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Apr 4, 2018 2:56 AM

Oct 2008
A very sad powerful emotional episode!
This is really the speciality of KyoAni!

Apr 4, 2018 9:56 AM

May 2016
This honestly was a cheap attempt to a sad story. If you're going to try and make us feel upset over a character's death then at least let us get to know them first. The simple fact that they have family and a lover doesn't make it sad. I know this has more to do with Violet letting someone else die but it was still one of the weaker episodes of this anime.
Apr 6, 2018 7:53 AM

Oct 2008
In contrary.
I don't know when was the last time i felt so emotional.
Apr 6, 2018 10:16 PM

Apr 2015
Holy shit this episode almost got me... Especially when Violet started to cry ='(

Close call..
Apr 8, 2018 12:49 AM

Jun 2013
Oh damn, shows quite literally what the war is. and Violet really has reputation with the soldiers in other nations.....War Doll.....

huh, read the other comments...she killed them in the Novels...personally say that she should have done it here....these guys are those kind of sadist asshole that do this for fun. Warmongers.

tough understand the adoption of Violet swearing not to kill anymore....

but Aedan.....T.T I think this is regret most of the soldiers that die in battlefield have....and that last scene with Aedan's family...emotional as .....I don't have even word for it.
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Apr 8, 2018 1:58 PM

May 2012
Another bittersweet ending but once again a fantastic episode! Being the messenger of these kind of letters sure must be one hell of a though thing to tackle!
Apr 10, 2018 6:04 AM

Apr 2011
Another emotional show. It was rather unbelievable of Violet to accept that mission and go to a dangerous place for that job, and shows her combat skills against enemy soldier. To bad Aidan never lived and left his girl. It was nice of Violet to stay with him until the end and deliver his final letter. Seeing Violet cry again broke my heart.
Apr 10, 2018 3:52 PM
Jan 2012
Amazing episode. Good anime.
Violet carried much emotions,very marcant.
Apr 13, 2018 8:23 PM

Dec 2016
BRUH! Why am I crying!?!?!?!? ( i mean like it was pretty predictable but) fuck
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Apr 15, 2018 5:16 AM

Jun 2013
I knew it was inevitable but that was still heartbreaking. Nothing good ever comes from war, only suffering which is a sad reality.
Apr 15, 2018 9:08 AM

Sep 2014
Alright, Im slowly catching up with VE after I kinda forgot about it. It has become pretty good. Granted, its just episodical tearjerker material for now, but still, nicer than it was before.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 18, 2018 5:22 PM

Jan 2013
Another sad episode :( Can we get at least a happy one? Please...
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Apr 18, 2018 8:23 PM

May 2013
As of right now, I can't give this anime higher than a 7 just bc there's nothing innovative.
Loss from war, loss of family, lover... it's nothing new.

Pretty good episode still. I liked how dry his lips looked as he was dying. That was a subtle different detail they added.
Apr 20, 2018 12:22 PM

May 2010
Not as strong as previous episode, but I still got totally teary-eyed ;_; Such a shame Violet didn't manage to save him!
Apr 23, 2018 11:52 PM

Feb 2010
I see why people say this series made them cry. I didn't expect there to be so many little stories that were all sad. I didn't really know what direction the series would go with the writing letters things. It's really just her going around helping people which is quite sweet.
Apr 28, 2018 9:44 PM

Apr 2014

She should team up with an idealistic redhead and become his weapon in his quest to become a hero of justice and save everyone!

Not as strong as the other episodes, but still sad.
Apr 29, 2018 12:03 PM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
I could get past her meeting Aiden the way she did if the emotional punch was better. We've already had the childhood friend aspect with Iris and it's not as if it wasn't sad, but it needed WAY more then "we didn't even kiss" for me to go "oh no" granted his girly was really adorable. And when Violet delivered the letters and they appreciated her effort despite him dying was the best circumstance of the situation.
Apr 29, 2018 2:24 PM

Oct 2012
Well, while the premise of the story was interesting the execution was not. The story lacked some depth, melodrama was forced and Maria wasn't even given any character.

