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Fruits Basket Collector's Edition
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Jul 12, 2019 9:43 AM

Nov 2011
Man, Ayame never ceases to amuse me in this show. What a goofy guy as the snake Zodiac.

Yuki and Kyo still has their usual bitter arguments. They're fleshing out the character personalities at a pace that I feel comfortable to understand them better.
Jul 12, 2019 10:40 AM

Sep 2015
This episode was great! It was so much fun, and we got to really focus on the relationships of the two groups of three here.

Also, I adore the way the animals are animated in this show. They move very much like an animal really would, but they also still look like their characters.

As for next episode, I’m not sure how I feel about them changing the order around, but I am excited to see it’s contents because it didn’t get animated in the ‘01 anime.
Jul 12, 2019 11:04 AM

Nov 2018
ah yes, the setup for one of the best ships
Jul 12, 2019 11:33 AM

Dec 2015
Thank god for a breather episode after the hard-hitting double whammy last week. Shigure trying to avoid his editor again, ha. But he's also doing it for Hatori - they really are friends after all.

I do think that Ayame's right in a way, that Hatori definitely deserves his own happiness too. But he's also biased in that Kana has moved on; it's not like she made the choice herself. Still, it looks like someday spring will come in the form of Mayuko, if that blatant foreshadowing is any proof.

Oh Ayame... You're an idiot. But a totally lovable one.


Merch update: lots of new merch announced but I'll be focused on the following-

If anyone is interested, there will be official merch for Kyo's bracelet coming soon! Manga readers and 2001 viewers will understand. Seems like this is for cosplay purposes but it ain't stopping me.

Also, scale figures of Kyo and Yuki will be released in 2020! Too lazy to hunt for a link, but I believe Funimation tweeted about it a while ago. Now where's Tohru's figure?
Jul 12, 2019 11:44 AM
Oct 2015
Hatori deserves all the happiness in the world and he deserves to pass down his genes because he is fine as hell. Super thoughtful of Shigure to take him along to cheer him up. Ayame is that one chara you can't help but love tbh, the dynamic between Aya, Hatori and Shigure reminds me of my friends and I. Kyo's cat ears are always so damn cute to me. I stan.

This episode was a real "feel good" ep. Not as deep and heavy hitting like the last few eps. It just felt really good.
Jul 12, 2019 11:48 AM

Dec 2016
This is the first episode in this remake that compelled me to check on my phone randomly out of pure boredom.

Yuki & Kyo's banter in animal form was nothing new, nor interesting imho. This is much a padding episode to delay the backstory on the cap.

The only thing I did enjoy was the BL jokes of Shigure & Ayame, at least those are still fresh, for now.

Very similar gripe I had with the Koto show from last season, was the dumb choice of shoving flashbacks to retell important segments in the story that just happened a few episodes ago. Same here, I felt completely unnecesary to see Kana's flashback, since that was already the most important parts of Hatori's arc that happened not too long ago. Directors really need to learn how to use subtelty in storytelling rather than thinking their audience is dumb enough to have forgotten such an important passage already.
Jul 12, 2019 11:56 AM

Mar 2017
I can't express enough how much i love Aya and his flamboyant personality! He's such a great character and i love the BL comedy skit that he and Shigure do.

I liked how this episode showed how much the older guys care about Kyo, Tohru & Yuki and that they wanted to ensure that they have a happier life than they did. The whole Kana & Hatori thing just breaks my heart!
Jul 12, 2019 12:21 PM
Feb 2012
what this could have done is true bl instead of a bunch of third rate bl jokes
Jul 12, 2019 1:05 PM

Nov 2017
man the last scene with the crying seahorse breaks my heart
poor hatori
With such a brother as awesome as ayame i wish yuki would just make up with him his story will never bore my out "IM A BOTTOM" lmao
Jul 12, 2019 1:39 PM

Sep 2011
I didn't like this one a lot. Too much bickering between Kyou and Yuki, and then the two of them treating Ayame as a pest. Furuba is at its best when it isn't trying to be funny in this way, but the episode had its moments. I loved that Shigure took Hatori with them so that he could read and maybe cheer up a little. That he put him to read one of his books was a nice bit too. And it was nice to see Shigure, Hatori and Ayame together like that.

