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Sep 3, 2017 7:11 AM

Apr 2015
Ginobi said:

1, 2 and 4. I can see exactly where you is going with her character. We’re supposed to excuse her behavior because of his dark sordid evil past. She’s going to act like a complete bastard and a stupid person for the entire show and you will continue using his sob story as a shield. Its boring and irritating.

3. She was conceived between Artoria and her sister, Morgan le Fay, through unorthodox circumstances. Artoria, normally female, was a pseudo-male at the time due to Merlin's magecraft, so Morgan enchanted her with a spell to extract sperm from her. Morgan developed it within her own ovary, and made the child into a homunculus clone of Artoria.

5. they were fighting on the beach.

6. Normal people don't act like this.

7. I'm referring to Siegfried, what's Mordred's problem with a hero dying for what he believes in? Isn't that what heroes do? Yet she mocks Siegfried for that?

8 and 9. You didn't pay attention enough to the arguments.

10. He's the only master that's been in the battlefield.

Nah, I'm not defending or excusing her behavior. I explained WHY she acts like that and it's understandable considering her circumstances. Just like any other character would be broken, heck I dare to say any little kid that lived certain way without enjoying their childhood.
And like I said before. Kiritsugu it's the same example, a terrible attitude of "cold guy" killing merciless and acting like he's trying to do good by killing, yet everyone loves him and his past is OBVIOUSLY an excuse for him to act like that. Yet some other character don't and must be hated? Just because she doesn't have a enough sad and broken past to move you? I see this double moral thing.
Lacks a valid reason of hating her unless you say "I just don't like this kind of immature attitude"

Yes I do know about that. But you said she was conceived like it was consent incestuous shit and sex between that. Not like Merlin is a freaking prick and Morgan is a crazy bitch who tried to destroy Artoria by any method just because she had resentment towards her by the point of using a little kid and brainwash it. Even yourself explain how she's created and I don't really see the "disgusting" part like she would be condemned to be a freaking abomination. If that's the case, Fran is also an abomination? All the homunculus are abominations that don't deserve to live?
This point also lack a reason of why should people hate her.

Beach? I'm guessing you're spoiling some stuff? I don't care xD and that doesn't explain anything xD

And I explained to you that Mordred doesn't have to feel pity or respect for what Siegfried believes or did, she had another way of living -yet not different at the same time- and maybe she didn't liked that he sacrificed for someone considering what happened with her and Artoria? Plus she doesn't even know what happened exactly and still, if she knew, it doesn't force her to feel pity, respect or anything positive for Siegfried sacrifice.
This is just a point of view of yourself and I respect it but is not really a reason to generally hate her.

And no, obviously normal people don't act like that. Guess what she's not a normal person. I'm pretty sure there's a reason for that silly scene and if you didn't liked it its fine but yet it lacks to be a reason of why people shouldn't like Mordred.

The only reason why Shishigo was in the battlefield, is because they were using a car as a way of mobilization and not a freaking fortress or on first place he's not sitting comfy in a big ass CASTLY. Mordred was driving and she wanted to get there as fast as she could.
And your point is that if he leaves because he clearly doesn't need to be there and logically he's no match for Karna, Vlad, Atalanta, Aquiles etc so he waits outside, he's a coward but if you don't even join you're a freaking hero?

I didn't missed anything. You just throw points of "why people like Mordred if she acts like this, etc" and I'm just explaining you that most of your points are not even valid to be a reason of hating her character.

And liked I said before. You got your "reasons" to hate her, while other people have reasons to like her regardless how "ilogic" it's for you.

I like Mordred because she's not a 100% serious character all the time and I don't like serious and "edgy cool and cold xddd" characters. I like her backstory, I like her design, I like her VA, and I could keep going on but you don't care about this. But not everyone loves her because she's "moewaifu" or saber artoria face.

And before you even dare to say it. I'm not defending "muh waifu" I'm trying to explain you why your points are not valid enough to be reasons of hating her character. If you still don't like her that's fine. But don't go around saying people don't have the right to like a character just because you miss their points.
Sep 3, 2017 7:13 AM

Apr 2016
grotesque_figure said:
How did Saber completely heal up though?

