Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Sep 27, 2018 2:39 AM
Nov 15, 2018 12:59 AM
There's a lot I love about Monogatari, but there's a lot I truly despise, and Owarimonogatari makes an example out of much of those things. Koyomi has a pathetic, self-deriding stance, even in situations where he's done no wrong. Meanwhile, Sodachi is neurotic and self-pitying, loathing another character for not saving her. The "I'd leave you if someone better came along" attitude Senjougahara has is complete trash. Viewing love that way is nothing but villainous. Monogatari could be a perfect series, but instead it's like a wife that cooks you lovely dinners and hides tacks and crickets in it for you to pick out. |
Dec 30, 2018 2:57 PM
Last two episodes were considerably better than the other 10 by a long shot, when this show actually takes itself seriously it's really damn good sometimes...but that also probably has way more to do with the lack of 7 minute conversations about boobs and sex gags that always seem to need air time when Kanbaru or Hanekawa are involved. At least it's almost over.... |
May 1, 2019 8:02 AM
It's questionable how Ougi knew Seishiro's full first and last name, really is questionable... Well, turns out this story was being told to Ougi by Gararagi, 1 day before the exams, damn. |
May 7, 2019 12:12 AM
Another great season of Monogatari in the books, first arc was pretty good but second arc was the definitely the better of the two, just all around greatness really lol |
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy |
May 25, 2019 10:01 AM
That conversation with Hitagi could imply there might be a breakup between them in the future. In the end Seishiro is fooled by Araragi, and I just can't believe how he cannot slash Araragi before Araragi stick that talisman into his body. He's a chosen 1 alright. "For a little while longer, I'd like be the one there for him." For a little while longer, huh? This could imply that someday Kisshot gonna break up with Araragi. Araragi continue to being an ignorant toward Ougi. Everyone realize it except him, himself. |
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame. |
Aug 19, 2019 2:29 AM
The Ougi part at the end makes this (and Mayoi arc 2) impossible to recommend to watch before Tsubasa Tiger. I'm watching all the Monogatari series back to back and I'm still a bit confused about the timeline. 9/10 Ougi Formula and Sodachi Riddle weren't that solid. |
Oct 13, 2019 6:53 PM
Good episode. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised there are so many different ways to stretch your legs in preparation to run. Not quite sure how Gaen can instantly create a super sword, but oh well. I was a bit lost at first, as I had accidentally watched the first two episodes of Owarimonogatari Season Two before anything from this, but this was all and all a pretty enjoyable season. I liked the Shinobu Time arc specifically. I had trouble remembering everything that had happened previously and where this specific arc fit in to the grander timeline, so that was a bit weird. I think I've said it before, but at this point this was just more of the same. You either like Monogatari or you don't, and if you don't you probably aren't even watching this far. 8/10. Story: 8/10 Art: 9/10 Sound: 9/10 Characters: 9/10 Enjoyment: 8/10 Raw score: 8.6/10 Final score: 8/10 To see how I believe this show stacks up against other anime I have seen, click here. |
Nov 14, 2019 8:00 AM
Honestly, I found this ending to be quite the letdown, I was expecting intestines flying around and Araragi getting beaten up and etc. But well, this is what I got. I can't give a perfect score to this episode nor to this series. However, I was still satisfied with the ending because Shinobu finally made her peace with her First Servant after 400 long years. 8/10 for this series. |
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?” ― Lelouch Vi Britannia |
Feb 23, 2020 2:31 AM
a great conclusion for a great series, nobody knows what the future holds is the message here it seems |
Anime is fun. |
Jun 1, 2020 1:57 AM
I guess I know who is Ougi. You can't hide anything from yourself, right? |
I hate everyone equally |
Aug 14, 2020 2:04 PM
I personally think that the Sodachi arc was better, but this was great too! What an impactful final episode. Time for Kizu! |
Aug 25, 2020 12:07 PM
