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Apr 14, 2014 3:57 PM

Nov 2012
Boombawks said:
Sageofsixpaths said:
Too predictable main character becomes weak for no reason wtf?and what's wrong with that ichihime girl the guy killed her father doesn't she have any emotions really i would rate this 2/10 story needs redoing.

^^ "main character becomes weak for no reason wtf" also add 'strong' in there. And replace Ichihime for Sakura and you kinda explained Naruto.

Edit: Had to fix this post, I messed up with the quotes.

Oh dear don't even get me started with Naruto dat Sakura just no.
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Apr 14, 2014 5:20 PM

Aug 2012
Sageofsixpaths said:
Kuro_Yuuki said:
Sageofsixpaths said:
Too predictable main character becomes weak for no reason wtf?and what's wrong with that ichihime girl the guy killed her father doesn't she have any emotions really i would rate this 2/10 story needs redoing.

Not to rile you up or anything, but I think that the logic your using to criticize Ichihime is flawed. I'm assuming you say that she's emotionless because she decided to go with Caesar after he killed her father, and I'm assuming again that you would rather her be with Mitsuhide (although I could be wrong), but if that's the case aren't you over looking the fact that Mitsuhide killed her brother? As far as I'm concerned that puts him in the same boat as Caesar.

As AlexTheRiot said, the strength of her character is what allowed her to put aside the fact that Caesar killed her father and do what was in the best interest of her clan, and the best interest of her people. In typical Japanese social setting, the good/needs of the group outweigh those of the individual. At least that's the way I was taught, and that same logic is being applied here.

Nah i dont really care about the coupling thing but what bothers me is that she`s able to put her emotions aside as you said.Remember she was quick to agree when Caesar asked for her,she didn't even try to refuse or believe that her brother would protect her i mean come on he`s the main character but anyway back to my point just saying that her character is poorly written.Anyway could say something about nobunaga he didn't even try to stop her would have been interesting if he at least would have tried in first few episode of this anime i was like hell ya but now i am like meh maybe its just me :(.

Also we havent seen a hint in her being mad about him killing her father or maybe i guess she doesn't know it just makes me mad that they are being so friendly with an enemy that killed a person who gave them life, if it was me would be full war + this alliance crap was lie people still die and nobu doesn't give a shit about them why doesn't he have ichi hime steal the reg from caesar or kill him>>

Again, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad writing. And just because she shows no visible emotion doesn't mean she doesn't care about the whole thing. We know she doesn't want to leave Nobu, and she especially doesn't want to leave Mitsu.

She's protecting her people ten times better than Jeanne is protecting them, without a Regalia or Giant War Armor or foresight, and she's doing it at the cost of her own happiness. How you could call that a poorly written character is beyond me. Jeanne on the other hand..
Apr 14, 2014 7:12 PM

Jul 2008
Summary of this thread: Hur dur Ichihime shouldn't be with the guy who killed her father but with the guy who killed her brother instead.
Apr 14, 2014 8:32 PM
Mar 2014
Kuro_Yuuki said:
Sageofsixpaths said:
Too predictable main character becomes weak for no reason wtf?and what's wrong with that ichihime girl the guy killed her father doesn't she have any emotions really i would rate this 2/10 story needs redoing.

Not to rile you up or anything, but I think that the logic your using to criticize Ichihime is flawed. I'm assuming you say that she's emotionless because she decided to go with Caesar after he killed her father, and I'm assuming again that you would rather her be with Mitsuhide (although I could be wrong), but if that's the case aren't you over looking the fact that Mitsuhide killed her brother? As far as I'm concerned that puts him in the same boat as Caesar.

