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May 29, 2013 4:07 PM

Jun 2012

Damn I was ready to write off Shima as a likable character. With the mysterious air he's been having the past couple of episodes, I wouldn't have been surprised if he really betrayed the crew. That coupled with what he learned about his Dad; I bought into him organizing a coup de tat. It was obvious Ito was planning something the past couple of episodes but to think he was part of another faction to sabotage the Yamato plan was enlightening. So was Niimi part of the Izumo plan and just didn't get caught? There have been a lot of hints already something's off with her like trying to seduce Shima

I've always been more of a Yuki fan but Yamamoto was kickass this episode! Taking out those guards like a boss, I would've clapped too! Her and Hoshina saved the ship from being taken over by Ito. Only a matter of time for Kodai to realize Yuki's feelings....

Kodai's excavation was the B-Story this ep but I enjoyed it with the similarities to Avatar and Alien/Prometheus. Beemela 4 is definitely not a planet worth inhabiting unless you like giant insects ravaging the planet. The CG was a little spotty when Kodai's group was running away but not that big of a deal since it wasn't that long of a sequence. Hint Hint: AIC restrict CG to space battles with the Yamato and Hayabusas and it'll be smooth sailing

Can't forget Misaki and her alternate personalities that's been occurring for the past couple of episodes now. I wonder how that's gonna play out....

Episode 17: Warp Gates! The preview oozed Freelancer vibes with the portal
HybridMBLMay 30, 2013 12:04 PM
May 30, 2013 1:04 PM
Feb 2013
Man, the links I've been viewing only plays for 12 mins, wtf is going on?
May 30, 2013 7:00 PM
Jan 2013
Now that was good, I was scared for a second though, man whew I swear my life flashed before my eyes when the first gunshot was fired, I was like the faq? they shot Shima?
Jun 2, 2013 8:23 AM

Apr 2010
Bugs are always creepy and even worst Beemealian bugs are even worst. The whole scouting on the planet was a good break from the action, I wouldn't mind if there is anymore. They could have given us the history of the planet and what not. I also just realize that there are Earth people, Gamillians, and Iscandarians, I always thought Gamillians and Iscandarians were the same :/

Yamamoto was epic there, she made me laugh, and Daisuke Shima too. So glad that plot is over, wasnt feeling it at first as it felt pretty standard and dull, but when all the reveals came, I was cheering and glad.
<img src="" />
Jul 30, 2013 5:08 PM

Jan 2011
Not only are there those three species, but the Empire contains many non-Gamilans as well (hence the reference in episode 15 to "half-breeds". You'll also note the one woman on the Gamilan High Council is definitely from another species (based on her pointy ears and psychic powers). With the addition of the insect race from Beemala, it looks like there may be many species.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jul 30, 2013 6:52 PM

Nov 2007
rodac said:
Not only are there those three species, but the Empire contains many non-Gamilans as well (hence the reference in episode 15 to "half-breeds". You'll also note the one woman on the Gamilan High Council is definitely from another species (based on her pointy ears and psychic powers). With the addition of the insect race from Beemala, it looks like there may be many species.

The insect race are not human races though. The Gamilan are genetically identical to Terrons with the exception of the skin tone.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jul 30, 2013 7:45 PM

Jan 2011
Or at least pretty close. We haven't seen any evidence yet on what the Terran/Gamilan prospects of producing fertile hybrids are, although some of the subject races for the Gamilan Empire look 100% human and it appears that they breed with the pure-bloods just fine.. If they end up explaining this, it probably is going to be a case of a forerunner species (or the Iskanderans since they seem an older more technologically advanced species/race) seeding the local inter-galactic area back around the time of cro-magnon's emergence.

Reminds me a bit of Star |Trek's Federation Space with all the alien races able to crossbreed and create angsty minor and major characters with unresolved parental issues.
rodacJul 30, 2013 7:59 PM
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Aug 2, 2013 3:15 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Finallly! The dislikeable security officer with the smug look on his face is finally busted. And Yamamoto kicked some major ass this episode. Unfortunately for her her, Yuki is slowly perfecting the art of throwing herself onto Kodai.

So now they have a map and no more treasonous characters on board. I'm looking froward to see what's happening on the Garmillian side of things.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Sep 14, 2013 9:23 AM

Nov 2011

The pace a little more bland, makes it less exciting the whole, but not bad overall. Endorsed the idea of ​​a lengthening of the facts on more episodes, too short, too bad! Drawing and animation, satisfactory! :)
Dec 24, 2013 9:50 AM

Oct 2008
Didn't think there'd still be people who support the Izumo plan.
Another great episode.
Jan 6, 2014 3:38 AM

Jan 2013
That whole situation felt weird.
Seems like they're going through all the different types of conflict.
Feb 4, 2014 1:01 AM

Apr 2012
Yamamoto was pretty boss. My guess is Nimi was part of the plan to mutiny but realized Ito was going way out of line when he ordered Shima to leave without Kodai and threatened to shoot him for refusing.
zzzeallyFeb 4, 2014 1:04 AM

Apr 10, 2014 11:19 PM

Aug 2011
lol at Mori:
this is treason, when we get back to Earth i'm going to tell people!
herp derp what is this- 1st grade?