Well, she's not a human so...
Sep 3, 2017 7:18 AM

Apr 2015
LeloTheUnamused said:

Don't waste your time responding to him.
Seriously, don't.
You won't have a conversation with him, he's not here for that. Worst case scenario, he'll start spoiling stuff from the LN for no reason

But it's fun xD. But okay I won't reply him anymore haha xD
Sep 3, 2017 7:28 AM

Aug 2014
grotesque_figure said:
LeloTheUnamused said:

By using a command spell. Those can do pretty much anything and even bend reality to a degree.
iirc from the LN, her Master used it to teleport her away from Berserker, but since Berserker too had a command spell ordering her to "defeat Saber of Red", that too had an effect, making the complete evasion of Blasted Tree impossible

How did Saber completely heal up though?

She sucked up her Master's mana to heal, obviously. That's what Servants do when they're not mortally wounded.
He even complained saying "I don't have unlimited magical energy, you know" (around minute 17:05 in the episode).

Veromaye said:
LeloTheUnamused said:

Don't waste your time responding to him.
Seriously, don't.
You won't have a conversation with him, he's not here for that. Worst case scenario, he'll start spoiling stuff from the LN for no reason

But it's fun xD. But okay I won't reply him anymore haha xD

lmao I mean if you have fun you're free to respond to him.
I just said that to let you know that you won't get a proper discussion with him lol

Sep 3, 2017 7:41 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
LeloTheUnamused said:
Smudy said:
I have problems with this episode, majorly two of them:

Mordred is able to tank Frankenstein's NF without problem, even if it was command spell boosted, that was too much of a power level issue for me. That's just a problem of mine though.

Sieg dies and gets revived and it's being explained as a miracle basically (he was stabbed right fucking through the heart, come on now).

Mordred's getting more unlikable by the episodes for me and like i said before, it's NOT helping that she's about to take out Astolfo. Rooting for Sieg(fried) in this case got very easy for me now even though i don't like the fact how his revival was explained. I hope that Mordred doesn't get much more exposure.

It was still entertaining though and that's what matters most to me in this show.

Well, Mordred didn't actually tank that NP "without problem", and she wasn't boosted by a CS actually: Shishigo used one to teleport her away from Berserker, but since Fran was ordered by CS to "defeat" Saber, the attack still had an effect (if Caules didn't order "defeat Saber of Red" with his command spell, then Mordred would've really escaped that without a scratch)

Sieg is revived also thanks to Fran's NP properties. It is something thay you may not like tho, I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't criticize it if you don't like it, I was just pointing out a detail.

Mordred is... kinda a bully, yeah.
I mean, it's a war and they're supposed to kill each other so it's not a problem per se, but I can see why she's becoming less likeable for some people.

Mordred's actions don't bother me for this very same reason and especially because it's not like she knows any of them personally to even warrant her feeling anything for them

My only issue is that she's against the MC and we all know how situations like these goes -_- Plus it kinda hurt my soul to see the two best characters in Mordred and Astolfo try to kill each other :(
Sep 3, 2017 7:42 AM

Sep 2014
The fight between Mordred and Frankenstein was good. A bit disappointed that Frankenstein died early and didn't have much to do in the series. Hopefully next episode get to see other characters like Karna, Vlad III, Atalanta and Spartacus.
Sep 3, 2017 7:47 AM

May 2015
SIEG EVOLVED!!! He need special item, so you don't need grind his level to get new form.

My waifu Fran :(
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Sep 3, 2017 7:51 AM
Oct 2014
Damn...Mordred is really like the villain on this episode...
Not sure how to feel though now Fran is gone...
And possibly more to come's impossible to pick side in this anime really...
Sep 3, 2017 7:52 AM
Aug 2017
ZBlastHistory said:
She share same face with her own "Father" aka most popular face to use on saber class

But in compensation, she share same mentality as a donkey.

