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Sep 21, 2022 2:57 PM

Jul 2015
Mystogan03 said:
I saw something some days ago and I kinda agree

We play with Class VII.

Class VII is diminished by Rean SHITwarzer ''greatness''. Laura train everyday but Rean somehow is stronger than her. Crow used Ordine for 2 years and yet Rean defeated him with the power of friendship. Emma is trying to lift the curse from Rean's body and discover the truth in Erebonia like her mother but she fails in both cause she is not the main protagonist.

Rean SHITwarzer is a passive MC and never moves the plot forward, except when people tied to class vii start to being caught in the ''war''

The responsible for moves the plot are the 4D Chess between the Arnors. Olivier is a good character in SKY but in CS his character sucks. Musse = Shit.

The arnors are hostage of Ishmelga's curse.

The entire ''Trails series'' from Sky FC to CS4 was a great prophecy observed by AZOTH who writted the Black Records and alowed Osborne (the fake main antagonist) to trick Ishmelga and destroy it

But somehow Ouroboros members are above all of it and it was all acording to Grandmaster's plan

I mean...WTF!

They ruined 7 games of wordbuilding in CS3 just for that shit ending?
The Grandmaster is most likely Aidios or related to Aidios, that's why she knows of what will happen, but she's just there to tell Ouroboros members to activate Sept-Terrions(so activating Gospel plan worked out, Phantsmal Blaze Plan worked, and now currently we're on the Eternal Regression Plan and this was all mapped out by the Grandmaster/Aidios herself)
Dec 3, 2022 12:41 PM
Jan 2017
I completely disagree with this assessment. Sure Cold Steel isn't as good as the other major arcs overall, but I still really like it. To me, the writing's fine. It does have one or two annoying tropes that I didn't like, but in the grand scheme of things they don't derail the story for me.
Dec 3, 2022 12:47 PM
Jan 2017
MonkeyDHunter said:
AzurealX said:

Heavily disagree with this. FC itself is amazing still. Gradual developments that organically introduce you to the setting and cast, the overall dialogue and general writing was just levels better than Cold Steel.

Takeiri is a scenario planner for CS, not the main writer which is why the dialogue is so cringe and the overall writing is so bad.
A war in which no one dies, deus ex machinas out of thin air, no one was truly evil IT WAS ALL THE CURSE'S FAULT.
The insane amount of retcons to even make the premise work and the terrible ''bonding'' events which literally don't fit within a series that's supposed to be overarching because they're just ''choose your waifu'' pandering and muddle up the canonicity of the series and ruin the integrity of the overarching nature of it. They just muddle up the continuity.

The thing is, Cold Steel fans don't judge the series based on actual narrative merit or quality of writing. BIG HYPE EVENTS HAPPENING = GOOD WRITING, CALM, UNEVENTFUL DIALOGUE = BAD WRITING.

That's how they rationalize it.

Agreed with everything you said barring the curse but I understand the issue because I wasn't initially onboard with that idea either. But the thing is that the whole thing was created by the Sept-Terrions which created the Great One that afterwards was split into the 7 Knights. It was explicitly said by Vailmar that the whole curse was created by the people's greed and hatred in the first place. Think of the curse as the intrusive thoughts people generally have and force them into committing atrocities that they would be capable of yet hesitant to accomplish but far more intense. They don't make them evil, greedy etc, they already are but the curse is pushing them by feeding on their negative emotions to commit those crimes that under normal circumstances they wouldn't. Otherwise, the whole series would be over since everyone is now good period.

Also, something similar happened in Sky. Aureole was granting wishes of Gospel owners and just like the Erebonian curse gained its own autonomy and tried to interfere with human affairs by assisting them but deteriorated their lives. A report in SC told this:

"The Aureole facilitated the creation of virtual realities intended to induce euphoria in participants. It even altered brain chemistry to achieve this. It was no different than taking a powerful euphoric stimulant and hallucinogen at the same time. Worse still, there were no side effects. No physical ones, at least."

It's evident that the Sept-Terrions are too dangerous for humans since they are exposing their weaknesses by affecting their minds.

Wow, it's almost like you've actually played these games. So happy to see someone taking time to analyze instead of blindly hating on surface level details.
Dec 4, 2022 7:30 AM
Sep 2017
AzurealX said:
mosam00 said:

There are barely any LN elements at all, stop spreading BS.

Are you shitting me lmao?
Barely any LN elements?

Rean is literally every katana wielding black haired LN protag in existence. Coupled with the characters being one dimensional tropes like a Kuudere, Tsundere, etc. and the first character conflict literally opens with Rean accidentally groping Alisa's boobs in a typical LN fashion. The harem aspect itself is a LN trope and is a lot more prominent than you're claiming it is. As to why it's a flaw?
It quite literally forces the characters to be written in such a way that there's always an open door for Rean to waifu any girl whenever he wants and actively ruins character dynamics that fans wanted to see, like Kurt and Juna.
It doesn't help that the cast has zero chemistry together because they have NO TIME to build it up. Why? Because they're too busy talking about how amazing Rean is.

The Bonding system also really hurts the overarching aspect of the series. Because the relationships literally reset every game, making the canonical state of the character relations crappy and vague, with every female stuck at the stage where they potentially have a crush on Rean.

Cold Steel 3 and 4 are not only poorly balanced in terms of gameplay to the point where the gameplay is essentially Craft spamming, whereas Sky and Crossbell required you to plan your moves, buff yourself with Arts, etc. when needed and so on - Rean is a broken unit.

Then there's Cold Steel actively retconning stuff from the previous arcs. Even that aside, how about Cold Steel 4?
It took a crap on every villain the series was building up to that point. All the villains that Class 7 beat there were shown to be able to beat all of Class 7 while SOLO, but they actually lost in a GAUNTLET of all things, fell one after another because ''CLASS 7 IS DETERMINED'' yay friendship power.
It's the single worst offender of power scaling in the series.

Also, so what if Rean is the most popular Trails character? That's partially because he's a self-insert. Literally Adol is voted as the #1 Falcom character and he's also a self-insert blank slate.

Cold Steel will forever remain a stain on this franchise. Thankfully Kuro no Kiseki brought back the quality in the franchise - although the west is probably gonna get it all the way in 2025.

“Rean is literally every katana wielding black haired LN protag in existence.”

What’s funny about this is not only are you being dishonest with the framing of this, you specifically (or I guess unintentionally) leave out that he wields a tachi, not a katana. Why is that important anyways? Well obviously the Eight Leaves side of his character is one that is integral and spotlighted in a way that gives him depth and more allure. A character insistently shrouded in self doubt and loathe - towards the end of CS4 becomes a Divine Blade after proving true enlightenment is defeating your own self, he ultimately grows alongside his sword - a trait that I personally appreciated and found it to be one of his unique points to his protagonist counterparts. It’s also a credit to the wonderful world building that continues in CS, Eight Leaves being something that had been referenced in both the previous arcs. Oh, and I guess the black hair is a very light novel trope, not the most common hair color in the world or something.
Anyways, you can do the same type of disingenuous framing with other characters in the series as well.
“Estelle Bright is literally every early-mid 2000’s shoujo manga protagonist.”
“Lloyd Bannings is literally every single generic nice-guy-oblivious anime protagonist”
We both already know these are far from the truth.

