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May 13, 2020 1:00 PM

Jul 2019
More information regarding the king and the princesses is always welcome. I guess he would not share his power with men in fear of pretenders? Still, no reason a woman could dethrone him either. So Rachel with her alias and being all familiar with other princesses would also make her one? Oh, how the tides have turned...

But what a let down the fight was... the setup was pretty impressive and then everything got all goofy and comedic. Also Bam/Yoru is very mysterious and powerful we got it. But is he actually powerful enough to progress the plot by his own?
May 13, 2020 1:00 PM

Apr 2019
better than the all the previous episodes. However the pacing felt terrible, parts are being neglected (i dont even read mawha) and the characters are all "just" friends with each other? tower of contradictions.

what this show really really really need is those personal character interactions like lero ro his thoughts and that jahad princess her remarks.

Maybe watching, maybe reading, probably living
May 13, 2020 1:02 PM

Oct 2013
It's not even bad anymore, just plain boring.
May 13, 2020 1:02 PM

Apr 2009
The show lost focus. From a deadly battle royale to collecting 10 people for a friend's list. wow. Thing got seinened quickly.
May 13, 2020 1:12 PM

Nov 2018
I like the comedy in this episode with more information on the Jahads, great episode as usual!

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May 13, 2020 1:31 PM
Jan 2017
rousseau888 said:
akio19 said:
Parakwell and his Glorious Revolution has been cut short by the episode director. Now I know for sure there's no hope in the world!!!
parakewl was there in this episode

In the webtoon, the whole hide and seek game is different, including the hilarious part when Parakewl leaves to form his great revolution leaving Hatsu to deal with Quant.
May 13, 2020 1:34 PM

Mar 2017
At first I thought Endorsi was gonna be one of those calculating, sadistic women but she's so damn adorable. Definitely best girl of the series.

Hoh's acting shady af giving off antagonist potential levels of jealousy and hint at his backstory... looked rough to say the least. I think he's gonna end up being a big danger for Bam in this test in one way or another

I really liked the comedic and lighthearted atmosphere of this episode... but this is anime so that probably means a whole lotta shit is about to go down!
May 13, 2020 1:44 PM
May 2020
I enjoyed this episode a lot. I liked how we got some background information on Anaak and I look forward to seeing how the tag test plays out in episode 8.
May 13, 2020 2:03 PM

Aug 2019
Decent episode. Good to know more about the princesses of Jahad and Anaak's backstory was quite sad. Didn't like the way Endorsi and Anaak's fight turned comedic at the end. But the food bribery scene was funny. It seems Hoh will do something soon.

I want to know what it is,
this 'sin' they say I've committed.
May 13, 2020 2:08 PM

Mar 2019
Not very importznt episode, a few infos about princesses
The hide and seek hyped me for next episode, another cliffhanger
May 13, 2020 2:12 PM

Mar 2016
Even though the episode length hasn't changed, this episode felt quite short. Probably because of the Jahad flashback taking so much time.
May 13, 2020 2:15 PM

May 2020
I would honestly live for more character moments like Khun, Hatz, Shibisu, and Bam just attempting to “make friends.” Also, Endorsi reinforcing herself as best girl, although Anak is coming in pretty close.

Other than that, the pacing of the episode felt sort of off. Honestly, they probably shouldn’t have segmented Endorsi’s and Anak’s fight and should’ve just contained it into one episode. Also felt odd jumping straight into the next test after wrapping up Anak’s story and suddenly bringing Rachel into the picture. Next episode will probably wrap up the next test or leave us on a cliffhanger.
May 13, 2020 2:28 PM
May 2020
Shinsu explanation is getting cut. Then Endorsi and bam moment is ruined, it's actually meaningful since it's foreshadowed by a crack on Endorsi's heels. Yuri fana probably love this change, lol.
May 13, 2020 2:37 PM
May 2020
akashstar12 said:
This is the test that will make you all love a certain character