Given how much a inhuman evil demon Mordred has demonstrated herself, I guess she should better off be a Berserker just like Lancelot, instead of an Arthuria "defective clone" the Saber.
Sep 3, 2017 8:02 AM

Nov 2016
I guess that would be expected as daughter of Arthuria Saber, jeez the sheer power.
Sep 3, 2017 8:39 AM

May 2010
Swagernator said:
Kerozinn said:
now that berserker is dead i barely have any reason to watch this trash anymore

What a reason for dropping a show lol.

exactly thats why it isnt dropped
Sep 3, 2017 9:45 AM

Nov 2011
Smudy said:
I have problems with this episode, majorly two of them:

Mordred is able to tank Frankenstein's NF without problem, even if it was command spell boosted, that was too much of a power level issue for me. That's just a problem of mine though.

Sieg dies and gets revived and it's being explained as a miracle basically (he was stabbed right fucking through the heart, come on now).

Mordred's getting more unlikable by the episodes for me and like i said before, it's NOT helping that she's about to take out Astolfo. Rooting for Sieg(fried) in this case got very easy for me now even though i don't like the fact how his revival was explained. I hope that Mordred doesn't get much more exposure.

It was still entertaining though and that's what matters most to me in this show.

i'm seeing a lot of people calling plot armor on Mordred, when I don't think it is. Fran's master used a command spell to boost her NP. Mordred's master used a command spell to boost her defense.

And without command spells on either side I think it's very reasonable that Mordred could tank it. Lancelot's armor let him tank a hit from Via Expugnatio. Mordred's armor and Lancelot's should be about equal. They have the same rank in Endurance. Plus Mordred has battle continuation.

Via Expugnatio default rank is higher than Blasted Tree's

Also let's be real if it was not for Sieg and Astolfo Mordred would have already killed Fren when she stebbed her in the gut. She would have noticed her not vanishing and finished her off. Fran got the jump on Mordred in a 3v1 situation

I fail to see how this makes Mordred "unlikable" The black team is trying to kill her and she is out numbered. What do you want her to do bake them a cake?

Sieg's self rez is BS tho.
Sep 3, 2017 9:59 AM

Feb 2016
the amount of people that doesn't know a shit about each story of each Heroic spirit (in both, Fate universe and other Stories) is disturbing me lmao. this people should stay away from the Fate series because they simply wouldn't understand anything

that aside, amazing episode... RIP Fran-chan ;_; and mordred is really strong
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Sep 3, 2017 10:27 AM

Mar 2012
Solid episode.

I don't have a problem with the trajectory of the battles themselves, but I think this series is increasingly having a problem with impact. Perhaps it's the sloppier animation quality. Perhaps it's the fact that action scenes are now saturating the show. But I didn't feel nearly as much tension and excitement as I did for earlier episodes and that almost seems counterintuitive now that fighting is in full swing.

In other news, RIP Fran. Given how Spartacus and Siegfried both returned in some shape or form, Fran appears to be the first real casualty.
Sep 3, 2017 10:33 AM

Feb 2014
I guess even heroes don't deserve the fateful death! RIP FRAN!!

Modred is too OP!
Where is Karna?????
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Sep 3, 2017 10:45 AM

Aug 2014
dasprn said:

Where is Karna?????

Still fighting Vlad.
Most of these fights are actually happening almost at the same time
Sep 3, 2017 11:13 AM

Oct 2014
Unlike some certain other Saber we know, Mordred truely lives to the whole ''Saber class strongest class''-thing
Sep 3, 2017 11:18 AM
Jun 2016
Berserker vs Rider! Very intense battle, gonna be sad because of Berserker she was really interesting. Saber vs Saber was really cool, I mean it was so dumb that a Homunculus can fusion with Siegfried
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Sep 3, 2017 11:28 AM

Jul 2013
A good episode.
Mordrer is really strong, I really her and her master.
Sad to see Fran go, her and her master were a good duo.
Nice to see Sieg show a little more personnality.
Sep 3, 2017 11:52 AM

Jul 2013
R.I.P Fran. What a pity she had to be the first true death of this Grail War, just after the brainwashing of the previous episode ;_;

If Sieg becoming OP means we will still hearing Suwabe's voice, I'm fine.
Sep 3, 2017 12:12 PM

Feb 2014
It sucks that Fran had to die, but her noble phantasm was pretty epic though. Despite that, it wasn't enough to kill Mordred.

