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Aug 13, 2022 8:59 AM

Nov 2011
Well, at least they know a little bit more about Sharon and what she's capcable of. Being one of the top exorcists in this series makes her a noticable character.

Kisara vs Sharon felt kinda one sided. In this fight, Sharon was just too strong for her to handle. The kiss between Kisara and Shu though..might be one of the most intense yet in this series.
Aug 13, 2022 10:18 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Sharon ran away after seeing Ayano and others coming to fight her. Kisara was about to kiss Shuu but she was quickly stopped by Ayano xD.
Seems Shuu took Kisara with him after he liberated her and ran away from Sharon. He poisoned her during a certain accomplish this!
That tentacle mechanical suit was pretty weird lol.
Kisara turned up to the place Sharon asked her to and they fought with Sharon in her mechanical suit being very overpowering...
It was a good thing Shuu turned up!
That kiss scene between them was the best so far!
Now with her next form, Kisara destroyed Sharon!
'Every other woman can be destroyed!'

Looking forward to the next episode!
Rem4lifexDAug 13, 2022 10:30 AM
Aug 13, 2022 10:24 AM

Feb 2019
A-1 Saturdays continue!

Lmao Shu bold as hell for poisoning Sharon during sex

God bless A-1

Best kiss physics in the industry fr

Really good episode overall. Kisara definitely beat the hell out of sharon but given she’s human that was to be expected. Now that the cat-fight’s out of the way, looking forward to learning more about the demon hazard. Will probably take all the harem coming together to take on that threat. Just hope my baby ayano don’t get left behind in all this.
Marinate1016Aug 13, 2022 10:32 AM
Aug 13, 2022 10:24 AM

Jul 2017
The 3rd female in Shu's memory-forgetting harem: Sharon Holygrail the nun, and she is a whole other different beast being one of 12 "Living Relic" Excorists of the Celestial Abbey, Their operations work with the same objective but different tactics when it comes to extermination of Demon Hazards. The original partner of Shu's whose partnership attempt is to liberate Kisara and get her demonic body at the time of her release, so technically Kisara and Ayano are being played on.

So the Celestial Abbey for sure, is an organization that goes beyond logic and reasoning to exterminate demons, even as much as to smuggle in mechanical parts infused with the use of demonic parts, that's quite the disturbing find that authorities have an even harder time fending against, much less Kisara and Sharon's fight that unfortunately is already seen as a one-sided battle from the get-go. And from Shu's perspective, he'd rather die entrusting his life to a demon, rather than geting his ass kicked by Sharon, which depending on the call, definitely is a life-and-death decision not taken lightly.

Oh well, that's one woman down, and a life secured while the guy gets his memories sorted out with a fair few recollections. But this is not the end of Sharon, and what she reveals...certainly will lead the city into utter chaos.
Aug 13, 2022 10:33 AM

Jun 2014
Oh my...I was burst out laughing the moment I see how Shuu poisoned Sharon, is that even remotely possible? Then again this anime has a sci-fi setting which tentacle power suits are a thing lol
Aug 13, 2022 10:53 AM

Sep 2021
Of course Shuu poisoned Sharon while they were having sex because... of course he did.

I was kind of disappointed that the showdown between Sharon and Kisara didn't last long, so I'm glad the later part of the episode made up for that. Even if it was Kisara versus a robot... tentacle... thing? I'm not going to question it, A-1 seems to like animating tentacles tbh.

That kiss between Kisara and Shuu was... wow~ really quality animation~ I'm still frustrated with how Shuu is willing to throw away his memories, entrusting his life to a demon like that- but Kisara's declaration of "it's okay, it's enough" actually really got to me a little bit... It feels like we're setting up for an endgame, kind of- with Sharon giving that warning about the destruction of the city and a demon hazard.

Not much else to say about this episode, but I'm looking forward to seeing where things go from here! I missed Ayano's involvement this episode, so I hope she's needed in the future~

I'm okay now... At least... I want to be able to say that.
profilewatchingreadingart credit

Aug 13, 2022 10:54 AM

Jul 2022
Maruto- Dear viewer, trust me, the scene where Sharon is lying on the floor, naked, while the tentacle goo is all over her, is esential to the story.

