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Mar 6, 2017 4:29 AM

Jan 2016
Can anyone explain why Julietta needs to die? She didn't kill Shino, she only deflected his shot. She is not the reason why Shino died. Shino himself was doing that kamikaze thing on last episode. Please stop this stupid one dimensional thinking. Not anyone who fights against MC team is bad! people have their reason to fight. Julietta as a soldier is very conscientious. She protected the commander of the whole fleet and successfully caused trouble to the enemy's Ace pilot even she had to sacrifice her own life. If she did the same thing but on Tekkadan's side, would you still want her to die?

Don't get me wrong. I don't want Shino die neither. Also, I'm not saying Rustal Elion is good. But Julietta is not the one who caused the death. If you really want to blame, go blame McGillis. He is the one who put Tekkadan in this situation; the one who doesn't care about anyone but himself as long as he can get the power and the goal he wants.
Mar 6, 2017 5:48 AM

Jul 2008
It looks like they are trying to end this series with all the good guys being dead 0.0 odds after odds stacked against McGillis and Tekkadan.
Mar 6, 2017 6:00 AM

Apr 2015
AnimeSoap said:
sun123 said:
The last 2 episodes were just ok. I can't understand why waste so many time screen with Julieta. That character is useless. And what's irritating me a lot is that some characters die easily, but others just don't die. Where is the coherence of the show?

Unfortunately, I don't think this season will be good as the first.

Stuff like this has been happening since season 1. Examples: Gaileo surviving. Lafter, Azee and Shino not dying against Ein. Yet Biscuit and Carta do die.
Nothing new here. Sometimes the characters die and sometimes they don't.
So if you're going to make this a point of critique don't conveniently ignore the first season.

I never ignored that situation. Actually I already complained about that in last season's episodes.
Mar 6, 2017 6:01 AM

Jan 2008
I sure didn't expect Julieta to survive but I guess she'll be one of the survivors till the end. I don't really dislike her. I just don't care much for her character. I don't blame her for Shino's death either. It's just that luck wasn't on Shino's side.
I think Julieta has a thing for Gaelio? It's pretty obvious to me but who knows if they will get a happy ending. I don't think he feels the same way about her for now but maybe eventually.

It's nice to know that Shino realized Yamagi has feelings for him. At least now we know that he wasn't oblivious to it. That enough satisfies me. As I said before, Shino's death didn't touch me much - that is if he is really dead. I liked the potentiality of a relationship between him and Yamagi but I'm not really sad that it didn't happen.
I'm sorry but I don't understand why some posters here are so worked up over this ship and comment on whatever others write especially if it's something not along the lines of Shino-Yamagi "would've" been canon. Just chill guys.

Could Atra really be pregnant? Honestly, I can't imagine she and Mikazuki did it off-screen in that episode. :p Mainly because they look too young to me but maybe it did happen. Since Mikazuki made it clear that he cares for Atra and that talk about making babies, I wouldn't rule it out but I guess we'll have to wait to know for sure. The fact that they didn't interact since that episode makes it kind of ambiguous and I kind of doubt they'd show a sex scene but I think the possibility is there. Maybe Mikazuki will die and then we will see Atra with a child.
Mar 6, 2017 6:59 AM

Dec 2008
Is McGillis dumb, or what?! Did he seriously think that he was going to remain a Brigadier General and still have clout after shitting all over Gjallahorn?!

I doubt Atra's pregnant. I think the "There is something different about you." comment is calling attention Atra being more mature when it comes to looking after and understanding Mika.
Mar 6, 2017 8:44 AM
May 2014
By now I HOPE McGillis actually plans on losing for some grand scheme.

Otherwise the only thing I will remember about the second season of this anime will be "wasted potenial".
Mar 6, 2017 9:08 AM

Sep 2011
Jin_uzuki said:
Red_Ranger_Wien said:

lol, you were the one throwing a hissy fit dood. I just pointed at you at laughed.

Kek, being smug doesn't work if you keep contracting yourself at every post:

Personally, I don't think either relationship would've happened

If you want to think Shino just wanted to get drinks with Yamagi and Guts wouldn't have liked Lafter advances agree to disagree, but... meh?

I didn't say what I think now did I

and can't even understand the implications of original post!

Keep dishing bad metaphors filed with false equivalence, I guess. In case you missed it, A and 2 work the same way in this show, the only double standards are from people like you.

Wow, you really don't get it do you? Double standards aren't a bad thing if the two things in question aren't the same.
Mar 6, 2017 9:29 AM

Apr 2009
Red_Ranger_Wien said:
Jin_uzuki said:

Kek, being smug doesn't work if you keep contracting yourself at every post:

and can't even understand the implications of original post!

Keep dishing bad metaphors filed with false equivalence, I guess. In case you missed it, A and 2 work the same way in this show, the only double standards are from people like you.

Wow, you really don't get it do you? Double standards aren't a bad thing if the two things in question aren't the same.

Try to make sense. And why these two anime couples are not same, pray tell. Is it because one is straight and one is gay?

