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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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Apr 25, 2021 4:31 AM
May 2008
RedChrome said:
RobertBobert said:

You forget that they are literally forced to fight and that before Lena no one literally even considered their lives to be the lives of real, living people. This is not even a call during the war, they are literally forced to be cannon fodder with "please die for us."

I know there are forced to fight and they don't really have a choice but it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

Why, what's the handler gonna do if they talk back? Angrily shout at them? There are like x hundred km-s between them.

For the PTSD, I guess we'll see it in a few episodes into the show. I'm also really curious how Shin "breaks" the handlers.
Apr 25, 2021 4:32 AM

Nov 2015
Efemey said:
If you have two sides of a story that you are telling, you cannot polish just one side and leave the rest on the air, this episode could be round if they showed how Kirschbutle died in those final minutes post ED.

Honestly I agree, but it looks like 20~ minutes per episode limit makes this harder to do.
Apr 25, 2021 4:33 AM

Apr 2012
RedChrome said:
RobertBobert said:

You forget that they are literally forced to fight and that before Lena no one literally even considered their lives to be the lives of real, living people. This is not even a call during the war, they are literally forced to be cannon fodder with "please die for us."

I know there are forced to fight and they don't really have a choice but it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

Haven't you heard about The Undertaker breaking down their previous curators? The show likes to remind you of this so often that I'm surprised you ignore it. And you also forget that his words were triggered by a combination of emotion and outrage that Lena was being hypocritical.
Apr 25, 2021 4:40 AM

Nov 2015
RedChrome said:
RobertBobert said:

You forget that they are literally forced to fight and that before Lena no one literally even considered their lives to be the lives of real, living people. This is not even a call during the war, they are literally forced to be cannon fodder with "please die for us."

Look even if they are not forced to fight, those Legion are coming to kill them so in a lot of way they don't have a choice but okay they are forced I get that. But it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? So like I said "I don't understand their of command". She gives an ORDER and they FOLLOW, isn't that how it works ??

And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

"So how did they suffered from it ?"
Apr 25, 2021 4:53 AM

Oct 2019
RedChrome said:
I don't understand how this whole "chain of command" works in this world !!? How is it possible the "Processor" talk back with their superior. And when one of their comrades is dead (in this case Kirschblute, RIP)I'm really surprised one of them act all bitchy like that with the "Handler" ?? Does he realize this is war ?? People die all the time, so don't blame the "Handler". And also the whole PTSD thing is bullshit, not just to Lena but her predecessor

Seriously whoever wrote this story I suspect he/she never serve in the military and also have limited understanding about racism
He is not blaming the handler for the death, he is pointing out the hypocrisy of the handler. In fact, if the handler hadn't apologized and had just said "serves you pigs right, you should all die" the guy would've not said any of those things. They've prolly heard those lines many times. But her acting goody-two-shoes while still enjoying her luxurious life and then pretending that she "connects" with 86 and treats them like humans yet she still doesn't even ask any of their names is what popped this situation off. It's funny she actually was more concerned about the cat's name. These guys are angry because they have been thrown into the war and treated like livestock and now someone coming and acting all nice to them while still sending them to their deaths won't suddenly make things ok. It's a difficult circumstance for both sides. Because even though 86 have suffered and it's hard for them to suddenly welcome her with open arms, she is still trying to genuinely connect with them.

As for them talking back... she is completely cut off from them physically. She can't reprimand them, "her kind" is already doing the worst kind of reprimanding by "culling" them. What's the worst thing that'll happen? She'll run all the way to 86, jump across the wall and beat them all to their deaths? LOL.
simulatedhelApr 25, 2021 5:03 AM
Apr 25, 2021 4:57 AM

Mar 2016
RobertBobert said:
I was thinking about some personal matters, so I didn’t have time to notice that at some point the girl would pull out a typical "when the war is over, I..." card. I don’t know what my impressions would have been if I had noticed this earlier.

But I am interested in several other questions. Didn't Lena already have the experience of losing the 86s? As far as we have been given to understand in past episodes, all albino know that they are in command of living people. This scene was so melodramatic, as if it was the first death in Lena's life in general.

And yet, did I understand correctly that the chef-kun has a thing for the local oneesan? In front of the stage there was some kind of teasing about this, but in the scene itself it was not visible any of his special relation to her. Maybe she's just a local beauty?

If you think it was melodramatic cause it wasn’t lena’s first death in a squad she commanded, then you might have missed the point. I mean of course she’d be sad for losing someone from her squad, especially when she cares about them and the plight of the 86. However, that’s not the main purpose behind the dramatic scene at the end. The dramatic part and purpose here is having theo rip apart her character and ideals and making her realize how ugly she can be like the rest of alba she supposedly separates herself from.
Shishou_23Apr 25, 2021 5:05 AM
Apr 25, 2021 5:11 AM

Mar 2014
RobertBobert said:
RedChrome said:

I know there are forced to fight and they don't really have a choice but it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

Haven't you heard about The Undertaker breaking down their previous curators? The show likes to remind you of this so often that I'm surprised you ignore it. And you also forget that his words were triggered by a combination of emotion and outrage that Lena was being hypocritical.

I guess I missed it because how exactly does he break them ?? Acting like a smartass ??
Apr 25, 2021 5:12 AM

Apr 2012
Shishou_23 said:
RobertBobert said:
I was thinking about some personal matters, so I didn’t have time to notice that at some point the girl would pull out a typical "when the war is over, I..." card. I don’t know what my impressions would have been if I had noticed this earlier.

