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Mar 26, 2010 1:38 AM

Feb 2010
No-ones commented on the ending of this arc?

So now I know [due to subtitles] Oshizu is his WIFE. So he banged that other girl.. cold!

This episode was pretty brutal... but I enjoyed the imagery AND the ending!
May 19, 2010 7:30 AM

Nov 2008
That was really a surpringly good arc, with the previous horrible arc, I was expecting it to be horrible as well.

What I liked the most is that, the story is not a stereotypical good against evil type plot, most of the characters were develloped in a way that the spectator could like them.
If the fogotten God eat humans, it's mostly because of their conditions, it's not like they are heartless creature who do it just for their pleasure. And they were really forming a family together. There wasn't any false feeling or people manipulating each others, the forgotten God were really carrying for each others, even toward the end. It's not something you see in a bad and stereotypical story about demons. And I must admit that their deaths were quite touching. Even the ugly granny's one.
The Mononoke were quite friendly all the way.
As for the humans, beside the main character, they didn't have much role in the story but they were shown like victims of the forgotten God who just happen to defend themselves.
The only shadow though, is the corrupted governor who was just corrupted and villain in the end of the day.

Also I quite like the pacing of this arc, I didn't feel like there was unecessarily moments, unlike the previous arc which was filled of bad melodrama and supposed scary moments that weren't scary at all (and I'm not even talking about the 10 minutes exposition at the end of the arc).

Though the animation was still sub part but at least it was better than the previous arc. The fights were quite nice.

So in the end I really enjoyed this arc, nothing extaordinary of course, but still pretty surprising and solid.
I have good hopes for Bakeneko...
HooHiraiBunnyMay 19, 2010 7:35 AM
Jul 4, 2010 12:53 AM

Mar 2009
Satisfying ending.
Oct 13, 2010 12:44 PM

Oct 2008

MusashiRose said:
No-ones commented on the ending of this arc?

So now I know [due to subtitles] Oshizu is his WIFE. So he banged that other girl.. cold!...

Actually... when Zushonosuke was with Tomi Hime, he hasn't married Oshizu yet. They are more likely set items... fiances if you will... though it was never made known if they really are officially engaged or they are simply so close that everyone just assumed they are going to be married that they never bothered going through official engagement ceremony.

Any which way... at the time Oshizu isn't his wife yet at that point in time. They only got married AFTER Zushonosuke returned from the castle.

Also in response to AlexSadist-sama's comment in Episode 4 discussion thread... I don't think Zushonosuke's reaction was unrealistic or wrong. First of all, he loves Tomi Hime so I think it is very logical to go first to Tomi Hime's side and ask if she is alright. As for your disappointment towards Zushonosuke non-violent reaction to Oshizu's action... I think it is also very logical. If Zushonosuke had not met Tomi Hime, he probably would have been happy together with Oshizu and slowly falling in love with Oshizu, and Zushonosuke knows this. Exactly because he knows this, he had always harbored guilt toward Oshizu after he had returned to Human society. Zushonosuke probably at that moment feels more like it was his fault that he drove Oshizu to that point instead of being angry at Oshizu for stabbing Tomi Hime. And also above his guilt for Oshizu was his concern for Tomi Hime so that led to the scene of him only care if Tomi Hime is alright but not angry at Oshizu for her action.

Also maybe I'm just a stickler to detail, but forgotten gods are still gods... they are not exactly demons. As audience to this story, to oversimplify their existence as demons like the humans in the story do will take some flavor away from the story itself.
Oct 22, 2010 2:49 PM

Aug 2010
love this arc
Nov 6, 2010 6:18 PM

Jul 2010
the ending of Ayakashi is just beautiful, I never skip it:)

As for this arc, I wouldn't say that it was better or worse than the first. They are just different: the first was typical Japanese horror story, and the second was more like.. a fairy tale
(sorry for my English) so I think it can't be compared... And I love them both very much^^
BicheNov 8, 2010 2:23 PM
May 22, 2011 6:29 PM

Feb 2009
All the cuties got killed and Tomi Hime turned into a falcon...such a waste.This final episode was so-so but the ark overall was good.

Biche said:
the ending of Ayakashi is just beautiful, I never skip it:)

Me too.

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
May 23, 2011 1:19 PM

Jun 2009
Yeah, I enjoyed this arc just a little bit more than the first one. I still think the arc was rushed and I just didn't connect with any of the characters, even the main ones, because of the stories abbreviated nature. Look, in order for me to feel bad or sad when a character dies please, PLEASE develop them in some way.

Also, the "love" story between the leads was, again, very rushed and just poorly executed. It's a shame because I found this story lines premise to be very interesting and, well, I just think this arc, and probably the one before it could have had a longer length for me to, you know, care about what is going on.

I'm excited about the next arc, I've heard great things about this "medicine seller" character.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 14, 2011 4:39 AM

Feb 2009
It was more of a drama than a horror story really. It was still ok I guess.