As AlexTheRiot said, the strength of her character is what allowed her to put aside the fact that Caesar killed her father and do what was in the best interest of her clan, and the best interest of her people. In typical Japanese social setting, the good/needs of the group outweigh those of the individual. At least that's the way I was taught, and that same logic is being applied here.

for us maybe your right about the logic maybe compare to west history (amirecan) are far more superior than asian people.. maybe thats y asain people specially the princess is no offense STUPID!.

compare to Jane in the history a warrior princess who step down in her throne fight and die for her people
rather than just be a captive princess who is totally useless and logic of japan like the 47 ronin history is very honorable but same goes to there princess and is totally the same as ichihime .. that why asian women
as such push over...
no offense but your the one pointing that logic on to us im just making a reference..

i dont want to start war again asain and mexican.
Apr 14, 2014 8:36 PM

Aug 2012
Marzan said:
This series got better for a while, but this episode was awful. The pacing, the story...Jeanne takes one step forward and twenty back. And for being the Savior King, Nobunaga is downright underwhelming as a protagonist. Hannibal and Charlemagne were awfully written too.

Itsuhime having Caesar whipped after such a short while and Kenshin's apperarance were the only good thing this episode.



Good ep.... but..... That's it, is her being captured going to lead up to her being burned at the stake (like the vision on ep1?) I wish there was more time for some solid charter development, I feel like 24 episodes is far from enough time for this anime to accomplish what they want:(
xXTensaZenXxApr 14, 2014 8:42 PM
Apr 14, 2014 8:41 PM
Mar 2014
[quote/] AlextheRiot
Again, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad writing. And just because she shows no visible emotion doesn't mean she doesn't care about the whole thing. We know she doesn't want to leave Nobu, and she especially doesn't want to leave Mitsu.

She's protecting her people ten times better than Jeanne is protecting them, without a Regalia or Giant War Armor or foresight, and she's doing it at the cost of her own happiness. How you could call that a poorly written character is beyond me. Jeanne on the other hand..

shes right bro its just the logic of japan about weak women.
P.S Protect her people? whos people? the people that froze and die? this is why being a captive princess is worst than anything you cant do a thing.
KCdiezApr 14, 2014 8:52 PM
Apr 14, 2014 9:34 PM

Aug 2012
KCdiez said:
P.S Protect her people? whos people? the people that froze and die? this is why being a captive princess is worst than anything you cant do a thing.

Exactly my point. They froze and died because Jeanne is a terrible, hasty decision maker and sucks at her role as a protector. Ichihime is fulfilling her role and more. Not only is Caeser not attacking them(the clan would be finished by now had she not gone with him) but because she demanded they help Nobu, Caeser went out of his way, betraying his comrades, to show up and save the rest of the people that would have died due to Jeanne's fuck up.
Apr 14, 2014 9:53 PM
Mar 2014
pulamidorie said:
I just don't know why people assume Ichihime slept with Caesar yet.... It's obviously their "relationship" is awkward,just because he went to her chambers to bring her a cake,and she smiled it doesn't imply anything,he loves her and he wouldn't force her to anything(he turned vs his comrades) but meh why do ppl always imagine the worst?....
And it's not exactly the worst because some prefer Mitsu over Caesar it doesn't mean Caesar is that bad,and after all it was her choice,and it's just my opinion but she has something planned.

hahaha this guy make me laugh ...
his right people are assuming he the worst.. rather than wat is the fact

oh well i hope his post lighten the atmosphere here..

wowoh debate.

and also NTR now a days are pretty famous.. if someone is a vanilla fan here drop this anime its not good for your heart..

P.S i still dont like ceasar.
i hate people who easyly get what they want.
KCdiezApr 14, 2014 10:04 PM
Apr 15, 2014 3:42 AM

Nov 2012
AlexTheRiot said:
KCdiez said:
P.S Protect her people? whos people? the people that froze and die? this is why being a captive princess is worst than anything you cant do a thing.

Exactly my point. They froze and died because Jeanne is a terrible, hasty decision maker and sucks at her role as a protector. Ichihime is fulfilling her role and more. Not only is Caeser not attacking them(the clan would be finished by now had she not gone with him) but because she demanded they help Nobu, Caeser went out of his way, betraying his comrades, to show up and save the rest of the people that would have died due to Jeanne's fuck up.