But I am interested in several other questions. Didn't Lena already have the experience of losing the 86s? As far as we have been given to understand in past episodes, all albino know that they are in command of living people. This scene was so melodramatic, as if it was the first death in Lena's life in general.

And yet, did I understand correctly that the chef-kun has a thing for the local oneesan? In front of the stage there was some kind of teasing about this, but in the scene itself it was not visible any of his special relation to her. Maybe she's just a local beauty?

If you think it was melodramatic cause it wasn’t lena’s first death in a squad she commanded, then you might have missed the point. I mean of course she’d be sad for losing someone from her squad, especially when she cares about them and the plight of the 86. However, that’s not the main purpose behind the dramatic scene at the end. The dramatic part and purpose here is having theo rip apart her character and ideals and making her realize how ugly she can be like the rest of alba she supposedly separates herself from.

But didn't she do it sincerely? Yes, from their point of view, she looked like a naive girl with naive ideals, a la "white ally", but they had already told her about this before and I find it hard to believe that during all her time the other 86s did not tell her about it. If your point of view is correct, then this is not a melodramatic reaction, but the imposition of a guilt complex on the character for non-existent hypocrisy. I don't know which is better.
Apr 25, 2021 5:13 AM

Apr 2012
RedChrome said:
RobertBobert said:

Haven't you heard about The Undertaker breaking down their previous curators? The show likes to remind you of this so often that I'm surprised you ignore it. And you also forget that his words were triggered by a combination of emotion and outrage that Lena was being hypocritical.

I guess I missed it because how exactly does he break them ?? Insulting to death ???

You talk as if the show is never intentionally going to show or discuss it.
Apr 25, 2021 5:17 AM

Mar 2014
UTMAN said:
RedChrome said:

I know there are forced to fight and they don't really have a choice but it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

Why, what's the handler gonna do if they talk back? Angrily shout at them? There are like x hundred km-s between them.

For the PTSD, I guess we'll see it in a few episodes into the show. I'm also really curious how Shin "breaks" the handlers.

UTMAN said:
RedChrome said:

I know there are forced to fight and they don't really have a choice but it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

Why, what's the handler gonna do if they talk back? Angrily shout at them? There are like x hundred km-s between them.

Aren't the handler job is to instruct and coordinate them ? So if all them pretty disregard Lena instruction all the time, why do act like it's all her fault though ?? And I know she cannot do anything about their hostile attitudes, so I wondering who actually came up with this shitty settings ??
Apr 25, 2021 5:18 AM

Mar 2014
UTMAN said:
RedChrome said:

I know there are forced to fight and they don't really have a choice but it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

Why, what's the handler gonna do if they talk back? Angrily shout at them? There are like x hundred km-s between them.

For the PTSD, I guess we'll see it in a few episodes into the show. I'm also really curious how Shin "breaks" the handlers.

UTMAN said:
RedChrome said:

I know there are forced to fight and they don't really have a choice but it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

Why, what's the handler gonna do if they talk back? Angrily shout at them? There are like x hundred km-s between them.

Aren't the handler job is to instruct and coordinate them ? So if all them pretty disregard Lena instruction all the time, why do act like it's all her fault though ??
Apr 25, 2021 5:24 AM
May 2008
RedChrome said:
UTMAN said:

Why, what's the handler gonna do if they talk back? Angrily shout at them? There are like x hundred km-s between them.

For the PTSD, I guess we'll see it in a few episodes into the show. I'm also really curious how Shin "breaks" the handlers.

UTMAN said:

Why, what's the handler gonna do if they talk back? Angrily shout at them? There are like x hundred km-s between them.

Aren't the handler job is to instruct and coordinate them ? So if all them pretty disregard Lena instruction all the time, why do act like it's all her fault though ?? And I know she cannot do anything about their hostile attitudes, so I wondering who actually came up with this shitty settings ??

Handler's job is to provide support with pointing out enemy positions and notifying the troops on the field for upcoming danger.

And they are not blaming her for the death, but they were pointing out the hypocricy that Lena showed them in the past few days.

- Calling them every night for chat is nice, but it won't change the fact that every day they have to march to death, while she is sleeping nicely behind the walls.
- She has not even considered to ask them their real human name. Like the most basic human custom when you meet someone, is to introduce yourself. She failed at that.

Apr 25, 2021 5:33 AM

Mar 2016
RobertBobert said:
Shishou_23 said:

If you think it was melodramatic cause it wasn’t lena’s first death in a squad she commanded, then you might have missed the point. I mean of course she’d be sad for losing someone from her squad, especially when she cares about them and the plight of the 86. However, that’s not the main purpose behind the dramatic scene at the end. The dramatic part and purpose here is having theo rip apart her character and ideals and making her realize how ugly she can be like the rest of alba she supposedly separates herself from.

But didn't she do it sincerely? Yes, from their point of view, she looked like a naive girl with naive ideals, a la "white ally", but they had already told her about this before and I find it hard to believe that during all her time the other 86s did not tell her about it. If your point of view is correct, then this is not a melodramatic reaction, but the imposition of a guilt complex on the character for non-existent hypocrisy. I don't know which is better.

