currently it is my planned time for my Mystery/Fantasy/Supernatural/Psychological to-watch list, but got sidetracked ... somehow I just can't forget her, I guess... now have this urge to watch Romance/Drama anime... and listen to cute, amazing Nana
... I'm happy, I love life, I like cute things...
If u want to talk about Anime, cute anime characters, cats, girls, Vocaloid and anime songs, Jpop idols, Jpop, Jtechno, Nico Nico Dancers and dances, Japan, Metal music, epic bands, guitar solos, cycling, ice hockey, video games (xbox), life problems or whatever...
then u came to the right page...
Usually I don't send out friend invitations, cause I think that even talking to kind and nice people like u is enough and despite if we're not offically friends I treat any friendly person as a friend. I do accept every friend request, though.
height: 184cm (6feet)
weight: 80kg (176lbs) of pure muscles that is =)
status: single, live on my own
my mottos:
- Life is beautiful! Enjoy it! Dance it!
- Life is cruel and short. But it is beautiful. Every day is golden!
- If u can choose between being sad and happy, why not choose to feel happy?
- "Single life time is limited by the number of boxes u can open" - Hagumi from Hachimitsu to Clover
secret thing I was reluctant to tell and I don't giva shit about it anymore: Yes, I am an adult children of alcoholics. Hate my father. He's a drunk ass mofo. He ruined my life He was drunk practically every day since my birth I remember (terrorizing us, beating mum, threatening he would kill us). Because of him I was publicly humiliated several times. Not talking to him for 18 years now. Mother was cold. Practically, I never had anyone to rely on, to ask for help. When in highschool I felt so bad about myself, almost committed suicide. But luckily I chose life about 2 minutes before. Best decision in my life! Thanks to anime, self help books, MAL friends, jpop and metal music I made super huge progress! I like this life!
favorite anime genre mix: school, comedy, romance, drama
best anime ever: Toradora
why I rate almost every anime with 10: because I find epic and awesome things I can relate to almost in every anime
best nico nico dancers: Aikawa Kozue, KamenLiar 217, Miume, Wata,
Lillia, Amu, Ririri, Tadanon...
my laptop desktop picture: 'Yui and Azunyan from K-On!' <-- thanks to MAL friend
favorite drink: water
as Japan lover, do I like rice: hai, gohan ga sugoku daisuki!
do I smoke: no
do I drink alcohol: no
what am I crazy about: cycling (if it's Mr.Sun outside, I'm on my bike )
kilometres/miles driven in 2013: 3317/2073 (as of 4th of August)
number of pushups in one set I can currently do: 90
do I watch TV: no, for more than a year now I don't watch it anymore...anime are better!
do I read books: yes... mostly science fiction and it has to be funny (but lately have no time)
Japanese music I like: Nana Mizuki, Scandal,
Momoiro Clover Z, Morning Musume, °C-ute, Kotoko, May'n, fripSide, dojin touhou circles (techno and metal ones), Demetori (they have epic guitars!)..
best jpop idol group: Momoiro Clover Z
best dance music by jpop idol group: Morning Musume and °C-ute (can't choose which)
jpop idol group with best dancing: Morning Musume
what do I like about japanese music: awesome female vocals and how they put guitar solos almost in every song.
metal music I like: mostly melodic death metal, but nowadays practically almost every metal genre. But the ones I like the most are COB, Kalmah, Ensiferum, Moonsorrow, Turisas and so many more I can't remember right now (will add them later =) Yeah I like female metal voices too, like Epica, Within Temptation and old era NightWish with Tarja...
anyways, cool song
sports I recreate myself with: cycling, basketball, used to be small field soccer goalie too
best sport: cycling, NHL, then soccer
best NHL team: LA Kings
best original Gameboy game: The Legend of Zelda -Links Awakening
best SNES games: The Legend of Zelda - A link to the past
best N64 game: Legend of Zelda- Ocarina of time
best Nintendo DS game: Puzzle Quest, Advance Wars (can't choose which one)
best rpg game series: Elder scrolls (best game would be Morrowind)
best PC game: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (the most epic online tactical team shooter ever!...and it's free
Xbox360 games I have: COD- world at war, COD- MW2, Halo Reach, Gears of War 3, Mass Effect 1 and 2, Oblivion, Unreal tournament 3, NHL 11, Borderlands 1
what I want to tell u:
Hey, have fun! Enjoy whatever u do!
Life is Beautiful!
Dance it!

visitors since November 2nd, 2012
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All Comments (214) Comments
Thank You Very Much :D Same to You.
Yeah she is pretty cute but still not as cute as Yuu Serizawa from Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou (Dog & Scissors). It's probably due to the music video styles and voices. Suzuko Mimori's voice is much lower in tone and they were aiming for a more sophisticated pretty look. Whereas Yuu Serizawa was going for a very youthful and cute look more than a princess-look. I actually think looks rather normal-looking but her cheeks and eyes really light up so beautifully when she sings/dances it's amazing the contrast between the closeups and the pulled-back shots while she dances. Plus that voice...zomg.. still melts butter. =P That costume actually is super cute too. The huge bow and bangs with the sleeveless dress is just super kawaii. Omg I"m regressing.. haha j/k.
