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Jump SQ.Crown to Include a New 'D.Gray-man' Story, 'Kekkai Sensen' Resumes [Update 7/3]

Jul 1, 2015 2:56 PM
News Team

Apr 2010
Scans of Jump SQ's upcoming issue have revealed more information about the first issue of its new spin-off, Jump SQ.Crown.

To be released on July 17, Jump SQ.Crown begins 5 months after another spin-off magazine, Jump SQ.19, ceased publication. First issuing quarterly and then every second month, Jump SQ.19 serialized one-shots and side-stories from Jump SQ main titles, along with original series such as Kekkai Sensen.

On hiatus since the magazine ended, Kekkai Sensen will resume in Jump SQ.Crown under the title Kekkai Sensen: Back 2 Back. The magazine will also include a new D.Gray-man story, with a colored opening page. An illustration of D.Gray-man will be featured on the front cover, and a poster will also be included. It is unknown how the chapter will be related to the series' main story.

Created by Katsura Hoshino, D.Gray-man began its serialization in Jump SQ magazine in 2004. However, the manga has been on hiatus regularly due to illnesses and injuries incurred by the mangaka, the last of which has continued since January 2013.

Source: Yaraon

Update July 3
Jump SQ.Crown's official site has opened, announcing that not only will D.Gray-man receive one chapter, but it will be resuming serialization with Kekkai Sensen.
myanimelistllcFeb 11, 2016 1:05 AM

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Jul 1, 2015 3:00 PM
Jul 2018
Finally some new Gray-man, whatever it is...maybe we can look forward to new chapters soon.
Jul 1, 2015 3:03 PM

Sep 2011
man is nightow cursed or something, trigun ends midway through due to the magazine change and now kekkai does the same thing

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 1, 2015 3:06 PM
Apr 2014
Please let this be a continuation. For god sakes its been a long ass wait for D-Gray Man and if its not a continuation that would be disappointing. Plus why the heck would you have a popular series on a front cover that's been in a haitus just for it to not be a continuation. That would be weird.
Jul 1, 2015 4:01 PM

Jan 2015
ohoho finally D Gray man :)
Jul 1, 2015 4:23 PM

Aug 2012

Even if it isn't a direct continuation, when coupled with Hoshino's instagram post it can only mean the continuation is coming.
Jul 1, 2015 4:25 PM

Aug 2012
well this is good news. how about an anime remake? please please please XD

But you'll still take damage!
Jul 1, 2015 4:29 PM

Aug 2012
Allen Walker, oh how much we missed you.

Blah to Kekkai Sensen though.

Jul 1, 2015 4:30 PM

Sep 2013
I hope Dgrayman will go back to its regular run soon. It seems the mangaka's health have improved.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Jul 1, 2015 4:34 PM

Jul 2010
Can't remember anything since this long hiatus but atleast it's finally back.
Jul 1, 2015 4:49 PM

Jul 2010
Mangaka going on health related hiatuses is always scary. Glad the mangaka seems to be feeling better.
Jul 1, 2015 4:53 PM

Apr 2014
For the love of God, let it be a new chapter. I want to see what The Earl meant, when he called Mana's name, dammit.
"I have to work harder than anyone else to make it! I'll never catch up otherwise...! I want to be like you...! Like you. The strongest hero.""
Jul 1, 2015 5:24 PM

Feb 2015
How can I not get hyped with D.Gray-man's back?! I really wish is a new chapter, but I'm trying to not get my hopes to high. At least seeing a come back of the series is amazing! Looking forward to it.
Jul 1, 2015 5:38 PM

Oct 2012
Now I'm gonna tell some friends about this and see them cry, ty.
Jul 1, 2015 6:03 PM

Aug 2008

I missed it. :')
Jul 1, 2015 6:04 PM

Apr 2015
Good news for D. Gray-man. I saw the issue image earlier today, so I'm glad this brought my hopes up. Nice for Kekkai Sensen as well.
Jul 1, 2015 6:13 PM

Nov 2011
Just hearing about D Gray Man brings a smile to my face. Good to see Kekkai Sensen getting more attention as well. I've been waiting to purchase my copies of the manga soon after the anime is done airing.
Jul 1, 2015 8:05 PM

Oct 2014
Jul 1, 2015 8:13 PM

May 2012
We had news so damn long ago that it'd be back "soon". Soon apparently didn't mean 1 year from then or so ;_;

In any case, I'm really glad we're getting back D.Gray-man anything again. Used to be a favorite of mine before it stopped for, like, 3 years.

Jul 1, 2015 8:40 PM

Mar 2008
Jul 1, 2015 8:54 PM

Jul 2012
Oh my god YES!! I'm so happy ;_;
I'll be able to read D.Gray-man again~
Jul 1, 2015 11:10 PM

Apr 2014

Oh god. I can't take it. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but DGM has been gone for so long...! I love that series far more than any other, so I'm praying it is a continuation of sorts.