Astolfo is thankfully still alive and this episode has made me like him more now. =)

As for Sieg, his transformation into Siegfried was pretty interesting, but at least it leads to the fights between him and Mordred that we saw in episode 1. I'm interested to see who'll win between the two of them.

Nice episode overall. =D
Sep 3, 2017 12:18 PM

Jun 2014
Very entertaining episode as the battles continue, and the NP clash between the 2 Sabers at the end was hype. RIP Frankenstein.

jbeat said:
I'm really hoping Rider of the Black doesn't die. I really like her too.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Rider of Black is a guy lol.
thebrentinator24Sep 3, 2017 12:25 PM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 3, 2017 12:22 PM
Dec 2016
Mordred is really a beast...1vs 3 and easily character of all...and is the fight in the end the one we saw in the first ep?
Sep 3, 2017 12:45 PM
Mar 2016
Well that's it for two Sabers faced off.
Sep 3, 2017 12:45 PM

Jan 2016
forcestriker said:
Ginobi said:
I really don't understand why people like Mordred. What the fuck is wrong with people?

-She just a clinically retarded edgy asshole and also filthy, disgusting monster which was born from the incestuous relationship between two women.

-She has the mentality of a 2 year old mentally handicapped child

-She is a fathercon (a women).

-She is a selfish, egocentric brute.

-She doesn't care 'about anything anything but his generic wish to pull the sword from the stone and prove to her father (a woman) that she is worthy to be king, She also doesn't care about people around her (even a king should worries about their people as they are a part of their kingdom as even Gil understands this as they belong to him).

-She pursues a street cat in the middle of a busy city in broad daylight as though it was a retarded irrational animal.

-She mocks a hero dying for what he believes in.

-She scorns at the kind of sacrifice of Siegfried or Astolfo's principles

-She is easily provoked over silly things.

-She gets angry quickly and cries very easily over silly things.

-His master is a coward and pitiful guy, he gets scared and flees from the battlefield leaving her behind.

To be honest, she is the most generic and stereotypical character of the show, and it also doesn't help that she has an unrealistic backstory, a generic wish and a stupid motive, besides having a shit personality, but nobody cares, because she's a waifushit. The thing you need to remember is hat most of the current Fate fans only care about ''waifus'', ''servant waifu wars'' and '' pointless random battles''.


Also, Astolfo remains best girl. She's optimal girlfriend material.

Lol you know astolfo is a boy right? sorry to crush your dreams
Sep 3, 2017 12:48 PM
Apr 2015
So how exactly was jack in earlier episodes capable of fighting Mordred on more even terms (without using command spells) while Berserker and Rider barely could make a dent on her without resorting to their NB's?

Considering Jack is also a third grade servant who only could be situationally strong with her NB.
Sep 3, 2017 12:50 PM
Sep 2017
Amazing episode, but does anyone know Kotomine Shirou's soundtrack? (When he was talking about possession n' stuff). Please I really want it :((
Sep 3, 2017 12:53 PM

Sep 2016
Why in this series use "hogu" instead of "noble phantasm". Does it means something?
Sep 3, 2017 12:58 PM

Jun 2011
frenze12 said:
So how exactly was jack in earlier episodes capable of fighting Mordred on more even terms (without using command spells) while Berserker and Rider barely could make a dent on her without resorting to their NB's?

Considering Jack is also a third grade servant who only could be situationally strong with her NB.
I don't think Jack ever fought Modred head on. She used a hit and run tactic. They were about to clash but Chiron interfered
Sep 3, 2017 1:09 PM

Sep 2014
vivianme said:
Why in this series use "hogu" instead of "noble phantasm". Does it means something?

Hougu IS Noble Phantasm.

It has never been said in katakana as in Nouburu Fantazumu.

Rainful said:

Lol you know astolfo is a boy right? sorry to crush your dreams

I suggest not talking to that guy. He's a straight-up troll and starts insulting anyone who remotely disagrees with him.
The sun is a deadly laser
Sep 3, 2017 1:50 PM
Jul 2018
If Shirou Kotomine was controlling Mordred, the battle would had been more interesting.
Sep 3, 2017 1:55 PM

Dec 2013
FGO is ruining this experience for me..... the entire time they were fighting, all that I had in my head was "We have two 4 star servants going up against a 5 star (Seig hadn't transformed yet)... this is never gonna work...." >:P

You gotta feel for Caules though, he did everything in his power to support Fran-chan's decision to go berserk and let loose on Mordred, but in the end even that was not enough.

