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Feb 13, 2021 4:28 PM

Nov 2011
Fighting that swarm of Digimon didn't look easy...

I gotta give credit to Izzy this episode for not giving up. He believed in everyone and himself to fight the good fight. Not easy at all for a kid.
Feb 13, 2021 7:04 PM

Feb 2019
That Blitzmetalgreymon transformation was sick. I like how they’re adding these new evolutions in. After they went to ultimate, mega and omnimon so fast, it’s nice to have something fresh. Good job to prevent the ISS from wiping out tokyo. Wonder what’s next.
Feb 13, 2021 7:10 PM

Oct 2015

im sorry what
the fuck is this
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Feb 13, 2021 7:15 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Scarlett_white said:

im sorry what
the fuck is this

It's called bullshit. Finally we have a somewhat Koshiro focused episode after he just couldn't shut up about the damn satellite for who knows how long and yet Greymon had to get another Mega transformation for no reason. This would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce the evolution of Atlurkabuterimon but whatever, Taichi has to be the hero I guess.

It pains me that Joe and Mimi were relegated so much that they barely appeared in a flashback.
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Feb 13, 2021 7:57 PM

Jan 2009
BlitzGreyMon is fucking cool but too bad its just a side evolution due to adapting to the electric environment they are in so we might never see it again

and a foreshadow of HerculesKabuterimon?

Feb 13, 2021 8:17 PM
Sep 2015
There are many surprises in this episode, but Koshiro will always be the most helpful member, this fact doesn't change no matter what adaptation is.
Feb 13, 2021 8:21 PM

Jan 2009
foreshadow for AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon?

Feb 13, 2021 9:21 PM

Feb 2012
No one injured lol Come on iss rammed into tokyo bay with a big tsunami
Feb 13, 2021 9:40 PM
Feb 2021
Okay, this episode is the final straw for me. I'm now convinced that whoever is writing this crap has absolutely no idea what they're doing, or just doesn't care.

- Where in the world did that evoilution come from? There was no build-up at all, and they were up against a single Ultimate. It just happens out of nowhere, doesn't even have its own evolution sequence, and just gets ignored right after. BlitzGreymon completely vanished and Koshiro did the rest of the work. We don't even get to see him anymore with the other Ultimates - he's suddenly Agumon again. What the hell?

- Why is Taichi getting a SECOND MEGA before anyone else getting their first?

- What is this doing in a Koushiro-centered episode? It felt like they were building up to HerculeKabuterimon. They even teased him. The entire episode felt like it was supposed to be an evolution trigger for AtlurKabuterimon, but then he got cucked by MetalGreymon, who then stole its evolution.

- Multiple characters are still completely absent. Worst of all - Yamato seems to have vanished entirely. So now Taichi has two Megas, Koushiro has one teased, and there's not even a sign of Yamato. Awesome.

What is going on here? I honestly don't understand what's happening anymore. Nothing makes sense, especially not from a writing standpoint. There seems to be absolutely no quality control anymore. It feels like some 16 year old's fan fiction. Did they plan this episode as the first appearance of HerculeKabuterimon, and then their marketing department told them that they need to put in BlitzGreymon right now? Because that's what this felt like. As if they just put in that one sequence afterwards, which is why we don't see him anymore for the rest of the episode.

I'm so disappointed. After the amazing evolution of WarGreymon and the debuts of Gatomon and Pegasmon they have completely dropped the ball. This is just trash.
Zelos91Feb 13, 2021 10:00 PM
Feb 13, 2021 11:40 PM

Jul 2017
Back to subpar mediocrity again this episode...

FINALLY, after much hampering, we get a Koshiro-centered episode, and back to stop a falling orbit satellite. But WHY does the situation call a NEED for Taichi and Co. is beyond me, I'd guess it's the same "reunion" BS.

Given the DigiEvolutions, MAN is this show trying to reinforce that Taichi IS the hero, with Agumon getting a full-on evolution sequence and the others, just mere transformation lights.

Metallife Kuwagamon is strong no doubt, but to bring another of Agumon's Mega evolution into BlitzGreymon without an actual evolution show, what a haphazard decision to throw off potential yet once again.