“Coupled with the characters being one dimensional tropes like a Kuudere, Tsundere, etc. and the first character conflict literally opens with Rean accidentally groping Alisa's boobs in a typical LN fashion”

Again, you can do the same type of disingenuous framing with other characters in the series. I’m assuming you are referring to Fie as the “Kuudere” but I can easily do the same with the very similar deadpan Tio. And as we go back and forth arguing that each character has more depth than meets their surface value presentation, we prove my point.

You can nitpick the Rean/Alisa happening in the first game all day if it bothers people so much, as far as we don’t ignore scenes like Shirley sexually assaulting Elie in Azure for purely unbridled fanservice. Or even a side quest in Azure that involves the almost equally cliche “girl gets her swimsuit ripped off at the beach” They even drew an official CG for it Evo. I’m not even trying to knock Azure for this anyways, I personally don’t care so much to trash a game for rather innocuous fanservice scenes. Also, I quite enjoyed the call back to the Rean/Alisa grope in CS3, almost like it was either poking fun at how it was in fact rather cliche or it was laughing at people that ever took it seriously in the first place, it was a win-win joke imo.

But speaking of that scene…
“It quite literally forces the characters to be written in such a way that there's always an open door for Rean to waifu any girl whenever he wants and actively ruins character dynamics that fans wanted to see, like Kurt and Juna.
It doesn't help that the cast has zero chemistry together because they have NO TIME to build it up. Why? Because they're too busy talking about how amazing Rean is.”

Wait wait wait. Character dynamics that people wanted to see? Kurt/Juna? You mean the one that opens the EXACT same way that scene you hate in CS1? Why would you want to see that be fleshed out more?

Anyways, you have actually a pretty good point here if you didn’t oddly contradict yourself. But again to be fair, Crossbell started the elimination of party character dynamics/ships, not CS. Ever since Zero, there is no more Shera/Olivier, Agate/Tita, Kevin/Ries, and of course Estelle/Joshua. These are all Sky characters. At the very least CS ships its guy party members with NPC’s at the end of CS4, something similar to a Randy/Mirelle.

Overall I come in peace but I think you are being unfair and disingenuous with your framing of some of your gripes in CS. And by your OP, you state each game is like 50 hours, which shows how little time (and likely respect) you devoted to games that are a fair lot longer than that, easily demonstrating your already obvious bias.
Dec 16, 2022 2:11 AM

Dec 2015
To be honest: I only know Trails in the Sky (first two parts I think their is also a 3rd one with the church guy that I did not play). Someone recommended it. For the newer games my computer is too old I barely game anything - besides old RPG maker games maybe. :D Newer games (the Cold Steel ones - afaik this anime is related to them) I saw on Steam ... in the later parts screenshots that looked like they were (still) on some military academy - some characters. Do not like that the Japanese have to fit schools/academies into everything.

And wile for the Trails in the Sky I liked the 2nd part where the plot developed a lot ... it hat it's weaknesses (even in the 2nd part a bit still) - the setup with the different areas and missions ... felt episodic. And espcially in the first half it was pretty boring.

I hope this anime can be watched standalone since I do not plan to play the Cold Steel games - and I hope the plot is going to be straightforward. No SoL or school festival included. :D Just military action and strategizing + politics maybe.
Dec 21, 2022 12:54 PM

Sep 2017
Luthandorius said:
To be honest: I only know Trails in the Sky (first two parts I think their is also a 3rd one with the church guy that I did not play). Someone recommended it. For the newer games my computer is too old I barely game anything - besides old RPG maker games maybe. :D Newer games (the Cold Steel ones - afaik this anime is related to them) I saw on Steam ... in the later parts screenshots that looked like they were (still) on some military academy - some characters. Do not like that the Japanese have to fit schools/academies into everything.

And wile for the Trails in the Sky I liked the 2nd part where the plot developed a lot ... it hat it's weaknesses (even in the 2nd part a bit still) - the setup with the different areas and missions ... felt episodic. And espcially in the first half it was pretty boring.

I hope this anime can be watched standalone since I do not plan to play the Cold Steel games - and I hope the plot is going to be straightforward. No SoL or school festival included. :D Just military action and strategizing + politics maybe.

The anime takes place after CS2 so the anime will be lost on you.
Jan 4, 2023 3:50 AM
Jan 2023
I'm here to see people's reaction to this new anime but why the long debate that lasted half a year. Don't you guys have real world jobs to argue about this. Everyone has their own opinion but why does this debate become hate speech if you can't respect people's opinions don't reply with thousands of arguments. From what I see, this debate is just to ridicule people's opinions.sen no kieki or say cold steel still my favorite game of all times that first time i say that i have favorite games this game yes this game have problem,but they are no perfect games .

So for opinions that hate, don't bring them here, why isn't the game popular in the West and doesn't come quickly to the West, because your opinion is what makes this game series slow to the West, if you compare it to the East's opinion, it's not there for 5 paragraphs and they opinions is hearwarming

and for anime opinion i think this anime will give a lot of stories from some visions from new characters and those in cold steel i think this anime will be a middle story that solves some of the remaining questions in cold steel

 note: if this opinion offends, just forget and don't reply as simple as that
Jan 5, 2023 7:09 AM

Feb 2021
I too hope that the writing is good to draw people attention to this adaptation!
Jan 5, 2023 7:47 PM

Dec 2018
i don't think ToCS is anywhere near as charming as Sky (have not played the intervening games) but as annoying as it could be with cringey writing, harem nonsense, etc. i did enjoy the games. definitely going to watch the show and i hope it's more focused on the overarching plot. as for @RedRaven023 i really don't know what you mean by hate speech.

1. if you see so called "hate speech" report it
2. not liking something is not "hate speech"
3. you mocked people just for replying, in a reply you yourself made
4. saying "if this opinion offends don't reply" but that's literally what you did; got offended and replied in an offensive manner

not sure how they're going to handle this show but it probably would have been better to release a couple years ago. i have mixed feelings about rean as a protaganist too but he had some moments that were okay, and even more moments where he was a boring generic self insert like kirito from SAO. i have played all of cold steel and while the gameplay is nice and the plot can be interesting the characters and their interactions were a bit cliche but i still hope this show is interesting.
Jan 6, 2023 7:10 AM
Oct 2021
Akitokamisen said:
I am of opposite side
Best arc In trails series is erabonia arc (cold steel) then crossbell arc (zero and azure) and liberal arc(sky)
Generic lightnovel archetypes??
Dude Litrally all characters in trails series are like that