So why the hell not kill Caeser when he`s sleeping and steal his reg this is war right?She can still them and give them to Nobu easy.Nobu would be even stronger getting Caesers reg or war armor thus protecting the people even more better than depending on someone who killed your father,but guess that will never happen anyway i give up as i said before i guess its anime i will never understand i was just voicing my opinion.
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Apr 15, 2014 3:47 AM

Nov 2012
Shangetsu said:
Summary of this thread: Hur dur Ichihime shouldn't be with the guy who killed her father but with the guy who killed her brother instead.

If you go threw what i posted you wouldn't think that and that's sick.
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Apr 15, 2014 4:32 AM

Jan 2014
Caesar redeemed in my eyes, Jeanne getting more stupid with every episode these imps creepy as hell, That Hannibal parody is dead. Overall average episode
Apr 15, 2014 9:07 AM

Dec 2013
Hannibal looks like a total dyke.
Apr 15, 2014 9:19 AM
May 2012



Since No one in this MAL cares about my reaction in anime discussion thread, I have to do so! Now, I. Am. Speechless.
JafriZinApr 15, 2014 10:49 AM
Apr 15, 2014 12:33 PM

Jul 2012
I don't know what you guys are talking about. IchiHime is a great character, while Jeanne is still trying to redeem herself. To actually sacrifice yourself to the enemy and give up your own freedom (and love) is really brave and the fact that she actually had an influence on Caeser's decisions just proves that point.

On the other hand, this episode was kind of rushed? The new characters (well, they were introduced before but still) didn't get enough introductions and I just didn't really care what happened :S

New ED so good! But old OP D:
Apr 15, 2014 4:23 PM

Oct 2009
New OP is pretty is pretty fitting, great ED!! But I will miss the dubstep ED D':

Looks like Ichihime might fall for Ceaser.

Kinda of meh that they made a big deal of the two new enemies and killed them off just like that. Jeanne just keeps getting worse.
Apr 15, 2014 6:01 PM

Oct 2010
God fuck dammit Jeanne. Can you do anything right in this anime? First you "oopsie daisy" pick the Death card and kill a bunch of people. Then you "oopsie daisy" pick the Fool card and give away Ichihime to a backstabbing bastard. Now you backstabbed Nobunaga for your own stupid trusting ideals and sunk him deeper in Caesar's debt.

But on the bright side, Nobunaga finally has her Regalia, and she won't drag Nobunaga down at least for the next few episode. Plus she'll get her fair share of pain next episode. Heh.
Apr 15, 2014 8:40 PM
May 2012
I can't believe you guys always making an excuses about my last post till you just like 'we don't care' & ignored it instead.

I feel like I'm not gonna rest until I find out what happens NEXT I swear a god. FUCK MY LIFE......

I don't really care less about the new OP & ED but I can't believe what I just witness at the end.

PS - That Mikasa profile pic really gets me nerves, really.
Apr 15, 2014 8:41 PM
May 2012
God, I hate my life..

THIS IS SO UNFAIR. NO one seems to agree/support me from what I just said. Why don't you guys just listened to me?!

It's over for Jeanne D arc... how come this thing get any worse?!

I'm taking this anime very seriously right now... Unless there's 'good' stuff are coming.

SIGH why me....
JafriZinApr 15, 2014 8:58 PM
Apr 16, 2014 5:00 AM

Apr 2009
man, i'm late watching this week.. so in this episode, we get the Empress card.. it's like the good points of femininity and motherhood packed in one card.. anyway, the show made use of this card by a number of ways such as having an empress in this episode who happens to be this week's antagonist and we even have our very own Himiko who's also qualified for the card and is the one it approached in the first place.. but Ichihime is probably the one who embodies The Empress again.. she's really being impressive lately..

next up, we got The Hanged Man, and they're gonna use it for the backdrop for hanging Jeanne probably.. i'm hoping that what the card implies gets shown in the episode again in a surprising way..

