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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel)
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Mar 11, 2016 5:06 AM

Apr 2009
KyoANi is running out of budget.
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Jul 7, 2016 9:09 AM

Jul 2016
honeslty they ran out of ideas IMO, endless 8 for 8 episodes omg. its kind of sad that 8 whole episodes are based off of this one thing or so i see in the episode list. they really couldn't make more stories? watching the same thing over and over i can only imagine got boring, especially for when these episodes just started airing. rip in peace haruhi and the gang.
beginning to get boring.

by here i had my own theories on how they could get out of the timeloop, or at least have them retain their memory or have someone to tell them; Asahina could've travelled back in time to the start of the timeloop and continously do that to create her own timeloop thing and remind everyone. they couldve given nagato a command to remind them, i thought haruhi was looking for love; guess not.

I was thinking that kyon would've realised on the rooftop when they were stargazing that they had had the same conversation 15000+ times and that trying what koizumi said wouldnt be a bad try, especially since time would restart and no one would remember. what got me the most was that only kyon actually tried to think of the last thing that haruhi would want and also that nagato didnt even try to get out.
fam fam was here. aria and shana are great. make more anime or video games for them, amarite??
Aug 26, 2016 3:15 AM

Mar 2015

Im dead now, really

Its very funny to know the violent reaction from MAL users. This forum is win.

I can endure 8 episodes but not 595 years, LOL.

Aug 16, 2017 3:02 AM

Jul 2008
Endless 8 seven, only one more to go...
Dec 5, 2017 10:06 PM

Sep 2013
Reminds me of the Energizer Bunny...

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
May 22, 2019 5:08 PM
Apr 2018
Even though it's almost the same as the last episode, I found it easy to watch and enjoyable too, but it's too bad their memories will be reset next episode. They should've come up with a plan that involves Nagato, like making small changes to the routine and see if that changes anything, although I'm not sure if she would agree.

15499 times and counting.
Aug 30, 2020 11:25 PM

Mar 2019
Mikiyo said:
Don't tell me they're planing to do Endless "Eight" episodes.

EDIT: Updated Schedule HERE.


ezaya said:
KyoANi is running out of budget.

Every single iteration was new animation, so i dont think that was the case

fam_fam said:
honeslty they ran out of ideas IMO.

how so? there were plenty of material to adapt from the LNs and there still is... I still hope someday Suzumiya gets back to animation form.

transphinxAug 30, 2020 11:28 PM
my dark magical girl webseries
Nov 24, 2020 11:42 AM

Aug 2018
At least they didn't do all the loops I guess
_______I like rocks__
Mar 16, 2021 4:47 PM

Jun 2014
Seventh "Endless Eight" episode.

Just one more to go, I hope.

Apr 3, 2021 5:57 AM
Jul 2018
Alright, so the first two episodes of this felt fresh and honestly really interesting, but this is starting to get out of hand.
This is where the endless eight really begins. This'll be difficult.
May 11, 2021 10:30 AM

Jan 2019
7th episode of this in the chronological viewing order. I would be okay if literally any progress had been made in that time...
May 13, 2021 6:17 PM
Jul 2020
Nothing new as expected. Still determined to sit through the entire EE but we'll see.

Though i must say im surprised that not even a single frame was reused from the previous 2 episodes its actually mindblowing. Kyoani...
Jul 24, 2021 9:28 AM

Aug 2020
[Chronological order]

Bruh, at this point, is any of us even watching? I've been skipping to the end to see if the MC actually does something. My god, no wonder season 2 score is 7.22.

Status: On A MAL Break

DO NOT Cʟɪᴄᴋ Tʜᴇ Lɪɴᴋ Bᴇʟᴏᴡ:
👉 ʜᴛᴘs://ᴍʏᴀɴɪᴍᴇʟɪsᴛ.ɴᴇᴛ/ᴅᴏ-ɴᴏᴛ-ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ-ᴛʜɪᴤ-ʟɪɴᴋ 👈


Jul 29, 2021 6:07 PM

Jan 2020
so now kyon is in the dark huh? Well this was mostly the same but I still thought it was pretty fun and I like this overall

Aug 20, 2021 2:14 PM

Jun 2015
All of Haruhi's friends are aware that they are trapped in a time loop, yet no one is taking this seriously and attempting to break free.
I understand Nagato's unwillingness to take the initiative, but what about the others?
SaiDrew said:
although I'm not sure if she would agree.