Jokes aside, good episode as usual. The fights were great, Kisara got some development and I liked the fan service in today's episode a lot
Say-My-NameAug 13, 2022 11:08 AM
Aug 13, 2022 11:18 AM

Jul 2015
LMAO.. Shuu boned a lot of woman.. Man's a chad.. (notreally)

Not the best episode tbh.. probably the weakest one after ep3.. the poster and OP/ED confirm that its not just Kisara and Shuu that are main couple.. but rather Ayano.. but Ayano sure gets a lot of side tracked..

Lets hope next the next episode focuses on the best girl! Ayanao's mother!
Aug 13, 2022 11:34 AM

Dec 2018
This was a wild episode, the tentacle suit bit was especially unexpected, that’s an interesting piece of tech they got there lol. And I loved the flashback where it shows how Shu escape with Kisara, my man poisoned Sharon with his pp lmao, that is galaxy brain shit, love it.

And the fight between Kisara and Sharon was pretty awesome, lots of great animation there and Sharon nearly won if not for Shu intervening and bringing Kisara to full power. This was definitely a big win for Kisara when it comes to Shu as well, the final scene had me feeling bad for Ayano, I hope she gets another win here soon. Also lmao at the detectives reacting to half naked Sharon covered in demon residue at the end.
Aug 13, 2022 1:10 PM

Sep 2020
Though the suit with devil powers is really strong, she still managed to defeat it. I think she may join the mc in the future.
Aug 13, 2022 1:32 PM
Aug 2021
Muito bom, curti bastante este epsodio
Aug 13, 2022 1:34 PM

Jun 2015
Awesome battle and episode. I wonder if Shuu's memories arnt entirely lost. Nuns in combat suits take me back to when I played elder scrolls online. Good times, good times.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Aug 13, 2022 1:45 PM

Jan 2009
Sharon is sexy hot goddamn

nice battle between Sharon and Kisara

and the plot thickens there will be a powerful demon coming to the city thats why Sharon and the Exorcist Church are there in the city too
Aug 13, 2022 2:30 PM
Oct 2020
He poisoned her during that of all things, what a lad
Aug 13, 2022 2:34 PM

May 2013
Shu is having these weird dreams again and I wonder what's up with that, this time the mysterious spear absorbed kisara as well. Bit disappointed that all what sharon wanted back then and now was to murder kisara, at least she was telling about a disaster coming which also implies that she may join shu's gang later.

Kisara's scenes were awesome, from the usual quarrel with ayano to further shit talking sharon to having an intense talk with shu about what she really means to him, it was about time this getting addressed again. Tho it wasn't a confession it's definitely a start to further develop their relationship at this point, shu desperately needs kisara no matter what it costs but she demands to get desired by him in return whatever it costs. I really like their dynamic, it's kind of a twisted form of love and codependence
Aug 13, 2022 2:58 PM

May 2019
Quite a bit of action and more story-line progress, along with probably the wettest kiss thus far of the season. Sharon dons a demon-type suit that has tentacles (kind of weird) and lures Kisara to a multi-level empty warehouse where they fight. Shuu shows up and he and Kisara make up and have the wet kiss that helps Kisara defeat Sharon.

There's foreshadowing that there may be stronger demon(s) coming to the city so I wonder if Sharon will join the gang? (She did try to kill both Kisara and Shuu so maybe not.) Also, that weird dream that Shuu had about his sister and Kisara and the spear, not sure what that means but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more story-line progression.
Aug 13, 2022 3:05 PM

Jun 2017
Something is fishy with Shuu's lil sis and Kisara disappearing. I am guessing Kisara was unable to save her at that point so she just deleted those memories from him. The big bad demon hazard coming has to be the lil sis. The blue spear was hinted a couple times already.
Aug 13, 2022 3:10 PM

Mar 2012

it only took them


to have a sexy fight between girls

EcchiGodMamsterAug 13, 2022 3:14 PM
Aug 13, 2022 3:20 PM

Jan 2018
Damn, Shuu is definitely one heck of a fuccboi loser.

Can't say anything more about it.
Aug 13, 2022 3:40 PM

Jan 2009
This is simply good stuff. Few animes make me want to watch the next episode right away, but Engage Kiss is one of them.
Aug 13, 2022 4:56 PM

Jun 2021
Every other woman can be destroyed"

Wow, Kisara. Just calm down, but, on the other hand, don't calm down when you are such a badass!!.

I like how she said out loud that she has no regrets if Shuu is going to deceive her until he dies, because she is the one who made him like that and causing his downfall. I was a bit unsure on her before, but now I'm all in with this episode.
Aug 13, 2022 6:15 PM

May 2021
This was a great chance to give more depth to Kisara's character but they do this. Maybe later?

