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Jun 19, 2015 5:48 PM

Mar 2013
Vellamo said:
Well, is it me or Souma seems kinda megalomaniac as in obsessed with winning? I mean you would expect protagonists to be more mature and here he shows some villain characteristics. Odd. I recall back when he said he'd be the top chef at the Academy in front of all students. Here's wondering how he would act if he lost to Megumi or one of his friends.

Btw assuming this is the end of the first cour there's one or two weeks break?

This is just like the first scene of Hibike! Euphonium.

Souma is Reina crying because they didn't win, and you'd be Kumiko, sitting next to hem asking if he seriously thought he actually had a ghost of a chance of winning.
Jun 19, 2015 5:56 PM

Aug 2013
Great episode, I like the reaction of the characters in this story, the comedy is always present, but I think a little tiring the various explanations of the dishes every episode

And as I wanted to see Souma scene punching the wall after the Shukugeki, in my opinion did not have the same impact when I read the manga, but still was exciting, I look forward to continue watching ..
Jun 19, 2015 6:02 PM

Apr 2015
Tadokoro is just so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But man, Shinomiya had his own fair share of hardships
which allows the viewers to sympathize with him.

Eating bread pudding while watching this episode

Jun 19, 2015 6:11 PM

Sep 2013
megumi-chan kawaii (/>.<)/
my shipper heart is strooong
Jun 19, 2015 7:22 PM

Jun 2013
Great mid season episode but I have to agree with everyone, Megumi is just so freaking cute.

IWe have to protect that smile

Also, this flashback made me remember this flashback from Ratatouile

Jun 19, 2015 7:59 PM

Oct 2011
cried from the OST and when they lost T____T

I agree I got a Ratatouille feeling too
Jun 19, 2015 8:13 PM
Feb 2015
Great episode!! Glad they both made it and that it was a tie. Was a bit scared at firstt when he won the first 3 coins...

We can see how the guy ended ul like that. He was so focused on his recipe and not his customers and his coworkers. Is is at a dead end now and now he can come back. Megumi poor megumi don't want her to cry... Hinako is so funny to watch xD I love how she defends megumi!!
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Jun 19, 2015 8:17 PM

Nov 2007
The last thing I ever considered with Shoukugeki no Souma that I would be all teary. I am now feeling bad for dropping the manga few chapters in.

I knew they wouldn't get expelled but the way the anime executed it it was almost perfect. Megumi's tears got me real hard when she thought she finally found a place where she can belong only to see it shattered in the next minute.

Not to mention the short back story of Shinomiya and the 10 year younger Hinako <3

And then Souma's frustration. "Eat that!" to those who said Souma wins everything. And to wrap it up they managed to give us 2 minutes that showed how the dorm-mates have become close! That was special.

This anime maintains going uphill by each passing week as if there's no limit. The only other anime that maintained the same improvement with each passing week this season is Hibike! Euphonium. Real gems of the Spring 2015 season! :)
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 19, 2015 8:26 PM

Sep 2014
This adaptation is just freaking amazing. I mean, the OST was just so on-point with the scenes, especially when the piano version of Kibou no Uta just plays.And the chibi Megumi plushies as the end card for today's show is just the icing on the cake.

BTW, I found it unfair that Shinomiya was not drawn differently for the ED. Lol.

And yes! I'm a proud captain of the Megumi x Shinomiya ship (ever since I read the manga, of course!) and I'm happy that I found some crewmates thanks to this ep.
Jun 19, 2015 8:27 PM

Mar 2013
Dojima: All according to keikaku.
All the chibi Megumis were too fckn adorable haha
Souma at the end though....

This seriously was a perfect adaptation.
The OST truly gave me the feels this ep..something that the manga lacked, so I had enjoyed this far more than what I read in the manga counterpart.
TrizeptJun 19, 2015 8:31 PM
Jun 19, 2015 8:33 PM

Apr 2014
felixz said:
Good solid episode, they did a good job adapting this battle between Shinomiya and Tadokoro. I think that the scene with Souma mad at himself for losing was a bit cooler in the manga, but they still did a solid job.

