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The Flowers of Evil
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Jun 8, 2013 9:55 AM

Nov 2011
Man, the graphics were dark this episode. I guess the sky just isn't as clear huh

Hello Saeki. Nice book you got there. Ya, this episode was awkward for me again..*clothes off* ;o
Those tears also and Saeki was happy huh. Not too surprising. Book in the rain and the drama of this episode again involved screaming lol. There's a lot of that in this series so I'm not surprised.

Oh snap, Nakamura.
Jun 8, 2013 11:53 AM

Jul 2012
So, the question is....
Where the original ending is going to start? :D
Knowing the director it will be an awesome ending, so, i think 3 episodes is time enough for it.
Loving it
Jun 9, 2013 3:36 AM
Feb 2013
Being Nakamura is suffering.
She was practically winning in the previous episode, an it all went down.

And Saeki... Limits of her patience and acceptance are sure high. I thought she would manage to go through it all without giving up.
Jun 9, 2013 3:41 AM

Dec 2010
Kasuga is the worst written MC since Genocyber. Fuck$$ retard.
Jun 9, 2013 4:32 AM

Dec 2011
Saeki is desperate as fuuuuuu---ck.

And I wonder why Nakamura ran off..
Jun 9, 2013 5:25 AM

Jan 2012
Wow this was really something, I'm still doing mental gymnastics trying to understand Saiki and Kasuga's motivations, that couple really is alien to me. Kasuga went and turned things down an even darker path by actually coming clean about his real self. Looks like he may have to deal with abandonment on top of all his other "issues" now. I loved how Nakamura ran from the police and fell in the mud, those screams of anguish when she got caught cut right through me. Great episode looking forward to the original ending if that's how this is going to play out.

tearofmankind said:
Kasuga is the worst written MC since Genocyber. Fuck$$ retard.

I really don't get why people need an MC to be "badass". I mean seriously does everything you watch have to have a blank slate gary stu MC so you can project yourself onto him and feel "badass" too? Yeah Kasuga is pathetic, I literally don't understand the guy at all, but that's part of the masochistic pleasure of this show. To think there are not real human beings as weak as him out there is probably being shortsighted too, I bet it's pretty common at that age, people go through a lot of weird stuff when they hit puberty.
ReasonDesuJun 9, 2013 6:03 AM
Jun 9, 2013 5:32 AM

Jan 2009
Saeki is just in love and they say love is blind so ye she is blind too
and lol at Kasuga, he did not choose either one of the girls he is just pathetic and delusioning that his something extraordinary
Jun 9, 2013 5:45 AM

Oct 2012
Very intense episode!
Saeki was dumped and Nakamura was denied of her view from over the mountain.
Lots of crying there, Kasuga broke-down, disown his ideals. These three really have very strange relationship.
What's coming next for him? Solitude? Envy? Suicide?
Jun 9, 2013 5:55 AM

Apr 2008
tearofmankind said:
Kasuga is the worst written MC since Genocyber. Fuck$$ retard.

He's been mindf**ked beyond recognition. It's kinda expected that he is like that.
Jun 9, 2013 7:30 AM

Dec 2008
GomiNoUmi said:
...Maybe they pick up the pace and cover only the main events up to chapter Just my wishful thinking? Ok... :/
On a second thought, that would be pretty fast, too fast maybe.
Or maybe the anime-original ending will be a masterpiece and I'm just too much of a manga fan wanting to see that summer festival. :/

The anime stops at the end of volume 4 of the manga when

And unfortunately I doubt it will sell and then there will be a second series. But there I hope.
Kyon90Jun 9, 2013 7:34 AM
Jun 9, 2013 7:51 AM

Apr 2012
How well is Aku no Hana doing in Japan anyway?

I'd like to see a second season but if it's doing as badly in Japan as it is on here I can't imagine it getting one.
Hachikuji: Araragi-san, you don't look even the least bit apologetic. You should at least say something after touching a girl's delicate chest!
Araragi: *Clueless look* Thanks?