Em comparação aos eventos da Oikura, esse arco teve um começo muito lento, alguns episódios me deixaram insatisfeitos, mas aos poucos ele foi melhorando. Acredito que os últimos episódios foram mais que suficientes para compensar, aguardava por esse arco desde os eventos de Nekomonogatari: Shiro e seu desfecho não me desapontou. Talvez o nosso protagonista tenha usado um truque sujo, mas o que importa é que a Shinobu liberou o fardo dele, quando ela disse "Seishirou" eu quase chorei e estou feliz que ela tenha assumido a responsabilidade no fim das contas. O fim do arco foi bem leve, com uma atmosfera refrescante e com uma trilha sonora que não deixa a desejar, tinha esquecido completamente que a historia estava sendo contada para a Ougi e ainda me assusta como ela "controla" o Araragi. Monogatari é sem duvidas uma das minhas melhores experiencias com animes, estou animado para chegar em Kizumonogatari e pretendo ler a novel quando terminar. // In comparison to Oikura events, this arc started very slowly, some episodes left me dissatisfied, but little by little it got better. I believe that the last episodes were more than enough to compensate, I have been waiting for this arc since the events of Nekomonogatari: Shiro and its outcome did not disappoint me. Maybe our protagonist used a dirty trick, but what matters is that Shinobu released his burden, when she said "Seishirou" I almost cried and I'm happy that she took responsibility after all. The end of the arc was very light, with a refreshing atmosphere and a soundtrack that leaves nothing to be desired, I had completely forgotten that the story was being told to Ougi and it still scares me how she(or he or it) "controls" Araragi. Monogatari is undoubtedly one of my best anime experiences, I am excited to arrive in Kizumonogatari and I intend to read the novel when I finish. (Sorry for potato english) |
Unlimited Rulebook, boku wa kimegao de sou itta. |
Sep 9, 2020 7:15 AM
Why is this listed as 12 episodes, when I watched 13 episodes of Owarimonogatari? I think I'm missing something. |
Sep 19, 2020 2:50 AM
bassyey said: Why is this listed as 12 episodes, when I watched 13 episodes of Owarimonogatari? I think I'm missing something. First episode is actually about 40 minutes long, but most streaming sites split the two into separate episodes making the total episode count 13. |
Sep 19, 2020 4:46 AM
Oct 6, 2020 1:19 AM
damn shinobu a hoe. having two bf? no no. (im joking). so now we are back to the present time after tsuki. and ougi seems to have "all the puzzle pieces" now? interesting. guess araragi is gonna have to face off against ougi in owari s2. overall good season. 8/10. nothing special but was still enjoyable. will be watching koyomi then owari s2. wonder what the hype for owari s2 is considering the high scores. hopefully its gonna be epic sauce |
Nov 1, 2020 4:47 PM
This was a pretty great final episode for both this arc and season. That 3 min conversation between Koyomi and Hitagi over the phone was just great, and seeing that picture Hanekawa took was a nice call back to the second season. Ougi does make a good point about the armor, and I wonder if what she said about Izuko having Episode there to take the armor was true? I'm guessing this might be touched upon again in the second season of Owarimonogatari. |
Dec 20, 2020 7:23 PM
Wow what a great conclusion.. I really thought it wouldn't be that great. The first two arcs didn't really hit that much. Good thing that the last 2 eps lived up to my expectations. Episode 1 - 10 = 8/10 Episode 11 - 12 = 9/10 Time to watch the 2nd Owarimonogatari.. I really hope it picks up where Koyomi transfers to another world and meets up Hachikuji. |
Apr 7, 2021 9:14 AM
That was a fantastic finale for this season, though the first half of Owari was definitely better for me overall. Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle and Sodachi Lost is easily one of my favorite arcs in Monogatari. But, Shinobu Mail is really great as well, it was just a little slow in the beginning, but the last few episodes were fantastic. That conversation between Araragi and Senjougahara in the beginning was amazing. I really love how this arc connects with Tsubasa Tiger, you really gotta have at least a good memory to remember all these lmao. If there are any inconsistencies let's just blame it on Araragi's storytelling skills. Didn't expect Araragi to use the talisman damn, that's big brain. Shinobu saying goodbye to Seishirou was beautiful. Love how the ending scene directly continues into the last episode of Koyomimonogatari. Araragi is still saying the same thing he said in Kizu that no one is happy with the outcome of Kizu, but I personally think that's not the case anymore, I think Shinobu is actually happy now with her life with Araragi and Araragi is failing to see that, and he's also failing to see that he's happy as well. Though that's just my 2 cents, I might be proven wrong later on. But yeah, Owarimonogatari was really great overall. 9.5/10 |
May 1, 2021 6:43 PM
Ougi Formula 10/10 Sodachi Riddle 10/10 Sodachi Lost 10/10 Shinbo Mail 9/10 Total 9.80/10 My favorite arc in monogatari is sodachi arc so far.... |
Angel_crush1May 22, 2021 10:41 PM
Jul 1, 2021 1:52 PM
