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GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka
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Sep 26, 2009 6:47 AM

Oct 2008

In other news, this was amazing.
Nov 4, 2009 10:35 AM

Jan 2009
Wow, that was amazing. A truly masterpiece that teachs you things about life that you never knew about. I wish I would have a teacher like Onizuka.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Nov 21, 2009 11:42 AM

Nov 2009
Awesome ending. The GTO manga is the best manga EVER.
Dec 29, 2009 5:17 AM

Mar 2009
Loved this series.
Jan 3, 2010 10:20 PM

Jan 2009
The ending was great but disappointing at the same time. I really like the ending thought it was well done and drove home the point of GTO, but i would've liked a little more closure with some of the characters. Overall one of the best manga series i have read to this date and i give it a 10/10.
Feb 5, 2010 12:35 AM

Dec 2009
this is an awsome school life manga
probably the best and funniest!!
Feb 12, 2010 6:22 AM

Jun 2009
Ya some parts of it, seemed like ammm unfinished?
but thats how life is, you cant finish everything and hope for a future (well thats what i think Fujisawa was trying to do)
Apr 5, 2010 6:13 PM
May 2008
This has easily become my favorite manga series ever!!!

Anyway, enough of the fanboyism... I really liked the symbolism when Onizuka's heart stopped. He became the reborn again angel that the "Angels" group were thought to be. It just fits so well with how he is as a teacher... being Class Four's Guardian Angel... so to speak.


Now, I'm off to start "14 Days"!!!
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Apr 11, 2010 10:59 PM

Aug 2009
burntlettuce said:
The ending was great but disappointing at the same time. I really like the ending thought it was well done and drove home the point of GTO, but i would've liked a little more closure with some of the characters. Overall one of the best manga series i have read to this date and i give it a 10/10.

Yeah, I have found with the few mangas I've read that there really isn't enough closure with everything. I really would have liked to have it ended so many different ways like.

I wish it hadn't have ended, though. I laughed, I cried, I got really worked up at times (hell, at the end of the 1st angels arc, my adrenaline was pumping SOOOO hard, I had to start Aria b/c I knew that series was calm and it barely calmed me down).

Now onto Shonan 14 Days!
Jun 26, 2010 6:54 AM
Dec 2009
I agree with everyone that need more closure. I'd expect something along the line that he is back at school and got welcome in his class and such. Still Great series though. ^o^
Jul 3, 2010 9:13 PM

Mar 2009
It was an amazing read. I knew there was no way Onizuka would die just like that.
Dec 30, 2010 3:16 PM

Apr 2008
I noticed that MAL says there are 201 chapters in the manga - is there a discrepancy, or is 201 that weird bit at the end that isn't really GTO?
Jan 4, 2011 7:36 PM

Mar 2008
i have the same question jeje
Feb 10, 2011 7:58 AM

Jul 2009
I was wondering 'bout that 201'st chapter too.
Music is intellectual or sensual pleasure according to the temperament of him who hears it.


Apr 12, 2011 5:04 PM
Feb 2011
WOW these last chapters got my adenaline rushing. I wanted to beat the fuck outta that psycho that almost killed Onizuka! >:(

As far as closure goes, it was pretty good, i got broken in by Studio Ghibli's bittersweet endings in my early anime days so GTO was ended well in my opinion. Not EVERYTHING needs to be absolutely wrapped up.

LOL and the principal went through what.. 5 Crestas?
002173Sep 30, 2011 10:24 PM
Dec 30, 2011 8:21 PM

Nov 2008
So its anime adaptation only represented less than half the manga with a completely different ending but I still love both of them.

BTW, can anyone explain to me what was Mayu Wakui trying to do in that press conference? I only understood it might damage his reputation but I didn't get what was he trying to accomplish with the help of Yoshito Kikuchi and others.
Jan 26, 2012 10:37 AM

Mar 2010
Hmph school for me was just fleeting memories but maybe two or three things changed my life's perspectives. Back to the manga I'm glad everyone is all happy and it ended good but I guess it was too satisfying but Its good that way, GTO Will always live on everyone should really read this....

