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Black Bullet (light novel)
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Jun 24, 2014 6:53 AM

Nov 2007
The enemy saved him and back to his group, but the normal people, including the leader were dead from the attack.

That little girl with the cute ear didn't live long. He became the leader, and picked his boss's "friend" as analyst.

While final battle begins, that ex-guard group is about to come for revenge.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 24, 2014 7:25 AM

Nov 2011
Meh, the show still feels rushed. Yet once again, we see more emotions with Enju and what she misses in their world. I really was hoping Kisara get more action with her sword at least...

Poor Midori.
Jun 24, 2014 8:05 AM
Sep 2013
Rip Midori. Shouma Nagisawa and Asaka Mibu will form a temporary team until Aldebaran is defeated. The "Ekpyrotic Bomb" will be used against Aldebaran, as Miori says. The codename will be "Rapier Thrust" and the battle will take place at the Flames of Return. As for the ending, the shitty Takuto Yasuwaki were supposed to bring batteries for the group, but they threw them away inside the water and fled to another city.
Before I forget to add, the team role is: 1. King - Rentaro and Enju 2. Queen - Kisara and Tina 3. Jack - Tamaki and Yuzuki 4. Ace- Shouma and Asaka 5. Joker- Kagetane and Kohina. For the preview: Shouma is running towards Aldebaran. That's all I am saying.
not_in_use417Jun 24, 2014 8:19 AM
Jun 24, 2014 9:28 AM
Jun 24, 2014 10:04 AM

Jun 2013
Aww really didn't want Midori to die, Kagetane is still a bass ass.
Jun 24, 2014 10:05 AM

Jul 2010
Hiruko completely fighting beside Rentarou!
Kohina is cute yet kind of creepy.
Gado's death made the second highest rank (Rentarou) leader.
Midori!!! :( Her death was kind of sad... she was so cute too T.T At least Rentarou didn't have to kill this time.
Rentarou decides to use a ruthless way to command. Fight fear with a stronger fear. That stab was a little surprising though. Playing the villain to get to the goal.
Gado's initiator joining up with Shouma!
The EP that needs to put inside Aldebaran's body to fully kill it!
That conspiracy at the end. If the security person's conspiracy at the end kills someone, T.T then he as to die!
Good episode, Enju protecting the world so she could decide how to see it.
Jun 24, 2014 10:22 AM

Aug 2010
Good ep :D

I expected more from Pleiadus but seems like Rentarou and Kagetane are too OP for it XD OHKO :P Still wondering what Kagetane's true goal is?

Kohina was crazy kawaii as usual saving Rentarou and wanting to cut up lolis XD

It's nice seeing him as part of Rentarou's adjuvant though. We'll get to see more of him :D

AND NOOOOO MIDORIIII!!! T_T F***! It was so sad when she couldn't even feel which finger Rentarou was feeling :( And then she friggin KILLED HERSELF T O T

Also what was that foreshadowing about Kisara being easily influenced by Darkness?!

I'm really sad for Midori and will miss her but totally happy about Loli samurai becoming part of the adjuvant. Shouma sure works fast :P

And Rentarou wants to be an anti hero dictator? Hoho. Nice ^^ And he has the best body guard XD

I wonder where the hell the top100 rankers are?!?! They're not in danger of the gastrea invasion?! I really feel this is a big plot hole...unless it was explained in the LNs?

And why the hell did that asshole have to come back at the end *Face palm*

Oh, also...TINA DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A SINGLE LINE THIS EP T_T I wanted to hear her voice :(

Dat pv?!
Jun 24, 2014 10:26 AM
Jul 2018
Hiruko is partnering up with Rentarou.

It was sad to see Midori died.

Rentarou used a ruthless way to command the other civil officers.

So, EP needs to be put inside Aldebaren's body to kill it.
Jun 24, 2014 10:27 AM

Aug 2013
Cant belive Midori died :(
My Candies:
Jun 24, 2014 10:27 AM

Mar 2012
I want to kill that mother####er, im talking about the guard group leader, i really wish he dies or better yet an endless amount of torture and humiliation, make him suffer in an everlasting cesspool of despair and pain hahahahaha
Also again another cursed child is dead, oh man and it was the cat girl, why must the world be so cruel damn it.

I tell you this tough i have never seen an anime make me this angry in my life before, not as in because its bad but because the world and most of the characters in it are just ... man.

