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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Apr 14, 2009 8:03 AM
Nov 2007
Snuffy said:
What happened to Riza's ponytail type thing? D:

I didn't know she had short hair back then.. I coulda swore she had her normal hair style

Apr 14, 2009 8:53 AM

Dec 2007
Another great episode, although a little rushed. Was a little turned off with the art direction at first, but I'm completely used to it already and actually prefer this over the first series.
Apr 14, 2009 9:35 AM

Aug 2008
I think some people are being overly picky about character design and the overall presentation of the show. I haven't read the manga, but as I understand it, the show is following the manga much more closely in terms of detail and plot, so remarks about the changes that are made closer to the source material that also have little to no effect on the overall point of the show just seems nit picky.

It would be ridiculous for this to look like its predecessor. It's been 7 years since it first came out. So far the only substantial differences between the two shows are the first episode, which I thought was good to keep people aware of the first series entertained, and The Truth, which I believe to have been a stunning, yet not as dark as it maybe should have been, scene.
Apr 14, 2009 9:54 AM
Feb 2009
This episode was based on their history, pretty boring.
Is this season like a remake of Fullmetal?
Apr 14, 2009 11:03 AM

Feb 2008
Double094 said:
This episode was based on their history, pretty boring.
Is this season like a remake of Fullmetal?
Educate yourself. Per-lease.
Apr 14, 2009 12:51 PM

Jul 2008
kraire said:
I don't want to read the full topic, but my face was like "EPIC FAIL YOU @SSHOLE!" when I saw this:

and what the hell is wrong with ed's ear?! his left ear is bigger than the right!

ROFLMAO! That made my day! xD

Loved this episode. ^^ The way Ed was in the wheelchair and Al apologizing seriously made me gush tears like the Niagra Falls.
And I'm still in love with the ending... ~<3
Apr 14, 2009 12:54 PM

Jan 2009
LolitaDecay said:
Rail_Man said:
Why is this show SO freaking awesome!?

I'm enjoying this so much more than the first series.
Please tell me I'm not the only one.

It's too early for me to tell yet. The only thing I'm feeling right now is the need to see how they play Lior out in this series.

<random>Oh, cool. You have a</random>
Apr 14, 2009 1:06 PM

Sep 2008
it has some different parts..and the first episode was different from the beggining of the firt version.. but if from now on goes the same way as in the first season.. i wont see any point in the alternative version.. the style of the art like.. well i think the first seasons art was better ..still wonders why they do this.. for the fans who love this show there may be nothing more to see in a story that they already praised.. and loved it the way it is.. if it was uncomplete i would understand but it was completed once and now it looks like were going to see the same thing again ........
thats what i think
~_~ !
Apr 14, 2009 1:18 PM

Jul 2007
anatoli90 said:
it has some different parts..and the first episode was different from the beggining of the firt version.. but if from now on goes the same way as in the first season.. i wont see any point in the alternative version.. the style of the art like.. well i think the first seasons art was better ..still wonders why they do this.. for the fans who love this show there may be nothing more to see in a story that they already praised.. and loved it the way it is.. if it was uncomplete i would understand but it was completed once and now it looks like were going to see the same thing again ........
thats what i think

because lets see:
1. The storyline is entirely different.
2. The story premise is entirely different
3. Character backgrounds and storylines are...entirely different?

for the n-th time its not the same story.
Apr 14, 2009 1:42 PM

Jan 2008
i keep laughing at the fact that edo-tan's voice has yet to change xD it'll take a while to get to the point where we ended that other first season no... x.x i'll hang on *nod*
Apr 14, 2009 1:47 PM

Oct 2008
anatoli90 said:
it has some different parts..and the first episode was different from the beggining of the firt version.. but if from now on goes the same way as in the first season.. i wont see any point in the alternative version.. the style of the art like.. well i think the first seasons art was better ..still wonders why they do this.. for the fans who love this show there may be nothing more to see in a story that they already praised.. and loved it the way it is.. if it was uncomplete i would understand but it was completed once and now it looks like were going to see the same thing again ........
thats what i think

If there are more people like you who HAVEN'T read the manga.. Please don't comment on the future of this series because they are ENTIRELY differnt. They re going based off the manga, and if you've even read half of the chapters, you'd know that they are not the same. The only similarity between the first series and the manga is the characters and how they look/powers.
Apr 14, 2009 3:13 PM

Jan 2008
Does Rosa have darker hair color now or is it just me?

