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Jan 10, 2009 12:23 PM

Aug 2008
"The Angel Returns to Heaven"

-Deaths? Hell it'd be easier to list who survived!
-Awesome battle, not in space, on Earth!
-Odello !!! DX
-Uso unleashes on Chronicle! Too late to cry for help now!
-Katejina gives me one more reason to want to beat her w/ a bat!
-a pointless war ends with peace on Earth.
Wow! What an ending! Kill 'em All doesn't disappoint w/ this finale as a lot of characters fell by the wayside. It remained intense for the most part, though I didn't particularly like the whole "Angel rings becoming sentient beings part." It got too trippy & weird in the middle.

Overall, I would say this was a good show, not great. I wouldn't put it up there with 0079 or Zeta, but it definitely felt like a polar opposite of ZZ. This series remained dead serious throughout and characters died so often you almost felt numb to most of it.

The positives, it felt appropriately dark where it needed to be, and spent enough time on action, and good action. The characters who were developed enough, were worth investing in. I really enjoyed Tomache & Odello and seeing "competent" wingmen. It was a cool idea that worked well, I actually liked Tomache & Odello more than Uso. And Haro, well he was definitely the most helpful and useful Haro I've ever seen in Gundam. He was a helpful character, rather than a stupid and annoying toy or device. Seeing a core of really likable characters survive was also a plus, too.

The negatives, deaths, the Shrike team is a PRIME example. Some pilots seemed to have just enough characterization to care. Often though, they would die quickly with little for you to go on. Very pointless deaths. I swear, those cockpits have got to be the flimsiest in all of Gundam. Some of the deaths were just plain STUPID. Oscar & Franny <_< I don't like how they portrayed many of the women in this series. Often they seemed crazy and overly emotional. Or even, just plain weird.

I didn't love it, but I liked it enough to whip out a positive score for it.
Jan 20, 2009 8:36 AM

Oct 2008
I agree with the stupid deaths...
I was thinking 'wtf was Franny doing?' ... when she just charged in and died.
Oliver did a 'Kamille-waverider crash'
ahh it's sad how Odelo had to die

(*^ー゚)b ( ̄∇ ̄*)♪
Apr 11, 2009 3:03 AM

Oct 2007
So Odelo dies... But what the hell happened to Tomache? He just disappeared.
Jun 15, 2009 4:05 PM

Sep 2008
So many died for nothing...Odelo and Chornicle noooooooooes! *tear* I'm at least happy that Marvet survived, I thought she would die much earlier in the serie.
Oct 7, 2009 8:05 AM
Sep 2007
It wouldn't be a Gundam if there wasn't unnecessary deaths.
Oct 8, 2009 2:15 PM

Sep 2008
good battles.....annoying main would've made a great series if there wasn't such a crybaby main character(i had to skip a few episodes because of that).......but over all nice..
Mar 28, 2010 6:53 PM
Jan 2008
After watching the whole series, it actually slightly outdoes Zeta which surprised me. Some of the deaths however I question. Gundam 0080 made a character's death have more of a significance. And I ended up actually feeling sorry for Katejina in the end.

Also a particular death also in Macross but I won't say it here.
May 13, 2010 12:44 PM

Feb 2010
I didn't liked this Gundam at first because it's clearly was aimed at a children audience, but the final episodes made it worth watching the earlier boring ones.
Jun 6, 2010 7:24 AM

Apr 2009
ending was ok (except for unnecessary deaths part).. good gundam series.. too bad i don't personally like it..

btw, best Haro ever..
Jul 13, 2010 9:17 AM

Feb 2009
Well that was a VERY satisfying ending considering I didn't like this Gundam as much as the others. Indeed a lot of people die (Odelo =/), but it's incredible the number of female pilots that didn't make it. This version of Haro was awesome and Karlmann has got to be the coolest infant in any anime series. Also did you notice the improvement in the visuals? Pretty neat art and fluid animation in those fights.

In conclusion: The story was okay, the characters were very Gundam typical and the drama felt forced. Overall a poorly done Gundam, one of the weakest in my opinion. In the end, the last episodes kinda made up for the rest.
VeethornJul 13, 2010 9:29 AM
Jul 15, 2010 11:39 AM
Jun 2010
Since when did death become necessary to the human eye? I'm curious what defines "random deaths" when death itself is a random process. We never know when we're going to "croak".

Personally, it's one of my favorite series. I just love how war is depicted in this series. If everyone lived, it would've been awkward. But if everyone died like in Aura Battler Dunbine, it'd also be awkward. There needs to be a few characters left to feel the brunt of what happens after the conflict. I just loved how this ended. :p

But this is another one of those series that if you don't like melodramas, you won't appreciate this sort of plot.