Kagatane and Rentaru pair fight was so cool but way to short. i wish that would have lasted longer, i think of kagatane more as an anti-hero than a villain, Also he is pretty much a realist and a little insane but considering all things not so surprising and thats why i love him.
Jun 24, 2014 10:29 AM

May 2013
That was sad what happened to Midori :(

I guess I wasn't surprised that Gado died. The final battle coming up.
Jun 24, 2014 10:34 AM

Apr 2014
Kagetane and Kohina finally helped Rentaro on his Adjuvant! I really can't believe it that the world he said before had already happened,
He really don't want to kill Rentaro but to be with him fighting the Gastreas.

Damn it! Why Midori needs to be infected in the battle?! And because of that she commit to kill herself so she wont give a pain for Rentaro.

The final battle with the Aldebaran and the Gastrea will happen. I hope nobody will dies in Rentaro's Adjuvant.
I can't wait to watch the last episode next week!
Haters always gonna hate.
Jun 24, 2014 10:37 AM

Jul 2010
Great episode...sigh, the lolis always die. Poor Cursed Children.

Wish there was more Tina, though:)

Used to think she was really creepy, but she's become kinda cute. :3

Can't wait for next week!! I hope it'll be a great finale... This show has been my favorite action harem of the season.
The "this is goodbye, Enju" in the preview scares me though >.>
Jun 24, 2014 10:42 AM
Mar 2014
RIP Midori.

This episode was definitely my favorite, due to the fact that Kagetane actually did something productive for the human race.
Jun 24, 2014 10:43 AM
Jan 2014
That guard guy with the glasses, is he a moron or something?

I mean there's a difference between being evil and a moron, well at least we have Kagetane as someone who's an interetining villian, because at least his motivation makes sense.

That guard guy, was evil all along, with no interesting traits at all, and now he puts his own and everyone in tokyos live at risk, to get revenge on one person.

Are you kidding me?

Still poor Midori we hardly knew you, I mean we saw very little of her.

Also the commander died, well who cares it's all about Midori and her willingness to take her own life, so the covernant could fight without worrying. R.I.P Midori.

Jun 24, 2014 10:46 AM

Jul 2012
did anyone get that guilty crown feeling from this episode especially since yuki kaji was shu lol

RIP Midori

That guard... needs to die...
Jun 24, 2014 10:47 AM

Dec 2012
Kohina is really cute in this episode.

Feel bad that Midori died.

Damn that 2nd lt.
Jun 24, 2014 10:51 AM

Aug 2011
Of course the guard with glasses is up to no good. Of course.
Jun 24, 2014 10:55 AM
Jan 2014
Obidabo_08 said:
"This is the end of Satomi Rentaro!" - And of pretty much everyone else including you too, you genius. Some people...

I totally agree, and you just said it much better.

Jun 24, 2014 10:55 AM
Jan 2013
Well, this is just me guessing
but there is another way into Aldebarans body
and you do not even need to blast him open for that method ...
It is so easy, it was the first thing that came to mind, even before they said blasting it open ...
Jun 24, 2014 11:05 AM
Jul 2018
RIP Midori - More screentime for Kagetane. Yes? Thanks.
Jun 24, 2014 11:06 AM

Feb 2014
RIP Midori
cant wait for the next ep
Flying without feathers is not easy; my wings have no feathers
Jun 24, 2014 11:09 AM

Jan 2014
I like this battle plan of Rentaro punching Gastrea to death.
Jun 24, 2014 11:12 AM
Sep 2013
Shock_Yin said:
Obidabo_08 said:
"This is the end of Satomi Rentaro!" - And of pretty much everyone else including you too, you genius. Some people...

I totally agree, and you just said it much better.