Cold steel games cast >crossbell games cast>sky games cast

Agreed it has pacing problems but mostly because erabonia focuses on building nearly every imp npc as as they will appear in all the 4 games
And it also focuses more building erabonia
I am sorry, bro. I mean I can't even start to comprehend what pile of nonsense have you said in this reply. I agree that the argument about LN archetypes is irrelevant, but it is so because for that to be true, characters (espeсhially in CS 1 and 2) must have an archetype to begin with. Every girl in CS is a tsundere or lacks any kind of personal qualities (Sara and Millium are rare exceptions) and every guy is bland. borring, irrelevant and forgetable. Yes, they have some kind of backstories but who in the world cares when none of these characters have any kind of personality. Every other Trails game had characers that were acting according their own will and beliefs, sometimes disagreed with each other, sometimes were wrong and acknowledged this. In CS these blueprinted stupid, unbearable infantile imbeciles, incapable of a strong-willed act, are physicaly unable of doing a decsidion without Rean (or in his absence Juna). Rean is a stupid edgelord that never acts with the help of his brain. He has only two states. He either silently acts as he was told or he prevents somebody from dying, even if someone is tying to do something worth taking a risk (Musse in CS4 for example)(even mind chalanged scriptwriters of CS 4 managed to highligt it during discussion of Mile Mirage plan, when Loyd and Estelle explained themself in the best way possible and Rean said absolute nonsense in his turn). And on top of that, every fucking girl in the world is soaking wet for this doggie dropped head down as a child like halfwit of a character, that is afraid of any kind of changes. I am not going into dimension of the fact that CS is actively ruining personalities of characters from pevious trails game, because I will die writing something like that. 

At least, in terms of gameplay CS are the best. 

P.s. I mean I understand that I look stupid due to the fact that i get angry over the fact that somebody is wrong in the internet. But man I really can't make it with the thing you have written.
AcademicOfMemesJan 6, 2023 7:14 AM
Jan 6, 2023 10:58 AM

Oct 2015
Funny how anything related to Trails or Ys gets turned into a shitpost fest with people fighting over their hottest take..

The Trails series is in a fine place, sure CS 3&4 were a bit weak in terms of storytelling then it's perqual games. But they are in no way lazy writing or bad.
However i agree that Trails and Ys are both heading into a generic pitfall, pleasing the masses with les depth in the story and more anime tropes, harmes, bathing scene's and horny teens (Trails way more then Ys anyway, but Laxia in Ys 8 is a prime example of forcing tropes into the game)..

Anyways on to the show, since we dont know alot about Ambria it could prove to be good story. Even though the first episode had me struggeling to keep my attention..
Jan 6, 2023 12:53 PM
Jan 2012
If the writing is like the games, honestly it'd be a very good thing.
(Well, for now the first episode's writing is pretty awkward in its exposition but it was pretty necessary for the newcomers)
Jan 6, 2023 1:12 PM

Jun 2015
Im of the opposite mind.

Like most western fans the Cold steel series was the series that intrduced me to the series.
While the troupes that you mentioned were pretty jarring when compared to the first arcs i was actually quite surprised at how well these same trouples combined with the strong narrative, world building and character developemnt for the main and support cast of the series.

Indeed seeing class seven not just grow over the course of the game both individually and in the way they affect those they meet in their journey is what made the team so endearing and their bonding moments that much more heartfelt.

Of course this is just my opinion after all.

On a side note which JRPG has bonding monents that carry over in the first place?  because thats not how bonding moments work in the first place.

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Jan 6, 2023 1:14 PM

Aug 2018
ooh whoop dee doo we got a mister fancy pants over here. Ugh, the writing is dreadful LMAO

For real though, the writing was fine. A little long winded. the story felt spread a bit thin over FOUR games. The ending kinda sucked. Well, the ending for the main plot but the character romance ends were just packed with feels, man. I cried manly tears. these characters are so loveable. how could you not? That to me is the main draw to JRPGs. I'm not here for masterful writing. I am here to go on a road trip with anime friends and maybe save the world while we're at it.

I doubt the anime can do it justice.
epidemia78Jan 6, 2023 1:22 PM
Jan 6, 2023 9:52 PM

Mar 2013
AzurealX said:
For the uninitiated.
The Kiseki series, or Trails series in English are a long-running JRPG series spanning an overarching narrative across 10 titles, soon to be 11.

The first 2 arcs which consist of the first 5 installments are respected through out JRPG circles for their attention to world building and charming characters with organic interactions.

Now, this anime is related to the third arc in the series, Trails of Cold Steel and it's reputation is a lot less... pristine.
It dives head first into generic Light Novel character archetypes and tropes, something which wasn't present nearly at all in the former arcs and does nothing with them, it introduces a bonding/Harem system that actively hampers character development as some characters' character arcs are locked behind specific bonding events. And even more insulting, the ''chosen waifu'' doesn't carry over from game to game... IN AN OVERARCHING NARRATIVE. This creates a jarring disconnect between each sequel and detracts from the already shallow cast solely designed around waifu appeal points.

All of that on top of tons of filler side plots and padding that effectively turn a main narrative that could've been told in 30 hours into a 50+ hour journey.

TLDR: The Cold Steel games are bad and this will probably be bad.
OP: Cold steel games are bad, worst in the franchise.
The whole world: literally never even heard of the trails franchise until cold steel.

Maybe Cold Steel is actually good and carried the whole franchise bringing a bunch of new fans ? ... Nah, the world must be trippin.
Jan 6, 2023 10:29 PM

Jun 2019
Where they recycle enemies after I'm done beating them hard? The series where there are no repercussions to antagonist actions? "Oh we raped an entire village, let me have this cringe opening speech before we fight". I beat them and somehow I see them later on and MC will use talk no jutsu.
Jan 6, 2023 10:54 PM

Apr 2019
 Thread reminded once again me why I despise kiseki fans
Jan 6, 2023 11:29 PM
May 2021
Well, Cold Steel had its own problems, but Kuro no Kiseki is one of the best games in the series and without harem shit.
Jan 7, 2023 1:40 AM

Dec 2015
To me it does not seem like we'd need to play the games first. As I explained before: I played Trails in the Sky the first and 2nd chapter. Nothing else of the series. (No Cold Steel no 3rd chapter of Sky and no Crossbell Arc.) I recognized Campanella in the OP.

There might be stuff you recognize when you know all the games. But they seem to explain a lot - as we could see in episode one with the salt stuff and the history of North Umbria. Of course people that know the details might already know a lot more about Jaegers and stuff (I googled them) - but they might bring more info later. You can't just make the first episodes with giving history lessons only - would scare away the watchers.

And when it is for advertising and for the game-fans only ... they usually adapt first arcs close to the game ... then suddenly stop so people would have buy the game. This might work as standalone as well - side story-like ... maybe? So people that want to know more ... can play the game. (To get themi interested in the games.) While otherst still could watch it standalone.
Jan 7, 2023 9:11 AM

Feb 2015
Musika said:
AzurealX said:
For the uninitiated.
The Kiseki series, or Trails series in English are a long-running JRPG series spanning an overarching narrative across 10 titles, soon to be 11.

The first 2 arcs which consist of the first 5 installments are respected through out JRPG circles for their attention to world building and charming characters with organic interactions.

