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Jan 23, 7:55 AM

Nov 2011
Graces showing more of her skills by being resourceful. With each episode, she really wins over others just by how she approaches problems. It's kinda impressive even by applying skills from her past life. Anna could learn a few things from her.

But yeah, Grace just continues to impress.
Jan 23, 8:31 AM

Feb 2019
Grace is literally living my dream in this world! Another fun episode the love interests have finally shown up!! Virgile and Bert are solid potential pairings for Grace and Anna respectively. I’m still fully team Yuri with Anna and Grace, though. I don’t think Grace will be shaking her anytime, but just introducing Anna to other people in class and especially someone like Bert with whom she shares some life circumstances, is great for her development. Can’t just be around Grace all day lol.

Had a little chuckle when Grace talked about insect catching not being big outside of Japan for little boys. Back before everyone was addicted to phones and tablets, that was pretty standard everywhere I’m sure. I hated/hate insects so it wasn’t me, but definitely a lot of my buddies. Never fails to crack me up how the smallest thing Grace does, like returning a beetle to the forest, just boosts her affection meter with every character lol. So compassionate!

Further to that, it’s sweet that Grace started making dad jokes along with Richard so he didn’t feel singled out for his horrible sense of humor 😂 she really is a compassionate villainess.

TIL what an Abacus is. Who would’ve thought that would be a great relationship building tool. Using the calculations as a way of getting Anna and Bert closer and improving council efficiency all in one stroke. We stan a strategic queen in Grace.

Fun episode as per, loving these sweet character interactions!
Marinate1016Jan 23, 9:20 AM
Jan 23, 8:41 AM

Mar 2021
Grace is just full of surprises especially when she uses what she learned in a past life to improve on where she is.
Jan 23, 9:05 AM
Sep 2015
I like the red hair guy, Auguste.
Jan 23, 9:35 AM

Aug 2019
"every tsundere is a total pushover"
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Jan 23, 9:54 AM

Apr 2018
It's ridiculous how much I loved this episode. I laughed a bit too hard at the "old Otaku" jokes here. Also the fact that he conquered the prince's love route through number crunching just sent me over the edge.

I don't know why but that was just too funny!
Jan 23, 10:23 AM

Aug 2018
Another good one although enjoyed slightly less than the previous episodes, glad the main cast is getting some screen time and watching him push Anna onto the routes is pretty fun
Jan 23, 10:53 AM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
This is such a fun show - love how he/she is just shredding all the flags and creating new ones
Jan 23, 11:05 AM

Jan 2023
Grace accidentally making some of the love interests fall for her instead of Anna was hilarious, but she still manages to be a good wingwoman at times.
Not surprised the MC got along with the guy telling dad jokes, pretty funny moment.
Grace's hair logic led to one more acccidental yuri moment in the series haha.

Another really good episode :)
MeguSae38Jan 23, 11:09 AM
Jan 23, 11:18 AM

Jun 2016
For some reason I thought there would be a pet summoning in this series, but judging by the previews it will be in the next one. And actually, it'll be funny when Grace gets her consciousness back and she has a harem. The episode is excellent.
Jan 23, 12:32 PM

Feb 2010
Our Ojisan is basically playing the game while being a character in the game and I'm sitting here like you're the one who made the Lady George reference in episode 1 so this is going to be fun to see how this goes sideways eventually if that was more than just a our hero was a boy in the 70's reference
Jan 23, 1:06 PM

Aug 2020
this dad is really something
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Jan 23, 1:21 PM

Jul 2022
Kenzaburou is definitely doing everything but behaving like a villain. Without knowing it, he is helping Grace win everyone over. By the time she realizes it, it will be too late and everyone will have fallen in love with her, and she'll either have to accept it or make her own way. It's been a fun episode. I think the Isekai genre is being saved by the ojisan characters.
Jan 23, 1:50 PM

Jul 2016
Not as amusing as the previous two episodes but still solid enough. Kenzaburou constantly messing up and making everyone's affection for Grace increase was way too funny.
Jan 23, 1:59 PM
Oct 2024
This series continues to impress me and keep me interested. It has plenty of laughs and charm. I thought Grace would end up with everyone falling for her but now with her helping Anna with Lambert who knows what's going to happen.
Jan 23, 3:29 PM

Dec 2018
We got to see Kenzaburou aka Grace set flags with some of the supposed love interests in this one, Lambert and Lucas seem like they might end up closer with Anna as of the end of this episode but things are really being hit off with Virgile, Auguste and Richard, the ways they were charmed were pretty silly like the pun battle and saving that beetle, but it’s no question that Grace will have quite the harem eventually, whether Kenzaburou knows it or not lol.

