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Feb 12, 2015 5:05 AM
Darklight0303 said: See this is where it all falls apart though. He pushed the blame for what followed his stupidity, solely on Sazbaum. He shot the princess. No shit he did. But he would not have if you didn't save them in the first place. Sazbaum said it to his face that he would stop at nothing to kill the princess. He could have easily just walked by and let Inaho and Sazbaum fight each other and he could have gone to find the princess. Instead he stupidly jumped in and saved the one person who was a MORTAL threat to the princess. And then he's surprised Sazbaum actually shoots her? Slaine has not shown to take an ounce of responsibility for any of his actions. It's always the other person's fault when really it's no one but his own. It's definitely a bad decision, I already said that. Saaz shooting the princess is, of course, still entirely Saaz's fault though. Slaine didn't intentionally create the scenario where it happened, nor did he intentionally further the plot. Pretty dumb for him to be surprised Saaz shoots her though, yea. seujair31 said: Comment totally childish. Saazbaum did not attack the princess personally, but send several of his knights, attack the princess successfully inclussive in the first episode, was more apena one dub First Saazbaum stated and not threatened. Saazbaum ordered and planned the assasinou princess. The princess died however misses a dub. Trillram the Saazbaum gentleman makes clear the murders plans, Saazbaum sends several knight attack Asseylum, you call that a threat, that's a fact and Slaine is aware, Saazbaum dinner back claims that kill Asseylum. Look, seujair, if anyone's comments are childish, they are your own. I haven't come in here with any agenda, attacking anyone. I respond politely and try to have good discussion with people. Keep your unnecessary insults to yourself. As for the substance of your argument, which seems to be... uh... Saaz... attacked the princess? I know? He threatened her as well? I... know that too? Forget it. I don't really know what you are trying to say, unless it is simply "Saaz already tried to kill the princess." In which case, yes, he did. He still didn't attack Slaine personally, so I'm still not surprised Slaine can make a heated decision to save him and not the guy that that he's already shot at and who shot back at him. |
Feb 12, 2015 7:21 AM
Knight-Artorias said: So do you guys think Yuki will die or not? It's possible. Hope not tho |
Feb 12, 2015 8:32 AM
Knight-Artorias said: So do you guys think Yuki will die or not? I like Yuki, I wouldn't like that she was killed but it's a good oportunity to get Inaho's development. |
Feb 12, 2015 2:09 PM
Knight-Artorias said: So do you guys think Yuki will die or not? I'm honestly split at this stage. At first, after watching the preview, I was expecting they probably wouldn't on the basis that it was implied so heavily that if it did eventuate they've basically spoiled the entire episode right there. On the other hand, there was the emotionally charged exchange between the two in the episode just past, which could be interpreted as tightening up their relationship in the minds of the audience so that her death is all the more impactful. Its quite obvious that her fate is going to be the emotional climax of the episode, so the aforementioned factors could simply be to strengthen that sequence in favor of either eventuality. All things considered, I think she'll die. There's been a distinct lack deaths on the Terran side (fodder characters excluded), so I'm inclined to think that the writers may look to try and balance that out. Obviously, killing a character for the sake of killing a character is a terrible move, but if its fits in with the story and the progression they want for Inaho then I'm all for it (from a technical standpoint that is, I'm sure I'll be against it when it happens ;_; ). |
Feb 12, 2015 2:42 PM
Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau |
Feb 12, 2015 4:15 PM
Quick Replies this time just because i think we’ve chatted enough lol. -TV tropes does list everything and it actually has a page saying tropes aren’t good or bad. Which is completely true they’re devices, tools if you would. What’s bad/good is how one uses them. But some tropes do come across as seemingly bad at least (e.g. asspulls, plot armour) -*sigh* no I’m not saying you are a machine. that statement implied that if anyone expects everyone to think like-mindedly (like machines) then they aren’t being realistic. -don’t apply the child example to the scientific journal one, they were completely different examples. you should compare a uni student/researcher to the scientific journal because that’s what the target audience is. why the hell would a child be reading that? -u missed the point. Lemme try to explain my thinking one more time. Think about it this way: They draw up a scene and let multiple people watch it. (a) roughly 50% of viewers understood, 50% didn’t. <-can conclude scene was ambiguous/not clear. (b) 70% understood, 30% didn’t <-better job but still not ideal (c) 90% understood, 10% didn’t <-can conclude scene