I just loved how they put little kids in a middle of a war. It's not like your typical mecha that throws some older teenager; we have a little 13 year old boy who is pretty much thrown into this conflict. And the girl he had a crush on literally goes mad. Speaking of which, I had to say what happened to Katejina was a stroke of genius on the part of Tomino. Why give the villain the pleasure of death? Make those misdeeds pay while you're alive, hell can wait just a little longer. :p
Jul 18, 2010 12:27 AM
Jun 2007
Just finished this and I have now seen every single Gundam TV series. Which should be an achievement of sorts . On the downside, I should have saved something better for the last since this series isn't all that good - it's actually one of the worse I've seen. While the final stretch had me on the edge of my seat, the scripting, story structure, character development and characterization were all poorly handled. The main characters in particular are some of the worse I've seen since Uso and Shakti are dumb as wood. How they managed to survive this long without bothering to think things through is something I'll try to wrap my head around for the rest of my life.

Other things that bugged me (among many other things) were the lack of ramifications for Uso's actions. He, several times, unilaterally took courses of action that might have caused potential disasters for League Militaire and/or the Earth Federation. The League Militaire maybe a loose organization without proper military structure but at least teach the kid some discipline! He was given a long leash just because he was an "ace" pilot, but he needed to learn responsibility early on.

Another aspect that I found terrible was the multitudes of deaths in this series. Unlike other Gundam series where deaths and the horrors of war were merely brushed aside while at the same time glorifying the main character Victory was up-front and in-your-face about it. I thought that it backfired because of Uso's continued idiocy, coupled with his uncanny ability to somehow shrug the stress off, the impact of those deaths ended up looking contrived.

I'll give the series a 4/10 overall, avoiding being lumped with X as the second worst TV series I've seen, and two spots ahead of SeeD: Destiny. I knew that it was going to be a dark experience due to its reputation but in the end, it tried but failed to invoke grief from my end, finding its attempt to be highly contrived.
Dec 4, 2010 9:09 PM

May 2010
Wow, and I thought Zeta Gundam's body count was high, this one's was just ridiculous. Pretty good episode overall, so I guess that bitch Katejina survives to let viewers know how some people are too evil to die and that they must suffer in life(but did that last scene with her pupils appearing show that she regains her sight somehow?) I wouldn't say Victory is the 2nd best after Zeta like most people do, but its still a solid show. One thing that bugged me were the character deaths, some worked and some just felt silly and tacked on though.

Dec 4, 2010 10:49 PM

Dec 2007
I have to agree that Tomino went more than a bit overboard. Far too many characters were nothing more than plot devices whose sole purpose was to die and give Uso a little more angst. I think I estimated something like 70% of characters who were introduced by name ended up dying to inflict some form of impact on Uso, including (as usual) most of the ones I liked. As mentioned previously, this was a big issue because it was almost always shrugged off shortly after, minimizing the impact and hurting character development. Putting so much focus here was probably why I feel it's one of the weaker Gundam series.

Still, I liked the less glorified approach though, and it was still, a fairly good series. 6/10
Dec 17, 2010 10:54 PM

Jul 2010
Didn't like it early on where there are too many underdeveloped deaths, with the typical "character suddenly got a tiny development only to be killed later." Even some of the later deaths are still like that. Though, it still have good deaths as well, like the Reinforce crew one.

Some parts of the plot and characterization is a mess. There are times when I don't even know wtf are they doing anymore. Especially Katejina, I don't even know why she fights anymore, it's shown that she loved Cronicle but it's also shown that she actually plays both Uso and Cronicle.

And agree that the Haro is awesome.

Overall, 6/10 from me. Not something terrible, but certainly have too many flaws for me to give it 7/10.
Jan 8, 2011 11:40 AM

Nov 2008
I was warned ahead of time that this was a high death count Gundam. I was worried that it would end like Zeta with a completely depressing and unsatisfying finish, but that's not how it was. I think the last six or so episodes were pretty fantastic, and the finish had lots of people die but still a satisfying finish with an end to the war and a happy finish for Uso, Shakti, and Marbet.

Obviously Uso isn't the greatest main character ever, but there are really no characters in the show that I found to be "bad characters." Usually there are at least a couple of characters from a Gundam show that I end up really hating (Katz, Mashimere, etc), but in this show all of the characters for me ranged from okay to good.

There are some negatives I have to say about the show. First, the animation and art is probably the worst of any Gundam show, and that includes the original. Must've been a very low budget, but I can overlook it.

Second complaint, I wish they had done a bit more character development with some of the characters, their pasts and their motivations. Even though I think Katejina is a very good character, they did a poor job of explaining her heel turn. Around episode 20 or so, she risks her life to send a message to Uso, and as far as we know she's still mostly good. Then she disappears for a couple episodes, reappears and tries to kill Uso. In the end, the best explanation we get is that she was repaying Chronicle's kindness by taking his side. Not good enough, imo.

I mean, I get that she flipped her lid and was looking for a place to belong. I get that she had the ego to enjoy Uso and Chronicle fighting to the death. I get that she was trying to trick Uso to the very end, like her soul was gone at that point. And she deserved to be left blind, in a very pitiable state. But... they still should have explained why she flipped sides a little better.

As far as backgrounds go, we don't even know why Uso and Katejina know each other. We know they communicated by email and that Uso admired her a lot. But... why did they know each other? She lived in Woowig and he lived in Kasarelia. There's obviously an age gap. There must be a story there as to how they became friends, but it's never told.

