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Mar 7, 2013 6:19 AM

Sep 2012
uzee said:
3/4 of the anime has passed and I still don't have any idea what's going on, but I'm still gonna watch

exactly! it's already 9th episode and nothing actually happened, kinda boring, but I'll continue to watch. curiosity is killing me nevertheless
Mar 7, 2013 8:39 AM

Jun 2009
uzee said:
3/4 of the anime has passed and I still don't have any idea what's going on, but I'm still gonna watch

My exact reaction...
Mar 7, 2013 9:53 AM
Jan 2012
I love toma the most, actually..
but he cares the way too much to heroine ><
kinda kowai... but I like him a lot <3
Mar 7, 2013 12:43 PM
Mar 2012
Where does she pee?

Anyway, looked like some Stockholm Syndrome there. And she's not actually running away (to a save place) at the end, she's just getting the diary.

Sometimes I get the feeling that a lot of these anime are made with a secret agenda to make women obedient and content even in abusive relationships. There's so many of them, sometimes more obvious, sometimes less. This here, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Hapi Mari.... All with the bottom line "he only does it because he loves me so much - I should feel lucky".
And there are so many people who think it's cute or romantic! WTF? Have fun telling people you only fell down the stairs.
Mar 7, 2013 12:52 PM

Jan 2008
ElenirLachlagos said:
Sometimes I get the feeling that a lot of these anime are made with a secret agenda to make women obedient and content even in abusive relationships. There's so many of them, sometimes more obvious, sometimes less. This here, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Hapi Mari.... All with the bottom line "he only does it because he loves me so much - I should feel lucky".
And there are so many people who think it's cute or romantic! WTF? Have fun telling people you only fell down the stairs.

Yes!! I thought I was the only one who got that feeling from Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun... A bit from Suki tte Ii nayo too, but definitely very, very subtle.

This episode made me pretty angry. "He does some strange things, but..." No. Stop there. No buts. There should be no rationalizing his abusive behavior, ever.
Mar 7, 2013 3:13 PM

May 2011
Toma needs to be friends with Yuno. They can lock each other up for kicks. :P But wow, yeah, on the list of potential routes any romance can go this is somewhere awful. I would have ended up laughing pretty hard if she did end up getting seriously injured after getting run over by a car though. :P
Mar 7, 2013 6:48 PM
Feb 2012
Change my mind that Toma was nice, drugging her and putting her in a cage is psycho man.
Mar 7, 2013 11:05 PM
Jan 2011
RazorRamona200 said:
Stark700 said:
Dat kiss:

Geez, those girls are mean to Hime. Nice to see Shin back also this episode. Been awhile. It's kinda strange seeing Hime inside a cage imo.


Oh amiga, at that point, Heroine would be better off dealing with Ikki's fans than with Touma, co'z if the only protection that she needs more of, is from him.
Mar 8, 2013 1:05 AM
Sep 2012
uzee said:
3/4 of the anime has passed and I still don't have any idea what's going on, but I'm still gonna watch

I'm with you on that one!! I'm still confused as to what the heck is going on in this anime.
I have so many questions and none are yet answered!!!
Mar 8, 2013 1:43 AM

Mar 2008
This was a really weird episode I was shouting at my screen the whole time beceasue the heroine is so dumb and passive.

I mean when she first wanted to escape the doorbell rang and Shin came in, shouldn't she have notified him that Toma drugged her? BTW Shin didn't ask her anything Toma did all the answering for her (every guy in this show does that).

And then later he puts her in a cage, where the hell can you get a cage like that! It doesn't even fit through his door! Also she had no reaction to the cage at all, only once she gave a polite I want to get out. I think a normal person would be a little more violent (if someone would put me in a cage and then later brings me coffee, I would definitely throw it in his face).

And now she has escaped and Toma has already found out about it wich is only likely if his university is really close by (or is her house really far away?).