Honestly, Koshiro and Kabuterimon should've been the ace in the hole for this episode. Even with AtlurKabuterimon and the teaser to HerculesKabuterimon, both of them could've done the job faster.

WELP, this ain't a reboot anymore, but the concussion of throwing as many ideas as they can to fit the ENTIRE 20-year franchise into 66 episodes.
Feb 14, 2021 12:04 AM

Apr 2018
Blitzgreymon's design is pretty cool to be honest, it was impressive.
And I liked the focus on Koshiro for this episode, really interesting development, they managed to save the city from the satellite crash.
Mimi's episode next, why not.
Feb 14, 2021 12:11 AM

Jun 2010
This episode is completely bullshit and Bilzgreymon's appearance is fucking nonsense. This episode is clearly intended to be Koushiro's centre, with him floating in galaxy at the beginning (which I guess it's a homage to the original in someway, because it kinda resembled the time when Tentomon vs Vademon, which resulted in him evolved to MegaKabuterimon the first time). Not to mention there are bug digimons everywhere, and lighting attack as well. If that is not enough indication for MegaKabuterimon's evolution then there's the enemy of the week, MetallifeKuwagamon, which is included in Kabuterimon's evolution line as well. Why didn't they give us 2 bug digimons showdown, instead of MetalGreymon battle again?
There's some sort of development for Koushiro, with him giving a whole speech of having Tentomon and friends, and yet he just got a fucking shadow of HeracleKabutermon, while Taichi got a new mega without any foreshadowing.

What is the point of this reboot anyway? Toy showcase? But none of the evolution so far is memorable. Worst, most important evolutions (according to the show) only appear one time and never again. Angemon had been emphasized to be very powerful, and now he is replaced by Pegasusmon. We still don't know if Angewomon will show up again in the near future. Omegamon only shows up when the plot needs it to be. Now, if Blizgreymon evolved under certain environment, does that mean if Agumon isn't in this environment anymore then this mega form won't show up again? Then what's the point of putting him there in the first place? Why introduced Wargreymon before? If Toei wants to boost the Digimon goods, should they at least make the digimons and their mega forms memorable? And why do they keep wasting important debut with minimal enemy. Last week was Angewomon vs MarineDevimon, now it's Blizgreymon vs MetallifeKuwagamon, not to mention the enemy is just an Ultimate, Metalgreymon could handle him. If the purpose of this reboot is to sell toys then I think it had failed completely, really poor marketing IMO.

I feel like Takeru had replaced his brother to be the second protagonist. Seriously, why does Yamato still riding on Garurumon's back infinitely? Can't the show at least make him meet up with Mimi and Joe and then the three of them have some sort of side quest? I know I should get used to it by now but it's still ridiculous to see the kids' digimons didn't flinch when the lighting (from the swarm of Bladekuwagamon, i think) hit them.

If there's something I like, it has to be HerculesKabutermon's shadow. At least it gives me hope that Tentomon, and the rest of the kids will have their megas, I hope.
Feb 14, 2021 12:34 AM

Jul 2013
My reaction for most of this episode was "I don't give a shit. ~Yawn~". Seriously, what is the connection between this satellite thing and the main plot? Why should I care about this? What does it add to the story? Why were we spending so much time over this topic? Somebody please enlighten me what's so important about it.

And then MetalGreymon pulled the red light out of his ass. It's an asspull in every sense of the word. And here I thought they did WGM poorly....

Then Koushiro got his moment and it looked like he's gonna get a mega for a second. Yay. But too bad it's just a jebait. Nooo.

This might be the worst episode so far.
JustMonakaFeb 14, 2021 12:39 AM
Feb 14, 2021 1:35 AM
KDE Plasma

Jun 2012
@KanLen09 @Zelos91 We did not have a HerculesKabuterimon in the OG, too.

The true Heroes were always Yamato and Taichi and there younger siblings with OP-gemon and it's evolution. These two were the only ones with a Mega-Evolution through a skip /warp evolution.