Oh well. I still call this a good show. Much better than Gundam ZZ.
Apr 30, 2011 3:58 PM
Jun 2008
ok gundam i guess , the transaltion was really bad from my part i guess so it was hard to truly enjiy it, really liked the whole mid to end, great drama and character the overall plot seem quite ok but then the ending contained so much bullshit in rushed way i just couldn't connect, and its all felt like big waste of time.
May 9, 2011 3:32 PM

Jan 2010
This was so terrible it made me angry.
Jun 3, 2011 9:15 AM
Nov 2008
This was not very good. Odelo and the old men's deaths were unnecessary to the plot of course, and didn't particularly motivate Uso or anything. A lot of them die for really stupid reasons. Especially the final Shrike Team deaths. Some of them, I couldn't even tell if they had died or not. Like Connie's. I saw Katejina attack her, but they didn't really show her dying or anything. And Uso's father died at some point in there, right? When the Jeanne d'Arc went down, I assume? They didn't even show him on the ship when he died, just the guy with the white beard (Mubarak?).

Overall, it seemed like in these final episodes they were so desperate to kill a bunch of the cast that they couldn't really make the story coherent. When Shakti was singing, why didn't humanity revert to mindless "infants"? And what happened to all those psychickers? Were they just dropped off on Earth?

It's also a shame Kagatie and Katejina didn't die... especially Katejina, I was really looking forward to her death. It seems kind of outlandish that Kagatie would survive... he's like the main villain. Who knows if he'll try to do this kind of thing again.
jonnjonzzJun 3, 2011 9:19 AM
Jun 10, 2011 6:53 AM

May 2008
Well, this series had a lot of ups and downs, but more downs to be frank. I didn't like this at all, until around the 35-36 episodes, where Earth battles took place. Thanks to that I didn't drop the series and was able to finish it.
I'm so glad I could cry that Marvet survived. I seriuosly though that she's going to die. But Odelo ;__; I really liked his character and the final development with Elisha-san....
It would have been better if that b*tch Katejina died at the end. I think Shakti recognized her there~

My final score for this is 6 or 7/10, time will decide~
Jun 16, 2011 11:54 AM

Feb 2005
ErwinJA said:
I have to agree that Tomino went more than a bit overboard. Far too many characters were nothing more than plot devices whose sole purpose was to die and give Uso a little more angst. I think I estimated something like 70% of characters who were introduced by name ended up dying to inflict some form of impact on Uso, including (as usual) most of the ones I liked. As mentioned previously, this was a big issue because it was almost always shrugged off shortly after, minimizing the impact and hurting character development. Putting so much focus here was probably why I feel it's one of the weaker Gundam series.
Yea, even if you buy into the silly expandability of the Shrike team and most of the allies, there were some especially pointless stuff, like those two enemy pilots that got like, a episode worth just to show some tacky "WHIE LOVED ONES HAV TO KILL EACH OTHER BAAAW" message.
And overall, I also felt the good guys weren't fighting seriously enough. After all, Zanscare did plan a campaign of genocide to wipe out all life on the earth, and then you have the protagonists worrying about causing a couple of nuclear reactor blasts?

The trite old trick with the EF being a bunch of ignorant fogies that somehow manage to overlook the chaos even on earth was a bit too silly to swallow as well.

There were also some annoyingly tacky twists that screamed wasted opportunities, like the time they infiltrated Zanscare to save Uso, they had a perfect chance to kill Kagatie and the military leaders during the breakout, but, noo. And of course, their failure to take the queen as a hostage in the first place.

Plus Katejina's change of character was not justified nearly well enough, and Shakti suffered from the typical whisy-whasyness what with changing sides randomly every now and then.

Still, it did have some really good points, the battle in ep.19-21 was really interesting with that fun fire-ship strategy.
Uso and the lot also weren't that bad, Gundam kids considered, at least they easily topped the fools from ZZ and the insufferably obnoxious Quess and Hathaway.
I just wish it could have been overall more serious, with less pointless crying for killed enemies and a more merciless attitude from the protagonists. But oh well, it is Gundam after all.
Jul 16, 2011 11:09 PM

May 2010
One question, what the hell was with the theme of the series? Seriously, everything had this motif of gender that I found to be extremely weird. Zanscare was fighting for motherly love? Then both Katejina and Lupe were trying to dominate men, there was the all-women shrike team, as well as that hilarious bikini attack-squad. Then there was all this talk about how women give birth and create life, lots of focusing on Marbet's pregnancy, but why? I was getting this weird sexist (matriarchy-phobia?) vibe throughout the show, but Tomino never explained half the shit he threw out there, so I can't really tell.