Mar 6, 2017 12:10 PM
Aug 2011

Just a minute ago I had a thought. Maybe I'm an idiot to notice this just now or maybe someone already pointed this out, but still. I don't have the time to read all the threads here and on other sites, so I'll just put it out here:

Well... I have the feeling that this whole McGillis vs Rustal will come to an abrupt end, once a or possibly more Mobile Armors activate. Why do I think this? Well... Mobile Armors are programed to react to Ahab Reactors. And there will be a whole lot of them in Mars' general vicinity. Does anyone know how many Gunam frames will there now be gathered in, for all intents and purposes, one spot? This would also explain why Rustal is still the big bad - to chase the protagonists (Tekkadan) and their entourage to Mars, which is a oddly weird place to chace some revolitionary to. Rustal would have stayed in the Earth Sphere once the revolutionary fleet was in shambles and everyone starts retreating. Yeah, McGillis has Bael. But he could portray it as a stolen artifact, a stolen symbol, that needs to be brought back, but not right now - not in this situation. In the real world he would've stayed on Earth, consolidated his power inside Gyallarhorn, painted McGillis and Tekkadan as terrorist organisations and push a negative narative on them. Throw in an embargo on goods to or/and from Mars and you have a climate, where they surely would've been torn apart either from the inside or by the people of the Mars sphere.

So, yeah. I think the whole last arc will boil down to them (all of them) activating Mobile Armors, which will attack them and whipe out one or the other side.
Roky89Mar 6, 2017 4:14 PM
Mar 6, 2017 12:16 PM

Sep 2011
Jin_uzuki said:
Red_Ranger_Wien said:

Wow, you really don't get it do you? Double standards aren't a bad thing if the two things in question aren't the same.

Try to make sense. And why these two anime couples are not same, pray tell. Is it because one is straight and one is gay?

It is quite simple. One involves two people. The other involves two different people.
Mar 6, 2017 12:38 PM
Aug 2011
Red_Ranger_Wien said:
Jin_uzuki said:

Try to make sense. And why these two anime couples are not same, pray tell. Is it because one is straight and one is gay?

It is quite simple. One involves two people. The other involves two different people.

Has anyone thought of a different scenario for all ships? Like... for example... how most relationships in the real world go down? People that seem destined for one another often don't get to be together. And in most cases it's not because they were shot while buying teddys or delivering a failed final shot at the commander of a opposing fleet.

You people here are dense as Akihiro... and someone said he's dense as a bolder...
Mar 6, 2017 12:39 PM

Feb 2013
Jin_uzuki said:
Red_Ranger_Wien said:

Hold on, wait. Are you telling me that two completely different relationships have two different standards applied to them. My mind is blown.

No, I'm just calling him and people like him and you hypocrite. Akihiro doesn't show any interest in women, Lafer barely registered on his radar romantically. Heck last episode he even tells you he has doesn't need women (or money). But apparently it's the greatest love story never told and it would have been 100% canon.

The double standards and gay panic is hilarious. "T-they are not gay and wouldn't have worked, <random shout-up to straight couple with barely any development>, t-there is nothing gay about the show I'm watching."

(No, I'm not saying Akihiro and Lafter weren't a couple-to be.)

AnimeSoap said:

Drinking together doesn't mean that they will get together. Shino didnt seem to show interest, he did with girls though.

Shino is not a real person, if the authors want for Shino x Yamagi to be a thing, it can be a thing. There is nothing that prevent Shino in being interested in exploring his relationship with Yamagi or wanting to explore it.

The scene in episode 46 isn't used to "family-zone" Yamagi, but to

1) To explain to you why Shino hadn't noticed Yamagi's feelings until know. (Contrary to people who keep denying it until now, if a dude acted like Yamagi, you would get a clue pretty fast)
2) Show you that Shino is OK with Yamagi liking him and is quite comfortable with the fact.
3) Show you that Shino already suspected about Yamagi was interested in him.

Now with this knowledge you should re-watch episode 45. Shino gets very touchy with him, putting their helmets together (Which looks vaguely sexual at times), stroking his hairs and generally giving him looks:

(Even his "I'll bring you to a place with lots of pretty girls" has another connotation now, it looks like someone testing the waters)

Shino is aware that Yamagi may have liked him when he was doing all of this, and from Lafter's episode, he knows what means to go out alone with someone who has feelings for you:

With these facts in mind, can you say the author was actually portraying one-side desperate love that would have gone nowhere? If he did, I don't think he did it a pretty good job in episode 45 and certainly not in episode 46.

Obviously, I know enough that I can't convince you or people like you that he was open to it, I know that some people deny every gay subplot in animu until the end of time and I'm sure people will find plenty of ways to no-homo it, but I do find the double standards quite hilarious. You are not even talking about some random fujobait pairing, you are talking about a pairing that gets quite a lot of support from the staff and it's treated like any other pairing in the show:

Thank you, you made my day.
Mar 6, 2017 2:02 PM

Sep 2013
Obeley said:

Eh, there’s nothing strange about that. You want me to list the named opponents that Mika didn’t finish off or make sure that they were deader than dead?

Gaelio & McGillis: during their first fight
Ein: a couple of times
Carta: after killing Biscuit on that island, Mika somehow let her go.

And mind you that was early Mika. What Mika did to Julieta is pretty much the same with how he abandoned Ein after the later’s MS was punctured by Kimaris’ lance that Barbatos threw. In short, Mika considered him incapacitated and as good as dead if left alone, just like Julieta this episode. Ironically, the opponent in both cases turned out alive by sheer luck even though the odds are stacked against them. Julieta was even caught by the chaff explosion afterwards giving more weight to Mika’s judgement to abandon the spot as soon as possible like Orga ordered.

Yeah, I know.

Obeley said:

Wha? Seriously? Don't you know the point and significance of Almiria's flash in that scene?

I do know. We are watching the same show after all lmao. That timing didn't feel right and was very convenient. Too convenient for my liking, but, hey, this is anime. Thanks for all the intense action scenes between Gali and Makki just to slap us on the face about the forgettable Almiria scene so he can escape. Hurray. Welp, this is Okada we're talking about after all.

