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Happy Sugar Life
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Sep 13, 2018 2:27 PM

May 2015
dont know why people like shouko so much i think shes the type of person that would betray or fuck satou up eventually even non of the shitshow happened

if she was kept alive she'll have a dilemma of picking whats morally right or whether to be a friend to satou, dillema i say but she will most likely choose what morally right in a heartbeat i mean she sent the photo to the brother in a heartbeat without asking anything for me if probably if shed been a better friend to satou things wont get worse from hear on out instead this cannon balled satou on the otherside of the fucking ledge

rip thot XD
Sep 13, 2018 8:55 PM

Jan 2015
This show is a great ride.

Lol at people saying Shouko was best girl.
Sep 14, 2018 5:40 AM

Mar 2015
Just gonna leave another comment on something I realized later on about Satou and Shoko's friendship. It's about whether or not Satou really did see Shoko as a friend and about who betrayed who.

You know how Satou will do whatever it takes to make sure no one ruins her "happy sugar life", we already saw her murder people. When Shoko confronts her about her secret and tries to pry further into her life Satou first replies with the "i don't want you to get involved" card and pushes her back. This was the most normal reaction Satou ever had to someone trying to pry into her life. It was already previously shown what happens when you do ask her about her living conditions and where she lives with the coworker stalker a few episodes back. Satou absolutely hated it and always says its bitter if it ruins her happy sugar life. She didn't have that same reaction with Shoko. You could argue it was because we're watching from Shoko's POV at that moment but even if it was her POV, Satou would probably still have her crazy eyes shown if she really thought she was gonna ruin it.

Next up when Shoko finally musters her courage again Satou then brings her home, to see her aunt. Now I saw how some people were saying this was to push Shoko away but I disagree with that. After the visit Satou then asks her if even after finding out about her aunt will she still be able to stay friends with Satou. We were jebaited into thinking Shoko would easily say yes but she didn't, she couldn't even reply. And then after that Satou then says that they should just forget about what happened and just go back to being "friends from work". It was this moment that really showed that Satou really did see her as a friend, and as a friend she gave her the chance to prove their friendship but Shoko betrayed her.

Immediately after this scene Satou then asks Shio what a friend means and they both answer that they don't no further showing just how betrayed and confused Satou really is on who to consider as a friend and what friendship really means cause the person closest to her couldn't accept her. And then at the very end, when Shoko saw her friend with the missing girl what did she do? Did she talk to her first? Did she just stand there shocked? Nope, she took a picture and immediately sent it to the one person that's guaranteed to fuck up Satou's and Shio's current life without even talking to Satou.

It was right after that that Shoko finally brings up the courage to face Satou head on after getting dragged in to the slaughter hou- I mean room. But it was too late, she already lost her trust not once but twice and paid the ultimate price.

So if you think Satou betrayed their friendship it was actually Shoko that did it first and did it twice. Ultimately she got what was coming to her for making the absolutely most horrible decisions and being too late to face her problems head on which is sad cause she was the only normal person in the series.

Also if people are gonna say I'm defending Satou and calling what her did justified, no, none of this makes anything that she did justified. Murder is still murder, you can't change facts but you can change your perspective on things. If you didn't have context on why she did what she did then she's just another shallow yandere for the sake of being yandere. But no, she's an actually developed character that has her reasons for doing what she does and isn't always trying to kill everyone that gets in her way. And that's the beauty of this show, the narrative of how you can make a crazy character more human and not just another yandere.
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Sep 14, 2018 2:25 PM

May 2016
As someone who read the manga before seeing the being.

I hope it to be slower (2 chapters per episode) and that it will end with Shouko's death.

With the pace I feel uneasy about until what chapter is going to be adapted. This one was the best stop for a 12 episode series.
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Sep 17, 2018 7:12 AM

Dec 2013
Now this is getting somehwere! I've been waiting for this to happen for so long. I really wonder how this show will handle this situation though since we only have a few episodes left.