Bakemonogatari, Episode 5.
Jun 9, 2013 8:04 AM
Sep 2011
The only "walls" torn down this episode were our dear protagonists' delusions, thanks to Kauga reflecting a bit on himself and Nakamura.
Finally we get to see more of what's going inside of Nakamura's head as well as a more vulnerable side of her.
Jun 9, 2013 8:06 AM
Mar 2011
Kyon90 said:
GomiNoUmi said:
...Maybe they pick up the pace and cover only the main events up to chapter Just my wishful thinking? Ok... :/
On a second thought, that would be pretty fast, too fast maybe.
Or maybe the anime-original ending will be a masterpiece and I'm just too much of a manga fan wanting to see that summer festival. :/

The anime stops at the end of volume 4 of the manga when

And unfortunately I doubt it will sell and then there will be a second series. But there I hope.

your spoiler is interesting, i could totally see that as a "cliffhanger" ending. kind of like a transition for the second season, if any.

as a manga fan, im still wondering how this will end. while alot are saying an original anime ending might be coming, it would be nice if they stick to the manga. But i cant predict where it would end that would fit in the last three episode without skipping any part of the manga.
"....i am the villain in this story"
Jun 9, 2013 8:29 AM

Jan 2012
it was nice seeing Nakamura with tears in her eyes
and her screams after running off and falling and being caught by the police
Jun 9, 2013 8:58 AM

Apr 2011
Good episode, although I feel some of it was a little overdone but nothing that completely ruined it. I have been wondering what the deal is with Nakamura's home life, with her wanting to run away and being the only one of the three they don't show the parents. Her running away from the police at the end kind of showed that there's something very wrong there. I doubt from her reaction it was just because she "didn't want to go back to that boring town".

I literally was laughing for like 5min straight at the directors "shall I rotoscope you as well" at the end.
Jun 9, 2013 9:43 AM

Dec 2010

tearofmankind said:
Kasuga is the worst written MC since Genocyber. Fuck$$ retard.

I really don't get why people need an MC to be "badass". I mean seriously does everything you watch have to have a blank slate gary stu MC so you can project yourself onto him and feel "badass" too? Yeah Kasuga is pathetic, I literally don't understand the guy at all, but that's part of the masochistic pleasure of this show. To think there are not real human beings as weak as him out there is probably being shortsighted too, I bet it's pretty common at that age, people go through a lot of weird stuff when they hit puberty.

Answering simply your question: No. For example one my highest rated is End of Evangelion(Shinji was a pussy, yes but he was totaly in-character. Under those circumstances it is plausible that he got mental breakdown). But even Shiniji is more decisive than Kasuga.

Kasuga might be the worst written "Stockholm Syndrome" I`ve ever seen. He has hots for Nakamura and it is completly inexplicable. She treats him like a shit, punishing him and she wept the floor with him. There is no apparent reason for him to even like her.
Maybe he is a massochistic? Don`t think so, because he would read Marquise De Sade instead of Les Fleurs Du Mal( I know this was just a pose, so bad, poems are actually quite good). Books aside, there is no point in story in which he look as if got some pleasure from being abused by Nakamura.

Simply it is asspull that he is even like Nakamura.

And it is not common at that age. Kids are stupid and indecisive yes, but not to that degree. They are bullied, they are pussies, but never they have hots for a bully.
Jun 9, 2013 9:51 AM

Apr 2011
tearofmankind said:

Kasuga might be the worst written "Stockholm Syndrome" I`ve ever seen. He has hots for Nakamura and it is completly inexplicable. She treats him like a shit, punishing him and she wept the floor with him. There is no apparent reason for him to even like her.
Maybe he is a massochistic? Don`t think so, because he would read Marquise De Sade instead of Les Fleurs Du Mal( I know this was just a pose, so bad, poems are actually quite good). Books aside, there is no point in story in which he look as if got some pleasure from being abused by Nakamura.

Simply it is asspull that he is even like Nakamura.

And it is not common at that age. Kids are stupid and indecisive yes, but not to that degree. They are bullied, they are pussies, but never they have hots for a bully.

I disagree, although I do think Kasuga is a little overacted and his reactions are a bit too much at times. He very well could feel that Nakamura was the first one to actually understand him, and you saying he is not a masochist doesn't really have any grounding. Remember they're supposed to be like 14 or something, he could still not quite understand why he stays around for Nakamura's abuse. When really it's because he likes it. I feel a lot of Aku no Hana has to do with Kasuga being in denile of his true feelings. That being said, I haven't read the manga past about chapter 7.
Jun 9, 2013 9:55 AM

Feb 2013
TinkleTinkle-Hoy said:
Good episode, although I feel some of it was a little overdone but nothing that completely ruined it. I have been wondering what the deal is with Nakamura's home life, with her wanting to run away and being the only one of the three they don't show the parents. Her running away from the police at the end kind of showed that there's something very wrong there. I doubt from her reaction it was just because she "didn't want to go back to that boring town". .

