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Apr 2, 2021 11:09 AM
Jan 2021
What was that about? i hope there is more context to this. and is this a follow up to SSSS.GRIDMAN?
Apr 2, 2021 11:13 AM

Jul 2015
Really excited imo! loved the previous Gridman and now this looks promising..
SSSS series is less about actual Kaiju fights and more of characters interactions and i fking love the latter.. more Rikka like characters but not as THICC..
Another day where MyAnimeList staff aren't doing shit to solve these 1 Rating Bot problems..
Apr 2, 2021 11:13 AM
Nov 2018
ichii_1 said:
Seems nice, but I wanted season 2 of gridman.

Nah, Gridman's ending is fine as it is.
Apr 2, 2021 11:19 AM
Aug 2020
I think dynazenon a robot that can change shape like a kaiju
Apr 2, 2021 11:29 AM

Jun 2016
Ides385 said:
Uziwuzi said:
Can I watch this without gridman? I watched the first episode and compared to the gridman part I liked this alot more. Might sound retarded for saying this but can I?

I was thinking the same thing. Main reason is it says "other" not "sequel"

Yes, you can. Dynazenon is an spin-off.
Apr 2, 2021 11:29 AM
Aug 2015
Really enjoyed the first episode. Minami's character is kinda weird so I kinda got turned off a bit. Other than that though, it was really awesome, haven't been this excited for an anime in a long time.
Apr 2, 2021 11:51 AM

Oct 2014
Wow, that was a great start. Many mysteries right from the start. I'm so interested to see where it goes. Less ominous than Gridman's premiere, but it worked in its favor. I don't know where the story will go from here, but there are many intriguing characters—like Gauma. There was some noticeable symbolism, Minami's two Ankhs intertwined had something to do with her sister's death. They represent mortality and protection. I'm sure it will become clearer as it goes.

I got chills when the mecha formed, the animation was slick as hell. Thankfully the CGI meshed well with the 2D.

I'm glad they brought back Masayoshi Oishi for the opening.
Apr 2, 2021 11:57 AM
Jul 2018
Wooow that was awful, the first 2/3 were just slideshows with barley any animation, hideous CGI, ugly character designs, wow trigger you have fallen really low
Apr 2, 2021 12:03 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Rip roaring Tokusatsu silliness there from Trigger. Totally entertaining if one knows what one is in for. I'm thinking the MAL score will be abominably bad since this genre doesn't hit any of their notes.

Cevoy said:
OK, so when does this character show up?

Those thighs are at the same level as Rikka's

Holy shit, I need this so much. THICC thighs save lives.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 2, 2021 12:27 PM

Jul 2019
Great episode. I literally binged all of gridman today to prepare for this, and it was about the same ahah. Probably better than the first episode of gridman. I especially like the characters, Gauma is great and he reminds of kamina, which is great and really bad at the same time.
The visuals were pretty good as expected, art was pretty much perfect, the episode didnt move thaaat much, but it had some stellar layouts. Oh and the best part is, as expected for gridman and this, the directing which is still extremely good (i really hope ikarashi directs an episode again).
VP2003boiApr 2, 2021 12:35 PM
Apr 2, 2021 12:39 PM
Jun 2019
I am not a mecha fan, but that was pretty good. The characters were interesting and the art (especially the colors) was beautiful. Now, Idk if I'm just not too fond of mecha, but the action was a bit slacking.

Anyway, I enjoyed (:
Apr 2, 2021 12:47 PM

Feb 2012
Yomogi gives Gauma the special dog from SSSS.Gridman (it originally appeared in episode 5 of the tokusatsu)

The cast here seem to have all sorts of family problems. Yomogi has a step father or that's his mother's new boyfriend.

Kano seems to be Yume's deceased relative (likely a sister) and the family hasn't figured out what to do with the stuff in her room. I applaud the death symbolism they have with the plush doll on the right (Akane's first victim had a bag with the same design, which itself is an Ultraman Nexus reference).

11:28 I was suspicious of why Chise was hanging out in her hikikomori senpai's room, too. She doesn't call her cousin Koyomi by name I guess. Like in SSSS.GRIDMAN, normal people can't see Kaiju, so they see floating buildings and cars.

Since the Ankh is a symbol of life, maybe Yume will try and resurrect Kano?