Behold of my awesomeness~
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But my feels.
Feb 5, 2012 12:51 PM

Aug 2010
What a fantastic manga!! It's filled with hilarious situations, excellent cast and great drama. And still packs some meaningful life lessons here and there. A complete package indeed :D

Too bad Onizuka still remained a virgin, I was hoping for a romance between Onizuka x Urumi, IMO both are the best characters from this manga. Or even Onizuka x Fuyutsuki
Feb 9, 2012 4:32 PM

Apr 2011
This manga was amazing to read. I really enjoyed all the funny, action and drama in this manga. GTO has become my favorite manga ever!!! <3
Jun 23, 2012 2:33 AM

Feb 2010
OMG SO GOOD im glad i was born so i could read this master piece
Aug 20, 2012 3:21 PM
Jul 2012
10/10 this was a masterpiece one of the best mangas ive read
Aug 20, 2012 3:21 PM
Jul 2012
10/10 this was a masterpiece one of the best mangas ive read
Sep 12, 2012 8:05 AM

Aug 2012
Instead of adding new characters, mangaka should have focused on existing ones. For example that yakuza's autistic kid - what was the point of that character? I don't even remember seeing him after Onizuka returned him to school.

Nonetheless I highly enjoyed the last chapters. I just wish there was more character's development.
Nov 8, 2012 2:07 AM
May 2009
Awesome manga hey I want a teacher like Onizuka too..... Brilliant masterpiece a lot of funny moments especially by Onizuka! Haha for me I wanted more development with Urumi its ok its ok
Jan 29, 2013 12:58 PM

Sep 2011
alpir said:
Instead of adding new characters, mangaka should have focused on existing ones. For example that yakuza's autistic kid - what was the point of that character? I don't even remember seeing him after Onizuka returned him to school.

Nonetheless I highly enjoyed the last chapters. I just wish there was more character's development.

I agree, there were a few pointless characters, including the whole angel organization.

I wish there were more of Julia, and Moritaka, she should have had more of a role. The black stars should've had their arc.

Surprisingly, one of the more funny characters in the series was Uchiyamada, lol @ his paranoia

With that being said, the series was perfect still. onizuka x Urumi( why was Fuyutsuki even created)???

I absolutely loved it! the manga changed some of my life perspective, Onizuka is awesome!
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jul 16, 2013 3:43 AM

Dec 2012
This is a great series. However, towards the end I felt that it has gotten a little repetitive. Also agree that they should have developed existing characters and their relationships, for example the development of Anko and Noboru was good. Miyabi could have more presence after her resolution (she had a lot of presence but that was before and not after)

Sep 6, 2013 2:37 PM

Jun 2008
Enjoyable manga, but at the same time I feel it was very repetitive and lacking.

Still....a SOLID 8/10
Sep 12, 2013 4:26 PM

Jan 2013
I finished this master piece months ago. Just found this thread now.


I will always remember Onizuka, for me, he will always be the best of the best.

I really wish that I had a teacher like Onizuka, that teacher made his students improve not only in the academic way but also in the personal way, which in my opinion is more important.

By far the best manga that i've ever read. 10/10. Masterpiece, this manga should be readed by everyone to improve as persons.
Do you know the secret of this world?
"If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh"-Magus
"What are two halves? One Fren Da"
Sep 20, 2013 11:01 AM

Dec 2012
when i was reading GTO i wondered a crossover with Ginpachi-sensei from Gintama, it would be so epic!
Sep 22, 2013 3:44 PM
Jul 2010
The first 3/4 of this manga is pure gold. The way that the mangaka brings the characters and plot line into a great pace is simply amazing. My favorite part of the whole manga are the Miyabi-Kanzaki conflict chapters. However, by the time he introduced Double D Daimon and the "Angels" his character management became a little shaky. There was hardly any need for introducing the autistic kid and I was disappointed that Kusano's only relevance in the manga was during the Tokiwa conflict (besides being that 3rd kid in Murai's group) especially since Kikuchi, whom, along with Onizuka, is pretty much the only character with consistent relevancy to the plot line, ends up the hero at the end of the day. Plus it irritated me that Kanzaki faded into obscurity during this whole Angel conflict.

In the end I felt that the mangaka spent too much damn time on that dumbshit Sho and Daimon instead of making the big secret of Miyabi more climatic and fully bringing her character to closure; and of course we could've had more romance between Onizuka and Fuyutsuki. Despite all my bitching about the ending (and there's a lot more) I don't think I'll be reading a more or equally enjoyable manga for quite a while. 10/10.
AluvisSep 22, 2013 3:55 PM
Oct 18, 2013 1:02 PM

Oct 2009
Ending felt a bit unfinished, but was great nevertheless. Wish he got with Urumi though. She put up the biggest fight for him through.