was pretty well done it's the same scene but the turnout decides whether it was effectively conducted. We want to design a scene so that (c) happens and not (a) or (b) because the more people who understand the content the better it shows our ability to create a good scene. (c) would be indicative of good/clear writing, (a) wouldn’t. All scenes were logical but some were presented in a better manner and therefore have higher quality. Aldnoah.Zero doesn’t have the best flow which is why i initially ever said it was poor writing. Shadzy__ mentioned the shots fired could have meant simultaneously shooting, possible but doubtful (if that is really what was meant by that scene they should of just done a cut screen). But the fact this interpretation was offered says something. -there are plenty of damsels in distress that are badass. Zelda is considered one because Link has to go save her and yet she can fight (arguably better than Link, for Zelda fanboys/girls). I never said she was the archetypal example of a damsel in distress, but she does fit the bill. Especially in the latest season, she’s pretty much been reduced to a symbolic role now. when you said main character i assumed you meant a protagonist. -ur whole superman analysis is wrong. The entire premise of the comic Superman relies on the fact this alien is SUPER and unlike us commoners. He’s fantastical so that’s why we don’t bulk at the idea of him getting critically hurt and then suddenly coming back, he can’t be compared to a normal person like Inaho which is why the trope divided superman from indian jones. That's why when we're given explanations for superman's healing it isn't farfetched and actually fits well enough. yes they have a doctor on board that can treat Inaho, but its a serious injury, all the equipment needed to heal him well is undamaged? It draws questions. -You say it isn’t unreasonable for Yuki to know how to carry Inaho properly because she's trained but that leaves much to be assumed/inferred. This is an unconscious assumption. If we have to infer too many things, isn’t that a fault in writing? -chess references was more to say that Inaho is the mastermind controlling pieces to his own compared to rugby where you rely on teamwork. the teamwork in their battles are more like follow the leader than equal division of labour. If Inko fails they wouldn’t all fail. Inaho would come up with another plan lol. Wrap-Up: Subjectively you can argue that this show has a lot of flaws, you can find it uninteresting, you can find it overdone, you can find it annoying, you can find it stupid. None of that means it's bad writing though. This is very true but i’m beginning to think you can never say if ANYTHING is good/bad if you can’t rely on some subjectivity. To start, in analyzing anything you need to come up with criteria to analyze it. Who comes up with the criteria? No matter what it would be subjective. Does good writing mean originality? emotionally-inducing? memorableness? pacing? and which are more important than the other? But going by what you’ve been saying if things can’t be described as bad because they are logical/make sense, then technically most things published can't be called bad because i doubt they would even get published without being edited/screened/approved to make sense-- we don’t let nonsensical things slide (unless nonsense is the aim…) Maybe in terms of describing whether the structure is good or not we need to look at things like quality of animation, scene transition, camera angles, and all that jazz. Though i have no expertise in these areas and couldn’t tell you whats good or bad (jerking movements maybe?) To officially conclude: KamiAlice said: I'm seriously starting to wonder if you find anything good at all, in any series. lol that tends to happen when people start to analyze things instead of just enjoying them. If there’s one thing i’ve learned from this forum (besides Slaine shot first lol) is that the more you analyze something the less you like it. it’s like when they make us analyze a book in class (The Hobbit)-- UNLESS it’s Shakespeare…you need to analyze that shit to like it (i mean hell, u can’t even understand it otherwise lol) Now time to go catch up on Tokyo Ghoul and Kiseiju. GOOD CONVERSATIONS GUYS! Been a member since 2009 and I hardly post, it's fun meeting anime fans:) |
InugirlzFeb 12, 2015 4:24 PM
Feb 12, 2015 5:08 PM
seujair31 said: Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau Hi yeah I'm new here, just saw this wanted to correct it. Unless I'm missing another poll Slaine never made it to the top 10. |
Feb 12, 2015 5:49 PM
EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau Hi yeah I'm new here, just saw this wanted to correct it. Unless I'm missing another poll Slaine never made it to the top 10. He's referring to the January edition maybe? I don't know anything about that magazine though. Edit: Hmm, took a look at the Jan and Feb 2015 and couldn't see it either. |
Shadzy_Feb 12, 2015 5:52 PM
Feb 12, 2015 6:27 PM