Anyways, this show was really fucking strange. For example, the "tires in space" concept was so absurd that even the characters talked about how stupid it was! Katejina randomly changed from good to the most evil character I've yet seen in the entire Gundam franchise for no apparent reason. Oliver's kamikaze attack made no sense (even if it destroyed the tires, it's not like they needed tires to fly off the moon. Even if they did, all they would have had to do was replace a tire, not exactly the most difficult repair ever...) That snake mobile armor was pretty stupid too now that I think about it. And, the eyecatches... umm, so the dog climbs up haro, falls off and becomes vaporised, then haro flies above the Earth? ...What the fuck? Then there was the scene where that guy picked a flower and the girl freaked out because they needed the flowers to survive. So... somebody apparently designed a colony so that you could destroy it by picking flowers?

Honestly, I don't know what to think. Maybe it's a 6 or 7. There were lots of cool parts to this show, but there were also lots of stupid parts. I actually liked the kill 'em all aspect, because that's how war is supposed to be. Still, this show has nothing on the 3 before it (and screw you all, ZZ is still my favorite UC TV series!)
“Money can't buy dere”
May 9, 2012 6:40 AM

Apr 2012
loved the series
my fav suit was the victory Gundam
Aug 27, 2012 2:05 PM

Sep 2009
F91 got scrapped and yet this pile of equine faeces got to be made?

Fuckdammit, Sunrise. What the hell were you thinking?


LindleAug 28, 2012 5:10 AM
Sep 7, 2012 7:44 AM

Sep 2010
I hate you Katejina you killed my Odelo you fucking bitch. So happy she got hit with the karma train may she suffer like that for the rest of her life cause death would have been too kind for her!

Poor Elischa is all alone, but I'm sure she will find someone who is just as sweet and gentlemen like Odelo cause if she don't then Odelo will rage and haunt that bastard!

lol did Tomache die too or something he kinda faded off when Odelo started facing Katejina?

I'll give this an 8/10 very good Gundam would have been better if Odelo lived and married Elischa. =D
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jan 4, 2013 2:33 PM

Jan 2013
Uso should get a free angst card because he really needed this one. Overall it was an okayish series, it started out promising but alot of wasted potential in my opinion. 7/10
I do think it is better then zz gundam.
Apr 18, 2014 2:56 AM

Mar 2012
And here I thought there could be nothing worse than Gundam ZZ.....One thing I will give it though is that it had an awesome OST.
May 1, 2014 12:11 PM

Sep 2011
fuck it i enjoyed this series alot, sure there were a ton of dumb moments and parts that seriously needed improvements but for what it did right i think it did REALLY right, i thought the core storyline was very strong and went in interesting directions, i really liked the cast this time around particularly uso who depsite doing a couple gullible things i generally found to be a well developed character with a likable personality. I really liked this finale and only found the strike team deaths to be all that forced(odello's death was fantastic if you ask me and really hit a heartstring for me)

also can i mention how relieving it was seeing uso and shatki just live their lives peacefully in the end with all the other survivors, they went through hell but unlike amuro and kammile they awaited a peaceful reward. Also i interprate katejina living as a fate worse than death as shes clearly not enjoying having no memories, contacts, or sight, she got what she deserved


Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 16, 2014 5:40 PM

Apr 2012
8/10, a good series!
I've heard that there's lots of deaths and that it's not the best gundam series ever but still I enjoyed it.

Serves Katejina right!
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Jul 6, 2014 7:11 PM
Mar 2009
This was worse than ZZ, and that was difficult.
Nov 14, 2014 5:30 AM
Oct 2010
I enjoyed this, but:

- Most misogynistic Gundam
- Really limited OST, especially for a 51 ep. series. Please note that it wasn't bad, but it lacked versatility
- Horrible designs, I'm talking about the Motoroad Squad

Now the pros:

- Best Haro ever
- Holy fuck the sheer amount of tragedies that surround Uso and the unwavering support of everybody around him. That's war and camaraderie. For everebody saying he is a crybaby: he's a fucking 13 year old in the middle of a war he didn't ask to be a part of.
- GREAT battles. And the last 5 episodes, my god, that was great.

Jan 19, 2015 12:06 PM

Sep 2013
Hmm, so the core crew managed to stay alive throughout the war. I'm glad, a last minute death for Uso or Shakti would have been almost too predictable. I felt for Katejina in the end, although she was such a bitch in most of the episodes, she wasn't truly evil, just a bit fucked up in the head. Oh well, now they can finally live a normal life again in their homeland Kasarelia I suppose.

Man, I really enjoyed this. The general hate from what I'd like to call the 'core' UC fanbase is unjustified. The characters were for the most part quite likable in true Tomino fashion. Uso especially, he is easily one of the best Gundam pilots I have seen in UC. The plot was the typical Gundam fare, but it did its job and I was entertained through. The battle scenes had some pretty nice choreography and the mechanical design, especially for the Victory Gundam itself, was innovative.

As always, there were some stronger and weaker parts along the way, not to forget the usual Tomino asspulls such as the very recent Bikini scene, but overall I think it was just as fun of a Gundam as Zeta or 0079 was. The only thing it missed was a Char level antagonist/anti hero. One of the better UC Gundams definitely!

cupcJan 19, 2015 12:10 PM
Jan 19, 2015 4:50 PM

Jul 2010
So many deaths, RIP Odelo one of my favorites. And ofc the most hated character Katejina who killed so many of out beloved characters gets to live but I just laughed when she was mentally crippled,blind and amnesiac. KARMA FOLKS.