What ever happened to the first girl anyway? One who promised her virginity to him.
Nov 23, 2013 11:21 PM

May 2012
LowKey said:
10/10 this was a masterpiece one of the best mangas ive read
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Apr 10, 2014 5:46 PM

Apr 2013
Just finished this yesterday. I had watched the anime before and thought it was just spectacular. I was a bit more hesitant to start up the manga because I already knew what happened through half of it and I didn't want to just start off from where the anime left off. I prefer to reread the manga version of a series to see the changes/improvements from the anime. But it didn't matter at all. Reading the same events from before just got me to fall in love with this series even more.

I do agree with what some others have said about the first 3/4 of the manga as it is just perfect. It is beyond amazing. I thought that the Angel arc was a bit weak and repetitive in places (relative to the masterpiece that is the rest of the series) but the ending sequences, Onizuka "death" (legends never die), Miyabi kidnapping, and some other moments were spectacular and just classic Onizuka. I experienced some significant feels for sure.

I actually thought that the ending was just fine. There wasn't a need for EVERYTHING to be resolved especially with the romance. Azusa already admitted to herself that she loved Onizuka (and of course we've got Urumi waiting in the wings). The manga only covered "6 months" (which is insane) so you can't expect them to solve world hunger. There were no cliffhangers so I could be satisfied with it.

I'll always remember and cherish this manga for the brilliant characters and none of them were greater than Onizuka himself. A real man. True to his core (perverted as it was). 10/10 for me and right up there with Berserk as my favorite manga.
Apr 27, 2014 1:33 AM

Nov 2011
I watched the anime not so long ago but this manga still remains amazing even after all these years. 8/10 for sure. I wasn't a fan of that manga character (Makoto was her name I think) in chapter 147. Still, the solid story and premise of this series is well worth it the time.

>What does school mean to you?
Jun 9, 2014 10:55 AM

Jan 2012
just finished this today

GTO is one of the greatest manga series i have ever read

Onizuka cant gets wth Urumi becz she is his student.

Nov 9, 2014 5:49 PM

Nov 2012
There's so many things I'm going to miss..
From the character interactions
To onizukas crazy costumes
To seeing " MY cresssssstttaaaaaaaaaaa" =')
Nov 12, 2014 11:13 AM

Aug 2014
Loved every second of it. I really liked the characters and everything about the manga!

The endings always leaves me wanting more.
Jan 13, 2015 12:13 AM
Jun 2010
Great Series, has really impacted me along the way. Bought all the volumes and it took me years to finish it, despite strong urges to read online. After I finished reading it, it had me reevaluating aspects of my life, sometimes Onizuka says shit to others who are fucking up and I realize how I'm fucking up too. I was in my room in pitch black just re-evaluating my life and my worldviews, how my decisions and worldviews can hurt others or be hurtful towards myself and how I am, in some ways maybe, running from some things. Really love the series and want to be heroic like Onizuka is. The ending wasn't that amazing or the numerous school and teacher emphasis in that chapter but it was meaningful to the series. I don't really expect most endings to satisfy me, people sorta leave them more open ended often to give you more possibilities to think about and not totally kinda give you a sureness that makes you sorta stop wondering for the future of the characters and such. It would have been lame if he married Azusa in the ending to me, it's not about him and Azusa, it's about being a great teacher. All in all, loved it and I saw Onizuka as a hero I want to strive to be, I hope to make some personal changes in myself from this story. I'll also look into the other ones, like the sequel.

"There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day... not even Death himself can take my life away!"
Feb 5, 2015 6:53 AM

Jan 2013
The masterpiece ends. Little sad for this but I gotta get over it.

Onizuka's the man, he always will be.
Feb 5, 2015 6:58 AM

Oct 2012
Damn, this could have been so much better if it were a Seinen from the start. Things started getting repetitive at the end, how many suicide attempts and how many times did Onizuka jump off a building (they even repeated the scene where Onizuka pushes Urumi with Miyabi? We even had two weirdos obsessed by the girl they like, Sho and the Tokyo Uni faggot. Plus, even though the ending was decent, we could have gotten better closure, like him actually getting a date for once (preferably with that teacher that loved him). Not to mention it would have been a good twist if one of the suicide attempts actually succeeded and triggered some development to Onizuka’s character.

It was very good, but I feel like it would have been a definite masterpiece had it been targeted at another demographic.
Jan 27, 2016 2:30 AM
Nov 2014
So gutted to see an amazing manga comes to an end, I will miss Onizuka and co alot. Ending was very solid, much better than the anime version imo.