Not to mention that scene when she met those opposing soldiers and they let her alone - not shooting her when she showed them her back (like come on, that was beginners mistake she did there, one has to ask themselves how it is even possible she is still alive when seeing something like this!)

So even when the episode was sad and showed some developement when Violet started crying for someone else (which was good) it lacked any real impact because everything felt so artificial for the sake of telling this story.
Apr 30, 2018 12:08 PM

Jun 2010
Nice episode but sad. I hoped the guy wouldn't die. And I wished he was brave but he was like a coward.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 6, 2018 3:56 PM

Oct 2013
fuck... this show is going to overtake Mushishi position as the anime with the highest ratio of episodes to start the waterworks. This has been a nonstop feels trip since episode 4.

May 6, 2018 4:16 PM

May 2011
This episode made me feel things I forgot I could feel.
May 8, 2018 4:39 AM

Jul 2009
Violet takes her job very serious, she even jumped on a war field...another touching episode.
May 9, 2018 8:51 AM

Jan 2017
The only episode where I cried my eyes off.
Don't get me wrong. The other eps were beautiful too. But I just didn't cry while watching the other eps.
May 13, 2018 8:16 AM
Mar 2012
Actually an important episode that ties Violet's past war guilt with ghostwriting. As her first time writing for a soldier in the war zone she was so familiar with, and though the lost story is generic to most soldiers, it made her really "get" that every soldier she killed had a similar background.
As for the base, ya that platoon was total panicking noobs. The civil war setup & those soldiers walking away was bizarre & could do with better worldbuilding or followthru. Oh the hispeed parachuting was cool tho.
May 22, 2018 1:23 PM
Feb 2018
Mystic_Twilight said:
crotchexplorer said:
when Violet gave the bloodied cloth to Maria seemed kinda unreasonable

Well you could interpret that as Violet still having flaws in her emotional empathy development, like how she bluntly wrote her first letter as is back in ep2-3.

No it's a cultural thing, it was a very common way to "return the body" to the family of people who died on the battlefield or far away where they might never be found or returned for burial at home like they do today. It's a way to bring a part of him home.
Aug 26, 2018 3:56 PM
Oct 2017
I feel like this episode was kind of rushed. I get that she wanted to help people especially those in the battlefield as she experienced it first hand and realized how much she has affected peoples loved ones when she was still a soldier. It didn't move me as much compared to previous episodes. 3/5
Aug 26, 2018 7:18 PM
Jun 2013
i wanted violet to kill those guys.
Sep 7, 2018 1:11 PM

Aug 2016
For me, another right in the kokoro episode. I felt little bit weak after previous episode, on other hand, they hardly could trumph that. But in my surprise, second half was really heart touching, with dying soldiers and with bringing letters to his family... Really beautiful even though I thought start and plot was bit far too streched. Like Violet gone insane after episode 9 and 10. On other hand, after reading on this forum a bit about novel... glad animation studio handled it well... Even though I would like to see balanced mix of military Violet sleeping with pistol with anime overly human? Violet. Even though she is still parachuting into civil war territory of former enemy... that was nuts.

Oh my, only two last episodes left for me.... Right in the kokoro...
Oct 11, 2018 2:58 AM
Apr 2008
Watching hi-fi BD rip with good sound tech, and the first bullet killing the Sergeant Major made me jump. The sound design is amazing.


I can't agree with the people being perplexed how the enemy soldiers just up and left Violet alone without a fight. I mean, I too expected maybe a shot in the back or a bombing of the cottage, but it still makes sense how they would just leave: they are armed militia, not enlisted soldiers; just everyday civilians who disagree with the politics of their local area who decide to rebel, not unlike your everyday Millennial Street Protester.

