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Nodame Cantabile
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Nov 23, 2008 7:16 AM

Oct 2008
did anyone else almost die of laughter with the imagined scene of chiaki playing the celesta?? XD i swear i got a six pack from laughing so hard...

this was a great episode. chiaki's starting a new challenge, nodame and chiaki are getting closer (AAAA, that scene!! the scene where nodame turned down the celesta role and chiaki notably was saddened by it!! aaaa...), and there's even hints of a love triangle with rui butting in...
gah. this second season of nodame really is fantastic! does the manga absolute fantasmical justice! :D
Nov 23, 2008 9:10 AM

Mar 2008
that sun rui irritates me. anyway, quite like it when nodame introduces herself as chiaki's wife. and says 'anata'
Nov 23, 2008 12:22 PM
Feb 2008
yeah im not the biggest fan of rui either. she does butt in quite a lot. i feel sorry for chiaki though. he has so much talent yet the orchestra he has to conduct isn't taking him seriously enough. the concert master seems stubborn but smart; hopefully he and chiaki will find a median soon.

i have a feeling chiaki and nodame will play together in one of the last episodes.
Nov 23, 2008 3:52 PM

Jan 2008
kneekey said:
this second season of nodame really is fantastic! does the manga absolute fantasmical justice! :D

So much more than the Live Action did! I was worried that watching that would spoil the anime, but the anime is just way better.
Nov 23, 2008 5:04 PM

Feb 2008
his first act as conductor should have been to fire that concertmaster and promote someone else. anyone else would do since it was pretty obvious that he was the reason everyone else left and getting rid of him would have allowed them to quickly and easily fill out the orchestra again.

i'm glad that Chiaki tried to do right by Nodame and reject Rui, i honestly didn't think he would.
Nov 23, 2008 6:30 PM

Sep 2008
jacobpaige said:
his first act as conductor should have been to fire that concertmaster and promote someone else. anyone else would do since it was pretty obvious that he was the reason everyone else left and getting rid of him would have allowed them to quickly and easily fill out the orchestra again.

i'm glad that Chiaki tried to do right by Nodame and reject Rui, i honestly didn't think he would.

Totally agree with you there, it seems the concertmaster is the ringleader and major bully that chiaki needs to get pass as the hurdle for this series, and I have a feeling he'll get ova that hurdle and probably earn that concertmasters trust as well as get all of the new orchestra on a high level of play....

...well thats what I'm forecasting as a conclusion anyways...*sigh* on 4 more eps to go...really wished they could have at least made it a 12 or 13 ep. series
Nov 23, 2008 8:22 PM

May 2008
rui is really starting to piss me off she took nodame's part and nodame was so happy too
for a second there i thought nodame was gonna get pissed off but she didnt she let go
but it was so funny when she said she was chiaki's wife and all the sparkely things around her lol
Man i really dont want this to be over, i really think they should make it longer
it will be so awesome if they make another season but who knows???????????
Nov 23, 2008 9:21 PM
Oct 2008
jacobpaige said:
his first act as conductor should have been to fire that concertmaster and promote someone else. anyone else would do since it was pretty obvious that he was the reason everyone else left and getting rid of him would have allowed them to quickly and easily fill out the orchestra again.

But that would have been the easy way out. Plus I'm sure there must be some redeeming quality of the concertmaster that will be useful to Chiaki.
Nov 23, 2008 10:33 PM

Mar 2008
so much rui hate.
Nov 24, 2008 2:57 AM
Jul 2008
it's not really rui's fault that she got to play the celesta in nodame's place - she didn't know that that was the reason nodame was at the theatre, plus nodame didn't even try to clear up the misunderstanding. i still felt bad for nodame though - she looked positively euphoric when she thought she'd get to play together with chiaki, only to have the opportunity unexpectedly snatched away from her. chiaki should kiss her again to make up for it! ^^
Nov 24, 2008 6:14 AM

May 2008
Am I the only here who likes Rui? What's not to love about her?

The only thing I hated about this episode is how passive Nodame is. I mean, she shouted to Chiaki about how serious she's about him (not to mention used some domestic abuse on him) and now she's like backing down? If she really wanted to play with him, she'd said it more clearly and with more passion than pretending 'I'm okay' and all.

What I'm trying to say that she lacks determination/motivation to move forward (even if she puts some effort to it) it's still not enough. It's not her 100%. She still doesn't deserve him.

I love Chiaki when his in his 'dark prince' (lol) mode XD I adore his expressions and I'm gonna kill you aura.

The concertmaster was annoying as hell and I was glad that didn't do as he was told to. I loved the scene where he's bowing down with the smile on his face even when the crowd laughed at the orchestra.