When Saeki called her house and the way her Father spoke about her, it doesn't seem very good. I would almost think there may be some abuse because of her views about deviants.

I thought this episode was brilliant. I can see all the pain of not knowing where you are in life or what you want to be or who you are. This episode high lighted all that self doubt that comes over sometimes.

I really like the rotoscope now too. I feel if it was traditional style maybe more people would have watched but some of the feeling may have been lost. I don't know just a guess.

I hope they can tie this up in 3 episode or make a second season. I may be forced to read the manga which I rarely do.
Jun 9, 2013 10:23 AM

Jul 2011
anyone else felt the school days vibe here?
Jun 9, 2013 10:36 AM

Dec 2012
Lately said:
anyone else felt the school days vibe here?
exactly my thought. when nakamura said "do you really want to know what's inside him?", i seriously thought she was going to stab him or something.
Jun 9, 2013 10:59 AM

Jan 2013
Loved this episode.
Jun 9, 2013 11:08 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
tearofmankind said:

tearofmankind said:
Kasuga is the worst written MC since Genocyber. Fuck$$ retard.

I really don't get why people need an MC to be "badass". I mean seriously does everything you watch have to have a blank slate gary stu MC so you can project yourself onto him and feel "badass" too? Yeah Kasuga is pathetic, I literally don't understand the guy at all, but that's part of the masochistic pleasure of this show. To think there are not real human beings as weak as him out there is probably being shortsighted too, I bet it's pretty common at that age, people go through a lot of weird stuff when they hit puberty.

Answering simply your question: No. For example one my highest rated is End of Evangelion(Shinji was a pussy, yes but he was totaly in-character. Under those circumstances it is plausible that he got mental breakdown). But even Shiniji is more decisive than Kasuga.

Kasuga might be the worst written "Stockholm Syndrome" I`ve ever seen. He has hots for Nakamura and it is completly inexplicable. She treats him like a shit, punishing him and she wept the floor with him. There is no apparent reason for him to even like her.
Maybe he is a massochistic? Don`t think so, because he would read Marquise De Sade instead of Les Fleurs Du Mal( I know this was just a pose, so bad, poems are actually quite good). Books aside, there is no point in story in which he look as if got some pleasure from being abused by Nakamura.

Simply it is asspull that he is even like Nakamura.

And it is not common at that age. Kids are stupid and indecisive yes, but not to that degree. They are bullied, they are pussies, but never they have hots for a bully.

Lol. Do you think all of the nonsense you wrote becomes true once you write it?

You need to rewatch the series if you truly believe there is no reason Kasuga should like Nakamura.
Jun 9, 2013 11:41 AM

Apr 2012
tonydaletony said:
TinkleTinkle-Hoy said:
Good episode, although I feel some of it was a little overdone but nothing that completely ruined it. I have been wondering what the deal is with Nakamura's home life, with her wanting to run away and being the only one of the three they don't show the parents. Her running away from the police at the end kind of showed that there's something very wrong there. I doubt from her reaction it was just because she "didn't want to go back to that boring town". .

When Saeki called her house and the way her Father spoke about her, it doesn't seem very good. I would almost think there may be some abuse because of her views about deviants.

I thought this episode was brilliant. I can see all the pain of not knowing where you are in life or what you want to be or who you are. This episode high lighted all that self doubt that comes over sometimes.

I really like the rotoscope now too. I feel if it was traditional style maybe more people would have watched but some of the feeling may have been lost. I don't know just a guess.

I hope they can tie this up in 3 episode or make a second season. I may be forced to read the manga which I rarely do.

Yeah, I really like the rotoscope as well. I think it makes the show feel a lot more real and that makes the whole thing feel less silly (which it kind of did in the manga). In the anime it feels serious and realistic and I don't think that feeling would have been achieved with typical animation.
Hachikuji: Araragi-san, you don't look even the least bit apologetic. You should at least say something after touching a girl's delicate chest!
Araragi: *Clueless look* Thanks?

Bakemonogatari, Episode 5.
Jun 9, 2013 12:03 PM

Feb 2012
JacobGrey93 said:
How well is Aku no Hana doing in Japan anyway?

I'd like to see a second season but if it's doing as badly in Japan as it is on here I can't imagine it getting one.

Bad.Very Bad. When i checked last time it had a stalker rating around 380 points. That's worse than Fractale. But it was a great promotion for the manga and rotoscoping is relatively cheap(production is longer but costs less overall), so we shouldn't give up hope
In 9/10 cases, the worst thing about an anime is its fandom.
Jun 9, 2013 12:19 PM

Apr 2012
Nucksen said:
JacobGrey93 said:
How well is Aku no Hana doing in Japan anyway?