When these literal nobodies got absolutely wrecked within seconds, and a veteran squadmate recognizes their attacker as an infamous, godly war machine, who's from a foreign country that has nothing to do with your civil war and who left you all alive, there's kinda no reason for you to throw your good fortune away. To them, Violet Evergarden appearing and steamrolling them in seconds was akin to Mike Tyson, Connor McGregor, or Anderson Silva coming in and steamrolling your entire amateur MMA gym but taking it easy on you by leaving you relatively unharmed instead of suffering in the hospital: you're seriously going to think you have a chance and risk a worse fate? You're an amateur who hasn't truly committed to the lifestyle, not a damn professional prizefighter who struggled through and accepted all the challenges and responsibilities.


I also am disappointed in the people who fail to connect with these soldiers and people just because time wasn't spent on them. It makes me wonder if they also lack this sort of empathy in their everyday lives, where they coldly and callously ignore innocent strangers approaching them in public asking for help just because they don't know them and their appearance/behaviour is foreign to them? I suspect that is the case, as it is the case with too many people, as proven by social experiments. While of course, investment in characters and their backstories, motives, etc are important for building a connection, it's not required especially if their backstories can be quickly ascertained, so long as you have a healthy grasp on empathy. These are just young, ordinary guys, enlisted yes, but still everyday boys at the end of the day, who happen to choose to serve in the army instead of choosing to serve at the post office, bakery, blacksmith, etc. For them to get mowed down so suddenly and so brutally evokes no emotional connection? Not enough time was spent on their totally blindsided and hopeless decimation? That thought is preposterous to me.

As well as the thought that family mourning the loss of a loved one being "old news", "anti-climactic", and "forced melodrama" just because it's a common portrayal in fiction; desensitization at its finest. "One mass shooting today, another mass shooting yesterday and a week ago... what's all the commotion about, anyway?" Some things don't need a grand deal of time spent on them to elicit feelings of empathy... or at least they shouldn't.

SalmonSandwich said:
HereticHunter said:
Worst episode so far, Everything was so rushed, random and very anticlimactic.

like: "OMG my customer is on the middle of a war, lets rush there because why fucking not. It doesn't matter if the enemy Sees me, I'm invincible lol, if they see me they will surrender because the plot demands it"

Then it comes the "emotional" part that only has lasts 5 minutes, and another "emotional" part that lasts another 5 minutes... THE END

The whole moment with the soldier and his letter would have been great if it lasted long enough. Same goes for the letter that Violet delivered.


HereticHunter said:

That was what I felt about the episode, inconsistent pace and bad execution, but if you want me to explain so be it.

KyoAni Expects you to have a 180º and feel emotional all of a sudden. Some of the stories on this anime are very rushed (with the exception of Violet's Past with Gilbert which didn't suck because it had the adequate pacing) The pace on some stories is way too fast and it ruins the entire experience. It is very hard to make a good story out of 1 single episode because there isn't enough time to portray what the episode want to express. There are times when it works because it was done correctly (I.E Osomatsu-San Ep 18 of the Second Season, or in Violet's Case, the episode where she jumps in the water was well done too). These stories would have been better if the pace were slower by using at least 2 episodes.

Another thing with this anime is that it was way too overhyped before it even air, the expectations were set way too high and when I saw what it really was I felt disappointed, it isn't as good as many people say, but is not bad either (trailers were also quite misleading and hype inducing)

Now about this episode, do you remember that cliffhanger when someone that knew Violet hated on her because she was writing letters for people with the hands of a murderer? what we got the next week? and out of place episode. This time, it starts very abruptly without any build up. Then it rushes through it, like damn, I couldn't even feel bad for the soldiers who died, neither the soldier who was the focus this time. Like I said before, the story could have been better if they didn't rush it like that.

Like people have said already, there are aspects of this episode and the whole anime adaptation that has felt rushed or poorly developed. Like how the soldiers easily give up where as in the novel Violet actually incapacitated the enemy with her battle axe(not killing them like Major_Gilbert had said). I would argue though that it was more unrealistic in the novel version where it was CH Postal service that had the plane ready with a fucking spy communication earring and Violet appearing with a battle-axe the size of a lightpole without any scene happening before it that indicated the company had these resources ready lol. So I think they actually remedied that aspect of the chapter?

