was fine being the king he doesn't have grand plans of changing the kingdom, even with his frustrations and inferiority complex. It was only when he met Lainie that he realized that he was ignoring reality and that a lot of people also cared for him, but all those years he chose to be blind. Maybe he felt he wasted all those years because his relationships with all the people he cared about became distant. He felt guilty about dragging others down because of how he thought his talents were limited. He felt like doing something big that could change the kingdom so that all his hardships would not end up useless. You can see his true feelings in the last few paragraphs of chapter 4 of volume 2.
"All those days I lived as a prince, I felt nothing. No joy, no anger, no sorrow, no pleasure. I was supposed to stand at the head of the country as a leader. There was never any need for personal feelings, to be myself. I knew better than anyone how limited my own talents were, so I dragged everyone around me down, too…"
"I thought I could go on like that… But I was simply ignoring reality. It was Lainie who made me realize all this. The goodwill, the prayers, the wishes that people felt for her through her innate charm. I knew those feelings. I had always been trying to forget them."
"…The weather was so nice that I had to look up—and I knew only one person who could have been up there in the sky."

"Not someone—everyone. At the very least, no one around me ever spoke up for you. All they ever did was ridicule you, and they told me to do the same, so I turned a blind eye. So long as I didn’t get involved with you, there would be no trouble. I didn’t need a sister to be king."
Algard is only 15 and Anis is only 17 according to the readers on the internet; I can't remember their actual ages, but it's still somewhat close because the novel defines them as teenagers, so I can see why they can make terrible decisions, but at least they should talk it out first before doing something that will greatly affect other people. He is still stupid, and his reason doesn't justify his actions because he chose violence, but his parents and Anis are also at fault here because they didn't try to open up and talk to Algard after all those years. 
Mar 22, 2023 10:03 PM

Nov 2015
The biggest Yuri of the season (and the year)
HACKs! 🤢🤮
Mar 22, 2023 10:28 PM

Jul 2017
Cestlavie_ said:
AurasNep said:
no it doesn’t look it up again

(15 character limit)

Aristocracy is literally ending wdym there was no revolution
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