And done with another Monogatari entry ! I didn't change my mind, I really preferred the Sodachi arc over this one for many reasons (well, the Sodachi arc, and especially Sodachi Lost, definitely is my favorite Monogatari arc so that's a bit unfair to compare them), but this one was still very good. Once again, there is a lot to say. First of all, I never realized Araragi was such a huge pessimist. Not gonna lie, I find this side of him a bit annoying, especially due to how even after hearing Yotsugi's advice he still doesn't seem to be willing to make much effort other than pretty much wait and see if he can change (sorry to tell you that Araragi but nothing will ever happen if you don't try), but at the same time it is in character and makes him all the more interesting, I wonder what this means for him in terms of development. When I think about it, this whole thing about looking for happiness is basically what he told Oikura back in Sodachi Lost (the difference being that it is very hard to blame the poor girl for having given up), but this was before his talk with Yotsugi so that's a bit confusing. I guess he just is the type to give advices to others but is unable to follow them. About Yotsugi, I wanted to give her props because she said some very meaningful things in this arc, both in the Suichiro story and in the current one. I find that pretty amusing and also great how an emotionless doll made out of a corpse can bring such deep messages to the table, she understands the situation so well at times, that makes her very interesting. And before going into the Soichiro story, I obviously want to talk about Ougi. I found what she said here to be more confusing than usual, usually I always more or less see where she's coming from but here I didn't really understand what she was talking about. What's the whole deal with the armor and the sword ? Why should've Gaen melt the armor to make a sword ? To bring Soichiro back to life ? Why ? Okay I need to rewatch this scene because I'm sure I missed something. However what's interesting is that she still has this "I'm innocently listening while actually thinking about you Araragi-Senpai fail to see" attitude (even if I myself kinda fail to see what was the puzzle this time), and she is still trying to make him rethink everything. But, and that's what I find all the more intriguing, here it's almost as if she gave up. She kept insisting about how Shinobu most likely didn't eat the armor, but when Araragi was all like "But nah she just ate it, that's the only conclusion I see", she stopped insisting. That's surprising considering how she never gave up during the Sodachi arc despite Araragi's obliviousness, but maybe that's because here she doesn't believe it is that important or that urgent if he doesn't realize the truth right now ? Well, if I come to actually understand what she meant with the puzzle and the sword then maybe I will be able to understand that as well. However, there is something else. After the Sodachi arc, I really thought Araragi understood that jumping to mindless conclusions because you don't want to think too much is a bad attitude to have, but here he just did it again, and that's at this very moment that Ougi stopped insisting. Maybe she understood he still has a long way to go and so wants to take another approach ? I'm very curious to find out. There's one thing that worries me though, which is that the last yime she took actions based on some knowledge, she made Nadeko go insane. I have a feeling she isn't up to something very good and while I'm looking forward to find out what use she will make of the infos she gathered, I'm scared to see what will happen. After all, Yotsugi herself warned Araragi (even if she also gave up very easily, at this rate I'm gonna think everyone is just getting tired of Araragi's unability to think), so the show is giving us more and more hints about the fact that no matter what are her reasons, she is clearly a threat. And one last thing, it is getting very worrying how Araragi seems to be completely brainwashed into thinking Ougi isn't suspicious and that he isn't telling her too much. I can't believe that even he is that stupid, so what did she do to him ? Now, about the actual story. Well, there's not a lot to say other than what has already been said in previous episodes. However, I found that interesting how telling Soichiro the truth didn't give him any real closure (I must admit I feel a bit bad for him). But at the same time, it did give one to Shinobu and Araragi. And speaking of Shinobu, I am very proud of her for having found the courage to talk to Soichiro and even forgive him while admitting that despite being happy to see him again, he isn't as important to her as Araragi is now. She even made me a bit emotional, that was truly a beautiful scene. But about Soichiro, I'm not sure I understand what kind of oddity he really became. I thought fully regenerating stuck him in a similar state as Shinobu's, but turns out that's not the case since he can go back to his shadow form. Maybe I need to listen once again to Gaen's story. And speaking of