Obeley said:

I think the point of that plot is that we're supposed to be underwhelmed, and got angry at McGillis' naive plan and cheer Orga for punching the dude in the face like he deserved.

Ah reminding me again of Orga's awful character development. Sad.

Anyways, thanks and sorry for feeling like you needed to clarify what I already know because of my overly vague comments. This was more of me trying to understand how Okada puts the story together. Figuring out why she always starts off strong, but ruins it in the end for me. Not like she has to please me or anyone or anything. I would be lying if I said I'm not masochistic for her works though they always fail to make me appreciate them the way others seem to do. I just really can't stand it, sometimes. However, she somehow still manages to make me, and some others, cling lol. It's probably the characters or maybe I just wanted to see if she'd rinse-and-repeat. Either way, it's fascinating.
Mar 6, 2017 2:04 PM
Apr 2016
ShanaFlame said:
It looks like they are trying to end this series with all the good guys being dead 0.0 odds after odds stacked against McGillis and Tekkadan.

It seems I am profoundly STUPID remind me please WHO ARE THE GOOD GUYS?1!
Roky89 said:

Just a minute ago I had a thought. Maybe I'm an idiot to notice this just now or maybe someone already pointed this out, but still. I don't have the time to read all the threads here and on other sites, so I'll just put it out here:

Well... I have the feeling that this whole McGillis vs Rustal will come to an abrupt end, once some or possibly more Mobile Armors activate. Why do I think this? Well... Mobile Armors programed to react to Ahab Reactors. And there will be a whole lot of them in Mars' general vicinity. Does anyone know how many Gunam frames will there now be gathered in, for all intents and purposes, one spot? This would also explain why Rustal is still the big bad.

This is exactly where the series is coming. So far there were three sides to the conflict, each one with it's flaws and points deserving of admiration. But how can they choose that one side that wins and gets the "happy ending"? No how. They do it the smart way and close the circle by releasing an enemy humanity( or maybe even Gjallarhorn under Agnika Kaieru) created hunderrs of years ago - Mobile Armours that are simply bend on erradicating (humans) Gundam Frames or some kind of programmed enemies. With the fact that Agnika had the access to soul-tranfering system makes HIM creating Mobile Armours HIMSELF a worthy final encounter. It might have been that imperfect system that every created Mobile Armour got out of control and Agnika had to fight it to remain the hero of the Gjallarhorn. This is not about McGillis and Gaelio with Tekkadan sewn in, as many commentaries from people with lesser awareness suggest. This is about chaos and order, and how it all keeps going in human nature even after 300 years of some bloody conflict.
Daniel_NaumovMar 6, 2017 2:13 PM
Mar 6, 2017 8:55 PM

Mar 2014
solomon585858 said:
Why make that whore survive? Is she some kind of important character? The bitch who doesn;t have any goal in her life besides blindly serving for her master.

Can someone kill those morons already!!!

Mar 7, 2017 2:10 AM
Nov 2015
A lot of discussion happening here on different subjects. As for the Shino I think it's safe to say he might have been bi. It's already not your typical shounen in the sense that they introduce things like polygamy and war children since the first season. Gundam was always politics-heavy but here they take it to another level and try to make it more realistic. This also lets me to believe that yes in fact the main cast will end up dying, like Mika and maybe Orga. Too many red flags already, unless they will do a season 3/movie sequel, but 50 episodes/2 seasons is standard for Sunrise.
Mar 7, 2017 8:51 AM

Jul 2009
Farabeuf said:
Julietta and Iok's continuous survival is a provocation to viewers. If at the very least they would have stripped her of her vocal cords.

You see I don't mind the "bad guys" winning. What I do mind is hearing their condescending, sometimes smug, sometimes melodramatic monologues. And Julietta is the worst. Shut her the feck up.

RIGHT! Like at this rate idIOK is going to survive to the end. Julietta might still die (hopefully) but for sure I don't see us getting the satisfaction of seeing most of these assholes die.
Mar 7, 2017 7:11 PM

Jan 2013
Damn :(

Why the hell Julietta is still alive???
Please just end this...
I still hope that they can win but it looks almost impossible :(
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Mar 8, 2017 9:18 AM
Oct 2007
starkipraggy said:
luccide said:
After watching this episode, I strongly wished I could have watch the real Gundam IBO script. What I meant was, the writer meant to kill Shino and a few of the sub important characters in season 1 but the higher management stopped that from happening. Which further mean, what the writer actually planned for this season had to be slightly changed so the story can be fit in to kill whoever that was supposed to die in season 1.

Look at it this way, if they had all been killed off in S1, there wouldn't be any more meaningful characters left to kill off in S2 without having to introduce 2-3 more main characters just to off them.

Eugene was seriously on point this episode. Orga may survive the series but be stripped of his boss position.

Where did you read that she intended to kill all of them? There's still plenty of important characters to kill even after she kill who she want (definitely not all of them from what I read) to kill in season 1. And they did introduce plenty of important new characters as well.

So far the successor for Mika and his friends hasn't really done much so I am guessing the entire Tekkadan except them will die. I suspect that even if Orga or Mika survived, they will probably be handicapped more than ever.

Iok will probably survive too to take over Gjallahorn since both Rustal and Mcgillis kind of have different wrong values each to show to the public.

Julieta plot armor got even stronger after she declare that she will continue to grow stronger as a human rather than a monster in this episode.

Kudelia won't die too since it seems like she's the one telling the story of IBO.