Ayame said something that bothered me though. I know he was thinking about Hatori, but it was almost like he was judging Kana for being happy while Hatori suffers alone as if she forgot him because she wanted to. She was also a victim of Akito and not to blame for Hatori's pain. But well, of course he didn't mean this. The "fall in love again" was silly too, since the source of the problem would only make them suffer again and it was too late. Mayuko's existence got a lot of focus here though, I guess she is going to be important. Maybe "the one" foreshadowed for Hatori, but as long as Akito is unstable like that no one in the Souma family is going to be happy.
Jul 12, 2019 1:52 PM

Sep 2008
This episode adapted chapters 25 and 26 of the manga, being equivalent to the 2001 anime's 16th episode. Like recent episodes, nothing too big was change beyond some small scenes being removed or extended for the anime. Here were changes I took notice of for this episode:

-The braids of Tohru’s hair style were shorter in the manga.
-Kyo thinking internally who Jason is was removed from the anime.
-Kyo and Yuki were on opposite sides of the table in the manga when Tohru recalled the awkwardness of being around them.
-There’s a small scene removed from the anime after Shigure is able to manipulate Tohru and the boys into going on vacation. Here, Shigure offered to drive everyone up to the summer house. But when asked if he had a license, Shigure paused briefly before exclaiming of course he did before the boys commented on Shigure’s hesitation to the question.
-The brief scene showing Hatori exasperated at Shigure manipulating the boys into accompanying Tohru through the woods was added for the anime.
-During his conversation with Shigure, Hatori was shown smoking in the manga.
-The scene showing Shigure gleefully admitting his enjoyment of tormenting Mitsuru was depicted with a comical background in the manga.
-The clips shown of Tohru and the others at the cemetery while nervously reacting to Kyo and Yuki’s quiet moods were added for the anime.
-Tohru and the boys were in stick-figure form when they notice the large paw prints on the ground in the manga.
-Mitsuru’s comments to Shigure on the phone were added in for the anime.
-Hatori commenting on Ayame also coming to see him to comfort him and a clip showing this was removed for the anime.
-Following the fall from the hillside, Yuki in rat form was between Tohru’s shoulders and a tree in the manga, instead of being on a tree branch. Yuki was on the branch throughout his argument with Kyo in the anime, instead of only going up the tree once his argument with Kyo gets heated.
-A flashback depicting the boys holding onto Tohru as she fell from the hillside was removed from the anime.
-Tohru was shown picking up Kyo and Yuki’s clothes in the manga during their argument. In addition, the mice tending to Yuki came earlier than in the manga.
-A part of Kyo and Yuki’s argument was removed from the anime that showed an angry Kyo fuming over the mice coming to Yuki’s aid that give him an unfair advantage, while Yuki remarks he can’t help that they are attracted to him.
-Tohru thinking that she can’t help but laugh reacting to Kyo and Yuki’s arguing when she typically sits by and watches it was removed from the anime.
-Tohru’s shocked reaction to Yuki admitting he wasn’t feeling well emotionally was removed from the anime.
-There is a pause depicting Tohru and the boys in stick figure form removed from the anime, in reaction to Kyo and Yuki admitting simultaneously that they can’t stand one another.
-Kyo had a different line in the manga for his reaction to seeing Ayame following the point where Ayame addressed Kyo as Kyonkichi and called him an idiot. Instead of saying Ayame was the idiot, Kyo angrily told Ayame not to call him Kyonkichi.
-The banter that Ayame and Shigure address to one another in different languages during their mock love scene was added for the anime.
-The anime removed the later part of the scene with Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure where Hatori is making tea and Ayame offering to make it, commenting he’s only had two people, besides Hatori, drink his tea. When Shigure asks if he made tea for Yuki, Ayame admits Yuki wouldn’t drink it even if he made it.
-When explaining that he ran into Mayuko, Ayame had a different remark to make in explaining the volatility of Mayuko and Shigure’s brief relationship. Ayame explained that, per Shigure, she was described “as a washing board”. This got replaced in the anime with Ayame explaining that Mayuko described Shigure as a “ripple on the water.”
-Hatori put the photos of Kana’s wedding in his shirt pocket later in his conversation with Ayame and Shigure in the manga.
-Many of the flashbacks depicting Kana and Hatori’s relationship during the conversation with the three elder Sohmas were added in for the anime.
-The two students seeing Mayuko were shown in the doorway of the teacher’s office in the manga instead of being within it. Also, the student on the right is shown having short braided hair instead of a long ponytail and extra dialogue was added into the scene when the yearbook with photos on Mayuko’s desk were shown.
Jul 12, 2019 2:00 PM