Good episode.
Apr 14, 2009 4:45 PM

Jan 2008
Kazekage_Gaara said:
Does Rosa have darker hair color now or is it just me?

Good episode.

rose. and it does seem to be darker *nod*
Apr 14, 2009 5:03 PM

Sep 2007
Mmm, mmm. Not nearly as bad as the first episode! And compared to the first season, I think the human transmutation scene might have been done even better (except the music, which wasn't bad, but not as awesome as the original).

I find Ed and Al's personalities much less detestable as small children. In their current age, though, they don't seem much more mature, and I find that extremely annoying.

Example: When Ed gets angry when people call him short as a 7-year-old (or whatever his age was), it's kind of cute because those are the kinds of things that are important to kids that age. However, as a 14-year-old (or whatever), it's childish, annoying, and not cute at all.

Anyway, I thought the Lior arc was boring in the first series. Let's see how they handle it.
Apr 14, 2009 5:52 PM

Dec 2008
I really love this remake. Everything seems to have been done right this time around. Cant wait for next week. :D
Apr 14, 2009 6:32 PM

May 2007
Holy shit, the Truth guy is really, really creepy. I like it. :D
Great episode. I really liked how they went back and forth from present to flashback. Also, everything is paced quickly and there's no dragging. Love it.

Apr 14, 2009 7:35 PM

Jan 2008
Great episode. They presented the past very well and the VAs are just awesome.
Apr 14, 2009 9:16 PM

Aug 2007
Didn't like it :/. It was even worse than previous episode and that's odd coming from me because I hated first one. What was with Ed being a narrator? That didn't fit at all. Hughes' question "Why did you make Ed a state alchemist" was artificial just to explain how did Ed become one. All these jumps from one time to another reminded me of Claymore and Pieta battle (though instead time skips there were space jumps). It completely ruined the mood. All episode was rushed too much and like in previous one they condensed as much information as they could. And what I'm most angry about is how they showed Ed's first encounter with Bradley. They've skipped through most of dialogue and it was done lamely... The same can be said when Winry talked with Riza. What's more when Ed said "you're not cute" or sth like that Winry blushed... It was so not FMA like. "You're not cute" is a schematic that can be seen in almost every poor shounen or shoujo for masses and in here it was executed really porly. For now FMA 2003 wins easily.

I recommend reading this opinion, that and especially that one
Apr 14, 2009 11:39 PM
Feb 2009
I wish they don't rush that much... even though I read manga and I already know what will happen, I don't want them to speed things up so that they get to new plot faster. These two episodes should last at least four episodes.

That's my only complain about new series so far.
Apr 15, 2009 12:03 AM

Jul 2007
goral said:

I recommend reading this opinion, that and especially that one

I recommend you stop caring if you like that alternative-anime-original-nazi-stuff of 2003. more.

Its clear that you think that that one is oh so much superior to manga and this faithful remake

Rushed? Nope. Only part of "flashback puzzle"? Yes. I am quite sure that the parts we did not see will be included in other flashbacks, instead of straining and boring us to death with 8 consecutive flashback episodes, aka FMA1.

Its just a basic overview of plot like "here its that that and that, now other info latter, gtfo"

And the "not cute *blush" stuff is what the fma1 lacked. Maybe it was Mizushima's hatred for females or something - I don't know, but Winry got thrown away quite fast and her relationship with Ed was never developed.
AhenshihaelApr 15, 2009 12:18 AM
Apr 15, 2009 4:36 AM

Jun 2008
really great episode!! liked the humour injected where winry threw the wrench at ed and the part where the fuhrer laughed at ed (poor ed, always the butt of everyone's joke in this ep!!)

also the part where al was apologizing...really touching
Apr 15, 2009 7:06 AM

Dec 2008
Coming from a fan who never read the manga and loved the anime, I am absolutely loving this remake so far.