During that time it even made wonderful sense. A mega evolution is something that cannot be achieved that easily. Even Yamato and Taichi could manage this through their closes family members and their partner digimon with holy energy.

The problem was that all the others do not have a sibling with another holy powered digimon. That means it was impossible in the OG for the others to get to their mega evolutions.

Until Digimon Adventure Tri did change it.
CyanwasserstoffFeb 14, 2021 1:38 AM
Feb 14, 2021 3:21 AM

May 2012
They should have just given as both Blitzgreymon and Herculekabuterimon. The episode was call Operation Satellites Sniper. Blitzgreymon should have been the Sniper while Herculekabuterimon would have fought Metallifekuwagamon's mega enchanted by black lightning effect. Maybe Grandiskuwagamon 🤔. Blitzgreymon first appearance is pretty underwhelming. To bad he one of my favorite Digimon too. Not even a full animation evolution sequence for him. You think they would have 🙄 since the show it focus on Tai to much. Izzy deserves that mega level in that episode.
Feb 14, 2021 4:10 AM

Mar 2015
Taichi's Agumon getting more evolutions isn't the problem for me, the problem is how he gets them. I also never really minded that the other kids' Digimon never got to their Ultimate forms in the original. At the end of the day that's just spectacle. What matters is that the characters are well developed by the end, which the original accomplished. The other kids held their own as characters despite not getting their Digimon to the highest level and that's what really matters.

But yeah, another abysmal fucking episode. 1/5 episodes back to back to back. Garbage after garbage every week. BS after BS, boring chase scenes yet again, boring monster of the week yet again. This anime tries so hard to focus on the action 24/7 yet it sucks so bad at it. If you're gonna shaft character in favor of action, at least make an effort that the action looks good. Yet this shit has 0 choreography in it. It's so bad.
Feb 14, 2021 5:39 AM

Jan 2013
You seriously kidding with me? Who wrote this?!
Feb 14, 2021 8:23 AM

May 2015
I get that Koshiro didn't have enough confidence in himself to do it that's why he called Taichi and co. and Taichi was needed to encourage Koshiro but still, what was the point of Blitzgreymon? selling toys BS? he was totally wasted, unnecessary and non sensual and have absolutely no damn reason to exist whatsoever, especially not in a different character's episode, and why do you even need an ULTIMATE digimon to beat a PERFECT digimon in the first place?!!! get it done and over with Taichi's MC superiority BS already, show Koshiro and the other kids some love, speaking of the other kids, whatever happened to Yamato? how long do we have to wait for Metalgarurumon and hopefully the other ultimate digimons, this reboot may be a mess, but it definitely have room for them, maybe because it's a mess, Idk, Herculekabuterimon tease says much, that was something nice that came out from this episode, what was truly disappointing about this episode, however, was that the whole ISS subplot went nowhere and was totally wasted after all that build up.
EDIT: If it's for selling toys or shit they should've at least done it right, or make him a level beyond Wargreymon, instead of a 2nd ultimate one, not for this episode anyways.
TheBerserkerFeb 14, 2021 11:20 AM
Feb 14, 2021 8:32 AM

Nov 2016
Scarlett_white said:

im sorry what
the fuck is this

merch ad

Boy this sucks

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 14, 2021 8:35 AM

Dec 2013
They should have called this show Taichi & Agumon Adventure, at least in the original Yamato was worth a damn and they didn't even bothered having an evolution sequence lol. Koushirou got cucked hard and honestly what was that dialogue for as if Tentomon was his BFF, none of the kids seem to have any sort of relationship between eachother besides the siblings and the Digimon partners are just there for them to use as weapons.

Thankfully Mimi will at the very least show up next episode, can't wait for Greymon to get yet another evolution. /s
KanameYuukiFeb 14, 2021 8:40 AM
Feb 14, 2021 9:12 AM

Apr 2020
Cool episode but Blitzgreymon came out of nowhere, wtf
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Feb 14, 2021 9:17 AM

Apr 2014
Excuse me, but what the frog is this red abomination?! First we get treated to that lazy Angewomon digivolution sequence, now we have some kind of random Yu-Gi-Oh! monster sneaking in? Somebody give that crack-addict storywriter the boot. NOW.