Sadly that is the reality of adapting a source material, where you have to indicate events and shorten aspects of it versus a novel where you can describe it in detail with no word limit. I think it definitely would have benefited from a two-cour, but sadly the production committee would not have allowed it. Even an original source material getting this much attention and care for a TV animated show is bizarre since normally you would expect this out of Kyoto Animation's movies instead.
However to play devil's advocate IMO they did get to the heart of the narrative without compromising each episodic story's themes even at the sacrifice of detailed story events and pacing. It really comes down to if they can convince you with their version/pacing of the narrative in this limited 24 minute run time. Clearly it didn't work for you, and there is nothing wrong with it. It's fair since that's just the nature of narrative fiction? Can the author/creator/etc convince the audience in a certain timeframe?

For the "out of pace" episode after Dietfried's initial meeting changing to the end of episode 5 and them jump cutting next episode to episode 6, that did feel awkwardly paced DEFINITELY!! I was thinking wait did I miss the intro scene when watching the livestream lol?! They did need to properly end that scene so it didn't feel jarring like Dietfried leaving angrily abruptly leaving Violet hanging there without a word at the pier or something. However I would argue that the actual story that accompanied ep 6 was not out of place at all in hindsight.

Originally the story served to delve more deeply into Violet's character after chapter 3, since until now she was really a distant character that the reader's didn't really know about. Its the chapter where we learn that she is some kickass supergirl in chapter 3 and FINALLY get hints to her character in chapter 4, such as how she eats alone due to her history of ambushes int he war, or on her family situation.

However we know that as viewers since episode 1 in the anime adaptation so to make it feel less redundant the anime staff decided to emphasize the orphan story angle with a side character more so we the viewers can relate with Violet through another character instead. Also to point out since until episode 6 in the anime Violet really had no one to relate to other then Gilbert. So when the episode's theme revolves around Leon telling Violet at the end that regardless of his past trauma of waiting for his parents, he won't be held back by it any longer, and decides to pursue the career he really wants to go into. It resonates with Violet telling her "Hey your past shouldn't tie you to your present decisions" since she has been ruminating since episode 5 why she should be allowed to have such an wonderful and poignant occupation as a ghostwriter.

It also introduces the element of Violet starting to understand her guilt over killing people which really was missing from the novels since they really skip over it and imply it instead. We understand even as light novel readers a distinct turning point for Violet as a character versus just some soldier without emotions.

CT_BINO said:

It seems to be your favourite chapter, so what you thought of the adaptation?

For some reason felt a bit rushed (Still good ) but I didn´t read the novel so I wanted to know if they cut some important scenes or not

Like you said alot of important events are cut short and feel rushed like Violet's initial hospital rehab, Violet's past as a soldier, or even Violet's origin when first found by Dietfried. However I would also argue Kyoto Animation did their best with the air time they had. They had to prioritize and get to the heart of each chapter/story they adapted while keeping the heart of the narrative. They can't just waste time animating the details of one person's monologue for 23 minutes and ignore the entire chapter...

TLDR: I would still favor the anime over the source even with all the cuts and/or retelling of events in the story since the pros FAR outweigh the cons of the adaptation with its visual story telling, world building, and subtle character depth over the novels. (For example Cattelya has no character at all in the novel, there is no indication of cultural or historical context in any of the country's location, etc.)

HereticHunter said:
SalmonSandwich said:

Like people have said already, there are aspects of this episode and the whole anime adaptation that has felt rushed or poorly developed.

TLDR: I would still favor the anime over the source even with all the cuts and/or retelling of events in the story since the pros FAR outweigh the cons of the adaptation with its visual story telling, world building, and subtle character depth over the novels. (For example Cattelya has no character at all in the novel, there is no indication of cultural or historical context in any of the country's location, etc.)

