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The Flowers of Evil
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May 11, 2013 9:55 AM

Nov 2011
All those blushes...

He also lets out the strangest screams lol

Another awkward episode. Oh and dat music. I'm going to remember the soundtrack of this series far after this series has ended.
Stark700May 11, 2013 8:28 PM
May 11, 2013 2:24 PM

Jul 2010
Yamada cracked me up this episode with those looks.
May 11, 2013 2:47 PM

Oct 2012
Another enjoyable episode. The story is moving forward at a natural pace.

Is there anybody here who is still seriously bothered by the animation style, the
character design and the unfaithfulness to the manga version?

A normal human characteristic is that irritants only have their irritating effect for a
limited period of time. After that, you get used to them. At this point, I no longer
see all the odd aspects of the animation. Rather, I simply see the story being told.
okanaganMay 11, 2013 2:53 PM
May 11, 2013 5:39 PM
Jun 2010
okanagan said:

A normal human characteristic is that irritants only have their irritating effect for a
limited period of time. After that, you get used to them.

After reading these lines, I thought you were to about to talk about Kasuga and Nakamura, Nakamura being the "irritant." D:

But I suppose that just goes to show that I've mostly forgotten about the internet uproar about this show's animation. It never bothered me in the first place, even if it was a little jarring, and now I'm completely used it. Thankfully the haters have mostly vanished.

As for the episode: interesting developments. This show is moving at a quicker pace than the first episode would have you believe. I wish the show incorporated more humor; Nakamura's mischievousness has a certain charm, but it is hard to get past her absolute wickedness, and Kasuga's friend offers a few funny moments, but there is otherwise very little humor to stabilize (even deepen) the unease which dominates the atmosphere. I'm sure that if Kasuga knew how to crack joke, he would no longer be the unbearably annoying MC he is. Perhaps I'm hoping for too much.
May 11, 2013 8:16 PM
Mar 2013
okanagan said:

Is there anybody here who is still seriously bothered by the animation style, the
character design and the unfaithfulness to the manga version?

I'm getting to moe with Nakamura and even Kasuga (dat ugly voice acting of surprise reaction and blush!)

On the episode, Nakamura is actually cute in her seduction and Kasuga is childish as hell for dreaming with Saeki. Somehow I found this episode is comedic and humorous enough, I can't stop laughing.
Engrish speaker
May 11, 2013 8:54 PM

Aug 2012
So much sexual dialogue for middle schoolers.
May 11, 2013 9:24 PM

Mar 2013
Okay, just finished it.

And ooooh shit this is getting good!

Mod Edit: Please use spoiler tags for large images.
LunaMay 12, 2013 4:05 AM
May 11, 2013 9:34 PM
Apr 2011
Nakamura is a psychopath. How I wish Aku no Hana is just a normal Slice of life anime.
May 11, 2013 9:51 PM

Feb 2009
Nakamura is an artist in the way she tortures him, I have a lot of respect for her.

All I can think is "Man you are so freaking screwed, and you don't even know it!"
May 11, 2013 10:17 PM

Jan 2013
Liked this episode.
Loved the line "Wet as an otter's pocket"
May 11, 2013 10:20 PM

May 2012
lol i love it, episodes really do get better n better

laughing one moment
dying from awkwardness or tension the next

it's great.
May 11, 2013 10:31 PM

Apr 2011
Things are finally heating up; pretty awesome episode overall. All the guys' reactions in the beginning made me lol pretty hard.

Looking forward to it.
May 11, 2013 10:38 PM

Jan 2009
lol that Kasuga is mentally ill for sure social phobia is a bitch

and lol at Nakamura

May 11, 2013 10:53 PM
Mar 2012
Great episode. Music awesome as always. Kasuga's roles in this episode were; beta, alpha, then beta crybaby again. Looking forward to next week.