I did enjoy the war between the gods and the humans.
Aug 14, 2012 10:18 PM

Apr 2012
So, after the massacre it was... happily ever after, I guess?

Anyway, that wasn't a bad arc. I didn't really care for the characters that much and the romance was cheesy; but it was better than the first story. Speaking of which, I am just glad that the finale did not end with a 15 minute narration by some old guy.
Jan 9, 2013 5:54 AM
Jul 2018
The ending was ok, though there were parts that came randomly like how the old lady was fighting and then she died after one scene. Or how the MC's wife looked like she was willing to do anything for him and yet when he turned ugly, she just ran away.
Jul 7, 2013 6:14 AM

May 2012
Death by rats he... well that last part was actually quite interesting! Lets see what chapter is next!
Aug 3, 2013 7:49 AM
Aug 2012
good arc. pretty sad how all those forgotten gods died imo. favorite line though: forgotten human.
Aug 31, 2013 12:14 AM

Mar 2012
Not a fan of the ending of this arc though it was a decent arc overall, better than the previous one. A bit too much drama and not enough horror : /
Feb 10, 2014 7:30 PM

Apr 2012
Enjoyed, gotta say I was expecting more from the creepy Tono
Jun 28, 2014 6:39 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Really liked this Romeo&Juliet kind of story. A satisfying ending to it too. Cheered when the nobleman got cut in 2.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 3, 2014 4:34 AM

Aug 2013
Ayame0126 said:
Or how the MC's wife looked like she was willing to do anything for him and yet when he turned ugly, she just ran away.

He didn't turn ugly, he turned into something that isn't human.

Ah...when you think about it, everything that was all the falconer's fault.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jul 3, 2014 10:11 PM
Mar 2013
Now that was one boring as ending. So they turn into falcons when they die. That sounds like a cool afterlife to me.
Apr 9, 2015 5:50 AM

Oct 2014
Biche said:
the ending of Ayakashi is just beautiful, I never skip it:)

me three
Jun 29, 2015 5:57 AM

Jun 2011
xchee said:
Ah...when you think about it, everything that was all the falconer's fault.
Yea, that's exactly it. I really really dislike that guy, especially how he just went and married the "spare" woman after he got dumped by his love. At the end I totally felt like it was all his fault, yet he remains ignorant of the fact. -_-

xchee said:
Ayame0126 said:
Or how the MC's wife looked like she was willing to do anything for him and yet when he turned ugly, she just ran away.

He didn't turn ugly, he turned into something that isn't human.
That's exactly what I thought as well. She didn't seem like someone who'd leave the main guy just because he turned ugly.

Cnon said:
Biche said:
the ending of Ayakashi is just beautiful, I never skip it:)

me three
Me four. I didn't skip the OP either, but I sure didn't have a pleasant time with it. The ED on the other hand is really nice.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Nov 30, 2015 2:27 AM

May 2014
Haha.. Is it just me or am I the only one who empathises with Oshizu?

1. Boyfriend/ Fiancé is bewitched by some pretty girl in the castle, lost his heart for me and sleeps with her. And I SAW it beginning with my own eyes (and I still forgave him cos well I love him enough to.)

2. Loves the other person but marries me anyway. Like yea, totally ' I need a wife to cook and clean and live a normal human life while my mind is full of the other person'. Please don't ever marry someone you don't love that's just rude and hurtful to that person. Just live as a single if you can't decide, don't settle when your heart can't.

3. Ohkayy.. so in the end he still goes after her and leaves what, hair behind? Why do I want your freaking hair or 'insurance payments' that I'd get when you're 'dead' knowing full well you're alive and kicking with some woman out there.

4. Don't judge me for wanting that woman dead, seriously, if you were in my shoes you'd want her dead too.

5. So I risked my freaking life to save you and all you had to say is 'Why are you here?' HA.

6. Of course I ran away when you were transforming into a monster. Not cos you were turning ugly. But cos I was shocked. Who wouldn't be? But thanks for turning into a monster so I don't feel so bad for myself anymore.

Haha. My point is, I can't fully appreciate the protagonist or the romance in this story. But at least this guy is still better than the one in the first episode. So kudos to him for not getting her pregnant then leaving her dead and hopeless with a disfigured face.
Dec 12, 2016 4:10 PM

Jan 2012
those creepy have survived

Jan 29, 2017 4:16 PM

Jan 2016
Meh. I really enjoyed the first to episodes of the first arc, while the following two left me quite unimpressed. Sadly the whole second arc wasnt much better. Despite the fact that I am usually not one focussed on the animation quality, those "fightscenes" were something else and not in any positive way...

But on the positive side: The ending theme is quite good :)
slkrdJan 29, 2017 4:23 PM
Mar 23, 2017 7:48 AM

May 2016
I guess he was right about the heavy losses for both sides lol. Everyone died, even the femme fatale cuties... Well, Oshizu ran away but she's dead ta me for stabbing Tomi (understandable but I just can't help it).