Yes, that episode of Leon was nice, but just weird after the finale of Dieftrid one.

Well, certainly not using Witchcraft was nice, but still kinda odd for the soldiers to not try a little bit.

Although not all stories benefit of having 2 episodes, some of them could improve from it, so lets leave it there with 50/50
HereticHunter said:
TheSmilingShoujo said:
Tbh it's a terrible episode. I'm baffled that a clear majority voted 5/5 for this.

1. It's ridiculous to miraculously find the dying dude in the middle of nowhere. Fighting the rifle guys head on... and win? Well...

2. How did she even find that cozy cottage??? Did she kill some old couple who owned that place off screen?

3. She didn't even know the addresses of the recipients. Maybe she was already told off screen, so, ok...

4. For that dude to be dictating into late at night with blood still leaking out, she might as well save his ass first. Maybe he didn't have to die then.

I was so distracted by these thoughts I forgot to cry at the ending. *shrugs* I don't know man. It's just... terrible.

That's why I felt this episode so bad, everything were way too convenient to be even real. I find even more weird that the soldiers didn't even bother to follow her into that cottage and I don't know, throw a bomb or something.
Oct 11, 2018 6:19 AM

Feb 2016
@TheOtherJN please don't quote me on something that big if you aren't going to say anything that hasn't been said already. You liked it? good for you. I don't wanna discuss what's over for me. But thanks for your time I guess?
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Oct 12, 2018 2:40 PM
Jul 2018
Civil war seems shoehorned in. Makes me believe in the world of Violet Evergarden even less. That's actually a problem I've had throughout the series. The actual war they keep referring to is left so vague and generic. They just name-drop different camps and soldiers but none of them have any meaning to the viewer. Aidan's relationship with Maria did not have the proper build-up compared to Anne and her mother in the previous episode. Too much music playing during emotional scenes. No one else has said this here so I will. Why does the music have to be so damn loud whenever there's a "feels" moment? Mediocre compared to last episode but still better than the first five episodes. Only 2 episodes remaining. Right now, I'm alternating between a 7 and a 7.5.
Oct 16, 2018 8:56 PM
Apr 2008
HereticHunter said:
@TheOtherJN please don't quote me on something that big if you aren't going to say anything that hasn't been said already. You liked it? good for you. I don't wanna discuss what's over for me. But thanks for your time I guess?

This is a discussion forum you chose to partake in, and I represented a nuanced counter-argument with supporting examples against your points on this discussion forum of an episode you and I both watched; my comment was more than just saying I liked the episode.

If you didn't want what you wrote to be responded to, whether by someone who echoes your views or someone who disagrees, then don't post on a discussion forum; or at the very least, don't be surprised when someone wants to have a discussion on an episode discussion thread you posted in, discussing something you discussed about said episode.
Oct 17, 2018 7:23 AM

Feb 2016
TheOtherJN said:
HereticHunter said:
@TheOtherJN please don't quote me on something that big if you aren't going to say anything that hasn't been said already. You liked it? good for you. I don't wanna discuss what's over for me. But thanks for your time I guess?

This is a discussion forum you chose to partake in, and I represented a nuanced counter-argument with supporting examples against your points on this discussion forum of an episode you and I both watched; my comment was more than just saying I liked the episode.

If you didn't want what you wrote to be responded to, whether by someone who echoes your views or someone who disagrees, then don't post on a discussion forum; or at the very least, don't be surprised when someone wants to have a discussion on an episode discussion thread you posted in, discussing something you discussed about said episode.

Well I already had my discussion before back when this was airing, so don't come up saying that I shouldn't comment if I'm not expecting people to "counter argue me". I just didn't expect someone to comment this 3 seasons after it finished like you just did. I had this issue before on another anime by someone saying that "I don't understand" instead of trying to understand my view.

Now, whether or not someone may attend people in need despite their looks and race its out of the picture here.