Mimi hype tho
Feb 14, 2021 10:17 AM
Feb 2020
That should have been Tentomon's Mega time, instead we got Blitzgreymon, and next episode will be something for Mimi 😓
Feb 14, 2021 1:01 PM

Feb 2015
Oof... I absolutely adore Digimon, but if this would've been my introduction to it, I doubt I would've even liked it as a kid and I'd probably never have become a fan.
This episode was ruined by the Taichi favoritism once again. What's next? Floragreymon instead of Rosemon? Plesiogreymon instead of Vikemon? Come on -.-

I liked:
- the episode gave Koushiro some spotlight & he joined up with the rest of the group
- Pegasmon FINALLY used Shooting Star... I was getting worried we'd only ever see the lame green laser attack
- Birdramon crushing that Bladekuwagamon with her beak (why is Piyomon so brutal in this reboot lmao, first the decapitation when Garudamon first appeared and now this), even tho the animation/art was pretty bad
- Metallifekuwagamon looks cool ig
- all of them laughing together at the end was really cute

I disliked:
- Meteor Wing & Shadow Wing somehow look worse than in the 1999 anime (and lame), neither Birdramon nor Garudamon even move/flap their wings when they use them - they are literally a PNG with effects slapped onto them
- Shadow Wing and Horn Buster where randomly used as shields
- I'm glad Agumon didn't get the second amazingly animated evolution sequence, but Blitzgreymon appearing out of a red screen was dumb
- Blitzgreymon apprearing at all was dumb: Taichi and Agumon don't need a second Mega "cause of the environment"
- Koushiro made it seem like he was friends with the rest of the kids, but the show itself literally doesn't show any actual connection between them -> they might as well be strangers who just fight together to prevent bad stuff from happening
- I didn't like the tease-evolution-attack... either give us HerakleKabuterimon or just keep it as AtlurKabuterimon

Oh well, at least the "Tokyo is in danger you guys!11" narrative is over (for now).
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 14, 2021 2:36 PM

Aug 2017
rafi160 said:
No one injured lol Come on iss rammed into tokyo bay with a big tsunami

I maybe missed the detail but had the astronauts aboard the ISS evacuated in another episode? If not they were quite dead even before the ISS crashed into the atomosphere.

However, I liked the episode. The digimon fossils were cool, but a bit strage since every time we see a digimon "dying" it convers back into bits (and, if the original series serves as indication, digimon don't die, they reincarnate back into digieggs). There is never a "body" to become a fossil in the first place.

The new metalgreymon evolution looks cool (I'm guessing it comes from another season?) and I liked the explanation that it is "an adaptation to this enviroment". Like it is an actual evolution in the real sense, just very flashy and temporary. Aslo it completely owned the antagonist of the episode.

Another thing: I remember that a "shogeki" (sniper) shot is not possible from the surface ir you are shooting into space (see Rebuild of Evangeliion, You can (not) advance), so It was cool to see that they shot from basically the upper atmosphere of the digiworld (sadly Evas can't fly).

The "we got this" part from every character is a trope very well trotten, but I felt some tension so I think it was allright.

StormxNightmare said:
- Meteor Wing & Shadow Wing somehow look worse than in the 1999 anime (and lame)

I remember very cleary that, in the last episode of the original series, Garudamon asks AlturaKabuterimon "Sora wo tanomu" because she is about to use ShadowWing and that means basically turning herself on fire for a moment, and would harm Sora had she be on top of her. Now it seems that Digimon attacks don't hurt the Children (as it was discussed in an earlier poll), so that detail is lost.

StormxNightmare said:
Taichi and Agumon don't need a second Mega "cause of the environment"

I found it really funny that we can point to the same thing and have so different opinions.