Oct 2017
It's kind of strange but when I'm watching Fruits Basket I'm smiling and laughing like Tohru or crying like her. But to be honest I enjoy this very much also author of this manga did awesome job he wrote so many great characters. And who's that lady at the end this sensei? Anyone can write me at least a small spoiler?
The Young Noble of the Field is currently watching - Diamond no Ace: Act II
Misugi-kun is also reading - Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Jul 12, 2019 2:16 PM

Apr 2015
Great episode. I have to say the most interesting part this episode were these 3 grown men talking. Ayame is funny and to be honest a genuinely a good person. I agree to Ayame about Hatori's situation with Kana. We get to know a bit more about Shigure's past love interest.

junmisugi said:
It's kind of strange but when I'm watching Fruits Basket I'm smiling and laughing like Tohru or crying like her. But to be honest I enjoy this very much also author of this manga did awesome job he wrote so many great characters. And who's that lady at the end this sensei? Anyone can write me at least a small spoiler?

It's not really a spoiler as it was mentioned in the episode itself. The Sensei at the end is Mayuko, who has been Shigure's girlfriend for about a month before dumping him.
Jul 12, 2019 2:28 PM

Aug 2013
Shigure avoiding his editor was funny. Poor editor.

Ayame came out of nowhere. He's still funny.

Jul 12, 2019 2:31 PM
Mar 2019
Tohru is so wholesome. Her reaction to seeing a lake for the first time is absolutely precious. I love the atmosphere of the Soma's vacation house, the backdrops are gorgeous

"An outrageous hope for cursed ones like us; perhaps having a short time with someone like Kana is already enough in my opinion. Perhaps I'm satisfied with that."
Yeah..that one hurts the heart..

Ayama is annoying as fuck and adds nothing of value to the overall plot. Change my mind (without spoilers please, im a fruba newbie)
KidLeafJul 12, 2019 2:37 PM
Jul 12, 2019 3:05 PM

Oct 2008
Somehow, i want Hatori (not to get back with Kana) but to show-up on the wedding day and see if her memories would resurface...but also not a good idea because it would make him like an enemy gate party crasher...

Jul 12, 2019 3:05 PM

Oct 2017
kagura-pb said:

She's the homeroom teacher of Tohru's class. She already made a few appearances before this episode (like the scene when she threatened to dye Kyo's hair black if he doesn't behave).

Thanks for information yeah I thought that we've seen her at least once. Good to know that they will be building more "couples" there.
The Young Noble of the Field is currently watching - Diamond no Ace: Act II
Misugi-kun is also reading - Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Jul 12, 2019 3:31 PM

Dec 2018
starlightshine said:
Merch update: lots of new merch announced but I'll be focused on the following-

If anyone is interested, there will be official merch for Kyo's bracelet coming soon! Manga readers and 2001 viewers will understand. Seems like this is for cosplay purposes but it ain't stopping me.