8.5 - 9 for me. (Rounded off the score to 9/10.)
Mar 5, 2016 2:23 PM

Jul 2015
The greatest manga i have ever read ! That is all.....
Oct 7, 2016 8:38 AM

Mar 2010
Just finished reading it and I fucking loved this manga.

The only complaint I have is that storytelling gets a lot weaker in the last arc, when the Angels and Daimon are introduced, and I didn't enjoy much the way Fujisawa handled Sho's and Daimon's motivations (Sakurai having a scar for saving Daimon felt ass-pulled to me). I also think Miyabi's last conflict could be handled a lot better, but I'm okay with the way it was done.

I also enjoyed the fact that the story isn't just about Onizuka being a teacher, but also about people learning how to live by their mistakes and children being children while growing up.

This could be an easy 10/10 if it wasn't for these last 5 volumes falling short for the incredibely marvelous rest of the series, but its greatest qualities (such as the character writing and development and the way Fujisawa used all of it to creat context to debate more serious themes and reinforcing the plot with this social commentary) remained there until the very end and I have to give the props to it.

Overall, despite my complaints, this is one hell of a fucking good ride that everyone should take. 9-9,5/10 for me
Apr 11, 2017 7:16 AM

Dec 2015
Despite being a completely unrealistic series with a realistic setting, and a bunch of non-developed and pointless characters, it was a really great read. Superb character development, action, life lessons and VERY entertaining. Urumi best girl, very well written character.
Jan 12, 2018 4:32 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
A bit more closure on some of the characters would've been nice. But overall, it was a satisfying ending for a great series! My only real compliant for this series is that it heavily relies on miracles and coincidences way too much. I get that Onizuka's supposed to be a miracle man, but jeez, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a plot twist at the end showing that Onizuka is a legit god. Although most of the series has the same setup of: A student/teacher hates Onizuka's ways -> wants to get rid of them from the school -> uses complex plans to try to get rid of him -> ends up backfiring -> Onizuka teases them a bit -> flashbacks for the bad guy/girl, showing why we should sympathize with them -> ends up with a change of heart and realizes that Onizuka's isn't all that bad. It's a repetitive formula that somehow keeps the series going without feeling stale and keeps it almost always entertaining. The setups given in the series automatically make you want to root for Onizuka, and that's enough for this series to become a memorable one. Combine that with the series' themes, life lessons, and social commentaries, and you got yourself an amazing series. I'm also surprised by how much I ended up liking the supporting characters. I think the final arc overdid it a bit, with Sho being the worst of the worst, yet get's little-to-no consequences for his actions. Plus we got Onizuka coming back from the dead, which was both a wtf and an lol type of moment.

Overall, completely satisfied with the manga. Probably an 8.4/10 and will definitely give Shonan Junai Gumi are read someday.
Mar 2, 2018 12:02 AM
Jul 2018
Wish it had more of a closure, especially on the part of relationships, maybe a timeskip could have worked too.

Anyway mostly an entertaining manga for the major half, thing is you can always argue about how cliched or predictable most of the plotlines are but perhaps it's because of Onzika's unique way of solving problems and interactions with some fun side characters, it maintains an enjoyable level. However I felt that the Teshigawara arc dragged too much towards the end(as how the backstory was introduced a bit later than for the dramatic effect), and the last arc was weaker than the rest of the story(although Miyabi's issues were handled in a much better way than the anime). The morale, the life lessons, or the topics dealing with social issues, and how Onizuka is used as a mouthpiece for that, really made it a memorable ride overall.

May 22, 2018 7:20 AM
Aug 2016
I'm gonna miss this series
Oct 24, 2018 3:34 PM

Feb 2013
What a masterpiece, this guy is the best teacher in the universe.
Nov 4, 2018 9:15 PM

Nov 2016
A bit repetive and unrealistic for sure, yet so charming exactly for these aspects.

Truly a masterpiece in the comedy and drama genre and Onizuka is one of the best characters in this medium.

So sad that I'm done with this manga, but I will definitely read the other titles of this franchise too.


One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 26, 2019 8:14 PM

Oct 2017
When I started this manga after watching the anime I had planned to finish it in a month but it ended up taking me 5 months instead. There was a lot of strings pulled in scenarios but overall it was a great manga and I can't want to start reading the sequel. This was a nice chapter but I wish we got some closure with the students in class four. Who was the old man Sakurai was wheeling out?
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