Now, this anime is related to the third arc in the series, Trails of Cold Steel and it's reputation is a lot less... pristine.
It dives head first into generic Light Novel character archetypes and tropes, something which wasn't present nearly at all in the former arcs and does nothing with them, it introduces a bonding/Harem system that actively hampers character development as some characters' character arcs are locked behind specific bonding events. And even more insulting, the ''chosen waifu'' doesn't carry over from game to game... IN AN OVERARCHING NARRATIVE. This creates a jarring disconnect between each sequel and detracts from the already shallow cast solely designed around waifu appeal points.

All of that on top of tons of filler side plots and padding that effectively turn a main narrative that could've been told in 30 hours into a 50+ hour journey.

TLDR: The Cold Steel games are bad and this will probably be bad.
OP: Cold steel games are bad, worst in the franchise.
The whole world: literally never even heard of the trails franchise until cold steel.

Maybe Cold Steel is actually good and carried the whole franchise bringing a bunch of new fans ? ... Nah, the world must be trippin.
Something being popular doesn't make it good, I don't know if that's a foreign concept to you. The majority of the core Kiseki fanbase hates Cold Steel or is at the very least conflicted on it because of the amount of retcons it forced into the world while flanderizing every character from former arcs, except people that have played ONLY Cold Steel and don't mind consuming shit like Asterisk War, SAO, so on for breakfast, those people's peak fiction is just the average mediocre anime seasonal. But it's suddenly different with Cold Steel cause they're long running video games, coming from a franchise with established good will.
This anime getting poor ratings is well deserved, and because the anime community has no sunk cost fallacy like a lot of people in the fanbase iwth the amount of time they've invested, they're pretty capable of rating it more accurately.

This 6.57 rating is pretty fitting.  The writing of the CS games isn't substantially different at all but the Falcom community has existed only in a bubble so far, this is the first real taste they have with any general non-initiated community and it shows what your average joe would think about Cold Steel's writing.
Anime List|Manga List | Discord: Azureal#2963
Jan 7, 2023 10:05 AM
Aug 2015
Kiseki fans from the west go at it again with the criticism where most of their criticism are complete opposite to the east
Jan 8, 2023 3:21 PM
Jul 2018
_AnimeLover__ said:
Kiseki fans from the west go at it again with the criticism where most of their criticism are complete opposite to the east
you say can that again, i wonder why they see it so bad. i may not have started playing Cold Steel cuz i was busy with the Crossbell Arc. i still know that the story between Crossbell Arc and Erebonia Arc are connected, there are still some questions that i had after playing Trails from Zero.
NOTE: setting up my controller on my laptop just to play Kiseki series for now.
Jan 9, 2023 1:29 AM
May 2008
Kujou_Kuon said:
_AnimeLover__ said:
Kiseki fans from the west go at it again with the criticism where most of their criticism are complete opposite to the east
you say can that again, i wonder why they see it so bad. i may not have started playing Cold Steel cuz i was busy with the Crossbell Arc. i still know that the story between Crossbell Arc and Erebonia Arc are connected, there are still some questions that i had after playing Trails from Zero.
NOTE: setting up my controller on my laptop just to play Kiseki series for now.

They don't see it so bad. Cold Steel is the reason why west loves and got into this series. it's only a small minority cult that are the loudest hates it and basically shits on like really minor issues which can be easily found n the Sky/Crossbell arcs too if you are disingenuous enough. You can see it by reading Dotta or my posts doing exactly the same thing but obviously OP doesn't care or is interested in having a good-faith discussion, but only to continuously berate the series even though he was proven wrong multiple times.
You should really don't pay attention to these kinds of comments since they mostly don't make sense at all and are mostly hypocritical.

Play them yourself and come to a conclusion about whether the games are for you or not.
UTMANJan 9, 2023 1:42 AM
Jan 9, 2023 7:45 AM
Sep 2016
AzurealX said:
This anime getting poor ratings is well deserved, and because the anime community has no sunk cost fallacy like a lot of people in the fanbase iwth the amount of time they've invested, they're pretty capable of rating it more accurately.

This 6.57 rating is pretty fitting.  The writing of the CS games isn't substantially different at all but the Falcom community has existed only in a bubble so far, this is the first real taste they have with any general non-initiated community and it shows what your average joe would think about Cold Steel's writing.

That's just bs arguing over a first episode of an anime that has yet to show any clear weaknesses or strengths. But I guess haters gonna hate. They come from crying over a game to crying over an anime that has 1 episode right now. Inflated ego probably, but we all kinda suffer from that, so it's whatever.
Jan 11, 2023 6:20 AM

Aug 2016
It's such a shame the MAL rating of the anime is low cuz some of the fans of the Liberl games and the Crossbell games are review-bombing the anime cuz they hate the Erebonia games so much.

Peeps are too salty that Erebonia (Cold Steel) games are more mainstream and thus is getting an anime ig.

They should've omitted Cold Steel from the anime title imo. Since animes protag is not Erebonian. And the plot takes place in North Ambria. Might've helped the anime flow under the radar of all the Cold Steel haters.
Jan 12, 2023 3:10 PM

Apr 2013
The major reasons Cold Steel wasn't as good as the previous two aren't present here.
No self insert protagonist, no harem screwing up the potential of all characters to pair up progressively among one another, no overuse of deus ex machina considering what will happen, etc.

Also the rating for the first episode is low because it was an exposition episode, and anime fans hate exposition with passion. Said exposition was necessary and if they were abiding the "show, don't tell" rule here it would have taken many episodes to convey even the strict necessary informations, so ImO they did the right call. Now, the show has to convince peoples that the protagonist is interesting (she barely did anything nor said anything on the first episode) , that the plot is interesting (the plot didn't really start in the first episode, it was just setting up things), etc. If it does, score will go up naturally especially at the end of the show. If it cannot convince, then the rating will unfortunately be deserved.
Jan 12, 2023 7:35 PM

Nov 2009
I just hope I won't see this in anime.......

Kiseki writing 101
1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it
4. Meet a new strong boss character(s)
5. Mcs group lost to him
6. Someone come to help
7. Boss run away.
8. Repeat Step 1-7 for every chapters

Marina2Jan 12, 2023 7:39 PM
Jan 13, 2023 3:51 AM
May 2008
Marina2 said:
I just hope I won't see this in anime.......

Kiseki writing 101
1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it
4. Meet a new strong boss character(s)
5. Mcs group lost to him
6. Someone come to help
7. Boss run away.
8. Repeat Step 1-7 for every chapters

That takes the cake for being the most disingenuous description I've ever seen someone give. So congrats. I can give you multiple chapters from multiple games from the Kiseki series that does not follow this formula, also like you just kinda(?) described most RPG/Shounen/Adventure anime.
" 1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it"

Like wtf... :D Yes let's stay in a place where nothing happens and the MC-s don't want to do anything. That sounds like a perfect and a fascinating game. It's a wonder why you are not heavily in game development. Smh..
UTMANJan 13, 2023 3:57 AM
Jan 13, 2023 5:01 AM

Oct 2020
I just wish the politics would be just like in the Crossbell series. I thought the tug-of-war between nations acting for their own self-interest was one of their best.
Jan 13, 2023 7:10 AM
Mar 2010
Typical blowhard of a post. The scale of Erebonia's arc is way larger than Liberl and XBell combined. It even tried to insert tidbits of Calvard thus everything was a hot mess at some points given... again its LARGER scale and stakes. Trying to push this "Erebonia arc is dreadful" is like a child's tantrum. Not even trying to understand the various difficulty and complexity to mesh two other sagas happening in their universe. It's not like some pancake flipping.