If they handled it pretty well. Since It's only 13 episode, i don't have much expectation.
May 13, 2020 3:02 PM
Jan 2017
Tower of God delivers yet another fine episode! As the tests continue, the characters attempt to form an alliances in order to survive. We also learn more about the Princesses of Jahad and Anak's backstory, and peaking about Anak, she reaches some measure of mutual understanding with Endorsi. The character writing continues to be one of the strongest aspects of Tower of God and the alliances between characters are a good example of that. I'm really enjoying this show and I can't wait to see what happens next.
May 13, 2020 3:13 PM
Oct 2015
rousseau888 said:
akio19 said:
Parakwell and his Glorious Revolution has been cut short by the episode director. Now I know for sure there's no hope in the world!!!
parakewl was there in this episode

??? where the fuck was parachule this episode?
May 13, 2020 3:16 PM

Dec 2019
First time an episode has completely disappointed me. Dynamics between characters were changed, very important information was omitted (I honestly don't see how it can be included in upcoming episodes, but if they do I will take back what I said) and the scenes with Quant were really disappointing.
I honestly don't see the point in changing any of this, it's not even a matter of time constraint. I would have prefered if they had included the scene were Shinsu is explained a little more, than the anime only scene of Bam making a pillow for Laure. Very strange directing decisions came into play this episodes..

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
MonkeyDHunterMay 15, 2020 9:29 AM
May 13, 2020 3:16 PM
Oct 2015
dc22 said:
It's not even bad anymore, just plain boring.

funny that your profile picture pairs up perfectly with what you're saying
May 13, 2020 3:17 PM
Feb 2016
I think the studio/director want to ship Endorsi with Hatz in thi episode,as a BamxEndorsi shipper i kinda hate it tho
May 13, 2020 3:17 PM
Apr 2020
Damn telecom animation, who gave the contract to this studio lmao, they so bad.
They are ruining all the world building, they changed BM to a sword because swords are mainstream, they changed GA from being a hook to a whip, they didn’t added armor inventory when androssi used it in crown game and against anak in the corridor, they didn’t explained shinsoo bangs, so now shinsoo is just a normal substance like mana in other show, I’am sure I’am forgetting others things too, anyway they are already simplifying the way of fighting when the fights are more tactical in season 1.

Did I need to mention fights scenes Especially androssi vs anak which looked very bad, I mean it looked like some sort of power point animation, until now the best fight was the crown game anak vs Laure and I’am afraid that must remain the best fight of the season when it’s not great animation either but just ok.
May 13, 2020 3:19 PM
Oct 2015
2life said:
better than the all the previous episodes. However the pacing felt terrible, parts are being neglected (i dont even read mawha) and the characters are all "just" friends with each other? tower of contradictions.

what this show really really really need is those personal character interactions like lero ro his thoughts and that jahad princess her remarks.

he gets his own side story in season 2 if hes the only one you're interested in

spoilers: he eventually quits being an instructor and goes to search for wolkaisong an organization dedicated to finding a way outside the tower and gets a whole mini arch for himself.

MasterFremz said:
I think the studio/director want to ship Endorsi with Hatz in thi episode,as a BamxEndorsi shipper i kinda hate it tho

you realize hatsu was only acting right? they literally explained it afterwards his blush was an act lol, he has no dynamic with endorsi at all, and to be honest nether does bam really, so far the closest relationship he has with is probably hwaryun in the most recent chapters.

and tog is like one piece where the protagonist doesn't know what romance is, it just seems wrong to pair luffy or bam or gon with some one like seriously those series are story focused

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
MonkeyDHunterMay 15, 2020 9:30 AM
May 13, 2020 3:27 PM

Apr 2015
Jeez the episode flew by like it was 5 minutes!

Some more information on the Jahad Princesses and why Endorsi called Anak a fake/imposter! Which is probably why Anak's mother ended up dead, cause she broke one of the rules of being a Jahad princess!

Endorsi is slowly becoming my favorite character next to Khun!

She took Anak down with her and both got injured cause of it! "If this leaves a single scar on my beautiful legs, I'll hate you forever!" Love it! The scene in her room was pretty damn adorable!

Rachel is just acting quite odd and I don't get what her deal is, however I do look forward to finding out more about why she's climbing the tower and why it is more important than Bam.