Like I've said already: This anime has a serious problem with pacing, I can't simply ignore it and say it was a great episode and praise it like a lot of people had done already. KyoAni thinks they can slam "perfect" visuals to the screen and add loud background music on a scene and expect to have a very powerful and emotional scene just like that. Yeah, many people liked it I give you that, but that doesn't means its good either. Mahoutsukai no Yome is an anime that did this right despite having a very weird and rushed finale. It managed to portray its feelings through animation and background greatly, unlike Violet Evergarden.

I might have ranted against the soldiers and how convenient things looked back then, but people form their POVs through time and reading other opinions. It was thanks to ZephSilver that I completed my view on this anime when he published his review 3 seasons ago.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Nov 15, 2018 10:21 PM

Mar 2017
Seems like Norba Shino's fate in another world is still the same
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Dec 1, 2018 3:41 PM
Aug 2018
I couldn't help but cry. This episode was really good to watcher. For me it went by so fast. Criergarden continues
Dec 16, 2018 8:23 PM

Jun 2015
watching this episode whilst she is back on the battlefield just makes me think of the hurt violet must feel. mostly from the perspective of how she has killed soldiers before, and now she's seeing the aftermath and result of what happened after one soldier dies. she's probably thinking about how she directly caused a result like that when she killed a soldier.
otherwise though, this episode was kinda hard to sit through when you got a sibling named aidan. couldn't help but look at it that way.
Dec 28, 2018 3:47 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
The most dedicated of the dolls will go anywhere at any lengths to serve and deliver the words of the client.
Violet is the most capable of the doll to write a letter amidst the battlefield, even without fighting, her reputation as the ruthless soldier is enough for some enemies to simply give up, now that's awesome!

This episode is not as sad as the last ep, but it still got a death of someone. Just adding this simple fact alone mad the episode so much sadder. Violet delivered the letters, that alone is enough, but she also comforted the dying soldier. If she were dropped earlier, she would've been able to save her...
Jan 7, 2019 5:13 PM
Oct 2018
not read the manga but this episode is fkd me up, biggest turn off for me
this episode is better if never made 1/5
Jan 13, 2019 11:18 PM

Nov 2018
She has become able to cry in front of near strangers now, strong development again.
Jan 28, 2019 7:44 AM

Dec 2016
This episode encapsulated the image of war taking away loved ones splendidly, what's really good about it and also refreshing is that it had Violet this time around more of a spectator than a contributor, even though she did, in fact, deliver some blows at that forest.

It's really impressive that Violet could simply memorize her typewriter layout and simply started writing on plain air and putting that muscle energy into neural data like a recording machine, that really fits the “Auto” part in her job title, “Auto Memoir Doll”.
Feb 5, 2019 7:59 AM

Jul 2012
when will the tears stop flowing?
May 8, 2019 8:53 AM
Jun 2016
Kind of regretting binge watching this show. Two episodes in a row of the feels. Excuse me as I blow my nose. So glad Violet was able to fulfill this mission.
May 8, 2019 9:52 AM

Feb 2013
OMG, this anime really wants to make me cry.
Jun 29, 2019 11:52 PM

Sep 2017
yeah ok but like is she gana get paid though?yeah the guy died but is his family gana pay the Auto Memory Doll agencies for the letter he wrote?
her services ain't free. 🤔
Jul 2, 2019 10:22 AM

Jul 2013
Let me get the positives off first because I didn't like this episode to be honest. This episode highlights two things. Violet's resolve as a Doll where she has fully appreciated her work and goes to great lengths just to write a letter for someone. The other thing is Violet empathizing with other soldiers. It's her first time writing for one and I think she has realized that these soldiers are the same as the ones she killed in the past. People who wanted to go back to their loved ones after the war ended and people who wanted to write letters for their precious ones that's why she was adamant on taking the job despite the risks it entailed.

We're already 2 episodes away from the finale and I think the remaining episodes probably can't top the last episode with Anne and her mother. I believe that one will become the most beautiful story in the series. I'm guessing the last 2 episodes are about Dietfried. I'm still waiting for them to flesh him out because he has been bothering me since episode 5.

