enviKwu said: That AI has gone rogue! I was somewhat surprised that the commander was dead. In all honesty, I thought that his death was a feasible option but I never imagined it to be actually true.
We should bow down to machines as obviously they are going to become the rulers of mankind :L
I am thinking its not even "going rogue" - I think that's how Alliance is being run all this time. By an AI.
Also the one way to solve the alliance problem is for Striker to reveal that it was not 6 months, but 60 years and that during that time Machine Caliber AIs most likely would gotten rid of the rest of humanity in Alliance too.
Takuan_Soho said:
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Should I put tin layman's terms for you? Its a logic that is wrong. in this case your pointless assumption that there's no point in anything, which you keep bringing up as a given, without an actual proof of it being so.
Takuan_Soho said:
I have to admire the way you can make universals out of non-existent things. Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Capitalistic US (though one of these things don't belong with the others, now which?) are not utilitarian states. There has never been a state that prided itself on its "utility".
And yet one could argue that that's EXACTLY where every authoritarian empire would be going, had it survived~ strange, I know.
Takuan_Soho said:
Weaseling I see.
Certainly better than your bullshitting and ranting.
Takuan_Soho said: The "Vokisch Movement" was not a cult, nor was it obsessed with occultism.
Volkish movement was a bunch of wannabe pagans who wanted to be pagans without paganism being involved. They ended up being main inspiration for nazi regime.
Takuan_Soho said: The Nazis were, but the Nazi's were not a fascist dictatorship. The reason you can "see no difference" (though that you won't answer shows that you can) is because you are lumping things you don't like together with no understanding of their differences.
Or maybe I am having an thing called different opinion from your narrow-minded definition of this show.
And there's no real difference between nazism and fascism - its same kind of nationalism-based racist regime, except that Nazis also borrowed a bit of socialist ideas.
Takuan_Soho said:
Uhm, no. "Us" vs "them" isn't Darwinism.
Nope, but "weak serving the strong" surely is. But hey that would go against your rants, so let's ignore that~
Takuan_Soho said: Actually the Pirate queen said that the Cult was extremely "fair". Hell, they don't even have money.
Takuan_Soho said:
Also, why are you assuming that those they sacrificed for "rain" were "weak"? Given their happy expressions it looked as if they volunteered for this "honor".
>blames others about assuming.
>bases his entire argument on a baseless assumption.
The basic logic of how narrative is written indicates that its the same reason, as the narrative uses it to parallel the current events with getting rid of Ledo's brother and flashes of Bevel. If we did not have the flashbacks and establishment of Ledo's society's culture of getting rid of the week and IF we did not know that Striker is part of that culture, your argument would *barely* work. As it stands now, its nothing more than bullshit.
Takuan_Soho said:
Define a cult. Of is it like "fascism" to you, a word for something you don't like? Though I have to admit there is a certain appeal to your way of thinking, it is so easy. Why know the differences, just lump them all together.
EVERY. SINGLE. AUTHORITARIAN. REGIME. is based around worshipping of one or few said people as "gods", complete with ceremonies to honor them. Striker's cult is exact same shit, but on more primitive level.
Takuan_Soho said: So the moral of this show, according to you is: "Don't be a Nazi".
In short, you have proved my point. This show is too simplistic.
Or, if you did not ignore the entire show, while trying to prove your point - "social interaction, capability of coexistance and human values are what makes us human". But oh well, please keep being delusional and keep throwing strawman arguments trying to prove of how bad the show is, despite being proven wrong every single week. |