But she was acting hypocritically even if she was not aware of it. She did not ask for their names even. She thought that acting nicely and talking the talk but not walking the walk was enough. There was no imposition. Theo cut into her heart, and she deserved the reality check. The other 86 would usually go along with her and give her cold words of contempt mixed in with their compliments, just like you saw in episode one, but none did what theo did. This has not been pointed out in words, but most squads don’t live enough to see their service through. Half a squad can be decimated in battle (her previous squad had to be reformed due to a lot of them being wiped out in episode 1), but spearhead was an ace unit. They got to know lena better than anyone I’d say, and It’s just that theo did it different. Where as some would implicitly mock her as any typical white pig, theo just went ahead and destroyed her along with her ideals. He had good reasons to do so, personal reasons also that will be discussed later and the episode hinted at. Also, Lena is not a long time serving republic soldier. You seem to forget she’s just 16 with not much of experience under her belt. Yeah, she’s a prodigy, but she’s not in the business for long.
Shishou_23Apr 25, 2021 8:06 AM
Apr 25, 2021 6:37 AM

Apr 2008
This has become the first anime in about seven years that I've dropped.
Extremely trite and cliche, shallow as hell characters, and worst of all, unbearably boring.

I'll watch it if it appears in Super Robot Wars, though.
Apr 25, 2021 6:50 AM

Mar 2014
Yuvensius said:
RedChrome said:

Look even if they are not forced to fight, those Legion are coming to kill them so in a lot of way they don't have a choice but okay they are forced I get that. But it's very weird they can talk back or even say all those things to their "Handler", I thought she is their superior ??? So like I said "I don't understand their of command". She gives an ORDER and they FOLLOW, isn't that how it works ??

And also it makes no sense that Lena predecessor suffered from PTSD, the Alba don't care about the 86 people right ?? So how did they suffered from it ?

"So how did they suffered from it ?"

I see so it involves the Skynet.. oh I mean the Legion thing
RedChromeApr 26, 2021 12:35 AM
Apr 25, 2021 7:06 AM

Oct 2016
Holy fucking shit man, that was a fantastic episode! I already started to like Kaie from the previous episode, and then the intro of the episode started, I didn't know who Kirschblute was at first, but then as the episode went on it was mention it was her, so I was like f u c k. They really showed the Spearheads chilling at first and then Lena just doing small talk with them, then bam that ending, Theo's speech was fucking amazing though, voice actor did a fantastic job.

"You're so cute, Kurena" indeed, that lake scene was really fun. I like how Kaie talked to Lena and said she is a "virgin", she's too pure and she's not cut out for the job, and honestly I agree right now. But, you never know, her pureness might just be what they need, she still has plenty of room to grow, her heart's in the right place. Really looking forward to the next episode to see the aftermath of that.
Apr 25, 2021 7:36 AM

Dec 2016
Till episode 3, it's great show!
Apr 25, 2021 7:51 AM
Jul 2020
Hmmm...., So Handler one is a spoil brat. Took a while for me to noticed it. But kurena is cute.
Apr 25, 2021 8:19 AM
Jan 2019
How the studio set up the ending, pure excellence. Actually shook me a little bit just to bring it back home with the rant at the end.
Apr 25, 2021 8:21 AM

Nov 2011
Rip Kaie. They kind of raised the Death flag for her the whole episode imo. From the River scene to the Card scene. ESPECIALLY when she pulled the Reaper Joker card.

That ending sequence was amazing though.
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Apr 25, 2021 9:19 AM
Aug 2017
Damn that ending brought in the feels. Really well timed moment with the ending song which was phenomenal. So far this series has been a pleasant surprise so far.
Apr 25, 2021 9:23 AM

Feb 2020
The chilling time moments in the 86 side (the way they still alert. Damn girls), then a warm intricate talks Handler-Spearhead, honesty statement from the dead one, and bam its end with the expected tragedy. It will be perfect if she just scream non-stop. It surely will haunt Lena for good.

The direction honestly impressed me to the point that i can't say much with those conflicted situations. The lack of the spearhead squadron call-names already frustated me in these episode (or am i forget Kaie name already introduced before? Damn i dunno). Good thing wiki available in the internet so i don't have much complain after then.

So, well, thats it. The first tragedy Lena must be faced and shall be holding off right straight into her mind with all of those rude words from the spearhead squadron. All of her effort through the all-night connections already nothing when something bad happened in the battlefield. The way its also mentioned about the real name. Well, you sure really need more time to learn from now on, Lena, before getting attached to the whole units. Thats all, and whats up with their next interaction after shit hit them fast? Lets see next!
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Apr 25, 2021 9:29 AM
Jan 2010
who is this high and mighty bitch going on the rant at the end anyway?
she probably figured "because they don't give a single fuck about what they name their pets, I probably don't need to ask their names either"
that's pretty much what the answer to that rant boils down to

anyway this show fails big time as an anime. just words words words words taken straight out of the pages of a narou novel. whoever is directing this has failed.
Apr 25, 2021 10:21 AM

Sep 2020
Yuvensius said:

In the LN they also wear their pants, why? You ask? Did you see them ready to fire their pistol, and the dead wild boar earlier? Yeah, better safe than sorry if some wild animals suddenly attack them.

Nah bro, they can still take off those pants and just put the pistol holster around their waist/thigh instead and show us their underwear/swimsuit. That'd at least give us some fanservice to compensate for the previous 5 min wasted watching those 3 horn dogs salivating over girls in pants, not to mention that'd make more sense right? Like why would those 3 idiots be so desperate to see girls in pants???

These 'dog poop' are made by the racist white republic people, you expect them to make something good for sub-human they hate?