But that kill was definitely entertaining.
Sep 17, 2018 8:20 AM

Jun 2010
Burn this pedo bitch with fire please
Sep 18, 2018 3:32 PM
Sep 2018
The music that was playing the last 5 minutes was jarring but in an awesome way. I have frickin chills
Sep 19, 2018 11:12 AM

Apr 2017
This was a very good episode, in spite of what happened. The flow of this episode was really nice, and I think that events happened pretty realistically. The death scene was gruesome, but it built up to it really well. I also kinda like that they did not censor it too much, and portrayed it rather clearly. It is a shame that Shouko died though, but she had it coming the moment she did not realize Satou is way past the point of no return. It's either living happily with Shio ever after or dying trying for her at this point. Maybe if Shouko didn't run away before when she was confronted with Satou's aunt things may have been different this episode, but it was kinda "bad end" causing decision there, if Shouko was MC of a visual novel.

Overall I was getting bored of this anime, but this episode actually saved it for me. It was definitely thrilling. Poor Shouko though, she was probably best character in this series. Now I think we are just gonna see Satou go down, since I think for her killing Shouko was also "bad end" decision.
MrZawaSep 19, 2018 11:18 AM

Art by ギャット GFX by aryandil
Sep 20, 2018 2:51 AM

Mar 2014
Oh, WOW. It's been a while since I've been so on the edge of my seat while watching anime. I guess I really misjudged this show.
Sep 20, 2018 12:13 PM

Dec 2010
Really good episode. I kind of respect that they had balls to kill only one sympathethic character in the series. On top of that, her death was really well presented: gruesome and bloody yet unsettling and disturbing. Even though it was way over the top it has maintained the subtlety. Nicely done!

DodeDagon said:
Just gonna leave another comment on something I realized later on about Satou and Shoko's friendship. It's about whether or not Satou really did see Shoko as a friend and about who betrayed who.

You know how Satou will do whatever it takes to make sure no one ruins her "happy sugar life", we already saw her murder people. When Shoko confronts her about her secret and tries to pry further into her life Satou first replies with the "i don't want you to get involved" card and pushes her back. This was the most normal reaction Satou ever had to someone trying to pry into her life. It was already previously shown what happens when you do ask her about her living conditions and where she lives with the coworker stalker a few episodes back. Satou absolutely hated it and always says its bitter if it ruins her happy sugar life. She didn't have that same reaction with Shoko. You could argue it was because we're watching from Shoko's POV at that moment but even if it was her POV, Satou would probably still have her crazy eyes shown if she really thought she was gonna ruin it.

Next up when Shoko finally musters her courage again Satou then brings her home, to see her aunt. Now I saw how some people were saying this was to push Shoko away but I disagree with that. After the visit Satou then asks her if even after finding out about her aunt will she still be able to stay friends with Satou. We were jebaited into thinking Shoko would easily say yes but she didn't, she couldn't even reply. And then after that Satou then says that they should just forget about what happened and just go back to being "friends from work". It was this moment that really showed that Satou really did see her as a friend, and as a friend she gave her the chance to prove their friendship but Shoko betrayed her.

Immediately after this scene Satou then asks Shio what a friend means and they both answer that they don't no further showing just how betrayed and confused Satou really is on who to consider as a friend and what friendship really means cause the person closest to her couldn't accept her. And then at the very end, when Shoko saw her friend with the missing girl what did she do? Did she talk to her first? Did she just stand there shocked? Nope, she took a picture and immediately sent it to the one person that's guaranteed to fuck up Satou's and Shio's current life without even talking to Satou.

It was right after that that Shoko finally brings up the courage to face Satou head on after getting dragged in to the slaughter hou- I mean room. But it was too late, she already lost her trust not once but twice and paid the ultimate price.

So if you think Satou betrayed their friendship it was actually Shoko that did it first and did it twice. Ultimately she got what was coming to her for making the absolutely most horrible decisions and being too late to face her problems head on which is sad cause she was the only normal person in the series.

Also if people are gonna say I'm defending Satou and calling what her did justified, no, none of this makes anything that she did justified. Murder is still murder, you can't change facts but you can change your perspective on things. If you didn't have context on why she did what she did then she's just another shallow yandere for the sake of being yandere. But no, she's an actually developed character that has her reasons for doing what she does and isn't always trying to kill everyone that gets in her way. And that's the beauty of this show, the narrative of how you can make a crazy character more human and not just another yandere.