Just some fun speculations as a fan!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 8, 2017 5:28 PM
Dec 2009
AnimeSoap said:
Jotakak said:

Shino never said it wouldn't work because Yamagi was a boy like him. He was just confused because they were all considered family but Kudelia and Atra are part of that family and are in love with Mika. Shino is an open person and it was implied that if he had lived, he would have ended up with Yamagi hence the promising to drink together alone after confirming his suspicion that he did like him.

Drinking together doesn't mean that they will get together. Shino didnt seem to show interest, he did with girls though.

Go four episodes back where Shino insists that Akihiro goes drinking with Lafter alone. He's aware Lafter had feelings for Akihiro and he understands this gesture. And in here Shino is also aware Yamagi has feelings for him. The show literally establishes the context of this kind of situation as romantic in a previous scene. Shino knew what he was doing, he was taking Yamagi out on a romantic date, just the two of them, all night long, with alcohol. You do the math.
Mar 8, 2017 5:36 PM

Mar 2014
Aiyueni said:
AnimeSoap said:

Drinking together doesn't mean that they will get together. Shino didnt seem to show interest, he did with girls though.

Go four episodes back where Shino insists that Akihiro goes drinking with Lafter alone. He's aware Lafter had feelings for Akihiro and he understands this gesture. And in here Shino is also aware Yamagi has feelings for him. The show literally establishes the context of this kind of situation as romantic in a previous scene. Shino knew what he was doing, he was taking Yamagi out on a romantic date, just the two of them, all night long, with alcohol. You do the math.

It still doesn't mean that they definitely would have gotten together. But it would have been a possibility.
Mar 9, 2017 4:01 AM
Dec 2009
AnimeSoap said:
Aiyueni said:

Go four episodes back where Shino insists that Akihiro goes drinking with Lafter alone. He's aware Lafter had feelings for Akihiro and he understands this gesture. And in here Shino is also aware Yamagi has feelings for him. The show literally establishes the context of this kind of situation as romantic in a previous scene. Shino knew what he was doing, he was taking Yamagi out on a romantic date, just the two of them, all night long, with alcohol. You do the math.

It still doesn't mean that they definitely would have gotten together. But it would have been a possibility.

True but that's beside the point. They were being set up on a romantic trajectory and the point of their scenes was to establish a future possibility (that tragically never came to be). Taking into account Yamagi being so head over heels for Shino and Shino's reaction to the realization he's being loved, I'd say their chances were good.

The Shino/Yamagi subplot seems more like a classic love story than, say the developement between Mika and Atra (who even though might very well be pregnant with Mika's child, in director's own words "isn't Mika's wife #1, that's always Orga"). And definitely second only to Naze/Amina in how much the romantic aspect of the relationship factors into it's presentation.
Mar 9, 2017 4:39 AM

Mar 2014
Aiyueni said:
AnimeSoap said:

It still doesn't mean that they definitely would have gotten together. But it would have been a possibility.

True but that's beside the point. They were being set up on a romantic trajectory and the point of their scenes was to establish a future possibility (that tragically never came to be). Taking into account Yamagi being so head over heels for Shino and Shino's reaction to the realization he's being loved, I'd say their chances were good.

The Shino/Yamagi subplot seems more like a classic love story than, say the developement between Mika and Atra (who even though might very well be pregnant with Mika's child, in director's own words "isn't Mika's wife #1, that's always Orga"). And definitely second only to Naze/Amina in how much the romantic aspect of the relationship factors into it's presentation.

I wonder if she is pregnant. That would confirm Mika's death. Kudelia should also get pregnant with Mika's offspring in that case.
Mika can be pretty romantic though; constantly embracing crying damsels and kissing them on impulse.

But yeah, RIP LafterxAkihiro and ShinoxYamagi
Mar 9, 2017 4:50 AM

Apr 2015
why the bad guys always survived, while the good guys die everywhere...
oh wait, is Tekadan the bad guys??
man, i wish Julieta died in this episode though...
Mar 9, 2017 6:07 AM
Apr 2016
michaelh19 said:
why the bad guys always survived, while the good guys die everywhere...
oh wait, is Tekadan the bad guys??
man, i wish Julieta died in this episode though...

Yo dawg, I heard this bloodthirsty simpleton crowd overwhelming the discussions... EVERYWHERE.
Define "GOOD GUYS" and define "WHY ARE THEY GOOD". This series and the whole meaning behind is flying behind those little brain of the masses. It's just a flashy show for them. Oh, tragic fate...
Mar 9, 2017 10:12 AM
Dec 2014
Daniel_Naumov said:
michaelh19 said:
why the bad guys always survived, while the good guys die everywhere...
oh wait, is Tekadan the bad guys??
man, i wish Julieta died in this episode though...

Yo dawg, I heard this bloodthirsty simpleton crowd overwhelming the discussions... EVERYWHERE.
Define "GOOD GUYS" and define "WHY ARE THEY GOOD". This series and the whole meaning behind is flying behind those little brain of the masses. It's just a flashy show for them. Oh, tragic fate...
neither mcgill's, tekkadan nor arianrhod are good guys, they're all different degrees of dick
there's still good characters, like princess sugoi and Naze, but they've both been irrelevant most of the season
Mar 9, 2017 10:30 AM

May 2015
Farabeuf said:
Julietta and Iok's continuous survival is a provocation to viewers. If at the very least they would have stripped her of her vocal cords.

You see I don't mind the "bad guys" winning. What I do mind is hearing their condescending, sometimes smug, sometimes melodramatic monologues. And Julietta is the worst. Shut her the feck up.