Also, scale figures of Kyo and Yuki will be released in 2020! Too lazy to hunt for a link, but I believe Funimation tweeted about it a while ago. Now where's Tohru's figure?

I so want this bracelet *-*

And I hope they release Tohru figure as well

I can't wait to see Kyo's prototype
Jul 12, 2019 3:38 PM

Jun 2014
Good episode. Almost identical to the manga. Very similar to the one in the old anime (although that one has a better soundtrack). Glad to see Mayuko-sensei again. And I still can't stand Hatori's voice actor, he's so monotonous. Funny how both Ayame voice actors pronounce French pretty good, but both Shigure voice actors pronounce Korean terribly. XD

So next episode is Uotani's backstory instead of introducing the tiger zodiac. They really are changing the order of events quite a bit, I'm kinda sad about that.
SailorVekiJul 12, 2019 3:45 PM
Waiting for Gundam SEED Movie..... (ಥ‿ಥ)

Waiting for Sailor Moon Cosmos..... o(≧▽≦)o
Jul 12, 2019 4:12 PM

Aug 2018
That was funny, the 2 trios of friends met together ; it was mostly interesting 'cause this is the first time Hatori, Ayame & Shigure managed to sit around a table and talk seriously. And man, what a sad outcome for Hatori, despite his cold looking face, his heart is pierced & not yet healed...

Though they left a sort of positive vibe with the ending !
Jul 12, 2019 4:25 PM

Apr 2017
what a great episode. it was funny and entertaining and also seemed to leave us with some foreshadowing.

"an outrageous hope for cursed ones like us; perhaps having a short time with someone like kana is already enough in my opinion. perhaps i'm satisfied with that."
this hurt like a motherfucker.... poor hatori. he truly does deserve happiness, even if it doesn't involve kana. that random bit at the end was kinda weird and felt really out of place at first but now that i'm reading the comments in this thread i'm seeing that it might just be foreshadowing, which is really cool.

oh ayame.... what a sweet and precious boy, he's so funny. yet he's also very smart - he's absolutely right about hatori in that he deserves to be happy.
Jul 12, 2019 8:15 PM
Mar 2015
Nothing like a day at the lake to get over those Souma blues
Jul 12, 2019 8:17 PM

Oct 2015
Glad Ayame is back, he's such a life of the party. I also liked how Shigure and him encouraged Hatori to find love that will make him happy and not miserable.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jul 12, 2019 10:11 PM

Jun 2013
I enjoyed it as usual, the best part were the forest rats gathering around Yuki in his rat form like they were about to back him up. That part was adorable.

I also like the Jason reference, they did the same thing in Akazukin Cha-Cha, where Jason (obviously from Friday the 13th) turned out to be a bear but they didn't show "Jason" in this episode.
Jul 12, 2019 10:36 PM

Jan 2018
another good episode from furuba, Honda really wants them to fight lmao
Jul 12, 2019 11:06 PM

Apr 2016
Really sad for Hatori. :(
Jul 13, 2019 12:44 AM

Jul 2012
I'm still feeling sorry about Hatori and Ayame is such a douche.
Digimon is the best Isekai
Jul 13, 2019 1:32 AM

Oct 2017
Well im really curious about the flashbacks Yuuki is having and also why Kyo is behaving distant tko.Man I really like hatori , he is proly my fav character so far. His love story is so sad ,thou it looks like he is gonna get a new heroine . I'm not sure but the last scene might have been a hint. I mean when shigure was saying the next time u might find the one they showed Mayuko sensei. I hope im not looking too much into this and this really happens.
Jul 13, 2019 1:52 AM

Aug 2013
Despite the comedy and humor of the antics we see on screen, this series was never afraid to show how bittersweet things can be. Definitely one of the things that made Fruba beautiful.
Don't believe the hype.
Jul 13, 2019 3:47 AM
Dec 2018
"An outrageous hope for cursed ones like us; perhaps having a short time with someone like Kana is already enough in my opinion. Perhaps I'm satisfied with that " That hurt like hell.
I have not read Manga or know any further here but
before the end of this anime, I think Hatori deserve happiness (he is my fav character) or good closure to his story like finding someone he love If anime doesn't cover that, it will feel incomplete
Jul 13, 2019 5:01 AM

Jul 2014
Decent episode, but it had an odd habit of stating characters' thoughts and feelings in the least subtle and most unnatural fashion possible. Maybe that's been a habit all along, but I only really noticed it with this episode.