Great analysis. Spot on!
Sep 20, 2018 4:18 PM
Oct 2017
what was the name of the music during the last explanation can before the death of Shoko? Please
Sep 21, 2018 9:22 AM

Apr 2014
wow this ep though i mean i was pretty much expecting it to happen since Shouko decided to start following people it was only a matter of time till she followed Satou and saw something and things turned out as it did so i was expecting something to happen to her as soon as she started lying it was already over she pretty much got what she deserved

but wow she sent that text fast as hell though lol so where things go from here will be interesting as now the guy knows she's with Satou so he'll be looking for her so it should be interesting where things goes from here

this series is amazing
DazeFireSep 21, 2018 9:29 AM
"one step at a time"
Sep 24, 2018 12:08 PM

Nov 2011
Glad i didn't drop this, the improvements from half way in have been immense.

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Oct 6, 2018 2:30 PM

Apr 2016
Hmm. I expected that, but also didn't expect that. I think Shouko's death really adds to the plot. Death is always a impactful thing to add to any type of fiction. For the most part it's irreversible. Adding that to the story, especially to one of the least flawed characters in the story, helps a lot.

At this point, Shouko didn't have much else to add to the story. This death was the last chance at any type of redemption for Satou. "If anyone could bring back Satou, it has to be her best friend, right!?" Well, the murder basically says that it's too late. Satou will have no redemption. She won't atone for her crimes. Villains typically acknowledge their crimes right when their crimes are foiled. Satou's story will likely end with her still believing what she did was right. I'm guessing at least. Shouko's death was the last nail in the coffin.

At least that's how I see it. They can always try to use Shio as the last option to open Satou's eyes, but it's very hard to predict what will happen to Shio. Will she return to her family, or will Satou kill her too? Anything can happen when Satou is involved.

Still not the best anime, but that last scene was probably the best scene in the entire show so far.
Oct 8, 2018 7:21 AM

Feb 2009
This episode was so well done. I really really liked ReoNa's song at the end.

Just curious, was the song Canary translated in the english subs or non-japanese speakers didn't even got the chance to understand the lyrics? because it made the scene much more complete for me.
Oct 8, 2018 11:44 AM

Jul 2009
SATOU!!! killed her friend...and I am mad at Shouko, she betrayed her friends for someone that she barely knew!
Oct 14, 2018 3:23 PM

Mar 2014
RIP best grill Shoko

This was really sad, Shoko has been trying to improve herself and get closer to Satou and that's what she gets :( Her scene with Asahi was cute, but I wonder if he'll know that something happened to her. At least she managed to send him the pic, that's something.

Satou's pedo vibes are increasing. And it seems like the policeman visited the crazy aunt, that was unexpected
Oct 15, 2018 2:25 PM

May 2012
Damn what an episode and ending! Really lovely episode but well that ending was quite something!
Oct 20, 2018 6:35 PM

Aug 2016
Does anyone know the name of the insert song used at the end of this episode? Also Shouko’s death scene in this episode is a lot more brutal than the manga, one of the few moments that I’ve cringed and thought “oh fuck” while watching a show or movie.
Oct 20, 2018 8:15 PM

Sep 2008
I shuttered at that ending. I've been desensitized enough to violence in anime thanks to how a number of titles can relish in it and be quite over-the-top. But with the anime's rather intimate focus on Sato restraining Shouko as she bleeds out and breathes her last breath, that hit too close to home in terms of believability. Probably among the most well-executed and shocking scenes for an anime I've seen for the year thus far.

Tref55 said:
Does anyone know the name of the insert song used at the end of this episode?

Canaria, from the same singer of the regular ED, ReoNa.
Nov 5, 2018 1:47 AM

Mar 2009
DodeDagon said:
So if you think Satou betrayed their friendship it was actually Shoko that did it first and did it twice. Ultimately she got what was coming to her for making the absolutely most horrible decisions and being too late to face her problems head on which is sad cause she was the only normal person in the series.

I always appreciate a thoughtful post, so props to you on that! But allow me to counterargue.