Well if I understand correctly, the sub-human protect them from enemies so if all sub-human die then who'd protect those white pigs? Won't it be in their personal interest as well to ensure the sub-human is provided with good mech to stave off enemies from breaching the wall?

Kaie death is needed for 2 additional reasons aside from sad factor, the 1st reason is to mentally slap Lena now instead of letting her personality (which may piss some people off) stay like that for another 2 or 3 episodes.

This I can agree with. Girl was annoying as hell, being overly friendly with people whose face she doesn't even know lmao one of the girls was right calling her a "virgin" cuz she reminds me of those unpopular IRL girls getting on the internet for the first time expecting validation from incels just cuz they have a V

And the 2nd reason is to introduce

5. You will see better mech model, but in the 2nd cour.

Thanks for the info man, guess I'll give it a couple more eps to see these new variants

If you're having crippling depression, hopefully our videos will send you to another world and have you reborn as an isekai protagonist
Apr 25, 2021 11:39 AM

May 2015
I don't understand what's so special about the map, did she not have access to basic terrain data before? If so, why?
Apr 25, 2021 12:39 PM
Sep 2017
Marinate1016 said:
Another week, another 86 Saturday and another extremely well done episode by A-1. Love the job they did on the bathing scene at the beginning. Ishii has a pretty good track record with humour so no shock there.

Pacing wise again, everything feels great. They’re taking their time with the adaptation and I’m truly grateful. I love the perspective they ended the episode with as the ED plays. I think A-1 do a great job of playing with the distance between the squad and Lena. Theo’s rant at the end over the piano was also great.

I am simply just in love with the direction of the show..the director surely should get credit for these awesome transitions that keeps happening so seamlessly!! I really loved how they tied the first scene of the episode with the last first i thought i missed something in the previous episode and rewatched the ending again ,then decided to trust the director to clear up things later..and boy did he deliver!! It was simply awesome!!!
Apr 25, 2021 1:06 PM

Nov 2015
Futari_no_Ossan said:

Nah bro, they can still take off those pants and just put the pistol holster around their waist/thigh instead and show us their underwear/swimsuit. That'd at least give us some fanservice to compensate for the previous 5 min wasted watching those 3 horn dogs salivating over girls in pants, not to mention that'd make more sense right? Like why would those 3 idiots be so desperate to see girls in pants???

Originally Daiya (the first one to be exposed) is only one person who go to there, also with a valid reason of bringing Shin message for them. And the cooking scene only have 2 people (Haruto and Theo) instead of 3. The reason for this difference is: this scene are supposed to be included before the battle on the episode 2. But well, if A-1 think this changes are better then so be it.
Also, remove holster -> remove pants -> put holster back, seems like an annoying process for a simple post laundry water game.

Well if I understand correctly, the sub-human protect them from enemies so if all sub-human die then who'd protect those white pigs? Won't it be in their personal interest as well to ensure the sub-human is provided with good mech to stave off enemies from breaching the wall?

You see, the thing is except for the few white ex-soldier at the start of the war, most of these white people never see their enemy (yes, even in the TV propaganda). And thus, they think these aluminium made dog poop is better than Legion better walking tank.

Thanks for the info man, guess I'll give it a couple more eps to see these new variants

Based on the LN vague description, these variant difference with normal one are only on the inside. Which why I also curious to see if they really look the same or not.
Apr 25, 2021 1:26 PM

Oct 2014
Yuvensius said:

1. Kaie death isn't really meant to only serve as sad or crying scene, her death have 2 additional purpose. To slap Lena with Theo angry rant, and

2. From what I and probably you also see so far, I assume they will show her battle and death on next episode instead of this episode because of the 24 minutes TV limit.
3. That part is small point needed for the future to

4. No comment.
5. Nice guess based on the available info you have,

6. Jokes are subjective, so~ no comment.

1. that's a pointless death, then. might as well make her into a mob.

2. I sure hope so, tho. Tho it still highlights the weakness of 86 (anime)'s usage of its two sides narrative. I've seen better usage for the narrative trick, I mean.
I don't know... Maybe you're right? Maybe it's 24 minutes packaging issue? But then the Director is a pro and has been in the industry for years. He knows the issue better than most of us here. Split it for a big reveal? Wouldn't that reduce its impact substantially?

3. they took half an episode for that so prob something important. Still the scene didn't make me care for her or the rest of the girls, and 2nd half happened. So that's the thing: yes it might have established something in terms of the technicality of storytelling. but a story ain't about the usage of tricks and devices itself, but how its usage make its followers care about to love (or at least interested). I can't speak for other people, but I was bored.

4. Nomad is the most recent reference on how to use racism to attract sympathy I can suggest. Not to say it's the only reference.

5. Oh okay. The problem isn't that, tho. Even if my guess is totally off, the problem is that the clues we're given don't make me wanna stay around and wonder. I'm fine with being wrong. I'm not fine with being bored.

tensai95 said:

replied above, but 86 (anime)'s usage of victimization to garner sympathy doesn't feel as effective so far, to me. I would even say that the victimization doesn't really matter as much as its effect on establishing Lena's rebellious, confident woman personality.
But they really shouldn't introduce a cast they don't intend to develop enough before killing them.

or maybe I put it wrong. bcs they did try to develop Kaie in the limited time they have. It just failed to make me care enough. If that's the case, then pacing is the problem? Hmm...

simulatedhel said:
The episode may or may not have been funny, but it's definitely funny to me that you think you were supposed to feel teary eyed sad from her death. I mean, why would they even show her death from Lena's perspective in this episode if they wanted the death to have an emotional impact? Maybe... just maybe the scene was more about Lena and the 86 than about Kirschblute and her death.