At the very least, a side chapter or spinoff might point to a new continuation, and even if that isn't the case then at least I have new DGM content to hyperventilate over.
Jul 1, 2015 11:10 PM
Nov 2010
I'm pleased to see D.Gray-man might be coming back soon.
Jul 1, 2015 11:34 PM
Jul 2014
So happy right now :)
D-gray man :DDDD
Jul 2, 2015 1:58 AM

Oct 2012
It's just like Hiatus x Hiatus
Sorry I can't hold it xD

Anyway I looking forward to read it again
And maybe... maybe a remake or continuation of anime? xD
"Signature removed"
Jul 2, 2015 3:16 AM

Apr 2013
So, there was a bit of a discussion yesterday on dgrayman board about that news before the news thread was up.
Some peples here may have read it, so I want to correct what I said earlier. I said yesterday that no where on the pictures it is written that we'll get a chapter, that it's just written that we'll get color page. Which is indeed correct. However, as someone said to me on another board :

For the record, that's how magazine indicates "chapter with coloured cover page" (aka CP) for a series.

As for this being "not a D'GrayMan new chapter"... Unlike TLR (which only is attached as a poster), it's D'Gray-Man most likely coming back with new chapter, and will be serialized in the seasonal magazine. There is no indication of it being a "side-story", and the preview page imply that it's legitimately going to stay there as one of the "seller titles" to avoid JUMP NEXT's situation

The point is, YES that announcement doesn't mention a new chapter, BUT when they announce "color page" it means "chapter+with at least one colour page" rather than just the colour pages.
Since I usually don't look at manga announcements, I didn't know that magazines usually do that. Hence, while I could not see it as a chapter announcement, it seems like it IS a chapter announcement.

We'll have the final answer the 17th, but it seems like hope can be restored for peoples that were disappointed after my post :p. Apologies for wrongly killing the hype around here ^^".
Jul 2, 2015 4:06 AM

Jan 2015
Finally my fav manga will return. Took her long enough.
Jul 2, 2015 5:11 AM

Nov 2011
wtf Kekkai was on break?
Well BLOWJOB time for Nightow to get to it cos dat shit dank
Jul 2, 2015 7:42 AM

Oct 2012
My D.Gray-man is finally back :')

Jul 2, 2015 8:39 AM

Mar 2014
I just hope it picks up where it left off...but I'm still stoked that its finally coming back!
Jul 2, 2015 9:33 AM

Aug 2011
So... new chapter or not?

» Escapism.

Jul 2, 2015 11:02 AM

Jul 2008
hope they dont fuk it up
After I Crush Your Dreams......
Your Bones Will Follow......
Jul 3, 2015 10:20 AM

Aug 2014
Best news i've heard in awhile :)
Jul 3, 2015 11:35 AM

Sep 2013
JumpSQ updated the site with the announcement of DGM and the new magazine.
Jul 3, 2015 12:46 PM
News Team

Apr 2010
News Update
Jump SQ.Crown's official site has opened, announcing that D.Gray-man will not only receive one chapter, but it will be resuming serialization with Kekkai Sensen.

Submit News × GuidelinesPart of U × Color Your Night × Limelight × Headline˙⊹܀⁺☁︎˚˙⊹⁺.˙⁺
Jul 3, 2015 2:04 PM

Feb 2014
DGM *^*
Jul 3, 2015 5:04 PM

May 2012
Snow said:
News Update
Jump SQ.Crown's official site has opened, announcing that D.Gray-man will not only receive one chapter, but it will be resuming serialization with Kekkai Sensen.

Oh my god ;_; The wait...the wait is finally over.

Jul 3, 2015 6:08 PM
Mar 2014
Yes!!!!! Finally D.Gray-man is back!!! Doesn't matter if it isn't a continuation, I'll still read the hell out of it.
Jul 3, 2015 7:54 PM
Mar 2009
What's D. Gray-Man?


Good god I can't even remember what the fuck happened since it stopped years ago. Looks like I'll have to reread. Again.
Jul 3, 2015 8:06 PM

Oct 2013
Time to read a huge summary on what transpired during the entire series. Rereading the entire series is just impossible for me.
Jul 4, 2015 4:06 AM

Feb 2009
so is this magazine only every 2 months? monthly? weekly?

i feel like mangakas should be slaves and forced to put out manga at twice the speed and if they die in the process, they are just quietly replaced and no one is the wiser.

waiting a year for 6 chapters is like depressing. Ao no Exorcist is killing me lately with 3 chapters being a single conversation. fufufu chain them all to a room and whip them until its done
Jul 4, 2015 4:28 AM