Calling it "betrayal" is a bit too dramatic, no? Although I'm not sure what word I'd use to describe a failure to live up to the ideal standards of friendship, "betrayal" implies malice, and that doesn't seem like an accurate characterization of what actually transpired. In a normal human relationship, this kind of thing is usually a blip, something easily apologized for and forgiven. And Shoko quickly makes exactly that effort to correct it when she realized she screwed up. And - speculation - she probably wouldn't have even realized that there was a significant conflict brewing between Asahi (nice guy looking for kid sister) and Satou (nice girl taking care of little girl for unclear but probably good reasons). When Shoko explains herself and makes a genuine effort to connect with Satou, Satou - like the psychopath she is - has already given up on Shoko and just murders her on the spot the moment Shoko lets her guard down. The only red flag Shoko ever got was Satou's immediate, violent reaction to being seen/photographed with Shio, and by that point the damage was done. Maybe you could argue that she should have known sending the photo was bad, but it's much harder to argue that she should have known taking/sending the photo was actually going to be that big a deal. (Assuming you even allow yourself to read meaning and intention into that particular sequence, considering how contrived it was that she had her phone ready at just the right moment. I didn't; it just seemed like it happened because it needed to happen to achieve maximum melodrama, something I do NOT, for the record, categorically disapprove of.) Anyways, to say someone is making the most horrible decisions possible is to suggest that a rational agent with similar information would have known the magnitude of the mistakes they were about to make, but went ahead and made those bad choices anyways. Shoko's were horrible decisions, but only post hoc. Before the fact, they would have appeared as minor missteps. It's unfair to imply she has poor judgment just because we, the viewers, have the benefit of knowing Satou is a psychopath capable of neither compromise nor forgiveness.

Like, I get where Satou is coming from (it is solid yandere "logic," after all), but to defend Satou's actions by faulting Shoko is to assign Shoko a genre awareness and situational awareness that she just didn't have and couldn't be expected to have. Shoko did not get what was coming to her in any moral sense. Of course, she got what was coming to her in a narrative sense; after all, it wasn't hard to guess that she wasn't going to make it out of Happy Sugar Life alive.
ZetaAspectNov 5, 2018 1:53 AM
Graph provided to verify that I am a CERTIFIED pretentious jerk.
Nov 5, 2018 6:10 PM

Apr 2015
This whole show is a PSA on minding your own damn business.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Nov 5, 2018 8:00 PM

Mar 2015
ZetaAspect said:

I always appreciate a thoughtful post, so props to you on that! But allow me to counterargue.

Calling it "betrayal" is a bit too dramatic, no? Although I'm not sure what word I'd use to describe a failure to live up to the ideal standards of friendship, "betrayal" implies malice, and that doesn't seem like an accurate characterization of what actually transpired. In a normal human relationship, this kind of thing is usually a blip, something easily apologized for and forgiven. And Shoko quickly makes exactly that effort to correct it when she realized she screwed up.

Ok, you right that betrayal may have been too dramatic on some instances but imo the very moment she had her phone ready, took a picture, and instantly sent it to Asahi was very clearly betrayal to their friendship. After the fact that she couldn't say "we're still best friends" after she met the crazy hot crazy aunt she just couldn't be trusted to be a friend anymore(and yes I agree that wasn't betrayal but more so just a failure to to Satou's idealistic standard for friendship and that seems too extreme for friends, but kids tends to be impulsive and regret their decisions cause they tend to be in the moment or rash).

ZetaAspect said:
When Shoko explains herself and makes a genuine effort to connect with Satou, Satou - like the psychopath she is - has already given up on Shoko and just murders her on the spot the moment Shoko lets her guard down.

And that's not Shoko's fault yes, she immediately tries to reconnect with Satou and their broken friendship but then Satou just made the most extreme decision due to how fucked up she is. In fact, in any other show this would've meant they would slowly start repairing their crumbling relationship.

ZetaAspect said:

Like, I get where Satou is coming from (it is solid yandere "logic," after all), but to defend Satou's actions by faulting Shoko is to assign Shoko a genre awareness and situational awareness that she just didn't have and couldn't be expected to have. Shoko did not get what was coming to her in any moral sense. Of course, she got what was coming to her in a narrative sense; after all, it wasn't hard to guess that she wasn't going to make it out of Happy Sugar Life alive.

Oh I'm sorry if it sounded like I'm blaming it on Shoko's lack of awareness of the situation. Anyway I take back calling the aunt visit as betrayal but stand by the photo as one. All I wanted to say was how it seems like for Satou's point of view since everyone was just saying Shoko didn't have any fault in this.
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Nov 6, 2018 5:20 PM

Mar 2009
DodeDagon said:
After the fact that she couldn't say "we're still best friends" after she met the crazy hot crazy aunt she just couldn't be trusted to be a friend anymore.
Fair enough; upon further reflection, I can see how I may have missed the mark there.

