SalmonSandwich said:HereticHunter said:Worst episode so far, Everything was so rushed, random and very anticlimactic.
like: "OMG my customer is on the middle of a war, lets rush there because why fucking not. It doesn't matter if the enemy Sees me, I'm invincible lol, if they see me they will surrender because the plot demands it"
Then it comes the "emotional" part that only has lasts 5 minutes, and another "emotional" part that lasts another 5 minutes...
The whole moment with the soldier and his letter would have been great if it lasted long enough. Same goes for the letter that Violet delivered.
HereticHunter said:
That was what I felt about the episode, inconsistent pace and bad execution, but if you want me to explain so be it.
KyoAni Expects you to have a 180º and feel emotional all of a sudden. Some of the stories on this anime are very rushed (with the exception of Violet's Past with Gilbert which didn't suck because it had the adequate pacing) The pace on some stories is way too fast and it ruins the entire experience. It is very hard to make a good story out of 1 single episode because there isn't enough time to portray what the episode want to express. There are times when it works because it was done correctly (I.E Osomatsu-San Ep 18 of the Second Season, or in Violet's Case, the episode where she jumps in the water was well done too). These stories would have been better if the pace were slower by using at least 2 episodes.
Another thing with this anime is that it was way too overhyped before it even air, the expectations were set way too high and when I saw what it really was I felt disappointed, it isn't as good as many people say, but is not bad either (trailers were also quite misleading and hype inducing)
Now about this episode, do you remember that cliffhanger when someone that knew Violet hated on her because she was writing letters for people with the hands of a murderer? what we got the next week? and out of place episode. This time, it starts very abruptly without any build up. Then it rushes through it, like damn, I couldn't even feel bad for the soldiers who died, neither the soldier who was the focus this time. Like I said before, the story could have been better if they didn't rush it like that.
Like people have said already, there are aspects of this episode and the whole anime adaptation that has felt rushed or poorly developed. Like how the soldiers easily give up where as in the novel Violet actually incapacitated the enemy with her battle axe(not killing them like Major_Gilbert had said). I would argue though that it was more unrealistic in the novel version where it was CH Postal service that had the plane ready with a fucking spy communication earring and Violet appearing with a battle-axe the size of a lightpole without any scene happening before it that indicated the company had these resources ready lol. So I think they actually remedied that aspect of the chapter?
Sadly that is the reality of adapting a source material, where you have to indicate events and shorten aspects of it versus a novel where you can describe it in detail with no word limit. I think it definitely would have benefited from a two-cour, but sadly the production committee would not have allowed it. Even an original source material getting this much attention and care for a TV animated show is bizarre since normally you would expect this out of Kyoto Animation's movies instead.
However to play devil's advocate IMO they did get to the heart of the narrative without compromising each episodic story's themes even at the sacrifice of detailed story events and pacing. It really comes down to if they can convince you with their version/pacing of the narrative in this limited 24 minute run time. Clearly it didn't work for you, and there is nothing wrong with it. It's fair since that's just the nature of narrative fiction? Can the author/creator/etc convince the audience in a certain timeframe?
For the "out of pace" episode after Dietfried's initial meeting changing to the end of episode 5 and them jump cutting next episode to episode 6, that did feel awkwardly paced DEFINITELY!! I was thinking wait did I miss the intro scene when watching the livestream lol?! They did need to properly end that scene so it didn't feel jarring like Dietfried leaving angrily abruptly leaving Violet hanging there without a word at the pier or something. However I would argue that the actual story that accompanied ep 6 was not out of place at all in hindsight.
Originally the story served to delve more deeply into Violet's character after chapter 3, since until now she was really a distant character that the reader's didn't really know about. Its the chapter where we learn that she is some kickass supergirl in chapter 3 and FINALLY get hints to her character in chapter 4, such as how she eats alone due to her history of ambushes int he war, or on her family situation.
However we know that as viewers since episode 1 in the anime adaptation so to make it feel less redundant the anime staff decided to emphasize the orphan story angle with a side character more so we the viewers can relate with Violet through another character instead. Also to point out since until episode 6 in the anime Violet really had no one to relate to other then Gilbert. So when the episode's theme revolves around Leon telling Violet at the end that regardless of his past trauma of waiting for his parents, he won't be held back by it any longer, and decides to pursue the career he really wants to go into. It resonates with Violet telling her "Hey your past shouldn't tie you to your present decisions" since she has been ruminating since episode 5 why she should be allowed to have such an wonderful and poignant occupation as a ghostwriter.
It also introduces the element of Violet starting to understand her guilt over killing people which really was missing from the novels since they really skip over it and imply it instead. We understand even as light novel readers a distinct turning point for Violet as a character versus just some soldier without emotions.
CT_BINO said:
It seems to be your favourite chapter, so what you thought of the adaptation?
For some reason felt a bit rushed (Still good ) but I didn´t read the novel so I wanted to know if they cut some important scenes or not
Like you said alot of important events are cut short and feel rushed like Violet's initial hospital rehab, Violet's past as a soldier, or even Violet's origin when first found by Dietfried. However I would also argue Kyoto Animation did their best with the air time they had. They had to prioritize and get to the heart of each chapter/story they adapted while keeping the heart of the narrative. They can't just waste time animating the details of one person's monologue for 23 minutes and ignore the entire chapter...
TLDR: I would still favor the anime over the source even with all the cuts and/or retelling of events in the story since the pros FAR outweigh the cons of the adaptation with its visual story telling, world building, and subtle character depth over the novels. (For example Cattelya has no character at all in the novel, there is no indication of cultural or historical context in any of the country's location, etc.)
HereticHunter said:SalmonSandwich said:
Like people have said already, there are aspects of this episode and the whole anime adaptation that has felt rushed or poorly developed.
TLDR: I would still favor the anime over the source even with all the cuts and/or retelling of events in the story since the pros FAR outweigh the cons of the adaptation with its visual story telling, world building, and subtle character depth over the novels. (For example Cattelya has no character at all in the novel, there is no indication of cultural or historical context in any of the country's location, etc.)
Yes, that episode of Leon was nice, but just weird after the finale of Dieftrid one.
Well, certainly not using Witchcraft was nice, but still kinda odd for the soldiers to not try a little bit.
Although not all stories benefit of having 2 episodes, some of them could improve from it, so lets leave it there with 50/50
HereticHunter said:TheSmilingShoujo said:Tbh it's a terrible episode. I'm baffled that a clear majority voted 5/5 for this.
1. It's ridiculous to miraculously find the dying dude in the middle of nowhere. Fighting the rifle guys head on... and win? Well...
2. How did she even find that cozy cottage??? Did she kill some old couple who owned that place off screen?
3. She didn't even know the addresses of the recipients. Maybe she was already told off screen, so, ok...
4. For that dude to be dictating into late at night with blood still leaking out, she might as well save his ass first. Maybe he didn't have to die then.
I was so distracted by these thoughts I forgot to cry at the ending. *shrugs* I don't know man. It's just... terrible.
That's why I felt this episode so bad, everything were way too convenient to be even real. I find even more weird that the soldiers didn't even bother to follow her into that cottage and I don't know, throw a bomb or something.