Gaen, I really don't manage to understand her. In a way, I almost find her more mysterious than Ougi, because where I can understand some of Ougi's motivations and messages and see her as a kind of chaotic neutral character, for Gaen I don't understand at all what is her alignment and why she behaves a certain way. She is very helpful but at the same time she seems to genuily enjoy tormenting Araragi, and she can be very cruel at times, as seen with how she forced Hachikuji into saying the truth about herself. Not to mention how there are chances she is related to Kaiki's murder. I really don't know how I feel about her, that's weird. One last thing, I wonder how Kanbaru managed to guess what happened to Hanekawa. She was with Araragi all the time, did she lie about not knowing anything at all or was it really just a guess ? Well, at least now we know how Araragi came to know about Hanekawa, and that also explains why he looked the way he did. That's pretty funny actually, turns out the reason his sweat is torn is simply because that's not his but Kanbaru's. And now, conclusion. Well, the conclusion is that I loved this season. As I already said many times, I have a particular love for the Sodachi arc but Shinobu Mail was also very good. But I expected a bit more for this one, so in the end I was left feeling a bit underwhelmed. So I give Owari an 8/10, if Shinobu mail was as good as the Sodachi arc I might would've given it a 9 (yes, that's how much I love the Sodachi arc), but unfortunately it wasn't in my opinion. Now I have Koyomimonogatari to watch before Owari S2, I'm a bit worried since people always say it is boring but I'll see by myself. |
FafetteJul 1, 2021 1:58 PM
Jul 24, 2021 9:05 PM
That last discussion/talk with Yotsugi was godly. Great stuff |
Jul 24, 2021 9:05 PM
That last discussion/talk with Yotsugi was godly. Great stuff |
Sep 21, 2021 2:45 AM
Love how this episode connects with Nekomonogatari Shiro, it explains why Araragi's hoodie was torn in Shiro's last ep. Shinobu finally comes to terms with Seishiro. Also did she eat his armour and what would happen if she didn't?Will he return? This arc was an 8/10 Ougi formula-9/10 Sodachi riddle-8/10 Sodachi lost-9.5/10 Overall Owari's 1st season is an 8.5 for me. |
Oct 16, 2021 2:26 AM
Ougi was the star of this season, I really enjoyed her presence. Ougi formula - 9/10 Sodachi riddle- 8/10 Sodachi lost -10/10 Shinobi mail-7/10 8/10 overall for this season |
Jul 22, 2022 3:33 AM
Previous arcs of this season really made me properly think and were overall stunningly good. This arc was super solid but feel like pacing wasn't as top of the game as usual, story was important though while also successfully telling a story which was very human in its core. Kanbaru was amazing, hahaha. Seishuru was really interesting to see. Shawshank Redemption reference was perfect, haha, I know that was a few episodes back but didn't type in forums for those ones. |
Sep 29, 2022 10:58 PM
Whew, another milestone passed with the Owarimonogatari S1 in the books! I agree with many others who commented here- a solid arc but not quite at the top as previous ones. I'd say it sits on the upper end of the distribution, to bring the mathematical reference back. I kinda want to give it an 7.5 or maybe 7.75 but alas my score has to be an integer. I may settle on an 8 but I have to see it next to my other scores. Perhaps when I reach the end I'll revisit the ranking. Or more than likely I'll just move on. In terms of story this arc has a lot to offer, connecting to past episodes and tying things together perhaps more than many of the past arcs. I'm not sure if it ends with a message of hope or futility. As is the case throughout the series, mixing elements of dark and light is one of the things that Monogatari does best. And indeed one of the things I love about it. |
Mar 28, 2023 8:38 AM
Aww, that was a sweet Senjougahara x Araragi moment. I also believe in no absolutes in relationships. That's why I prefer to be in a harem if possible. I get bored rather quickly. This is similar to the Witcher books' true immortality of higher vampires. Only another higher vampire can end another high vampire's life permanently. I see, so this ends where Koyomimonotagari also ends. I'm curious to see what happened after Araragi got obliterated. I have to say that the Monogatari's roundabout way of telling a simple story makes it so tedious to watch. 7/10 |
Sep 13, 2023 3:31 PM