I'd like to see a second season but if it's doing as badly in Japan as it is on here I can't imagine it getting one.

Bad.Very Bad. When i checked last time it had a stalker rating around 380 points. That's worse than Fractale. But it was a great promotion for the manga and rotoscoping is relatively cheap(production is longer but costs less overall), so we shouldn't give up hope

That's a shame, I'd thought that they'd be more open minded than a foreign audience (us, in a general sense). Personally I think the director shot it the right way, whether it's popular or not.
Hachikuji: Araragi-san, you don't look even the least bit apologetic. You should at least say something after touching a girl's delicate chest!
Araragi: *Clueless look* Thanks?

Bakemonogatari, Episode 5.
Jun 9, 2013 12:25 PM

May 2013
I liked this episode.
Jun 9, 2013 12:25 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Great episode :) Love all the rain sound we hear. And here is when you realize that Saeki herself is pretty crazy...or I guess, just insanely accepting of Takao. I'm glad he acknowledges that he's not a great guy, and that he's pretentious, reading all these classical literature that he may not fully understand. Although I don't particularly like him in the first arc, I think he's a really interesting character overall.
Jun 9, 2013 12:28 PM

Mar 2010
This one was a real heart wrencher.

My spirits were lifted a little bit at the end when Nakamura went to destroy the Flowers of Evil. She always has Kasuga's back, and she's always ready to fuck up anything that is standing in his way. I think that kind of love is truly beautiful, what do you guys think?
Jun 9, 2013 12:40 PM

Oct 2012
OK..this episode was brilliant! The whole anime is just epic...
I like Saeki, I like Nakamura and Kasuga is at least honest...

Sure this love triangle is weird, but in my life I've seen so much weird stuff, nothing surprises me anymore. Although some haters gonna say this anime sucks and how Kasuga is not real. Hey, I bet there are at least 1000 such love triangles somewhere in the world at this very moment and lets say right now at least 3 are up on some mountain road in that rain...

And don't miss that Nakamura and Kasuga cosplay dance... if u don't have nico nico account, make one. I highly recommend!

Jun 9, 2013 1:27 PM

Aug 2011
Wow, this is crazy. It's morbidly good. I still have a problem with the slow pacing, though, but this is truly an interesting series.

By the way, this episode must have been so awkward to film for the rotoscoping stuff. Actually, a lot of the episodes must have been awkward as heck...
Jun 9, 2013 1:32 PM

Dec 2010
KingYoshi said:

Lol. Do you think all of the nonsense you wrote becomes true once you write it?

You need to rewatch the series if you truly believe there is no reason Kasuga should like Nakamura.

So Captain Know-It-All, could you please present those reasons? I have seen none. It would be a piece of cake for ya. Go for it. Yolo.
Jun 9, 2013 2:00 PM

Apr 2012
tearofmankind said:
KingYoshi said:

Lol. Do you think all of the nonsense you wrote becomes true once you write it?

You need to rewatch the series if you truly believe there is no reason Kasuga should like Nakamura.

So Captain Know-It-All, could you please present those reasons? I have seen none. It would be a piece of cake for ya. Go for it. Yolo.

For one they've bonded over finding everyone boring, and for another he feels that she will accept him when others wouldn't (like that irritating friend of his).

I can see why he would like her, the classroom scene alone made her truly fascinating. Oooh, if she wasn't fictional and only fourteen... It just wasn't meant to be.
Hachikuji: Araragi-san, you don't look even the least bit apologetic. You should at least say something after touching a girl's delicate chest!
Araragi: *Clueless look* Thanks?

Bakemonogatari, Episode 5.
Jun 9, 2013 2:05 PM

Dec 2009
Fantastic episode. Since the classroom scene this anime has started to build momentum. I'm glad to see that.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Jun 9, 2013 2:19 PM

Feb 2012
hiabara said:
Lately said:
anyone else felt the school days vibe here?
exactly my thought. when nakamura said "do you really want to know what's inside him?", i seriously thought she was going to stab him or something.

Ahaha, that would be funny. But a shame at the same time, since the anime is really interesting.
This episode was just wow. I don't really understand any of the characters, with Nakamura is it obvious though.
It must suck for Saeki, falling in love with such pathetic loser, although she doesn't seem very sane either.
Kasuga is a douche and he has some serious mental problems obviously, but at least he admitted he was playing an intellectual even though he hadn't understand any of those poems. Almost like a man.
Well, I'm looking forward for the next episode.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Jun 9, 2013 2:29 PM

Dec 2010
For one they've bonded over finding everyone boring, and for another he feels that she will accept him when others wouldn't (like that irritating friend of his).