And I’m ngl I’ve always known what an abacus was, but never realized it was a calculator of sorts, I have no idea how it’s possible to use it that way but I’m sure I could look up a YouTube video and find out, for now it’s sorcery to me lol, but it is amusing to see Kenzaburou introduce that classic tool to these otome game characters, it seems to be helping them a lot too which is cool. And I won’t take that tsundere slander from Kenzaburou sitting down, I mean he’s right but you aren’t supposed to say that out loud lol.
Jan 23, 3:39 PM
Oct 2010
And the flags just get raised higher and higher, all while the central oji-ojou brutally shuts it all down by not even being able to remember their names without having them on a fan. The Otaku Salaryman Dad energy never fails to entertain.
Jan 23, 4:00 PM

Jun 2012
Dude, it's all good that it's a comedy anime, but I can't help but think about how depressing it must be for his ex-wife and daughter after what happened. I bet the girl doesn't even play or watch anime anymore to avoid thinking about her dad's death. Meanwhile, he's in the other world full of good memories and starting some sort of romance with a girl who's basically the same age as his daughter.

Though, I heard something pretty interesting is going to happen in the next episode, so... no tears yet.
Jan 23, 4:03 PM

Jul 2023
Grace is supporting Anna's love life, yet she ends up creating her harem. lol
Jan 23, 5:03 PM

Sep 2018
It's not even bad, I just can't stand the Otome game genre, even when the twist in this one is pretty good. Dropped.
Jan 23, 5:27 PM

Sep 2020
Thanks to Anna now I want to see Grace's daily hair care and styling routine.
Jan 23, 5:46 PM
Apr 2020
Why is this show so good lmao. I laughed so much at the "Tsunderes are typically total pushovers" line haha
Jan 23, 5:52 PM
Apr 2020
It was pretty funny
Jan 23, 7:55 PM

Feb 2022
HiljainenSipuli said:
"every tsundere is a total pushover"

Yes, a very astute and sound observation. I’m absolutely in love with this show. Manipulating a tsundere is probably one of the easiest jobs out there.
Jan 23, 8:22 PM
Feb 2024
It's a little odd that the Elegance cheat didn't alter Kenzaburo's language this episode
Jan 23, 8:31 PM

Aug 2016
Loved the episode. Still excited to see who would end up with Grace, and who would end up with Anna.
Jan 23, 9:55 PM

Nov 2021
Richard's puns were so unexpected but hilarious lmaoo best part of the episode
Jan 23, 9:56 PM

Sep 2018
Pretty solid episode. I did not expect grace to charm all the student council. It looks like Anna has a route now too. 5/5
Jan 23, 10:36 PM

May 2015
Richard had no clue Grace was the pun master. I love how much Grace is raising everyones affection by being a great dad lol.
Jan 23, 10:40 PM
Jan 2021
Since they haven't really built up the world yet, I don't know ehatnlevel of technology they have, but that one prince making a paper airplane is revolutionary if it's in a standard fantasy setting, or even like 1700s.
Jan 24, 12:38 AM

Aug 2018
I didn’t know that the role of the villainess is to help the protagonist get a love interest—not just one, but pretty much all of them. That’s probably because the old man is treating Anna as if she were his own daughter. What he doesn’t realize is that all the love interests are also interested in him/her. This old man is overflowing with wholesomeness.

Jan 24, 12:53 AM

Jan 2024
Oldman ain't just creating his harem but also helping Anna get her own tsundere too. He is such a nice man taking care of Anna all time, such a wholesome relation these two have.
Really enjoyable show so far.
Jan 24, 6:33 AM
Nov 2021
A nice episode.

"I believe your jokes were quite well refined, vice president"
I had the same reaction as Anna and Virgile a second later.
Jan 24, 9:32 AM
Jan 2022
Amazin! I couldn't stop giggling at the dad-joke scene and watching some of the male leads have a crush on Gracezaborou while he was acting completely oblivious,, he really thought he was a villainess fr HAHSAHA,, ALSO,, Anna and Gracezaburou's interactions while always make me smile, idk but I love it!!
Jan 24, 9:54 AM
Nov 2022
I liked the episode, very funny, I love it when the "levels" of affection go up with Grace when that's not what she was looking for xd
Jan 24, 12:19 PM

Mar 2010
Brah hilarious how everyone is falling in love with da old man xD

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jan 24, 4:25 PM

Aug 2018
i feel so stupid. Can someone explain the money counting operation like i'm 5 yo?? why by 9??? What happened?
Jan 24, 10:18 PM
Nov 2021
Reply to Gin-nara
i feel so stupid. Can someone explain the money counting operation like i'm 5 yo?? why by 9??? What happened?
@Gin-nara I understood it like this.

An example-
the sum of 1,2 and 3 is 6.
the sum of 10,2 and 3 is 15.