I'm going to tell the teacher that you stole my crayons!
Apr 26, 2014 10:53 AM

Jun 2010
The mutineers are unsavory, but their position is arguable. The Yamato was apparently hopelessly behind schedule before Kodai and company stumbled upon another Iscandarian pod, so finding another way for humanity to survive is quite sympathetic. I'm not sure if the Garmilians would bother to look for the fugitive humans; they only ever committed a small force of second-class soldiers in the first place (which were wiped out by the Yamato and so can't prevent or track an evacuation of Earth), and with the assassination of their leader you'd think they'd be too busy to bother with a species that didn't even have faster-than-light engines.

The security officer's contempt for the Iscandarians is also interesting, and I hope it pays off somehow. Iscandar was a one-dimensional icon of mercy and hope in the more whimsical, melodramatic original series, so I'm interested to see a different portrayal.

The CG work on that bug monster was awful. The use on mechanical things like space ships has been fine, but this was not very believable.
Sep 24, 2014 6:36 PM

Dec 2013
@parfaited Ahahahahah. I totally agree!!

Good episode. Really glad it ended well. Hopefully Ito doesn't break out and something like this happens again.

Really looking forward to Garmillian side of things!!

YES! More Mori and Kodai!! Hopefully their relationship goes somewhere.
Dec 23, 2014 4:55 AM
Aug 2014
That was a pretty good episode, there should've been a bit more buildup to the mutiny though. I think exploring the opionions on the crew on the viability of the mission and the resulting conflichts would've been more interesting than being attacking yet again by the Gamillians.

Liked the introduction of another species, though now extinct, expanding the universe; didn't like the woman being possesed to become a exposition device.
Apr 17, 2015 10:28 PM

Nov 2012
that itou guy always came off as suspicious to me. good to see the izumo plan supporters were busted.
Apr 23, 2015 5:20 PM

Sep 2010
I wouldn't want to live on that planet cause giant bugs are scary.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Aug 27, 2015 5:52 AM

Nov 2011
hahah oh god it's that feeling again

that very feeling called "THIS SHIT IS PISSING ME OFF"

i beckon for the Drop-hammer to fall

parfaited said:
lol at Mori:
this is treason, when we get back to Earth i'm going to tell people!
herp derp what is this- 1st grade?

I'm going to tell the teacher that you stole my crayons!

sheeeeeeeit daawwwwg don't remind me of that shit
who the fuck came up with the script
Nov 4, 2015 12:36 AM

Mar 2012
No Okita-taicho, that whole ordeal being a trial set by the Iscandarians is ridiculously far fetched lol. If Yuki's bringing any sort of trial it's gonna be about testing who Kaido will choose as his waifu.

I find it a bit odd that Misaki can get possessed outside the Yamato but okay. I did enjoy how Shima and Hoshina just played the hell out of Itou xD
Avenger-senpaiNov 4, 2015 12:41 AM
Jan 9, 2016 1:50 PM

May 2012
A bit of a different pacing, but still pretty decent. Let's see what's next.
Apr 22, 2016 5:53 AM

Aug 2014
Although it felt like its episodic this time, I really liked that little twist.
Great Episode.
Aug 31, 2016 4:13 AM

Feb 2016
Another reference to galaxy express, oh, but so, so, much bloody better! In 999, it was the hundredth repeat of a retarded plot story of tetsuro and the train being in danger because they decided to land in a shit-hole that no-one would bother getting off and on in the first place. Despite Kodai and Tetsuro having the same 70s wig hair, Kodai actually possesses a working brain and is capable of self improvement to avoid being in the same life/death situation the hundredth time.

