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Jul 30, 2020 7:29 PM

Jan 2011
good episode having a unwinnable fight so soon has set up a big red flag even for Natsume i feel like this show might actually kill her next week but i hope not
Jul 31, 2020 12:32 AM
Dec 2019
Good to see the Natsume is not in the team, shows that her training is paying off. Looks like Kaburagi has himself a fan-girl, even if it is Natsume's idol.

I wonder how next episode will go now that Kaburagi has seen that she's joined the operation.
Jul 31, 2020 12:33 AM

Jun 2013
I feel sorry for Natsume but I also understand where Kaburagi is coming from. This is one of those series that keep getting better as time goes by.
Jul 31, 2020 1:19 AM

May 2018
I laugh every time I hear people saying that Natsume is going to die.

She's the mc lol, and she's is in the forefront of the poster of the anime. Obviously she won't get killed off in episode 5. Even if she does, they probably gonna bring her back as a cyborg or something.

Jul 31, 2020 2:27 AM

Jul 2020
Like the episode. Nice badass Natsume showing off her skills against the Gadoll.
Glad to see Natsume decided to stay and fight and curious to see what Kaburagi is going to do about it.
Is Kaburagi the one who saves the day or is Kaburagi the one who needs to be saved in the end.

What will happen between Kaburagi and Kurenai, hopefully something interesting. >.>

Looking forward to the next episode. O/

Jul 31, 2020 4:36 AM
Sep 2018
AH HA HA HA HA, This battle is unwinnable they say! Only A-Ranks will survive they say. THIS IS BY DESIGN THEY SAY!


Beautiful ep. man it takes a brain ticking to get your head around the world design, but my god the story telling and the characters are great. really loving this.
Jul 31, 2020 9:48 AM

Feb 2020
Deca-dence more like dragging me into the show... Lol it's my one of my best joke so far
Jul 31, 2020 10:39 AM

Dec 2018
Another anime male being abusive towards the cute girl and making her cry

I really dont wanna see Natsume and Fei fighting. I want them to be,,,, Well I want them to be lesbian lovers =P ,,YEEEEEEEEES, But friends is also acceptable =P

To much drama for my taste. And imo worst episode so far .The start was ok and I like to see Natsume advance .But the rest wasn't really my cup of tee

Yuri-CrusaderJul 31, 2020 12:13 PM
Jul 31, 2020 11:43 AM

Jun 2012
Too bad people slept on this anime because they got Matrix instead of Attack on Titans
Jul 31, 2020 10:23 PM

Jan 2013
krukrooo said:
Noumu said:

TBH I doubt it's her doing the "outstanding work". Like Minato said the fight is designed to be unbeatable by S-class gears so they're most likely either going to lose pretty badly or Kaburagi gets the kill by going full "limiter removal" on them.

Personally I think the later is going to happen mainly because this series is only 12 episodes long and we're almost at the halfway point so the show needs to find a way to advance / escalate the conflict between Kaburagi and Hugin.

Yep I agree with your speculation. I think the "limiter removal" would have a huge part for the story. Specifically on how to defeat OP Gadolls.

Of course, there is no other way besides the limiter removal. Now that you've said it..i thought it had 24 episodes or something like that.
They have to speed up things a bit.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Aug 1, 2020 2:54 AM
Mar 2012
Kurenai & Kaburagi lol pretty nice. Good Pipe got saved.
Natsume's maiden fight was dynamic & smooth like a pro. Her decision, tho standard hero motivational plot, felt really compelling & well built character dev.
Liked the Oxyone/milk duality metaphor, not mixable like oil/water, like Gear/Tanker.

Aug 1, 2020 4:28 AM

Apr 2015
This was considerably rushed, characters had no time to breathe
Aug 1, 2020 11:33 AM

May 2015
Lol end-game (kind of) boss in 4th episode. neat.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Aug 1, 2020 4:18 PM

Mar 2013
alhiris said:
Damn, the more episodes I watch the complex world this anime has is more clear. Sad thing that people got the wrong idea about this show(2nd episode), it's amazing.

For real though. I love it. It's not what I expected, and it surpassed w.e that was. I can't waaait for next week!
Aug 3, 2020 3:47 AM

Oct 2019
Thanks to this episode I'm really starting to understand what's going on, and thanks to that I'm finding it really enjoyable now
Aug 3, 2020 4:32 AM

Jul 2016
Bibimbapski said:
I feel sorry for Natsume but I also understand where Kaburagi is coming from. This is one of those series that keep getting better as time goes by.