Other than that, Ayame is still annoying, but I'm liking Hattori a lot more now.
Jul 13, 2019 7:51 AM

Nov 2016
So Jason is a bear from overseas? Close enough xD

Mixed feelings on this episode, contenwise I like it, but it lacks impact.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 13, 2019 8:14 AM
Jan 2018
cool off episode ? setting up something maybe ,

did the last part and the dialogue with the picture just hint at a potential romance
Jul 13, 2019 10:56 AM
Jul 2018
Shigure being so troll towards his advisor. I pity that woman xD, having to put with shigure's teasing and antics throughout the years. Gotta give her a lil respect for that :v

As always, Tohru is a innocent as a cinnamon roll. She continues to care for others, quickly noticing that something is just not right with kyo and Yuki, and apologizing thinking it is all her fault. How innocent can she more get? ;_;

Aya and Shigure advising Hatori I see. Nice friends they are. Each of them raised some valid points. How is it fair that Hatori's former love forgot every moment they shared together while Hatori still holds all the burden? Still remembers every memory they had? That's certainly not just for Hatori. Maybe it is as Shigure suggested, maybe he can find someone else he can fall in love with, even if the whole idea doesn't sit well with Hatori.

From the ending of the episode, I guess the teacher has something to do with Hatori and Kanna? Or perhaps in the future? Interesting :o
Jul 13, 2019 5:38 PM

Apr 2018
OST was really good in this episode
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is.
Jul 13, 2019 6:48 PM

Dec 2011
This was the best looking episode so far, the proportions were consistent and no one looked off.
Jul 13, 2019 7:40 PM

Apr 2013
Kyo and Yuki are whipped whipped.
Jul 13, 2019 9:37 PM

May 2014
Goku125 said:
"An outrageous hope for cursed ones like us; perhaps having a short time with someone like Kana is already enough in my opinion. Perhaps I'm satisfied with that " That hurt like hell.
I have not read Manga or know any further here but
before the end of this anime, I think Hatori deserve happiness (he is my fav character) or good closure to his story like finding someone he love If anime doesn't cover that, it will feel incomplete

You’ll see that’s a theme for a lot of zodiacs. Thinking their unhappiness is deserved and that any happy memory they have/will have is good enough. But sustained happiness is ultimately unattainable. I’m a manga reader and I’ll say this you will see more of that theme as the story progresses!
Oscar and Andre deserved better
Jul 14, 2019 12:38 AM

Jul 2017
The cap, it's clear as day that it belonged to Yuki, but when making up to Tohru, he finds it hard (for now).

Ayame is such a cunning slithering character, yet his affinity with Shigure is so fun to watch.

As per usual, the naive Tohru is always getting caught up with Kyo and Yuki's arguments, damn these boys, please act like gentlemen in front of her!

Looks like the issue between Hatori and Kanna has some consequences in regards to the whole marriage fiasco about her losing memories with the aftereffects. And Ayame standing for Hatori makes sense, seeing that love outweighs all fear, which is saying a lot for the Soma family (since this is taboo). But he's still a funny retard, love his character.

Guessing that what Hatori learned from the harrowing ordeal, is that his "next" may not go well, but also, his experience paced for Yuki and Kyo if they (eventually) are courting Tohru.

Down-to-earth episode, and learning how much the Soma family is not just cursed, but also how in the future, how each of them reconciles with their own feelings, especially on the part of Tohru, Kyo and Yuki.
Jul 14, 2019 6:32 AM

Dec 2014
That gag was just hilarious.