Oh yes, I think next episode will feature a new OP, if they are changing it every 3 episodes... (first is Kasuga, second Nakamura, third probably Saeki... who will be the character for the fourth one, if they do change it?)

About the ending, with manga spoilas, I'd say...
LCSeixasMay 11, 2013 11:16 PM
May 11, 2013 10:59 PM

May 2013
things are getting good. can't wait for next episode.
May 11, 2013 11:48 PM

Jun 2012
Haha, his face at the end, when Nakamura rang the doorbell, read "What have you done!" =O

May 12, 2013 12:08 AM

May 2012
j0x said:

I love Nakamura, she is so hot :) I believe Nakamura when she says Saeki is not innocent at all.

This keeps getting better and better and better.
May 12, 2013 1:34 AM
Sep 2011
This episode was intense! The anime is quite successful at conveying Saeki's beauty, showing both her ingenious personality and the sensuality she emits (at least in Kasuga's eyes even though he's in denial). It has become painfully clear that Kasuga is fully under Nakamura's control who's pulling the strings behind the scenes of her twisted play. She and Kasuga are representing two sides of a spectrum right now, the former taking up the position that every person is secretely perverted by nature while the latter stubbornly holds up ideals such as purity and innocence. It's probably not hard to guess who will be proved correct in the end...
EudaimoniaMay 12, 2013 1:43 AM
May 12, 2013 2:04 AM

Dec 2012
i didn't really get what all that fuss was about. because saeki wanted to "fuck" him instead of "make love"? just because she used a vulgar word? oh come on, kasuga, don't tell me you haven't thought about it yet. and you two are in a relationship now. of course you'll do it sooner or later.
i would actually love to see a crazy/naughty saeki. you know, that her "purity" is just a facade. i'm sure kasuga would just totally lose it.
May 12, 2013 4:12 AM
May 2013
ravagestorm said:
Nakamura is a psychopath. How I wish Aku no Hana is just a normal Slice of life anime.

Why are you watching it than?
May 12, 2013 5:03 AM

Oct 2011
ZtarWarrior said:
I want to see the original for that shot of Saeki on the bed lol

Alright episode. Not sure why having sexual urges is such a big deal though...

Because Kasuga wants just a platonic love.
May 12, 2013 5:16 AM
Dec 2010
This is definitely one of the shows where I hate the characters, but can't resist seeing what they will do next. I'm just hoping and praying Nakamura gets hit by a bus every time I see her twisted, smug little face. If Kasuga wasn't a total and complete moron I'd feel bad for him. Too bad he has zero common sense, terrible people skills, and is beyond gullible. The simple fact that he hasn't disposed of the gym clothes yet speaks to his stupidity.

No one would believe Nakamura if she said he had the gym clothes. If he burned them there would be no evidence. All he would have to say is she confessed to him, he rejected her, then she became jealous of his new relationship and is trying to sabotage it.

The logic behind Kasuga's entire character and actions is moronic. Frankly if he wasn't so embarrassing I'd enjoy this show ten fold. He deserves everything that happens to him and Nakamura deserves severe punishment for torturing such a fool.

I didn't even get to the fact that Kasuga and Saeki's relationship is beyond unrealistic.
May 12, 2013 5:45 AM

Nov 2008
F8L-Fool said:
The simple fact that he hasn't disposed of the gym clothes yet speaks to his stupidity.

No one would believe Nakamura if she said he had the gym clothes. If he burned them there would be no evidence.

We don't even know if she Nakamura has evidences, like a picture of him stealing the clothes, or not. If she has something like that, she can easily plaster them all over school. Eh, maybe Nakamura stole Saeki's clothes and used them as a bait. We don't know the ins and outs, and that's why the blackmail works.
YandyMay 12, 2013 5:51 AM
May 12, 2013 5:50 AM

Jan 2012
ZtarWarrior said:
I want to see the original for that shot of Saeki on the bed lol

Alright episode. Not sure why having sexual urges is such a big deal though...