Shadzy_ said: EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau Hi yeah I'm new here, just saw this wanted to correct it. Unless I'm missing another poll Slaine never made it to the top 10. He's referring to the January edition maybe? I don't know anything about that magazine though. Edit: Hmm, took a look at the Jan and Feb 2015 and couldn't see it either. No, I mean the March edition, which has Kougami and Akane on the cover |
Feb 12, 2015 6:36 PM
seujair31 said: Shadzy_ said: He's referring to the January edition maybe? I don't know anything about that magazine though. Edit: Hmm, took a look at the Jan and Feb 2015 and couldn't see it either. No, I mean the March edition, which has Kougami and Akane on the cover Ah okay, so they do their publications in advance. |
Feb 12, 2015 6:52 PM
seujair31 said: Ah, okay have yet to find that one, but if what you're saying is true Inaho beat Slaine on every popularity poll and is Aldnoah.Zero's most popular character. Hard to see him getting a death flag.Shadzy_ said: EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau Hi yeah I'm new here, just saw this wanted to correct it. Unless I'm missing another poll Slaine never made it to the top 10. He's referring to the January edition maybe? I don't know anything about that magazine though. Edit: Hmm, took a look at the Jan and Feb 2015 and couldn't see it either. No, I mean the March edition, which has Kougami and Akane on the cover |
Feb 12, 2015 8:24 PM
EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Ah, okay have yet to find that one, but if what you're saying is true Inaho beat Slaine on every popularity poll and is Aldnoah.Zero's most popular character. Hard to see him getting a death flag.Shadzy_ said: EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau Hi yeah I'm new here, just saw this wanted to correct it. Unless I'm missing another poll Slaine never made it to the top 10. He's referring to the January edition maybe? I don't know anything about that magazine though. Edit: Hmm, took a look at the Jan and Feb 2015 and couldn't see it either. No, I mean the March edition, which has Kougami and Akane on the cover correct The only research that Inaho lost to Slaine was that of Animidia, which had all the main characters of free eternal, research. Animidia has a strong female audience, and yaoi fans. They judge the characters more by appearance than by their performance in the anime. the research are below The characters that are in this pequisa, it is easy to conclude that the people of this Journal Animidia, value the beauty of the character, not the content of the characters, the magazine is based players a huge amount of female pulblico and yaoi. many fans of shujo |
seujair31Feb 12, 2015 8:29 PM
Feb 12, 2015 9:36 PM
seujair31 said: EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Shadzy_ said: EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau Hi yeah I'm new here, just saw this wanted to correct it. Unless I'm missing another poll Slaine never made it to the top 10. He's referring to the January edition maybe? I don't know anything about that magazine though. Edit: Hmm, took a look at the Jan and Feb 2015 and couldn't see it either. No, I mean the March edition, which has Kougami and Akane on the cover correct The only research that Inaho lost to Slaine was that of Animidia, which had all the main characters of free eternal, research. Animidia has a strong female audience, and yaoi fans. They judge the characters more by appearance than by their performance in the anime. the research are below The characters that are in this pequisa, it is easy to conclude that the people of this Journal Animidia, value the beauty of the character, not the content of the characters, the magazine is based players a huge amount of female pulblico and yaoi. many fans of shujo So uhh.. let me get this right. You're raging because Slaine is top 5 and Inaho is #15 and you're blaming it, as always, to the yaoi fans? I guess most of us are yaoi fans guys, I didn't know that whew ._. No offence but your fanaticism to the rivalry between Inaho and Slaine is top notch, it's just a piece of animation yet you treat it like life and you bite those who disagree with you which derails the forum from time to time. |
Feb 12, 2015 10:10 PM
OfficialMikoSM said: seujair31 said: EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Ah, okay have yet to find that one, but if what you're saying is true Inaho beat Slaine on every popularity poll and is Aldnoah.Zero's most popular character. Hard to see him getting a death flag.Shadzy_ said: EveBlaze said: seujair31 said: Today, 16:24 Link #2085 karice67 さっく♥ゆうきゃん♥ほそやん Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: back in the land down under... Btw, for those who still find polls interesting, Slaine finally made it into the Newtype one, at #10! Inaho was back in at #7. (And the winners were the main characters from Psycho-Pass ) __________________ this because intelligent character is not popular hauhauhauhauhau Hi yeah I'm new here, just saw this wanted to correct it. Unless I'm missing another poll Slaine never made it to the top 10. He's referring to the January edition maybe? I don't know anything about that magazine though. Edit: Hmm, took a look at the Jan and Feb 2015 and couldn't see it either. No, I mean the March