Now now, that isn't true. Takuto Yasuwaki and the two other men had tickets to fly to another city in Japan already. They wanted everyone else to die including Rentaro. Only the Kanto region will be affected if the the team does lose.
Jun 24, 2014 11:19 AM

May 2014
OMG watching this episode I was like yessss Kagetane is amazing!!!!
I was also extremely happy that Rentaro and Enju are back together ^^
Also I found it amusing that Rentaro actually pretty much denied Kisara in this episode lol.
So my idea still sits Rentaro+Enju+Kagetane+Kohina Team ftw~
But what the hell was all that goodbye Enju at the end............................. D:
Minori Kushieda Forever <3

Jun 24, 2014 11:25 AM

Apr 2012
too many loli deaths

RIP Midori

Jun 24, 2014 11:33 AM
Jun 2014
Kagetana and kohina teaming with Rentaro^^

Takuto back again, trying to kill Rentaro(Glasses guy)

Seems like Aldebaran released phermones/opened vents to heal itself, or maybe just croud control.
If this is right or not, still probably another way into Aldebaran's body.
Jun 24, 2014 11:36 AM

Dec 2010
So much edge! It's like I'm drowning in it!

Holy hell, that part with Rentaro intentionally becoming the "bad guy" was hilarious. Reminded me of that "Lonely Beater" garbage from SAO.

And of course Rentaro is the only one that can open up a hole in/defeat Aldebaran...

And that one former guard of Seitenshis at the end.
"This will be the end of Satomi Rentaro." ... ever thought that it might also be your end??

Every villain in this show is so stereotypically dumb.

Next week it's finally over. Thank god.
Jun 24, 2014 11:42 AM

Dec 2012
aznsensation801 said:
did anyone get that guilty crown feeling from this episode especially since yuki kaji was shu lol

RIP Midori

That guard... needs to die...

Yep. I felt the same when that scene came up too
Jun 24, 2014 11:47 AM

Jul 2013
oh fk you guard leader... hope you die a horrible and slow death, like melted by corrosive gastrea liquid or slowly getting eaten by a gastrea... or both...

some later part got bit cheesy, but otherwise still great/sad (depending how you look at it)
current LN reading:
Death March kara hajimaru isekai kyousoukyoku
translated here
for those who are interested in other forums about animes, check, and
Jun 24, 2014 11:48 AM

Jan 2013
Best episode yet!
Jun 24, 2014 11:49 AM

Jan 2014
The guard with the glasses at the ending, I swear he needs to fucking die. First the Tina, now this......
I'm glad the guy with the mask is now a ally, he was the reason that made Black Bullet So good when he was still present at the beginning
Jun 24, 2014 11:54 AM

Aug 2013
Out of everyone they kill off Midori... D:
Cute is justice.
Jun 24, 2014 12:02 PM

Nov 2013
It's a sad moment when we realise that yet another loli dies during this show and we almost feel nothing for already being used to it...

Used to think she was really creepy, but she's become kinda cute. :3
Well.... she is a praying mantis series, so you could say that being deadly scary its in the genes... However, I do agree with you, Kohina looks more and more cute on this episode...

Last but not least, just one small remark: KAGETANE FOR MAIN CHARACTER ROLE!! He's probably the best loved villain of the spring season, the one that everyone that watches this show probably sees as a hero and wished he was the MC...
Personal tastes are like peoples behinds, each one has its own,
and only those who wants to find [...] will smell one another.

Jun 24, 2014 12:17 PM
Jul 2013
Feels like some lines were taken straight out of Guilty Crown o.o
Jun 24, 2014 12:25 PM

Nov 2012
This anime has way too many sad and rage moments.
Kohina, despite her craziness, is way too cute.
looking forward for next episode....
Jun 24, 2014 12:28 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Aww Kohina was really cute this episode ^^

Poor Midori, she fought bravely, but it was sad to see her die.

Those guys at the end throwing the batteries were douche bags. Satomi is trying to save everyone and these morons are trying to get Satomi and the others killed. The guy looked like one of the guards that got fired a while back.

Satomi telling the group they don't have a weapon to pierce Alderbaran xD
The Gastrea's head was cut off, neck with huge hole, a couple seconds before regeneration, yep it's possible to blow up the Gastrea from the inside.

