Vše nej!!! Promiň mi to zpoždění~ =))
BTW, jak si to představuješ, nacpat si do profilu ta dvě malá zlatíčka? =D A já se neustále snažím na Pandoru nemyslet! =D
Sorry for the late reply orz. You're welcome! Haha it's alright I can feel that you sincerely do love Pandora Hearts xD and it makes me as a CM happy if people like the cards I make ♥
Oh no, well hopefully you make your plans ahead of time so that you don't end up not going! Norway would be lovely to go to so don't miss out on that! And Italy is definitely something else. I really loved it. Everything was just so beautiful, old, and it was just so different from America. The atmosphere and the way people are over there are just different from what I've experienced. Plus I ate pasta and gelato just about every day I was there >U<
Haha I wasn't sure if you knew because some people from out of the US don't really know Chicago?? Because they'll always hear about Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco and everything else is just meh haha. Yes, hopefully in the near future! It's just that he lives in an area that's really expensive to live in. The rent there is ridiculous so I'd have to secure a really good job before I plan to move there. And tbh I don't want to live here forever either. I'd love to move to a different state.
I actually had a layover in London for about 20 hours on my way back from Rome. So I got to go on the double decker bus and visited Buckingham Palace. I'll go back one day but it was really fun! And I also had a layover in Paris but it was only for like a couple hours so I only stayed in the airport haha. Oh yeah, I do hear from people who go to Paris that they expect it to be super amazing from all the hype but then they end up disappointed. I'd love to go to Vienna during the Mozart Festival! I bet it's really nice during that time. Is your bf from Prague?
Yeah I remember I had a problem with inactive staff members for Noms. Like they'd just stop making stuff and not even tell me anything. Or stop using MAL. Like, at least tell me if you're going away so I know what to expect! But I'll let you know whenever I feel like making something x) I feel like I've forgotten how to make a lot of stuff with PS tbh ;-;
I work in a town not far from where I live. The commute is only 15 minute by driving. But I work at a company that builds websites and I help maintain them! What about you? I just feel super lazy all the time and it doesn't help that it's hot over here so I don't even want to go out and do stuff ><
My bf and I had planned to visit Pompeii and Florence during our trip, but we ended up scrapping those plans because we thought it'd be best to see as much as Rome during our trip since there were a lot of stuff to do. But sometime in the future we would like to go back to the other places! Especially Venice.
And yup, I am from the US. Not sure if you've heard of Chicago, but that's pretty much where I am from. My bf lives in Cali though (in the San Francisco Bay area) so I've been going there often as well. I actually just went this past weekend and arrived back home today!
Wow, so it's been a year already! Are you enjoying it? Is it super different from where you used to live? I would love to go to Europe more often. When I went to Rome, it was my first time!
Haha no worries. Although I do miss making cards, I'm not sure if I have the patience for it as I used to. And I don't want to be a semi-active gfx maker in the club either because I know you said you wanted active staff members. I'll have to think more about it then! But I'll let you know if I want to get back into that grind again XD
Yeah, same. I work full time and I'm so tired by the time I get home ;-;
I traveled to Rome for about a week! I miss it ;_; all the pasta and gelato that I ate every day... and I've been going to Cali too! Went to Los Angeles for a big anime convention here. Wow Norway! That sounds like fun!! I'd love to go to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark some day ><
Oh wow you live in Prague now? Are you there for school or did you find a job there?? I'm jealous! It must be beautiful there!
Ooh okay! I do miss making some gfx, so maybe I can make a few for an edition here and there or do some claims. I know I definitely don't have enough time to do it for multiple clubs or do every edition. XD I've gotten so lazy since my cardmaking days and since I work now, when I get home I'm just tired and want to relax, not get too stressed out. I'll send you some stuff a bit later then! This weekend, hopefully!
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Cmon T_T
Vše nejlepší k narozeninám - především hodně anime, mang a seriálů, co máš ráda! \(-^_^-)/
BTW, jak si to představuješ, nacpat si do profilu ta dvě malá zlatíčka? =D A já se neustále snažím na Pandoru nemyslet! =D
Haha I wasn't sure if you knew because some people from out of the US don't really know Chicago?? Because they'll always hear about Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco and everything else is just meh haha. Yes, hopefully in the near future! It's just that he lives in an area that's really expensive to live in. The rent there is ridiculous so I'd have to secure a really good job before I plan to move there. And tbh I don't want to live here forever either. I'd love to move to a different state.
I actually had a layover in London for about 20 hours on my way back from Rome. So I got to go on the double decker bus and visited Buckingham Palace. I'll go back one day but it was really fun! And I also had a layover in Paris but it was only for like a couple hours so I only stayed in the airport haha. Oh yeah, I do hear from people who go to Paris that they expect it to be super amazing from all the hype but then they end up disappointed. I'd love to go to Vienna during the Mozart Festival! I bet it's really nice during that time. Is your bf from Prague?
Yeah I remember I had a problem with inactive staff members for Noms. Like they'd just stop making stuff and not even tell me anything. Or stop using MAL. Like, at least tell me if you're going away so I know what to expect! But I'll let you know whenever I feel like making something x) I feel like I've forgotten how to make a lot of stuff with PS tbh ;-;
I work in a town not far from where I live. The commute is only 15 minute by driving. But I work at a company that builds websites and I help maintain them! What about you? I just feel super lazy all the time and it doesn't help that it's hot over here so I don't even want to go out and do stuff ><
And yup, I am from the US. Not sure if you've heard of Chicago, but that's pretty much where I am from. My bf lives in Cali though (in the San Francisco Bay area) so I've been going there often as well. I actually just went this past weekend and arrived back home today!
Wow, so it's been a year already! Are you enjoying it? Is it super different from where you used to live? I would love to go to Europe more often. When I went to Rome, it was my first time!
Haha no worries. Although I do miss making cards, I'm not sure if I have the patience for it as I used to. And I don't want to be a semi-active gfx maker in the club either because I know you said you wanted active staff members. I'll have to think more about it then! But I'll let you know if I want to get back into that grind again XD
Yeah, same. I work full time and I'm so tired by the time I get home ;-;
Oh wow you live in Prague now? Are you there for school or did you find a job there?? I'm jealous! It must be beautiful there!
Ooh okay! I do miss making some gfx, so maybe I can make a few for an edition here and there or do some claims. I know I definitely don't have enough time to do it for multiple clubs or do every edition. XD I've gotten so lazy since my cardmaking days and since I work now, when I get home I'm just tired and want to relax, not get too stressed out. I'll send you some stuff a bit later then! This weekend, hopefully!