Agreed. Someone really needs to shut her up.
Mar 9, 2017 10:49 AM

May 2015
I'm upset with Mika. Yes Orga called him back but he could've easily killed Julieta and got back to the ship in time by
1) chopping her with the big blade thing while turning around
2) crushing her cockpit with his mobile armor leg claws
3) shooting her with ANY of his guns
4) using the mobile tail to stab her again while flying away
5) throwing her into debris/asteroid while flying away
6) stabbing her in the cockpit with his claws
Etc etc

I see no real reason for Mika to just believe she was as good as dead. Plot armor at its finest.

PS: I'm sure Isurugi could've blocked the fatal blow with his big ass Claymore. :/
Mar 9, 2017 7:22 PM
Dec 2016
White_Hawk876 said:
I'm upset with Mika. Yes Orga called him back but he could've easily killed Julieta and got back to the ship in time by
1) chopping her with the big blade thing while turning around
2) crushing her cockpit with his mobile armor leg claws
3) shooting her with ANY of his guns
4) using the mobile tail to stab her again while flying away
5) throwing her into debris/asteroid while flying away
6) stabbing her in the cockpit with his claws
Etc etc

I see no real reason for Mika to just believe she was as good as dead. Plot armor at its finest.

PS: I'm sure Isurugi could've blocked the fatal blow with his big ass Claymore. :/

Just FYI. Mika got back as quickly as he can after Orga ordered him because the area surrounding it will be caught up by the timed chaff explosion and the clock is ticking. And we're not talking about regular explosion here. It's big enough to destroy Hotarubi and spread the nano mirror chaff in surrounding area to jam all coms. Mika probably thought Julieta was as good as dead coz her MS would get caught in the explosion if he just left her there (and it did). But (un)fortunately (depending on who you ask), by sheer luck Julieta was saved after Rustal ordered his troops (including Gaelio) to search for her after the explosion. I guess her MS is tougher than Mika thought.
Mar 10, 2017 8:36 AM
Dec 2016
luccide said:

Where did you read that she intended to kill all of them? There's still plenty of important characters to kill even after she kill who she want (definitely not all of them from what I read) to kill in season 1. And they did introduce plenty of important new characters as well.

The new characters introduced this season were almost all non-pilots. Of the existing Tekkadan members, no one would have been able to take the ace pilot places without some serious development both offscreen and onscreen. Notice how they seem to be pushing Ride, but he's still a pretty weaksauce pilot? They would have to conjure up ace pilots to replace Lafter/Shino/Azee and maybe Akihiro had the S1 kills gone through, and god knows where they're going to get them from unless they convince teiwaz pilots to join by the boatload.
Mar 10, 2017 11:24 PM

Nov 2009
Orga, stripped of his boss position? Lol wut? There's no one better to fill it. And don't give me the Eugene can do it crap, there's a reason why Eugene was stripped of his 3rd group leader position at CGS when Orga came along, and that's a goddamn good reason too - because Orga is better at literally everything leadership involves, starting with charisma and daring bravery and ending with out of the box thinking and coming up with ingenious plans on his feet. People are loyal and devoted to Orga, they follow him and die for him without a question. Eugene can never imitate that, he's a good mid-tier leader and can be a good support but his caliber is incomparably smaller than Orga's.

Also, Kudelia should get pregnant with Mika's child? Just why would you go get knocked up with a kid of someone you consider a brother figure? It's been made crystal clear that the love she has for Mika is that of the family type, how blind can you be not to see it.

And those of you shouting ShinoxYamagi is canon... Yes, Yamagi's crush is canon and the fact that Shino had his suspicions, confirmed them in his talk with Eugene and treated Yamagi kindly with that in mind - and probably expecting to die soon. Everything else? Speculations, nothing more. Also, do consider the fact that Shino, unlike say Eugene, had never wanted or tried to be in a relationship more serious than a one night stand, he even acts incredulous like he can't believe it and totally doesn't get why the hell Eugene would want to willingly tie himself down with only one partner when you can have a different one every night without strings attached, and that alone killed any possibility of him entertaining a thought of entering a serious monogamous relationship with anyone, male or female, in the foreseeable future for me.
Mar 11, 2017 8:23 AM
Dec 2016
CG said:
Orga, stripped of his boss position? Lol wut? There's no one better to fill it. And don't give me the Eugene can do it crap, there's a reason why Eugene was stripped of his 3rd group leader position at CGS when Orga came along, and that's a goddamn good reason too - because Orga is better at literally everything leadership involves, starting with charisma and daring bravery and ending with out of the box thinking and coming up with ingenious plans on his feet. People are loyal and devoted to Orga, they follow him and die for him without a question. Eugene can never imitate that, he's a good mid-tier leader and can be a good support but his caliber is incomparably smaller than Orga's.

Not true. Eugene has repeatedly demonstrated that he has what it takes to lead throughout the series.

- He's definitely not lacking in charisma, despite being ribbing from mostly Shino, people still respect him as a bigshot in the organisation. This episode itself Eugene is the one who says the right things to Yamagi to console him and strengthen his determination. That's part of charisma.

- He helped plan and then personally lead multiple near-suicide missions in S1 involving himself front and centre. Even if he is a deathseeker, it still takes balls of steel to keep your cool and continue directing your men while you're trying to kill yourself. This episode itself despite literally everything going wrong Eugene is the one who drags Orga back on track and figures out what to do next on the fly.