I can see why he would like her, the classroom scene alone made her truly fascinating. Oooh, if she wasn't fictional and only fourteen... It just wasn't meant to be.

Firstly, yes they share the same wordl view, but in case of Nakamura she also find Kasuga a disgusting shit. But yeah, there is some point.

Secondly: well does not Saeki understand him, doesn`t? Her interpretation was quite accurate. And she accepts him even beyond understanding.

That classroom scene was well presented. But taking into consideration all the scenes of degrading Kasuga that one scene pales.
Jun 9, 2013 2:50 PM
Mar 2013
This episode really chilled me to the bone, especially Nakamura's screams through the ED.

Very intrigued by Kasuga's revelation that he isn't deep and edgy; he's just trying to create this image for himself, because to be ordinary is to be nothing.

Absolutely cannot wait for the next episode (and new OP?), this series is so captivating.
Jun 9, 2013 3:25 PM

Feb 2012
Wow, just wow, this episode was great, especially at the end, when police rolled in, I was like "Oh snap".

The actors did awesome job with this, hands down.
Jun 9, 2013 3:46 PM

Nov 2009
TinkleTinkle-Hoy said:
I literally was laughing for like 5min straight at the directors "shall I rotoscope you as well" at the end.
Me too, hahahaha.

I still think Kasuga is a little bit of a fucktard, but he really redeemed himself this episode, and for that I'm utterly glad. We are all rotten to the core, Kasuga-kun.

Jun 9, 2013 3:47 PM

Oct 2011
That revelation 0___0 Chills down my spine
Jun 9, 2013 3:52 PM

Nov 2012
Crazy episode, LOL like always in this show. But damn, I'm really sad that Nakamura got caught. Finally we at least find out she has parents when Saeki calls them, but still, how the fuck do they let her do all the shit she does? And her dad is like, "Guess even she has friends.." xD Anyway, seems like Saeki finally gives up :( Now Kasuga is left with nothing.
Jun 9, 2013 4:02 PM

Jun 2013
shit it's the fuzz run!!
and yes please
Jun 9, 2013 4:28 PM
Mar 2012
Didn't like this one as much as the others, still kinda good.

How shall the adaption end?
Jun 9, 2013 7:08 PM

Nov 2011
Holy fuck that was good. Remind me why people hate this anime, because I can't figure it out. I was waiting for this scene, this is where I stopped in the manga because I didn't want to spoil it for myself but HOLY FUCK. The voice acting was incredible this episode and Nakamura was hot as. So intense, that was a great episode. Definitely my favourite of the season next to SnK, everything else is pure generic and boring and I can't get into the characters. Aku no Hana however, gives me goosebumps.
Jun 9, 2013 7:17 PM

Apr 2011
So, at first I thought this was the best quote of the entire show:

Then I saw this:
Jun 9, 2013 7:54 PM
Jun 2010
frightening real.

It felt like it burst through the bounderies of entertainment and became a part of my own experience, the realistic pacing finally made click.
This is not a mere anime.

This has become real.
Jun 9, 2013 8:33 PM
Apr 2011
I bet they will skip some chapters and go to the most epic scene in the manga in the next episode and still end the story in chapter 33.
Jun 9, 2013 8:45 PM
Mar 2011
here i am wishing that the reason why for every episode they put "[thirteen total]" is that they are just trolling us and its actually more than 25 episodes
"....i am the villain in this story"
Jun 9, 2013 9:25 PM

May 2010
nakamura's face after she threw the book at him was so perfect..

when i read this chapter i didn't really understand cause i thought she looked like she was angry. but here it looks like she's about to break down.

this episode just makes nakamura a more likable character and kasuga a less likable one imo. saeki is still a crazy though.

nakamura's manga face for anyone interested
Jun 9, 2013 10:03 PM

Jan 2010
Good story... BAD rotoscope...

"Seize the time, Meribor - live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Jun 9, 2013 10:16 PM
Oct 2012
i can see why kasuga isnt just staying with saeki based on his explanation, i expected something like that

maybe he clings so much onto nakamura because he still doesnt really want to accept that he is "empty inside" and because nakamura gives him the feeling that he is special? after all she always talks about wanting to free his true self..
i dont know, i am still way too confused so forgive me if i am just writing stupid things here
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