Kuro_Yuuki said:
In typical Japanese social setting, the good/needs of the group outweigh those of the individual. At least that's the way I was taught, and that same logic is being applied here.
i'm glad there are people who remember that there are cultural things that affect the behavior of the characters in any given setting.. often times, many try to dictate how a character should act because that's what they thought would be appropriate for them or what they think is not "dumb" but some characters are written with the setting and plot in mind..
Apr 17, 2014 12:27 AM

Jul 2008
The series is getting more interesting. Srsly. I like how Caesar changed because of his love for Ichihime but poor Mitsu. I'm looking forward on how this anime will end.

Btw, anyone here still rooting for Jeanne and Nobunaga? :3
Apr 17, 2014 3:39 AM
May 2012
And still, NOBODY gives a shit about my reaction over last post until you guys are always makin excuses over my emotional over what just happened in this episode. I can't believe it. SIGH...

Typical Myanimelist.

PhoenixGoddess said:
Btw, anyone here still rooting for Jeanne and Nobunaga? :3

I do. Sort of.
JafriZinApr 17, 2014 3:43 AM
Apr 18, 2014 3:31 AM

Dec 2008
Wow didn't expect that Caesar would turn out as baking prince charming, what a guy.
Team Nobu sucked this week, Ranmaru did the dumbest thing you can do at the start of a battle.
Kinda scary how strong Uesugi is, she made them eat dirt, also compared to Nubu's Giant Armor, it outclassed everything we seen so far.

I hope Ranmaru won't get hurt too badly, it was a stupid mistake, but her intentions were pure.
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Apr 18, 2014 11:18 AM
Mar 2013
IchixCaesar is much better than IchixMitsu imo.

Caesar killed Nobuhide in war which was pretty acceptable considering the theme. Mitsuhide is more of a traitor by killing Nobukatsu and takes his position for granted.

Also, considering its sengoku era, it was pretty common marrying your enemy-come-ally even as a hostage. He loves her enough to betray his king so there isn't much of a problem left. Mitsu should stop being jealous.
Apr 18, 2014 8:52 PM
May 2012

I never thought why I was the only person who speak my mind but all these people on MAL were nothing to say about this.

I am speechless over what just happened. Expect more SHOCKS to come in the next episode...
JafriZinApr 18, 2014 9:08 PM
Apr 19, 2014 3:13 AM

Dec 2010
The new OP didn't impress me at all.
The new ED was decent, but still not as good as the previous one.


Hannibal got it coming, she was a real bitch and I couldn't stand her. Same goes for her dog, Charlemagne.

That's it, Caesar was fu**ing epic, and totally pwned all his haters.

xchee said:
Are they trying to make us like Caesar now? No. No. No. I'm not going to get manipulated. That cake is a lie.
Idk where your hate for Caesar is coming from, he was awesome ever since several episodes back, and for some time he's been the most epic character in the anime.

Mitsuhide, why so jelly? Caesar outdid you already. And he's pretty much my favorite over you at this point.

Dat Kenshin.
Apr 19, 2014 4:03 AM
May 2012
Then again, I guess I am the only who one who've been speak my mind over this one after all.

Great, Idk why I get emotional over this.

Meritas said:
The new OP didn't impress me at all.
The new ED was decent, but still not as good as the previous one.


Don't you see? She never listened to his order until she felt into wrong hands. I can't believe Nobunaga is too late to save her. At least Caesar is now on the 'good' side, I think.

Meritas said:
Hannibal got it coming, she was a real bitch and I couldn't stand her. Same goes for her dog, Charlemagne.

and she gets killed by one of her own accomplishes at the end. talk about how turning enemies against each other. Fuck the ED credits, literally.
Apr 19, 2014 6:49 AM
Aug 2008
HowTragic said:
God fuck dammit Jeanne. Can you do anything right in this anime? First you "oopsie daisy" pick the Death card and kill a bunch of people. Then you "oopsie daisy" pick the Fool card and give away Ichihime to a backstabbing bastard.