The scene where Shoko fails to give that easy "yeah, we're still friends" answer didn't really register as "real" to me. It was such a softball question that on some level I simply couldn't believe Shoko didn't answer it right, and the WAY the animation studio showed Shoko failing to give the correct answer - by showing her giving the correct answer but then immediately nullifying it with a glitchy visual effect and a facial expression that could be interpreted as anything, from indecision to confusion to torment - left ME confused as to whether Shoko just failed miserably (and, in my opinion, inexplicably) or whether some supernatural twist had suddenly been invoked. So, because of how odd the scene itself was, I failed to give proper weight to how terrible it was of Shoko to ACTUALLY have failed such a mind-bogglingly easy test of friendship.

And so I guess what I'm saying is that my suspension of disbelief broke BOTH times Shoko "betrayed" Satou, and so I chose to almost entirely ignore her seemingly-incongruous "betrayals," chalking it up to muddy writing/directing, and ended up giving her at least a little more moral credit than she was due. Which I guess is good, because it made her death more impactful in the moment.

(Not that this changes my final conclusion that Shoko did NOT have it coming, morally speaking. But my argument isn't as strong as I initially thought, and Satou's psychotic "reasoning" comes across as just a tad more grounded.)
ZetaAspectNov 6, 2018 5:28 PM
Graph provided to verify that I am a CERTIFIED pretentious jerk.
Nov 7, 2018 12:43 AM

Mar 2015
ZetaAspect said:

The scene where Shoko fails to give that easy "yeah, we're still friends" answer didn't really register as "real" to me. It was such a softball question that on some level I simply couldn't believe Shoko didn't answer it right, and the WAY the animation studio showed Shoko failing to give the correct answer - by showing her giving the correct answer but then immediately nullifying it with a glitchy visual effect and a facial expression that could be interpreted as anything, from indecision to confusion to torment - left ME confused as to whether Shoko just failed miserably (and, in my opinion, inexplicably) or whether some supernatural twist had suddenly been invoked. So, because of how odd the scene itself was, I failed to give proper weight to how terrible it was of Shoko to ACTUALLY have failed such a mind-bogglingly easy test of friendship.
She was probably just confused and shocked at how fucked up Satou's aunt was and imagines how fucked up and hard it must've been for Satou to grow up under her care.

ZetaAspect said:

(Not that this changes my final conclusion that Shoko did NOT have it coming, morally speaking. But my argument isn't as strong as I initially thought, and Satou's psychotic "reasoning" comes across as just a tad more grounded.)
She doesn't deserve to die, but she had it coming just because it was Satou we're talking about. If it was a normal character then the little talk would've definitely worked and she would've lived at the very least. Too bad being normal is overrated for this series.
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Dec 10, 2018 11:12 AM

May 2018
Damn. Perhaps Shouko was a bit too sane and reasonable for her own good. If she would have been just as bat shit crazy as everybody else, murder would have never happened to her.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
Jan 1, 2019 9:32 AM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
Straight for the jugular. I wasn't really swayed that she wasn't going to die and anyone who was tricked by that soft song is a fool. But the fact that the picture was sent, shit hitting the fan.
Feb 16, 2019 1:12 AM

Sep 2014
Such a good episode!

I'm hoping that the brother is killed off next, can't stand him. That or he never comes back, but he's pretty much guaranteed to return now that he saw that photo.
Mirai, zura~!
Feb 20, 2019 8:33 PM

Jun 2014
How did Shouko even discover 1208?
But honestly, that was a great episode. I think I stopped breathing for awhile after that picture snapped.
Apr 11, 2019 10:05 PM

Feb 2013
Holy fucking hell!!!! Well....there goes one of the only sane people in this show....fuck me that ending was nuts....god damn....I SAY GOD DAMN!!!
Apr 25, 2019 11:01 PM

Jul 2016
Shouko deserved better. I found her more lovable than Satou.
Sep 8, 2019 4:32 PM

Jun 2017
the only part i didnt like is the fact that she didnt fight at all, even though the two seem to be about equal in size and strength. other than that it was an excellently made (and very sad) episode. at least she didnt die in vain. I legit hope the brother kills the fu*king girl now.

