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Dec 5, 2013 8:44 PM

Jun 2012
i just noticed the opening from episode 1 was different then this one and got to say the hell scene looks way cooler then it did in other seasons.

i can only hope that they won't increase the sexuality to much cause it might ruin the whole show it didn't annoy me on this episode yet but if they gone keep increasing it would definitely ruin the whole dark theme this show has also don't see a reason why they would need to increase it.
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Apr 19, 2014 9:25 AM

Sep 2013
Milf and bondage? this season is dissapointing so far and that ending is so vague.
oh and..
What's with the character's shallow reasoning?
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
May 17, 2014 10:23 AM

Jul 2012
It doesn't seem darker like the other two seasons but let's wait and see
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Jul 6, 2014 9:50 AM

Jan 2014
Animefreak17a said:
It doesn't seem darker like the other two seasons but let's wait and see

Yeah I feel the same thing, and if that will be the case it would be a shame, the atmospheres played a big role in the last two seasons.

By the way this second episode had a better story than the previous one, but it had a big already seen vibe to it.
I hope this will not be a Futakomori copy and what Onna said at the end wasn't some foreshadowing of the type I am thinking now.

I don't get why the companions of Enma and above all Kikuri are siding with her like nothing on Futakomori happened. The last season cannot be taken as a semi-standalone, is a crime.
And I think Enma needs a body to be able to remain on the human world, and in the punishment dimension she doesn't need it, but still if she hasn't her body anymore she should not have the usual appearence.
I am serious, I was expecting a different mechanic for this one. We're at episode 2, so maybe it's early, but still the return of Enma is very very weak.

This new girl seems likeable, she has this depressing aura around her that lures me to her like a fly to a light.

Another thing I don't like are the gags.
We're 2 episodes in and they were too many, and unnecessary.
The punishments were horrible.

I wasn't expecting this.
Oct 26, 2014 12:38 AM

Nov 2013
Animefreak17a said:
It doesn't seem darker like the other two seasons but let's wait and see
I've began to notice it. The atmosphere is most certainly less dark than the previous 2 seasons.

Oct 26, 2014 12:44 AM

Nov 2013
Average episode. Nothing special.

Well that kid got screwed over. Helps out a woman in need then the woman ditches him. Hated the kid anyways. AHHHH I'M GONNA SLOWLY PULL THE THREAD WHILE SHOUTING TO MAKE IT MORE DRAMATIC! OOOOOOOOOH!

Why did that kid go through all that shit just to find out the store manager's husband's name when they don't even need to know the person's name to send them to hell?

4/5 for Onna booty

Jan 10, 2015 6:18 PM

Jun 2013
Maybe it was all just their little BDSM play and she actually liked it... Anyway, domestic violence is an issue between the parties involved and the authorities. Random kid customers have nothing to do with it (maybe call the cops or something, but nothing more).
Oct 4, 2015 5:16 PM

Aug 2014
This is turning into comedy. What the hell is up with this punishments?

Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness.
Thy actions cause men pain and suffering.
Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins.
How would you like to see what death is like?
-Enma Ai
Nov 6, 2015 3:08 AM

Jan 2014
Can anyone tell me what the words on the photo (the one showing the store clerk, her husband and a child figure) say? The words are on the flag the child figure is carrying in the photo.

I think that might be a clue, those words.

I mean if the words say "I can't live without you", that could mean the woman committed suicide.
Dec 13, 2015 4:54 AM

Jan 2012
Steven15ify said:
This is turning into comedy. What the hell is up with this punishments?

yeah like others said it's less darker than the other two seasons .

Nov 20, 2016 9:23 AM

Aug 2014
OMFG AI PLAYING SOCCER MADE ME LAUGH. Also when they plugged that shit up his ass made me laugh omfg. this episode.
Xtina is my mother!
Nov 20, 2016 9:24 AM

Aug 2014
vansonbee said:
The husband loves his wife, but was hurting her, while thinking it's for her own good. The wife on the other hand, she seem to except the beating or she's either a masochist.

I wonder why the woman left. I came up with a few theories:
- husband is gone
- age difference's between her and the boy

people in abusive relationships tend to not leave for numerous reasons. still doesn't erase the fact that they are being abused.
Xtina is my mother!
Apr 22, 2017 10:26 AM

Apr 2009
From Jigoku Shoujo to Mahou Shoujo Enma Ai.

Do we need to see Ai and that girl kiss and transform every time someone will be sent to hell?

