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Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Kuraki Yuuyami no Scherzo
Oct 28, 2023 9:33 AM
· Scored
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Days: 118.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries232
- Reread5
- Chapters18,852
- Volumes1,189
All Comments (93) Comments
I agree agree the battle system looks great, very intriguing and the graphics are just phenomenal. You're right Midgar is just the very beginning of the game although very memorable, you return to it later in the story so imo it's not ideal that this one takes place just in Midgar. I also have my concerns but am sure I will enjoy the game nonetheless and am also very excited.
I have not continued my Octopath play through very far, still a bit volatile with my gaming haha and certain Mobile games have roped me back in too now :S Which are so time investment heavy. Never heard of Shadow Hearts, is it good?
On My GPD I've been playing all sorts, really having the time of my life with the system. I started replays of some classic PS1 titles like Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2, Kingsley's Adventure & Crash Warped. Been playing hacks of Pokemon Crystal called Pokemon Prism & Pokemon Crystal Clear on gbc and also started replaying Pokemon Emerald and a bunch of GBA romhacks. Gamecube emulation isn't perfect but I got Colosseum running well enough to start a replay of that, probably been spending the most time on that as I no longer have my gamecube and hadn't played it for years (and my first replay since I was a kid) so a very nostalgic run.
I really hope they drop the episodic idea too! I've played a bit of Octopath and it was great, can't say I'm anticipating Cyberpunk though, and never played a Xenoblade title either :s
Did you see the announcement about the Avengers Project from SE? I was right about that haha, can't wait to hear more about that game.
Tbh my gaming gone into some weird niche atm, I recently got a GPD XD+ which is basically like an android gaming tablet with the form factor of a 3DS. It's a nice little machine and I've been using it play ROM hacks and some older games like PS1 classics. Honestly I much prefer playing rom hacks on it as they become portable as the original games are intended, rather than playing on a PC. I do need to go back to and spend more time on my PS4 & Switch though, just the GPD is the most recent system I've picked up so still enthralled by it haha.
I also really hope we get some news about FF7 remake! SE took Sony's spot at E3 so it's speculated they have some big news, could also be their Avengers Project but I'm also super excited for that so I'd be happy either way. Would be great not to have to wait much longer for FF7 but apparently that game went through development hell. I picked up KH3 & 2.8 but still haven't got around to them yet, I finished KH1.5 & Re:chain of memories then kind of got fatigued with the series, so feel like I still need to finish 2.5 & 2.8 before I can touch 3. I dunno but I'm a bit of a completionist so don't feel like I can jump straight into 3.
Congrats on graduating and the job! Hope you're enjoying it!
I'm glad we share an opinion on XV, it got so much backlash from the fans but I absolutely adored the game, I had 100%'d it (except for comrades but I did enjoy and play a bit of that) but I haven't purchased the royal edition content yet. Didn't seem like a huge amount of content so might wait til there's more (and it's on sale lol). I really enjoyed all the DLC though so definitely will eventually get it. Ikr that last camp fire scene had me feeling genuine emotions! I don't think I was as invested in a FF game like that since 7 so it's actually up there with my favourites despite all the harsh criticism it's received.
Just some of the games I'm playing now are: Warioware Inc, DBZ Legacy of Goku 2, Naruto Ultimate ninja storm 1 + 4, Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Tekken 7, Injustice 2, Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, Bloodstained curse of the Moon, Monster Hunter Stories, Pokemon Y, Sun, Ultra Sun, Crystal, Silver, Yellow, Red (+ about 4 Pokemon ROM Hack games). Then I also play a lot of a DBZ mobile game called Dokkan Battle, so when I'm planning to get around to a game it really can take quiet a while haha.
Gonna save up and buy a Switch toward the end of this year so I'm really excited for that!
There's an OVA just called "Final Fantasy" from the 90's as well and while it's not at all groundbreaking, I still found it enjoyable and easy to watch. I believe it's a continuation from FF V.
Also have you seen the FF VII OVA? On the way to a smile - Episode Denzel?
Berseria sounds interesting! Let me know if you do play any of the others and what you think of them!
I actually haven't been on my console much lately, got a lot to catch up on FF, it's gonna be my birthday soon and hopefully gonna get the Crash Bandicoot remake so I'm sure the scales of mobile/console gaming will tip back toward console once that's out.
I've been gaming mostly on my phone lately, I got a really cool new (ish) Yugioh mobile app game called Yugioh Duel Links idunno if you were ever into the games or the shows but if you were I'd defo recommend it! It's a fun game even if you didn't as it's heavily strategic yet also luck based but I do think the nostalgia element helps in my overall enjoyment of the game. It's F2P so I guess it couldn't hurt to give it a go if you've got an Iphone, Ipad or Android!