I've heard and read all the time how the the first anime was really different from the manga, so I expected blatant differences in this remake. And boy was it different. The pace was so much quicker, I was very surprised...but I liked it. I usually like slow paced stuff but this was done really well.

The only problem I'm having now is not having the same emotional connection as I did with the first anime. Maybe it's because I already know what happens or something, so...I am expecting more background story in the future BONES! The only part that really put tears to my eyes is of course when Ed is desperately trying to get Al back :( and when Al is apologizing to Roy

I've also read a bit about this Riza and Winry convo, so I was delighted to see it here. I'm really starting to get used to Miki's voice as Roy this episode, he sounds way better than in the first episode...I had less images of Lockon pop into my head XD

I'm really so excited for all of this, I look forward to seeing more differences and seeing lots of different sides of the characters and more :D <3

Fai said:
goral said:

I recommend reading this opinion, that and especially that one

I recommend you stop caring if you like that alternative-anime-original-nazi-stuff of 2003. more.

Its clear that you think that that one is oh so much superior to manga and this faithful remake

Rushed? Nope. Only part of "flashback puzzle"? Yes. I am quite sure that the parts we did not see will be included in other flashbacks, instead of straining and boring us to death with 8 consecutive flashback episodes, aka FMA1.

Its just a basic overview of plot like "here its that that and that, now other info latter, gtfo"

And the "not cute *blush" stuff is what the fma1 lacked. Maybe it was Mizushima's hatred for females or something - I don't know, but Winry got thrown away quite fast and her relationship with Ed was never developed.
Plus I don't think you have the right to complain (not you Fai-san) because it's not like you gave the manga a chance (I'm assuming you did not read it). Why can't you just sit back and enjoy the ORIGINAL storyline? And how can you compare a completed anime with an anime that just started with 2 episodes? That doesn't even make sense. =_=
robbydesuApr 15, 2009 7:17 AM
Apr 15, 2009 1:25 PM

Oct 2008
I've never seen the first series or read the manga, but I hope Winry turns out tall and still likes Ed even if he's a runt. Short guys and tall girls as couples are funny looking.
Apr 15, 2009 5:45 PM
Jun 2008
Though we didn't have nothing really new up to this episode, it was a good episode ;)
Also, I'm happy to see Winry again ^-^
Apr 15, 2009 10:39 PM
Jul 2008
heard there was only 13 eps true or wat?
Apr 15, 2009 10:50 PM

Jul 2007
timestranger said:
heard there was only 13 eps true or wat?


There's no set episode count.

They will continue as long as they cover the entirety of manga, which would be about 80 episodes total.
Apr 16, 2009 12:39 AM

Jan 2009
Loved this episode. Plus the part when ed attacked king bradley and ed getting pwned. XD
Apr 16, 2009 9:27 AM

Dec 2007
I get the feeling I'm going to like this adaptation more than the first anime, but I believe the beginning of the series was done much better last time. They SEVERELY lowered the amount of dramatic tension put into two of the most dramatic parts: Revealing Ed's artificial limbs and their decision to try to bring their mother back to life. The previous anime skillfully hid information until the opportune moment, as well as knowing when to save humor for another time. This time around, the anime is written as though we (even though most people watching this do) already know about Ed's automail. Last time around, an entire episode was crafted around revealing it, and made for one hell of an ending, whereas this time his clothes get ripped and we get one character going "Whuuuut?"

Also, last time an entire episode was devoted to the brothers' backstory when they did human transmutation. We cared about their mother that time. This time she's around for like 3 lines, then dies. If I had never watched/read FMA before I wouldn't give two shits about their Mom, because her character wasn't developed at all. I also wouldn't understand the brothers' attachment to her that drove them to do something so reckless. In conjunction with this, Ed's hatred of his father was given more emphasis than his love for his mother. BIG mistake.