Here's a link to help you, since you apparently have NO IDEA how tarot cards work.
Tarot Cards
Apr 20, 2014 7:34 PM

Feb 2013
I was kind of disappointed in the battle. Nobu just went out there and lost so easily... Oh let's just bring in others to the rescue..
Apr 20, 2014 8:59 PM
May 2012
And still,

I was the only one who've been overreacting this show very much till no one cares NO matter how many questions that I've been raised all the time...

This is so unfair.

geez, I feel bad right now. I'm not gonna rest till there is good thing is going to happen next (The next tarot card that Da vinci gonna show it to us may be a bad stuff is goin to happen)!
JafriZinApr 21, 2014 4:59 AM
Apr 21, 2014 1:59 AM

Jul 2008
First off, Jam Project new OP. nice but sounds a bit too much like the Macross Frontier OP.


Third, holy crap they wiped out so many civilians, are there any left after that?

Fourth, both generals fell so easily after Caesar just won't die.
Apr 21, 2014 5:00 AM
May 2012
Jeanne D arc, why are you always being so stupid all the time?!
JafriZinApr 21, 2014 6:05 AM
Apr 21, 2014 6:28 PM

Jul 2011
New OP is ehh.. ED is very nice though. <3

They killed off the village (that was a good scene) ... and Ceasar to the rescue.
Then Hannibal is killed off by Cesare, I didn't expect that!

Betrayal is everywhere; I love it. :D
Apr 21, 2014 11:39 PM

Feb 2011
They really went all the way with the new OP, beautiful opening plus JAM Project :)
It looks like those poor innocent villagers died again :( got froze to death and shattered to pieces =.=. I can definitely see that they are really "Caesar's brothers" indeed lol. Kenshin is such a badass! jump straight to the battle and obliterate both of those generals with just a few quick strikes.

It's a shame to see Jeanne got kidnapped. I can't wait to see what will happen in the next episode!
Apr 22, 2014 8:10 PM

Apr 2008
- Karma/fate is a total ass on this show.

- Not sure what's with the Ichi/Ceasar problem is. This actually happened a lot. Sure, she probably shouldn't go with Ceasar but the girls were often sent to other families to cement alliances. She did what she wished and it shows her strong mind.

- You don't deserved to be named after a King, Charlamange.

- There's no denying that Ran/Jeanne is a cursed girl. She's suffered quite a bit.

- I don't think JAM deserves to sing the OP; the show is weak when it comes to the combat and the mecha designs. Other than that, the art is beautiful both OP and ED.

- KENSHIN-IS-AWESOME! Sowaka! Ranmaru and Machaevelli are girls so does that mean Kenshin is? Or just up to watcher speculation. I heard of "female Kenshin" folklore.
Apr 24, 2014 7:07 AM

Jun 2011
Ranmaru.. stop getting in the way.. damn.. this is why I don't like her.. Actually, now I just want her to fuck off from the series.

I don't like the new OP, worse than before imo. ED wasn't bad, but I like the dubstep ED better but I guess this fits where the show is going better, I guess.

I am not sure with myself, I am starting to really like Caesar, but I can't get past the backstabbing in the past. ~.~

Edit: After listening to the OP again, it actually wasn't that bad.. not that I like it though, kinda neutral toward it.

Loved what Cesare did at the end.

Boombawks said:
Am I the only one who get's goosebumps when this OST hits on a fight scene? Especially @ 1:38

Eh you are not alone. When Kenshin appeared with that OST, it was so freakin badass, and one of the reasons why I like Nobunaga the Fool is the OST.
ToG25thBaamApr 24, 2014 7:22 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 24, 2014 7:35 PM

Jul 2012
Sucks that Jeanne's been almost useless in this show except for a few times. I was hoping she was going to be a stronger character.

There's still time for that to change though so hopefully it does.

My favorite part in this ep was Caesar serving cake to Ichi. All he wanted this whole time was a wife lol
May 2, 2014 3:55 AM
Sep 2013
So Ichihime's handmaids and Mitsuhide's bitches were given Ichihime's historical daughter's names. Where does that leave her actual daughters then?
May 9, 2014 11:30 PM

Mar 2008
Suddenly, this episode is a huge step-up. Can't go wrong with a JAM-Project OP.