A simple test of tag, hope next week will have some more action!
May 13, 2020 3:37 PM

Jul 2012
Honestly wasnt bad at all. I liked this episode. The comedy at the beginning between lizard girl and the other princess was so out of place and meh tho. 6.5/10
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May 13, 2020 3:38 PM

Dec 2015
jTiKey said:
The show lost focus. From a deadly battle royale to collecting 10 people for a friend's list. wow. Thing got seinened quickly.
And that's a good thing. This is one of the main reasons why I'm not giving a lower score. I really didn't want this to continue to be like another generic and childish shounen
May 13, 2020 3:43 PM
Feb 2016
Yeah u right, i just feel weird when they make

I mean that's why there are shippers like me out there.
Neostorm-X said:
MasterFremz said:
I think the studio/director want to ship Endorsi with Hatz in thi episode,as a BamxEndorsi shipper i kinda hate it tho

you realize hatsu was only acting right? they literally explained it afterwards his blush was an act lol, he has no dynamic with endorsi at all, and to be honest nether does bam really, so far the closest relationship he has with is probably hwaryun in the most recent chapters.

and tog is like one piece where the protagonist doesn't know what romance is, it just seems wrong to pair luffy or bam or gon with some one like seriously those series are story focused

Yeah u right, i just don't want Endorsi have any progress with anyone except Bam, and in webtoon there's only Bam that comes to Endorsi's room

I mean that's why there are shippers like me out there.
May 13, 2020 3:50 PM
Sep 2017
I almost slept while watching this episode
May 13, 2020 4:10 PM

Jun 2015
What I like about the show so far are the artstyle, animations and especially holy shit the OST. Penkin, Kevin is slowly but surely getting to be my favourite composer in the anime industry. Having said that, I really don't get why the source material is so popular. Seing how good the adaption is so far, it really feels wasted. There are so many great mangas out there that are waiting to be adapted.
May 13, 2020 4:22 PM
May 2019
Imagine you should turn 78 chapters into 13 episodes, and then you add an anime-only scene about how Bam makes a pillow out of beans to ruin the beginning of the hide and seek arc.

The author (Erica Yoshida) has indeed a terrible taste in excluding dialogues. She has already excluded all iconic dialogues of the series, such as the conversation between Bam and black march, Aguero's intro dialogue, Lero's explanation about why god is cruel, and Rak's iconic dialogue when he entered the crown game. She didn't disappoint me in this episode since she nearly excluded the whole conversation between Khun and Bam.

What makes me more irritated is that they could have included this conversation if they hadn't added those anime-only scenes about Hatz and shibisou.
kavehymMay 13, 2020 4:37 PM
May 13, 2020 4:56 PM

Nov 2013
They're making it quite obvious Hoh feels inferior to Bam, and you can start to see the cracks in his facade.
Im guessing them two being on the same team will definitely affect the game.
That letter Hoh got outside his door also brings up some questions... I wonder if he's got some ulterior motive for passing the test.

Also, Endorsi seems to know Rachel...this is adding credence to my theory that Rachel may also be a princess, or at least someone of importance!

Looking forward to how this all plays out
herricklukMay 13, 2020 5:02 PM
May 13, 2020 4:57 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
Not sure if I'm biased because of how slowly obsessed I am getting with the OP/ED, but I think this episode was a turning point of "this animes going to get good". Nicely paced compared to the fact the episode feels short and I'm definitely on edge.

I kind of like the Ranker. He reminds me of Nishinoya from Haikyuu.
May 13, 2020 5:19 PM

Apr 2009
Man_Oz said:
This wasn't that good episode..the animation was underwhelming and the direction wasn't that good either... But I guess it was ok ...But I am disappointed

its literally the same animation as previous episodes.. just go already.
May 13, 2020 5:21 PM
Sep 2018
kaiser17 said:
How many chapters did it cover?
it cover 4 chapter at once, of course a lot of scenes were cut off like positions explanation or even yoru/bam and endorsi moment.
May 13, 2020 5:21 PM
Review Moderator
Book Princess

Nov 2018
I find it humorous that part of the crowd seems to be complaining about things being rushed, and the other part seems to be complaining about show being boring. Now those aren't quite true opposites, but the split indicates to me that they did a decent job of balancing things.