On the bright side, the shift in Bradley's form of power and intimidation is an interesting move. Last time it was in his power to lead, and perhaps coerce, through words. This time it's through force. Overused? Perhaps, but it doesn't bug me that much. Him owning Ed's spear was righteous though. Eat your heart out Fire Emblem, swords can beat spears if they want!
Apr 16, 2009 10:21 AM

Dec 2008
leeree said:
I get the feeling I'm going to like this adaptation more than the first anime, but I believe the beginning of the series was done much better last time. They SEVERELY lowered the amount of dramatic tension put into two of the most dramatic parts: Revealing Ed's artificial limbs and their decision to try to bring their mother back to life. The previous anime skillfully hid information until the opportune moment, as well as knowing when to save humor for another time. This time around, the anime is written as though we (even though most people watching this do) already know about Ed's automail. Last time around, an entire episode was crafted around revealing it, and made for one hell of an ending, whereas this time his clothes get ripped and we get one character going "Whuuuut?"

Also, last time an entire episode was devoted to the brothers' backstory when they did human transmutation. We cared about their mother that time. This time she's around for like 3 lines, then dies. If I had never watched/read FMA before I wouldn't give two shits about their Mom, because her character wasn't developed at all. I also wouldn't understand the brothers' attachment to her that drove them to do something so reckless. In conjunction with this, Ed's hatred of his father was given more emphasis than his love for his mother. BIG mistake.

On the bright side, the shift in Bradley's form of power and intimidation is an interesting move. Last time it was in his power to lead, and perhaps coerce, through words. This time it's through force. Overused? Perhaps, but it doesn't bug me that much. Him owning Ed's spear was righteous though. Eat your heart out Fire Emblem, swords can beat spears if they want!
I love and agree with everything you said, well said!!! :D
Apr 16, 2009 10:34 AM

Aug 2008
See, this is what I don't get. What more do you need to know about their mother? She was a single mom who loved her sons very much. As a child, if you had the power to even try to bring her back to life, you would. You're totally orphaned at that point with no one to really care for you the way that your mother did. That is a basic feeling that, unless you had a shitty mother, didn't need more than this episode to get.

At the end of the day, their mom's death is nothing but a motivating plot device for Al to have his body taken away, which is at the core of Ed's motivations. I think they did a good job, and will continue to do a good job, unless something goes crazy, of depicting the relationship between the two.
Apr 16, 2009 11:16 AM

Dec 2008
noteDhero said:
See, this is what I don't get. What more do you need to know about their mother? She was a single mom who loved her sons very much. As a child, if you had the power to even try to bring her back to life, you would. You're totally orphaned at that point with no one to really care for you the way that your mother did. That is a basic feeling that, unless you had a shitty mother, didn't need more than this episode to get.

At the end of the day, their mom's death is nothing but a motivating plot device for Al to have his body taken away, which is at the core of Ed's motivations. I think they did a good job, and will continue to do a good job, unless something goes crazy, of depicting the relationship between the two.
It's not like we're saying it's bad. How you understand everything in terms of how a child will be lonely when his mother passed away or how the child will do anything to get his mother back...this we all understand very well, it's more like whether or not you can emotionally connect your feelings to the feelings of the characters.

Sure the first anime was definitely more dramatic in the sense that they dragged out a few things, but I think in turn for provided a sort of emotional connection. The motivation was more explored and therefore more relatable than simply presenting the story as "the mother dies. obviously the child feels sad therefore he commited taboo".

Watching the first anime made me put myself in the shoes of the character, because it is so much easier to project yourself onto the character when emotions and feelings are involved.