Nov 24, 2008 11:41 AM

Aug 2008
I like that there is a sens of comraderie between all the musicians as was prevalent in the first season. That was pretty much one of my fears, that the characters wouldn't be as engaging. I even grew to like Rui quite a bit at the beginning of the episode, and I liked seeing the concertmaster's softer side with Rui. It's a shame it will all be over in a few weeks.
Nov 24, 2008 12:08 PM

Mar 2008
DieInHell said:
Am I the only here who likes Rui? What's not to love about her?

no i do too.
Nov 25, 2008 11:41 AM
Dec 2007
Perfect episode as always, everything's in there, comedy, fun, drama, romance, complex themes developped lightly, and fantastic characters and music of course !

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Nov 27, 2008 6:20 PM

Nov 2007
Go go Chiaki I know you can climb to the top =D, and I like Rui too O_O, well it's going to be interesting seeing what Chiaki will do to improve the orchestra in the next episode xD
Nov 28, 2008 4:00 AM

Jun 2008
Ahaha, Chiaki playing the celesta! So hilarious.
Nov 28, 2008 6:59 AM

Feb 2008
DieInHell: Read the atmosphere. Nodame is doing the adult thing and putting the orchestra's interests, that her "husband" cares about, ahead of her own desires. Rui brought a little happiness and possible an improved reputation to the orchestra. Even though I like Nodame more than Rui I could understand her reasons perfectly since she could not have contributed as much as Rui did. Chiaki was the one that was being silly.

Anyway, great episode and now I feel we are getting close to end. Chiaki will probably make that orchestra good again and then this awesome season of Nodame will be over. I, for one, welcome our new... wait, am looking forward to it.
Nov 28, 2008 1:16 PM

Nov 2007
HAHAHHA the best bolero version I ever heard and the end was brilliant ^^
Nov 29, 2008 11:16 AM

Nov 2007
jacobpaige said:
his first act as conductor should have been to fire that concertmaster and promote someone else. anyone else would do since it was pretty obvious that he was the reason everyone else left and getting rid of him would have allowed them to quickly and easily fill out the orchestra again.

i'm glad that Chiaki tried to do right by Nodame and reject Rui, i honestly didn't think he would.

xD If my memory serves right the concertmaster and Chiaki will get along very well later on and they will make a very scary duo. xD

Rui is the kind of person who's technically a good person but their personalities make them irritating even without trying. I can't hate her, but I never really liked chapters focusing on Rui. She might be Nodame's rival though, in the distant future.
Nov 30, 2008 1:03 AM

Jun 2007
jacobpaige said:
his first act as conductor should have been to fire that concertmaster and promote someone else. anyone else would do since it was pretty obvious that he was the reason everyone else left and getting rid of him would have allowed them to quickly and easily fill out the orchestra again.

i'm glad that Chiaki tried to do right by Nodame and reject Rui, i honestly didn't think he would.

The problem is half of the orchestra look up to the concertmaster and would probably leave if he was fired. Chiaki is just trying to please everyone. I'm sure once the concertmaster warms up to Chiaki things will work out for the best.

Rui is a bitch, you don't just accept something if your unsure what the other party has in mind or has already planned. When the office staff guy said "so your the person Chiaki called to play..." she should have said no, I'm just here to visit. It was clearly her fault for accepting the job and the office guy's fault for telling everyone without verifying with Chiaki first. That part pissed me off a lot but in a way it looks like it opened the concertmaster up a bit.
Dec 4, 2008 2:59 PM

Jan 2008
DieInHell said:

What I'm trying to say that she lacks determination/motivation to move forward (even if she puts some effort to it) it's still not enough. It's not her 100%. She still doesn't deserve him.

Why so critical on Nodame? =_= Just because her personality is like that doesn't mean she's not serious...And if it wasn't for her, Chiaki still wouldn't set foot outside of Japan. It's the little things that she did for him that matters, IMO. Although I sort of agree that she's not doing her 100%.

kuroshiroi said:
DieInHell: Read the atmosphere. Nodame is doing the adult thing and putting the orchestra's interests, that her "husband" cares about, ahead of her own desires. Rui brought a little happiness and possible an improved reputation to the orchestra. Even though I like Nodame more than Rui I could understand her reasons perfectly since she could not have contributed as much as Rui did. Chiaki was the one that was being silly.

Well said. Although I don't think Chiaki was being silly, he'd feel bad since he's the one that asked her to do it in the 1st place, and then things had to happened like that..but it's awesome to see Nodame being mature about the whole thing, even though I feel sad since she was so happy to be able being on the same stage as Chiaki.