- He's contributed to mission planning before, in fact I'm pretty sure he was the one that invented the whole "charge the enemy with the ship then do a fast turnaround" tactic that Tekkadan keeps spamming.

Literally the only thing you can fault Eugene for is lack of ambition/vision which is quite the flaw for the leader of a fledgling organisation, but not one that can't be fixed with some help from visionaries like Kudelia. If they do indeed become king of Mars, Eugene is the guy you can appoint to keep things running buttery smooth.
Mar 11, 2017 9:13 AM

Apr 2009
Orga became an awful leader with his decision to make it to the top by taking the faster and shorter road, which is causing and will cause Tekkadan's members to drop like flies. Not to mention he allied himself with a literal manchild stuck in his chuuni fantasy (Granted, he doesn't know this).

CG said:
- and probably expecting to die soon

Shino didn't expect to miss his critical shot, mess up Tekkadan's future and die trying to take the enemy capital ship. He actually expected to end the battle and take Tekkadan "to the next place". His desperation during his last scene (His VA did an excellent job!) did a pretty job at conveying it. This is a borderline character-assassination (eh) statement.

He's always been a character defined by low self worth and willingness to sacrifice himself, even his reaction to being loved is more "Who could love someone like me" , which it's why he was also never interested in romantic relationships or even considered them. (Messed up perception of love is true for a lot of Tekkadan's members, especially the human debris )

Him accepting these feelings and choosing to purse them, as well his last scene telling you explicitly he wanted to live through the battle and see the future is a pretty big
moment and the realization of his character arc:

(S1 Shino would have told him to make Ice Flowers)

(Also telling people that you know have feelings for you that you'll go out with them alone without the intention of following up it's not being kind, it's leading people on and being a manipulative jerk lol)

Mar 11, 2017 10:21 AM

Jul 2009
Omg, I am crying so much ... ShinoYama was canon... :,(
Mar 11, 2017 10:26 AM

Jul 2008
I don't like how Gaelio is using Kimaris again. The Vidar gundam looked so much better!
Mar 11, 2017 11:55 AM

Nov 2009
starkipraggy said:
Not true. Eugene has repeatedly demonstrated that he has what it takes to lead throughout the series.

Yeah, and all of what you listed is exactly why Eugene lost his spot as the leader of the 3rd group to Orga soon after Orga joined CGS - because Orga is naturally better at ALL OF THAT.

starkipraggy said:
- He's definitely not lacking in charisma, despite being ribbing from mostly Shino, people still respect him as a bigshot in the organisation. This episode itself Eugene is the one who says the right things to Yamagi to console him and strengthen his determination. That's part of charisma.
Compared to Orga, he's lacking. Besides, I'm not really sure if people skills and understanding others can be classified as charisma. By that definition Atra is charismatic too. Anyway, it's interpersonal relationship stuff, plus he was Shino's best friend so who else could've gone after Yamagi if not him. Also, remember how Maruba only knew Orga's name out of the 3rd group's kids and how terrified he was when he saw Orga was coming for him? While not remembering Eugene's name or face despite Eugene being a former leader of his company's 3rd group which ensured Maruba had worked with him before yet still had no idea who this blond kid was? That's the difference between the size of Eugene and Orga's presence and existence.

starkipraggy said:
- He helped plan and then personally lead multiple near-suicide missions in S1 involving himself front and centre. Even if he is a deathseeker, it still takes balls of steel to keep your cool and continue directing your men while you're trying to kill yourself. This episode itself despite literally everything going wrong Eugene is the one who drags Orga back on track and figures out what to do next on the fly.
Most of the planning in S1 was done exclusively by Orga and Biscuit. They were the only really capable guys at the time, while Eugene was quick to panic and couldn't read the situation to save his life much less figure out a way out (e.g. the very first battle, Eugene panicking vs Orga getting a correct read on the situation and saving all of their, and Kudelia's, hides). Eugene got better between seasons because he was specifically studying tactics and strategy to help ease the burden on his leader by taking field command off his shoulders whenever possible, so Orga started letting him do just that - under his supervision of course as we've seen in the Dawn Horizon battle. Orga is still a better commander and will always be because his military leader talents are borderline genius, especially in battles that play to his natural strengths of quick out of the box thinking and guts.

Orga is human too, is it so unbelievable and unforgivable for him to finally break under the massive strain he was enduring for a long time? It was even physically shown how he was tired and how close to breaking after revenge on Jasley.

starkipraggy said:
- He's contributed to mission planning before, in fact I'm pretty sure he was the one that invented the whole "charge the enemy with the ship then do a fast turnaround" tactic that Tekkadan keeps spamming.
No. Go rewatch episode 5 and don't try to attribute unearned credit to Eugene just because you badly want to. He didn't contribute jack to the planning. Orga came up with the idea, Biscuit refined the details and when Orga wanted to go out in a MW himself to execute the plan, Eugene volunteered and told him to stay put because he's the leader. At that stage already Eugene begrudgingly accepted how Orga was irreplaceable to them and understood his place, so why can't you?

starkipraggy said:
Literally the only thing you can fault Eugene for is lack of ambition/vision which is quite the flaw for the leader of a fledgling organisation, but not one that can't be fixed with some help from visionaries like Kudelia. If they do indeed become king of Mars, Eugene is the guy you can appoint to keep things running buttery smooth.
Eugene doesn't lack ambition. But he lacks the ability to take risks and without it, things can't run "buttery smooth", not in IBO's fucked up world. As I said, it's canon that he was the 3rd group leader before Orga came along and stole the position from him, and Eugene held a grudge against Orga for that as you can see at the beginning. Orga could easily control it though and turn it into loyalty instead because he's good at understanding people when he wants to, just look at how he won over Akihiro. In fact, I remember the producer mentioning that until he met Naze, people and their intentions were as good as transparent to Orga.