Mar 16, 2015 4:55 PM

Jul 2014
Forced victimizing, incompetent characters, memory reset ending and a plethora of tension less death. This is by far the worst entry in the Gundam franchise, they tried to be grim but it came across as juvenile. I have a laundry list of issues with this shit... it wen't from Gundam ZZ level of mediocre to stupid shit like the end of episode 38.

Death =/= quality people. Tired of seeing people rank this high while it failed in almost every aspect.

Mar 19, 2015 3:21 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
No but seriously. What THE FUCK happened to Tomache?
You know what? Since it's not stated or shown, I'm just gonna say he was like, "You know what? Fuck this shit," and left during the battle because you know what? Fuck this shit.
Every time I pick a favorite character, they die or disappear due to irrelevance or something.

Anyway, besides the lack of Tomache-- and fuck that presumed dead shit-- I liked Victory Gundam.
But seriously, damn. All these characters die and get some "OMG DEAD/ABOUT TO DIE" scene/clip and Tomache just disappears? Nah.
That ain't right.
GDI, just for that I'm dropping my rating.
Dammit I'm mad. I didn't even think I'd be mad but all this time I've been thinking, "Ohh but if you must kill off Tomache, Marbet, or Warren then please do it quickly because my poor little heart can't take the wait of knowing they might meet their demise.;;"
I'm all re-watching the episode, trying to find Tomache die because maybe I blinked or something.
Mah boi Tomache said, 'Look for me".
I don't know why I'm so angry about this.
I feel like maybe it's just me observing that no one in the show seemed to give a shit about Tomache's death if he did die. Like, Uso saw all the dead folks who were important to him, Odelo's death was sensed, but nothing-- NOTHING about Tomache.
There's no need to be upset, but Gun-damn it all.

Wieners forever. I'm out.

EDIT: Wait no, I'm back in. So I've been rolling around not being able to sleep thinking about this Tomache thing and I realized that Karrel, his little brother, wasn't in the ending scene either. So I'm thinking maybe those two are just off doing their own thing. While I'm not fond of the whole Houdini act, I think that would make a little more sense when it comes to storytelling. And following the trend of this installment, no one's really going to die without their death being shown/made a big deal of/acknowledged, so I really think Tomache and Karrel are just...wherever.
SwiggyMar 19, 2015 4:16 AM

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Mar 22, 2015 6:43 PM

Oct 2010
Swiggy said:
No but seriously. What THE FUCK happened to Tomache?
You know what? Since it's not stated or shown, I'm just gonna say he was like, "You know what? Fuck this shit," and left during the battle because you know what? Fuck this shit.
Every time I pick a favorite character, they die or disappear due to irrelevance or something.

Anyway, besides the lack of Tomache-- and fuck that presumed dead shit-- I liked Victory Gundam.
But seriously, damn. All these characters die and get some "OMG DEAD/ABOUT TO DIE" scene/clip and Tomache just disappears? Nah.
That ain't right.
GDI, just for that I'm dropping my rating.
Dammit I'm mad. I didn't even think I'd be mad but all this time I've been thinking, "Ohh but if you must kill off Tomache, Marbet, or Warren then please do it quickly because my poor little heart can't take the wait of knowing they might meet their demise.;;"
I'm all re-watching the episode, trying to find Tomache die because maybe I blinked or something.
Mah boi Tomache said, 'Look for me".
I don't know why I'm so angry about this.
I feel like maybe it's just me observing that no one in the show seemed to give a shit about Tomache's death if he did die. Like, Uso saw all the dead folks who were important to him, Odelo's death was sensed, but nothing-- NOTHING about Tomache.
There's no need to be upset, but Gun-damn it all.

Wieners forever. I'm out.

EDIT: Wait no, I'm back in. So I've been rolling around not being able to sleep thinking about this Tomache thing and I realized that Karrel, his little brother, wasn't in the ending scene either. So I'm thinking maybe those two are just off doing their own thing. While I'm not fond of the whole Houdini act, I think that would make a little more sense when it comes to storytelling. And following the trend of this installment, no one's really going to die without their death being shown/made a big deal of/acknowledged, so I really think Tomache and Karrel are just...wherever.

Nope you are not crazy, Tomache pulled a Copperfield along with Karrel at the end. Not to mention how all of the crew of the the surviving Sugan Fleet including Kagatie flew off into never-never land with thousands of psychikers surrounding them, Not to mention how Uso drove right past Katejin on his hover car at the end and didn't bat an eye at her even though she's prob in his 2-3 most recognizable people.

Not to mention how Jinn Gehennam the slimmer faded into nowhere after he fled the Janne D' Arc as it was entering suicide mode.
And how they apparently revised this fact by adding his death in as a footnote in the *dead peoples spirits* montage as Janne D' Arc was smashing into Sugan's flagship, and also when Shakti's prayer was interrupted by Odelo's death and recounts all the people who died, she added *uncle* conveniently in there.