Still, I have to agree with the sentiment that this anime will probably be mediocre at best and I have no issues with it whatsoever. I mean, how many times have we seen game adaptations being bad? Not very surprising.
Jan 13, 2023 7:37 AM
Jul 2018
LordTuchanka said:
I just wish the politics would be just like in the Crossbell series. I thought the tug-of-war between nations acting for their own self-interest was one of their best.
but that was a 3 way Tog'O War between Crossbell, Erebonia and Calvard.
Jan 13, 2023 8:39 AM
Jul 2014
Marina2 said:
I just hope I won't see this in anime.......

Kiseki writing 101
1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it
4. Meet a new strong boss character(s)
5. Mcs group lost to him
6. Someone come to help
7. Boss run away.
8. Repeat Step 1-7 for every chapters

Welcome to RPGs, and most anime honestly.
Jan 13, 2023 10:04 AM

Nov 2009
UTMAN said:
Marina2 said:
I just hope I won't see this in anime.......

Kiseki writing 101
1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it
4. Meet a new strong boss character(s)
5. Mcs group lost to him
6. Someone come to help
7. Boss run away.
8. Repeat Step 1-7 for every chapters

That takes the cake for being the most disingenuous description I've ever seen someone give. So congrats. I can give you multiple chapters from multiple games from the Kiseki series that does not follow this formula, also like you just kinda(?) described most RPG/Shounen/Adventure anime.
" 1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it"

Like wtf... :D Yes let's stay in a place where nothing happens and the MC-s don't want to do anything. That sounds like a perfect and a fascinating game. It's a wonder why you are not heavily in game development. Smh..
I love how you only focused on 1-3 when I wrote 1-8 as the entire pattern. Please focus on 4-7, especially.

If you really play the games, you should know what I was talking about. It not literally happened in every chapter but (4-7)  is something that you see really often, for example: in Sky2nd (Not in the aforementioned pattern, but it has its own pattern that you can recognize, not as bad as Cold Steel BTW) Cold Steel 2&3.

It's fine if they do it sometime, but it is boring when they follow the same pattern multiple time in roll, in the same game.

Look at Cold Steel 2 final dungeon for example, after the first boss fight, other floors follow the exact same format
0. MCs enters new floor
1. MCs meet the boss
2. MC defeated them
3. BUT....The cut scene show boss powered up
4. Mcs can't fight them
5. Other character(s) come to help them
6. Mcs run away to next floor
7. Repeat 1-6 for every floors except the top floor.

Like, can't they change what happens during 3-6, instead of doing the same thing over and over?

Marina2Jan 13, 2023 11:00 AM
Jan 13, 2023 11:53 AM
May 2008
I love how you only focused on 1-3 when I wrote 1-8 as the entire pattern. Please focus on 4-7, especially.

Well I focused on it since you were wrong from the very beginning. But since you specifically asked me ...

If you really play the games, you should know what I was talking about. It not literally happened in every chapter but (4-7)  is something that you see really often, for example: in Sky2nd (Not in the aforementioned pattern, but it has its own pattern that you can recognize, not as bad as Cold Steel BTW) Cold Steel 2&3.

So Sky 2nd...  There are 8 chapters with a final one.

1st and 2nd chapter that's indeed the case.

Against Blueblanc they get their shadow bound and Dorothy saves them and against Walter, Zin shows up. That's the first 2.

However, your pattern suddenly falls flat on its ass, since in chapter 3 they don't fight against Renne and they actually defeat the tank with Amalthea in it.
Similarly, in Chapter 4 they face Luciola without any external help and in chapter 5 it's true that they get external help against Loewe, but the final boss there is Regnard who the team actually manages to free from mind control without you guessed it...external help.
Then after comes the Ouroboros Facility where they are defeated and don't get any external help
On the Glorius, Estelle beats the enhanced Jaegers, though she gets saved by Joshua from Loewe.
Then comes the towers where the team defeats or at least manages to hold every single enforcer without external help.
Then in the Liber Ark, every enforcer is defeated. The only time they get help is against the final boss after he absorbs a fucking septerrion and even that was only a small help by smashing the barrier it had. After that, they defeat him fair and square.

Maybe the first 2 chapters generously fit your points and the rest are nowhere near close to what you wrote.

, not as bad as Cold Steel 2&3.

Oh Cold Steel 3?

Once again no, not really.

Chapter 1 finale, Class VII defeats Duvalie and Shirley and they defeat the Aion. No external help.
Chapter 2 finale, they manage to hold off McBurn and Campanella and defeat the Aion. No external help.
Chapter 3 finale. This is where they get help from Aurelia, without her they would not have been able to defeat Arianrhod.
Chapter 4 finale. They defeat the Dark Dragon without any external help.
Final Dungeon/Spiral of Erebos, they manage to hold off every single boss but they are ultimately defeated.

Where are they getting any external help exactly to defeat the chapter's last boss?
If you thinking mid-chapter shennanigans, well it's not really "other characters" since every time members of Class VII come.

Look at Cold Steel 2 final dungeon for example, after the first boss fight, other floors follow the exact same format
0. MCs enters new floor
1. MCs meet the boss
2. MC defeated them
3. BUT....The cut scene show boss powered up
4. Mcs can't fight them
5. Other character(s) come to help them
6. Mcs run away to next floor
7. Repeat 1-6 for every floors except the top floor.

Like, can't they change what happens during 3-6, instead of doing the same thing over and over?

Wait wait wait....
You are immediately disqualified. That's not the final dungeon. The final dungeon is the Reverie Corridor. ANd if I am being technical even that isn't the final, but the Geofront. But I'm not going to go there.

Now we made this clear. Let's go with what you said.

There are differences between the floors. There is nuance to it. Especially 1/2 and 3.

There are 4 main floors.

1. floor there is Blueblanc and Duvalie. They manage to beat them. They indeed power up. It's not like they can't fight them. They certainly could. They just don't have time. So 2 people tag them out so they can continue.
2. floor similar pattern against this floor's boss.

The only floor they get actually saved is at floor 3. Where they are outclassed, and Rean considers bringing Valimar in. IF you look back he did not even think about bringing it in at the first 2 floors. 

And in the final floor, they do 4 boss battles without external help.

-They defeat Crow/Vita
- Defeat Crow in a Divine Knight battle
- Defeat Vermillion Apocalypse
- Defeat Vermillion Apocalypse in a Divine Knight Battle

So we have 3 boss fights where they get "saved" and 4 others where they don't. 

Jan 13, 2023 1:01 PM

Nov 2009
UTMAN said:
I love how you only focused on 1-3 when I wrote 1-8 as the entire pattern. Please focus on 4-7, especially.

Well I focused on it since you were wrong from the very beginning. But since you specifically asked me ...