About Rui, I think the anime make her out to be quite irritating. I don't remember being annoyed with her when I read the manga though. *shrugs*

Dec 14, 2008 5:45 PM

Jun 2008
yay for nodame and her 'wife' pose. despite his shortcomings, chiaki is a fair, honest (rude? lol!) person when he wanted nodame to perform the celesta eventhough son rui was there. another yay for chiaki!
Feb 19, 2009 6:33 AM

Jul 2008
jacobpaige said:
i'm glad that Chiaki tried to do right by Nodame and reject Rui, i honestly didn't think he would.

Yeah, I'm glad that Chiaki is actually thinking about Nodame. In the first season he would have just forgotten about her in this situation!


"I'm Chiaki's wife."
"GEH~! You're married!?"
"Thank you for always taking care of my husband."

Haha, I can never get enough of these Nodame wife moments.
ToukaFeb 19, 2009 6:37 AM
I write about manga →
and movies →
Mar 12, 2009 7:11 AM

Jul 2008
Why so much Rui hate, I'm rather indifferent about her but the Orchestra was getting excited about her playing. I'm actually surprise that Nodame was so mature about it, realizing what was good for the crappy orchestra.
Apr 20, 2009 10:35 PM

Jun 2008
woah... poor nodame! she was supposed to be the one to play... oh well...
Apr 27, 2009 5:52 AM

Jan 2009
:/ Still no Nodame performance, sorry but this is failing for me in a very hardway, the focus too much on Chiaki's development when it actually should be on both. It really pisses me off the way the put Nodame in this series. Is almost like she is the one that is left behind. When she obviusly have so much talent.

And what the fuck, Nodame was supposed to co-perform with Chiaki, not Rui, he still agreed with that, and too much comedy is ruining the plot. Oh /sighs.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
May 28, 2009 12:40 PM
Jul 2018
Aww Nodame D: well at least her wife antics never fail...
Sep 3, 2009 5:06 AM

Jun 2009
The part were the redhaird girl said "No glasses today"
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Dec 9, 2009 12:18 AM

Jan 2008
Hey, Chiaki actually tried to get Nodame back on stage, surprising.
Jan 2, 2010 11:52 AM
May 2008
I love Nodame's "wife mode," glad they kept that through the series. Also, I don;t ge tthe Rui hate, I mean she can be a bitch sometimes but she's alright. Nowhere near as bad as Saiko from the first season.
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Feb 25, 2010 6:39 AM

Oct 2009
When Rui turned up to play the Celesta, I was terrified that Chiaki was going to turn down Nodame, but she actually gave it up..

Wow, really seemed like Nodame has matured a bit, and Chiaki obviously really cares about her :)
Jun 2, 2010 1:06 AM

Nov 2008
Nodame and Chiaki are getting closer.. :3

Time for some love... I hope.

I want another kissing scene. And I wish it to be romantic. But I guess with Nodame's personality it would always be a comedy..

I never thought that I would really like this show. I'm glad I watched it.

Oct 27, 2010 3:08 AM

Jun 2009
Mikiyo said:
:/ Still no Nodame performance, sorry but this is failing for me in a very hardway, the focus too much on Chiaki's development when it actually should be on both. It really pisses me off the way the put Nodame in this series. Is almost like she is the one that is left behind. When she obviusly have so much talent.

And what the fuck, Nodame was supposed to co-perform with Chiaki, not Rui, he still agreed with that, and too much comedy is ruining the plot. Oh /sighs.

LOL, even though many of these episodes have been focused on Nodame.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Feb 6, 2011 6:38 AM

Jun 2009
Awww, Nodame ;__; I feel bad, I wanted her to play the celesta… She seemed so excited to finally play with Chiaki… And then Rui gets her place.
She accepted it maturely, knowing that it would be better for the orchestra if Rui played, and I was just a tiny bit surprised that Chiaki tried to rectify the misunderstanding.

Of course, everything was fixed for me when Nodame began her wife act again~

That was one weird Boléro, really. The sound felt scattered all around. And I’ll rage fovever from now on since it was so effin’ short.
I think, then procrastinate.
Therefore, I am.
Apr 21, 2011 9:49 PM

Dec 2009
Tinky-Winky said:
Aww Nodame D: well at least her wife antics never fail...

Apr 27, 2011 1:37 PM
Jul 2018
DieInHell said:
Am I the only here who likes Rui? What's not to love about her?

The only thing I hated about this episode is how passive Nodame is. I mean, she shouted to Chiaki about how serious she's about him (not to mention used some domestic abuse on him) and now she's like backing down? If she really wanted to play with him, she'd said it more clearly and with more passion than pretending 'I'm okay' and all.

What I'm trying to say that she lacks determination/motivation to move forward (even if she puts some effort to it) it's still not enough. It's not her 100%. She still doesn't deserve him.

I love Chiaki when his in his 'dark prince' (lol) mode XD I adore his expressions and I'm gonna kill you aura.