Purity is a pretty big thing in Japan, mainly due to the Shinto roots there and Buddhist monks, plus they just generally value the beauty of youth a lot more than we do in Western cultures. I agree though it isn't really a big issue, but I can see where he's coming from. Gonna edit this with a few GIFs once I'm done because I can't resist.

Yamada really made me crack up this week with his mannerisms and facial expressions. He really is a weird looking guy.
ReasonDesuMay 12, 2013 6:27 AM
May 12, 2013 6:13 AM

Nov 2011

Series that continues to improve, there is a plot that leaves the situation evolve in a very natural way without abrupt changes and showing a narrative which, although dark and dramatic, however, leaves room for a bit of comic relief, as happened in the episode really has a precedente.Nakamura bronze face during the lunch break, but his way of doing outspoken is a really very nice, maybe she knows something about Saeki that many ignore! Interesting to see go down in history albeit little by little the character of Kinoshita, who knows what to tip!
May 12, 2013 6:27 AM
Jan 2013
Another enjoyable episode. Gave this show the general rule of "judge after 3 episodes" and I'm glad I did. The story hs sucked me in. Kasuga was slightly annoying in this episode though. He needs to get it together. Was I the only expecting Nakamura to go for a kiss right outside Saeki's house? Lol. It's definitely the lack of being able to predict her next move what keeps me intrigued. Would have been a 5/5 if not for the stammering and insecure Kasuga, so 4,5 it is.
May 12, 2013 6:37 AM

Dec 2009
Nakamura is the ultimate troll. I love it.
Ara ara.
May 12, 2013 6:47 AM

May 2012
F8L-Fool said:
This is definitely one of the shows where I hate the characters, but can't resist seeing what they will do next. I'm just hoping and praying Nakamura gets hit by a bus every time I see her twisted, smug little face. If Kasuga wasn't a total and complete moron I'd feel bad for him. Too bad he has zero common sense, terrible people skills, and is beyond gullible. The simple fact that he hasn't disposed of the gym clothes yet speaks to his stupidity.

No one would believe Nakamura if she said he had the gym clothes. If he burned them there would be no evidence. All he would have to say is she confessed to him, he rejected her, then she became jealous of his new relationship and is trying to sabotage it.

The logic behind Kasuga's entire character and actions is moronic. Frankly if he wasn't so embarrassing I'd enjoy this show ten fold. He deserves everything that happens to him and Nakamura deserves severe punishment for torturing such a fool.

I didn't even get to the fact that Kasuga and Saeki's relationship is beyond unrealistic.

okay but middle schoolers like kasuga won't think all that through. ideas like you just said won't be in his head at all. this is a show where you can't put yourself in the mc's shoes, you have to think of the his age, the situation and environment, and then think.
with how kasuga is now he could never plan or iterate such things.

on the flipside, its possible he is thinking more than i just said. like yandy said. for all we know if kasuga attempts to do such a thing, nakamura could have a hidden camera or recorder.
Nakamura does not even have to tell the class in person, she probably knows they wouldn't believe such a ridiculous blurt out with her reputation. she'd do it in a more indirect way like an anonymous note.


his flaws are meant to be there. he's clearly idolized saeki, perhaps too far. if he can't accept nakamura's words are possibly true then bad things are on the horizon, but if he just wants to slowly buildup to the point where they feel they can tell each other such things, then that's ok.
May 12, 2013 7:07 AM

Apr 2009
Not so fast, boy. No way a sadistic girl who blackmails you and forces you to do some depraved stuff would all of a sudden be "a nice person after all". Their class isn't filled with the nicest of people either... they treat the class idol having lunch with some of the least popular people in class like it was some sort of scandal. Nanako also misheard something at exactly the wrong time.
May 12, 2013 7:28 AM
Apr 2011
sisyphus said:
ravagestorm said:
Nakamura is a psychopath. How I wish Aku no Hana is just a normal Slice of life anime.