Regarding the identity of Gauma and his connection to Dynazenon:
Fortress_MaximusApr 7, 2021 12:19 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Apr 2, 2021 12:59 PM

Feb 2019

I definitely feel like they're phoning it in pretty severely on the action front, but I'm also not sure that's actually different from the previous Gridman. They've definitely glommed onto the idea that what people really loved about the last go round was that it had sad teenagers, and I can't say they're exactly wrong, though I don't agree with the thought. The seemingly lead boy is even more melancholic. The lead girl is even more closed off and more explicitly has some kind of troubled family. One dude's a shut-in. One girl has no idea how to dress herself. Troubled teenager HQ here. No serial killer though, which I feel like was a necessary spice to all the boring, melancholic teenagers bumming around in between being screamed at by a lunatic. At least unless they want us to sympathize with them and it turns to poison in my mouth.
Apr 2, 2021 1:02 PM

Mar 2016
If Rikka and the gang operated Gridman together...kinda what I wanted to see after the first ep of Gridman when Rikka was helping out by typing shit in and then never did it again.

Loved it. Lots of characters, lots of shit going on, cool atmosphere. Dynazenon's glowing-line-look when it first appeared kinda reminded me of Dancouga's transformation sequences. Again, loved it.
Apr 2, 2021 1:11 PM

Feb 2012
Dyna Dragon was controlled remotely in the original Toku whereas Gridman merged with his host before going off to fight.

There's no "access flash" in this because the nature of the hero is different. But it seems Dynazenon has some kind of sentience, answering the call of Kaiju user Gauma.

My prediction for this show is, Dynazenon is stuck in Yomogi's world without a controller because its connection has been lost, so it finds these teenagers to pilot it from within.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Apr 2, 2021 1:11 PM
Dec 2018
I found the start to be very interesting so far. And I really hope they stick with the human characters being inside the mech because what I always like about Gridman is that the human dudes get to contribute in large ways for each battle. I hope that we get to see them bond as a group and learn how to fight instead of being in the sidelines like the last show (which I still liked but OG Gridman is strong to me because of the characters being able to contribute in some way each episode)
Apr 2, 2021 1:30 PM

Feb 2014
Seems like a rip-off of SSSS.Gridman, would have been better getting a season 2.
Apr 2, 2021 1:32 PM

Apr 2011
It started too well. I already showed a lot of hype for being a huge fan of the Gridman universe, and in reality, I was worried that it could be of the same level. But this first episode already got me really excited. I confess that I liked this episode more than the first one from SSSS.Gridman. In fact, they had some references with SSSS.Gridman, but that was already predictable. It left several mysteries too
I loved the design of Mecha, totally within the spirit of the series. The fight was also incredible. When Masayoshi Ooishi's music started playing it was amazing.
Incredible new characters and it is now possible to identify their Gridman counterparts. Gauma was already my favorite character and I identified with Koyomi. Minami seems to have a trauma that has not been overcome and I was just sad that Chise did not enter the mecha.
CGI combined well with 2D. The animation is great.
Apr 2, 2021 1:55 PM
Oct 2019
I don't know how to explain what I feel after watching this first episode but I'll try. Maybe it sounds a bit picky, but it's just my opinion anyway.

I think there were many ways to make a more interesting first episode to grab more attention. I loved SSSS.Gridman, but in this first episode of Dynazenon (wtf is that name), which is in the same universe I almost didn't believe this was Trigger, but instead a copycat or a simple rip-off. It has to do with the pacing, the direction, the budget of the production (there are a lot of lazy stuff) and the establishment of the characters that at the moment don't seem to fully click. There are a lot of things that just happen (the build up for the kaiju was bad executed, I didn't feel anything from it, like there was this stuff happening in the background that nobody cared about). Also, I don't like the blue-haired guy's character design but I'm whinning at this point.

If it had more of the "Trigger feel" it would work better, though I know it has it but at the same time I don't know, it's weird. I'm curious about how are they going to develop the characters from here on out and the future interactions, but what they tried to do here didn't have a real impact (scenography, editing, music, animation is ok...). But the girls are pretty cute.
Apr 2, 2021 2:06 PM

Oct 2015
Already loved everything about this episode. Definitely getting the same vibes that made me like gridman a lot too, also worth noting that the characters are lot more interesting
Apr 2, 2021 2:19 PM

Aug 2020
This first episode was nice. It's like Gridman, but with a couple of differences regarding the kaijus. The sound is great, and the animation is at the same level as Gridman, with a special detail to the characters' eyes and hair. I liked the battle with the opening song playing on the background, nice choice for a theme song from what I heard in the episode. Let's see the next episodes in the next weeks...

Apr 2, 2021 2:32 PM
Sep 2020
It was a great frst ep thts it
Apr 2, 2021 2:52 PM

Jul 2017
Really good first episode, interested in seeing where the show will lead. I'm really liking Gauma.
Apr 2, 2021 2:57 PM

Aug 2020
Lol I have no idea why the slander already, it's only the first episode.

