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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
Mar 2, 7:04 AM
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You are free to think about the show as you wish, and i don't look down for you, but as you seen in my review i decided to give it an extra episode and it helped because it showed the character background and why she's against being an adventure even tho as the series continues to show being adventurer was her dream. You free to think what you want, i just responded to your points i think you got it wrong, but that's my thoughts and that's your thoughts, i countered your takes that's it, not looking down on you, and i still think it's an average anime, have a nice day.
Let me explain you why she doesn't want to be an adventurer, because you didn't watch enough episodes, she has a trauma. She's not anti-social by nature, she just doesn't want to be bothered from the life she chose for herself. And she goes to dungeon only when they the boss isn't being killed which resulting her more work. As for why she getting overtime work if no one clears the boss, i think that's just anime logic where each of those papers are request to enter the dungeon and without it the guards won't let you in, so if a boss isn't gone, the requests just keep coming.
"Emi and Chiho have a crush on Maou and get flustered around him? Well now it's full blown Middle schooler panic every time he breathes the same air as they do!" Again, its the same as last season, with the difference being I guess the fluster was animated and directed in a more entertaining way? I think?
There was only one instance of anyone making a joke about breast size and as you mentioned it, it was the first episode, only the first episode. And again, I am positive there was at least one instance of this type of thing happening in the first season too, one scene in particular was Emi very clearly feeling self conscious at the sight of Chiho in a swimsuit because she has has the bigger breasts.
And theres also a point you made about the studio somehow trying to make Alas Ramas the next Anya with how cute they're trying to make her? I mean, in some shots her face looks very off model, like they changed the camera to have a wide angle lens, thats pretty much the worse I can say about the kid, but other than that, I don't think a cute kid being cute sometimes should be seen as big of a problem as you think it is.
All I can really assume from this review currently being the most popular on the page, is that people are getting nostalgia sickness because the series they watched a decade ago has more flaws than they remember. Because these gripes don't make sense.