Why are you watching it than?

Because I have read the manga and just want to see if they will deviate from the manga's story.
May 12, 2013 7:42 AM

Jan 2013
ravagestorm said:
Because I have read the manga and just want to see if they will deviate from the manga's story.

That's basically why am watching it as well. It didn't occur to me before but I wonder if some of you happened to just had in mind as I have that I been witnessing the birth of a new Shinji Ikari! A new Shinji Ikari for the new generation.
May 12, 2013 7:48 AM
Apr 2011
radle said:
ravagestorm said:
Because I have read the manga and just want to see if they will deviate from the manga's story.

That's basically why am watching it as well. It didn't occur to me before but I wonder if some of you happened to just had in mind as I have that I been witnessing the birth of a new Shinji Ikari! A new Shinji Ikari for the new generation.

Yep he is definitely Shinji Ikari ver 2. But I really hope that they deviate from the manga...They must hurry before it's too late. Saeki is too precious...both manga and rotoscope version...
May 12, 2013 8:48 AM

Nov 2008
Shinji has more balls than him.
May 12, 2013 9:10 AM

Mar 2012
Yandy said:
Shinji has more balls than him.
May 12, 2013 9:23 AM

Aug 2011
Oh man, this social interaction in this anime is so awkward. Loving it so far though.

Kasuga over that Saeki supposedly said she wanted to fuck him is ridiculous though.
May 12, 2013 10:26 AM

Oct 2012
This show is like watching a bipolar schizophrenic get excited and nervous at every little possibility.

He's gullible to the point that he actually believed for a second that a girl that's been trolling him for 5 episodes could all of a sudden become friends with him to wish him well. He would actually seriously entertain the possibility of a groundless taunt that Nakamura would have no way of knowing. I bet if someone told him to jump off a bridge, he would think about it for an hour.
My subjective reviews:
May 12, 2013 10:32 AM

Jan 2012
katsucats said:
I bet if someone told him to jump off a bridge, he would think about it for an hour.

Haha this made laugh pretty hard, it's damn true though. He's so naive and impressionable it's painful to watch. This is a real masochistic pleasure for me but it keeps drawing me in.
May 12, 2013 10:39 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
So much blushing in this episode. Really sucks to Takao, all he wants is to have a nice relationship with Nanako, but Nakamura just wants to destroy it all. Still, the way Nakamura can twist Takao around her finger is really amazing, loved how she ran away after ringing the door bell.
May 12, 2013 10:46 AM

Apr 2011
These past few episodes have been so hard to watch, in a good way. Nakamura is amazing, the whole plot just feels like your watching someone squeeze a balloon anticipating the "Pop!". Nakamura would be the one squeezing the balloon :)
May 12, 2013 11:58 AM

Dec 2010
Am I the only one who has fallen in love with Nakamura?

tumblr. : (ﺧ益ﺨ)
May 12, 2013 12:18 PM

Apr 2010
9988 said:
I love Nakamura, she is so hot :) I believe Nakamura when she says Saeki is not innocent at all.