The concertmaster was annoying as hell and I was glad that didn't do as he was told to. I loved the scene where he's bowing down with the smile on his face even when the crowd laughed at the orchestra.

i disagree, rui is pretentious and spoiled

also, nodame was clearly holding back because she wants the best for chiaki. obv rui being there set an atmosphere, and chiaki would look bad if he withdrew her from the role. nodame was self-sacrificing her own happiness (she was ecstatic to find out she may perform with him..). thats true love :P

i would def promote someone else to concertmaster, probably that rolan guy- at least for a few concerts to raise their reputation again. A negative influence like the old guy is simply a poison.

id also love to add that this season is EXCELLENT. much better than the 1st.

chiaki is really showing different sides and has some immense obstacles to overcome. this is unlike the 1st season where he was god's child in conductor form for all 26 episodes.
Jun 30, 2011 5:56 PM

Aug 2010
Touka said:


"I'm Chiaki's wife."
"GEH~! You're married!?"
"Thank you for always taking care of my husband."

Haha, I can never get enough of these Nodame wife moments.


Also i dunno but that bolero sounded kinda messy :S
Apr 14, 2012 2:49 AM

Nov 2011
Poor Chiaki starting from literally rock bottom, and getting booted by ballet girls.
Although I really liked how he tried to stand up for Nodame, and how she was so selfless about it. That was a nice touch.
Did anyone else notice how Chiaki was instructing the audience about "balance" right after Nodame fell into the pond.
AzureBluesApr 14, 2012 4:15 PM
Jun 9, 2012 7:50 AM

Dec 2007
Ugh poor Nodame ;; That was just sad.

That said I don't blame Rui for it, and I generally like her. It was a misunderstanding, and the way everyone else reacted made it a pretty easy misunderstanding on her part. They all pretty much acted like it was definitely the case that Chiaki called her in, after all.

But wow that was painful to watch. Poor Nodame.
Ich verstehe nicht
Oct 23, 2012 4:31 PM

Sep 2011
Nooo we didn't get to see Nodame perform with Chiaki! I'm disappoint. >:(
Mar 13, 2013 10:18 AM

Jul 2010
Grrr~!!!!! Rui annoyed me so much >____< I wanted to like punch her. And that Theo guy, gosh. But Nodame was really sweet about it :) And so was Chiaki, he wanted Rui to get out so he could have Nodame. :3 So sweet! But.... I'm sure that Chiaki and Nodame will play together sometime this season. And it will be beautiful <3 And she won't be in such a minimal role like the celesta ^__^
May 17, 2013 5:16 PM

Jan 2013
Didn't even know what a Celesta was.
Not into classical music much.

Nice episode though.
May 26, 2013 8:46 AM

Feb 2013
When nodame turns into chiaki's wife it's really funny xD now lets see how his orchestra turns out! :)
~If only sorrow could build a staircase, our tears could show the way.
I would climb my way to heaven, and bring him back home again.~

Jun 20, 2013 5:45 AM

May 2012
Would have prefered that Nodame would have played the piece, although the actions Chiaki took was pretty decent for his choice although it's sad Nodame didn't accept it in the end :/

The ending was pretty funny, lets see what's next!
Jun 23, 2013 3:51 AM

Jun 2013
LOL nodame become a good housewife !
i lack on english but, i want to speak!
Jun 27, 2013 11:04 PM

May 2010
Wife Nodame is always amusing...
Laughed so hard when Chiaki called him..
Chiaki: "It's me."
Nodame: "Please say it again." XD

Though I really wanted them to play together.. But at least, Chiaki is concerned with Nodame..
Sep 6, 2013 10:03 AM

May 2010
Not a fan of Rui so far... She fell xD Poor Nodame, I thought she could finally perform, with him :( That performance... was awful, but not Chiaki's fault at all. I am not fond of the concertmaster :/
Feb 22, 2014 10:10 AM

Aug 2009
Yeah!!! Guess Rui being so famous and good always helps her out but Nodame should have said something in the very beginning of it all!!! Nodame, you baka!!! She was too shocked I guess, can't blame her!!! T.T But Chiaki's reaction was really cute and he apologized to her - Kyyaaa!!!!!! ^^
Mar 31, 2014 4:38 PM

Aug 2013
It was a great episode.

I was so happy when Chiaki asked Nodame to play with him, but Rui out of nowhere!
I guess she saved him a bit though, that old guy seem like a real problem.

That intro at the concert was horrible, but it was better after, even if that gong really failed xD

Anyway, that orchestra look so disorganized. Also, that manager is really bad. To come with the excuse ''I forgot'' for not having found musicians? Seriously, Chiaki said that he would kill him if he don't find anyone, I would have killed him right away.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Apr 4, 2014 9:00 AM

Dec 2013
I had way too high requires for this series , when saying its like "Itazura na Kiss".
I'm disappointed
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