If you really play the games, you should know what I was talking about. It not literally happened in every chapter but (4-7)  is something that you see really often, for example: in Sky2nd (Not in the aforementioned pattern, but it has its own pattern that you can recognize, not as bad as Cold Steel BTW) Cold Steel 2&3.

So Sky 2nd...  There are 8 chapters with a final one.

1st and 2nd chapter that's indeed the case.

Against Blueblanc they get their shadow bound and Dorothy saves them and against Walter, Zin shows up. That's the first 2.

However, your pattern suddenly falls flat on its ass, since in chapter 3 they don't fight against Renne and they actually defeat the tank with Amalthea in it.
Similarly, in Chapter 4 they face Luciola without any external help and in chapter 5 it's true that they get external help against Loewe, but the final boss there is Regnard who the team actually manages to free from mind control without you guessed it...external help.
Then after comes the Ouroboros Facility where they are defeated and don't get any external help
On the Glorius, Estelle beats the enhanced Jaegers, though she gets saved by Joshua from Loewe.
Then comes the towers where the team defeats or at least manages to hold every single enforcer without external help.
Then in the Liber Ark, every enforcer is defeated. The only time they get help is against the final boss after he absorbs a fucking septerrion and even that was only a small help by smashing the barrier it had. After that, they defeat him fair and square.

Maybe the first 2 chapters generously fit your points and the rest are nowhere near close to what you wrote.

, not as bad as Cold Steel 2&3.

Oh Cold Steel 3?

Once again no, not really.

Chapter 1 finale, Class VII defeats Duvalie and Shirley and they defeat the Aion. No external help.
Chapter 2 finale, they manage to hold off McBurn and Campanella and defeat the Aion. No external help.
Chapter 3 finale. This is where they get help from Aurelia, without her they would not have been able to defeat Arianrhod.
Chapter 4 finale. They defeat the Dark Dragon without any external help.
Final Dungeon/Spiral of Erebos, they manage to hold off every single boss but they are ultimately defeated.

Where are they getting any external help exactly to defeat the chapter's last boss?
If you thinking mid-chapter shennanigans, well it's not really "other characters" since every time members of Class VII come.

Look at Cold Steel 2 final dungeon for example, after the first boss fight, other floors follow the exact same format
0. MCs enters new floor
1. MCs meet the boss
2. MC defeated them
3. BUT....The cut scene show boss powered up
4. Mcs can't fight them
5. Other character(s) come to help them
6. Mcs run away to next floor
7. Repeat 1-6 for every floors except the top floor.

Like, can't they change what happens during 3-6, instead of doing the same thing over and over?

Wait wait wait....
You are immediately disqualified. That's not the final dungeon. The final dungeon is the Reverie Corridor. ANd if I am being technical even that isn't the final, but the Geofront. But I'm not going to go there.

Now we made this clear. Let's go with what you said.

There are differences between the floors. There is nuance to it. Especially 1/2 and 3.

There are 4 main floors.

1. floor there is Blueblanc and Duvalie. They manage to beat them. They indeed power up. It's not like they can't fight them. They certainly could. They just don't have time. So 2 people tag them out so they can continue.
2. floor similar pattern against this floor's boss.

The only floor they get actually saved is at floor 3. Where they are outclassed, and Rean considers bringing Valimar in. IF you look back he did not even think about bringing it in at the first 2 floors. 

And in the final floor, they do 4 boss battles without external help.

-They defeat Crow/Vita
- Defeat Crow in a Divine Knight battle
- Defeat Vermillion Apocalypse
- Defeat Vermillion Apocalypse in a Divine Knight Battle

So we have 3 boss fights where they get "saved" and 4 others where they don't. 

I am not in the mood to write an overly long reply, I will only talk about your reply on Cold Steel 2 since I believe it is the easiest way to get my point across to you.

Those little detail you mentioned are different, yes, but in in the end - What  happens in each floor is basically the same twist & turn (in general) -- Which is: [Our MCs are ALWAYS unable to completely defeat the boss of each floor (except the top floor) and after the boss fight, someone will ALWAYS appear to keep those bosses busy in order to let MCs group advance to the next floor]

Those are what I meant by 'the pattern'   Not every little details are the same, but overall event are the same, repetitive story progression.

Marina2Jan 13, 2023 1:07 PM
Jan 13, 2023 1:06 PM

Jan 2013
Yeah, I went ahead and dropped this as soon as I realized it was based on a game.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jan 13, 2023 1:19 PM
May 2008

I am not in the mood to write an overly long reply, I will only talk about your reply on Cold Steel 2 since I believe it is the easiest to get my point across to you.

Those little detail you mentions are different, yes, but in in the end - What  happens in each floor is basically the same twist & turn (in general) -- Which is: [Our MCs are ALWAYS unable to completely defeat the boss of each floor (except the top floor) and after the boss fight, someone will ALWAYS appear to keep those bosses busy in order to let MCs group advance to the next floor]

Those are what I meant by 'the pattern'   Not every little details are the same, but overall event are the same, repetitive progression.

Your first post was initially that every single chapter follows the same pattern, not we are here, you pushing the goalpost to one of the dungeons.

You literally contradict yourself by claiming every single floor, except the top floor.

I literally counted every single boss fight for you, and counted 3 where someone appears and 4 where they defeat the boss.

And even if in this particular dungeon they get help... they defeat before this:
- Vulcan
- Scarlet
- Altina
- Duvalie (when she protects Helmut Albarea)

It's not like this pattern where they get help keeps repeating even before the whole dungeon, so I really don't understand your point here.

Also, this stuff humanizes characters. Like they are not all-powerful walking Gary/Mary Stue-s and might need sometimes some side character's help.
Also, this makes their development in CS3/4 more satisfying since I explained to you that in CS3 they are more than capable of holding out against Ouroboros' best. For example, Emma/Gaius and Laura could hold off Arianrhod and McBurn.

Those little detail you mentioned are different, yes, but in in the end -
This is why I called you disingenuous. Like these little details, what makes it different. Like what stops you from making comments like "Well JRPG-s suck cause they all follow the same pattern. Make some basic characters. Some world. Something happens. Villain show up, and at the end a final dungeon happens".

Technically you would be right since like if you break it down to its core yeah JRPG-s are kinda the same. But we both know the devil is in the details.
UTMANJan 13, 2023 2:31 PM
Jan 13, 2023 1:21 PM
May 2008
LostSpectre said:
Yeah, I went ahead and dropped this as soon as I realized it was based on a game.

It's not strictly based on a game. The events in the anime are not in the games, they are somewhat original and the studio has some creative freedom.
The first two episodes kinda explain pretty well what you need to know about the world and setting though it's obviously better if you played at least Cold Steel 1 and 2.
Jan 13, 2023 9:15 PM

Nov 2009
UTMAN said:

I am not in the mood to write an overly long reply, I will only talk about your reply on Cold Steel 2 since I believe it is the easiest to get my point across to you.

Those little detail you mentions are different, yes, but in in the end - What  happens in each floor is basically the same twist & turn (in general) -- Which is: [Our MCs are ALWAYS unable to completely defeat the boss of each floor (except the top floor) and after the boss fight, someone will ALWAYS appear to keep those bosses busy in order to let MCs group advance to the next floor]

Those are what I meant by 'the pattern'   Not every little details are the same, but overall event are the same, repetitive progression.