edition, which has Kougami and Akane on the cover correct The only research that Inaho lost to Slaine was that of Animidia, which had all the main characters of free eternal, research. Animidia has a strong female audience, and yaoi fans. They judge the characters more by appearance than by their performance in the anime. the research are below The characters that are in this pequisa, it is easy to conclude that the people of this Journal Animidia, value the beauty of the character, not the content of the characters, the magazine is based players a huge amount of female pulblico and yaoi. many fans of shujo So uhh.. let me get this right. You're raging because Slaine is top 5 and Inaho is #15 and you're blaming it, as always, to the yaoi fans? I guess most of us are yaoi fans guys, I didn't know that whew ._. No offence but your fanaticism to the rivalry between Inaho and Slaine is top notch, it's just a piece of animation yet you treat it like life and you bite those who disagree with you which derails the forum from time to time. you do not understand the situation and has come out firing. is research is last year, at the Anime beginning. and was the only research that Slaine character appeared, was the beginning of the season. Look look at the characters, the research, all with good appearance, and anime and sleeves with large public yaoi and female, and you saw the characters of this research. Most voted for al appearance. Because I'd be pissed. Inaho ranked at position 7 in Newtype in October, and at position 9 in November. In no Slaine whether it was cited And in the current issue of March in Newtype, Inaho appears again in position 7, and for the first time Slaine character appears in Newtype at position 10. amazing how you can distort the facts without reading. do you think a search that appears all the main characters of Free !: Eternal Summe, and you dis they are not escolhiodo by appearance, you know well what kind of audience watches Free !: Eternal Summe. And another would be nerve because if entodas other research, Inaho or was present, and on the rare occasions that appears Slaine is always behind of Inaho. you only can speak more to this day showed no real proof, or was able to prove his arguments with actual facts. you live their deceits |
seujair31Feb 12, 2015 10:16 PM
Feb 12, 2015 10:21 PM
Shadzy_ said: Knight-Artorias said: So do you guys think Yuki will die or not? I'm honestly split at this stage. At first, after watching the preview, I was expecting they probably wouldn't on the basis that it was implied so heavily that if it did eventuate they've basically spoiled the entire episode right there. On the other hand, there was the emotionally charged exchange between the two in the episode just past, which could be interpreted as tightening up their relationship in the minds of the audience so that her death is all the more impactful. Its quite obvious that her fate is going to be the emotional climax of the episode, so the aforementioned factors could simply be to strengthen that sequence in favor of either eventuality. All things considered, I think she'll die. There's been a distinct lack deaths on the Terran side (fodder characters excluded), so I'm inclined to think that the writers may look to try and balance that out. Obviously, killing a character for the sake of killing a character is a terrible move, but if its fits in with the story and the progression they want for Inaho then I'm all for it (from a technical standpoint that is, I'm sure I'll be against it when it happens ;_; ). When ever they imply that someone will die in a preview I keep thinking they wouldn't do it but then I start thinking they're just putting us in a false sense of comfort, but I also think she will die ;_; But how do you think Inaho will react to it though? |
Feb 12, 2015 11:43 PM
OfficialMikoSM said: I guess most of us are yaoi fans guys This has already been established. Anyone that disagrees with seujair31 is a frequent indulger of gay hentai. Me, you, Ninja, Shadzy, ANGRY, Inugirlz, Viktor, skudoops, AlexGK. We all have multiple Slaine yaoi torrents up as we discuss things in the thread, because why not? This is obviously all one big conspiracy against Inaho Kaizuka because he isn't as cute as Slaine-sama. We are also all children. We do not understand facts. In order to be considered full-fledged adults like seujair, you need to spam google translated fragments into multiple anime forum threads expressing your unholy hatred for fictional characters. It doesn't matter if you can't speak the language because you are God and any opinion you have is fact. Furthermore, if users don't agree or can't understand you, you flame their profile page with jpg images and insults. If anyone makes a reasonable argument or points out the hypocrisy in your posts, ignore them. Don't forget to repeat yourself 500 times on average, because otherwise people won't understand you the first time. But the most important part is to always refer to them as fanboys, even if they have previously stated their indifference towards the subject. This will mask the heavy bias that you have and completely absolve you of any mistakes you make in your "argument", because then it devolves into a character war. Love ya seujair |