As an anime-only viewer, I personally feel a little bit more of the rush, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I like that we as viewers are placed in Bam's shoes, everything coming at us like a fire hose. It makes for an intense watching experience. I'm especially glad that we don't have the long, drawn-out explanations of special moves, etc. that seem to plague battle shounen. I'll probably pick up the series at some point after finishing the anime, but in a way I'm sort of glad I haven't, since I do tend to be critical of adaptations (for example, I never overcame my dislike of the Harry Potter movies since I'd read the books first and enjoyed them more.)
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
May 13, 2020 5:29 PM
Sep 2018
Way to fast what they planning to do? Cover 78 chapter manhwa to one cour? Well can't blame them though, still at least give an explanation scene like "positioning" scene that's will help viewers to understand what's going on. And one thing I wanna say to most "WHY THE HECK THEY HAVE TO IMPROVISE BAM ENDORSI MOMENT LIKE THAT????"
May 13, 2020 5:29 PM

Jun 2013
I noticed that a lot of the female characters are not very attractive, save for a few like the redhead, Yuri and Anaak. Compared to their manhwa/webtoon counterparts, even Anaak looked fucking ugly in the first season. Her anime counterpart is way cuter, definitely an upgrade.

Androssi is just so-so, for someone people are claiming to be best girl, I expected her to be way more attractive. Androssi and Rachel, design-wise, aren't very appealing. Khun, Hoh and the other androgynous male characters are way more beautiful and attractive than any of the actual girls in this series, at the least the ones that were shown in the Anime.

Overall, I am still enjoying the series. Once this ends, I'll pick up from where it left off in the webtoon/manhwa. I'm glad this was animated as it means more webtoons such as Noblesse will get its own Anime soon.
May 13, 2020 5:39 PM

Apr 2020
Ah yes let's finish a fight where a princess supposedly wants to kill another with a shameful dose of "humor". I feel this show is a bit rushed and I don't even know the manhwa to tell this. Every episode feels like they lack some explanation.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
May 13, 2020 5:43 PM

Apr 2020
Till now, the anime is garbage, it has a gary stu as a protagonist, there are a lot of stupid tests in the tower, inconsistent world building and now we are in a school playing tag... wow, so exciting
KatecofOct 31, 2020 6:32 PM
May 13, 2020 6:12 PM

Jul 2015
RiceKnight59 said:
I feel so empty with Rak barely being in this episode. I'm glad he returned from the wild 😂

I kinda like Endorsi over Rachel at the moment. Anyone else?

Best line this episode: This pillow has been tainted 😂

Nope you're not the only one, I like her character too mate
May 13, 2020 6:16 PM

Dec 2010
From the current pace, will it reach the season 2? I mean Viole arc?
May 13, 2020 6:44 PM
Apr 2020
akio19 said:
rousseau888 said:
parakewl was there in this episode

In the webtoon, the whole hide and seek game is different, including the hilarious part when Parakewl leaves to form his great revolution leaving Hatsu to deal with Quant.

hatsu and Parakewl were in B team with Bam man
May 13, 2020 6:48 PM

May 2014
Man, Ho is having a really tough time eh. Seems like Laure secretly knows he's struggling based on how he sarcastically said "help the weak right?". Wonder why he doesn't help him though 0.o

Also for the tag game, I thought each team would have their own "it" plus the examiner. Seems weird that one team doesn't have anyone who is "it" at all. Or maybe I missed something.
~ The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
May 13, 2020 6:52 PM

Jul 2017
booyah10 said:
From the current pace, will it reach the season 2? I mean Viole arc?

This anime will adapt everything in season 1 only. Nothing from season 2. If this anime gets another season announced, then that'll happen then.
May 13, 2020 7:07 PM

Mar 2020
I think the problem with this show is i don't really give a fuck about none of these cliche characters or their boring ass generic backstories.

It would've been better if they gave us these backstories later when we actually know and care about these characters and wanna know more about them but whatever.
first 3 episodes felt promising, but these past few have been meh at best.
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
May 13, 2020 7:15 PM
May 2016
Nice episode, though I don't think they really managed to make Quant the way he is in the Webtoon.

He's supposed to be a quirky character, but during those scene, he's the one that supposed to show the reader/viewer how much powerful ranker really are, and how serious he his to win this/make the regulars fail.