Notes from 2015: Owarimonogatari happens at the same time of Nekomonogatari: Shiro in The Monogatari Series Second Season, apparently. I'll understand more once I watch it probably. Ougi Oshino ... since the first time I met her in season two I never liked her. Similar to Oshino, her uncle, she always speaks in riddles and questions as if knowing something you don't, to make things worse she's literally plain. Distinct white skin and a plain dull face with whole black eyes. Nothing special. Nothing cute, nothing funny, nothing attractive. And kind of annoying. [Episode 1:] Kanbaru introduces Ougi to Koyomi who wants to know something that she believes is related to apparitions. After she shows him of what she's talking about they go to a classroom that doesn't exist. ... A classroom that we later learn is an assembly trial that Koyomi formed on July 15 at 6pm 2 years ago as they are now stuck in this dimension of that class. Sodachi Oikura, the president of class 1-3 assembles everyone up to debate in finding the culprit who fixed the exam into making it easier like what they studied in the study group. On that day Koyomi lost his trust for humans as everyone, including the teacher was held for hours tired and annoyed to come to the point where the president put out a majority vote for the culprit. They picked her. Since that day, she didn't attend school anymore, while Koyomi regrets that he did not find the culprit. But finally Ouji figuring out that Koyomi created this apparition class solves the mystery and the culprit. The math teacher. Going back to class to pick up his bag, Hanekawa stops him from entering. Because after 2 years of home-schooling, Sodachi Oikura is there. And who knows if she still hates him out of jealousy of being better than her in math. [Episode 2:] As he enters the classroom to see Oikura, he learns that till this day she still despises him horribly. There comes a point where Koyomi tries to calm her down by holding her shoulders and she stabs his hand with a pencil. Senjougahara witnessing this plans to kill her but doesn't, until, Oikura slaps her and gets a left punch KO received. Koyomi then goes with Ougi who tags along after she thanks him for yesterday to his high elementary school where Oikura mentioned something about his shoe box which they find three letters. As he relives what he did as a pre-teen, 5 years ago, that he met someone in a today abandoned building. [Episode 3:] The quiz letter was to an invitation to Oikura's home. Koyomi spent his summer break with her studying math in her house. She gives him three conditions, two of them keeping this location a secret and their study session. Another to not mention or ask anything that doesn't revolve around math. Her love for math was extreme to the point that the only thing she wants from him is to love math forever. But on the last day of summer she vanishes. Out of fear he forgets about Oikura and the building but is thankful that her teachings helped his education as he was at a loss before, he also enjoys math and life thanks to her. In high school he completely forgot about her and did not notice that she was that little girl. Ougi once again figures out that Oikura intentionally chose Koyomi to help him in math because he was poor in math. But in actuality, she brought him here knowing of his parents being cops. To save her from her violent family as the house showed signs of domestic abuse. But as a 7th grader he did not realize it. And that is why she despises him. But then, as Hanekawa mentions, how did Oikura know his parents were cops? [Episode 4:] Hanekawa suspects Ougi of being dangerous with how she's too smart as if knowing everything someone doesn't. Before that Hanekawa and Koyomi decided to visit the absent Senjougahara or Oikura. Koyomi decided Oikura while Hanekawa would split to visit Senjougahara. Until she came back to stop Koyomi when he stumbled upon Ougi requesting him to come along to visit Oikura. As if possibly manipulating him with extreme convincing and calling him a fool, Hanekawa might be right that Ougi is up to something. But Ougi's philosophy is to give back extreme gratitude. Hanekawa seeming possibly jealous forces Koyomi to choose over her and Ougi to come along with him. About to choose Ougi, Hanekawa says he'll let him touch her breasts if he goes with her. And, well. Although he chose her with how worried she seems against Ougi. [Episode 5:] Asking his parents and Sengoku, he realizes that he met Oikura in grade 6, although he doesn't remember. She was brought to their home for a while for protection of her parents. We learn about Oikura's pain, her abusive parents, her dad beating up her mother, her mother lashing out on her from her own pain. The father's whereabouts unknown nor cared. Her mother's whereabouts either, depressed and left one day. How she despises herself, her life. A depressed person basically. Koyomi and Hanekawa will help her, lift her up. To come back to school she asks one thing, to find where her mother is, then she wouldn't mind going back and apologizing to Senjougahara. I really felt for her, I felt like crying inside. [Episode 6:] Ougi seemingly angry or rather holding a grudge against Koyomi choosing Hanekawa and teasing Hanekawa's failure brags about how she's figured out the whereabouts of Oikura's mother, unlike them. Asking the both of them to say harsh things against each other, Hanekawa stops Araragi from saying those. 