Feb 13, 2015 1:55 AM
Knight-Artorias said: Shadzy_ said: Knight-Artorias said: So do you guys think Yuki will die or not? I'm honestly split at this stage. At first, after watching the preview, I was expecting they probably wouldn't on the basis that it was implied so heavily that if it did eventuate they've basically spoiled the entire episode right there. On the other hand, there was the emotionally charged exchange between the two in the episode just past, which could be interpreted as tightening up their relationship in the minds of the audience so that her death is all the more impactful. Its quite obvious that her fate is going to be the emotional climax of the episode, so the aforementioned factors could simply be to strengthen that sequence in favor of either eventuality. All things considered, I think she'll die. There's been a distinct lack deaths on the Terran side (fodder characters excluded), so I'm inclined to think that the writers may look to try and balance that out. Obviously, killing a character for the sake of killing a character is a terrible move, but if its fits in with the story and the progression they want for Inaho then I'm all for it (from a technical standpoint that is, I'm sure I'll be against it when it happens ;_; ). When ever they imply that someone will die in a preview I keep thinking they wouldn't do it but then I start thinking they're just putting us in a false sense of comfort, but I also think she will die ;_; But how do you think Inaho will react to it though? This is why I usually don't watch previews ._. And his reaction? Well, any reaction would be a nice change... Seriously though, I suppose it depends on how it all takes place. I'm really hoping it isn't a complete anticlimax... |
Feb 13, 2015 3:03 AM
Savethebestforu said: OfficialMikoSM said: I guess most of us are yaoi fans guys This has already been established. Anyone that disagrees with seujair31 is a frequent indulger of gay hentai. Me, you, Ninja, Shadzy, ANGRY, Inugirlz, Viktor, skudoops, AlexGK. We all have multiple Slaine yaoi torrents up as we discuss things in the thread, because why not? This is obviously all one big conspiracy against Inaho Kaizuka because he isn't as cute as Slaine-sama. We are also all children. We do not understand facts. In order to be considered full-fledged adults like seujair, you need to spam google translated fragments into multiple anime forum threads expressing your unholy hatred for fictional characters. It doesn't matter if you can't speak the language because you are God and any opinion you have is fact. Furthermore, if users don't agree or can't understand you, you flame their profile page with jpg images and insults. If anyone makes a reasonable argument or points out the hypocrisy in your posts, ignore them. Don't forget to repeat yourself 500 times on average, because otherwise people won't understand you the first time. But the most important part is to always refer to them as fanboys, even if they have previously stated their indifference towards the subject. This will mask the heavy bias that you have and completely absolve you of any mistakes you make in your "argument", because then it devolves into a character war. Love ya seujair you can not be fan of yaoi, you do not know what I wanted to talk. A survey of the fan base was made, and was contacted that Slaine is extremely popular with female fans, and fans of yaoi, yuri this includes also. guy wakes up I did not say that all are fans of yaoi, said ema much of Slaine fans are fans of this genre. How do you want to argue, if you use several accounts, including User Account OfficialMikoSM, is yours. one more thing as you speak before searching, and search for facts, Look at your friend's statement no topico do Look at the statement of his friend ninjastarforcex, on topic Ange Cruz ninjastarforcex said: yuri is love, yuri is life really you talk things before searching |
seujair31Feb 13, 2015 3:11 AM
Feb 13, 2015 3:07 AM
seujair31 said: Savethebestforu said: OfficialMikoSM said: I guess most of us are yaoi fans guys This has already been established. Anyone that disagrees with seujair31 is a frequent indulger of gay hentai. Me, you, Ninja, Shadzy, ANGRY, Inugirlz, Viktor, skudoops, AlexGK. We all have multiple Slaine yaoi torrents up as we discuss things in the thread, because why not? This is obviously all one big conspiracy against Inaho Kaizuka because he isn't as cute as Slaine-sama. We are also all children. We do not understand facts. In order to be considered full-fledged adults like seujair, you need to spam google translated fragments into multiple anime forum threads expressing your unholy hatred for fictional characters. It doesn't matter if you can't speak the language because you are God and any opinion you have is fact. Furthermore, if users don't agree or can't understand you, you flame their profile page with jpg images and insults. If anyone makes a reasonable argument or points out the hypocrisy in your posts, ignore them. Don't forget to repeat yourself 500 times on average, because otherwise people