The problem is they never even bothered to ask Nagato for help.
Sep 19, 2021 8:20 PM

Feb 2014
Well, one positive thing for me about having to watch the same episode so many times is that at least it has a pool act and the girls wear different swimsuits every time, god damn it Haruhi, that pink bikini, rawr.
Sep 29, 2021 10:40 PM

Apr 2012
3 repeats in and it's not too bad so far.
Affinity to MAL
Anime: 47.35%
Manga: 46.36%
Dec 25, 2021 1:28 PM

May 2020

3rd time repeat, or 15499th loop to be precise. There were some small changes here and there, but overall it was pretty much same as the last two. Lol even dialogues are same.
Jan 2, 2022 4:57 PM

Feb 2021
I can't deny that I'm finding a his whole thing pretty amusing, but I might as well mark the next 4 episodes as completed and skip them
Jan 20, 2022 7:53 PM

May 2021
5 more to go, wooo

Deago said:
All of Haruhi's friends are aware that they are trapped in a time loop, yet no one is taking this seriously and attempting to break free.
I understand Nagato's unwillingness to take the initiative, but what about the others?

I know it's really late, but they can't do anything because they forget everything. They only get tid bits of memories through deja vu and it doesn't really tell them about the reset.
Jan 21, 2022 2:51 AM

Jun 2015
MuZe- said:
5 more to go, wooo

Deago said:
All of Haruhi's friends are aware that they are trapped in a time loop, yet no one is taking this seriously and attempting to break free.
I understand Nagato's unwillingness to take the initiative, but what about the others?

I know it's really late, but they can't do anything because they forget everything. They only get tid bits of memories through deja vu and it doesn't really tell them about the reset.

You are wrong, because Nagato (who was previously confirmed to be outside of timelines) also confirms their theory about the reset.
Jan 21, 2022 6:39 AM

May 2021
Deago said:
MuZe- said:
5 more to go, wooo

I know it's really late, but they can't do anything because they forget everything. They only get tid bits of memories through deja vu and it doesn't really tell them about the reset.

You are wrong, because Nagato (who was previously confirmed to be outside of timelines) also confirms their theory about the reset.

Yes but the thing is, the desire to break the time loop also resets. And they are uncertain each time about what they need to do
Jan 21, 2022 8:37 AM

Jun 2015
MuZe- said:
Deago said:

You are wrong, because Nagato (who was previously confirmed to be outside of timelines) also confirms their theory about the reset.

Yes but the thing is, the desire to break the time loop also resets.

Except they could've actually changed what happens in the next loop, but they didn't because they wanted to prolong a tiny bit of plot from the source material, they just wanted to fill Season 2 with extra episodes.
Here's a better and more interesting scenario development than repeating the same plot every episode:

'My job is to only observe Haruhi.' Says Nagato
'Yes, but couldn't you help us in breaking free from the loop?' Kyon replies
'You've never asked...'
'Oh, you're right...' Kyon replies feeling stupid. Then he suggests 'How about you tell us about the loop on day one so we can plan ahead of time the next loop?'
'...' Nagato silently listens
'And to clear any doubts, not that I don't trust you, but to make sure you haven't gone nuts, each of us will tell you a small secret that no one else knows, and when you tell us that secret of ours in the next loop, we will know for sure we travelled back in time'
'See you on the next loop.'

And they are uncertain each time about what they need to do

Jan 31, 2022 5:59 PM

Dec 2007
nothing notable here, but i think i noticed something that might be important - the telescope changed places. i'm. not sure about the previous episode, but i remember the telescope being more close to the edge of the roof in the first part. now, it might be funny change and not much, but could it be that though the time is looping and there are changes - the skies are changing too. i find it hard to be an evidence to the solution since no one of them is able to read the sky (maybe nagato?) but that maybe can claim the fact that something more terrible is happening. lol

oh, and this time around haruhi's swimsuit was too plain, their kimono too.
i also noticed they added some events wasn't in the last episodes, that might imply the problem isn't adding events itself but using the last day even without some special event, because no matter what they will adding it will still be in the same schedule. haruhi kinda said it out loud.
another possible hint is the fact kyon's deja vu are getting harder at the end, probably something there needs to be changed as well. like, not letting harui reviewing their events or something, but i think my previous one is better.


(since it's seems you active on this forum threads)
Jul 18, 2022 8:58 PM

Jul 2020
I tried to imagine that this arc was hated because of somewhat low pacing and not much advancement per episode, but I can cope with that.

This was much worse. They didn't change a thing. It was a clone episode. Kyoto does not need this to be profitable, just what...
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Check my latest web novel on Our Greatest Comeback🦊⛩️ and please drop a like or comment if you liked it!
Aug 31, 2022 10:59 AM

Nov 2020
So, I will watch that infinitely ?
Oct 30, 2022 9:41 AM
May 2019
Jan 6, 2023 4:16 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
(Endless Eight, Part fucking Seven)

So yeah, I had initially hoped during the first couple episodes that there'd be some kind of build up, something like Kyon becoming more and more aware of the loop he's in, that maybe he slowly regains memories from past loops and that he eventually overcomes the memory resetting. While maybe that's KIND OF the case, it still really isn't. It has really just been a re-skin of the same episode, 6 or 7 times (first one is the most unique in that it DOESN'T have the scene of them all discussing and realizing they're in a loop after Mikuru calls Kyon). I had hoped that there'd be a little more rhyme or reason to making us watch a remake of the same episode over and over, rather than "yeah let's just fuck with our audience for 8 episodes". Maybe there truly was a purpose to it all- maybe that will be seen with the last episode. Or maybe I just wasted nearly 3 hours of my time. Well at least the effectiveness of the feeling of being RELEASED from this will certainly be strong. 