10 seconds is given to wash her dyed hair out, to I guess open her full potential of intelligence to then realize the truth of what Ougi already knows. But then they let Koyomi figure it out for himself with hints. As there's a mystery to how a locked door opened to the room that Oikura's depressed mother was staying in, she supposedly left even though the room was locked with barbed windows. Which gets me thinking myself that, before I knew she left, I thought she'd starve herself to death. And so, as I didn't come to a conclusion before we knew any of the hints, as expected any audience would determine that she'd starve to death. But the reality is ... Oikura has been taking care of her mother's corpse for two years until her body deteriorated. And so Koyomi decides to tell her the truth and to support her. Suprisingly to me as well, she accepts it easily, understands it and is at peace. As things aren't qualified where she lives, by the law she will be put to a smaller apartment, thus transfering. Ougi mentions she's done with supporting Koyomi's problems with a childhood friend, Oikura and that she originally was searching for a child. Mayoi maybe? Even though she's passed away. Hanekawa announces that she'll be taking a trip to search locations for a month with her plan of traveling the world after graduation. She'll also keep him up to date if she ever meet Oshino. Senjougahara texts' that Oikura apologized, and a letter at his desk from Oikura. It gives him a smile, but they don't show us. [Episode 7:] Greeted by a knee to the face from Kanbaru to meet alone for a question in a isolated second floor building. Kanbaru jokes and teases claiming she came assuming they're here for him to take her virginity as she is ready braless. He brought her here to go to another place to meet someone. But then an apparition, of a empty samurai armor arrives... after Kanbaru attacks it a second time, she collapses, Koyomi realizes its power is energy drain. Being strangled, somehow out of nowhere red flames burst in every direction, possibly Hanekawa's white tiger. The armor tells for Kiss-shot to give back his katana from 400 years ago. Assuming she's going to die, Kanbaru asks for Koyomi to be her first and that she wouldn't want to die better than this. About to jump out the windows, Ononoki comes to save them. [Episode 8:] Koyomi's original intent before this all happened was for Kanbaru to meet her aunt, Gaen which was requested from her to use her left former monkey-paw arm. Listening to Ononoki's suggestion, Koyomi brings Kanbaru to Gaen as a piggyback ride and Kanbaru takes advantage of it by enveloping him around her. For some reason though, Koyomi keeps getting lost ... similar to when he was with Mayoi for the first time. Koyomi calls Gaen for help but she tells him to figure this out on his own with Kanbaru's help. Arrived after three hours, Gaen isn't here. For some reason though they find Shinobu sleeping in the park instead ... She was attacked by another monkey apparition it seems, fighting it with the cat, no doubt, Hanekawa, even though she isn't here. Ononoki was with them after they had troubled and defeated the monkey. ... The monkey comes back. [Episode 9:] The apparition for some reason is a monkey-crab fusion of Hitagi and Kanbaru's apparitions. As Kanbaru goes to fight it with Koyomi, Shinobu doesn't do anything except give Koyomi the demon sword, Kokori Watari. Koyomi kills it, but the Snake appears, Shinobu kills it, and eats it. And so Shinobu and Koyomi go back to their discussion of pairing back together. And the samurai. Shinobu says that he's lying, probably pretending to be that man as in reality he died 400 years ago, and that she'll slay him herself. Finally they meet up with Gaen. For some reason she lies of who she is and Shinobu is fooled into thinking she's Oshino's little sister. Gaen explains that the samurai, Shinobu's first minion, with Koyomi being her second has revived after 400 years from his suicide of burning to death. Gaen mentions how Koyomi's life has been all "coincidences" ... she then explains in full detail the first minion's story of how he came back 15 years ago after 400 years. [Episode 10:] Gaen somehow blames Koyomi for all the apparitions in this town, even though that doesn't make any sense. It's as if Gaen is saying this was destiny, that Shinobu was guided to this town, and that her first minion was meant to face Koyomi. She explains that the Shrine as we know from season two is a powerful shrine with an attraction to apparitions, and so the first minion stayed there as ashes to regenerate. His ashes also created apparitions. Just like Shinobu's existence creates apparitions. Still having questions, Gaen notes that all the specialists came for Shinobu and that the day Ononoki was supposed