PS: Lol at the confirmation that the police man returned to the aunt XD
FFTHEWINNERSep 8, 2019 4:40 PM
Sep 13, 2019 2:14 AM

Sep 2019
LMAO just like what I said previously, Shokou's IQ is in the single digits, stupid people don't deserve to live, Darwinism at it's finest, she had it coming & she deserved it LOL, so she knows her friend is a potential criminal & yet she thinks the best course of action is to go to Satou & ask her "are you really a criminal?".
Dec 13, 2019 5:46 AM
Mar 2019
Oh ****, that was traumatic. Can't say I didn't see it coming though, something was bound to happen when she snapped a photo of them and got thrown into the apartment. The false hope of Shouko putting her shoes back on as though she was leaving for school in the morning made it all the worse later...
Feb 18, 2020 2:24 AM

Feb 2020
Oh my god that was intense. I saw Shouko's death coming since at least 5 episodes ago but still, it managed to shock me. Didn't think it would, I wasn't even that attached to the character, but I really wasn't okay when watching the ending and for the entire scene, I was hoping that something would prevent Satou from murdering her, even if I knew nothing would at this point.
I am even teary-eyed right now, despite the fact that I usually can handle such things in anime without issue because I know it's only fiction but here... Wow.
Poor Shouko... This anime really is something else. Don't know if it's in a good or bad way though.
Mar 12, 2020 12:06 AM

Mar 2017
well that wasn't very happy sugar-y of Satou

also not life-y since, you know, Shouko dieded
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Mar 24, 2020 9:14 PM

Dec 2008
NoviSun said:
Now that we’re deep into the story and especially with this episode I believe that HSL is heavily inspired by Onikakushi-hen. The similarities I can see:
1) A mysterious violent opening scene followed by moe slice of life cuteness punctuated by a growing unease
2) The story is mostly told by the villain who may not be entirely reliable
3) A friend tries to save a friend from the darkness unto the death.
4(?) I predict HSL will also end in a moment of mind-numbing despair, though the girls fall/flight to eternity may be structured to be more uplifting because they will be together forever in death. Time will tell.

This is true! I also see inspiration from Meakashi-hen. Besides the fingernail ripping there's the idealization of 'love' that will make everything okay somehow and the hatred of the sibling of the 'love'.
Mar 29, 2020 12:54 PM

Apr 2012
This anime should have it's own category :
Sliced Off Life.
Who would've thought that the only mentality stable person was killed off; now we're left with one crazy mess after another.
Janethan23Mar 29, 2020 1:11 PM
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Mar 31, 2020 1:04 AM

Sep 2018
Man, how is rated 6.99? Too disturbing or edgy? This series has me gripped from right from the start
May 29, 2020 12:08 AM

Oct 2010
Ha! That was the policeman's cap right. I knew it, he returned to suckle on those breasts! 5/5 episode
Jun 5, 2020 2:52 PM

Jul 2013
Parts of this ep were hilarious:

"Did the blond guy have a hairpin?"
"I don't know him."

And there was a lesbian pedophile wedding that was interrupted by another borderline lesbian (who kissed a homeless boy after lying to him, complete with shoujo manga sparkle bubbles).

I've stopped taking the show seriously.

I thought Shoko might escape, but alas! The sane are not allowed to live in Happy Sugar Life.

The inset song while the drama went down was nice. I'm conflicted, because I want to know what they said.

That was a really good murder scene. A+
Jul 12, 2020 1:38 AM
Review Moderator
Book Princess

Nov 2018
Killing Shouko was definitely the correct decision to make here in terms of plot. It clearly demonstrates Satou's willingness to simply consider a relationship as if it has never happened because she never really commits to anybody (Shio excepted.) It's obviously a morally wrong decision, but it is consistent with Satou's character.

