Heyo c: Ai un anime care ti se pare atat de bun in cat neaparat trebuie vazut? M-am mai tot inspirat din lista ta :)) dar ma gandeam ca poate vrei sa vii cu o sugestie ˆ_ˆ
Saraiya Goyou was easily the best out of the three. I watched it quite a while ago, so from a little time perspective I can say that was moving... The most impressive part of the show was artstyle and OST, both togheter came out as incredible audiovisual experience. The slow, yet tense narrative of the show kept me interested till the end.
Very unconventional show which I was truly searching for. I love when anime have its unique vibe which I will rember for long time. Outside of the great work that studio Manglobe did (one of my favorite studios for sure) the ending was excellent. Maybe the whole thing was a little too similar in its convetion to Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (WATCH THIS IF YOU DIDN'T ITS GOD TIER), but I guess thats just the style of this author.
Anyways, thank you for especially this recommendation, because I had a lot of fun with this one.
Likewise, actually. My music rating site expanded to video games some years back, so I've spent the last half year snuffing the last of that wishlist off the planet. I'm 100% less sure of my favorite game, but I certainly have more options to pick from now. I may swing real hard in the other direction now and start cycling again when it's warmer (don't check where I'm from lol).
From what I understand, the two big samurai joints I haven't seen kinda transcend their genre (Kenshin and Gintama). But there's always some Kurosawa film I haven't seen, so I'm not hurtin.
I also don't have this messege anymore, but it doesn't matter. Ibara no Ou was very enjoyable, thanks to its twist around the end. I was very concerned that it will be another movie about dumb killing its characters, but there we go it was even a little though provoking. I still remember about Kokkoku and Saraiya Goyou. Now I'm doing a little movie marathon, so they still need to wait. Actually Saraiya Goyou is something that I'm kinda hyped about so seeing this in your recommendation was a very nice surprise.
Thank you again, and no, you're a really good secret santa ;)!
Yo! Take all the time you want! You have your whole life and I did give you quite a few.
Glad to hear it, brother! I think there’s a lot of above average talent on display, beyond just engaging my samurai bloodshed monkey brain. I was just finishing up with my gifts: a cyberpunk Yokohama Shopping Log retelling and Brave New World as seen through the eyes of Hideo Kojima. Having a blast.
Multumesc ^^ cu parere de rau trebuie sa spun ca nu ai ghicit, totusi ai fost pe aproape, am facut 17 =]]
Eu de obicei ma uit la anime uri terminate, niciodata nu incep ceva care este ongoing, prefer sa il vad in cateva zile cand e terminat decat sa astept cate o saptamana pentru un episod =//. Inteleg, cand muncesti nu mai ai atata timp liber la dispozitie, eu ma simt extenuata la varsta asta efectiv nici nu vreau a ma gandesc cum o sa fiu la munca =']]
God... incerc sa termin un anime de o luna =']], efectiv trag de mine, nici macar nu am vazut toate sequel urile ce le aveam din sezonul trecut. In ultimul timp sunt mai mult cu cititul decat cu vizionatul de anime uri deci probabil de asta mi-e atat de greu sa vad ceva, in ultimul timp nu este ceva ce mi-ai captat foarte mult atentia (in materie de show uri) =//
Si mie imi pare bine de cunostinta!
Imi pare rau ca ti-am raspuns dupa aproape un an, dar se vede cat de atenta sunt la partea de interactiune pe mal:)))))
All Comments (4164) Comments
Saraiya Goyou was easily the best out of the three. I watched it quite a while ago, so from a little time perspective I can say that was moving... The most impressive part of the show was artstyle and OST, both togheter came out as incredible audiovisual experience. The slow, yet tense narrative of the show kept me interested till the end.
Very unconventional show which I was truly searching for. I love when anime have its unique vibe which I will rember for long time. Outside of the great work that studio Manglobe did (one of my favorite studios for sure) the ending was excellent. Maybe the whole thing was a little too similar in its convetion to Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (WATCH THIS IF YOU DIDN'T ITS GOD TIER), but I guess thats just the style of this author.
Anyways, thank you for especially this recommendation, because I had a lot of fun with this one.
From what I understand, the two big samurai joints I haven't seen kinda transcend their genre (Kenshin and Gintama). But there's always some Kurosawa film I haven't seen, so I'm not hurtin.
I also don't have this messege anymore, but it doesn't matter. Ibara no Ou was very enjoyable, thanks to its twist around the end. I was very concerned that it will be another movie about dumb killing its characters, but there we go it was even a little though provoking. I still remember about Kokkoku and Saraiya Goyou. Now I'm doing a little movie marathon, so they still need to wait. Actually Saraiya Goyou is something that I'm kinda hyped about so seeing this in your recommendation was a very nice surprise.
Thank you again, and no, you're a really good secret santa ;)!
Glad to hear it, brother! I think there’s a lot of above average talent on display, beyond just engaging my samurai bloodshed monkey brain. I was just finishing up with my gifts: a cyberpunk Yokohama Shopping Log retelling and Brave New World as seen through the eyes of Hideo Kojima. Having a blast.
Eu de obicei ma uit la anime uri terminate, niciodata nu incep ceva care este ongoing, prefer sa il vad in cateva zile cand e terminat decat sa astept cate o saptamana pentru un episod =//. Inteleg, cand muncesti nu mai ai atata timp liber la dispozitie, eu ma simt extenuata la varsta asta efectiv nici nu vreau a ma gandesc cum o sa fiu la munca =']]
Did you enjoy the spring season anime? What's your fave/least fave show?
Nu tot timpul, dar folosesc:))))
Chiar imi pare rau:3
Si mie imi pare bine de cunostinta!
Imi pare rau ca ti-am raspuns dupa aproape un an, dar se vede cat de atenta sunt la partea de interactiune pe mal:)))))