So... you're implying that the problem is I don't care enough about Lena? Well then if that's the case, then the anime is faulty from the start, since they had 3 episodes to make me care.
I don't know. It's just me, after all. It does work for other people, if the comments of this thread are an indicator.

I would refer to a certain anime from last season on how to develop a protagonist off a tragedy/development of other character, but you prob didn't watch it. so I guess let's stay with the Lena part.
Apr 25, 2021 2:44 PM

Oct 2019
Revvie-chan said:
Yuvensius said:

1. Kaie death isn't really meant to only serve as sad or crying scene, her death have 2 additional purpose. To slap Lena with Theo angry rant, and

2. From what I and probably you also see so far, I assume they will show her battle and death on next episode instead of this episode because of the 24 minutes TV limit.
3. That part is small point needed for the future to

4. No comment.
5. Nice guess based on the available info you have,

6. Jokes are subjective, so~ no comment.

1. that's a pointless death, then. might as well make her into a mob.

2. I sure hope so, tho. Tho it still highlights the weakness of 86 (anime)'s usage of its two sides narrative. I've seen better usage for the narrative trick, I mean.
I don't know... Maybe you're right? Maybe it's 24 minutes packaging issue? But then the Director is a pro and has been in the industry for years. He knows the issue better than most of us here. Split it for a big reveal? Wouldn't that reduce its impact substantially?

3. they took half an episode for that so prob something important. Still the scene didn't make me care for her or the rest of the girls, and 2nd half happened. So that's the thing: yes it might have established something in terms of the technicality of storytelling. but a story ain't about the usage of tricks and devices itself, but how its usage make its followers care about to love (or at least interested). I can't speak for other people, but I was bored.

4. Nomad is the most recent reference on how to use racism to attract sympathy I can suggest. Not to say it's the only reference.

5. Oh okay. The problem isn't that, tho. Even if my guess is totally off, the problem is that the clues we're given don't make me wanna stay around and wonder. I'm fine with being wrong. I'm not fine with being bored.

tensai95 said:

replied above, but 86 (anime)'s usage of victimization to garner sympathy doesn't feel as effective so far, to me. I would even say that the victimization doesn't really matter as much as its effect on establishing Lena's rebellious, confident woman personality.
But they really shouldn't introduce a cast they don't intend to develop enough before killing them.

or maybe I put it wrong. bcs they did try to develop Kaie in the limited time they have. It just failed to make me care enough. If that's the case, then pacing is the problem? Hmm...

simulatedhel said:
The episode may or may not have been funny, but it's definitely funny to me that you think you were supposed to feel teary eyed sad from her death. I mean, why would they even show her death from Lena's perspective in this episode if they wanted the death to have an emotional impact? Maybe... just maybe the scene was more about Lena and the 86 than about Kirschblute and her death.

So... you're implying that the problem is I don't care enough about Lena? Well then if that's the case, then the anime is faulty from the start, since they had 3 episodes to make me care.
I don't know. It's just me, after all. It does work for other people, if the comments of this thread are an indicator.

I would refer to a certain anime from last season on how to develop a protagonist off a tragedy/development of other character, but you prob didn't watch it. so I guess let's stay with the Lena part.
Is that what I'm implying here? Are you really supposed to care about Lena? No. The scene served a totally different purpose. The end scene was supposed point out the hypocrisy of Lena. Not make us care about her. Caring about her will come later I'm not gonna write another paragraph, so... I'll just post this paragraph here again that I wrote earlier:

simulatedhel said:
He is not blaming the handler for the death, he is pointing out the hypocrisy of the handler. In fact, if the handler hadn't apologized and had just said "serves you pigs right, you should all die" the guy would've not said any of those things. They've prolly heard those lines many times. But her acting goody-two-shoes while still enjoying her luxurious life and then pretending that she "connects" with 86 and treats them like humans yet she still doesn't even ask any of their names is what popped this situation off. It's funny she actually was more concerned about the cat's name. These guys are angry because they have been thrown into the war and treated like livestock and now someone coming and acting all nice to them while still sending them to their deaths won't suddenly make things ok. It's a difficult circumstance for both sides. Because even though 86 have suffered and it's hard for them to suddenly welcome her with open arms, she is still trying to genuinely connect with them.