This show certaintly went off the deep end in its last few episodes, and managed to squeeze in extra plot holes and loose threads, which is a feat considering how drawn out and boring the action and dialogue became in the last 10 or so episodes.

HOWEVER, even with all these flaws, I think V Gundam is good.
Its sort of like a *so bad its good* type show.

Even though almost nothing makes sense and almost everything that happens is arbitrary and capricious, for some reason I cant come up with a sense that this is a bad show.

Its just too endearing, from Karlmann's obnoxious crying, to Shrike team's (Charlies Angels) meaningless deaths, to Odelo being killed off just to crap on the viewers one last time. to the rampant indications of paedophilia, feminism, motherly-love, naked feminine zeitgeist anthropomorphizing in space…..

Come on….that's Victory, that's Tomino, just deal with it….keep in mind this show finished before Evangelion had even aired….which soon went on to take the cake and run with it. In comparison maybe these two shows should be looked at as two of a kind….shows designed to taunt the viewer into taking them seriously in an effort to defy and crush all expectations with inanity and vulgarity to the max.

A post-modern tour de force, if you will.

As for the recently announced Blu-Ray sets, I will be awaiting with frothing demand. I just cant wait to see those poorly animated action sequences unfold in true HD. ;)
Jun 19, 2015 12:43 AM

May 2009
Cronicle Asher, throughout the series, just didn't give me the "Char Clone" vibe like the other masked men in other series. He's more like a Jerid-type more than A CHAR. Thrown-out of his cockpit and got his neck broken. I actually lol'd at that. xD

Despite Katejina killing Odelo, I felt bad for her towards the end.
Aug 20, 2015 12:49 PM

Aug 2015
GOD i hoped for Katejina this bitch to DIE.
7/ 10 Atleast she suffers in live now.
Aug 23, 2015 6:01 AM
Apr 2013
Sasuga Tomino. Flawed but enjoyable.
Oct 8, 2015 8:45 PM

Jan 2013
Hmm, I'll have to think about the last few minutes of this episode among other things, felt a bit simple. Do we know what happens to the Zanscare? Do they just go on to live for themselves and such? As for Katejina, I guess she's in a poor state but maybe has some soul-searching to do unless she just wanders on a neverending road until she perishes, not sure if it's pro-redemption for her rebellious mayhem or not.

It's very similar to Zeta's ending (various parts of the series are really) but I really liked Uso as a character and his unyielding spirit and kindness, it was easier to get behind him than the wildly volatile, near-incomprehensible Kamille, and also the (admittedly slightly excessive) deaths being more spread out throughout the show really gave more investment into the tragedy rather than just bombarding you right at the end.

I think that even the deaths of minor characters (the Shrike Team) while lacking emotional power, had some writing strength still; we see more of Uso's perspective really, and while he gets emotional even over these people we hardly knew, you can imagine Junko and the others who had known the passing members as they start to get killed off would be heavily affected because of their pasts together, and part of Junko's character was her being so heavy-hearted of all her comrades dying that she was losing her will to continue, but she kept fighting on before she got her wish (I know this is way earlier in the series, but that was a nice part for me).

I like some of the core ideas of this Gundam entry though, and from what I gather, it seems to argue a bit for the necessity of conflict (individualism at least) to establish good boundaries and promote change if humanity needs it and such and that it may be an inevitability (kind of the crux of what the franchise in its longevity shows).

While a bunch characters still don't feel as rounded and multi-faceted as 0079's, they are certainly an improvement over Zeta's high-strung exposition dolls called "characters". Victory gives the characters more downtime to bounce off the world around them and what gives them certain emotions and such although it could still use some more seeing how many episodes of battling there were. Victory's tragedy element also felt more direct than Zeta's simple straight-faced tone considered to be "dark" until the ending when there actually is some death and sadness going on, and while Victory was slow and had a bit too much action perhaps, it still felt less tedious than Zeta (although Zeta wasn't good at hiding its repeated plot threads to begin with).

As much as it seems like I keep holding Zeta against Victory, I'm still unsure if I can prop Victory one note higher with a few of the muddled things like aforementioned coupled with some of my concerns left on the episode 50 thread (Chronicle's ultimate goals, Shakti changing the Halo's abilities, etc) but yeah Uso was a great protagonist, the other characters weren't bad, the varied villain goals at the end was cool, and there are some complex themes towards the end there, so I liked it a fair bit. Maybe I'll need to revisit those last 4-6 episodes to get better footing on it, but if someone wants to clear up some of the confusion I'm having, that would help too. Underrated Gundam nonetheless I'd say.