One of Violet Evergarden's weakness is its episodic format. It's hard to tell a complete story in just 20 minutes but it's not exactly a bad thing either because it just depends on how the stories are presented. So far, Violet Evergarden hasn't gone full-blown melodramatic with the short stories yet with the exception of episode 10 which was brilliantly-done. From the past episodes except the one with Anne and her mother, they've all been presented in a pretty lighthearted manner. Those episodes weren't supposed to make you feel heavy in the heart but more of a heartwarming moment between Violet and her clients and how they influence each other's lives. This episode however succumbed to the episodic format. It's supposed to make you feel heavy in the heart because the story is about soldiers dying in war and wanting to go home and be with their loved ones. Something Violet can relate to being an ex-soldier but it just lacks proper buildup for me to feel anything. They all pretty much died at the start of the episode and unlike the past episodes, the receiver of the letter lacks any characterization either so I can't feel anything for Maria either. In other words, the episode is too short to contain what the episode is trying to make the viewers feel.

Not to mention, the other problem in this show is how incompetent the squad was portrayed. It's like they were solely written just to die and make us feel anything but it failed. The extremists are also a joke. They just let off Violet too easily. There was no danger present at all even though extremists are supposed to be... well, extreme. I'm well aware that the show portrays Violet as an extremely capable fighter but I expected a backstabbing to happen or a raid in the cottage but nothing...

I just realized that I may have been too biased with this show because I like KyoAni as a studio but I must say this now. I still think this show has problems with its awkward pacing. The ending of episode 5 still bothers me after all even though I've convinced myself in the past episodes that the ending scene didn't go to waste. Anyway, I don't like this episode at all honestly but at the very least, I don't hate it as much as episode 5 lol
Aug 2, 2019 6:02 PM
May 2019
Few are the moments that make me cry in anime; the last scene of this episode is one of the strongest. Just seeing Violet brake down because she was being thanked for 'bringing' their son back home, when in truth she thought that more could've been done if she had had some way of saving him. Just thinking about it now is making me teary...
Aug 19, 2019 12:39 PM
Jul 2019
Please Stop this . I can't take it anyMore . pfff the feels !!
Aug 28, 2019 10:45 PM
Nov 2016
Boring episode, all these forced drama is getting tiresome, this anime doesn't have subtle emotional scenes, they are all kinda forced with some loud sub-par music in the background to force some emotions out of you and it's just too cringy for me, the music needs to have more melody to hit me in the feels but the music in this anime is just way too sub-par for my taste, I'm not feeling it at all.

This episode has serious issues, first of all, Violet putting her life in danger and going to a warzone to write some random guy's letter was dumb, that aside, she jumped out of the plane and landed in the same spot of the guy that wanted to write the letter and not only that, the first soldier she talked to was the one that wanted to write the letter, like, she just hit the jackpot in 1 try. Sigh.

Am I supposed to feel sad for this random guy? These type of emotional scenes are not my thing, If I'm going to feel emotional about something it needs to be for a good reason, this episode didn't provide a good reason to feel emotional about, on the contrary, it provided plenty of reasons to actually cringe and eyeroll.

This anime is way too overrated. I just watched all the episodes, I give this anime a 7/10 and only because of the amazing visuals, everything else is just sub-par here.
xZabuzaxAug 29, 2019 9:27 AM
Sep 12, 2019 1:09 AM

Aug 2019
Worst episode of the show and the sole reason I can't rate this anime 10/10. After a brilliant EP 10 they incomprehensibly screwed up the pacing, everything seems so rushed. This episode is a very artificial and badly executed setup for the finale. Violet suddenly goes back to being a parachuting ninja and suddenly she doesn't need her typewriter to do her work because...magic? wtf
Oct 4, 2019 3:32 AM

Mar 2015
Very brave of Violet to go back on to the battlefield.. this was a really touching one.
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
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