That said this seems promising. I like the different approach it's taking, and it seems to have some callbacks to Gridman. definitely continuing this.
Apr 2, 2021 3:05 PM

Jul 2017
Nice start, I just hope it stays strong and doesn't end up like SSSS.Gridman. Also Trigger doesn't exactly have the best track record since pretty much all their anime tend to take a massive nosedive in quality about halfway through.
Apr 2, 2021 3:09 PM

Apr 2019

oh god this first episode has a lot to unpack and oh boi what am i excited as a 10 year old getting a happy meal!

1. main characters are mains. their distinct styles and most of all, their stylish looks are amazing. one thing tho, i don't see oppai loli or thigh high chicks.... explanation, headrush action. bold but beautiful

3. crazy ass waifu

4. crazy ass best bro

5. gotta love that annoying cousin

im waiting for gridmans return. can't wait to see some aliens pop up and then the enemy will magically side with the heroes or something
Maybe watching, maybe reading, probably living
Apr 2, 2021 3:09 PM

Oct 2014
RebelPanda said:
Wow, that was a great start. Many mysteries right from the start. I'm so interested to see where it goes. Less ominous than Gridman's premiere, but it worked in its favor. I don't know where the story will go from here, but there are many intriguing characters—like Gauma. There was some noticeable symbolism, Minami's two Ankhs intertwined had something to do with her sister's death. They represent mortality and protection. I'm sure it will become clearer as it goes.

I got chills when the mecha formed, the animation was slick as hell. Thankfully the CGI meshed well with the 2D.

I'm glad they brought back Masayoshi Oishi for the opening.

They brought back the whole Team for this Show :)

Sadly Many folks will likely not be impressed and thus Dodge this show like they did with Gridman....

I mean Gridman was just ok at the start just like this show but then got Really good later on especially at episode 9 (which is a rare case when you think about it)
But that is also why it is Criminally underated here on MAL...........
Apr 2, 2021 3:29 PM

Aug 2011
I loved Gridman and surely will enjoy this one as well.
It takes its time to tell the story just as the original did, but I'm not in a hurry at all.

Fortress_Maximus said:

I applaud the death symbolism they have with the plush doll on the right (Akane's first victim had a bag with the same design, which itself is an Ultraman Nexus reference).

Thanks for sharing this!

» Escapism.

Apr 2, 2021 3:56 PM
Jul 2018
really cool that robot, minami and very mysterious, I hope it explains more about the robots.
Apr 2, 2021 4:05 PM

Aug 2013
Just here for the character designs, that's all Trigger can really offer me at this point. Definitely the Gridman vibes, gonna be interesting seeing the dynamic between all of these characters coming together to deal with the Kaiju. I wonder if Dynazenon will have a consciousness like Gridman did.
Don't believe the hype.
Apr 2, 2021 4:20 PM
Mar 2021
It seems that this series focuses more on the problems of each character.
Apr 2, 2021 4:46 PM

Dec 2020
Why???? I wish it was a normal drama/sol anime. I didn't see the robots coming ugh, and why are the robots and the battle so lame??
Apr 2, 2021 5:02 PM

Jan 2020
Lmao, I honestly thought that Gauma was Yuuta at first. I was thinking, "woah woah woah! What the hell happened to you Yuuta? You look like you have seen hell". But then I heard his name, and relised he was a totally different person. I dunno, I thought Yuuta like 4 years later came to warn about something to the MC at first.

I liked it. All the girls are really cute which is nice. The main character looks like Shido from Date A Live, at least that is who he reminded me of. Really looking forward to this show.

I agree, that OST was fire. Sounds like the OP for Gridman, I think its the same singer too.
Apr 2, 2021 5:13 PM

Feb 2017
This was amazing start. The robot is cool as fuck, epic transformation and great music accompanying it. Character design, atmosphere and direction also great. So far this episode has impressed me more than Gridman's did, I hope it keeps going like this.
Apr 2, 2021 5:14 PM

Mar 2019
Im not really a fan of these kind of battles...

But i loved everything else...

Chise new Waifu...