The big question I have now is: So how many Command Seals did Sishigo use just now? The way Caules was lamenting his forgetfulness made it seem like one was used to defend Mordred from Fran-chan's Noble Phantasm, whilst he also used one when he unlocked her limiters for the Seig-fried fight....

And judging by Shirou's contempt and monologue.... nevermind......... I'm betting it'd be spoilers.
Sep 3, 2017 2:18 PM

Nov 2013
L-Ryoshi said:

The big question I have now is: So how many Command Seals did Sishigo use just now? The way Caules was lamenting his forgetfulness made it seem like one was used to defend Mordred from Fran-chan's Noble Phantasm, whilst he also used one when he unlocked her limiters for the Seig-fried fight....

Correct. He used one to save Mordred from Fran's NP and a second one to give her the power boost needed to actually damage Siegfried with his super defensive NP
Sep 3, 2017 2:24 PM

Apr 2012
frenze12 said:
So how exactly was jack in earlier episodes capable of fighting Mordred on more even terms (without using command spells) while Berserker and Rider barely could make a dent on her without resorting to their NB's?

Considering Jack is also a third grade servant who only could be situationally strong with her NB.

She didn't land any damaging attacks on Mordred, but she is much faster, and at home in her fog. Rider was already hurt and exhausted from fighting Semiramis, and Riders tend to be weaker at hand-to-hand combat compared to knight classes, their specialty is strong Noble Phantasms. Plus Astolfo didn't want to fight at full power because that would leech the homunculi to death and he didn't know Sieg helped them escape. Fran just isn't really meant for the battlefield to begin with.
Sep 3, 2017 2:25 PM

Jul 2009
Ginobi said:
I really don't understand why people like Mordred. What the fuck is wrong with people?

-She just a clinically retarded edgy asshole and also filthy, disgusting monster which was born from the incestuous relationship between two women.

-She has the mentality of a 2 year old mentally handicapped child

-She is a fathercon (a women).

-She is a selfish, egocentric brute.

-She doesn't care 'about anything anything but his generic wish to pull the sword from the stone and prove to her father (a woman) that she is worthy to be king, She also doesn't care about people around her (even a king should worries about their people as they are a part of their kingdom as even Gil understands this as they belong to him).

-She pursues a street cat in the middle of a busy city in broad daylight as though it was a retarded irrational animal.

-She mocks a hero dying for what he believes in.

-She scorns at the kind of sacrifice of Siegfried or Astolfo's principles

-She is easily provoked over silly things.

-She gets angry quickly and cries very easily over silly things.

-His master is a coward and pitiful guy, he gets scared and flees from the battlefield leaving her behind.
because she is a raw diamond waifu material... like her father but with more tsundere enhancers
And this is war. If you cant stand it, go watch something else

Aside of that :
RIP FrankenMOE
Sep 3, 2017 2:32 PM

Aug 2014
L-Ryoshi said:
FGO is ruining this experience for me..... the entire time they were fighting, all that I had in my head was "We have two 4 star servants going up against a 5 star (Seig hadn't transformed yet)... this is never gonna work...." >:P

Well, in FGO terms Fran is a Berserker so she should be able to do damage lol

L-Ryoshi said:
The big question I have now is: So how many Command Seals did Sishigo use just now? The way Caules was lamenting his forgetfulness made it seem like one was used to defend Mordred from Fran-chan's Noble Phantasm, whilst he also used one when he unlocked her limiters for the Seig-fried fight....

That's right, he used two: one to save Mordred and the other to boost her in the fight with Sieg(fried)

L-Ryoshi said:
And judging by Shirou's contempt and monologue.... nevermind......... I'm betting it'd be spoilers.

Yeah, Shirou's words are hint/foreshadowing for his point of view and other stuff
Sep 3, 2017 2:37 PM

Dec 2010
I'm still confused as to whether Astolfo is a male or female. And is it just me or is the Red Faction substantially stronger than the Black Faction? Losing Siegfried was a really big blow for the Black...
Sep 3, 2017 2:43 PM

Sep 2017
Is it just me or did I not like this episode one bit? Yeah, it was an intense fight and interesting to see, but the setup of who's fighting who was just wrong. The episode is less enjoyable when you see your favorite characters fighting each other and you already know who is gonna lose.