I've you've read the manga, you'll find out that

XehanortMay 12, 2013 2:20 PM
May 12, 2013 1:08 PM

Feb 2012
Kasuga is so freaking annoying, it's horrible. His relationship with Saeki is so awkward, what is this 'slowly building relationship' shit? And he's so irritated when Nakamura says Saeki wants to screw him, because she's a pure angel... is it even possible to be so naive? He should faint from happiness or something that someone would want to laid him in spite of him being pathetic as hell; furthermore, a hot girl like Saeki.
This anime makes me angry, yet it's intriguing and I'm curious what will happen next. But frankly, as much as I said that I didn't mind the art, I can't wait for the anime to end so I can start reading the manga.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
May 12, 2013 1:09 PM
Feb 2013
I think Nakamura is just tired of the world around her. Everyone follows some unwritten laws of society that form their relationships with others depending on their "normality" status. Everyone tries to maintain some sort of average good-looking image of themselves, being in fact more or less pathologic. I'm sure everyone a agree that there are no ideal people and we all have something to hide.
Maybe due to some family troubles she is extrelmely frustrated by this and she starts to find out what deviations people around her have and how she can manipulate people so that these unwritten-law-based behaviour will be broken and they will set new relationships that are based on their true identities. She finds out Kasuga's affection to Saeki, digs out the truth about them (I guess she followed people around for some time before) and decides to perform this little experiment after seeing Kasuga picking up that clothes bag assuming he is weak enough to obey.
She did some manipulations before (like "shithead" for teacher), but this is the most exciting opportunity she ever had.
I like how these consequences of unwritten laws are shown in behaviour of Kasuga's classmates, especially his "best friend", who ignores him after defending Nakamura and tries to convince him it was no big deal in this episode after Kasuga climbed up social ladder.

Just in case: I haven't read manga so I don't know how things truly are, so it's just an impression.
precompiledbsMay 12, 2013 1:29 PM
May 12, 2013 1:46 PM

Jan 2012
Johnndergrosse said:
Am I the only one who has fallen in love with Nakamura?

No, I was head over heel since SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA!

May 12, 2013 2:09 PM

Sep 2012
katsucats said:
This show is like watching a bipolar schizophrenic get excited and nervous at every little possibility.

He's gullible to the point that he actually believed for a second that a girl that's been trolling him for 5 episodes could all of a sudden become friends with him to wish him well. He would actually seriously entertain the possibility of a groundless taunt that Nakamura would have no way of knowing. I bet if someone told him to jump off a bridge, he would think about it for an hour.

Kasuga is the biggest flaw of this show, period. I refuse to believe any human can be like that.
May 12, 2013 2:14 PM

Jan 2012
SetsukoHara said:

Kasuga is the biggest flaw of this show, period. I refuse to believe any human can be like that.

It's not common but come on. When I was back in secondary school I remember some boys being stripped by bullies in the changing room and humiliated in front of everyone, being made to take cold showers naked etc. These people were of a similar level of hopelessness as Kasuga at the time. I'm not saying it's acceptable or right but people like him do exist, especially at a young age when people are vulnerable. You must have experienced something like that at some point in your life too.
May 12, 2013 2:42 PM

Sep 2012
ReasonDesu said:
SetsukoHara said:

Kasuga is the biggest flaw of this show, period. I refuse to believe any human can be like that.

It's not common but come on. When I was back in secondary school I remember some boys being stripped by bullies in the changing room and humiliated in front of everyone, being made to take cold showers naked etc. These people were of a similar level of hopelessness as Kasuga at the time. I'm not saying it's acceptable or right but people like him do exist, especially at a young age when people are vulnerable. You must have experienced something like that at some point in your life too.

The bullying is not what I despice the most about Kasuga, it's more the way he overthinks everything just to take the worst decisions possible that annoys me the most.
May 12, 2013 2:58 PM

Jan 2012
SetsukoHara said:

The bullying is not what I despice the most about Kasuga, it's more the way he overthinks everything just to take the worst decisions possible that annoys me the most.

Ah fair, I misunderstood you. That I can kinda get, it is really strange and not really that realistic. Although maybe there are people like him, I find it hard to empathise with it too tbh.
May 12, 2013 3:25 PM

Feb 2012
Damn Nakamura is so open when it comes to sex talk.

Dat ending lmao.
May 12, 2013 4:37 PM

Feb 2012
Johnndergrosse said:
Am I the only one who has fallen in love with Nakamura?

You aren't, she is the best character in the manga - it's just not quite the same without her crazy troll antics.

The anime doesn't quite do her justice, because she's supposed to be very pretty and pleasing to the eye behind her loner routine and completely unstable mind.
RoNin-87May 12, 2013 4:42 PM
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