Yeah, this episode was on point other than that one scene. He just didn't seem that pissed off, at least not like I remember it. The way he hit that wall I doubt it would've left a mark of any kind. Still, minor gripes.
Jun 19, 2015 8:43 PM

Sep 2013
They sure are taking their sweet ass time with this adaptation.
Everything is nicely adapted and improved with anime magic.
Hope for season 2 and 3 :)

Cooking is serious business :(
Jun 19, 2015 8:50 PM

Oct 2013
Wow that was so heartwarming. Man Shinomiya has respect for Megumi and her cooking. And Dojima has a point; although Shinomiya's dish tastes better, Megumi's is more enjoyable because it speaks out to the heart. Great episode.
Jun 19, 2015 8:54 PM

Dec 2012
ThreePointer said:
Great mid season episode but I have to agree with everyone, Megumi is just so freaking cute.

IWe have to protect that smile

Also, this flashback made me remember this flashback from Ratatouile

Dang it I wanted to bring this up. But im really glad i wasnt the only one who thought of this scene as well
Jun 19, 2015 8:54 PM

Mar 2012
idungoof said:
felixz said:
Good solid episode, they did a good job adapting this battle between Shinomiya and Tadokoro. I think that the scene with Souma mad at himself for losing was a bit cooler in the manga, but they still did a solid job.

Yeah, this episode was on point other than that one scene. He just didn't seem that pissed off, at least not like I remember it. The way he hit that wall I doubt it would've left a mark of any kind. Still, minor gripes.

I felt sort of the same about that part. Just reread that part in the manga and it does feel a little off in relative comparison, though I'm not quite sure what feels off for me. Likewise, rather minor gripe overall though since the whole episode felt quite well done.
Jun 19, 2015 9:24 PM

Jun 2013
Wow this episode was absolutely incredible!!!
Jun 19, 2015 9:25 PM

Dec 2013
What a brilliant episode for character development, Shokugeki never fails to impress.

Jun 19, 2015 9:27 PM

Aug 2012
Vellamo said:
Well, is it me or Souma seems kinda megalomaniac as in obsessed with winning? I mean you would expect protagonists to be more mature and here he shows some villain characteristics. Odd. I recall back when he said he'd be the top chef at the Academy in front of all students. Here's wondering how he would act if he lost to Megumi or one of his friends.

Btw assuming this is the end of the first cour there's one or two weeks break?

I think it's more or less just because he's hyper competitive. Being an athlete, I completely get where he's coming from in that scene -- as I can't sleep at all after a loss. Being the best in what you do means constantly winning, and naturally, losing is the worst possible outcome

More OnT: Another great episode. Loving how J.C. Staff is adapting the manga.
Alice hype is real.
Jun 19, 2015 9:43 PM

Dec 2014
Younger Shinomiya reminds me so much of Soma.

This episode honestly felt like a finale, especially the ending. So glad this is set for 2 cours.
Jun 19, 2015 9:45 PM
Jul 2018
The only thing I noticed was the voting difference from the manga and anime. But the adaptation made it much better. The OSTs were positioned perfectly! (How I love you, J.C. Staff) And yes, young Shinomiya was a total bishie. Would be aboard on the TadoShino ship.

I doubt there'll be an episode break. It only/usually happens every last week/first week of the year.
removed-userJun 19, 2015 9:50 PM
Jun 19, 2015 9:57 PM

May 2013
Words cannot imply what i can say about this episode. Man, this shokugeki served a purpose for the three of them.

Though i cant deny that i kinda felt underwhelmed to Shinomiya's backstory but still, those tears.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jun 19, 2015 10:17 PM

Oct 2010
I kinda haven't seen Isshiiki in a while with his naked bodeh~ Lol
Jun 19, 2015 10:30 PM

Oct 2013
Why are all those French people speaking Japanese?

Jun 19, 2015 10:37 PM

Apr 2015
I admit Megumi is cute, then again, why youkai?

Hinako X Shinonomiya is fate.
Jun 19, 2015 10:39 PM
May 2014
Hinako-senpai made the past few episodes for me. Glad Megumi gets to stay.
Jun 19, 2015 10:45 PM

Aug 2012
If I'm going to nitpick, I'll say that the animation needs some improvement, but overall this is a perfect adaptation. Sasuga JC! Sorry for doubting you all this time.

No matter how gross a mother's cooking is, it will always win the heart of her children. Nothing can truly beat that.
Jun 19, 2015 11:15 PM

Mar 2015
This episode made me cry tears of joy. Such inspiration. Lol, that French-chef's Japanese accent is still pretty amusing.
Jun 19, 2015 11:21 PM

Jan 2011
I'll be sad if the ED changes next episode.
Jun 19, 2015 11:54 PM
Jun 2015
The music, the animation, the whole environment that was set up in this episode was brilliant! It was emotional too and explained a lot about characters involved.