Anyways I really enjoyed the Culture Japan episode featuring her. She seems super cute irl. =P Cute- as in fun and very down to earth and silly in personality. Hmm actually I think she does seem pretty cute compared to the MV as well. Must be the makeup and casualness versus the more formal ambiance going for it. Zomgggg... I love seeing them do the tsundere course at the maid cafe- was soo funny my sides hurt from laughing. I'd be so scared to order that course LOL. But damn that girl was quite hot. xD
Zomg seeing them cut down people with an invisible sword was hella funny. xD
The amazing thing was the level of hatred/racism on the comments...but it's not my first tme seeing but I don't see it often so I'm surprised and not at the same time.
xD Yeah I figured you wouldn't be able to tell me the details but maybe recognize 5-10 words or so? xD If not it's cool. I'll take a look at a fansub to see if they translated it yet.
Still can't eat solid foods yet.
Soooo... I was about to head to sleep and had this song stuck in my head. I couldn't figure out which anime it was from so I looked at all the recent anime i watched and finally narrowed it down to OutBreak Company.
I'm not really sure what to say about this anime. But the song is pretty fast and upbeat. I love the use of harpischord/piano/orchestra strings as well as the bass guitar. The combo of the fast paced bass beat makes you wanna dance...combined with the harpischord and orchestra accompaniment fits this anime perfectly since part of it centers around a certain princess.
Anyways, I found it at the same link as before:
Do you know where that bear is from? I actually seen a guy cosplaying as him last year at the Anime Expo. I didn't know it was a real character til I asked. Cuz he kept holding up a camera..and I asked why and it's cuz the character he was cosplaying likes to take pictures of himself I guess.
And yes, Kazuho has a great voice too that perfectly matches her slightly lethargic attitude.
Choregraphy was soo cute and dresses and background so bright..loved it. I thought I heard some Chinese mixed into the Japanese as well I think.... was such a cute dance the choreography was super cute. Actually from what I heard I think it's only the Ni Hao in the beginning and Wo Ai Ni at the end. Is the song about visiting a fan club in Taiwan? Like a song saying hi to them and that she loves them? o.O?
haha 2nd video of the day:
These last two videos....the choregraphy is so cute! If Aikawa is choregraphing them all i gotta say is she's gotten really good at it....they look so fun to dance to in a cute feminine way that's so adorable. Now I'm conflicted at which video is cuter. x3
Btw those two girls in the right are super cute. x3 I seen the girl with the reddish hair in some of the other videos but it's the first time I noticed the girl with the glasses..the part where she solos and does that thing with her glasses made me laugh out loud. x3 So kawaii. =P The little hops on one foot and then with the hand gesture added on at the "cha cha cha" part as well as the jumping in sync with shooting with the hand pistol gesture was brilliant. So many little things about it that made it soo good.
Wow...that 2nd link I was wondering where the dancing was and then realized you meant she was singing. Yeah Miume has a really amazing voice! =O It sounds so pro >.< Are they singing the chorus too??? Cuz that's the best part.
I was too lazy to check i fshe's gaining weight but yeah I actually never really noticed her smile before. That one dance all three of them do where she's wearing a dress and her hair's smoothed out and looks really silky...zomg so pretty. x3 And Miume looked so stunning as well..lemme see if I can find it. This one:
Zomgggg all dolled up and ready to go on a date~ x.x
In regards to the Lamb. one I read in the YT comments on the link you gave me that it was because it was Maria's singing and project so that's why she was in the center the most and had the most attractive outfit. I personally thought she attracts the eye a lot cuz her skirt and garter as well as the pink and blue coloring on the ends of her hair. Plus the little bunches of hair or horns? on her head also stick out a lot as well.
Oh that's interesting info on Aikawa starting a new group..when I was looking at our earlier videos I watched that one with the Danceroid one....gahh still so cute <3 Girls in glasses <3 =PPPP Kawaiii
In regards to Dog & Scissors don't sweat it it's somewhat enjoyable but wouldn't be on the top of my list either. I actually been having a hard time getting into Non Non Biyori. The slice of life high school stuff is a bit too boring for me. So far K-On was about the only show I really enjoyed that was slice of life. I even had a hard time watching Lucky Star. And Lucky Star is one of the better ones I think. For me in generally slice of life is hard to get into without something else going on in the story.
The choreography for this song was amazing.. Miume did such a great job making it. I love how it highlights the little parts in the music and still stays true to niconico dancing xD. 217 with makeup on look so kawaii..when u combine it with her smile zomg. x3
I didn't know that the girl in the center, Maria, was the actual singer. Her outfit and the highlights in her hair were really amazing and eye-catching. Love dat skirt. ;) Lol =P But really, Miume does such a great job sometimes dancing she could be dancing in the back and still be the center of attention lol. xD Those hip thrusts at 1:30....amazing. xD Only Miume did it right. xD I been doing kettlebell training a couple weeks ago and you can tell who's rocking their hips and whose more like...thrusting their whole hip forward and bending at the knees. xD Just thought I'd point that out xD It's pretty characteristic though of Miume to bite her lips and squint her eyes and the way she looks at the camera sometimes is so seductive. xD