Not the Greatest Episode, but pretty Entertaining.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Apr 2, 2021 5:36 PM

Dec 2018
I loved this, it’s been a hot minute since SSSS. Gridman, which I loved as well, so I’m very happy this is finally here. I’ve been missing Trigger for a while now too, so that also makes me happy. Already like the characters, the designs are nice, the music is great, kaijus looked cool, I’m super into this lol. The ED was also amazing imo, can’t wait for more.
Apr 2, 2021 5:39 PM
Oct 2020
Why is Trigger doing an SSSS.Gridman all over again... like even the fanfare music is the same but it's shifted up or down a key. I'm not saying that its bad but the only reason why I watched Gridman and Dynazenon was animation, "cinematography" and the abstract concepts that most mech shows have. I'll watch Dyna because there isn't much else out this season and I wanna compare Dyna and Grid. The problem is the mech genre is pretty much dead and this show will basically be forgotten about a week after its run. Wish Trigger would attempt something more medium/long term.
Apr 2, 2021 6:42 PM
Jan 2021
It was okay,animation we're great but it's kinda lack of something..idk maybe it just my brain...
Apr 2, 2021 6:48 PM

Nov 2014
I can say for certain, that this series's start hooked me faster than gridman, the characters are already very likeable and their designs are beautiful, the animation is amazing, with what seems to be like an even improved use of CGI, from my point of view.
Apr 2, 2021 6:54 PM

Nov 2016
Wasn't expecting that amount of hate lmao.

Anyways, Yomogi is so cute that him alone is enough for me to watch the anime, kinda the same that happened with Yuuta and SSSS.Gridman but at the end I ended disliking him. Still Yomogi is cuter than Yuuta and his design somehow resembles to Ohto (Wonder Egg)

Since I'm at the second anime of this "world", that I just noticed, the main storyline is any good? Cuase I've read that this and Gridman were spin offs.
Apr 2, 2021 7:04 PM

Jan 2011
great start I personally really liked Grindman not only for the thigh memes this seems to be more of that wonder where they plan to go with Yume(her being named dream must have some meaning) with how strange she is right now i'm guessing shes the Akane/Rikka of this one

Char designs have been top tier they all stand out even if you can kinda notice some cloning going on lol Gauma got that fresh drip with those shows
Apr 2, 2021 7:38 PM
Nov 2015
AyumiVk said:
Ides385 said:
Someone really hates this show.

It's a bot, other anime this season also have a lot of 1 scores

You already hear about bot attack right ?

And they become more cancerous today.

Even before the anime start airing episode 1.

They already planting rating 1.
Apr 2, 2021 7:47 PM
May 2019
pretty good 1st episode if i must say. what caught my attention is the character design especially the eyes. they're so freaking beautiful.
Apr 2, 2021 7:50 PM
Aug 2015
Cobalt-Blue said:
Why is Trigger doing an SSSS.Gridman all over again... like even the fanfare music is the same but it's shifted up or down a key. I'm not saying that its bad but the only reason why I watched Gridman and Dynazenon was animation, "cinematography" and the abstract concepts that most mech shows have. I'll watch Dyna because there isn't much else out this season and I wanna compare Dyna and Grid. The problem is the mech genre is pretty much dead and this show will basically be forgotten about a week after its run. Wish Trigger would attempt something more medium/long term.

Mecha ain't dead if you still got fans. Proof is the new Getter anime coming this year.
Apr 2, 2021 7:55 PM

Jun 2013
What the hell is with the score!? This is great so far!
Apr 2, 2021 7:56 PM
Oct 2020
dezhavhu said:
Cobalt-Blue said:
Why is Trigger doing an SSSS.Gridman all over again... like even the fanfare music is the same but it's shifted up or down a key. I'm not saying that its bad but the only reason why I watched Gridman and Dynazenon was animation, "cinematography" and the abstract concepts that most mech shows have. I'll watch Dyna because there isn't much else out this season and I wanna compare Dyna and Grid. The problem is the mech genre is pretty much dead and this show will basically be forgotten about a week after its run. Wish Trigger would attempt something more medium/long term.

Mecha ain't dead if you still got fans. Proof is the new Getter anime coming this year.

Getter? ------------------------
Apr 2, 2021 7:56 PM

Jun 2011
Really enjoyed that first episode. Glad I've been rewatching Gridman on Toonami, made me so excited to this this spiritual successor. Looks like it's continuing what Gridman did with the less is more approach, sections with no music, or no talking, etc. I liked that, it adds character to the show.

Really like Gauma too, I feel as though he's going to be the heart and soul of the show. Interested to see how everyone else fits into the story, like Chise and the bowl cut guy.

Can't wait for more!
Apr 2, 2021 8:06 PM
Apr 2020
Same universe as Gridman. Although it's freakin cheap and ripoff to the other mechas, I think this will do. Gonna observe this for a while.
Apr 2, 2021 8:06 PM

Feb 2014
That was a great start, some scenes and character is a bit reminiscent of Gridman which is nice. Character designs really stand out to me.

I have this strange feeling that Yume will become main villain, somehow like Akane...

The ED was nice, performed by Maaya Uchida.
Apr 2, 2021 8:09 PM
Dec 2017
The opening song, the ending song,the eyes, the girl, the cgi for kaijus and robot, all the atmosphere is very similiar with gridman. I kinda like it
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