Aug 13, 2022 6:31 PM

Dec 2019
One of my favorite eps so far idk if I like this one or the first one more tbh

Amazing ep tho the fights were nuts well that's a1 for you.

And that fanservice was real nice lol
Aug 13, 2022 6:37 PM

May 2022
I feel Shuu is slowly getting in love for Kisara because of she stealing his memories
The fights scenes in this episodes didn't have a lot of movement, but it was pretty good

Sharon is very beautiful
Aug 13, 2022 7:50 PM

Jul 2014
So... he poisoned her after banging her? Jesus christ, they really want to implant this idea to the viewers that Shuu is this chad of a character huh? nah, sorry, but I only see a bum.
Aug 13, 2022 7:59 PM
Jun 2019
great episode shu being giga chad men of culture :)
Aug 13, 2022 8:23 PM

Jul 2022
-Stray said:
So... he poisoned her after banging her? Jesus christ, they really want to implant this idea to the viewers that Shuu is this chad of a character huh? nah, sorry, but I only see a bum.

Shu reminds me of 80s anime protagonists. Sleazy, lame, but ultimately competent when it comes down to it.
Aug 13, 2022 10:08 PM
Anime Cat

Aug 2017
There is some plot development. But, in general, this episode only shown how a yandere demon defeated "chaste" tenta-mecha nun.

m i d
Aug 13, 2022 10:51 PM
Mar 2022
Kita ditawarkan dengan adegan Ero beserta pertarungan yang epic
Aug 13, 2022 11:23 PM
Sep 2019
Does Shu really think that Sharon only came to the city because of a mission?

Considering the fact that she spends a lot of time pestering Shu about their relationship till Shu admits he doesn't know her or how she just getting into the girls' heads shows that maybe Sharon was personally hurt that Shu betrayed her.

While Ayano comment about the irony about Sharon's Caste title is funny but it just shows that Sharon did love Shu to the point she's willing to give up her virginity to him. Considering that she resorted to use a knife to kill her when she already has monstrous strength to do the deed shows that she might have been trying to stall the inevitable.
Aug 13, 2022 11:57 PM

Jan 2021
theassholeofmal said:
-Stray said:
So... he poisoned her after banging her? Jesus christ, they really want to implant this idea to the viewers that Shuu is this chad of a character huh? nah, sorry, but I only see a bum.

Shu reminds me of 80s anime protagonists. Sleazy, lame, but ultimately competent when it comes down to it.
so basically 90% of average MC's lmao
Aug 14, 2022 12:01 AM

Jan 2009

Based on Shuu’s weird dream at the beginning of the episode, which saw Kanna pierced by this weird spear, and Kisara and Kanna dissolving into blackness, I’m somehow beginning to suspect that the big Demon Hazard threat either will be Kanna herself, or at least in some way related to her. And another pure gut feeling suspicion is that their father is actually the one who intentionally brought this to pass in some way. So, there will be no big family redemption.

An important revelation of this episode is that Kisara’s “eating memories” ability is not perfect. Even though she removed memories of Sharon, Shuu remembered some afterimages (“how did I know that this was not Sharon’s style when I never met her before?”).

And to top things off in purely speculation mode – I get the inkling feeling that Kisara is consciously trying to railroad Shuu’s motivation. The way I see it, Kisara might have manipulated Shuu’s memory so that he thinks that Kanna might still be alive/rescuable while he actually saw her die/turn into a demon in the past – and Kisara “ate” this memory, but the afterimage of it broke through in Shuu’s dream. This would also explain her frantic questioning of Shuu in the middle of the fight:

“What’s the reason behind you wanting me? Revenge against demons? Regaining a good name for your family? Or is it to save your little sister?”

At the same time, I don’t have the feeling that she is doing all this for purely selfish reasons. It _is_ important to her, yes, but I feel that Kisara is _genuinely_ trying to help Shuu. How could this fit?

Let’s think back to Shuu’s dream: “Kisara! Save Kanna! That’s why I liberated you!” I am pretty sure that this dream actually happened in one way or the other – this is Shuu’s raw motivation which got him to free and contract Kisara, BEFORE memory manipulation. Save from who, though? My call: From his father with his demon experiments. Shuu was absolutely frantic in his dream. My speculation: Kisara was removing the “my father did that” memory and keeps Shuu going to save Kanna, even though it is futile.