In this episode, there is a very feasible reason for doing so such as retrieving more water and doing some real estate shopping. In 999 the train lands wherever it wants, the equivalent of dozens of Somalias because the train brain is obsessively adamant that it land in every bloody planet regardless of the situation because hurr durr that's the ridiculous ticket people clearly paid money for service.
Cloud_IllusionAug 31, 2016 4:31 AM
Nothing can happen until you swing the bat.
Sep 3, 2016 12:20 PM

Sep 2014
Lots happened these last few episodes. I didn't like that they had to recall Elk from the battle field for "some stupid reason" just safe the Yamato. I mean, the random assassination of the Gamillas' lord is a good reason to recall him but they could have let him finish his job and then recall him. It was a matter of minutes until the Yamato would have fallen anyways which wouldn't have made a difference in the long run for Elk to come back. Well, they had to keep the story alive I guess.
The Witch episode was pretty cool for an episode full of flashbacks. Reminded me of Satoshi Kon as the technique that was mentioned in the video, which was recently posted here, was used a lot.
Then, finally, the security officer showed his real face. I loved everything about ep16. The drama was well done, the exploration was great and the solution and how they stopped the attempted coup was well done as well. Only thing that bothers me is that the white haired girl is losing the romantic triangle to that alien girl (Mori). Meh.
Sep 8, 2016 3:22 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Fucking right, that stupid asshole, I always hated his face, bitch was planning something nasty, got screwed in the end, can rot in jail for all I care!!

Mori being the princess was really no big revelation, was kinda expecting, there were some foreshadowing to it already same for the Yamato having at its core that queen or something that was getting inside that girls mind, and that is why she pulled her hair up.

Mori was really showing her emotions there for sure, so cute.
Oct 18, 2016 5:49 PM

Jun 2009
Coup d'état fuckers! Throw 'em in the brig for the rest of their days, let them never see the light ever again!
Oct 23, 2016 8:07 PM
Jul 2018
It was fairly obvious that the man with a face like a fox was up to no good. However, couldn't they have evacuated Earth to the new planet, ventured to Iscandar, then restored Earth? I believe the time limit they once had vanished when they destroyed the base on Pluto.
Apr 27, 2018 8:34 AM

Aug 2014
Lock up that bastard and Niimi, too.

Poor Yamamoto, having to see Kodai and Yuki hug like that lol
May 2, 2018 7:09 AM

Nov 2011
This part of the story, I did not remember it at all, interesting the narrative with its conspiratorial side, but even more intriguing is the discovery made by Kodai and Misaki on the alien planet, as if to say: not all evil comes to harm. Although I ultimately share the thought of Captain Okita that the Terrans have been tested to test their will to save the Earth, without using shortcuts, which happens too often. Is it true that Mori is an alien? Or is it just mystification?
Feb 28, 2019 4:32 PM
Aug 2018
So, did they restock their water supplies?
Mar 31, 2019 11:13 PM

Jul 2013
Faederwulf said:
It was fairly obvious that the man with a face like a fox was up to no good. However, couldn't they have evacuated Earth to the new planet, ventured to Iscandar, then restored Earth? I believe the time limit they once had vanished when they destroyed the base on Pluto.

This episode has problems but this isn't one of them. The reason they need Yamato is because nothing else really can break through Gamilans. They couldn't wait because eath still had those toxic plants. I would assume that stopping the bombings would slow down the end but it wouldn't stop the toxicity spreading.

The real problem with this episode is that this plan is stupid because it assumes that Gamilans would let them be on this new planet. This plan would have made sense if they had been so far from everything that Gamilans wouldn't notice them but that wasn't the case.

But maybe their plans was to surrender to Gamilans but who knows. Though in that case they wouldn't have had to be sneaky about it.
Dec 30, 2019 4:30 PM

Aug 2017
Great episode, apart from the bad bug CGI. Thankfully it was not long. It was not clear though whether Shima really bought into the mutiny and just changed his mind later, or whether he planned to overthrow Ito from the start. Basically every important crew member participating in the mutiny is salvageable (except from Ito), even Niimi. She was honestly well-intentioned and definitely not an asshole, and realized that Ito went way too far.

Btw, I didn't quite understand what did Analyzer find in the new Wave Motion Core. Was it a map or something?
And how did Ito lay his hands on the Iscandarian message that even Yuki didn't know about?
St0rmbladeDec 30, 2019 4:43 PM
May 7, 2020 9:29 AM

Nov 2011
Unbelievable, Brilliant, Outstanding, Sensational.

I'm actually relieved about Niimi, cause my initial thought was that she betrayed humanity and was a garmillas agent, so this was much better. The plot of this episode was bloody fantastic, it made so much sense and it has been foreshadowed bit by bit in previous epiisodes.

When you sit down and think about it, the possibility of success for this mission isn't great so its perfectly understandable there's a group who didn't see eye to eye with everyone else and would look for an opportunity to do things their way, it was even more impressive that they were already being investigated even before the Yamato began its journey and there was a spy on board. Too much to say that impressed me here but all in all this is definitely my favorite episode and a great example of how to write a mini coup.

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Jul 8, 2023 12:05 PM

Oct 2010
worst episode so far and just when they redeemed themselves last one, the idea was ok but the execution was garbage. Can't wait for all this to be forgotten next episode, no consequences of this mutiny. Do those fuckers even understood that they would have been executed even if humanity went to that trash planet?
I just wanna forget this embarrassment quickly

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