She is probably not going to make it to her house but we'll see.
Mar 8, 2013 4:55 AM

Jun 2012
Ok, I have liked this show and been able to even deal with the heroine's lack of personality up until now, however, the fact that she just resigned herself to being drugged and locked in a cage left me baffled. All I kept thinking when he opened the cage and she had her plate of food in front of her is why is she not stabbing him with the fork and getting the hell out of there or making enough noise to alert the neighbors?
Mar 8, 2013 7:38 AM

Jan 2013
Toma yandere XD
Mar 8, 2013 8:40 AM
Jan 2013
Stark700 said:
Dat kiss:

Geez, those girls are mean to Hime. Nice to see Shin back also this episode. Been awhile. It's kinda strange seeing Hime inside a cage imo.

Oh Heroine wtf didn't you call 911? I would have prefer those Ikki bitches to Touma who's caging her like an anime.
Mar 8, 2013 10:09 AM

Jul 2007
I believe that even a rock has more personality and common sense than the protagonist. At least she didn't got killed by a car.......yet. LOL
Mar 8, 2013 11:29 AM

Oct 2011
TOMA IS MY FAV SO FAR!! ♥ He is so damn hot lol But his over protectiveness is quite scary. He's a yandere o-o
I thought she was gonna die again when she was running across the road and a car came right towards her but thank god she didnt die! I really need to watch next episode. It's getting so much more exciting now!! :D
Mar 8, 2013 2:56 PM
Mar 2013
By far the most interesting episode :|

I was expecting more emotion from our protagonist when she found out about Toma--
it was the perfect opportunity for a little hysterics but, I guess that would be asking for too much.
Mar 8, 2013 3:31 PM

Sep 2012
I honestly can't tell if I liked or hated this episode. ಠ_ಠ
Whatever I just said right now was a complete lie.
Mar 8, 2013 3:47 PM
Feb 2011
Are you serious, only 8 people hated this episode (and I am one of them) ??

Come on, this anime is terrible! Probably the worst show I've seen in a long time.
Mar 8, 2013 4:17 PM

Jul 2012
I actually really liked this episode. I'm sort of on this fence on Toma, but for the most part I don't hate him, land more like him/understand him. I haven't played the game either so there's nothing really for me to extremely dislike him^^
Mar 8, 2013 8:30 PM
Feb 2013
on episode 8 i thought that toma was so sweet! *0* but then after this episode i think im kinda scared of him because it feels like he's a yandere! this is the first time that i saw a yandere guy on anime!!
Mar 9, 2013 9:49 AM
Feb 2013
I felt kind of sorry for Toma but then again he gives me the creeps. xD
Mar 9, 2013 10:23 AM

Feb 2012
I'm getting so pissed off by this discussion thread... especially because nobody seems to get how she escaped the cage, so here it goes:

Anyway, I like this episode, just want to know how they'll adapt the diary thing. Also, stop hating on Toma for god sake. "Oh yandere girls are awesome, but yandere guys are psychos." He has good reasons, and I assume they'll explain them on the next episode.

Just watch the goddamn show, if they at least adapt the next route (assuming there'll be one) the right way, everything will be clear to everyone. If you don't have the patience just drop it.
Everyone was hating on this because it was a reverse harem, but now they don't get the plot.... oh the irony.

But yeah, the heroine's poor reaction was horrible, a major turn-off. And Toma was kind of plain too, he's a lot more yandere on the game. Maybe by the end of the route we'll get to see Hinnochi's true yanvoice.
ShikaSSMar 9, 2013 12:06 PM
Mar 9, 2013 11:28 AM

Jan 2008
You know what would have made this at least interesting: HER REACTING TO THE CRAZY BASTARD. It's only fun when one acts crazy, and the other reacts.
Mar 9, 2013 1:04 PM
Nov 2012
You'd think the doctors at the hospital would have picked up on the fact that THIS YOUNG WOMAN IS LACKING A SPINE.

Why do I always love the psychos? Why?

I think it's important not to look too deep into this anime. Mostly because you can't. There are no depths.

I am just here for the eye candy. I make no secret of it. I haven't come across such a posse of smoking hot bishōnen in a while.