All of that is based on the assumption, of course, that the story is inherently logical. Then again, Fumiaki Maruto has a good track record for that.
Aug 14, 2022 12:20 AM

Feb 2022
Why Sharon tried to kill shuu with the knife while they having segg???? ???? ???? ????
GreyratAnimelistAug 14, 2022 7:18 AM

"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
Aug 14, 2022 3:18 AM

Oct 2021
uuwwwoooghhh seeeegggss
Inside of me you’re still living
Each time I think of you pain, suffering, sorrow, despair
You’re just an emotional decay, the one who took my life away
Aug 14, 2022 3:18 AM

Oct 2017
Shu poisoned her through...??? Sharon got her ass kicked by Kisara.
Aug 14, 2022 3:40 AM

Jun 2021
I love this anime so much, Sharon, Ayano and Kisara are so good
Aug 14, 2022 6:30 AM

Apr 2020
Seggs power my shit brain every day, and damn the fanservice here has to be the most in this series so far, from Sharon's body getting exposed because of the suit, Shuu and Kisara kissing intensely, and...that line when Kisara says that both Shuu and Sharon penetrated her ass and vag-- I mean abdomen and she can't help but just whimper..., Ayano and maybe you share the same sentiment, Kisara why the fuck did you describe it like that! Well I guess Shuu and Kisara reaffirmed their vows to each other and with that Sharon got defeated and Ayano once again is shunned to the sidelines.

Now I wonder how much women Shuu really slept that Kisara hasn't told us yet in her mind already filled with envy.
Aug 14, 2022 6:46 AM

Apr 2020
This is just my imagination but I imagine that Shuu used the poison (that messed up Sharon) like a lube to his dick, and if things were in order, it wasn't the penetration that Sharon got the poison, she might got because of fella...yeah you know what I mean.
Aug 14, 2022 7:09 AM

Jun 2016
this MC is the real Bastardo !!

Aug 14, 2022 7:37 AM

Oct 2008
yeah ... seems like demon transformation of Kisara is too much of a power see on prev ep Sharon is just overpowering almost everyone whereas this episode its the other way around...we need some power leveling here...i hope the Demon Hazard is gonna be interesting especially if Demon mode Kisara would have a hard time against that...

Aug 14, 2022 7:38 AM

May 2013
GreyratAnimelist said:
Why Sharon tried to kill shuu with the knife while they having segg???? ???? ???? ????

a moment when is his defense and attention are down, she probably wasn't sure if she could beat him hand to hand. And the why: she knew that he needed kisara and couldn't allow that he gets away with her

Mentar said:

Based on Shuu’s weird dream at the beginning of the episode, which saw Kanna pierced by this weird spear, and Kisara and Kanna dissolving into blackness, I’m somehow beginning to suspect that the big Demon Hazard threat either will be Kanna herself, or at least in some way related to her. And another pure gut feeling suspicion is that their father is actually the one who intentionally brought this to pass in some way. So, there will be no big family redemption.

An important revelation of this episode is that Kisara’s “eating memories” ability is not perfect. Even though she removed memories of Sharon, Shuu remembered some afterimages (“how did I know that this was not Sharon’s style when I never met her before?”).

And to top things off in purely speculation mode – I get the inkling feeling that Kisara is consciously trying to railroad Shuu’s motivation. The way I see it, Kisara might have manipulated Shuu’s memory so that he thinks that Kanna might still be alive/rescuable while he actually saw her die/turn into a demon in the past – and Kisara “ate” this memory, but the afterimage of it broke through in Shuu’s dream. This would also explain her frantic questioning of Shuu in the middle of the fight:

“What’s the reason behind you wanting me? Revenge against demons? Regaining a good name for your family? Or is it to save your little sister?”

At the same time, I don’t have the feeling that she is doing all this for purely selfish reasons. It _is_ important to her, yes, but I feel that Kisara is _genuinely_ trying to help Shuu. How could this fit?

Let’s think back to Shuu’s dream: “Kisara! Save Kanna! That’s why I liberated you!” I am pretty sure that this dream actually happened in one way or the other – this is Shuu’s raw motivation which got him to free and contract Kisara, BEFORE memory manipulation. Save from who, though? My call: From his father with his demon experiments. Shuu was absolutely frantic in his dream. My speculation: Kisara was removing the “my father did that” memory and keeps Shuu going to save Kanna, even though it is futile.