I also must say that I disagree with the characterization of Satou as a pedophile. As far as the series has shown (I'm haven't read the manga) Satou does not have a sexual relationship with Shio. All along it seems much more like a mother-daughter relationship. Sure, they have their little wedding ceremony, but honestly that's just a reassuring game they play, despite its abnormality. Yes, we've seen them bathe together, but that would be perfectly normal for a mother-daughter relationship in Japan. Yes, they've slept in the same bed at night (though it seems they have separate beds,) but again, parents sleeping with their children is more normal in Japan (as seen in Amaama to Inazuma.) Sure, Satou may be bisexual, but that doesn't make her a pedophile. If I were going to trust a character in this anime with Shio's welfare, Satou may be the best choice (definitely better than Taiyo, Asahi is debatable.)
Every day you can read a book or watch some anime is a good day!
Sep 14, 2020 1:22 PM

Sep 2015
The death scene was really strange to me.
Satou covers Shouko's mouth with one of her hands, and holds the knife with the other. She is not blocking Shouko's nose, so while it's difficult for Shouko to make noise, she should still be able to breathe.

If someone is pointing a knife towards your head/ throat, shouldn't your first instinct be to block it with your hands? But for some reason it seems Shouko decides trying to get rid of the hand which only stops her from making sound is a higher priority than stopping the hand which has a knife that will end her life. Sure, the arm around her was limiting her mobility, but It's not like she would get away from that position anyway, since she was lying down on the ground, and if she did the knife would still be going towards her.

This scene was probably much quicker in the manga, and there probably was no way out for her even if Shouko survived a bit longer, but the way she acted really doesn't make sense to me.
can dis sig fit
Sep 15, 2020 7:00 AM
Apr 2020
gaussian_ said:
Killing Shouko was definitely the correct decision to make here in terms of plot. It clearly demonstrates Satou's willingness to simply consider a relationship as if it has never happened because she never really commits to anybody (Shio excepted.) It's obviously a morally wrong decision, but it is consistent with Satou's character.

I also must say that I disagree with the characterization of Satou as a pedophile. As far as the series has shown (I'm haven't read the manga) Satou does not have a sexual relationship with Shio. All along it seems much more like a mother-daughter relationship. Sure, they have their little wedding ceremony, but honestly that's just a reassuring game they play, despite its abnormality. Yes, we've seen them bathe together, but that would be perfectly normal for a mother-daughter relationship in Japan. Yes, they've slept in the same bed at night (though it seems they have separate beds,) but again, parents sleeping with their children is more normal in Japan (as seen in Amaama to Inazuma.) Sure, Satou may be bisexual, but that doesn't make her a pedophile. If I were going to trust a character in this anime with Shio's welfare, Satou may be the best choice (definitely better than Taiyo, Asahi is debatable.)

Agree. Even though I'm pretty sure it's not right when Satou try to keep Shio for herself, but ironically make Shio happy.
Oct 1, 2020 2:18 PM

Jul 2014
Why did they play a song between Satou and Shouko's confrontation? I would of much preferred hearing what they were saying...
Oct 2, 2020 9:49 PM

Aug 2017
Rorek said:
Fuck You Satou I hope you die a slow painful death.

I AGREE! If they end up making her live a happy life or whatever im going to be so PISSED!
Oct 2, 2020 9:51 PM

Aug 2017
Omggg I'm so sad! Bjtch killed the only person who TRULY loved her! And would yall smash or pass the auntie? I'm curious.
Dec 4, 2020 9:58 PM

Jun 2016
that murder scene was so well done.
Dec 16, 2020 6:33 AM
Jul 2018
that was genuinely so upsetting. i had no opinion on satou tbh until that. wtf 😀 i hope she rots.
Dec 22, 2020 1:21 PM

Mar 2019
Ok so, a lot of shit happened in this episode. Fuck Satou and Taiyou. Also her aunt is still creepy af. And man, that policeman is really dumb, coming back for a 2nd round or something. But, the main point of this episode, Satou killing Shouko, the only sane character and the only one I like (maybe besides Asahi? But Idk that smile he had was creepy af). But yea, I hate that Shouko had to die. Even with that, I still have to say, it was predictable. Hated how everything was like perfectly aligned. Shio jumping out of the door to hug Satou, Shouko finding her apartment somehow and only those 3 being there. And then, ofc Shouko took a photo of Satou and Shio that led to her death, which was sooo gruesome tho it was a good death scene (sadly not in the important way). Looking back I kinda knew she had to die just so Satou can do something terrible and also because of Shouko's attitude.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

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