In this episode, we're losing this vibe, and they went more on a "this guy is just a bit more strong and a bit idiot" and you don't feel the overwhelming difference in force between rankers and regulars
May 13, 2020 7:20 PM

Mar 2020
kavehym said:
The first five minutes of this episode was indeed decent, definitely better than the source material. They made Anak's past more understandable. Her interaction with her mother was fantastic. That being said, the start of the hide and seek arc was a disaster. The manhwa was far better in terms of narration and pacing. Considering how good this episode starts, the last five minutes were disappointing.

Turning 78 episodes into the 13 episodes was a wrong decision. I have been waiting for this adaptation for nearly nine years and taking into account the first seven episodes, I am pretty disappointed. I just hope that they remake the whole first season if they have any intention to make the second one.

Anime hasn’t even finished airing and I’m already praying for the brotherhood treatment. Worst part was that they butchered Bam and Endorsis’ relationship introduction to push a fujoshi agenda. Extending disposable filler with Laure’s pillow that could be potential screentime for shinsoo bangs exposition.

Problem is not the 13 episodes but ill-judged decisions that deviate from SM inherent to the narrative. I have to say this is one of the poorest interpretations in adaptation displayed. Not only does the studio dismiss obvious necessities to basic understanding, but they KNOWINGLY take liberties that ruin proper flow in the overall story. Several shades of foreshadowing and crucial dialogue barred could had been EASILY included at NO cost. ie. Yuri’s debut, Endorsi’s broken heel, individual character moments built on subtleties. Pay offs will be damaged to a considerable fault if there IS any hope for a full adaptation.
May 13, 2020 7:39 PM
Mar 2020
There are so many people protecting the anime that it is good.
I am not against the story. It is definitely amazing.
The music is amazing.
The interactions are amazing. I love the changes too.

The problem is the stitching or rather the direction.

The anime is quite abrupt. It should flow, you know but there are just so many, and I mean so many cuts that we have to beg for a sakuga moment like Bam's shinshu going out of control or Hwaryun's fluidic fight or Anaak's backstory. The thing is we can point out the good parts of an episode (production-wise, not story wise) which should not be the case.

The point is if you buy ticket for you favorite singer and he/she is the best singer in the world, but the singer uses pre-recorded vocals and lip-syncing to perform, how will you feel? And so whatever the expectation might be, if you cannot compete, there is no room for mercy. Especially in the modern age where we are getting amazing adaptations of MHA, Promised Neverland, AoT, Re:Zero and the list goes on. I mean it is sad but I believe (except story) it cannot keep up with Nagi-Asu or Kimi ni Todoke even.

ToG is the One Piece of Manhwa but they took it literally and made the anime also akin to One Piece anime.
ioisroMay 13, 2020 7:46 PM
May 13, 2020 7:41 PM
Apr 2020
animejas said:
booyah10 said:
From the current pace, will it reach the season 2? I mean Viole arc?

This anime will adapt everything in season 1 only. Nothing from season 2. If this anime gets another season announced, then that'll happen then.

with the panel of other zahard princesses its pretty much confirmed

Senere said:
There are so many people protecting the anime that it is good.
I am not against the story. It is definitely amazing.
The music is amazing.
The interactions are amazing. I love the changes too.

The problem is the stitching or rather the direction.

The anime is quite abrupt. It should flow, you know but there are just so many, and I mean so many cuts that we have to beg for a sakuga moment like Bam's shinshu going out of control or Hwaryun's fluidic fight or Anaak's backstory. The thing is we can point out the good parts of an episode (production-wise, not story wise) which should not be the case.

The point is if you buy ticket for you favorite singer and he is the best singer in the world, but the singer uses pre-recorded vocals and lip-syncing to perform, how will you feel? And so whatever the expectation might be, if you cannot compete, there is no room for mercy. Especially in the modern age where we are getting amazing adaptations of MHA, Promised Neverland, AoT, Re:Zero and the list goes on. I mean it is sad but I believe (except story) it cannot keep up with Nagi-Asu or Kimi ni Todoke even.

ToG is the One Piece of Manhwa but they took it literally and made the anime also akin to One Piece anime.

your completely wrong buddy, one piece needed to reach alabasta arc to become good XD

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
MonkeyDHunterMay 15, 2020 8:55 AM
May 13, 2020 8:02 PM
Mar 2020
rousseau888 said:
Nolongerhuman24 said:

But they are not meaningless cuts. If you don't see the meaning behind the scenes that were cut and were important, then you haven't been reading TOG properly.