She does the exact same thing that other alba do yet she calls 86 every night and "pretends" to them that she is so much better than those other alba and that they shouldn't hate her. The scene did the exact opposite of making you care for her. The guy went on an angry monologue to show you her hypocritical side.
simulatedhelApr 25, 2021 2:54 PM
Apr 25, 2021 5:15 PM
Mar 2018
Another great 86 episode delivered by A-1 pictures. It was amazing.
Ahh Kurena is so cute !! She loves Shin very much
Anju is so sweet and her voice fits her to a T.
Haruto is so cute , chweeettt . He is a little brother material.
Daiya loves Anju 😂 .
The waterfall scene was so good. They were all teasing Kurena so much. Her cuteness is immeasurable. Haruto and Theoto were correct in saying that it was heaven on earth.
I liked the scene where the girls were interrogating Daiya , Haruto , Theoto. Haruto n Theoto were pushing the questions on Daiya , and that was 😂 hilarious. Anju and Daiya's conversation was even more funny. Anju threatening Daiya was gr8.
I liked Kaie too.She was also so sweet and her making Kurena flustered was funny. "yobai~~"
When Lena called , Kurena slammed the door and went away. Shin looked at her and was bothered by it. He really cares for cutie Kurena ( who wouldn't? ) and treats her like his precious little sister. When she came back , Shin's gesture to Kurena was so heartwarming. He gestured to Kurena to sit beside him. They also like talking about Shin very much. How he's so expressionless , stoic , cool 😎 n all.
Then on to the best part of the episode. RIP Kaie! i loved u .U were waifu material. I have to say , i also dont like Lena . In the last episode , she appeared as a cocky preacher who cant do anything on her own. She's too naive and her head is indeed filled with flowers. Kaie was not wrong. After all , whatever she says , in the end she relies on her uncle to protect her. It is kinda annoying when she sticks her nose into everything , and tries to break into the 86 crew's well-knit family. She is a girl in her puberty , so she's attracted to Shin ( indicated by Henrietta)
Oh yeah , the best part now.
Theoto's lashing on Lena was the best. He really didnt hold back. He cared for Kaie , and maybe even in a different sense. He exposed the reality of the world to Lena. I dont think he was wrong in doing so. His every word was correct. His speech was great. It's not like they fight on their will , they are forced to. Their freedom , rights , everything was robbed from them. I get what Theo's trying to say. Of course , he hates Lena. Theo is a solid character . His seiyu's voice acting was superb!! 😩 She portrayed Theo's anger , emotions , feelings perfectly. Im gonna root for Theo . Im not gonna speak anymore on this , bcuz i can rant on it endlessly. I will add the speech later.
Again , Haruto is too damn cute. I want both Haruto , Theo as my little bro. Daiya is elder bro material.
The 86 crew are all very proud of their captain , Shin and respect him very much
In the last episode , they all had a smug face when Lena said that Undertaker is indeed as great as people say. They all were smirking.
Last episode was great
The 86 crew were playing. Haruto called out to Shin for his turn . Shin is savage , he just shot the cans from where he was sitting. Anju's reaction and Haruto's " kawai iku nai na" was priceless. 😂
Haruto and Theo are probably bestfriends..
The cat is also very clever..Shin is always sitting still , so the cat sleeps on his lap.
The bond between the 86 crew is really precious. I love them 💞💖🥺.
I hope Sauvy Thoma is introduced soon.
_nyaruko_Apr 25, 2021 5:46 PM
Apr 25, 2021 5:29 PM
Sep 2020
Here’s a write-up I made on the first 3 episodes so far:

86 is shaping up to be an anime with real leftist themes (Spoilers for the first 3 Episodes)

If you’re not familiar with 86: Eighty Six, it is an anime about a woman named Vladilena Milize, a 16-year old who is a major in the army of the Republic of San Magnolia. What you’ll find in the first 10 minutes of this anime is that the entire society of this place is only people with silver hair and silver eyes. No one else.

You learn that these people, the Alba, are considered ‘human’ by the Republic of San Magnolia and its 85 districts, and that anyone else, called the 86, are thrown out of the walled state and forced to fight a war against a nation sending autonomous robots called the legions against them.

Rather than fighting back with autonomous robots, however, the Republic has the 86 fight in manned robots which they claim to be drones. They tell their people that the robots are unmanned, and that no one has died in the war. And people believe them, heavily propagandized to believe that there is no suffering going on because the society views the 86 as less than human, and the 86’s very existence is hidden to anyone outside of the military. The commanders of this military, Vladilena included, sit in far-away command booths in comfort and safety as they send the 86 to their deaths.

Vladilena is assigned to an elite group of 86 warriors called the Spearhead. She thinks she is doing something by marking 86 casualties on her battle reports, reaching out to them and having conversations, and telling anyone who will bother to hear her that the 86 are human.

But then, in Episode 3, the first of the Spearheads dies under her command. When Kaie dies, Vladilena apologizes. She claims that it’s her fault, and that if only she had done better, Kaie wouldn’t have died. And then one of the 86, Theo, speaks up. He says that Vladilena doesn’t know the half of it. That she sits in her ivory tower, claiming she cares about the 86, claiming that she sees them as humans, and nonetheless attempting to work through the system to help them. He says that if she cares about them so much, why does she still send them to their deaths in what is tantamount to a genocide, but all she does is talk to them in the evenings like they were friends?

And he’s right. She is absolutely naive by simply sitting in her safe command booth, acclaiming the humanity of the 86 and contributing to their deaths anyway. Her privilege leads to her simply virtue signaling emptily while not contributing to the betterment or liberation of the 86 in the slightest. And she doesn’t realize, foolishly believing that she can save the 86 if she continues to make a fuss in the military while contributing to the military’s ability to kill the 86.

This anime is a condemnation of liberalism and social democracy. Lena is the most archetypical idealistic liberal who believes they can create change from within systems of oppression. She thinks that by working as a commander in the military which is killing the 86 every day, including under her command, that she can somehow help their plight. She has a massive savior complex. She epitomizes the people who say they support movements of racial liberation, or any other form of liberation, but do not act upon it. She is unable to see that the system she wants to work within would never let her gain the power she needs to create change. So the story uses Theo to wake her up.