Jin_uzuki said:
Orga became an awful leader with his decision to make it to the top by taking the faster and shorter road, which is causing and will cause Tekkadan's members to drop like flies. Not to mention he allied himself with a literal manchild stuck in his chuuni fantasy (Granted, he doesn't know this)

Didn't you hear what Orga said in this episode and Eugene 2 episodes ago? The rest of Tekkadan, the senior members in particular, are just as guilty, by dumping everything on his shoulders.

Jin_uzuki said:
Shino didn't expect to miss his critical shot, mess up Tekkadan's future and die trying to take the enemy capital ship. He actually expected to end the battle and take Tekkadan "to the next place". His desperation during his last scene (His VA did an excellent job!) did a pretty job at conveying it. This is a borderline character-assassination (eh) statement.

Shino expected to die way before he suggested the suicidal plan and missed that shot. In fact, during his convo with Eugene in episode 44 it was already clear he was prepared to die when he mentioned his resolve to not hesitate. Moreover, he didn't even try to survive after his missed shot, willingly suiciding instead of trying to hide behind Hotarubi and trying to survive somehow.
CGMar 11, 2017 12:02 PM
Mar 11, 2017 12:42 PM

Apr 2009
CG said:

Didn't you hear what Orga said in this episode and Eugene 2 episodes ago? The rest of Tekkadan, the senior members in particular, are just as guilty, by dumping everything on his shoulders.

No doubt about that, I don't disagree. The bro mechanic said that too.

Shino expected to die way before he suggested the suicidal plan and missed that shot. In fact, during his convo with Eugene in episode 44 it was already clear he was prepared to die when he mentioned his resolve to not hesitate. Moreover, he didn't even try to survive after his missed shot, willingly suiciding instead of trying to hide behind Hotarubi and trying to survive somehow.

The plan was dangerous, it wasn't suicidal. (You can argue not even that dangerous since it hinged on Mika being able to keep Julietta busy so she can't precisely aim for Shino's gun... yeah.)

If he had hit the ship, the battle he would have ended immediately and they would have won. It was a "now or never" plan. Shino was in absolute despair when he failed, that's why he charged ahead (in the same way Naze did), he knew he failed their only shot to get out of the battle as winners and ultimately failed Tekkadan (And possibly jeopardize their future forever, since they are facing heavily losses), so he tried to take the enemy's capital ship out. THAT'S suicidal, but it's also something he didn't expect to happen, a last attempt to turn the tides of the battle fueled by despair and his failure after everything went to hell.

Shino had all the intention of surviving when he devised the plan, that's why he makes plans for after the battle (I'm not sure why anyone would assume he wasn't being sincere, it would look massively awful from Shino's side) and tells people he wants to see what is ahead. It's literally the conclusion to his 45 episodes long storyline. (Shino wants to see the future, Shino is OK with Yamagi) Which admittedly was pretty mismanaged and largely absent for S2.

This doesn't mean that Shino didn't think he could die (As any solider in a war), but he was clearly not the suicidal tool that he was in S1 that would tell Yamagi to make Ice flowers when he dies. Instead, he tells him he wants to see what's ahead, it's a clear-cut character development moment.
Jin_uzukiMar 11, 2017 3:38 PM

Mar 11, 2017 8:13 PM
Dec 2016
The thing is although Orga is shown to be a competent leader at the beginning, as the series progresses he appears less and less competent on screen, while Eugene is seen moving things along in the background more and more. I get that there are a lot of factors behind this, but it all seems to point to Eugene being Orga's replacement at the end of the series.

I concede that he's nowhere as charismatic and gutsy (reckless?) as Orga. He also lacks the sort of detailed military planning that Biscuit and Orga have, tactics-wise he's read up, and he's ok with execution and thinking on his feet. But the series has shown how Orga has basically gotten Tekkadan into a shithole with his mindless charging ahead. Could Eugene do any better? If Eugene had been at the helm after the end of S1, they would probably remain as a small time protection and transport company, but that's arguably better than trying to shoot the moon and losing a lot of people for it. Orga is obviously the superior military leader, but Eugene is the better peacetime leader.
Mar 12, 2017 10:04 PM

Apr 2016
Just saw the latest episode of IBO on Crunchyroll, episode 46.

I'm relieved Juiletta survived! I was legitimately scared for her when Mikazuki went into "destroy" mode and seemingly impaled her. It's going to take her years to recover, months at least, so fortunately she won't be at risk of dying (since she'll be away from the battlefield). I was truly sorry that Isurugi died; he was good man who fought for what he believed in, and only died because he wound up on the wrong side. I love how this series sets up that both sides are ultimately good people who come into conflict because of their differing ideals, which makes the whole thing truly sorrowful. Gaelio fending off and pushing away McGillis was absolutely awesome! Interesting to see how Almaria's wound had actually affected the fight, though considering McGillis is plugged into the Gundam via the Alaya system, he shouldn't theoretically need to use the hand controls (since his neural system is already linked).