First time an episode has completely disappointed me. Dynamics between characters were changed, very important information was omitted (I honestly don't see how it can be included in upcoming episodes, but if they do I will take back what I said) and the scenes with Quant were really disappointing.
I honestly don't see the point in changing any of this, it's not even a matter of time constraint. I would have prefered if they had included the scene were Shinsu is explained a little more, than the anime only scene of Bam making a pillow for Laure. Very strange directing decisions came into play this episodes..

Ive read tog over 30 times, your the one who dont know how manking animes work. I'm pretty sure you simply remembers all those details cause you have read season one again, probly just 1 week before. if you havnt read tog season one in past 2-3 years you would remember it just like how it was in anime, stop trying

Most funny is if it was your money invested in the show you would have done same cuts. Otherwise you would have lost wayy to much money to even think doing season 2

The problem is you should compare anime with other anime. You are protecting it, but the budget was pretty high. I am pretty sure if this was a Netflix adaptation, everybody would have pointed their fingers on Netflix. I love the manhwa but just like startups fail even if their service are good because good is not enough, you have to be great, here i cannot give mercy, you know. It is a seasonal anime, for god's sake and there are animation level-ups. There are no level ups in seasonal anime. Re-zero, MHA, Promised Neverland, Nagi-Asu, Violet Evergarden,AoT are all consistent and high production. Why are they treating ToG as Naruto or One Piece, that is the problem, can you answer that? [again, not story-wise, production-wise]

As stated earlier, I have no problem with the story, it is amazing, I even love this version of Rak and I have no problems with the interactions and character development but these all can be achieved in static format, you know something called books and ArtStation. Where is the MUSICAL, you know, the thing which cannot be done in pictures or books?

Please do not say coronavirus, they could have dropped this season, they can drop now and come back later, I would have no problem.
ioisroMay 13, 2020 8:11 PM
May 13, 2020 8:06 PM

Jan 2013
Pretty good episode with some backstory of the Jahad's princesses.

The next episode will be interesting because the guy who is IT will apparently get crazy.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

May 13, 2020 8:59 PM
Apr 2020
Senere said:
rousseau888 said:

Ive read tog over 30 times, your the one who dont know how manking animes work. I'm pretty sure you simply remembers all those details cause you have read season one again, probly just 1 week before. if you havnt read tog season one in past 2-3 years you would remember it just like how it was in anime, stop trying

Most funny is if it was your money invested in the show you would have done same cuts. Otherwise you would have lost wayy to much money to even think doing season 2

The problem is you should compare anime with other anime. You are protecting it, but the budget was pretty high. I am pretty sure if this was a Netflix adaptation, everybody would have pointed their fingers on Netflix. I love the manhwa but just like startups fail even if their service are good because good is not enough, you have to be great, here i cannot give mercy, you know. It is a seasonal anime, for god's sake and there are animation level-ups. There are no level ups in seasonal anime. Re-zero, MHA, Promised Neverland, Nagi-Asu, Violet Evergarden,AoT are all consistent and high production. Why are they treating ToG as Naruto or One Piece, that is the problem, can you answer that? [again, not story-wise, production-wise]

As stated earlier, I have no problem with the story, it is amazing, I even love this version of Rak and I have no problems with the interactions and character development but these all can be achieved in static format, you know something called books and ArtStation. Where is the MUSICAL, you know, the thing which cannot be done in pictures or books?

Please do not say coronavirus, they could have dropped this season, they can drop now and come back later, I would have no problem.

sorry but One Piece, Naruto, Bleach had pretty poor productions, heck they turned to HD anime wayyyy after normal 13 episodes animes, not to mentions all the fillers. Id rather have tog like this than having it 25 episodes it would have had wayyyy more ppl dropping than its currently does. Including myself, 25 episode of that simp bam is too much manhwa season 1 always been only a prologue when author was still was a beginner. Power wise nothing is shown (on purpose), he had no assistant to make everything more coherent. and for the music i always found it good in tog compare to One piece, naruto, all other anime i dropped them including AoT
rousseau888May 13, 2020 9:07 PM
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