Aug 2013
I nearly forgot about the existence of this series. Even with this news coming, i just can't bring myself to be excited. The latest chapters were complete shitstorm that completely blurs the line between heroes and villains and, instead of trying to answer the mystery surrounding its very premise, chose to stretch the entire thing so thin that it became quite nonsensical. Seriously, i stopped taking this series seriously once dozens of level 4 Akuma came out of nowhere and when the exorcists put more focus into fighting each other instead of going back to whatever the hell their basic reason for having superpower for.
Jul 4, 2015 7:45 AM
Apr 2014
Amiluhur said:
I nearly forgot about the existence of this series. Even with this news coming, i just can't bring myself to be excited. The latest chapters were complete shitstorm that completely blurs the line between heroes and villains and, instead of trying to answer the mystery surrounding its very premise, chose to stretch the entire thing so thin that it became quite nonsensical. Seriously, i stopped taking this series seriously once dozens of level 4 Akuma came out of nowhere and when the exorcists put more focus into fighting each other instead of going back to whatever the hell their basic reason for having superpower for.

Trust me if you reread the series it starts making a whole lot of sense. I'm not joking around. One of the reasons why it became confusing was because of the multiple haitus that kept on occurring, which affected it a lot.
Jul 4, 2015 8:01 AM

Aug 2013
Nah, i just re-read the series starting from Black Order HQ Attack arc (which still makes a lot of sense) this afternoon just after this news came out and still find myself rolling my eyes. In standard shounen scenario, at least when you just invent some deus ex machina, make it interesting, like some alternative history (or interpretation). But D.Gray-man had none of that. In that one (at least from what I read in the manga) it was just random stuff happening over and over and over…and over and over. Each chapter was an annoying “this someone got fucked up” and no end in sight; frankly I hardly get what the point of events was anyway. Also, a good writer should partially answer the questions he raised previously before stuffing things up with more questions, but in the end D. Gray-Man has done nothing of some sort. At this point it just becomes an ouroboros type tales. Stories that do not focus on reasonable storytelling, but merely making the audience more and more lost.
Jul 4, 2015 8:59 AM
Apr 2014
Amiluhur said:
Nah, i just re-read the series starting from Black Order HQ Attack arc (which still makes a lot of sense) this afternoon just after this news came out and still find myself rolling my eyes. In standard shounen scenario, at least when you just invent some deus ex machina, make it interesting, like some alternative history (or interpretation). But D.Gray-man had none of that. In that one (at least from what I read in the manga) it was just random stuff happening over and over and over…and over and over. Each chapter was an annoying “this someone got fucked up” and no end in sight; frankly I hardly get what the point of events was anyway. Also, a good writer should partially answer the questions he raised previously before stuffing things up with more questions, but in the end D. Gray-Man has done nothing of some sort. At this point it just becomes an ouroboros type tales. Stories that do not focus on reasonable storytelling, but merely making the audience more and more lost.

Well when I reread the it became more clearer. As for answering the question that she raised it will most likely be answered when the chapters start rolling in. The series is far from over and still has time to answer those questions. Plus it's great that it's quarterly schedule because it gives Hoshino time to plan the story's progression. I also understand that some of the parts are confusing which can also partially be blamed on her wrist injury but like said I said give it some time for the author to explain it.
Jul 5, 2015 11:49 PM

Aug 2012
Jul 6, 2015 10:07 AM

Apr 2011
super gewd news1!!! (':
Jul 12, 2015 8:36 AM
May 2013
Can't wait can't wait can't wait!
Jul 12, 2015 8:54 AM

Jun 2014
I've been slowly collecting the omnibus' of D.Gray-Man, absolutely terrified I'd catch up before there's new material. Thank god it's returning. Even if it's not a continuation, if Hoshino is able to draw again, it can only mean more chapters of D.Gray-Man are on its way.
Jul 16, 2015 10:25 AM

Dec 2014
Amiluhur said:
Nah, i just re-read the series starting from Black Order HQ Attack arc (which still makes a lot of sense) this afternoon just after this news came out and still find myself rolling my eyes. In standard shounen scenario, at least when you just invent some deus ex machina, make it interesting, like some alternative history (or interpretation). But D.Gray-man had none of that. In that one (at least from what I read in the manga) it was just random stuff happening over and over and over…and over and over. Each chapter was an annoying “this someone got fucked up” and no end in sight; frankly I hardly get what the point of events was anyway. Also, a good writer should partially answer the questions he raised previously before stuffing things up with more questions, but in the end D. Gray-Man has done nothing of some sort. At this point it just becomes an ouroboros type tales. Stories that do not focus on reasonable storytelling, but merely making the audience more and more lost.

Sounds like a problem for casuals like you. I just read the whole series and it all made sense for me. Some things are answered later on. If you pay attention to the plot, you wouldn't be so lost. Stop treating D. Gray-Man like a simple shonen and pay attention to the story-telling.
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