Not angry, just mildly upset- I was actually surprised at how much I was enjoying the arc I thought I'd hate. But sometime during the last episode, part 6, I finally started getting the sense of "wtf am I doing". And now here after episode 7, I am falling in line with most everyone else with agreeing how stupid this has been getting. I mean it's already a stupid (or IS IT??) concept, but after this episode I realized that if this had gone on for ONE MORE EPISODE, I'd have no qualms of dropping my final score all the way down to a 1/10. And I probably wouldn't change my mind no matter how impressive the effort KyotoAni put into re-animated every scene numerous times. Enough negativity though, I do have some praise, like how I love how they make that pivotal moment of Haruhi leaving the restaurant at the end of each episode feel more harrowing and gut-wrenching than the last. Although the best one still is the one where they add the ticking clock with the synced rotating shot at the end. #5, was it?

Anyway, these are all preliminary thoughts. Maybe the next and FINAL episode of the endless eight will change my thoughts; maybe what it will deliver will have made this all worth it. Otherwise, I'm awarding myself for getting through this shit. I'll probably become one of those who puts "I ACTUALLY WATCHED AND CONQUERED THE ENTIRE ENDLESS EIGHT" on their profile. But again, if the final episode somehow delivers and makes this all worth it, giving myself credit would be undeserved. Fingers crossed that we didn't come all this way for nothing. Now onto the last of the endless eight. 

I'll tell you what though. Each of the remaining episodes of this series after this is gonna feel FUCKING AMAZING, PARDON MY FUCKING FRENCH

edit: I love how it seems most here in these threads have been watching in the broadcast order (since that's how MAL lists it out on each of the season entries, makes sense, even though most streaming sites again, organize it chronologically), and are already losing their minds even though this for them would just be the THIRD endless eight episode. Dudes already skipping through the episodes. Which is, entirely understandable, but also... WEAK!!!! And I have the right to say that because I made it through it all. Not even gonna count the last one because, that doesn't really count as a repeat does it? Things actually HAPPEN in the last one.... RIGHT??? Anyway, also noticed there's one dude above stating he's watching in the chronological order, but also that this is the 3rd endless eight episode. No buddy, you're watching in the broadcast order. If you were watching chronologically, you'd have put 4 of the episodes from "season 1" to the end of "season 2", which would make this the 7th endless eight episode, not the 3rd. Or..... maybe he/she/they/it is actually going through the effort of aligning each episode they're watching with the respective title thread here on MAL. In that case, yeah I probably should've done that as well. I wonder if this would count as spoilers since I'm discussing an episode that's 4 episodes away. Heh, imagine getting spoiled for what is the same episode. Ok sorry I'll go now, and get some much needed sleep, and will award myself with the final episode of the endless eight tomorrow. 

Also yeah sorry for the confusion, but ever since MAL added the feature that brings you directly to the episode discussion thread after you add another completed episode to a series, it's just been way easier to do that than to manually go to the list, find the right title respective to the episode that I watched, and then post on the thread. My bad. Maybe this confusing mess that is haruhi suzumiya is starting to rub off on me. 
BetaMaleUltraJan 6, 2023 4:28 AM

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 18, 2023 11:32 AM
Feb 2019
oh yeah 8th in a row of those fking same eps hahaha LMAO
May 31, 2023 5:57 AM

Dec 2007
rewatch- chronological- ep18

endless eight 7

this is kind of mix. there's not lots of changes like EE4, but kyon did changed his lines here and there.

did nagato had swimming contest with haruhi all those loops, or it's the first time i'm seeing it happening?
Jun 24, 2023 11:36 AM
Jun 2023
pure essence of what it was like to be early web denizen.
Jul 10, 2023 11:40 AM

Jul 2021
man this was exactly like ep 3 lmao. never thought i would witness something like this.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Feb 28, 2024 9:32 AM

Aug 2019
I mean while I guess I did like this 3rd part, this time it really was basically the same thing as the 2nd part. At least the 2nd part had that bit explaining everything, this part did pretty much what part 2 did... What exactly is going to happen from here lol
Nov 25, 2024 11:16 AM

Jan 2024
I didn't even watch it because it kept repeating and I'm bored of it.
Dec 14, 2024 11:03 AM
Jan 2017
Great for it's time. I thought that it's imaginative.
Feb 21, 1:42 AM
Jan 2015
that scream into the pillow. i left that...
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