Your first post was initially that every single chapter follows the same pattern, not we are here, you pushing the goalpost to one of the dungeons.

You literally contradict yourself by claiming every single floor, except the top floor.

I literally counted every single boss fight for you, and counted 3 where someone appears and 4 where they defeat the boss.

And even if in this particular dungeon they get help... they defeat before this:
- Vulcan
- Scarlet
- Altina
- Duvalie (when she protects Helmut Albarea)

It's not like this pattern where they get help keeps repeating even before the whole dungeon, so I really don't understand your point here.

Also, this stuff humanizes characters. Like they are not all-powerful walking Gary/Mary Stue-s and might need sometimes some side character's help.
Also, this makes their development in CS3/4 more satisfying since I explained to you that in CS3 they are more than capable of holding out against Ouroboros' best. For example, Emma/Gaius and Laura could hold off Arianrhod and McBurn.

Those little detail you mentioned are different, yes, but in in the end -
This is why I called you disingenuous. Like these little details, what makes it different. Like what stops you from making comments like "Well JRPG-s suck cause they all follow the same pattern. Make some basic characters. Some world. Something happens. Villain show up, and at the end a final dungeon happens".

Technically you would be right since like if you break it down to its core yeah JRPG-s are kinda the same. But we both know the devil is in the details.

I believe I said at the beginning that I only focus on your reply on Cold Steel 2 (which refer to the part about 'the tower') NOT in the reference to my whole post before??

If it will make you feel satisfy, I will accept that I was wrong for using the world 'every' but the fact is still reamin that there are many repetitive part in each game used that same twist many time in roll.

" Like these little details, what makes it different."  - Those little details make thing different ,but not different enough.

They could've made each floor play out differently like:

The First floor - happened the same way as showed in the game
The Second floor - The fight between Mcs group and boss resulted in the collapse of the ground which prevent bosses to follow you to the next floor. Your group don't encounter any friend.
The Third floor - You meet your friend(s) at the beginning of the floor (if they can appear out of nowhere after the boss fight, they can appear at the start of the floor too) they travel together to fight the floor boss, In the end, the fight between our group and the bosses results in that friend(s) get wounded and the bosses escaped.  Mcs group has to travel to next floor without their friend(s). At this point some other non-playable friends appear to carry the wounded friend away to the safety while wishing us a good luck.

Get my point yet? Those change in detail actually make each floor play out different from each other.  They are not the same [Our MCs are ALWAYS unable to completely defeat the boss of each floor (except the top floor) and after the boss fight, someone will ALWAYS appear to keep those bosses busy in order to let MCs group advance to the next floor] repeatably used for many time in roll.


Just to be clear. I am fine with game play loop of [1.Go to new location 2. Fix the problem 3. Fight the boss] since it is a basic of adventure RPG story writing but I have problem when section(s) of the story reuse too many same/similar 'twist' to progress the plot.  I am not saying the way Kiseki games done it was bad. They are very enjoyable by the standard of JRPG plot but they could've done it a lot better....

P.S. My favorite activity in Kiseki games is to go around talking with every NPC in the area to check out how their dialogue have changed over time.

Marina2Jan 13, 2023 10:25 PM
Jan 16, 2023 8:43 PM
Dec 2013
UTMAN said:
Marina2 said:
I just hope I won't see this in anime.......

Kiseki writing 101
1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it
4. Meet a new strong boss character(s)
5. Mcs group lost to him
6. Someone come to help
7. Boss run away.
8. Repeat Step 1-7 for every chapters

That takes the cake for being the most disingenuous description I've ever seen someone give. So congrats. I can give you multiple chapters from multiple games from the Kiseki series that does not follow this formula, also like you just kinda(?) described most RPG/Shounen/Adventure anime.
" 1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it"

Like wtf... :D Yes let's stay in a place where nothing happens and the MC-s don't want to do anything. That sounds like a perfect and a fascinating game. It's a wonder why you are not heavily in game development. Smh..
I'm a Trails fan and that post you quoted summed up a great portion of the happenings in the series. All they forgot was all the overly complicated secondary names everyone gets, the shounen get in a fight but hold back your powers, possible "deaths" where you don't actually see a body for so you know what's going to happen eventually. Lastly at the end of the game most major events are condensed into the last few hours and there's probably some cliffhanger that makes you want to jump into the next game but as soon as you do everything is de-escalated right away.
Jan 19, 2023 8:44 AM
Oct 2021
stone616 said:
UTMAN said:

That takes the cake for being the most disingenuous description I've ever seen someone give. So congrats. I can give you multiple chapters from multiple games from the Kiseki series that does not follow this formula, also like you just kinda(?) described most RPG/Shounen/Adventure anime.
" 1. Go to new region
2. Something happened
3.MCs group get involved and tries to fix it"

Like wtf... :D Yes let's stay in a place where nothing happens and the MC-s don't want to do anything. That sounds like a perfect and a fascinating game. It's a wonder why you are not heavily in game development. Smh..
I'm a Trails fan and that post you quoted summed up a great portion of the happenings in the series. All they forgot was all the overly complicated secondary names everyone gets, the shounen get in a fight but hold back your powers, possible "deaths" where you don't actually see a body for so you know what's going to happen eventually. Lastly at the end of the game most major events are condensed into the last few hours and there's probably some cliffhanger that makes you want to jump into the next game but as soon as you do everything is de-escalated right away.
Summing up events that happen, and being so reductive to the point of making no points are two different things. And the OP did the later.

None of what you or the op said is either good or bad. It depends on the story details that you don't present any compelling argument against. To make matters worse, both of you exaggerate all of your points. "Everyone" gets complicated secondary names? Every chapter someone holds back their power? Every chapter you encounter a strong boss that you lose to and then they run away? And most major events are built up throughout the game, many get paid off before the final chapters, so I don't know what you're even talking about.
And the part about how the end of the game is a cliffhanger. Ah yes, 3 of the 9 games currently available in the west end in cliffhangers, what a bad thing!

There are many, many valid criticisims you can throw at the series. But people do this shit and think they actually have anything useful or meaningful to say.
Jan 20, 2023 7:49 AM

Dec 2018
AzurealX said:
mosam00 said:

There are barely any LN elements at all, stop spreading BS.

Are you shitting me lmao?
Barely any LN elements?

Rean is literally every katana wielding black haired LN protag in existence. Coupled with the characters being one dimensional tropes like a Kuudere, Tsundere, etc. and the first character conflict literally opens with Rean accidentally groping Alisa's boobs in a typical LN fashion. The harem aspect itself is a LN trope and is a lot more prominent than you're claiming it is. As to why it's a flaw?
It quite literally forces the characters to be written in such a way that there's always an open door for Rean to waifu any girl whenever he wants  and actively ruins character dynamics that fans wanted to see, like Kurt and Juna.
It doesn't help that the cast has zero chemistry together because they have NO TIME to build it up. Why? Because they're too busy talking about how amazing Rean is.