Oh, and the "donna digimon kanna?" at the end looks like Leomon, doesn't?
ZenielDanakuFeb 14, 2021 2:54 PM
Feb 14, 2021 2:53 PM

Feb 2015
ZenielDanaku said:

StormxNightmare said:
- Meteor Wing & Shadow Wing somehow look worse than in the 1999 anime (and lame)

I remember very cleary that, in the last episode of the original series, Garudamon asks AlturaKabuterimon "Sora wo tanomu" because she is about to use ShadowWing and that means basically turning herself on fire for a moment, and would harm Sora if she would be on top of her. Now it seems that Digimon attacks don't hurt the Children (as it was discussed in an earlier poll), so that detail is lost.

Yeah, that happened in the last episode :)
But I don't really understand what that has to do with what I wrote. I was talking about the way the attacks were animated. When Birdramon is using Meteor Wing in this episode, we're just shown a still image of Birdramon with open wings - there is no movement at all (except for the fire balls that emerge from the wings). In the og, Birdramon often flew up, crossed its wings, then spread them, they started to sparkle and fire balls started falling down (not in a straight line like in the reboot either). There was way more effort put into the attack animation - sometimes the fire balls don't even come out of the wings in the reboot. Same goes for Shadow Wing and Garudamon's (non existent) movement. It looked great in its debut episode, but has been pretty cheap ever since.

Digimon Adventure

Digimon Adventure Tri

Digimon Adventure:
StormxNightmareFeb 14, 2021 3:10 PM
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 14, 2021 3:07 PM

Aug 2017
StormxNightmare said:
But I don't really understand what that has to do with what I wrote.

I just remembered that scene while reading your comment. I wasn't paying attention to the animation, tbh.
ZenielDanakuFeb 14, 2021 3:13 PM
Feb 14, 2021 3:16 PM

Feb 2015
ZenielDanaku said:
StormxNightmare said:
But I don't really understand what that has to do with what I wrote.

I just remembered that scene while reading your comment. I wasn't paying attention to the animation, tbh.

Oh, okay - fair enough :)
It was a pretty nice scene, Lilimon did something similar cause she was holding Mimi with her hands ifrc.

ZenielDanaku said:

StormxNightmare said:
Taichi and Agumon don't need a second Mega "cause of the environment"

I found it really funny that we can point to the same thing and have so different opinions.

Haha, yeah - it's all subjective in the end :D
It's a cool concept for sure! I just can't really appreciate it cause of all the Taichi favoritism that has been going on this entire show ^^'
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 14, 2021 3:22 PM

Jun 2014
Don't worry guys, I'm 100% sure all the kids will get their Megas because they are all seen as shadows in at least 2 flashbacks of the great Digimon war in the past between light and shadow.

I'm too tired of this reboot to react to anything anymore with more than rolling my eyes and facepalming. Wargreymon and Angewomon evolutions were boring and not needed, don't make me started on Blitzgreymon. Ever since Wargreymon episode my score has fallen to 5/10 and I think it will stay there until the end (unless it falls to 4/10). I have zero expectations for this reboot after all the bullshit and I haven't enjoyed almost any of it until now. Now I'm just watching it to complete all Digimon seasons. Sigh, that is so sad for a big Digimon fan.
Waiting for Gundam SEED Movie..... (ಥ‿ಥ)

Waiting for Sailor Moon Cosmos..... o(≧▽≦)o
Feb 14, 2021 3:24 PM

Aug 2017
StormxNightmare said:
It was a pretty nice scene, Lilimon did something similar cause she was holding Mimi with her hands ifrc.

Yes. Lilimon dropped Mimi in mid-air to shoot and the she catched her again. I think that all that was done because it was the first time the Children were riding their partners in battle. I never understood why, since they could stand on the "ground" fine at the end of the same episode, tho.
Feb 14, 2021 11:22 PM

Oct 2017
Pretty intense action packed episode and nice we finally got to see BlitzGreymon.
Feb 15, 2021 12:16 AM

Dec 2015
They knew what they were doing. They purposely lead us astray and casually dropped a different mega, and we fell for it. I still think this adaptation is worthwhile. At the very least it keeps us guessing.
Leaves from the vine~
Feb 17, 2021 7:03 AM
Oct 2019
Random Boss Digimon of the Week ...
Once again no Personality....