won't understand you the first time. But the most important part is to always refer to them as fanboys, even if they have previously stated their indifference towards the subject. This will mask the heavy bias that you have and completely absolve you of any mistakes you make in your "argument", because then it devolves into a character war. Love ya seujair you can not be fan of yaoi, you do not know what I wanted to talk. A survey of the fan base was made, and was contacted that Slaine is extremely popular with female fans, and fans of yaoi, yuri this includes also. guy wakes up I did not say that all are fans of yaoi, said ema much of Slaine fans are fans of this genre. How do you want to argue, if you use several accounts, including User Account OfficialMikoSM, is yours. I seriously doubt that being a female reader automatically means you are a yaoi/yuri/shoujou fan. Its like saying that all guys are automatically into action/harem. And did it states the voters preference ? I am curious. |
Feb 13, 2015 3:11 AM
And I am lost here. We are judging whether a character is good or bad base by his or her popularity poll ? Doesn't make sense here. Given the situation here Inaho's popularity is already a given. He has the advantage on being on the good side and having abilities which are gifted from the writers. It would take a serious plot twisting to actually try and portray Slaine in a reasonably good light while not making him another carbon copy of Inaho (ability wise) or making him forsaking his ideals which makes him unique right now, or without destroying the setting of the series. |
Viktor_OtakuFeb 13, 2015 3:17 AM
Feb 13, 2015 3:24 AM
Viktor_Otaku said: And I am lost here. We are judging whether a character is good or bad base by his or her popularity poll ? Doesn't make sense here. Face nobody ta judging it. It is a fact that users of animidia mostly choose their characters by appearance. This was a survey done constastou that most fanboy Slaine, are the Femino sex, and he has many fans of yaoi genre, I never claimed that they were all, 70 percent of fanart of Slaine, are yaoi type, the most incredible that the vast majority of them Slaine is the passive. It is difficult in the research of animidia, characters appear action, mecha, Terrorist, science fiction, usually appear characters, shojo, school, sports, Slice of Life, dramas, Shounen If you doubt, do a survey of the last 16 copies of magazines and you will see |
Feb 13, 2015 3:30 AM
seujair31 said: Viktor_Otaku said: And I am lost here. We are judging whether a character is good or bad base by his or her popularity poll ? Doesn't make sense here. Face nobody ta judging it. It is a fact that users of animidia mostly choose their characters by appearance. This was a survey done constastou that most fanboy Slaine, are the Femino sex, and he has many fans of yaoi genre, I never claimed that they were all, 70 percent of fanart of Slaine, are yaoi type, the most incredible that the vast majority of them Slaine is the passive. It is difficult in the research of animidia, characters appear action, mecha, Terrorist, science fiction, usually appear characters, shojo, school, sports, Slice of Life, dramas, Shounen If you doubt, do a survey of the last 16 copies of magazines and you will see You forget to add that a great many of those arts also includes Inaho. Which leads me to believe that Inaho is just about as popular as Slaine in that respect. Any male character can be made into Yaoi, so long as there is the desire and market for it. |
Feb 13, 2015 3:48 AM
Viktor_Otaku said: seujair31 said: Viktor_Otaku said: And I am lost here. We are judging whether a character is good or bad base by his or her popularity poll ? Doesn't make sense here. Face nobody ta judging it. It is a fact that users of animidia mostly choose their characters by appearance. This was a survey done constastou that most fanboy Slaine, are the Femino sex, and he has many fans of yaoi genre, I never claimed that they were all, 70 percent of fanart of Slaine, are yaoi type, the most incredible that the vast majority of them Slaine is the passive. It is difficult in the research of animidia, characters appear action, mecha, Terrorist, science fiction, usually appear characters, shojo, school, sports, Slice of Life, dramas, Shounen If you doubt, do a survey of the last 16 copies of magazines and you will see You forget to add that a great many of those arts also includes Inaho. Which leads me to believe that Inaho is just about as popular as Slaine in that respect. Any male character can be made into Yaoi, so long as there is the desire and market for it. always as active, you search vera, the fans of Slaine like it to be gay, if you look at it next to any male character Aldnoa.Zero, always in the role of women |
Feb 13, 2015 3:55 AM