I'm loving the new remake, and since I'm already familiar with the story of course I don't mind having having everything more face paced. It's just too bad for the new fans who are not familiar with neither the first anime and manga, cuz I'm sure their experience in watching the anime may be slightly different. Some people need to have emotional connections to enjoy an anime...and some people don't. We're all different in our tastes :P

I know some people will bring up a point like "oh well, the manga never had the full flushed out drama, and it's still great" I'm sure it is great for you (I never read the manga, so I can't fully judge on it)....I always prefer the mangas over the anime adaptations...but then there are moments in mangas where you might wish that there was more elaboration. And I guess that's where the benefit of having an anime comes in..
Apr 16, 2009 11:25 AM

Aug 2008
I'm one of those people who need to understand why a character does what they do in order to enjoy it. If I can connect emotionally with a character, that's rare. In the case of FMA, because this is such a universal feeling, maternal love, I don't think that it needs to go any deeper than that because the mother is not an important character at all. If the mother's death were something that really sticks with the boys and is something that they want to achieve in the future, because they just can't get over it, knowing now the consequences for what those actions will be, then sure, we need to know much more about their relationship to know why they're willing to risk their bodies and souls for her. I think because it was a natural, childish, naive reaction that nothing else really needed to be said, so we can move on to more important things.
Apr 16, 2009 11:29 AM

Dec 2007
I'm enjoying this alot!
Apr 16, 2009 11:37 AM

Dec 2008
noteDhero said:
I'm one of those people who need to understand why a character does what they do in order to enjoy it. If I can connect emotionally with a character, that's rare. In the case of FMA, because this is such a universal feeling, maternal love, I don't think that it needs to go any deeper than that because the mother is not an important character at all. If the mother's death were something that really sticks with the boys and is something that they want to achieve in the future, because they just can't get over it, knowing now the consequences for what those actions will be, then sure, we need to know much more about their relationship to know why they're willing to risk their bodies and souls for her. I think because it was a natural, childish, naive reaction that nothing else really needed to be said, so we can move on to more important things.
Aha, I see the difference now~!

You see, I also need to understand why a character does what they do and such...but for me, I definitely need emotional connection, I really like to delve into the psychological aspects of a character's behaviour. Of course maternal love is universal. But if you're presented with a character where you think oh man, she reminds me of MY mother and the relationship is similar to YOUR childhood...then you start to experience in your mind the psychological effects of the"death of your mother" really start to feel the pain of the characters.

Since I didn't read the manga, I don't know whether or not there is more to what Ed and Al is aiming for in the future (please don't spoil! ><) so for me I think the mother IS an important character not in the sense that she's supposed to do something significant...but more like yet again (I apologize for sounded so redundant) the emotional impact she had on Ed and Al. If it wasn't for her...I don't think they will be in the same position as they are in now :P But then this all comes down to our personal opinion on what's considered to be important and what's not right XD?
Apr 16, 2009 11:59 AM

Aug 2008
Having an understanding of the psychologicl aspects of a character is was I was talking about, which is completely different from having an emotional connection. It takes some out and out genius writing for me to be emotionally attached to a character on episode 2. It takes much more time than that. That's why I feel like the mom isn't important. If she were then they would need to lay better groundwork for whatever it is that still sits with Ed and Al. Now, if something happens later on and they're trying to bring back the mom, then I'm going to need some really good flashbacks for me to understand why she's that important.

She is important in that if not because of her, Al wouldn't have lost his body and Ed wouldn't feel guilty, but that's it. That's why I say she is no more than a plot device. So to spend a bunch of episodes on setting up a plot device to die is just not important in the scope of the show which is more about the bond between Ed and Al, growing up, the affects of war, etc.

P.S. I haven't read the manga either.
Apr 16, 2009 1:05 PM

Dec 2008
noteDhero said:
Having an understanding of the psychologicl aspects of a character is was I was talking about, which is completely different from having an emotional connection. It takes some out and out genius writing for me to be emotionally attached to a character on episode 2. It takes much more time than that. That's why I feel like the mom isn't important. If she were then they would need to lay better groundwork for whatever it is that still sits with Ed and Al. Now, if something happens later on and they're trying to bring back the mom, then I'm going to need some really good flashbacks for me to understand why she's that important.

She is important in that if not because of her, Al wouldn't have lost his body and Ed wouldn't feel guilty, but that's it. That's why I say she is no more than a plot device. So to spend a bunch of episodes on setting up a plot device to die is just not important in the scope of the show which is more about the bond between Ed and Al, growing up, the affects of war, etc.