After that slightly random looking Vajra Angel massacre, Zen and Tomi turned into falcons as well, a fitting end to the tragic story. Good thing they didn't use the kappas to exposition for half the episode this time xD

Dec 16, 2018 7:37 PM

Jul 2017
A bittersweet ending, I suppose. A lot of people died so the two could be in love, a metaphor for not screwing with things you shouldn't and for the price of power and desire.
Jan 12, 2019 5:18 AM

Dec 2016
Wow, I thought the guy who asked for a duel with that servant was a genuine samurai who really followed the way of his sword, I almost laid my hat down for respect until I smelt deception in his words, what a scum, but I guess, in the time of war, there is only one goal and it's to be the victory at any price.
I really don't understand his wife, it's not saying that she was in the wrong at all, if anything, the husband is the reason for all of that, but why did she run away as soon as his face started distorting? Wasn't she genuinely in love with him? Did she care just about his appearance from the start?
But I guess, if they wanted to interpret it something else, I think as he called himself a “Forgotten Human” as a response to the Forgotten Gods, he must be forgotten in order to validate that statement, probably she instantly forgot all about him and though she just woke up from some terrible dream? That's the only way it makes sense to me.
When Tomi Hime transformed into that demi angelic-demic form, it reminded me a lot of Nico Robin from One Piece, especially those multiple limbs, no wonder she always gave me a familiar vibe.
In the end, they all reincarnated as Falcons, talk about spirit animals.
I would have loved to see even more clarification on what happened to Tomi Hime and the cheating husband, what about his wife? I guess I should have read the pdf's that are supposedly included with the episodes?
Nevertheless, dope story, but it still somewhat below the previous one. I've heard that the next story is the glorious meat of this series, a lot of great things told about it, let's go.
Jul 5, 2020 6:26 PM

Mar 2020
those fight scenes were hilarious
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
Aug 17, 2020 12:32 PM

Aug 2017

Zushonosuke's "wife" be like: "I know the internals of a castle!" And just stands aside xD ...until coming to the rescue right when needed, of course (not to mention what Uba easily pirced the enemy soldiers yet decided to just suffocate Zushonosuke). And Tomi-hime saved her powers right until the very end, sure...

That fighting animation though haha, what was that cut through the lord's armor? It doesn't work that way! Though with some demon power...

I wonder why there were only women in the castle. Are men not allowed to be forgotten gods? xD

P.S. I see that the names had meanings behind them (Uba - "grandmother", the girls were names after different flowers, etc). Nice.
St0rmbladeAug 17, 2020 12:36 PM
May 11, 2021 4:21 AM

May 2020
A pretty good improvement over the last arc, although that's not really saying much. The romance felt rushed and the poor girl who got NTR'd wasn't really necessary to the plot.

The story had the potential to be interesting but it didn't quite hit the mark. Onto the final and hopefully, best arc
Feb 28, 2022 9:55 PM

Jul 2016
As with the first arc, promising story yet awful execution of it.

Also not gonna lie, Tomi-Hime is waifu material to my eyes.
Oct 13, 2022 7:04 PM

Feb 2017
What is this happy ending shit. At least her goddess form was badass.

Oct 16, 2022 12:41 AM

Aug 2019
No words can explain how much I hate this idiot of a mc. I don't blame his wife whatsoever tbh, it's on him. He abandoned her first, then married her, then abandoned her once again lol with no remorse whatsoever and no good explanation. Should've died in the end imo. But honestly his wife should've just ditched him long ago like girl you can do better, just drop it. It baffles me how most of yall are putting the blame on her.
For how long did the MC and tomihime know eachother either way? before they separated the first time I mean. Like only a day or two if I remember correctly...... that's some (worse) romeo & juliet bs right there
The lord's death was so ridiculous lol I feel bad for the soldiers who died bravely for that lousy man. Oddly enough they're the ones (aside from the wife) I sympathised with the most. And the way that soldier planned to kill Kikyo (making her believe he was ready to die and all) was so smart, bravo for that didn't see it coming
Overrall it was ok... weak but not that bad, it was entertaining enough at least? It had some plot holes here and there too, like again, the wife just walking in to the top of the castle unharmed with no problem whatsoever LOL idk how they wrote that in and thought it'd make sense to the story but oh well

nostalgiaasOct 16, 2022 12:53 AM

Mar 21, 2023 10:46 PM

Jun 2020
Definitely the better episode among the rest of the arc. I kinda liked the doom feeling in this one, but it was still average and funny at times. The kekeke is so fucking annoying. 

Oct 7, 2023 9:30 PM

May 2018
I would've loved for Oshizu to have died in the fire, but I doubt that happened. If the story would've continued, I would've hoped that she was at least branded as the woman responsible for the immense amount of casualties because she was jealous. She's totally alone while Zushonosuke and Tomi get to be together even if they're not in human form.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
Feb 22, 7:43 PM
Nov 2022
I hated this arc. Likeeee. the goddesses I liked. the funny evil guys, I liked. BUT THE FUCKING MC?! HELL NO

This is classic 'human man wants what he cant have' and I hate ittt

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