seujair31 said: Viktor_Otaku said: seujair31 said: Viktor_Otaku said: And I am lost here. We are judging whether a character is good or bad base by his or her popularity poll ? Doesn't make sense here. Face nobody ta judging it. It is a fact that users of animidia mostly choose their characters by appearance. This was a survey done constastou that most fanboy Slaine, are the Femino sex, and he has many fans of yaoi genre, I never claimed that they were all, 70 percent of fanart of Slaine, are yaoi type, the most incredible that the vast majority of them Slaine is the passive. It is difficult in the research of animidia, characters appear action, mecha, Terrorist, science fiction, usually appear characters, shojo, school, sports, Slice of Life, dramas, Shounen If you doubt, do a survey of the last 16 copies of magazines and you will see You forget to add that a great many of those arts also includes Inaho. Which leads me to believe that Inaho is just about as popular as Slaine in that respect. Any male character can be made into Yaoi, so long as there is the desire and market for it. always as active, you search vera, the fans of Slaine like it to be gay, if you look at it next to any male character Aldnoa.Zero, always in the role of women Can you rephrase that because I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to convey here......... |
Feb 13, 2015 4:49 AM
Viktor_Otaku said: seujair31 said: Viktor_Otaku said: seujair31 said: Viktor_Otaku said: And I am lost here. We are judging whether a character is good or bad base by his or her popularity poll ? Doesn't make sense here. Face nobody ta judging it. It is a fact that users of animidia mostly choose their characters by appearance. This was a survey done constastou that most fanboy Slaine, are the Femino sex, and he has many fans of yaoi genre, I never claimed that they were all, 70 percent of fanart of Slaine, are yaoi type, the most incredible that the vast majority of them Slaine is the passive. It is difficult in the research of animidia, characters appear action, mecha, Terrorist, science fiction, usually appear characters, shojo, school, sports, Slice of Life, dramas, Shounen If you doubt, do a survey of the last 16 copies of magazines and you will see You forget to add that a great many of those arts also includes Inaho. Which leads me to believe that Inaho is just about as popular as Slaine in that respect. Any male character can be made into Yaoi, so long as there is the desire and market for it. always as active, you search vera, the fans of Slaine like it to be gay, if you look at it next to any male character Aldnoa.Zero, always in the role of women Can you rephrase that because I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to convey here......... Basically he means that in most of those fanarts in question Slaine is the woman/Uke to the other character in the same art. |
Feb 13, 2015 5:12 AM
seujair31 said: Viktor_Otaku said: And I am lost here. We are judging whether a character is good or bad base by his or her popularity poll ? Doesn't make sense here. Face nobody ta judging it. It is a fact that users of animidia mostly choose their characters by appearance. This was a survey done constastou that most fanboy Slaine, are the Femino sex, and he has many fans of yaoi genre, I never claimed that they were all, 70 percent of fanart of Slaine, are yaoi type, the most incredible that the vast majority of them Slaine is the passive. It is difficult in the research of animidia, characters appear action, mecha, Terrorist, science fiction, usually appear characters, shojo, school, sports, Slice of Life, dramas, Shounen If you doubt, do a survey of the last 16 copies of magazines and you will see Takako Shimura knews it what she was creating :D |
Feb 13, 2015 6:38 AM
Let's face the truth, people. The most used argument in this sub-forum is basically this: |
Feb 13, 2015 8:57 AM
There is a roughly equal amount of arts that shows both Inaho and Slaine in both positions so the argument that Slaine is being portrayed as being a women more falls flat. And in a stricter sense there is really no definition between the position of guy and girl in yaoi because they are both.......... well guys. |
Feb 13, 2015 8:59 AM
Grey-Zone said: Let's face the truth, people. The most used argument in this sub-forum is basically this: Don't forget a healthy does of ad homenim attacks as well. |
Feb 13, 2015 9:02 AM
Viktor_Otaku said: Grey-Zone said: Let's face the truth, people. The most used argument in this sub-forum is basically this: Don't forget a healthy does of ad homenim attacks as well. With a side dish of Red Herrings. |
Feb 13, 2015 9:06 AM
Viktor_Otaku said: There is a roughly equal amount of arts that shows both Inaho and Slaine in both positions so the argument that Slaine is being portrayed as being a women more falls flat. And in a stricter sense there is really no definition between the position of guy and girl in yaoi because they are both.......... well guys. So you never heard of Seme and Uke huh? |
Feb 13, 2015 12:39 PM
Grey-Zone said: Let's face the truth, people. The most used argument in this sub-forum is basically this: Scarecrow argument? :) |
Feb 13, 2015 1:03 PM
Shadzy_ said: Grey-Zone said: Let's face the truth, people. The most used argument in this sub-forum is basically this: Scarecrow argument? :) I am the bone of my straw... |
Feb 14, 2015 8:50 PM
Feb 14, 2015 10:42 PM
Feb 15, 2015 5:37 AM
Feb 21, 2015 6:10 PM