P.S. I haven't read the manga either.
What o__o I cannot possibly understand someone's psychological turmoils without empathy :(, and isn't empathy somewhat similar to emotional connection?

I definitely think there is more background info on the mother in the future episodes (in later chapters of the manga)..I think that's partly the reason why I'm totally okay with how the remake is atm XD

Plot device or not, it is something with a substantial significant that influenced Ed and Al. It is something that led them to grow up and face their obstacles in a unique way. What's wrong with having a little look at an incident that is considered to be important to the lives of the characters?

In a feels like the death of their mother was a rite of passage. I mean, as naive and childish as it seems to us to see Ed and Al try to resurrect their mother, in that moment in their lives, in the minds of a child, it wasn't naive and was somewhat a brave and serious decision they chose to make.

P.S. maybe we should read the manga XD doesn't it feel kind of silly for us to be speculate about this when we both don't know a hunk of info that other fans do XD? I bet the manga readers are rolling their eyes at us :(..
Apr 16, 2009 1:12 PM

Apr 2008
I agree with both of you. I'm not bothering to compare this series to the last one, since I'm just happy to have more FMA.

The maternal love aspect was glossed over a little quickly, they weren't that sad. But they didn't weep for their mother that much... they immediately began thinking 'what can I do to get her back' instead. So instead of sorrow, we got purpose out of their mothers death.

Although their mother's death wasn't really a big dramatic moment - I was really moved by the loss of Al. Something about a boy screaming for his brother gets to me.

PS. I have read the manga, and I'm really excited for the places this anime is going to go.
Apr 16, 2009 1:15 PM

Dec 2008
milesperminute said:

Although their mother's death wasn't really a big dramatic moment - I was really moved by the loss of Al. Something about a boy screaming for his brother gets to me.
TT___TT and the part when Ed was crying and trying to get Al back saying that he's his only brother? That was heart wrenching too :(..

..did you roll your eyes at us? XD jkjk
Apr 16, 2009 1:18 PM

Jul 2007
noteDhero said:
See, this is what I don't get. What more do you need to know about their mother? She was a single mom who loved her sons very much. As a child, if you had the power to even try to bring her back to life, you would. You're totally orphaned at that point with no one to really care for you the way that your mother did. That is a basic feeling that, unless you had a shitty mother, didn't need more than this episode to get.

At the end of the day, their mom's death is nothing but a motivating plot device for Al to have his body taken away, which is at the core of Ed's motivations. I think they did a good job, and will continue to do a good job, unless something goes crazy, of depicting the relationship between the two.

Not to mention that the belief, that "its the one and only flashback to be included in series" , in itself is crazy.

If they want more of "omg lets show how she loved them" I bet they will get it, but its quite stupid to believe that we won't get any more flashbacks.

I, myself, am amused that people expected to see EVERYTHING about the characters in one/two episodes of series.

Apr 16, 2009 1:20 PM

Apr 2008
robbydesu said:
..did you roll your eyes at us? XD jkjk
Not at all. It would be really cool to go into this blind. Having watched the last series, and reading the manga, I'm sure that I'll be bored seeing some of the same scenes over and over. (who am I kidding, it's FMA, i'm not going to be bored) The manga is really good though... definitely better than the first series.

The heart wrenching parts is part of what makes FMA so great to me. That and the absolutely epicness of it all.
Apr 16, 2009 1:20 PM

Dec 2008
Fai said:

I, myself, am amused that people expected to see EVERYTHING about the characters in one/two episodes of series.
Poo :( I'm not one of them!