All of that is based on the assumption, of course, that the story is inherently logical. Then again, Fumiaki Maruto has a good track record for that.

Actually a good theory, I always thought it's weird how seemingly incomplete shu's memories about the death of his family are same for that he doesn't really know either what he wants to achieve with all this. Kisara asked him twice already and she never got a clear answer, that his father indeed may have been involved in demon experiments and summoning is plausible. The circumstances of the spear seem to be the key and I also think that kanna was absorbed/merged by the spear and is the real demon threat sharon was mentioning. Kisara messing with shu's memories of that event could be her way of preventing him to go insane and losing it.

Another theory I have is that the demon or better to say the spear which either got dug out or summoned by the father in that mine mind controlled shu into killing his parents and absorbing kanna hence why his memories seem to be so incomplete, it also could have been the shock which suppressed his memories. I just still don't know what's the deal with the informant person who baits shu since years into killing demon possessions who 'fit his requirements' only for him to get a rough sketch of a hooded person in all this time. Does the informant know about shu's past? what's safe to say I think is that the person is making use of kisara's powers to do something with the spear and ultimately, kanna
Aug 14, 2022 7:40 AM

Mar 2008
When Kisara was about to kiss Shu as he was out of it and Ayano coming I was thinking “grab her by the hair quick”....was satisfying to see exactly that happen hah

Seems Kisara at least actually does care about Shu....for whatever reason. I guess she has some backstory on why she’s so clingy don’t know if that will ever be explained but it kinda feels like there actually is something there.

This show lives up to it’s name with the level of animation effort into some of the kisses on the show.

raiderublaze said:
This is just my imagination but I imagine that Shuu used the poison (that messed up Sharon) like a lube to his dick, and if things were in order, it wasn't the penetration that Sharon got the poison, she might got because of fella...yeah you know what I mean.

I am not quite sure what was going on there. Since it should have effected him too unless he’s immune to the toxin from being immunized to it. Not sure if plothole or just vague. Maybe he slipped out and popped in the bottle?
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Aug 14, 2022 8:11 AM
Oct 2021
My guy has literally banged all 3 Female character (lucky ig)
Aug 14, 2022 8:46 AM

Nov 2011
At this point I just feel bad for Ayano. She legit loves this dude still but his own goals are priority and taking away from what they were to each other. It's actually sad at times. Like that's kinda why I don't like Kisara because her purpose is kind of dumb. Like whats her end goal when she drains Shu completely? Just Die with him?

The fight was okay but damn that fan service.
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Aug 14, 2022 12:17 PM

Jan 2021
God, someone needs to explain to the writter of this series that the MC having sex does not make him a better character or a "chad", even a regular romcom MC is better than him, I really really don't get why girls like him at all when he basically lives by them with them doing stuff for him. Besides this the way he poisoned Sharon makes no sense, how he didn't get poisoned too? If apparently he put it on her due to mucuous membranes that absorbs the poison? Is he immune to poisons or something?

Anyways, let's see where what Sharon says goes with the calamity that will come.

PD: Nice Sharon fanservice.
Aug 14, 2022 12:49 PM

Jan 2009
It's hardly the author's fault that so many hormonally challenged viewers are going nuts over sex, is it?
Aug 14, 2022 1:19 PM

Apr 2018
"He's simply a loser who deceives women"
Women: YES
The Sharon fanservice is what makes this anime so godly.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 14, 2022 1:26 PM
Oct 2021
That man Okabe Rintaro at the end credits in another universe
Aug 14, 2022 1:40 PM

Sep 2018
Ionliosite2 said:
God, someone needs to explain to the writter of this series that the MC having sex does not make him a better character or a "chad", even a regular romcom MC is better than him, I really really don't get why girls like him at all when he basically lives by them with them doing stuff for him. Besides this the way he poisoned Sharon makes no sense, how he didn't get poisoned too? If apparently he put it on her due to mucuous membranes that absorbs the poison? Is he immune to poisons or something?

Anyways, let's see where what Sharon says goes with the calamity that will come.

PD: Nice Sharon fanservice.

In a show about demons and weird shit, the bit you don't understand is how girls can get attracted to "apparently" freeloading guys !?

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Aug 14, 2022 3:03 PM

May 2018
Good that Sharon bitch was dealt with quickly. Can't wait for the big Demon Hazard fight that will inevitably destroy the city, whether by the church or by Kisara lol
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