Doujima is da man. For real. And now Shinomiya doesn't feel that bad of a person :P
And after this episode, I think SoumaxMegumi is just too strong of a bond now.. really.

gr8 episode m8, i r8 8/8
Jun 20, 2015 12:20 AM

Aug 2014
They lost as expected. But there are twists for some reason that concludes the match as a draw instead. They are so lucky this Shokugeki is all according to Doujima's plan!

As always, Hinako and Shinomiya's interactions are so funny! Love the eyecatch at the middle of the episode! xD
Those two at 17's are much more HNNNGGHH-worthy!

Anyway, I'm surprised each scenes in this episode are executed nicely, the OST fits very well! Good job J.C.! Looking forward to their adaptation in the later episodes!
Jun 20, 2015 12:31 AM

Apr 2010
This was a great episode. Also made me hungry, as usual.

Can't wait to see apron senpai next episode. I missed his cheeks. It has been far too long. :3
Jun 20, 2015 12:48 AM

Dec 2014
Well people, there was your loss. You satisfied that Soma's not OP now? Kinda got his ass handed to him.
Dojima is awesome. That one character who just gets to help everyone else while being a near omniscient boss!
Shinomiya x Hinako!!!
Jun 20, 2015 1:26 AM

Feb 2012
Megumi x Souma has to happen!! Those chibi scenes of her are incredibly adorable! I wish to never see her cry.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Jun 20, 2015 1:27 AM

Dec 2014
Hinako would not shut up... I like it!!! XD no wonder she always get that grip-lift attack from Shinomiya. :)
Jun 20, 2015 1:32 AM
Oct 2007
This season is really full of surprises. Shokugeki no Souma is already a masterpiece in my personal opinion by this episode and can't wait to see the show getting better!
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Jun 20, 2015 1:36 AM

Jul 2013
Godly this episode. So Doujima planed all that, MVP confirmed.

I'm happy that Souma and Megumi can stay. This was a really good test for Megumi. I think she will be do so much better in the next tasks they will get.

Shinomiya forgot what's really important for an chef, so it also helps a lot for him.

Souma was a little bit pissed because he wanted to win. At the end it was nice to see the whole group together. This anime is pure <3

Jun 20, 2015 1:41 AM

Jun 2008
I disagree....Souma did NOT lose.

He was NOT the Head Chef nor was the item prepared his own....
Jun 20, 2015 1:43 AM

Jun 2008
Oh yeah....I also thought of Ratatouille when they showed that scene....

No one can out do the food cooked by a loving mother....NO ONE!
Jun 20, 2015 1:51 AM
Dec 2013
JustALEX said:
I disagree....Souma did NOT lose.

He was NOT the Head Chef nor was the item prepared his own....

Wouldn't have made a difference, he still would have lost. Besides, he probably realised that any dish he came up with would only be slightly better than Megumi's and thus he would still get rekt
Jun 20, 2015 2:15 AM
Apr 2013
tsanggitu said:
I'm surprised that they lost, but this is all for the better I guess

Dojima too OP
Two aspiring chefs losing against a top professional chef who has won international awards surprised you eh? >.>

Vellamo said:
Well, is it me or Souma seems kinda megalomaniac as in obsessed with winning? I mean you would expect protagonists to be more mature and here he shows some villain characteristics. Odd. I recall back when he said he'd be the top chef at the Academy in front of all students. Here's wondering how he would act if he lost to Megumi or one of his friends.

Btw assuming this is the end of the first cour there's one or two weeks break?
He is not. You'll see. And protagonists are mature? Most of them are impulsive reckless fools who doesn't know when to give up (atleast in Shonen).

TheHonestThief said:
Well people, there was your loss. You satisfied that Soma's not OP now? Kinda got his ass handed to him.
Dojima is awesome. That one character who just gets to help everyone else while being a near omniscient boss!
Shinomiya x Hinako!!!

Dojima's the dude! lol He's awesome and his reactions are hilarious (him cross-dressing XDXD).
C2FlashJun 20, 2015 2:20 AM
Jun 20, 2015 2:25 AM

Apr 2014
JustALEX said:
I disagree....Souma did NOT lose.