Now, imagine that the 0 in 10 shouldn`t be there... that it was a mistake. The difference between these sums is 9. You divide it by 9 and find the number, where the zero had been wrongly added to [1].
Make the same thing with 2: 6 and 24. 18/9 is... 2.
Jan 25, 3:26 AM
Apr 2021
god no fan service a loving dad a former otaku using 30 years of his public service exp and hisotaku understanding is fun
Jan 25, 8:54 AM
Nov 2018
The budgeting scene actually gave me memories from elementary school 20 years ago. The advice like divide by 9 was something we actually did during math problems with my teacher because she thought running mock budgets were good story problems

Completely forgot about this because I've been using Excel for the last 20 years lol
Jan 25, 7:37 PM

Sep 2010
I'm surprised the translators can come up with passable translations for all these puns.

I'm also reminded a bit of Katsuragi Keima, who ends up in a situation where he has to apply visual-novel logic to real girls.
Jan 25, 7:48 PM

Feb 2019
Lambert's love flag's been raised for Anna, but poor Lambert, he'll have to compete with Grace for Anna's affection lol
Jan 25, 10:38 PM

Aug 2018
Reply to Condoriano6
@Gin-nara I understood it like this.

An example-
the sum of 1,2 and 3 is 6.
the sum of 10,2 and 3 is 15.

Now, imagine that the 0 in 10 shouldn`t be there... that it was a mistake. The difference between these sums is 9. You divide it by 9 and find the number, where the zero had been wrongly added to [1].
Make the same thing with 2: 6 and 24. 18/9 is... 2.
@Condoriano6 wtf that witchcraft!!!
i get it now! thanks for your time
Jan 25, 11:21 PM

Nov 2009
LOL @ Graceojisan playing Wingman for Anna.

But I don't think Graceojisan can see the "affection meter". Since he never mentioned about it. Which means he doesn't know he's been getting bunch of "points" for a Harem route.


Too bad, with him being nearly 100% uptime of self-conscious of his ouji-life... I don't think dude will actually "fall" for anyone in this game world... not even Anna, since he's so determined to ship her with the game suiters.

Especially since dude seemed like one of those ouji that follows tradition fairly proper (as we've seen him doing ouji examples and parental PoV), meaning he won't think of things outside the norm. Anime and Games is probably his biggest wild-side.

But then again... since his mindset is to do the "best he can"... it almost means doing the best for the country... so this may actually mean he would pick someone at the end... if it continues with his points gathering, he's gonna become a "Queen"

amlgJan 26, 7:19 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Jan 26, 6:12 AM
Dec 2024
it will be interesting were this is going
Jan 26, 6:27 AM

Aug 2021
old man doing everything a villainess doesn't do
Jan 27, 4:31 AM

Oct 2023
F to Muse Indonesia translator for localizing those Japanese dad jokes into our language. They deserve extra paid.
Jan 28, 9:11 AM
Jul 2020
just a hunch .....
this is going to end up Anna choosing Grace as her romance interest .. just like the other show with Charlotte, meaning..
a love interest will not be chosen ... "friends forever " - like ending ..
i highly doubt that the game would go full out Yuri..
usually the "best ending" would be for the MC to become royalty..
but Virgil is ALREADY betrothed to Grace .... so it'll be difficult ............ it'll be DIFFICULT FOR GRACE TO CONVINCE VIRGIL to marry Anna ...
this show is 100% going to end like "Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta.../My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!"
if nothing changes.
Grace is taking ALL Anna's experience points with the guys
P.S ......... i ALREADY hate the blue haired guy ...... puns ... must .... DIE.
my sincerest condolences to anyone who marries a punning disaster..
as much as this show makes me laugh.. equally as much as punning brings me cancer..
side note: the TsunWHOREdere CURSED arch-FUCKED UP disaster.. SHITTY-personality type.. must die.
bullying , acting tough, being cold, being aggressive, absolutely SHITTY, jut to "reveal" you are just shy, anti-social, and vulnerable deep down..
is a very cursed fallacy, pure hypocrisy, and illogical nonsense mental degeneracy .. to be taken as a "personality type" .. might as well just tie a noose and kill the MC
then confess your "feeling" of retardness to them

as a matter of a fact ... if you were to place all the "dere" personality types in a row and i literally mean all of the dere personalities.. 90% of them are just mental illness.. or mental lunacy... the 10% left is actual personalities.

sorry ... whenever i come across the accursed "tsunwhoredere" lunacy .. i can't stop myself..
Jan 29, 12:29 AM

Sep 2011
Reply to Gin-nara
@Condoriano6 wtf that witchcraft!!!
i get it now! thanks for your time
@Gin-nara ikr! thank you, @Condoriano6, for setting aside some of your precious time for the math explanation.
Jan 29, 12:39 PM
Mar 2024
Not good but not bad
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