The atmosphere of this show is gone imo.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 13, 2017 10:35 AM
Mar 2016
wait so.......i have two theories
the wife liked being beaten by her husband and disappeared for whatever reason


someone was actually stalking the wife and thats why the husband was so possessive, he wanted to know her whereabouts all the time to protect her and whenever she messed up he abused her so she wouldnt mess up again. and when the husband died she finally got kidnapped since he wasnt there to protect her. both of these theories are probably wrong but idk
Aug 11, 2017 7:25 AM

May 2015
Butt-plugging was funny :D
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Nov 3, 2017 4:07 AM

Sep 2012
at first when it showed him going in to the shop first time & googling her i could not stop laughing (it was hilarious) XD

poor kid saved the a woman, but didn't get the woman, sometimes u jus't cant win (so hes sacrifice was kind of for nothing)
but i guess it was cause the guy disappeared front of her eye's was 2much for her

abelkoontz said:
OMFG AI PLAYING SOCCER MADE ME LAUGH. Also when they plugged that shit up his ass made me laugh omfg. this episode.
FrozenRaider said:
Butt-plugging was funny :D

that was hilarious XD
Sugram22Nov 3, 2017 4:12 AM
Dec 17, 2017 9:10 AM
Jul 2014
I think this episode is darker than it seemed.
the wife knows the way her husband treats her is his own (fucked up) way of showing his love and she accepts it.
her sudden disappearance was subtle way of showing that she probably committed suicide after losing her husband.
Feb 9, 2018 1:02 AM

Oct 2015
Epic execution XD

I wonder what's causing Ai to linger and continue her job as a Hell Girl now. That poor girl doesn't deserve the suffering cray cray Ai is putting her through.
Jun 16, 2019 5:03 AM

Sep 2012
guyklc said:
I meant the wife. I just heard "keshita", which meant "disappeared". I just think it's weird why she would run away... although maybe it's because she realized having a relationship with a young boy just seems too weird.

she so her husband wanish ib thin air what to do think it does to normal ppl, she propably think he did it that he gas some power
Jun 16, 2019 5:14 AM

Sep 2012
darkmac said:
I'm kinda disappointed that people aren't being more thoughtful about this episode. The way I saw it, it was implied that the wife was a masochist and enjoyed having her husband abuse her. That's why she wasn't happy at all when her husband disappeared. The kid was the bad guy here, for killing the husband who was giving his wife exactly what she wanted.

disco said:
darkmac said:
I'm kinda disappointed that people aren't being more thoughtful about this episode. The way I saw it, it was implied that the wife was a masochist and enjoyed having her husband abuse her. That's why she wasn't happy at all when her husband disappeared. The kid was the bad guy here, for killing the husband who was giving his wife exactly what she wanted.

HOLY CRAP!! you were thinking exactly what i was! it's really sad; the kid thought he was doing her a favor. and he gives up his soul for the wrong assumption, about a boyhood crush. it's really tragic!

i have to admit that i'm really annoyed by people screaming about there being too much ecchi. can you guys maintain any maturity? i mean, really, who CARES? there's deeper stuff going on and it's pretty sad that you're so distracted by hintings of ecchi (which i don't even notice because they're so inconsequential) that you can't even discuss it properly.

if that were the case then he would be innocent meaning no bunishment scene
Jun 16, 2019 5:22 AM

Sep 2012
Teckmeister said:
Can anyone tell me what the words on the photo (the one showing the store clerk, her husband and a child figure) say? The words are on the flag the child figure is carrying in the photo.

I think that might be a clue, those words.

I mean if the words say "I can't live without you", that could mean the woman committed suicide.

if so i wish ren woul have got little involved and explain how big of a sacrifice the boy made
Oct 8, 2019 8:06 PM

Aug 2012
watching this episode, i didn't even give a second thought about the 'ecchi' scenes. props to the people here who recognized that the husband and wife were S&Ms that found true love with each other, it's a real kink that the rest of you guys obviously won't understand. and props to the people who talk about the plot instead of the 'plot'. seriously, all you people need to get your priorities straight, its barely even sexy eye candy.
Apr 20, 2020 2:44 AM
Mar 2020
Sugram22 said:
Teckmeister said:
Can anyone tell me what the words on the photo (the one showing the store clerk, her husband and a child figure) say? The words are on the flag the child figure is carrying in the photo.

I think that might be a clue, those words.