Ever since episode 22 of the last season, Tekkaden has been on a downward spiral. Mikazuki has committed Orga to a fantasy that is highly unlikely to come to fruition using their brute force methods. Orga has ignored the warnings of the adults. Biscuit was the only sane member of Tekkaden that Orga actually listened to, but now that he's gone and Orga is overwhelmed, irrational peer pressure of his group, there's no stopping the herd from going over the edge of the cliff. It doesn't help that Orga is too blinded by his cause to consider negotiating with Gjallhorn or abandoning the immediate battle and push for long term changes in society. As you said, it will almost certainly be a bloodbath, and Tekkaden may very well be remembered in infamy and their societal changes reverted. My only hope is that Orga stops before it's too late.
Mar 14, 2017 2:34 AM
Mar 2012
Nice fights, but Gaelio man too many drills. Like what Mika says, Julietta talks too much, tho nothing against her beliefs & actions. Good to be consistent & stay human.
All the antagonists have much plot armor, spies & info network it's ridiculous.

Turns out Shino's not gay, but he's totally cool with gays & likes the whole tekkadan as family.
Mika weird just sitting in a hallway, probably thinking of telling Orga, but thankfully Yamagi first brought Orga back on track.
Kudelia finally not irrelevant next time.
Mar 14, 2017 3:18 AM
May 2012
is it just me or this is getting ridiculous this time around?! Tekkandan has has failed the mission but force to retreat back to base despite the death of Shino but did you know I've been expecting to see Mikazuki will avenge Shino?! NOPE!!!

THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN BECAUSE it's all about Rustal's bullshit plan!! oh right that fucker could also potentially just hijack bael and be the final boss but that would surely be a bit too cliche right? Worse than that, Iok will hijack Ryuusei go? I wonder whatever happened to Mcgillis anyway? ONLY 3 EPISODES LEFT BUT CAN RUSTAL ELION BE STOPPED??!!

Now I've seen everything. Galan Mossa, Naze's death, Jasley & etc. it's all because of Rustal Elion's bullshit plan (and so was iok).

Please don't ask me why, people. I'm just here posting my emotional statement since it keeps me a boiling rage even more over what happened in this show besides the death of characters till I'm already depressed enough with this bullcrap since nobody cares about my questions, opinions & etc that i've been asking for nowadays on MAL forum....
Mar 18, 2017 4:29 PM

Feb 2013
I was sort of glad when I thought Julietta had died... not because I dislike her... but this anime is nearing its end... needs more main characters off the stage.

Maybe Orga will get back in charge? He hasn't really been doing anything since the series started.
Mar 22, 2017 9:07 AM

Apr 2016
Shino words: .".... i like this place because there are a very different people. I want to protect Tekkandan"
When a someone is happy in a place, is better don´t change and protect althoug your lose your life, because in this life, there are few places on you can be in peace! ;)
Apr 1, 2017 3:24 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
ScarRufus said:
oh shit...

that bitch survive >.>
Fuck Julietta and Idiok plot armor.

Truest words were never spoken, that bitch and Iok fucker wont just day, plot armor on the enemy can be soo annoying, also from nowhere Shino was now into a gay romance with shorty? Came from nowhere and felt weird, but gives his death even more impact, fuck...
Apr 1, 2017 6:39 PM

Apr 2007
I'm glad they covered Yamagi's feeling for Shino a bit more. If we were left not knowing whether or not Shino picked up on it before dying, despite the obvious interactions, I would have been mad. This whole part was a nice addition to the series and it was fun seeing where it went.

Though in general Shino has impressed me a lot, especially during this season.
Apr 2, 2017 7:02 AM
Dec 2009
gophercg said:
Turns out Shino's not gay, but he's totally cool with gays & likes the whole tekkadan as family.

Shino has been confirmed to be bisexual by the director Tatsuyuki Nagai during today's fan event commemorating airing of the last episode. He was written as a bisexual right at the start when his character was being established.
Jun 8, 2017 10:03 PM

Mar 2015
Fucking hell, with four episodes to go, I'm really hoping that time is spent on Julietta finally getting sent to hell for good.
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jun 27, 2017 1:54 PM

Jan 2014
Dunno why Mika let Julietta live: he usually makes sure his opponents are dead, especially when he's this pissed off. Also looks like was right about Isurugi dying: wasn't sure how but looking back on it, him sacrificing himself for Macky was the most likely scenario.

Jin_uzuki said:
AnimeSoap said:

Shino acknowledged Yamagi's feelings but he pretty much family zoned him. It never was a realistic ship unlike Lafter and Akihiro which would have become a thing sooner or later.

lol, nice double standards you have here.

Just because it's gay it suddenly becomes "unrealistic", even though it was about as likely as Lafter x Space Guts. Unrealistic my ass.
SapewlothJun 27, 2017 1:59 PM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Oct 5, 2017 5:15 AM

Jun 2008
Wait so Chocolate man really lost and is just running to Mars? But his main fleet hardly got damaged. It was mostly allies and Tekkadan.

I guess he thought going to Mars and reorganize before losing his main fleet but it seems while he was running they decided to strip his rank. I guess now no one cares of him having Bael. His pretty much fucked. Seriously for a supposed cunning guy he really had naive plans for the end.

I call bullshit on Tekkadan retreading just like that though. They were surrounded by enemy ships and they could just leave like that?

Other than we had boring dialogues than at this point we really don't need and it seems Atra took the D in that scene with Mika on a previous episode if we are to go by the comment about her being different. She became a woman, congratulations. Mika is gonna die and leave his baby behind.
Oct 8, 2017 9:41 PM

Jan 2014
ArondightDestiny said:
Show me the scene where Shino clearly states "I would give Yamagi a chance".

When he promises to go out to drink with him, just the two of them, which he explained in a previous scene in another episode that doing that, to him, is romantic.
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