I watch 20-30 simulcast series averaging 30 episodes/week. My manga list isn't always up to date as I prefer to read on paper without a device to distract me. My LoveLive School Idol Festival game playing has really cut into my reading time.
I rate things according to my own system since I buy a lot of anime. 10=awesome, must buy; 9=great, should buy; 8=really good, will probably rewatch but likely won't buy; 7=really good but probably won't rewatch and won't buy; 6=enjoyed watching but won't rewatch or buy; 5=was OK to watch, definitely won't rewatch or buy; 4=not good, didn't enjoy it; 3=bad; 2=awful; 1=worst of the worst. I own pretty much all of the anime for which I gave out 9 & 10 ratings, most of them import Blurays other than older stuff on DVD and VHS.
I've been watching anime since the 'bad old days' of anime in the '70s when they over localized it for release here in the west changing titles, names, places... sometimes the whole story. Starblazers, Robotech, Force Five, Grendizer, Giant Robo, Golgo 13, Casshern Robot Hunter (Sins)... etc. When anime was hard to get in the 80s and 90s I bought them on VHS, often without even having heard of them first. I still have my VHS collection, and my western R1 DVD collection though for the past 10 years I have exclusively bought Blurays from Japan.

I always wanted to learn Japanese for some reason. My father had a book on the shelf, "Teach Yourself Japanese". Just romaji it was meant for businessmen in the '60s and '70s to learn a bit of spoken Japanese for sales trips but it got me started.
I read translated manga in the '80s and '90s until one day by chance my favorite manga Battle Angel at my local comic book shop where I bought all my anime and manga there was a copy of GUNNM volume 1 in Japanese! It was 1995 so this was the 25th reprint of the 1991 edition. GUNNM was actually just about finished at the time but Viz was years behind. I bought it for fun as it was right to left rather than left to right (all manga was reversed at the time) but I also noticed that there was writing in panels in the English version but not the Japanese version or vice versa. IT WAS NOT THE SAME! This made me want to learn to read Japanese. I would soon discover that they'd changed her name to Alita which ruined the joke about Gally being named after Ido's dead male cat. They changed Zalem because it sounded too much like Salem (witches) but then changed it to names from the Kabbalah. In the Uroboros chapter Kishiro sensei had fun, using the name Alita just to mess with Fred Burke's translations. Kishiro's work continues to this day. He stopped writing in the '90s due to an illness so he ended GUNNM really quickly, basically in a few pages but then in the '00s he expanded that to 19 volumes of Last Order! And now it continues with Mars Chronicle. I couldn't have chosen a more difficult book to start with. GUNNM was seinen/adult which meant it only had furigana (helper hiragana characters to the side) for the made-up words unlike shounen/jo which is meant for kids. Using a kanji dictionary on practically every word at first it took me 2 weeks to read one volume of manga which normally took an hour or at most an evening in English. I didn't get too much farther then but I persevered.

My real break was in 2006 (Haruhi!) when my work needed someone to do the Japanese version of the product. I jumped at the chance! I went to live and work in Japan in 2009 (Bakemonogatari!) which was an absolute blast! Best place in the world! Just soaking in the culture and language was great. I actually watched less anime and read less manga there because I wanted to experience Japan, not sit in my room and watch TV or read though I did watch a little bit late night or before work and read on the train sometimes. I was supposed to live and work there longer term but the earthquake in 2011 (Madoka Magika!) changed my plans to live there until 2014. So I went home which was a bit of a let down. I'd sort of peaked early in my dreams of learning Japanese and living and working there. What's next? For a while it seemed silly to keep up with it when I got back home but when I noticed it going away I decided not to let my Japanese die. I started reading not just more manga, but light novels as well. This was 2012 when my imports really increased of both print and Blurays.

I still return to Japan now and again for business trips. On one of those trips in 2015 I bought the final volume of GUNNM Last Order and read it on the Shinkansen while returning from western Japan to Tokyo. It was really cool as my life and work in Japan had only been possible because I'd picked up a Japanese copy of GUNNM v1 in 1995 and here I was 20 years later on a bullet train in Japan, reading the (at the time) final volume of the franchise at the conclusion of a successful trip. My life had come full circle in a way. But now there is Mars Chronicles and in the same way, my adventure with Japanese continues.

Lately I play more games than I read. Mostly LoveLive School Idol Festival in both JP and EN/global. I should really get back to reading more...
All Comments (509) Comments
And it is pretty nice
May you give and receive much love, joy, and peace this season.
Merry Christmas from your friend - Fireheart!
Thanks for the Advice
Or would you say going for the Light Novel from the start
Clockwork Planet is? Then I may will look for it.
Even tho, it is like you have said it. Machine Doll gives a different feeling.
Soo, then I will reread the translated Chapters for now and also gonna try Absolutel Duo.
Thanks for the recommendation
Because I hope that I can somehow distract myself from it.
Still speechless. Thank You.
I find it sweet and lovely.
Wow, speechless. I mean, how should I thank you then?
Of Course it is all up to you.
But then again, wow.
Don´t know I can´t find the words.
Read the Volumes who are translated, but now feeling empty. Because the Novel is even much better than the Anime.
No Tanslation anymore, not even Summaries, which could be already very helpful for some people. I mean when you know what is happening in the Volumes you can at least imagine what is going. Or how the relationship is changing and improving.
But already very very grateful for me saying how it ends.
And that these two can have children.
You have my greatest Thanks.
Frome me and my friend.
and that the Translation of the Novel end with Volume 4.
that´s why I was worried if she is human or not. So if both of them could live together and be old together.
This makes it more intersting.
Guess I really should continue it.
btw, a litte question.
Yaya, is a Banned Doll right?
So she is immortal or mortal like human being?
Sorry, for the questions, got myself interested in it :)