P.S. I haven't see you around lately fai-san ;)

milesperminute said:
The heart wrenching parts is part of what makes FMA so great to me. That and the absolutely epicness of it all.
Yes I definitely agree!! I was totally and still stoked for the remake because I love the series but I wanted to see the ORIGINAL storyline (I'm too lazy to read the manga ><...maybe someday), I'm trusting on your word that it's gonna be more epic than the first anime :P
robbydesuApr 16, 2009 1:24 PM
Apr 16, 2009 1:34 PM

Apr 2008
Fai said:
I, myself, am amused that people expected to see EVERYTHING about the characters in one/two episodes of series.
But we just want to get further into it. XD jk, Without taking your time with an anime series, you won't grow to love the characters. I'm looking forward to watching this every week - no matter how long it takes to get to the end.

and don't worry robbydesu, it is more epic. and the last series did epic really well. I'm looking forward to more.
Apr 16, 2009 1:37 PM

Aug 2008
Actually, I want less epic. If there's anything I found lame about the first series, was how convoluted everything got towards the end. I kind of stopped caring about Ed all together, and Wrath was a nuisance. I think that if the show focuses more on Ed and Al as brothers, and then Ed's daddy issues, things will be more streamlined towards the end than they were. Of course, I'm guessing that's a totally different plot than what will be aired, and guessing by the "Brotherhood" in the title, I have nothing to worry about.
Apr 16, 2009 1:42 PM

Dec 2008
noteDhero said:
Actually, I want less epic. If there's anything I found lame about the first series, was how convoluted everything got towards the end. I kind of stopped caring about Ed all together, and Wrath was a nuisance. I think that if the show focuses more on Ed and Al as brothers, and then Ed's daddy issues, things will be more streamlined towards the end than they were. Of course, I'm guessing that's a totally different plot than what will be aired, and guessing by the "Brotherhood" in the title, I have nothing to worry about.
I dunno about you, but my definition of "epic" is more related to how the anime makes me feel emotionally (LOL I bet you're hating this word) the heartwrenching parts :( As long as I enjoy watching the series, then I considered that in itself as epic. It's not ALWAYS the matter of having extreme bouts of drama :P (like wrath, I agree with you...he was a bit annoying and random) ...atleast not for me anyway
Apr 16, 2009 1:54 PM

Aug 2008
Well then, I think I agree with you, I was going to end my spiel with "more dramtic tension," but decided not to.
Apr 16, 2009 2:03 PM

Apr 2008
robbydesu said:
I dunno about you, but my definition of "epic" is more related to how the anime makes me feel emotionally (LOL I bet you're hating this word) the heartwrenching parts :( As long as I enjoy watching the series, then I considered that in itself as epic. It's not ALWAYS the matter of having extreme bouts of drama :P (like wrath, I agree with you...he was a bit annoying and random) ...atleast not for me anyway
YES! finally. That's what I meant. It doesn't need to be 'extreme bouts of drama', but if a fictional story is making me feel things, i consider that epic.

It's been a while since I watched the last series... can't really remember all the 'Wrath' stuff. Just let it be said that all the Wrath stuff goes down differently in the manga.
Apr 16, 2009 2:35 PM

Dec 2007
milesperminute said:
But if a fictional story is making me feel things, i consider that epic.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, and it's my main reason for watching anime.
There are only a handful of shows that have had characters that I felt I could connect with, but those few shows put all the others to shame. (FMA being one of those)
TarjeApr 16, 2009 2:40 PM
Apr 16, 2009 5:12 PM
Mar 2009
I really do prefer this faster face. Let's face facts: 112% of people watching this series watched the first one and a good number of those read the manga as well. There is absolutely no reason at all that they need to build dramatic tension up on most reveals that we all know are going to happen.

I will say, however, that one that NEEDS to be drawn out is hughes. Seeing him being the same old guy is heartwrenching.
Apr 16, 2009 9:01 PM
Nov 2008
That was an excellent episode.

The past is revealed. :O

I still love that Ending so much. <3

Can't wait for episode 3.
Apr 17, 2009 2:05 AM

Aug 2008
Although I would of preferred them to follow the manga accurately but this was ok too. We were shown a lot of stuff about there past in a really quick pace. Being like a review for those who have already watched the previous FMA but I guess kind of weird for the new viewers..
Anyway Lior in next episode and can't wait to see it.

The new FMA pwns!!
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