At the current point of the anime, I do not know whether Lena will actually take Theo’s words to heart. Will she truly side with the 86 or continue to trick herself into believing she can affect change for them by working within the system? I haven’t read the LN so I don’t know. But what is clear is that the anime, at this point in time, is criticizing that attitude when it comes to oppression.
Apr 25, 2021 5:49 PM

Sep 2020
"Your never asked us our real names"

This part got me in shock. For real, guys.
Apr 25, 2021 6:12 PM

Jan 2020
Loved this episode. I really enjoyed the SOL style part at the beginning with everyone and that transition to the ED was amazing

Apr 25, 2021 6:56 PM

Jan 2013
Damn, what a tough episode! That ending was really strong and brutal but on the other hand, Mirize is not at fault for what's happening and she's trying to help them, maybe if they listened and relied a little more on her, maybe that wouldn't have happened.

RIP Kirschblüte, she was one of the best.

It was such a happy episode that ended on such a sad note, damn, but that ending, oh boy!

deg said:

i learned something new today, so thats how they find romantic partners in the past eh

Those were the times xD Thanks for the info, learned something new as well.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
CravenlockApr 26, 2021 11:25 AM
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Apr 25, 2021 8:55 PM
Apr 2021
simulatedhel said:
Revvie-chan said:

1. that's a pointless death, then. might as well make her into a mob.

2. I sure hope so, tho. Tho it still highlights the weakness of 86 (anime)'s usage of its two sides narrative. I've seen better usage for the narrative trick, I mean.
I don't know... Maybe you're right? Maybe it's 24 minutes packaging issue? But then the Director is a pro and has been in the industry for years. He knows the issue better than most of us here. Split it for a big reveal? Wouldn't that reduce its impact substantially?

3. they took half an episode for that so prob something important. Still the scene didn't make me care for her or the rest of the girls, and 2nd half happened. So that's the thing: yes it might have established something in terms of the technicality of storytelling. but a story ain't about the usage of tricks and devices itself, but how its usage make its followers care about to love (or at least interested). I can't speak for other people, but I was bored.

4. Nomad is the most recent reference on how to use racism to attract sympathy I can suggest. Not to say it's the only reference.

5. Oh okay. The problem isn't that, tho. Even if my guess is totally off, the problem is that the clues we're given don't make me wanna stay around and wonder. I'm fine with being wrong. I'm not fine with being bored.

replied above, but 86 (anime)'s usage of victimization to garner sympathy doesn't feel as effective so far, to me. I would even say that the victimization doesn't really matter as much as its effect on establishing Lena's rebellious, confident woman personality.
But they really shouldn't introduce a cast they don't intend to develop enough before killing them.

or maybe I put it wrong. bcs they did try to develop Kaie in the limited time they have. It just failed to make me care enough. If that's the case, then pacing is the problem? Hmm...

So... you're implying that the problem is I don't care enough about Lena? Well then if that's the case, then the anime is faulty from the start, since they had 3 episodes to make me care.
I don't know. It's just me, after all. It does work for other people, if the comments of this thread are an indicator.

I would refer to a certain anime from last season on how to develop a protagonist off a tragedy/development of other character, but you prob didn't watch it. so I guess let's stay with the Lena part.
Is that what I'm implying here? Are you really supposed to care about Lena? No. The scene served a totally different purpose. The end scene was supposed point out the hypocrisy of Lena. Not make us care about her. Caring about her will come later I'm not gonna write another paragraph, so... I'll just post this paragraph here again that I wrote earlier:

simulatedhel said:
He is not blaming the handler for the death, he is pointing out the hypocrisy of the handler. In fact, if the handler hadn't apologized and had just said "serves you pigs right, you should all die" the guy would've not said any of those things. They've prolly heard those lines many times. But her acting goody-two-shoes while still enjoying her luxurious life and then pretending that she "connects" with 86 and treats them like humans yet she still doesn't even ask any of their names is what popped this situation off. It's funny she actually was more concerned about the cat's name. These guys are angry because they have been thrown into the war and treated like livestock and now someone coming and acting all nice to them while still sending them to their deaths won't suddenly make things ok. It's a difficult circumstance for both sides. Because even though 86 have suffered and it's hard for them to suddenly welcome her with open arms, she is still trying to genuinely connect with them.

She does the exact same thing that other alba do yet she calls 86 every night and "pretends" to them that she is so much better than those other alba and that they shouldn't hate her. The scene did the exact opposite of making you care for her. The guy went on an angry monologue to show you her hypocritical side.

Probably you just didn't care enough then. Fair enough if you were expecting to get more attached to her, but there has been plenty shown so far that distinguishes herself from the rest of spearhead so far.
Apr 25, 2021 9:00 PM

Mar 2019
This looked promising and interesting since episode 1...

But honestly, i havent seen any progress in these 3 episodes...

Still looks promising and interesting, but havent turned into more...

I liked the last 3 minutes.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Apr 25, 2021 9:29 PM
Mar 2021
El-Melloi said:
I don't understand what's so special about the map, did she not have access to basic terrain data before? If so, why?
Because the whole Republic's military is so mind-numbingly incompetent. Did you expect the military which made up of those people who slacked and lazing around every day as shown on previous episode will have competent, high-quality personnel? They're simply that bad. Only those who fight on the frontline like 86 can you call as competent.
kljyApr 25, 2021 9:33 PM
Apr 25, 2021 9:34 PM

Dec 2014
deg said:

i learned something new today, so thats how they find romantic partners in the past eh

Wow, thats really interesting. Pretty creepy in today's standards but i guess its different during their time.
Apr 25, 2021 11:40 PM

May 2016
Yuvensius said:
Hmm, they decided to use Lena PoV to end the episode huh? Also, when I read the LN I thought the battle happen during night, not evening. This reveal is really interesting.