Preview: next episode: "This is goodbye, Enju" O.O

Did Enju always have a dark dress in the ED song? I don't know if that foreshadows something into next episode, but it could be a possibility.
BerryParfaitJun 24, 2014 12:35 PM

Jun 24, 2014 12:38 PM

Sep 2009
are bloody well kidding? if the plan doesn't work, then that asshole is as good as dead anyway.
Jun 24, 2014 12:45 PM

Jul 2013
wow looks like rentaro became a douche... ouma shu's style
i don't get why doesn't he make "the move" on kisara
Jun 24, 2014 12:47 PM

May 2014
I really don't like that guy from the ex-guard, he's seems almost too cartoony of a villain for a show with such a dark-atmosphere. Is he really going to risk the entire human race just so he can get a short-lived revenge against a 17~19-year old?
Jun 24, 2014 12:47 PM

Apr 2011
DarkMoonWolf said:

Last but not least, just one small remark: KAGETANE FOR MAIN CHARACTER ROLE!! He's probably the best loved villain of the spring season, the one that everyone that watches this show probably sees as a hero and wished he was the MC... [/color]

I dunno about that, my vote for favorite villain is probably the Penguin Empire from Kenzen Robo Daimidaler ... especially during the False Heroes arc, they were the best part of the show. Kagetane is awesome though.

A good penultimate episode, Satomi takes over as leader after Gato takes a dirt nap and they make preparations to destroy Aldebaran. However, since they sat there and told us all the details of this plan, that means that nothing is going to go according to plan. We already saw one spanner that's getting thrown into the works, as Asshole Glasses Guy would rather watch Tokyo burn than allow Satomi to be the one who rescues it. Satomi should have caved the bastard's skull in at the end of the Tina arc. A world like this is not one where mercy is rewarded.
Jun 24, 2014 12:56 PM

Nov 2013
They just had to kill the cat eared initiator ;(

Also throwing away the batteries—fuck those guys. Don't they realize the world is gonna end?
Jun 24, 2014 1:00 PM
Jan 2013
Gado's death made the second highest rank (Rentarou) leader, and Rentarou becomes hated and feared was more like a Guilty Crown reference. Oh, shit guard with glasses sabotaging the plana to defend Tokyo area just because he wants some pay back on Rentarou, I hope one of those Gastrea eats him.

RIP Midori

I wonder if Rentarou is gonna be RIP as well? Co'z it sure like that he is gonna do some kamikaze thing on the main Gastrea monster.
Jun 24, 2014 1:02 PM
Mar 2013
Ugh satomi should have killed that guy! He never gives up!
Jun 24, 2014 1:08 PM

May 2013
I guess everything is set for a final showdown against Aldebaran.
I just hope no more lolis will die in the process ;(
Overall great episode.
- Pleiadus got his ass kicked unexpectedly fast, but it allowed for other great stuff to fit in.
- Commander is dead, long live commander!
- Midori's gone. Poor girl shot herself so that Shoma and Rentarou didn't have to carry that burden.
- Rentarou is one BA commander - puts on Gadou's coat and starts slicing his subordinates. That's the only way to go, those cowards won't fight any other way.
- Mibu-chan (samurai loli) is joining the adjuvant - LOLI FORCE !!!
- Crazy bastards sabotaging behind Rentarous back.
- No Tina this episode ? WTF?!
Jun 24, 2014 1:16 PM

Mar 2014
Well Rentaro just went Shu Ouma on everyone there and he broke the number one rule: Never let someone lying on their death bed wander off alone. They always end up dying or committing suicide. Judging by that preview it looks like the bomb plan will turn into a suicide mission and that guy at the end doesn't realize he may be screwing over himself and hundreds of thousands of people by dumping the batteries for some stupid grudge.
Jun 24, 2014 1:23 PM
May 2014
that fucking douchebag at the end really needs to die
Jun 24, 2014 1:26 PM

Aug 2013
MIDORI, NOOOO!!!!! Fucking fucks, did George R. R. Martin write this? Fucking fuckings. Everyone just dies, I wonder who`ll die next, Enju and come back as a villain in the 2nd season, or someone else from the Adjuvant, COME ON, TELL ME>!!!!!!! T__T
retepeters said:
wow looks like rentaro became a douche... ouma shu's style
i don't get why doesn't he make "the move" on kisara

I think that Rentaro did the right thing stabbing that guy. Order needs to be kept and in a situation like that, all form of leadership is acceptable to keep everyone in line.

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rodacJun 24, 2014 4:34 PM
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Jun 24, 2014 1:46 PM
Nov 2013
It's now come to the point that whenever I watch a new episode of this I could sum it up as "They almost had a decent episode like they had in the beginning, except they threw in something really stupid at the end."
An asshole who only exists to be an asshole is not a solid villain. He's just a very rusty tool used to cause problems for the main character
Jun 24, 2014 1:57 PM

Oct 2011
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