It just breaks my heart seeing Astolfo and Fran go against, out of all the servants, Saber of Red, Mordred. They obviously had no chance of winning against a Saber especially someone like Mordred who is overpowered and strong who shows no mercy. Mordred was already deemed victorious after fighting Astolfo. I'm glad he was safe at least.

As the episodes continued, I grew a dislike for Mordred, and this episode didn't make it any better. She just ruined the fun for me. Astolfo and Fran did so much, especially Fran, who unfortunately dies after using the remainder of her power and then we see Mordred who is still standing, barley hurt... but I won't complain any further about her, since I do not clearly understand her past but I can't seem to like her at this point. I might be salty that she won, but thats just me. The outcome of the fight wasn't a surprise and expected considering shes a saber, enough said.

Based on past fights, it looks like the Red Faction is dominating over the Black Faction in terms of power, but we'll have to wait and see the other fights. I honestly like the Black Faction more as they have created so many bonds between each other compared to the Red Faction, as if the Red faction doesn't have any feelings.. it's sad to see the Black Faction falling apart and the fight between Mordred and Sieg... hes done for thats for sure. I'm interested to see how the fight ends between the two, but I'm not expecting too much.
Sep 3, 2017 3:11 PM
Jan 2015
StardustReverie said:
So fucking stupid. The servant that just killed another command spell-powered servant without breaking a sweat needs a command spell power-up and her np to even stand a chance against fucking sieg????? Am I watching dragon ball?
Should've just cut his head off while she still had the chance, although that probably wouldn't be enough to scratch him either. Now there's nothing left to stand against the awesome might of sieg.
Well Seigfried's armor completely nulifies attacks that are B-Rank and lower. Lore-wise, he's pretty OP.
My Queens

Sep 3, 2017 5:03 PM

Sep 2012
Couple of things people seem to have missed

- Sisigou used a Command Spell just like Caules did to defend Mordred, otherwise she would be dead right now.
- Mordred needs ANOTHER Command Spell to boost herself so that she can injure Siegfried because all B-Rank attacks and lower do NOTHING against him and Mordred strength is B Rank
- Sieg with Siegfried's power was overwhelming Mordred and he was not at full power since he doesn't have any prior experience fighting or in complete control of his powers. Heroic Spirit Siegfried would've destroyed her, showing his declaration in one of the earliest chapters when Vlad asks him if he could win against her and him nodding be confirmed (that's for those that were still in doubt of Siegfried > Mordred).

Looking forward to
GoldenSaltPillarSep 3, 2017 5:08 PM
Sep 3, 2017 5:24 PM

Aug 2017
Rainful said:
forcestriker said:

To be honest, she is the most generic and stereotypical character of the show, and it also doesn't help that she has an unrealistic backstory, a generic wish and a stupid motive, besides having a shit personality, but nobody cares, because she's a waifushit. The thing you need to remember is hat most of the current Fate fans only care about ''waifus'', ''servant waifu wars'' and '' pointless random battles''.


Also, Astolfo remains best girl. She's optimal girlfriend material.

Lol you know astolfo is a boy right? sorry to crush your dreams

There is absolutely nothing wrong with boys liking boys, girls liking girls, or either sex liking both genders. The heart wants what the heart wants. That's all there is to it really.

Sep 3, 2017 6:55 PM

Jan 2014
megaxer said:
A-1 Picture doesn't know what to do. if feels like there is so much plot there with a poor Direction. Cool fights but that's all, it feels empty and rushed now we are just back to ep 1 and literally nothing has happend. Ruler is pointless. i'm really disappointed as a fan of the franchise.

This is exactly how I feel, except I think the fights are horrible. A-1 Pictures should have never touched this to begin with. Berserker's Noble Phantasm looked so dumb (though her character wasn't too bad). All the fights keep jumping back and forth. In the fights, there's a lot of awkwardness and dodging.. it's so underwhelming. There's also a trap (Rider), a loli (Assassin), and Saber's character is getting annoying af. I prefer F/Z by a long shot.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 3, 2017 7:10 PM

Apr 2017
My prediction goes true, huh? Except i didnt expect Frankenstein to come at saber as well. But still dispatching them 3 vs 1 is too OP.