Btw, how far is the sky goes???
They keep flying and can't reach the top for half of the episode.. lol

Toei just pushing more Evolution for the sake of selling more Toys...
Of course another Evolution for Agumon lmao

They choose Koshiro to finish the job, but choose to give an Evolution for Agumon...
This is so poor written...
davidyodo24Feb 17, 2021 7:18 AM
Feb 18, 2021 6:39 PM

Nov 2017
Pretty bad episode. The reasons were all stated above (Koshiro's moment stolen by Taichi and that bs evolution, bad animation, inconsistencies, boring plot, yet another episode without Mimi Joe and Yamato, etc.) so I have nothing new to add in that regard.

While I was watching the episode and I saw how much it was centered around Koshiro, I thought to myself "I swear, if his spotlight gets stolen by Taichi, Agumon, and another bs evolution..." and before I could finish that train of thought, boom, Blitzgreymon. I'm done with this crap.

Next episode seems to be centered around Mimi, which is good, but I also caught a glimpse of... guess what! Yes, fricking Taichi and Agumon/Greymon again! Seriously, people who say the OG was focused on him and Agumon should go and watch it again. COUNT in how many episodes Taichi is a focus *while* having Agumon evolving. You go and count it, you'll be shocked to see how less of a screen hogger he was back then, even if he *was* the leader of the group and had a bunch more special moments than the rest of the kids, except for Yamato (who, by the way, was a far more interesting character in the OG than here, even if he's kinda MIA at the moment. That goes for most of the kids tho).

Anyway, I'll probably take a break from watching this. I'm just watching by inertia and I'm really not enjoying it anymore. It's sad tho, I had such high expectations for this reboot, and it managed to disappoint in so many levels.
Feb 18, 2021 8:25 PM

May 2008
I'm considering on making a "No Yamato" count if he continues to not appear. xD
Ahh, everyone crapping on this terrible episode makes me smile. I'm not gonna talk about any of it because everyone else did for me... but I am gonna theorize on this:

Zelos91 said:
What is going on here? I honestly don't understand what's happening anymore. Nothing makes sense, especially not from a writing standpoint. There seems to be absolutely no quality control anymore. It feels like some 16 year old's fan fiction. Did they plan this episode as the first appearance of HerculeKabuterimon, and then their marketing department told them that they need to put in BlitzGreymon right now?

Before I didn't, but now I do think it is due to the pandemic. Ignoring the fact the pandemic reaction shouldn't have ever gone for as long it did, DA: shows all the signs of a rewrite and constant shifting from external issues. What I think is happening:

When the show went on hiatus, due to the new regulations I think the writers were forced to scrapped the original script and had to do write something else. Because of the time crunch, they had to take plot points and whatnot from the original script creating a Frankenstein's monster. This would explain why plot threads are introduced and dropped (and in a case reintroduced only to be dropped again), why there are important evolution moments despite having no buildup, things just happen without rhyme or reason (sometimes being handwaved in throwaway lines), repeating threads, the increase focus on Taichi, etc.

Then there's the whole 6ft rule and I think this, most of all, killed the reboot. The main cast is made up of 16 characters not including randos and villains. There's no way you can have them in a room acting off each other and have them 6ft apart. So characterizations and development and group growth have to be written out. This would explain why more than half of the dialogue are meaningless lines, why the digimon don't talk anymore, why even in a small cast most of the protags tend to stand off to the side silent, why half the cast is just absent not even with their own scenes, the continuous separation of the cast, etc. I've noticed that a lot of the "dialogue" is done with just 2 characters talking with cuts to other pairs or individuals if the show needs to have someone else talk. The characters' lines aren't dynamic, like they would be if they were talking to each other and you can also see that in the animation. Because there's no dynamic dialogue, there's no reason to have dynamic reactions in the animation. If I had to guess, that's the reason they randomly put the digivice as a cellphone in so early - to hide this.

For example, the digimon don't talk much anymore. And they certainly never talk like they do, in the background having their own conversations while the humans talk to each other. Or interrupting or adding inputs by other conversations. Most of Hikari involves gaping blankly at everything.