to clean the shrine to keep his ashes away which she forgot by hanging out with Koyomi, to then the first minion seeing Shinobu in the shrine excited his powers to revive. Gaen wants to stop him today, with Ononoki and someone else before he eats a human. And if he revives completely, she'll call Kagenui to kill him. And so after Gaen leaves, leaving them money to eat. Koyomi goes to buy donuts for Shinobu and a embarassing book of boys love for Kanbaru, and a bra as she's still braless. Buying the books he literally bumps into the first minion... [Episode 11:] Weirdly enough he looks like a young female muscular teen... with long hair, muscular arms, beautiful eyes and a skinny frame. He mentions he would of killed him the instant he saw him if it weren't for Ononoki's foot print on his face as a sign of "he's my prey, don't touch him". Once they are seated he asks him to break up with Kiss-shot, Shinobu. He tells Koyomi that he wants to apologize to her and get back with her, to be her sword and protect her, fight apparitions with her again. He wants to replace Koyomi. Koyomi doesn't exactly trust him. As they keep talking Gaen's second assistant to kill the first minion is Episode, a specialist who attacked Kiss-shot and Koyomi when they first met in the past. He stopped Koyomi from drinking a poison. The first minion proposes a duel to the death against Koyomi. For him to get close to his maximum power and for Koyomi to take off his print... but for some reason Gaen and Episode don't stop him, instead they're looking at his bag. Koyomi than later finds Shinobu on top of Kanbaru. Ononoki drags him to hide. Shinobu is pissed for Kanbaru's suggestion to meet her first minion. Kanbaru lectures Shinobu of facing him with her feelings and not leaving anything out and to live with the consequences. And so ... Koyomi decides to duel. ... I hope I'm not disappointed again as Koyomi sucks in battle, he almost always loses and has someone to help him. I doubt he'll win in a great fashion with his own power. I wouldn't be surprised if Hanekawa's white tiger saves him. [Episode 12:] THE END Koyomi calls Hitagi telling her that this might be the last time he'll hear him. As the duel is about to begin, with Koyomi being at his weakest state as I expected without Shinobu's powers, the first minion asks of a handicap for him. Gaen puts forth a wooden sword with electricity stuck in the ground. The two will face each other's back, take ten steps forth, and the battle with begin. A one-shot blow will decide the winner. But before they start. Koyomi asks Kanbaru for advice on how to run to the sword. And so they warm up for thirty minutes before the duel. Koyomi then recieves a text picture of a cute Hanekawa announcing that she's safe after her house burned down. Now I understand, this is what happened while Hanekawa was fighting and figuring out about her white tiger. And that is season two. Shinobu sends the real Kokori Watari sword to battle, and well, I know what happens after but we'll see what happened to Koyomi during season two that we didn't see. As the duel starts ... the first minion grabs the sword, then Koyomi touches his chest ... with Oshino's talisman. Shinobu comes to tell him her feelings and eats him. Ononoki lectures him about life. And today, is Koyomi's college entrance exams. ........................................................................... It was pretty fucking great, one of the best seasons. I could give it a 9 out of 10 but there wasn't enough action, the comedy was great, but especially the story plots were great. Besides Kizumonogatari about to be aired soon there are four books and potentially more to come left. Book 17-20. |
Nov 10, 2023 5:39 AM
Concluded. Good for Shinobu for taking Suruga's advice. |
Dec 10, 2023 5:04 PM
Gahhdamn, well at least he's been taken care of though. But to think about the vampire species of Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart Under Blade's regeneration rate, they're almost like gods bruh. And not to mention, their immense strength. I see now why their species of vampires are the gods of apparitions. |
Mar 25, 2024 11:30 PM
Senjougahara is a cuck. I don't get what Araragi's deal with Shinobu is, but I guess being a vampire kinda sucks for him at that time. Really great season, I think Ougi is probably my favorite character now, but man, every character in this so good, those that get actual screen time, that is. |
Apr 6, 2024 10:15 PM
May 21, 2024 2:29 PM