I feel bad for Shigure's editor. The poor woman. xD

Nice episode overall, loving the relationship between Ayame, Hatori and Shigure.
Jul 15, 2019 5:38 AM
Jul 2019
Who did Kana marry? is she the professor shown at the end? they have photos of each other... Im confused...
Jul 15, 2019 7:36 AM

Apr 2018
This ep was fun. Good thing that everything went back to normal for now. Poor Shigure's editor
Jul 15, 2019 10:12 AM

Dec 2014
This was a decent episode, i still cant get over how good the ED is...

Anyways its a good show for me. i would rate it 7/10
Send me Friend requests!!!!
Jul 15, 2019 1:51 PM

Feb 2016
Why is Tohru so Goddamn cute? I swear I can't get enough of her.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jul 15, 2019 7:51 PM

Dec 2014
ok like so there are 25 episodes...I wish there is second season two...pretty legit episode
Jul 15, 2019 7:54 PM

Jan 2019
Storm_blessed said:
This was a decent episode, i still cant get over how good the ED is...

Anyways its a good show for me. i would rate it 7/10
i think the haters are in the minority. You will see bad reviews of pretty much any show, even shows that are thought to be the best. From what I’ve seen is that the haters are saying it is a generic shojo with generic tropes. This manga was made in the 1990’s, which is why it will have some of those tropes. The show starts off pretty slow too, which could be why people wouldn’t like it. Compared the the 2001 series though, this show is much better. The 2001 ruined the manga, which is why this reboot is happening. That series only has a rating of 7 something compared to 8.7 that this one has. And yeah, it is getting a lot of love on YouTube with most reactors calling it anime of the season.
"In the End, Only Kindness Matters" -Jewel
Jul 15, 2019 10:21 PM
Dec 2018
If he's just gonna end up marrying his ex's best friend and Shigure's dirty 2nds, he should had just stuck with Kana. Since she and Kana are BFF, wouldn't he still have to interact with Kana after he marries the teacher, potentially trigger Kana's memories to relapse?
Jul 16, 2019 9:19 AM

Dec 2014
Crystal_Star07 said:
Storm_blessed said:
This was a decent episode, i still cant get over how good the ED is...

Anyways its a good show for me. i would rate it 7/10
i think the haters are in the minority. You will see bad reviews of pretty much any show, even shows that are thought to be the best. From what I’ve seen is that the haters are saying it is a generic shojo with generic tropes. This manga was made in the 1990’s, which is why it will have some of those tropes. The show starts off pretty slow too, which could be why people wouldn’t like it. Compared the the 2001 series though, this show is much better. The 2001 ruined the manga, which is why this reboot is happening. That series only has a rating of 7 something compared to 8.7 that this one has. And yeah, it is getting a lot of love on YouTube with most reactors calling it anime of the season.

The reviews i read, matches exactly what you described about people saying its a generic shojo with generic tropes. In my opinion, if the show is truly done right regardless if its generic, i would say its a solid show.
Like for example, log horizon and no game no life both are isekai and we have seen isekai tropes done to death. But both these anime are executed very well even though its an isekai. its the same with this show, we have seen these tropes before, I think fruits basket has executed its shojo elements really well.

As you said, I'm glad a great number of people like this show and that its confirmed for 2nd season. I dont know, i guess i needed validation that i'm not the only one who likes this show.
Send me Friend requests!!!!
Jul 16, 2019 10:49 AM

Dec 2009
Lil baby tiger is next ^^ but have we had an announcement of who her va is?
Jul 16, 2019 2:46 PM

Dec 2009
kagura-pb said:
Amyyw said:
Lil baby tiger is next ^^ but have we had an announcement of who her va is?

They're changing the order, so the next two episodes are

Kisa's VA is Reina Ueda.

Ah, I see thanks. Damn, that's a big jump.

And what about Hiro's VA?
AmyywJul 16, 2019 2:57 PM
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