And now that Japan is going back into lockdown? I expect the quality to drop further.

I wouldn't be surprised if the big suits decided episodes ago to make this reboot about selling toys once they realized the pandemic isn't going anywhere. It'll be the only way to recoup the costs if the rating are bad. So now they gotta push forms that'd make good toys or figures, lol.

Frankly, anime studios need to become more flexible. There's no reason for something heavy on big amount of characters (and thus seiyuus) to be continued producing in a pandemic where people aren't allowed within 6ft of each other. Either it airs or gets cancelled for good is one of the anime industry's worst aspect. DA: should have put on the back burner until the pandemic is over (and just say it's due to the pandemic ffs) and play re-runs and make something new in its place. Make an anime about a mute protag and save on seiyuu costs, lmao.

JustMonaka said:
Seriously, what is the connection between this satellite thing and the main plot? Why should I care about this? What does it add to the story? Why were we spending so much time over this topic? Somebody please enlighten me what's so important about it.

Dramatic tension. That's literally the only reason the "Tokyo is in trouble!!" subplots exist. If you take it away, there wouldn't be any and how else are they gonna show another Agumon evolution? Why would Millenniumon destroy Tokyo when it's supposedly helping feed his revival is the real question.
Feb 20, 2021 4:42 AM

Jul 2013
So this season has the perfect evolution in the perfect moment to defeat episodic villains, huh? You had one job, Toei, fgs.
Feb 21, 2021 2:56 PM

Jul 2008
Yet another Agumon evolution...good grief I was joking by saying this was the Tai and Matt show early on.

I was's just the Tai show.

All the other kids are reduced to cameos and background noise.
Feb 25, 2021 1:06 PM

Jan 2021
If only they didn't reuse Our War Game at the start of this show then this plot wouldn't have become so repetitive at this point. The ending is even exactly the same as the movie.

Also.................................... another Greymon evolution. Imagine how tired we are. Whole time I was thinking, if they really needed an electric-type Digimon, they could've just made Kabuterimon the main focus of this episode but noooo this ain't Digimon Adventure after all, it's Taichi Adventure. And here I thought this was gonna be the Taichi and Yamato show. Turns out it's just Taichi after all lmaooo.

And why are they having so much trouble against one Ultimate Digimon when all of them digivolved into their Ultimate forms as well like I get the territory was advantageous to the electric guy but the disparity between their power levels shouldn't have been that huge omg.

The whole I'm not alone, I have my Digimon and everyone with me is also getting a bit repetitive now. It's like every personal conflict they have is resolved by that plot point.

This whole episode is just really repetitive in general. At least Mimi's in the next episode. It should be fun at least.
Feb 12, 2022 2:23 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Kinda boring episode.

BlitzGreymon literally came out of nowhere. It was too sudden and random. I also don't like its design so much.
Nov 19, 2022 7:00 AM

Oct 2013
So they made an episode where Izumi save the day but it's Agumon who got ANOTHER mega form ? is this a joke ?
Nov 19, 2022 11:04 PM

Apr 2009
Titadou said:
So they made an episode where Izumi save the day but it's Agumon who got ANOTHER mega form ? is this a joke ?

This entire anime is an extensive bad joke.
KingwelNov 20, 2022 3:19 AM
Nov 20, 2022 12:16 AM

Oct 2013
Kingwel said:
Titadou said:
So they made an episode where Izumi save the day but it's Agumon who got ANOTHER mega form ? is this a joke ?

This entire anime is a extensive bad joke.

True... I'm watching episode 42 and it's kinda the same thing than this episode LOL
Sep 4, 2023 4:01 AM

Nov 2012
it's definitely possible I've been too harsh on the dub, this show could definitely have a myriad of other issues not exactly setting the dub up for success (script, direction, the quality of the actual source material [since it seems even sub watchers had many of the same complaints] etc.).
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Jun 19, 2024 9:48 AM
Nov 2019
I’m like the only one who liked this episode here. Although I can see why people dislike this episode, I don’t understand why they hate it so much. I like the unpredictability of evolutions in this show. I hope the next episode isn’t too boring tho.

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