People call this ep boring. Look at all the development! -Inaho has planted doubt in a Mars Knight. -Inko has doubts about Inaho. -Pink Pomf Princess is starting to mess around Slaine's plans. -Slaine's been called out by Hammy Blond Knight in a duel. This has been some good stuff. |
Mar 24, 2015 12:40 AM
Sachika makes me moist. That is all |
May 1, 2015 3:28 PM
Aug 21, 2015 8:06 PM
Inaho and his Damn eye, Sorry "Analytical Engine". |
Dec 24, 2015 12:48 AM
You see, the relationship between Inaho and Mazuurek is proof Terrans and Martians....I mean humans, can come together. Oh snap. We have a duel coming. Settle it with a childrens card game. |
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have). |
Dec 21, 2016 10:43 PM
Hope Inaho's spy who's a count succeeds in the info. That duel better be action worthy with epicness. |
Apr 4, 2018 11:01 AM
Meh, i don't feel tension in any scene. Inaho allows the bad guy to escape and nobody stops him. 'Rayet has changed' lol, she is still too mean. |
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Jun 11, 2020 8:59 PM
Inaho clearly changed his subject beyond the princess cause he love her. When Mazuurek ask, 'So, who you are the one who tried to 'use' the princess?' Inaho deny himself. He changed his objective from the previous season toward Asyllum. Like Yuki Nee talk with Inaho, this war season pretty sum up into saving the princess Asyllum from the hand of Slaine. Its ironic, while all of this war causing in the first place was because of her. Now, its because of her again, even in her absent. Blessed her soul, even the author not get end up her body soon, to make the story long enough until this season finish. Lmao. Inaho made a solid plan. Using Knight Orbital as his pawn. Denying his objective again, and success persuade that fool Count. Its predictable. He know had a chance to bring a peace. Is that true? Nope. He just want to bring back that sleeping princess. Such a naives objectivity comes to my beloved MC in the first season. Now? Its time to Slaine's to shine. Give more damage into the earth forces. However, the real challenge began. More curious Knight Orbital served in the face. Can he survived until the final boss against Inaho gladly met? Its pretty intrigueing to be seen, even if i can predict Slaine can easily overcome him. Lol. On the other objectives, its really hard to believe with how drastically Rayet changed her character. Caused of Inaho? I am laughing again. Now, Mazuurek served as a spy on the Verses forces. I am laughing again with this turn of table. Not expected this. But, its truly understandable while knowing the fact that Inaho must do everything to know where the fuck his princess were hiding? And how he could saved her neck, once again. His characterization really changed a lot after that tragedy. But still defend that boring emotionless face, what a jerk. Again. The misunderstanding between Inaho's and Slaine's objectivity soon raise into another level of brutality. And it takes all of the other forces to take them side of action. The reason was simple. But human made it worst than shit. Thats it. |
badabassJun 11, 2020 9:08 PM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here. I'm level |
Jun 27, 2020 11:41 PM
obviously Slaine is gonna win the dual. I was so excited when I saw that Inko was spying on Inaho being a traitor. lol |
Aug 29, 2021 11:33 AM
Honestly, I absolutely love the fact that Inaho is so assertive in this ep, to the point that he becomes a straight-up rebel, breaking out a high priority prisoner just to fulfil his personal interest. Yuki the incompetent soldier and a failure of a big sister, dared to ask Inaho to turn his back upon his military career? Is she really this idiotic? Without Inaho, Earth is done for, the Martians would win with near certainty. I'm glad Inaho disregard Yuki's pathetic plea and turn his back on her instead, that's something that I've been wanting to see since last season! The fuck outta here your failure... And ofc, there's Rayet, now she's not as incompetent as Yuki, but she's still a dumbass bitch no doubt. Still, once she meddles with Inaho's business with the Martian prisoner, the man himself snatched this bitch's arms and indirectly berated her with a simple sentence to the point that she cried her face-off, how displeasing. At least she cooperated with Inaho to break the martian out, she is after all, not as incompetent as some of the other members of Inaho's group. Still though... I do hope that she kills herself, knowing how much she hates herself. I can see the parallel...
What an annoying bunch of losers. |
Apr 21, 2024 10:35 AM
Yuki can't see the forest for the trees here, if she thinks it's a good idea to send Inaho back to civilian life. While the concern for his welfare is a given, Yuki hasn't been considering that Inaho has been responsible for just about every victory in even the most minor skirmishes the Earth has had so far. Without him in a combat role they're completely screwed, since Inaho is, without exaggeration, carrying them on his back. Slaine's probably going to slaughter the other count too, possibly to further cement his position. |
Archean-ReturnApr 21, 2024 10:39 AM
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