There's no use in getting het up over what a psychopath Toma is; it's anime. And as long as it stays in anime, the freakish over-protection can be as attractive as it wants. Not many of us honestly want to be locked up by a stalker childhood friend, no matter how gorgeous he is, but it's a nice fantasy. Let us have it.
Mar 9, 2013 1:27 PM

Aug 2012
Toma should meet Gasai Yuno.
Mar 9, 2013 1:29 PM

Dec 2012
AlexTheRiot said:
Toma should meet Gasai Yuno.

now i want to see them as bros.
Mar 9, 2013 9:04 PM

Oct 2012
haha, my first time watching amnesia, just because of hino satoshi voicing toma.
anyway, that was as unrealistic as fuck. touma caging the heroine is just...[although i admit that i like yandere]
and is it just me, or the heroine is a fucking idiot. like really stupid with IQ below 75..
Mar 9, 2013 9:19 PM

Feb 2010
AlexTheRiot said:
Toma should meet Gasai Yuno.

YESS. Match made in possessive heaven.
Mar 10, 2013 11:49 AM

Jan 2008
ShikaC00kiemon said:
Also, stop hating on Toma for god sake. "Oh yandere girls are awesome, but yandere guys are psychos." He has good reasons, and I assume they'll explain them on the next episode.

I am quite confident that there are no "good reasons" for drugging a girl and keeping her locked up in a cage.

But go ahead, enlighten me, because I get the feeling this route will end before these "good reasons" are explained.
Mar 10, 2013 3:03 PM

Apr 2012
Meh, Toma turned out to be a possessive jerk. But, I like to think that if him and Heroine had been dating like a normal couple, he wouldn't have gone off the deep end creepy-wise.

Still creepy though.

Also, it seems that Heroine is pretty much incapable of passing a street without getting run over. How pathetic.
Mar 10, 2013 3:58 PM

Jan 2013
Umeko said:

I am quite confident that there are no "good reasons" for drugging a girl and keeping her locked up in a cage.

But go ahead, enlighten me, because I get the feeling this route will end before these "good reasons" are explained.

IMO, Toma's reasons are 90% to protect her (from others and from himself because he has feelings for her) and 10% to keep her to himself/prevent her from going to Shin or Ikki.

He's a coward and has poor coping mechanisms/communication skills and that's pretty much what led to all this. That's what makes him human but at the same time, it also makes him frustrating so people hating/liking Toma both have valid reasons for doing so.

Holy hell the drama on his route was the stupidest thing ever though and what ultimately led me to dislike him. In case it never gets explained:
Mar 10, 2013 8:13 PM

Sep 2007
minescope said:

Holy hell the drama on his route was the stupidest thing ever though and what ultimately led me to dislike him. In case it never gets explained:
well THAT clears up some stuff.
Although "cage-fetish" is still a big WT* unless Toma was treated like that as a kid.
Mar 10, 2013 9:01 PM

Feb 2012
Umeko said:

I am quite confident that there are no "good reasons" for drugging a girl and keeping her locked up in a cage.

But go ahead, enlighten me, because I get the feeling this route will end before these "good reasons" are explained.

minescope said:
IMO, Toma's reasons are 90% to protect her (from others and from himself because he has feelings for her) and 10% to keep her to himself/prevent her from going to Shin or Ikki.

He's a coward and has poor coping mechanisms/communication skills and that's pretty much what led to all this. That's what makes him human but at the same time, it also makes him frustrating so people hating/liking Toma both have valid reasons for doing so.

Simple explanation here (not written by me, but contains all I want to say):

I don't really care if people like Toma or not, but at least try to understand him, and don't label him as a psycho possessive bastard.
Mar 10, 2013 9:03 PM

Jan 2013
Ikano said:

Although "cage-fetish" is still a big WT* unless Toma was treated like that as a kid.

Toma has a pretty normal childhood. He's just the most mentally unstable/emotionally fragile of the lot.
Mar 10, 2013 9:07 PM

Feb 2013
Good Grief! the cage is happening on this eps? i came to read for a little spoiler, but oh hell, i got a lot!! xD

now for actually watching it.. x3

Touma love cage.. hmm.. this eps will be interesting.. xD
Mar 11, 2013 1:25 PM

Jun 2009
I was laughing so much during the episode.

I still don't like this anime, though. However, I'm going to watch it till the end, just because I like to facepalm at Heroine's actions ^^"
I like pancakes.
Mar 11, 2013 7:51 PM

Jan 2008
ShikaC00kiemon said:
Umeko said:

I am quite confident that there are no "good reasons" for drugging a girl and keeping her locked up in a cage.