Glad to see Araragi ended up doing the duel, I was thinking with the reveal of both Hanekawa and Senjougahara going through shit that he was actually going to abandon it, but at the same time I remembered the state he arrived to Hanekawa in during Second Season so I figured he would stick around. And I’m ngl, Araragi being able to slap that talisman on The First One/Seishirou before he could get slashed didn’t make much sense, but it was a cool moment so I’ll allow it lol. And Shinobu ended up coming to Seishirou after all, a bit late but not too late I guess, and hopefully being eaten means he won’t come back again, as his life has been pretty shit when you look at all the details so maybe he’ll finally be out of his misery, poor Shinobu tho, at least she got to see him one more time. And honestly I forgot Araragi was recounting all this to Ougi so it felt weird seeing her again after all that lol, but she is the face of this season so it makes sense she’d appear one more time, I’m glad she was able to get that out of Araragi because if we never found out what he was doing during Tsubasa Tiger, I would be left wondering forever lol. And we were blessed by an Ononoki wearing something different for once in the last moments of this season, she had some wise things to say which were probably true, but Araragi will do what Araragi does for now. And that was the end of Owari for now, I know there’s a part 2 but that’s not until after Koyomi and all the Kizu movies so it’ll be a minute before I get there, but so far I’ve really enjoyed what it has brought to the series. Ougi has been a sneaky character in the background for a while so her finally getting some focus was welcome, before I didn’t really like her since she was so obviously sus, but this season made me really like her, she’s so silly and fun while at the same time being kinda creepy, found myself enjoying her time a lot. And the arcs of this season were all really good, all the stuff with Oikura was great despite my feelings about her, really enjoyed her story and the unraveling of her mystery, also because of the fact it wasn’t ghost related and it developed Araragi and actually showed some of his backstory. And you also had this Shinobu Mail arc which I also really enjoyed, I’m not the biggest Shinobu fan but I liked it quite a bit for developing her, as well as Kanbaru’s involvement and just because it explained what was happening during Tsubasa Tiger. And this season continued the tradition of “oops, all bangers” for the OPs and ED, I liked Oikura’s the most but they were all very good ones to add to the list of amazing Monogatari songs, and I found myself adoring that ED over the course of the show, it’s the only other song by Alisa Takigawa that I know besides her ED for “Domestic Girlfriend” and I can safely say she kills it, the visuals went really well with it too. And I guess that’s it for now, I don’t plan on taking anymore breaks so I’ll be hitting Koyomimonogatari very soon, this Final Season stuff has been great so far. |
TheColonel76May 21, 2024 2:39 PM
Jul 3, 2024 7:43 PM
80 episodes later and this dude Araragi finally won a fight on his own. Took him long enough lol. Really like the way the finally wrapped up the story of Shinobu and her first kin and how human it made her feel when she finally apologized to her kin for all the shit she did to him. Really good ending. Even though I did find the first arc at first kinda boring, mainly due to the fact that I could care less about Ougi, the ending for that and this, in usual Monogatari fashion, stuck it. Two more left.... |
Jul 10, 2024 5:09 PM
damn what an ending and such a beautiful scene with shinobu such a great way to end this arc |
Jul 31, 2024 3:35 AM
What is to remember is that Ougi make melt your brain. Nisio be Nisio as always. |
Aug 8, 2024 3:28 PM
After Tsukimonogatari should I watch owarimonogatari or koyomimonogatari?? Thanks |
J2CAug 16, 2024 9:08 PM
Sep 14, 2024 7:49 PM
Araragi with no vampiric powers is still more agile than first apparition-killer aka "The Chosen One" Seishirou at full power. Of course... But seriously, to think all this supernatural love quarrel was happening while Hanekawa and Senjougahara were bonding in the shower... oh dear. By the way, it sure is a shame they didn't animate Araragi reaching Hanekawa's location to help her and make the full connection with Tsubasa Tiger's conclusion. That would have been nice. Solid Monogatari installment, I would say. The arcs it covered weren't among the best ones but they were still engaging to some extent. To point out, I really disliked Sodachi but the way how her character was explored was interesting and as for Ougi, I enjoyed seeing her on-screen and think she's a fairly decent antagonist so far. 6,5/10 -> 6/10 - Now onto Koyomimonogatari. |
Dec 17, 2024 7:47 PM
Not sure if I missed something in between but it's bugging me quite a lot that Araragi's vest is purple in this episode yet red and more torn up when he goes to save Hanekawa despite this happening just a few hours/minutes apart, as for the arc itself i enjoyed it a lot less than Sodachi's but still a nice watch |
Mar 12, 3:59 AM
Seeing Shinobu come back actually got me pretty emotional. Amazing episode. Memorable dialogues. Great work. |
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