He was NOT the Head Chef nor was the item prepared his own....

Shinomiya wasn't even trying otherwise he would've used his signature dish.
Jun 20, 2015 2:30 AM

Jan 2015
great episode as always
Jun 20, 2015 2:33 AM

Jan 2011
I seriously must be such a softy because even though I'm up to date with the manga, I still got teary-eyed from this episode. The instrumental (piano) version of the OP song was beautiful and fit perfectly during the most emotional parts when Megumi 'lost'. Finding out about Shinomiya stagnating and couldn't trust anyone and only himself made this 'shokugeki' important for him too. Dojima is a genius, saving 2 chefs at one for different reasons.

Seeing the flashback, Hinako was totally like Megumi, Donato was like Aldini and Shinomiya was like Souma. xD It was a nice and touching moment when Shinomiya was reminded about his mother and even cried after eating Megumi's recette. Megumi used allspice to help Shinomiya's digestion to be more gentle; very caring of her. Souma definitely got frustrated since he truly felt like he 'lost' and that definitely shows that he isn't 'perfect' and still has a long way to go as a chef. Fantastic episode overall! Megumi was so adorable in this episode though. I want those 3 plushies of her, haha! <3
Jun 20, 2015 2:44 AM

Nov 2013
Z4k said:
JustALEX said:
I disagree....Souma did NOT lose.

He was NOT the Head Chef nor was the item prepared his own....

Shinomiya wasn't even trying otherwise he would've used his signature dish.
He doesn't need his signature dish to win. They said that if he used his signature dish, Megumi and Soma will quit cooking because of hard they'd lose; basically it's overkill.
Jun 20, 2015 4:57 AM

Jan 2014
By some unorthodox rules, and objections, it ended up in a tie.. somehow :P
Jun 20, 2015 5:31 AM

Apr 2011
Nice episode.
Thankfully, their dish was taken into consideration >.<

Can't wait for the next one!

Jun 20, 2015 5:34 AM

Dec 2013
Had to serve this episode with a bowl of Mac n Cheese, but in the end I managed...

The episode was just as I recall in the manga. The Shinomiya flashback was pretty much the exact same. Dojima is so boss. He could tell with just one look that Shinomiya was stagnating. In a sense, it was mostly thanks to him and his insight that Megumi was allowed to stay on. I doubt that even if Shinomiya had tasted her dish, he would have allowed her to stay had it not been for the lesson taught by Dojima.

Hinako really loves Shinomiya doesn't she? She keeps acting like a hard M, just insulting him enough to have him lay his angry hands on her... ;)

After swearing that he wouldn't lose to anyone but his dad, he has now lost one to Shinomiya. I look forward to his next evolution though, because this will only make him stronger in the long run.

Cannot wait till next week! It's the Egg Breakfast challenge, the most exciting one for Soma yet!!!
Jun 20, 2015 6:06 AM

Nov 2011
SchwingBoner said:

Moe moe kyun!

Jun 20, 2015 6:15 AM

Nov 2014
I can't ask for more.. What an excellent episode with satisfying conclusion.. all thanks to our mvp Dojima.. Dude already plan it so the shokugeki would make a big impact toward both Megumi and Shinomiya..

While i know they wouldn't get expelled, i still wonder how they'll survive it. We also have some insight about Shinomiya and i found his past is justified his attitude.. and i also like it when he tried megumi's food and it's similar with his mother's cooking that made him put a coin into megumi's plate..

I also want to mention that hinako is pretty cute in this episode. I really love her interaction with Shinomiya.. really hilarious and cute IMO XD XD

And one more thing, one of the highlight of this episode is this is the first time that souma taste "defeat" and I like his reaction. That said, i still want to see if souma can be defeated by the fellow student since like someone mention above, in this shokugeki souma is only a sous chef and he can't even choose the ingredients.. Nevertheless it's still have a big impact toward him and hope he'll get a development from this event..

So, with the end of eps 12 does the following episode will still have to do with the training camp? Since i saw isshiki from the preview :P

Overall yet another excellent episode.. Definitely can't wait to watch again next week..
Izanagi777Jun 20, 2015 6:23 AM
Reality is the lifeblood that makes a work pulse with energy. Reality itself is entertainment

Jun 20, 2015 7:01 AM

Sep 2014
Nice episode. Megumi's even more endearing now. And Shinomiya's finally showing some promise to be a great guy as well.
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