P.S. I wish Uso's Super Newtype Attack-thingy had more emotion to it though, it was like a split second "YEEEEART" (sorrynotsorry lol), the wings spread and then Haro's like "Congrats." A bit lame compared to Kamille's charge on Scirocco.
AngelsArcanumOct 8, 2015 8:48 PM
Dec 23, 2015 10:48 AM

Mar 2012
This show's only redeeming quality was that it didn't sugarcoat war at all with so many dying, but even then its a squandered quality because there's little to no character development whatsoever stemming from it. Uso continues to act on emotions and continues to do careless shit up until the final episode and it's basically because of him that the vast majority of people that died...died. After a thousand attempts and Katejina killing many of his friends, he still wants to try to convince her otherwise even in this episode and despite her saying time and time again she won't go back. Shakti went through character regression, at the start she was very cautious and very against a lot of would be stupid ideas, yet by the end she continually wishes to go back because she believes she could still reason with Cronicle and also with Kagatie, despite multiple failed attempts. She sat there saying how much the Angel Halo gives her very bad feelings and that it should be stopped yet when given the chance she's 100% on board with using it, and she didn't even know about it having a hidden power at that point.

Other than the V suits and the V2, the overwhelming vast majority of suits in this show were pretty ugly. Most of the characters were pretty flat, but I suppose that's because they would eventually die anyway.

Not the best of the UC, by a long shot.
All in all, it's about as good as ZZ in whole, but its also just as easily forgettable as the first half of ZZ.
Venom900Dec 23, 2015 10:53 AM

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Feb 13, 2016 7:12 AM

Jan 2013
VanishingKira said:
Then comes F91 and Victory which just shat on that ending

But F91 and Victory were made BY Tomino and came out BEFORE Unicorn. If anything it's Unicorn's fault for playing with the continuity and presenting itself as an important entry to the UC timeline jammed right in the middle lol. Not saying Unicorn is bad, but you can't blame F91 and Victory for 'crapping on' an entry that wasn't made until several years after the fact.
Jul 31, 2016 3:34 AM

May 2014
AngelsArcanum said:
VanishingKira said:
Then comes F91 and Victory which just shat on that ending

But F91 and Victory were made BY Tomino and came out BEFORE Unicorn. If anything it's Unicorn's fault for playing with the continuity and presenting itself as an important entry to the UC timeline jammed right in the middle lol. Not saying Unicorn is bad, but you can't blame F91 and Victory for 'crapping on' an entry that wasn't made until several years after the fact.

Well it's more the reboot nature they tried to apply to the UC that ruins things. Unicorn serves as a late addition ending to the main arc of the UC, that had previously been filled by Char's Counterattack.

F91 was intended to be a soft reboot of the franchise. Hence the flash forward 30 years after Char's Counterattack, and seemingly most things from Amuro's era being forgotten and or not around in abundance (the Feddie soldiers not instantly recognizing a Gundam and Newtypes not being around). F91 infamously crashed and burned behind the scenes and with audiences (competing at the time against 0083 Stardust Memory), and 2 years later we got Victory.

Victory which I call F91 2.0, because of how similar V is to F91 at the beginning. Victory is another soft reboot that further pushes down the UC timeline (now set 60 years after Char's Counterattack) and further removes references and other things you expect to see in an UC era Gundam. Although it is odd that the Zansacare know what a Gundam is and it's history buy the Feddies (again) and the League Militaire don't know about the Gundams from history. Victory's reputation is known to just about everyone and how Tomino set out to make Victory as mean spirited and crazy as he possibly could.

With Victory's reception and behind the scenes drama, we got the AU Gundam series. So yeah, two bad soft reboots sequels and Unicorn a more closely connected sequel to the main UC (The Origin -> MSG -> Thunderbolt -> 08th MS -> 0080 -> 0083 -> Zeta -> ZZ -> CCA) is where we end. Unicorn's finale brings closure to the Zeon vs Federation feud but we know the space wars are what define the UC. It's just everything that would come after seems to petty by comparisons; pirates (F91) and radicalized fanatics (Victory). Personally, I'd put X as the continuation of the UC timeline. Since it continues to explore what Newtypes are, as the UC Gundams just dropped this aspect because Tomino got bored of it, and it tonally fits in with the UC more (Earth vs Colonies).
Sep 29, 2016 10:00 PM

Dec 2009
This was a great Gundam entry but all those character deaths towards the end were kind of pointless. Not trying to sound cruel, but I think both Cronicle and Katejina were let off too easy for the crimes they committed.
Nov 21, 2016 6:06 AM

Apr 2016
i don´t like this final episode!!!

-Odelo, why? He is not the protagonist, it was not necessary!
-Katejina? Is a joke? yes, a bad joke!
-End the war? How? Miracle!
-Angel Halo, is a big army, but how it has evolved? nothing, mistery!!!

This series had nice moments, but the worst and this horrible final, pay toll. The worst series of the all the Gundams that i can see. .... 6/10 (and i am noble-minded)
Nov 26, 2016 8:58 AM

Dec 2015
edit: sorry, it is an horrible mess.

I am ashamed, I don't know why but I loved this episode.
I disliked how Shakti basically became a mass-murderer (Psychickers send drifting into space, Kagatie & co, are probably safe since they have ships.)
I disliked how Chronicle revealed himself as someone who could simply not stand the pressure.
And many other things... (Uso's dad cautiously escaping the kamikaze ship but supposedly dead in the crash, etc)

5/5 It might be the power of insert-song finale... I need to be treated against that.