But go ahead, enlighten me, because I get the feeling this route will end before these "good reasons" are explained.

minescope said:
IMO, Toma's reasons are 90% to protect her (from others and from himself because he has feelings for her) and 10% to keep her to himself/prevent her from going to Shin or Ikki.

He's a coward and has poor coping mechanisms/communication skills and that's pretty much what led to all this. That's what makes him human but at the same time, it also makes him frustrating so people hating/liking Toma both have valid reasons for doing so.

Simple explanation here (not written by me, but contains all I want to say):

I don't really care if people like Toma or not, but at least try to understand him, and don't label him as a psycho possessive bastard.

I asked for good reasons. What you have there is a good explanation for why Toma does what he does (and really, all of that was already completely obvious from this episode?), but it is most certainly not a good reason to drug and cage your childhood friend.

So the situation was out of his hands. Okay, that's what the police are for. He still had no good reason to do what he did to Heroine.

Don't get me wrong, the story is interesting. And I'm not so much upset at Toma, a fictional character, as I am at the screenwriters, storywriters, producers, game designers, clients, whoever it was who decided that it would be a fantastic idea to spread the message that a boy taking it upon himself to strip a girl of all her freedoms is perfectly okay to do if it's done out of love.

The worst thing wasn't what Toma did, it was the attitude of Heroine and Orion in response to his reasons behind it.
Mar 12, 2013 1:20 PM

Jan 2011
This episode was pretty good, last episode (or the episode where green dude™ told her that she would be killed) was really tense and I loved that. The ending of this episode got me exited too, but not as much as the one that I mentioned before. Hopefully the next few episodes will explain everything nicely.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Mar 17, 2013 4:12 PM

Jul 2009
So Orion tells the heroine to not eat or drink anything given by Toma.
Then she starts drinking the tea as soon as he gives it to her!

Honestly!! How stupid can they make this character?
Mar 17, 2013 5:33 PM
Jul 2008
Holy crap! Toma you cray!

& how did she get out of that cage???
Mar 17, 2013 5:39 PM

Sep 2012
MJSpice said:
Holy crap! Toma you cray!

& how did she get out of that cage???

Forgot to lock it...
Mar 20, 2013 12:19 AM
May 2010
Man, I start to think this anime is kind of messed up. Seriously? A guy locks a girl in a cage? Why doesn't she resist? Why is she treating like its pretty normal? Doesn't she have any emotions? Why isn't she complaining and whining? Why did she just stay in the cage and quiet? She is way to placid!!!

Toma: Sorry gotta lock you up again because I am a man, too.
Me: WTF!?? What does that have to do with being a man?
Mar 29, 2013 7:23 PM
Sep 2009
WTF?! And I actually liked Touma before!
Can't believe that some of you find his over protectiveness cute 0_o

And really? He drugs her, cages her and yet she doesn't react at all! Did she lose any sense of surviving instinct with her memories? That's not normal no matter how you look!
Apr 3, 2013 3:58 PM

Oct 2011
Toma is a little cra-cra...
That's okay, we like him that way. :3
Apr 8, 2013 10:52 AM

Oct 2009
Gotta love how stupid Heroine is
Apr 10, 2013 2:13 PM

Sep 2009
i hate this people talking about toma being yandere and this game and saying many advanced information and they thought that it's not a spoiler!!! ><
Apr 10, 2013 3:16 PM
OG Rewriter

Aug 2009
Oh how nice of him, he gave her toys >.>

Toma, Toma, Toma, sheesh.

The kiss was good tho :3
May 10, 2013 7:26 PM

Jul 2009
shymel said:
This episode was very disturbing. It's like a Lifetime anime, with the drugs and imprisonment....

Oh god this episode was crazy hilarious! Really threw me for a loop...
I still love creepy Touma! He can lock me up any night!

Seriously though, this heroine's reactions are ridiculous.
May 10, 2013 7:27 PM

Jul 2009
TwinofPower said:
Toma is a little cra-cra...
That's okay, we like him that way. :3

I've gotta find this game!
Jul 7, 2013 4:00 PM

May 2012
Well that was pretty fucked up, that cage... Toma please... well lets see if she'll make it and actually can open her diary!
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