The idea that they are just pawns in an actual game is bloody brilliant.
Aug 3, 2020 7:54 AM
Feb 2011
What this anime needs and what I expect episode five:

It's about time Natsume breaks out. We know they're going into a suicide mission in episode five, and forced up against the wall with nowhere to go, let's see what the cheatcode means to a bug like Natsume. You should recall, there's a way for players to overclock their speed and strength by trading it for actual pain in the 'cartoonish' looking world.

If Natsume is suppose to be dead, then there is no real-world character for her to trade pain. I want her to ascend to 'ultra-instinct' type power level. As of now, her character just isn't interesting enough. I will literally be disappointed if we're expected to root for an armless, determined protagonist and those were the only notable characteristics she had.

Unfortunately, I do see Kaburagi jumping in using the cheatcode. This is the expected version I envision. He'll end up getting severely hurt and Natsume will have to grow up even faster. That's boring and predictable.
ShibitoMatuzakaAug 3, 2020 8:40 AM
Aug 4, 2020 9:40 AM

Feb 2020
Wait wait wait!!!
So this is all just a Game for those Cyborgs??

I will say its not quite an Interesting story but Unique for Sure!!!
Aug 7, 2020 8:04 AM
Nov 2019
Can someone explain me why kurenai is such a fangirl over kaburagi because if I remember correctly, he used to fight in his previous avatar but now works as tanker and undercover bug eliminator, so how does she(kurenai) know about his legendary skills, since it looks like she is a human and don't know about the avatar thing. If I'm missing something do tell me please, I hope you all understand what my question is exactly.
Skuld_OpAug 7, 2020 8:13 AM
Aug 7, 2020 8:27 AM

Jul 2009
Skuld_Op said:
Can someone explain me why kurenai is such a fangirl over kaburagi because if I remember correctly, he used to fight in his previous avatar but now works as tanker and undercover bug eliminator, so how does she(kurenai) know about his legendary skills, since it looks like she is a human and don't know about the avatar thing. If I'm missing something do tell me please, I hope you all understand what my question is exactly.

i guess she must have seen him on the battlefield once, so she knows he's good at fighting. since his previous avatar wasn't very different from the current one (except for the color of his hair and skin) she recognized him. she knows he's a gear, but like the rest of humans doesn't know about cyborgs/avatars.
Aug 7, 2020 8:38 AM
Nov 2019
ame-furi said:
Skuld_Op said:
Can someone explain me why kurenai is such a fangirl over kaburagi because if I remember correctly, he used to fight in his previous avatar but now works as tanker and undercover bug eliminator, so how does she(kurenai) know about his legendary skills, since it looks like she is a human and don't know about the avatar thing. If I'm missing something do tell me please, I hope you all understand what my question is exactly.

i guess she must have seen him on the battlefield once, so she knows he's good at fighting. since his previous avatar wasn't very different from the current one (except for the color of his hair and skin) she recognized him. she knows he's a gear, but like the rest of humans doesn't know about cyborgs/avatars.

Even if his previous avatar is similar to his human form but it definitely doesn't look like a human to me and gears come from outside decadence, right? Are avatars are seen as humans or sort of aliens? So I don't think she can recognize his human form or something but anyway thanks for replying me.
Aug 7, 2020 8:50 AM

Jul 2009
Skuld_Op said:
ame-furi said:

i guess she must have seen him on the battlefield once, so she knows he's good at fighting. since his previous avatar wasn't very different from the current one (except for the color of his hair and skin) she recognized him. she knows he's a gear, but like the rest of humans doesn't know about cyborgs/avatars.

Even if his previous avatar is similar to his human form but it definitely doesn't look like a human to me and gears come from outside decadence, right? Are avatars are seen as humans or sort of aliens? So I don't think she can recognize his human form or something but anyway thanks for replying me.

well, avatars (gears) definitely aren't seen as humans. normal humans consider them as a unique race of warriors (even Natsume said she's disappointed she wasn't born in their race). I really don't think his "human" form looks that much different from his previous avatar, so he was easy to recognize. that's what I think, at least.
Aug 8, 2020 2:57 AM
Apr 2020
Natsume must be really skillful. She defeated some gadoll that even veterans were killed. But, Natsume is becoming a bit stubborn. Kaburagu's intel spilled that everything was for business, and fighting gadolls are endless. Natsume is not yet ready for that kind of fight. Just listen to Kaburagi, or maybe prove them wrong. Welp, good luck with that.

Aug 16, 2020 10:02 AM

Mar 2010
That was some tough love but it seems it only backfired to try to not make natsume go.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Aug 16, 2020 10:22 PM

Jan 2019
Is it just me or does the music sound like PSO2 wayyy to much
Aug 20, 2020 8:25 PM
Feb 2019
Late, but not as much as usual. Good progression, me.