I mean if the words say "I can't live without you", that could mean the woman committed suicide.

if so i wish ren woul have got little involved and explain how big of a sacrifice the boy made

I transcribed it from the flag, いらっしゃいませ (Romanized: Irasshaimase), which in common language means "Welcome to the store", "Come on in", "How can I help you?" etc., so it's just a way of greeting someone.
Jan 31, 2021 6:49 AM

Mar 2019
Is every episode going to have a depressing ending again? I feel like that wife was actually enjoying being abused. The opening has some good parts, but I still like the s1 op way more. Though the s4 one might get the #1 spot, because it's good.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Feb 25, 2021 9:44 PM
Nov 2020
I liked this episode, so much to be drawn from it because I like to over analyze. Another tale of a stupid, selfish kid, and I mean that in the most he's-young-he-cant-help-it way. His care seems to come from pity, he's infatuated with the wife's looks, and she's nice to him- spells love to a kid. He forgets the other side of love, considering what they feel. His friend tries to get him to think it through. "Does she love him?" You can't force people to accept help. But he's too caught up in what makes sense to him and he ends up hurting her more. At that point you gotta ask, did he pull the string to free the wife or to get the husband out of the way. Hell, did the kid watch the wife out of care or obsession, maybe him and the husband aren't too different after all. I think the wife leaves in grief and she doesn't want to lead him on or outright reject him after all he's done for her. Her source of income is trashed, her husband's in hell, and some kid is talking to her about moving in with his parents and she's like "omg he's serious, not this shit again"
Ps: poor girl, has to have her spine ripped to shreds over petty grudges for the rest of the season
Jun 18, 2021 5:44 AM
busy week =_+

Dec 2014
Stupid, selfish, horny kid read too much ecchi stuff for his own good and forgot that maybe he's just stepped into a BDSM club, tried too hard to be the hero of an ecchi anime and ended up with nothing but a journey to hell after death. Also, kid's behavior when the woman declined his offer was exactly like that of her husband - one-sided, abusive, not respecting rejection. Pots and kettles lmao.

CURRENT: semi-hiatus (busy)

Nov 28, 2021 5:29 AM
Nov 2021
hirahira said:
angel999 said:

More proofs of THEM GOING ECCHI IN THIS SERIES. The popsicle reminded me
literally of Yuzuki performing a blowjob. THIS IS NO JOKE.

If you thought that, then you are just a perv :P
To me, it just looked like a girl eating a popsicle. or was it an ice cream bar?

I think it was chocolate covered banana.
May 2, 2022 9:39 AM

Mar 2011
Yumerei said:
Stupid, selfish, horny kid read too much ecchi stuff for his own good and forgot that maybe he's just stepped into a BDSM club, tried too hard to be the hero of an ecchi anime and ended up with nothing but a journey to hell after death. Also, kid's behavior when the woman declined his offer was exactly like that of her husband - one-sided, abusive, not respecting rejection. Pots and kettles lmao.

I was laughing so hard reading your comment!
May 2, 2022 9:45 AM

Mar 2011
It was fun reading old comments complaining about fan service, lewd scenes, and sexual innuendos (maybe I enjoyed this more than watching the episode). Since I'm watching this on 2022 those are so common that we no longer care.
Sep 8, 2022 3:55 PM

Jan 2020
I don't think she was supposed to be into the abuse, or at least the husband wasn't aware that they were in a BDMS relationship.

There is a single scene where she blushes when he pulls her up with the rope. However, the first abuse scene and the climax imply that she was scared, considering she screamed at Akira to run away. The husband thrashing the store also seems very stupid if they were doing it for a kink.

Finally there is the way he is desperately trying to convice Ai that he was only protecting her, which again implies that even if you believe she liked it, he wasn't aware of that, since he would have phrased that another way.

For what really happened at the end, its open for interpretation. Maybe she left because she was creeped out from her husband disappearing, maybe she loved him even though he abused her (implied by the picture), or she was stalked (the phone ringing, which could also have been her).

On a side not, I don't like how nobody really acknowledges that Ai is just back for no apparant reason, I hope it does not take until the final quarter of the season to be addressed.
No Blood. No Bone. No Ash.
Nov 12, 2022 7:34 PM
Dec 2017
another okay episode around here and lol the ecchi shit was out of nowhere lol

May 31, 2023 3:40 PM

Sep 2017
Ahhh the new overseer is boring
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
May 31, 2023 3:41 PM

Sep 2017
Ahhh the new overseer is boring
Lmaoo the annoying kid got ghosted. Serves him right
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Nov 9, 2024 8:25 PM
Mar 2015
rewatching this, I finally realised the boy was asking for the batteries on the lowest shelf so he cd perv on the thicc lady (understandable)... geez wasn't I full of innocence? I mean, with a wife this hot I don't blame the husband for getting insecure (nothing justifies his actions tho)

that transformation is so messed up; it sounds and looks so painful :( she has to "give birth" to Ai each and every time? I'd take the deep water kissing any day

S3 punishment scenes r so much fun :) Ai with twintails is *chef's kiss*
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