All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 123.2
Mean Score:
- Reading18
- Completed531
- On-Hold169
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read12
- Total Entries730
- Reread0
- Chapters14,306
- Volumes2,437
All Comments (936) Comments
Nevermind, it took me ages as well haha XD
well things haven't changed for me too :'D
I'm ALMOST done, writing my bachelor thesis until the end of the year and then it's finally overrrrrrr *^* ....well I still need to get a job afterwards though... ahaha...
I just don't know how to manage my free time >_>
It's been a while~~
(haven't been very active here OTL)
How are you doing? Is everything alright? :3's the same with my love life... so yay, it's the two of us! >~>
yes I did, finally! and it was actually pretty good*-* at least that's what I think (my parents think different haha~)
don't worry, I wasn't online on MAL for months anyways! .....haven't watched animes for a reeeaaaaal long time... just tried to catch up with Fairy Tail a while ago ._.
so how are you doing? :3
I wish you a happy new year 2012!! <3
Merry (very very belated) Christmas to you too~!! x3
[those 2 are just too cute >3<]
btw how was christmas for you?^-^
yup I am (again) XD
nah ok & here I wanted to suggest talking to him but in that case..... *sigh* try again! if he wanted to start a conversation it's a good sign, I'm sure!! go for it so at least one of us can have luck with their boyfriends ;3;
argh I know what you mean.... I actually hate calls in general, so I could never work at such a place..... hm.... thinking about it I even hate it when family members are calling to wish a merry christmas or something.... but good to see that you've got similar problems, so I'm not the only one :'3
I haven't watched any episode of the Fate series so far so no, I'm not watching Fate/Zero (even though I'd like too~) & I have Mirai Nikki on my watch list but haven't started it yet xD lately I'm watching way to many US series like Supernatural, Nikita & (right now at the moment) Dexter... I have no life x_x I wish there would be a method to buy time.... seriously, that would be so awesome.... that way I had time to do all the freaking stuff I want/have to do (yes lack of time even during holidays... that's... kinda sad XD)
yes it is XD I already loved it in the manga~
there'll be a series of Bokura ga Ita too? man, I've got a lot to catch up to.....
yeah that song's not bad~ (googled it right away haha XD)
I don't listen to many Vocaloid songs myself, I prefer those that are covered by the "Nico Nico Chorus".... they are all so great singers ;3;
^ Visit ;)
oh gawd I know what you mean I had that problem myself for a few times ;3; but at least he might be single so that's a really good sign I mean if he really had a girlfriend he would definitely talk to her too on the phone so..... I wish you all of the good luck I have òwó
argh I imagine that's an exhausting job I mean I couldn't work as an assistant because I'd be too afraid of not to be able to live up to the expectations of the others..... o_o
yes I did*-* they even asked me if I wanted to stay for 2 more weeks (I think it was just because they had not enough employees but never mind XD) but I declined that offer because I wanted to enjoy the rest of my summer vacation~ and I did*-* I mean the rest of the summer all I did was relax but well thatÄs the point of holidays right?? xD
no sadly I haven't yet.... I haven't watched any anime for 2 months q__q exept Mononoke Hime & Spirited Away XDD (I love the old Ghibli movies<3)
haven't watched that one either ;3; but I read the 1st volumes of the manga & my friends told me I should watch it & stuff because it's way too awesome especially when Nakatsu (was that his name...?) always says 'homo ja nai' XD well I think when I finally caught up with all the anime episodes I have missed (like....100 all in all?? O_O) I can watch it.... someday in the future.... or something like that ._. (anyways I have holiday again....yeah I know I have ALWAYS holidays :'D so I hope I can watch much<3)
yeah they are so cute together!!<33 well I don't mind them being a couple even though they're twins muhaha XD I also like 'Servant of Evil'..... but t's way too sad ;3;
but not my favorites so far... I prefer Gakupo*-* especially his Nico Chorus voice Dasoku*-*