Well, Piper is safe, yay! \ (•◡•) /
The first part of the episode was action focused, the CGI is jarring at times, but in general the animation is pretty good (it's clear this is the same director from Mob). We also got to see more of Kurenai this episode, first showing her abilities in the battle (and her admiration for Kaburagi, xD), and later as a mentor figure to Natsume; she's pretty cool, I hope we get to see more of her. But this episode highlight was Natsume without a doubt, her discussion with Kaburagi got really serious, I didn't expect that kind of drama here, but it turned out well, seeing the oxiona mixing with the milk was hard; and later the sequence with flashbacks was excellent, her rage was very clear, it was good seeing her deciding to go to battle despite of Kaburagi's warning, she's pretty stubborn yet, but her will got very strong; the music really accomplished it really well, I'm loving the OST (especially its use of bagpipes and flutes).
Seems that things are gonna get serious next episode.
Sep 2, 2020 3:43 AM

Jul 2013
omg I want a Pipe plushie!! 😭♥
Sep 9, 2020 9:32 PM
Mar 2016
Holy crap, Natsume went from struggling against the worms to slipping in and out of enemies immediately. It kinda bothers me since she literally never used that arm before. I'll chalk it up to plot armor for now. I mean a lot of shows do that, but there's usually a super saiyan powerup or something.
Oct 8, 2020 12:11 PM

Aug 2017
If they tried to made Natsume annoying towards the audience, mission accomplished! Well, after this episode, I have a feeling the creatures were created on purpose for entertainment. Such a shame that one of the main characters is generic.
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Dec 26, 2020 1:53 AM

Oct 2010
good looking action in the beginning and natsume really did her job. I can't really comprehend the AI intentions, maybe they wanna kill all humanity slowly. Next episode I feel that Natsume will become a hero
Dec 30, 2020 3:06 PM

Jul 2015
Even though how he handled the situation was a bit harsh, Kabu really cares for Natsume.On the other hand pretty sad since this is the only chance for Natsume to fulfill her dream of joining The Power especially since nobody puts trust in her especially with her right arm like that

Apr 13, 2021 8:05 AM

Mar 2016
Oh no. Natsume what have you gotten yourself into!???

Kaburagi better save her!!!

Apr 18, 2021 8:38 PM

Dec 2013
Of course her first official mission is basically a suicide mission. I'm curious with how she'll survive this.
Aug 6, 2021 12:10 PM
Mar 2020
Damn give Natsume a break. She keeps getting put down over and over again and never really had the freedom that most of the people had. And when you have someone like Fei who is suppose to be her friend but isn't taking on the role of a friend was very irritating. But I m surprised they let her fight the 'final boss' so quickly in the series.

I can see why Kaburagi wants Natsume to not fight because it is an obvious trap at the gadoll nest, I feel that Kaburagi is truly the only person (besides her father) who genuinely cares for her. I am worried though that Natsume will end up hurting or even killing herself in the process because of that vision Kaburagi had. It was depressing during their confrontation though. This episode was heavier than the previous episodes.
May 6, 2022 8:09 PM

Jul 2021
Well obviously Natsume has to go through this battle that chances of survival may be low
Dec 9, 2022 1:11 AM

Nov 2022
It’s scary that the lives of the humans are manufactured. Certain plot points are already determined by the AI. Are they truly free if they lack free will to make all the decisions themselves? This notion is mimicked in Natsume. Since her father died she’s been told what to do, what she can and cannot do. She’s lacked the self confidence to make her own decisions and to follow her dreams. Now that she’s finally ready to stay try to herself, she’s wondering unknowingly into certain doom. That’s just sad. It’s clear that Kabu also really cares for her, I hope he saves her soon.
Feb 9, 2023 6:22 PM
Mar 2022
it was great :) fufhursgurhugurhur
May 28, 2023 7:45 AM

Dec 2022
Kurenai getting all giddy over Kaburagi was pretty cute. Natsume has strong determination towards her goal. Being told by numerous people to give up, yet still pushing forward is good.
Aug 14, 2023 6:41 AM
Aug 2023
Dead girl's decision to go fight the alpha creature I feel was smart. staying on the Decadence to survive the battle and be put back into the rat race isn't much of a life.
Feb 24, 2024 11:26 PM

Jul 2021
I will admit this show has some nice fights. Natsume is getting stronger and its nice to see though im worried for her in the upcoming fight.

Jul 13, 2024 7:41 PM

Dec 2018
Is he trying to spare her by not telling her? They're all being watched by their chips I think.
Mar 12, 7:30 AM
Jan 2022
the confliction kabu faces with natsume is such an interesting to watch, cuz just imagine if someone says ure living in a simulation shit deadass is wild. also that mole mouse dung beetle rat monster thing is disgusting but very good monster design
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