Contrary to others, i felt nothing when Fran used her NP and failed. I kinda expect Mordred would escape it, harmed or unscathed.

They really need to try more to make Sied much more likeable. I still dont like him.

Again... Is it wrong to have a badmouthing servant like Mordred? Is everyone have to be a good mannered one? Thats going to be cliche and boring. Finally seen her battle with Sieg, though its just teaser after Siegfried died.

Oh and poster girl Jeanne is missing.
My fav Atalanta missing too T^T

Fine episode i guess
Life isn't as fun and easy as anime.
Watch anime to bring that fun!!
Sep 3, 2017 7:23 PM
Jun 2017
Ginobi said:
I really don't understand why people like Mordred. What the fuck is wrong with people?

-She just a clinically retarded edgy asshole and also filthy, disgusting monster which was born from the incestuous relationship between two women.

-She has the mentality of a 2 year old mentally handicapped child

-She is a fathercon (a women).

-She is a selfish, egocentric brute.

-She doesn't care 'about anything anything but his generic wish to pull the sword from the stone and prove to her father (a woman) that she is worthy to be king, She also doesn't care about people around her (even a king should worries about their people as they are a part of their kingdom as even Gil understands this as they belong to him).

-She pursues a street cat in the middle of a busy city in broad daylight as though it was a retarded irrational animal.

-She mocks a hero dying for what he believes in.

-She scorns at the kind of sacrifice of Siegfried or Astolfo's principles

-She is easily provoked over silly things.

-She gets angry quickly and cries very easily over silly things.

-His master is a coward and pitiful guy, he gets scared and flees from the battlefield leaving her behind.

Now read everything you typed. That's the reason.
Sep 3, 2017 7:56 PM

Jan 2014

Next week come already please !

Sep 3, 2017 9:05 PM
Jan 2015
Pknoctis said:
I'm still confused as to whether Astolfo is a male or female. And is it just me or is the Red Faction substantially stronger than the Black Faction? Losing Siegfried was a really big blow for the Black...
Well the Red Faction has literally the two strongest servants in the War, Karna and Achilles. Semiramis is very powerful in her own right along with Mordred. Really their only weak member is Shakespeare, but even he has his usefulness.
My Queens

Sep 3, 2017 9:12 PM

Oct 2013
Swagernator said:
Kerozinn said:
now that berserker is dead i barely have any reason to watch this trash anymore

What a reason for dropping a show lol.

Lol I low-key thought Frankenstein was trash
Sep 3, 2017 10:40 PM

Jun 2013
Great episode!
Up to now i am really hate Caster of Red, he's so annoying. I have just hoped someone should crush that thing!
Sep 4, 2017 1:01 AM

Jul 2016
Rip fran, fight scene of moedred and fran was good, sumanai upgrade didn't look cool though. So where getting lots of moedred hate :^0
Sep 4, 2017 2:06 AM

Sep 2014
SH4kun said:
Couple of things people seem to have missed

- Sisigou used a Command Spell just like Caules did to defend Mordred, otherwise she would be dead right now.
- Mordred needs ANOTHER Command Spell to boost herself so that she can injure Siegfried because all B-Rank attacks and lower do NOTHING against him and Mordred strength is B Rank
- Sieg with Siegfried's power was overwhelming Mordred and he was not at full power since he doesn't have any prior experience fighting or in complete control of his powers. Heroic Spirit Siegfried would've destroyed her, showing his declaration in one of the earliest chapters when Vlad asks him if he could win against her and him nodding be confirmed (that's for those that were still in doubt of Siegfried > Mordred).

Looking forward to

While I definitely believe OG Siegfried would destroy Mordred, in the prologue, the novel explicitly shows Mordred overwhelming Siegfried(as in Sied-Siegfried).

Also I feel like that spoiler will have a cliffhanger 2 eps from now, then actually happen on the 3rd ep.
The sun is a deadly laser
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