But if I must reveal my honest feeling, this episode would end with better impact if the battle was on Kaie PoV and end with Lena PoV like the LN.
I feel the change of structure fitted the anime. It left us off on a pretty good cliffhanger
Apr 26, 2021 12:36 AM

Mar 2014
RobertBobert said:
RedChrome said:

I guess I missed it because how exactly does he break them ?? Insulting to death ???

You talk as if the show is never intentionally going to show or discuss it.

Cos I'm skeptical about it but never mind somebody already gave me an answer
Apr 26, 2021 12:54 AM
Oct 2020
Revvie-chan said:
3 episodes in. Time to put in my non-LN readers opinion.

Myndnix said:
This has become the first anime in about seven years that I've dropped.
Extremely trite and cliche, shallow as hell characters, and worst of all, unbearably boring.

I'll watch it if it appears in Super Robot Wars, though.

AurumGG said:
I don't even remember which one Kirschblute was lol. I think it was the black-haired girl with the ponytail? Very forgettable characters so far. Story is really generic and war/political dramas are one of my least favorite genre on top of that. Also, the Sawano OST is pretty disappointing compared to his other works. Probably gonna drop it here.

Good bye.
I hope you are not appearing again in this discussion.

alshu said:

- You can't expect everyone to like the show the way you do.
- You can't expect everyone who dislikes the show to stay silent.
- Your idea that everyone who express discontent from this show is explicitly doing it to ruin your fun is quite weird.

So please ignore my opinion and continue to enjoy 86!
It's my personal opinion and I don't insist anyone else sharing it.

I will ignore it and treat you as some insignificant being.
Takao_Bl00driverApr 26, 2021 1:30 AM
Apr 26, 2021 1:52 AM

May 2018
Takao_Bl00driver said:
I will ignore it and treat you as some insignificant being.

You did treat me as insignificant being till now by denying my right of personal do continue but please don't tag me!
Apr 26, 2021 8:16 AM
Jul 2016
RedChrome said:
I don't understand how this whole "chain of command" works in this world !!? How is it possible the "Processor" talk back with their superior. And when one of their comrades is dead (in this case Kirschblute, RIP)I'm really surprised one of them act all bitchy like that with the "Handler" ?? Does he realize this is war ?? People die all the time, so don't blame the "Handler". And also the whole PTSD thing is bullshit, not just to Lena but her predecessor

Seriously whoever wrote this story I suspect he/she never serve in the military and also have limited understanding about racism

it's trying too hard to be a tear-jerker tragic story. I think it's for like 15-year-olds tbh. I'm also so confused with the commander acting all cutesy to her subordinates, her tone and character in the military setting she's in stops me from taking anything seriously.
Apr 26, 2021 10:17 AM

Mar 2014
ItsBritneyBitch said:
RedChrome said:
I don't understand how this whole "chain of command" works in this world !!? How is it possible the "Processor" talk back with their superior. And when one of their comrades is dead (in this case Kirschblute, RIP)I'm really surprised one of them act all bitchy like that with the "Handler" ?? Does he realize this is war ?? People die all the time, so don't blame the "Handler". And also the whole PTSD thing is bullshit, not just to Lena but her predecessor

Seriously whoever wrote this story I suspect he/she never serve in the military and also have limited understanding about racism

it's trying too hard to be a tear-jerker tragic story. I think it's for like 15-year-olds tbh. I'm also so confused with the commander acting all cutesy to her subordinates, her tone and character in the military setting she's in stops me from taking anything seriously.

My thought exactly
Apr 26, 2021 10:48 AM

Nov 2013
dayum she really means well but that's just not enough, she doesn't understand their struggle and i don't think she can comprehend that they are literally DYING over there like miss girl i know you're trying your best but just look at it from their point of view
Apr 26, 2021 11:24 AM

Oct 2007
So they are saving that CGI budget for next episode I presume and we will see the death of Kirschblüte animated.

Good episode nontheless, we got more characterization for some major characters. Most funny thing was that even the 86 told Lena off as being too naive in the end which is exactly why I think she is pretty much unfit for the job. But I guess we will also see her grow and start maybe a coupe at some point? It has to be something to disrupt the current social order or the 86 will all die within the 2 years left in the war.
Apr 26, 2021 12:49 PM

Feb 2020
The fact that 86s were fighting for years without even a precise map and for some reason that defined as a "classified information" is kind of concerning concept.
No wonder they keep on dying
Apr 26, 2021 4:31 PM

Jan 2015
Source readers seem to be in full on rant mode for nothing here. That's source readers for you though.
Apr 26, 2021 5:06 PM

Dec 2015
I can still praise the direction on this anime. They're definitely trying to convey more emotions with cuts and show things in different perspectives. But I've gotta say, the inital part of the episode was just bad. One of the worst decisions you can make to make the audience care for the characters is use a cliche scenario, and the author went ahead and used the oversatured and unfunny joke of boys spying on girls. I also think they could've at least not give that much exposition at once afterwards. Really hope the author just didn't knew how to set up some stuff on the beggining, but he improves later on.
BetterTasteApr 26, 2021 5:20 PM
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