The Bonding system also really hurts the overarching aspect of the series. Because the relationships literally reset every game, making the canonical state of the character relations crappy and vague, with every female stuck at the stage where they potentially have a crush on Rean.

Cold Steel 3 and 4 are not only poorly balanced in terms of gameplay to the point where the gameplay is essentially Craft spamming, whereas Sky and Crossbell required you to plan your moves, buff  yourself with Arts, etc. when needed and so on - Rean is a broken unit.

Then there's Cold Steel actively retconning stuff from the previous arcs. Even that aside, how about Cold Steel 4?
It took a crap on every villain the series was building up to that point. All the villains that Class 7 beat there were shown to be able to beat all of Class 7 while SOLO, but they actually lost in a GAUNTLET of all things, fell one after another because ''CLASS 7 IS DETERMINED'' yay friendship power.
It's the single worst offender of power scaling in the series.

Also, so what if Rean is the most popular Trails character? That's partially because he's a self-insert. Literally Adol is voted as the #1 Falcom character and he's also a self-insert blank slate.

Cold Steel will forever remain a stain on this franchise. Thankfully Kuro no Kiseki brought back the quality in the franchise - although the west is probably gonna get it all the way in 2025.

absolutely gigachad based desu
i wish i could have played the crossbell games; the move from TiTS to ToCS was jarring, both in terms of story/characters, and overall atmosphere. the harem crap was NEVER enjoyable. with TiTs we had an amazing romance and conflicted, deep characters just to go to ToCS with mega-insert Rean and his harem of thirsty students (not to mention a background story that was supposed to make him seem deep and troubled but was really just annoying when you compare it to Joshua).
Jan 20, 2023 8:06 AM

Feb 2015
StateofOhayo said:
AzurealX said:

Are you shitting me lmao?
Barely any LN elements?

Rean is literally every katana wielding black haired LN protag in existence. Coupled with the characters being one dimensional tropes like a Kuudere, Tsundere, etc. and the first character conflict literally opens with Rean accidentally groping Alisa's boobs in a typical LN fashion. The harem aspect itself is a LN trope and is a lot more prominent than you're claiming it is. As to why it's a flaw?
It quite literally forces the characters to be written in such a way that there's always an open door for Rean to waifu any girl whenever he wants  and actively ruins character dynamics that fans wanted to see, like Kurt and Juna.
It doesn't help that the cast has zero chemistry together because they have NO TIME to build it up. Why? Because they're too busy talking about how amazing Rean is.

The Bonding system also really hurts the overarching aspect of the series. Because the relationships literally reset every game, making the canonical state of the character relations crappy and vague, with every female stuck at the stage where they potentially have a crush on Rean.

Cold Steel 3 and 4 are not only poorly balanced in terms of gameplay to the point where the gameplay is essentially Craft spamming, whereas Sky and Crossbell required you to plan your moves, buff  yourself with Arts, etc. when needed and so on - Rean is a broken unit.

Then there's Cold Steel actively retconning stuff from the previous arcs. Even that aside, how about Cold Steel 4?
It took a crap on every villain the series was building up to that point. All the villains that Class 7 beat there were shown to be able to beat all of Class 7 while SOLO, but they actually lost in a GAUNTLET of all things, fell one after another because ''CLASS 7 IS DETERMINED'' yay friendship power.
It's the single worst offender of power scaling in the series.

Also, so what if Rean is the most popular Trails character? That's partially because he's a self-insert. Literally Adol is voted as the #1 Falcom character and he's also a self-insert blank slate.

Cold Steel will forever remain a stain on this franchise. Thankfully Kuro no Kiseki brought back the quality in the franchise - although the west is probably gonna get it all the way in 2025.

absolutely gigachad based desu
i wish i could have played the crossbell games; the move from TiTS to ToCS was jarring, both in terms of story/characters, and overall atmosphere. the harem crap was NEVER enjoyable. with TiTs we had an amazing romance and conflicted, deep characters just to go to ToCS with mega-insert Rean and his harem of thirsty students (not to mention a background story that was supposed to make him seem deep and troubled but was really just annoying when you compare it to Joshua).
Yeah, thankfully Kuro no Kiseki doesn't have harem, the relationships are dictated by the plot, not by the player. Unless Kuro 3 randomly decides to screw it up, we should be fine.
Anime List|Manga List | Discord: Azureal#2963
Jan 20, 2023 9:19 AM

Dec 2018
AzurealX said:
StateofOhayo said:
absolutely gigachad based desu
i wish i could have played the crossbell games; the move from TiTS to ToCS was jarring, both in terms of story/characters, and overall atmosphere. the harem crap was NEVER enjoyable. with TiTs we had an amazing romance and conflicted, deep characters just to go to ToCS with mega-insert Rean and his harem of thirsty students (not to mention a background story that was supposed to make him seem deep and troubled but was really just annoying when you compare it to Joshua).
Yeah, thankfully Kuro no Kiseki doesn't have harem, the relationships are dictated by the plot, not by the player. Unless Kuro 3 randomly decides to screw it up, we should be fine.
i didn't even realize this was on steam!
Jan 28, 2023 3:58 PM

Mar 2008
Oh look cold steel haters, surprise surprise. The Erebonia arc of the series was great. Had tons of great moments and brought back numerous beloved cast members. The games weren't shit and didn't have terrible writing.
Jan 28, 2023 7:01 PM
Jun 2015
razisgosu said:
Oh look cold steel haters, surprise surprise. The Erebonia arc of the series was great. Had tons of great moments and brought back numerous beloved cast members. The games weren't shit and didn't have terrible writing.
coldsteel fans: no you guys are all wrong! coldsteel games are amazing cause the games are amazing! (and have fanservice like bring back characters from previous games)

OP is right. The anime sucks like coldsteel games
Jan 28, 2023 7:23 PM

Mar 2008
Mystogan03 said:
razisgosu said:
Oh look cold steel haters, surprise surprise. The Erebonia arc of the series was great. Had tons of great moments and brought back numerous beloved cast members. The games weren't shit and didn't have terrible writing.
coldsteel fans: no you guys are all wrong! coldsteel games are amazing cause the games are amazing! (and have fanservice like bring back characters from previous games)

OP is right. The anime sucks like coldsteel games

cool story bro lol
Jan 28, 2023 8:32 PM

Feb 2015
It's not in English.

The English localization is behind by a few years.
I figure that we'll have Kuro no Kiseki in English in 2024 and Kuro 2 in 2025.

The first game has a fan translation spreadsheet that you can just insert into the game though.
Kuro 2 doesn't because the people behind the English loc of the series took it down despite the fact they haven't even announced Kuro 1 in the west let alone 2.
Anime List|Manga List | Discord: Azureal#2963
Feb 12, 2023 12:54 AM
Mar 2016
Too low quality especially during the fight scene like during the shooting at monster. also nothing much is canon. 4 episodes so far here and felt wasted.
Feb 16, 2023 1:31 PM

Jan 2017
AzurealX said:
It dives head first into generic Light Novel character archetypes and tropes
Name a single JRPG series that doesn't do this lmao everything is a trope in this genre.
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