A more than decent Gundam despite the lack of informations about and focus on the war/conflict itself and its background, all its weird illogical things didn't help either (laser rotor magically inducing fly, etc). There was way too much action, but it never felt as suffocating as Zeta's habit of 50/50 and the action was often very enjoyable (despite those stupid super expensive strategies who made no sense in such conditions), The BGM was not memorable on its own (only one very short track caught me) but it seemed to work well strangely.
The drawings in general were sometimes good but often pretty bland.
It was not helped by the directing, or lack of. It doesn't look like it was made bythe guy who made Zeta (I know Zeta had only moments, but it was still more than what Victory has)
The robots design main theme was a nice idea for a change, until they went on the second big theme of motorbikes (or Motorrad in german).
I respect some attempts in the show like the women duality idea who was poorly implemented (though I kind of like some parts of it). Or the ecology statement who was horribly integrated (looks like the show was never designed with it in mind).
There were failed occasions like Chronicle or Tassolo who needed more than what they got. Same thing for the Zanscare Empire and the whole conflict.
A big bonus: the exploitation of Haro. This little AI toy made by Amuro sure went far.

Score: 6.5/10 (registered as 7, but susceptible to go down to 6)
I wonder what Tomino tried to tackle once Sunrise offered him a new Gundam show (Turn A). New subjects/themes? Or did he feel unsuccessful and tried the ecology and women again? (though he stated that he successfully wrote a woman in Victory)

An interesting interview between Anno and Tomino following Victory's broadcast:

@VyseLegendaire You know what? Anno stated Victory was "the best recent Gundam" during its broadcast. (it might explain a few Eva things like the Kaworu "bottle" scene).

@Sapewloth But... will you ignore G-Reco and Turn A's (not alternative) continuity of Victory and third chunk of the UC?
Rei_IIIMar 13, 2017 1:09 AM
Mar 11, 2017 4:15 PM

Jan 2014
While it was no 0079 nor CCA, the finale was very good imo. Lots of unecessary deaths as usual, but the episode as a whole packed enough of an emotional punch to satisfy me. Katejina's punishment was pretty severe and while I would been fine with a good ol' painful death, what she got instead was fine. Only thing I'm genuinely upset about is Odelo not surviving his flags; man, seeing him go was hard :/.

As for the show itself, I don't have much to say that wasn't already said in the previous episode threads. The themes of gender identity, family, mother/womanhood, pollution and such are all interesting to include in a mecha show as a concept but were handled pretty poorly and/or confusingly for the most part. Similarly, character motivations and progressions suffer from a lot of plot induced stupidity introduced to move things forward, create drama or both, which is something that just breaks the suspension of disbelief and throws you out of the experience. It felt like Tomino had a lot of great ideas that he just had 0 idea how to properly tackle.

I think I'll go with a 6.5/10, rounded up to a 7 because I genuinely liked the show despite its critical flaws. I might revise my score if I ever get around to rewatching it one day.

Can't believe my UC marathon is finally coming to an end. Took me almost 3 years, jeez. Now all that's left is finishing the few OVAs I haven't yet watched and I'll finally be able to tackle AU Gundam classics.

@Rei366 Oh no, I'll definitely be watching G-Reco and Turn A (it's just that I didn't really count them as UC Gundams because they're apparently set way after Universal Century).
SapewlothMar 13, 2017 2:43 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jun 14, 2017 3:44 AM

Aug 2015
Why the fuck was Tomino was fucking thinking.
This is easily one of the worst constructed shows I have ever seen in my life.
The story is a broken mess filled with horrific writing especially in the second half.
All of the characters minus Uso Odelo and Sucy are very poorly written and they were cringe-worthy to watch. Plus most of the chararters are body bag material instead of actual chararters who have a personalty.
The woman in Victory are disgustingly poorly written.
Victory Gundam is one of the worst looking shows I seen in any anime. Zeta and ZZ Gundam looks great and well detailed while Victory looks like dogshit.
The only good thing about Victory is the music and the openings.
In short this is the worst Gundam shows that I have ever seen even beating the likes of Seed Destiny. Least Seed Destiny had good and funny moments through the course of that train-wreck.
Victory Gundam offended me in almost every way possible.
Fuck this show
Sep 26, 2017 8:27 AM

Feb 2008
So there were some who managed to survive.

I dislike taking pleasure in the misfortune of others. In Katejina's case, I'm inclined to make an exception. She managed to survive, but paid the price. Rightfully so.

What an odd series.
Led_WaylineSep 26, 2017 8:30 AM
Jan 21, 2018 12:17 AM

Oct 2008
Some were making this out to be the hidden gem of the Gundam franchise.
And while it does have its ups and interesting moments,at the end of the day Tomino's shortcomings as a director and the overreliance on the '50/50 screen-time action' formula (that also plagued Zeta as well) can only take it so far.

It felt very uneven to say the least,and only really picked up towards the last 10 episodes or so when it actually had a overarching plot and some clear goals.
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