Caesar might actually be a good bloke? Masked men are hard to pin down.
May 18, 2014 5:45 PM

Nov 2007
Damn Ranmaru was freaking stupid. Worthless in the fight. Then nearly got Nobunaga and herself killed. While getting captured.

Kenshin was badass though.

And Caesar with the save? Who turns good in order to score with Ichihime.

While Hannibal dies too at the end. Good riddance.
May 19, 2014 3:54 AM

Mar 2014
Sageofsixpaths said:
AlexTheRiot said:
Finally new OP and ED, the first ones were getting very old. This new OP is ten times more fitting and exciting.

Yeah Jeanne really is a pain, her decision making skills have not improved in the slightest, and now she's a damsel in distress. She better get some damn good development out of this.

Caeser's chocolate being bittersweet describes their whole situation nicely. We still want to hate him for everything he's done to the clan, and especially for NTR'ing poor Mitsu, but at the same time you can see his character beginning to show its worth. He could end up being developed into a decent anti-hero, but it's getting increasingly harder to see this ending well for Mitsu.

Oh shit, Kenshin has arrived with righteousness. Shit is going to get real.

Sageofsixpaths said:
and what's wrong with that ichihime girl the guy killed her father doesn't she have any emotions really i would rate this 2/10 story needs redoing.
That's the strength of her character, that she can selflessly set aside her feelings(with Mitsu as well) for the sake of her clan. Just because you don't understand that doesn't mean the story needs redoing lol

Just voicing my opinion, its kinda annoying if a person killed one of my family members especially the people who gave life to me i would be unable to stand seeing them each day worse sleep with them but oh well i guess its anime.

and i guess killing the brother doesnt count either
Powered by yuri.
Needless to say, I finish all anime I start, no matter my initial opinion, no matter how bad it gets, I WILL FINISH IT!
Jun 24, 2014 12:02 PM
Mar 2013
Jeanne is annoying. Those two villains getting annihilated in about half a second was eh. I don't actually like any characters so may as well drop it.
Jun 26, 2014 7:31 AM

Apr 2013
Caesar just did a 180. Awesome.
Jun 29, 2014 11:42 PM
May 2013
Ranmaru should be burned on a stake for betrayal.
I love Nobunaga because not giving a damn about some villagers to save 2 planets later is awesome ( anti-hero ftw )
Kenshin and Caesar owned this episode .
Glad Hannibal is gone , I disliked Caesar as "bad guy" but I hate Hannibal .
Jul 22, 2014 8:41 PM

Aug 2013
I will try to forget about Caesar for now.. at least until he dies.
Still not going to like him.. he can't change what he did in the past.
He murder the daddy and propose to the daughter ? Something ain't right here hahaha.
Ranmaru what the heck are you trying to do ? Where is your commen sense ?
She's definitely a pawn to play the annoying character.. I can see that now.
Besides all that.. Kenshin is so freaking awesome..!! My god.
Aug 1, 2015 10:38 AM

May 2012
Okay development but I'm glad they switched to a better OP/ED!
Dec 28, 2015 4:31 PM

Feb 2013

At this point I'd move out of Oda Village. Too many people dying.

Ceasar is treating Ichihime good at he does truly care about her since he's willing to betray his comrades for love.
Jan 16, 2016 11:39 PM

Dec 2013
New op is really meh.

I actually quite liked Caeser in this episode.

Of course she gets kidnapped. This was bound to happen.
Feb 12, 2019 4:55 PM

May 2012
this is probably the worst thing ive seen in years, I havent had this much difficulty getting through a show in quite some time... pretty sure i already said this, but i seriously wish i could give a score of 0 sometimes lol
Jul 16, 2023 5:00 AM

Jul 2016
Kraugerys said:
Caesar redeemed in my eyes, Jeanne getting more stupid with every episode  these imps creepy as hell, That Hannibal parody is dead. Overall average episode

It is the definition of dead average.
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